HomeMy WebLinkAbout1101ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance of the TiTy—of ent, Washington, providing for the improvemen of certain streets and avenues and easements in the Clty by the construction and installation of a 1$ inch sani- tary sewer trunk line, with manholesa siphons and other necessary appurtenances, and doing all other work necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto, pursuant to Resolution No. 455 of the City; creating an enlarged local improve- ment district therefor, and providing that payment of said improvements be made by special assessment upon the property in said district, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds",and repealing Ordinance No. logo of said City. WHEREAS, on the 26th day of June, 1901, the City Council )f the City of Kent, Washington, adopted its REsolution No.5, jeclaring its intention to order the improvement of certain streets, avenues and easements within the City by the construction and nstallation of an 18 inch sanitary sewer trunk line, together ith manholes, a siphon, and other necessary appurtenances, and y doing all other work in connection therewith and incidental hereto, which resolution fixed the time, date and place of ing thereon at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on the 17th day of July, 901, at the City Hall, Kent, Washington; and WHEREAS, such resolution was duly published in the manner quired by law and notice of said hearing was also duly given to e owners or reputed owners of all lots, tracts and parcels of and or other property to be specially benefited by the proposed improvement as required by law; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held on said date and at said time nd place as provided in said resolution and notices, and the ouncil has found by unanimous vote that the instal-btion of said trunk sewer is necessary for the public health, and WHEREAS, the Council has also determined that the entire cost nd expense of the improvements ordered shall be borne by and assessed against the property included in the enlarged local rovement district; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of nt., Washington, as follows: Section 1. That the following described property in the 1. !ity of Kent, County of King, state of Washington, to -wit. Beginning at a point in the North line of See. 27, T22N, R4E,W.M., said point being 12.24 ft. North and 716.52 ft.West of the NE comer said Sec. 2'(; thence 8 U024,4o"W.2i2.'_(8 ft.;thence S 3bo0l'3'(" W, (' 146.y ft.;thence S 4003'0'(" W,jbO 'Lt.;thence S 27o4i 42"W, 102.6,-: ft.;thence S 1204'j136"E.lbO ft.;thence S 340 9'31" W,2b0-03 ft.; thence N 89001'1`(" W, parallel to tlie North line of the NE1/4 of maid Sec.2'(,109.14 ft.;thence N 3302'(13611 W f't.to a point in the South line of the North 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the NE 4 of said Sec. 27, said point being 310 ft. West of the SE corner thiereof;thence N 6J0021- " W, along said South line 3:)-3.03 ft. to he ' SW corner said N'- of tile NEI, of the NWS- of the NE -- 4; thence North along the West line of said NZ to a Point 230 ft. Sou he South NW corner thereof;thence N 8�')001117" W, parallel to the North lin of the NES, 0the No the N14said See. 2'(, 218 ft.; thence South parallel to said Wes line - - of the NE_]to a point 400 ft. South I E 4 � of the said N,�rth line of the NE-jl� of Section 2' -(;,thence 3 3,,�040`11L`E, 3_33-70 ft. to the SW corner of the NE -4 of the NW -, of the NE -4 of said See. 27;thence S 1802o'24"E,6y1.60 ft. to a point in the line of the SE -4 of the NW4 of the NE -4, said point being 230 ft. � East of the SW corner thereof';thence S 310 3112,�"E 3o4.64 ft.;then e N 6'(028110" W, 190 ft.;thence S 44031'36"W,214.02 ft.; thence S 08025108"W1270 ft.;th. S 1000122"W,parallel to the E. line of the SW41: of the, NE of said Sec. 2'(, a distance of 125;.01 ft.; thence S ""J(,-,014,1) E,paraliei to the East-West center line of said-ec. 2Y,854.61 ft. to a point in the E.line of the SWI; of the NEI: of said Sac. 2'(,said point being 632.40 f,t.S. of the NE corner of said SW- of the NE --;thence southerly along; said East line of the SV; 4 4 of the NE -4- and the East line of ticie,NWof the SE, of said Sec. 2'-(, to the SE corner of the NW of the SES; thence westerly' along the South line of said NW4 of the SE; and the South line of he NE, of the SWIT.4 I)4 _ and the ' of the SWL"� of said Section 2'(, 4 4 to its intersection with the center line of the New Militar-.,Yl Rd.; h. northerly along the center line of the New Military R(a, to its point of intersection with the North line of the S-1 of the S -E-,;' of the S*� 2 4 of Sec. 22,T22N,R4E,W M.;th. easterly along said North line of the South 2 of the SE -4 - of the SW-, to the East line of said SE- 4 of the SWC;; thence southerly along o, said East line to the South 4 along the South line of the 4 corner of sad See. 22;thence easterly alon SE4- of Sec. 22, to the East line of the J.L.Reith Rd.as now estab- iished;thence northeasterly along said E. line of the J.L.Reith Rd. to its point of intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 44C ft North of said South line of the SE_ of Sec. 22;thence easterl,-,,, paia- Ilel to said So.line of the SEu to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 13� ft.southwesterly at right angles to the So.iine of the J.L.Reith Ra., as now established; th. southeasterly and northeasterly along said parallel line to its intersection with the W.line of the Lake Fenwick Rd.#2,also known as the Benson Rd.; th.northeasterly at right angles (DO ft. to the E.line of said Lake Fenwick fid.