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ORDINANCE NO. � / t An Ordinance of the City of Kent establish -
VV fire limits, building district limits,
and amendingt't--ction 2 of Ordinance No. 66-4,
as amended oy Section 1 of Ordinance No. '(OO
of the Ordinances of the City of Kent, re-
lating to fire limits and building district
b of the - - 4 City
Section 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 0�L
of Kent., entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Kent establishin?c,
fire limits, buildin- district limits, and, repealing certain
ordinances, and fixing a -penalty", -passed b-,,, the City Council
on July 1, 1935-, and approved by the Mayor July 2, 1y3J, as
amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. yoo of the C.Lty of Kent,
entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Kent establisriinS fire
limits., building district limits, and amending Section 2 of
Ordinance No. uo4 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent relatinC)o,
to fire limits and building district limits", be and it is
hereby amended to read as follows:
"Section 2. Building District No. 1. Building district
No. I shall embrace and include all that part of the City
of Kent contained. within the following boundary lines,
to -wit: Beginning at the intersection of the center lines
of Central Avenue South and Saar Street; thence north along
the center line of Central Avenue South to its intersection
with the Center Line of Titus St.; thence easterly along the
center line of Titus St. to a -point midway between the
center lines of State Ave. South and Kennebec Ave., measured
at right angles to the center line of State St.; thence
northerly along said i-fiidway line, parallel to the center
line of State St., to the center line of East Smith Su.;
thence westerly along the center line of Smith St. to its
intersection with the center line of State Ave.; thence
north along the center line of State Ave. to its inter-
section with the center line of Pioneer Street; thence west
along the center line of Pioneer St. to its intersection Lon
with the center line of the Northern Pacific Railway Co.'s
main line right of way; thence southerly along the said
center line of said railway company right of way to its
intersection with the center line of Shinn St. projected
easterly; thence west along said projected 1±nx center line
of Shinn St. and along the center line of Shinn St. to its
intersection with the center line of the Chicago-Miiwaukie
St. Paul & Pacific Railway Co. right of way; thence southerly
along said center line of said railway right of way to its
intersection with the center line of Gowe St. projected
westerly; thence easterly alon., the said projected center
line of Gowe St. and alon,, the center line of Gowe J, to
its intersection with the center line of Fourth Ave. South;
thence south along the center line of Fourth Ave. South to
its intersection with the center line of Saar St.; thence
east along the center line of Saar St. to its intersection
C, entral Ave. South and the place of
with the center line of C
p oeginning."
Section 2. This ordinance sriall be in full force and effect
approval and publication as
five (�)) days al'ter its passa8e,
provided by law.
Passed the 21st day of ;ul,',-,ust,
Approved the 21st day August, 0I - 19bi
Published the 23rd day of Au,-,ust, 1y01-
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