HomeMy WebLinkAbout1118ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance regulating the placing and occupancy of mobile homes or other temporary and movable places of abode in the City of Kent, prohibiting tents, requiring permits and fixing fees thereof, establishing responsibility, 1 defining offenses and prescribing penalties for the violations hereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 738 SECTION 1.00 DEFINITIONS: Wherever used in this ordinance the following words and phrases shall be construed to have the meanin hereinafter ascribed to them. MOBIL: HOME: Any vehicle used or so constructed as to permit it beim; used as a vehicle upon the public streets or highways and duly licensable as such, and constructed in such a manner as will permit occupancy thereof as a dwelling or sleeping ,place. TRAVEL TRAILER: Any vehicle used or so constructed as to permit its being used as a vehicle upon the public streets or highways, generally not over 20 feet in length, either depen- dent or independent, and used as a home while traveling rather than a permanent home. MOBILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER PARK: Any plat of ground upon which two or more mobile homes or travel trailers, occupied for dwelling or sleeping purposes are or may be located. Sec. 10.5.52 Ord. x`1071 for size of parks. MOBILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER LOT: A plainly marked plot of ground within a mobile home or travel trailer park designated to accomodate one mobile home or travel trailer. DEPENDENT MOBILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER: A mobile home or travel trailer dependent upon the sanitary facilities as prov In a service building. INDEPENDENT MOBILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER: A mobile home or travel trailer independent of the sanitary facilities in a service building. SERVICE BUILDING: A building housing mobile home or travel trailer park community water closet, bathing/or laundry facili• ties within a mobile home or travel trailer park. TENT: A temporary, portable shelter of canvas, cloth or other cloth like flexible material, stretched over and supported by a frame work of wood, metal or other matErial. MHR-MOBILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT: The district where mobile home or travel trailer parks are allowed. Ref. Sec. 10.5.51 Ord. x=1071, City of Kent. PERMIT: A written building permit issued by the Building Inspector. LICENSE: A written license issued by the City Clerk allowing the mobile home and/or travel trailer park to operate under t rules and regulations. BUILDING INSPECTOR: The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of this code o his duly authorized representative. FRONT YARD: An open space on the same lot with the mobile or travel trailer between the main door side of the mobile C1 Ise or travel trailer, exclusive of steps, and the front lot line including the full length of the lot to its side lines. REAR YARD: An open sace on the same lot with the mobilehome or travel trailer be ween the s* of tip mobile home opposite the doors and the lot line including the full leigth of the lot to its side lines. SIDE YARD: An open space on the same lot with the mobile home or travel trailer between the front or towing end of the mobile home or travel trailer and the lot line extending from front yard to rear yard. Likewise the open space between the rear of the mobile home or travel trailer in relation to the front or towing end and the lot line extending from front yard to rear yard. SECTION 2.00 TENTS: 2.01 It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to maintain or occupy as a dwelling or sleeping place a tent or tents in the City of Kent. SECTION 3.00 REQUIREMENTS FOR PARKING MOBILE HOMES OR TRAVEL TRAILERS OUTSIDE OF MOBILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS. 3.01 It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to occupy a mobile home or travel trailer or other temporary movable place of habitation in the City of Kent except in an MHR Zone. Ref. Sec. 10.5.:)l Ord. #1071. Except as provided for in Sec. 7.02 of this ordinance. SECTION 4.00 BUILDING PERMIT: 4.01 A building permit for a mobile home and/or travel trailer park shall not be issued until the following requirements have been met. 4.01.01 A complete set of plans containing the following information shall accompany each application. 1. Name, address and phone number of the applicant. 2. Legal description of proposed mobile home and/or travel trailer park site. 3. The number, location and size of all mobile home or travel trailer lots within the mobile home and/or travel trailer park. 4. The number, location, plans and specifications of all service, office or other buildings within the mobile home and/or travel trailer park. The location, width and surfacing of all roadways, walkways and off street parking. n. Methods and plans of water supply. 7. Method and plan of storm sewage disposal. 8. Method and plan of sanitary sewage disposal. 9. Method of garbage disposal. 10. Plan of electrical service including lighting. 11. Size and location of play area if any. 4.02 The mobile home or travel trailer park sites shall be 2. drained, free from trash or litter and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition; and shall conform to the follI.QV ng minimum standards. 4.02.01 Each mobile home lot shall be a minimum of 30 ft. in width and contain a minimum of 2100 sq. ft. in area. 4.ot 20 ft.2inEach widthrandlcontainralminimumlOf of ,100 sq. ft. in 20 ft. area. 4.02.03 Each mobile home or travel trailer lot boundary shall be clearly and permanently marked. 4.02.04 Each mobile home or travel trailer lot shall abut on a surfaced driveway. 