#2;th.northerly along said E.line of the Lake Fen- wick Rd. to its intersection with a linedrawnparallel to and 45C' ft So. of the No. line of the SE-I� of the SE_ of said Sec. 22;th. East Parallel to said North line of the SE4 of the SE4- to a point in a line drawn -oaraliel to and 200 ft. easterly at right angles to the East line of the Lake Fenwick Rd.;thence southerly Parallel to said East line of the Lake Fenwick Rd. to the South line of the SE;- of the SE'- of said Sec. 22, also being the North line of the 4 4, NE -W of the*NE4 of aforesaid Sec. 2'*(; thence westerly alon&, the said North line of the NE,� of the NE': of said See. 2'( to the point of beginning, be improved by the construction and laying of an 18 inch sanitary sewer trunk line, with manholes, a siphon and other necessary appurtenances and by doing such other work as may be necessary in connection the �e- 2. with, all in accordance with maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Kent and now on file with the City Clerk, which maps, plans and specifications are hereby adopted as those necessary and required for these improvements. Section 2. That the place of commencement and ending of the improvements, and the route along which the improvements are to be constructed, are along the following described center line and within the following public streets and easements within the City of Kent, to -wit: Beginning at the existing manhole at the intersection of the J.L. Reith Rd. and the Lake Fenwich Ra. #2,also known as the Benson Rd , said manhole being known as "Manhole #20 of the West Hill Outfall Sewer to the City of Kent", said manhole also being 1028.14 ft. North, and 68D.09 ft. West of the NE corner of Sec. 27,T22N., R4E W.M., the center of said manhole bearing S 0023120" W from the center of the next downstream manhole of said existing sewn^ and run thence S 0v°05'40" E, 33.10 ft.; thence S 15°15'30" E, 189.00 ft.; thence S 8°40' 54" E, 316 f t . ; thence S 0°Oce' 00" E, 44'( ft.; thence S 0020,40" W, 274.4'( ft.; thence S 36001 ` 3,(" W,140.'(9 ft.; Thence S 41D03'07" W, 100 ft.; thence S 2'7041142" W, 12.85 ft.; thence S 12047'38" E, 100 ft.; thence S 34055131" W, 206.03 ft. ; thence S 48034'S6" W, 701.24 ft.; thence N 8(028'10" W, 190 ft.; thence S 44031136" W, 214.62 ft.; thence S 00025108" W, 2`(O ft. to a point 1`(t'7.25 ft. South and 2213.86 ft. West of the NE cor- ner of said Sec. 27. ry Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Kent has found and does hereby find that the construction of the improve- ments is necessary for public health, and has and does hereby by unanimous vote order the construction of said improvements. Section 4. That there be and there is hereby established an enlarged local improvement district of the City of Kent, to be known as "Enlarged Local Improvement District No. 243". That the City Council finds that the nature of the improve- ment is such that the special benefits conferred on the property are not fairly reflected by the zone and termini method, and the assessments shall be made against the property of the district in a manner which will fairly reflect the special benefits derived from such improvements without regard to zone and termini method. The City of Kent shall not be liable in any manner for any ortion of the cost and expense of said improvement except as may e herein provided. Section 5. That the installation of a trunk sanitary sewer ine described in Sections 1. and 2. hereof will be of special ,enefit to all of the properties in the sewage drainage area of ;ueh trunk sewer and described herein. Assessments to pay the cost r� )f' such trunk sewer and of doing a13 necessary work in connection� ;herewith and incidental thereto shall be levied against all of ;he property within the area first in this ordinance above described. Section. That the estimated cost of the installation of Said trunk sanitary sewer, with manholes, siphon and appurtenances, and work necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto, LS estimated to be in the sum of 5>, 0+2.51 Section 7. That the Enlarged Local Improvement District No. 243, hereinabove created shall be composed of and shall include the property hereinabove in Section 1 of this ordinance described. Section 8. Bonds of said Enlarged Local Improvement District, bearing interest at a rate of not to exceed b% per annum and pay- able on or before ten (10) years from date of issue, shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of the improvement pro- vided for herein, which bonds shall be redeemed by the collection of special assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property within the district, as above provided, such assessments to be payable in eight (b) equal installments, and with interest at a rate of not to exceed Jyo per annum, under the mode of "payment bar bonds", as defined by law and the ordinances of the City of U Kent. Any assessment or installment thereof when delinquent and the interest due thereon shall bear a penalty of 5b of the total amount thereof from the date of such delinquency. That there be and is hereby created a fund of the City to be known as "Enlarged Local Improvement District No. 243 Fund". Warrants bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed per Attest: ent per annum shall be drawn on said fund, based on estimates of ity's engineers, in payment of the cost of construction of said mcrovement and all costs incidental thereto. The money received friam the sale of said warrants shall be laced in the Enlarged Local Improvernent District No. 243 Con- truction Fund of the City which is hereby created and shall be sed to pay all of said costs. The rate of interest to be borne by said warrants, bonds d. installments of said assessments shall be as hereafter fixed the Council. The bonds of this district to be issued shall be elivered to t:,.e owner or owners of said Enlarged Local Improvement strict No. 243 warrants in redemption of the same. Section That Ordinance No. 100, entitled " An Ordinance of e City of Kent, Washington providin,,, for the improvement of rtain streets and avenue-- and easements in the City by the nstruction and installation of a i5 inch sanitary sewer trunk ne, with manholes and appurtenances, and dig all other work cessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto, pursuant Resolution No. 441 of the City; creating an enlarged local im- ovement district therefor, and providing that payment of said provements be made by special assessment upon the property in id district, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds", passed by e Council andapproved by the Mayor the 20th and 21st day of March, 61, respectively, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 10. This Ordinance shall become effective five (5) ys from and after its passage, approval and publication as re- fired by law. PASSED by the unanimous vote of the Council of the City of nt., Washington, and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting said Council this i9bl- ty clerk Approved as to form: ate of Passage: Date of Approval: Date of Publication: 1 1901 rney page 5 I, CHAS. BRIDGES, duly elected, qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Kent, Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. of said City, duly adopted by its Council and approve by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 1901. City Clerk