HomeMy WebLinkAbout1094J� 61, Pol 244 5234433 ORDINANCE No. An Ordinance of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Sections 10.6.05, 10.6.5, 10.6.12, 10.6.15,10.7.02, 10.7.06, 10.7.1, 10.7.5, 10.10.18, 10.11.3, 10.11.6, 10.12.06, all of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Kent, being Ordinance No. 1071. WHEREAS, upon study and recommendation of the Planning Commission of the City of Kent, as provided in Section 10.16.01 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 18 17 18 19 20 21 of Ordinance No. 1071 of the City of Kent, certain amendments to'the text of said Ordinance No. 1071 were proposed; and WHEREAS, in compliance with said Section 10.16.01 of Ordinance No. 1071, public hearing was had upon said proposed textual changes on the 15th day of May, 1961, after proper public notice of said hearing, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. That the sections as set forth by number in the title of this ordinance, of Ordinance No. 1071 of the City of Kent, entitled "An ORDINANCE RELATLD TO PLANNING AND ZONING FOR LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY OF KENT, TO BE KNOWN AS 'ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF KENT': CREATING UNIFORM DISTRICT&' IN WHICH COMPATIBLE USES ARE ALLOWED: PRESCRIBING STANDARDS FOR EACH DISTRICT: PRESCRIBING DENSITY CONTROLS: PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS FOR GRANTING CONDITMONAL USE EXCEPTIONS; PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS FOR GRANTING VARIANCES. IN HARDSHIP CASES: PROVIDING OFF-STREET PARKING: PROVIDING PROCE- 22 DURES FOR ADMINISTRATION, APPEAL, AMENDMENTS AND ENFORCEMENT; 23 PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 784," 24 l passed by the City Council of the City of Kent on the 19th day 25 0P460, k ndY published on the 28th day of September, 1960, 26 be and they are hereby amended to read as follows, to -wit: 27 "10.6.05. Cl Zoning District- Prohibited Uses. In the Cl 28 atoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping 29 quarters or human habitation of any kind, shall be I allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy 30! any portion of a lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile homes, camping trailer, boat 31 or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single. lot used for residential purposes, providing that such 32 i conveyances sahll (1) be located on the rear half of the 18t;(2) not project beyond the front line of the principal w; 1v0L411 FA 23. it 1 building;(3) not be less than ten (10) feet from any flanking or side street line;(4) not be less than a five feet from any side or rear lot line." 3 "Section 10.6.5. C2 Zoning District-Prohibited Uses. In the C2 Zoning district no mobile home, camping trailer or similar 4 conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind, shall be 5 allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a lot in said district. No more than 8 one each of such mobile homes, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single 7 lot used for residential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located On the rear half of the 8 lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the princi- pal building;(3) not be less than ten (10) feet from s I any flanking or side street line; (4) not be less than five feet from any side or rear lot line." 10 "Section 10.6.12 C3 ZoningDistrict-Principal al uses p permitted 11 outright. The principal uses permitted outright in the C3 Zoning District are asfollows: 12 (1) Those uses permitted outright or as condition exceptions in the C2 Zoning District. 13 2 Production or treatment of such food ( ) products, all or 14 a portion of which are sold in conjunction with a retail business conducted on the premises. lb (3) Fruit and vegetable markets, retail and wholesale; 18j fish markets. I 17 j (4) Automobile sales and services, used car lots, and storage (ground or otherwise) of vehicles for sale or hire but not including ngg 18 ; ng wrecks, Salva, e !j processing or storage operations. lg r' (5) All types of building supply sales and warehousing. 20 (6) Indoor recreational facilities; bowling alleys, dance { halls, skating rinks, and other commercialized forms 21 of recreation conducted or carried on within a building i; 22 k" (7) Outdoor recreational facilities: outdoor theaters, golf is 23 4' driving ranges and practice courses, other forms of commercialized recreation carried on entirely outdoors 24 or partly within a building or shelter. (8) Feed and seed stores nurser sales 25 , y yards and greenhouse;.i (9) Trade schools 26 ! I 27 (10) Stone and monument sales but no indistrial operations 28 '! (11) Processing and bottling non-alcoholic beverages, the pro- j duction of which is devoid of fumes, noxious odors or 29 =!� waste products. (� (12) Similar uses but not including those involving industrial 30i operations, activities, warehousing or storage." 31 "Section 10.6.15. C3 Zoning District-Prohibited Uses. In the 32 C3 Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping 2. i rs" VOL41_U.