4.02.05 Each mobile home shall be parked on its lot maintaining a minimum five (5) ft. rear yard, 1�5 ft. front yard and 5 ft. side yard set back. 4.02.00 Each travel trailer shall be parked on its lot maintaining a minimum 1 ft. rear yard, 11 feet front yard and D ft. side yard set back. 4.02.07 The area immediately under the mobile home or travel trailer shall be gravel, asphalt or concrete and sha 1 be kept free of litter. 4.02.08 off street parking for motor vehicles may be provided within each individual mobile home or travel trai- ler lot on the basis of one parking space per each mobile home or travel trailer. If the parking area is nut provided on the lot then an additional off street parking shall be provided, each parking stall shall be a minimum of y ft. by 20 ft. 4.02.0 There shall be additional off street parking provided at the ratio of one stall for each 10 mobile home lots. 4.0210 The wheels of the mobile home or travel trailer shall not be removed except temporarily when necessary for repairs, jacks or stabilizers may be placed under the frame of the mobile home or travel trailer while the mobile home is parked and occupied. 4.02.11 No permanent additions of any kind shall be built onto or become a part of any mobile home or travel trailer. However, the front yard area may have a non -enclosed roofed structure, or a canopy which is temporarily attachec to the mobile home or travel trailer. This structure shall be located no less than feet from the front or side yard lines. However, cabanas or storage sheds may be built which are the property and part of the mobile home park, provided all yard set backs are adhered to. 4.02.12 Each mobile home or travel trailer lot shall be provided with a sanitary sewage disposal in conformance with the existing codes of the City of Kent. 4. 02.13 Each mobile home or travel trailer lot shall be provided with an adquate supply of safe and potable water in conformance with the existing codes of the City of Kent 4.02.14 Each mobile home or travel trailer lot shall be provided with a safe and adequate supply of electricity is conformance with the existing codes of the City of Kent a State ofWashington. 3. 4.02.15 Access raods within the mobile home park shall be a minimum of 25 ft. in width and be surfaced with 2 inches crushed rock base and Z inches asphalty concrete or better. 4.02.10 Access roads within the travel trailer park shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width and be surfaced with gravel or better. 4. 02.1'l All roads and walkways shall be well marked in the day time and adequately lighted at night. .Exterior lighting shall be directed away from adjacent properties. 4.02.18 There shall be a play yard, except in mobile home parks which are limited to occupancy of adults only, of a minimum of 2000 sq. ft. up to 10 trailer lots and 200 sq. ft. additional for each lot over 10 within the mobile home park. 4.02.19 The play area or areas shall be permanently, marked, clearly defined and enclosed by a fence. 4.02.20 All garbage and rubbish shall be stored in tightly covered water proof containers of not less than 20 gallons nor more than 30 gallons capacity unless other means of storage are approved by the Building Inspector. 4.02.21 Garbage and rubbish containers shall be provided at the ratio of not less than one (1) container per each mobile home or travel trailer within the mobile home or travel trailer park. 4.02.22 Garbage and rubbish containers shall be provided at accessible locations no further than 100 feet from any mobile home or travel trailer within the mobile home or travel trailer park. 4.02.23 Garbage and rubbish shall be disposed of by lawful incineration or by removal by the sanitary service provided by the City of Kent or by other means when approved in writing by the Building Inspector. 4.03 Each mobile home and/or travel trailer park shall have a centralized service building which shall conform to the follow- ing requirements. 4.03.01 The service building shall be of permanent construe tion with an interior finish of light colored moisture resistant material which will stand frequent washing and cleaning. 4.03.02 The floors shall be of water impervious material, easily cleanable, and sloped to floor drains connected to a sewage system. 4.03.03 An approved method of heating capable of maintain- ing minimum air temperature of 700F. during periods of use. 4.03.04 Hot water in adequate quantities shall be pro- vided and supplies to all service buildings, fixtures, lavatories, and clothes washing equipment. 4.03.05 Each service building shall provide a minimum of one separate water closet, lavatory, and shower for use of male and female residents of the mobile home park. 4.03.06 `those mobile home parrs that cater to dependent mobile homes or travel trailers, or those mobile home or travel trailer parks having a designated area for dependent 4. 0 mobile homes or travel trailer, shall have available, within 200 feet of any trailer lot, a minimum of 2 water cloy sets for females, 1 water closet for males, 1 urinal for males, 2 lavatories and 1 shower for each sex, for up to 20 dependent mobile homes or travel trailers. 4.03.07 For those mobile home or travel trailer parks that have a capacity of more than 20 dependent mobile homes or travel trailers additional fixtures shall be provided at the ratio of 1 additional water closet for each sex, and 1 additional lavatory for each sex, for each 10 additional dependent mobile home or travel trailer lots, and 1 additional shower for each 20 dependent mobile home or travel trailer lots. 4.03.08 Each service building shall provide laundry, together with laundry drying facilities at the ratio of one washing machine for each 20 mobile home lots within the mobile home park. 4.03.09 The service building shall be kept clean and sanitary at all times. 4.03.10 The service building shall be lighted during the hours of darkness. 