� 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 quarters or human habitation of any kind, shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile homes, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than ten (10) feet from any flanking or side street line; (4) not„be less than five feet from any side or rear lot line." "Section 10.7.02 Light Industrial Zoning District - M1 - Principal Uses Permitted Outright. (1) Principal uses permitted outright in the C3 District, provided that residential uses may be'permitted only in conformance with Section 10.7.06. (2) The following typical uses, provided that the Planning Commission may require evidence that uses established after the effective date of this Ordinm ce shall be operated so as to conform with all performance standards set forth in Chapter 10.8 of this Ordinance. Assembly and fabrication of metal products Automobile or truck wrecking Assembly of electricl appliances, electronic instruments and devices Boat building Brewery, distillery or winery Cereal mills Concrete mixing plants Contractors' or loggers' equipment and trucks storage yard, plat, repair, rental Enameling or metal coating (galvanizing, electro- plating) Foundry Fuel Oil distributor, retail Fuels, solid, yard Glue factory using vegetable or synthetic resin materials in its operation which will not produce obnoxious nor offensive odors Grain elevator Heavy machinery, repair, storage, or salvage Lumber or shingle mills Machine shop Manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, dairy products, drugs perfumes, pharmaceuticals, toiletries (ex- cluding the refining and rendering of fats and oils), food and beverage products. Manufacture, compounding, assembling or treatment of articles or merchandise fmm previously prepared materials, such as bone, cellophane, canvas, cloth, cook, feather, felt, fiber, fur, glass, hair, leather, paper, plastics, tex- tiles, tabaceo, wood, yarns, and paint not employing a boiling process. Manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products, using only reviously pulverized clay Manufacture and maintenance of electric and neon signs, outdoor advertising, and other commercia advertising, structures. Manufacture of musical instrument, toys, novelties, and rubber and metal stamps Y' 160!WE,. Railroad facilities of all types, except repair 1 shops and engine roundhouses Spinning or knitting of cotton, wool, flax or other fibrous materials Stone, marble and granite monument works 3 Tire retreading or recapping Welding shop 4 Any other uses judged by the Planning Commission to be no more detremental to adjacent properties 5 than, and of the same type and character as, the above listed uses." 8 7 "Section 10.7.06. Ml Zoning District -Prohibited Uses. No buil- ding, structure, or premises, or portions thereof, established 8 after the effective date of this ordinance, shall be used for human habitation, except as quarters for a caretaker, uard or on the 9 premises.ishreqer uirednfor hoperat onalose ,ltsafetyeoryprotective 10 purposes. 11 "In the Ml Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living, 18 and/or sleeping quarters, or human habitation of any kind, shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or 13 to occupy any portion of a lot in said district. No more than one of each of such mobile, camping trailer, boat 14 E or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, providing that such 15 N conveyance shall (1) be located on the rear half of the `i lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal 18 building; (3) not be less than ten feet from any flanking or side street line;(4) not be less than five feet from any side or rear lot line. One mobile home may be permitted, 17 ' upon approval by the Planning Commission, for use to house 18 a caretaker on an industrial site." j I 16 "Section 10.7.1 heavy Industrial Zoning District M2 -Principal ' Uses permitted outright. In an M2 District, any use established after the effective date of this ordinance shall be so 20 I operated as to conform with all performance standards set 21 i forth in Chapter 10.8 of this ordinance. I 2a "(1) Principal uses permitted outright in the Ml Dis- j; trict provided that residential uses may be permitted 83 only in conformance with Section 10.7.5. 84 j# "(2) In any other use established after the effective date of this ordinance shall be so operated as to 25 Chapter with performance standards set forth in Chapter 10.8 of this ordinance. 26 No use located in an M2 District and already 27 ; established on the effective date of this ordinance shall be so altered or modified as to conflict with, 28 or if already in conflict with, to conflict further with any performance standards established by this 8® ordinance." 30 "Section 10.7.5. M2 Zoning District - Prohlbited Uses. No 4 building structure, or premies, or portions thereof, established 31 after the effective date of this ordinance, shall be used for I human habitation, except as quarters for a caretaker, guard or other persons whose permanent residency on the premises 32 !: is required for operational, safety or protective purposes. "In the M2 Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while beJng used'for living, 4 VOL4 , 26 1 and/or sleeping quarters, or human habitation of any kind, shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or 2 to occupy any portion of a lot in said district. No more than one of each of such mobile, camping trailer, 3 boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, providing 4 that such conveyance shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front 5 line of the principal building; (3) not be less than ten feet from any flanking or side street line; (4) not be 8 less than five feet from any side or rear lot line. One mobile home may be permitted, upon approval by 7the