4.03.11 Each mobile home or travel trailer park shall have a plainly marked office where the business of the park is carried on, and located where it can be readily seen when entering the park. SECTION ,5.00 LICENSE FOR MOBILE HOME AND/OR TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS 5.01 It shall be unlawful for any person tocperate a mobile home and/or travel trailer park in the City of Kent who does no, possess an unrevoked license as issued annually by the City Clerk in the name of such person for the specific mobile home and/or travel trailer park. No license shall be issued until a building permit has been obtained. 5.02 Applications shall be made on forms provided by the City Clerk. 5.03 All licenses shall be non -transferable and all persons holding such license shall surrender same and give notice to the City Clerk within 24 hours after having sold, transferred, given away or otherwise disposed of an interest or control of any mobile home and/or travel trailer park. 5.04 A mobile home and/or travel trailer park license shall authorize the one named thereon to operate the mobile home and/ or travel trailer park on the premises described on the build- ing permit and to accommodate the number of mobile homes and/ or travel trailers for which the building permit is issued, from the date of issuance until the expiration of the license which shall be the 31st. of December of each year, unless the license is suspended or revoked by the Building Inspector. 5.05 The year shall be divided into quarters for the purpose of computing the fee for new mobile and/or travel trailer parks. 5.06 The annual fee for license shall be $10.00 for each mobile home and/or travel trailer park. 5.07 The license shall be conspicuously displayed in the office of such park at all times. S.Ot No major changes or alterations shall be made to any part of the mobile home and/or travel trailer park as outlined in the original mobile home park plan without the approval of the Building Inspector. SECTION 8.00 It shall be unlawful for any business to be carried on within the mobile home and/or travel trailer park other than what is actually necessary to the operations and support of the mobile home and/or travel trailer park and in any event such business that is permitted shall be carried on exclusively within such mobile home and/or travel trailer park. SECTION 7.00 PARKING OUTSIDE MOBILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER PARK. It shall be unlawful for the owner, operator, lessee or other person in possession or control of any mobile home or travel trail `j.01 To park, or cause or permit the same to stand or be upon I any public street, avenue, park, alley or any other public place for more than eight (8) hours in any three (3) day period in the said City of Kent. The enforcement of this subsection shall be vested in the Police Department. Y.02 To park or cause or permit the same while used for living and/or sleeping quarters, to be or stand upon any private property within the corporate limits of the said City of Kent, except in a regular MR zone duly licensed to be operated as such by the said City, and fully complying with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health of the State of Washington governing sanitation.Prpyided, however, that a mobile home or travel trailer may be lawfully parked for use and occupancy upon private property situated within the corporate limits of the City of Kent for a period of not more than forty- eight (48) hours, in case the person in possession or control thereof shall have first obtained from the Building Inspector or his authorized representative, a written permit therefor, and from the owner or owners of such private property a written consent to such parking. SECTION 6.00 Any mobile home and/or travel trailer park shall not be deemed non -conforming if existing at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, provided that any enlargment or improvement of said existing park shall be in compliance with the terms of this ordinance. SECTION 9.00 Any matters not specifically contained herein or within any local or state ordinance, regulations or codes shall be left to the discretion of the Board of Adjustment. SECTION 10.00 Any person who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with or resists the enforcement of this ordinance or its provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeano and upon conviction thereof sahll be punished ;Dy a fine of not more than $300.00 or imprisonment in the City jail for not more than 90 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense. 10.01 Violation of any part of this ordinance is cause to suspend or revoke the mobile home and/or travel trailer park license. 10.02 The enforcement of this section shall be vested in the Building Inspector. 10.03 In the event the mobile home license is revoked or suspended, the writing the suspension or revocation (10) calendar days from the date of the Board of Adjustment. 6. and/or travel trailer park licensee may appeal in within a period of ten suspension or revocation to r: SECTION 11.00 Should any portion of this ordinance be declared by the courts to be invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 12.00 That ordinance No. 738, entitled "An ordinance regulating the parking and use of occupied and/or unoccupied trai ler coaches in the City of Kent, providing for the licensing of trailer camps and fixing the penalties for its violations", passed October 5, 1943 and approved October 8, 1943, be and it is hereby repealed. SECTION 13.00 EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five ( ) days after its passage, ;proval and publication as by law provided-.—, Mayor Attester-- ,/lt�"// itv Cier Approved as to form: y Passed the day of 19e�2 Approved the day of l9o2 Published the qday of _ - _, 1962 7•