Planning Commission, for use to house a caretaker 1 on an industrial site.' 8 "Section 10.10.18. Accessory Use Lot Coverage. Accessory 9 structures, whether attached or detached, shall occupy no more than 15% of the lot area and shall not exceed 35% of 10 floor area of the principbl use, even though such use may be situated on several floor levels; provided that 11 a two -car garage of not more than 24 x 26 ft. may be constructed, provided it does not occupy more than 15 12 of the lot area." s+ 13 "Section 10.11.3. Table of Minimum Standards. Required parking _spaces (where alternative standards prevail, the greater applie 14 i in conflicting computations), USE SPACES REQUIRED 18 i(1) Residential—structures 1 for each dwe_I ngunit - 18 (2) Rooming houses, lodging 17 homes, similar uses 1 for each sleeping room 1(3) is Auto courts, motel 1 for each sleeping unit 19 (4) Hospitals,nursing homes and institutions 1 for each 4 beds. 20 (5) Theaters 1 for each 4 seats, except l for ea 21 8 seats in excess of 800 seats 22 (6) Churches, auditoriums and 1 for each 6 seats and/or 1 for eac; similar enclosed places of 50 square feet of floor area for 23 ! assembly assembly not containing fixed seats 24 J7) Stadiums, sport arenas, and 1 for each 8 seats and/or 1 for eac; ! similar open assemblies 100 square feet of assembly space,. 28 without fixed seats 26 8) Libraries, classrooms 1 for each 250 square feet of gross floor area 27 (9) Dance Halls 1 for each ..'50 square feet of gross 28 ! floor 6 area (10) Bowling alleys for each alley 29 ;, (11) Medical and dental clinics 1 for each 150 square feet of groes 30 floor area 31 (12)Banks, business and professional 1 for each 200 square feet of offices gross floor area 32 i! s! 5• 1 2 3 4 6 8 7 8 9 10 11 L3) Mortuaries, funeral homes VOL41-61 PW 27 1 for each 75 square feet of floor space used for assembly 4) Warehous; storage and whole -1 for each 2 employees sale business L5) Food and beverage places with sale and consumption on premises; If less than 4000 square ft. 1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area If over 4000 square feet 20 plus 1 for each 100 square feet gross floor area in excess of x+000 square feet. L6) Food and beverage places with 1 for each 50 sq. ft. of gross fl consumption of food and bev- area or a minimum of 10. erages principally in cars or to go 12 W) Self service laundries 1 for each 3 washington machines or a minimum of 5. 13 (I18) Drive-in cleaners and other 1 space for each 300 sq. ft. of 14 �! similar uses with no cus- gross floor area, but no less thhn tomer self service on the 16 ! premises 18 (19) Furniture, appliance,hard- 1 for each 600 square feet of ware,clothing,shoe,personal gross floor area. 17 service stores �( ( 0) Motor vehicle, machine3y, 1 for each 1000 square feet of 18 plumbing,heating,ventila- gross floor area, exclusive of ting, building supplies displays, or 1 for each 3 employees, 19 ! stores and services 20 (�1) Other retail stores less 1 for each 300 square feet floor than 5000 square feet area 21 floor area 22 ('2) Retail between 5000 and 17 plus 1 for each 100 square feet 20,000 square feet floor in excess of 5000. 23 area 24 ( 3) Manufacturing uses, research," for each 2 employees on the , testing and processing, maximum working shift, and not less 25 ! assembly, and all industries than 1 for each 800 sqhare feet of gross floor area 26! I (24} Transportation terminal By Planning Commission determination 27 i! based upon the needs R! 28 (fi5) Uses not specified $9 (26) Used Car Lots s. 30 31! 32 f' I( i See Section 10.11.08 1 for each 100 sq. ft. of gross fl area with ingress and egress not less than 10 ft. in width, with adequate provisions for passing to be provided on the property.s 6. VOI416t PA&E i 28 1 '`Section 10.11.6. Enclosure- Ingress and Egress- Surfacing- ,Drainage. urfacing- .Drainage. 2 (1) A rail fence, evergreen hedge, wall or other continu- ous barricade of harmonious material and design 3 at least 18 inches, and no more than 24 inches, in height, shall be provided along property lines which 4 adjoin streets in business zoning districts. Off- street parking areas which adjoin or face across a 5 street or property line toward residentially zoned and/ or used property, or institutionally used premises, e shall be more effectively screened on such sides by a continuous view reducing fence, wall, or compact 7 evergreen hedge. Such fence, wall or hedge shall comply with the yard requirements of the more restrictive 8 zoning district upon which the same abuts, adjoins or faces. 9 2 In all districts where off-street ( ) parking facilities 10 are a permitted or required use, as an adjunct to busi- ness, and such facilities provide service to the patrons 11 and customers patronizing such businesses, such off- street parking lot shall be established and maintained 12 i subject to the following regulations: E 13 0; (a) Adequate ingress and egress shall be provided in accordance with the plans submitted in 14 I triplicate to and approved by the City Engineer. As nearly as possible, ingress shall be from 18 abutting street frontage, and egress by way of public alley, in a manner approved by the le City Engineer and the Chief of Police. 17 f (b) All such parking lots for commercial purposes shall be hard surfaced with concrete or plant 18 ! mixed bituminous material and maintained in a ! usable dust proof condition and shall be graded j' 10 to dispose of surface water. ij 20 "Section 10.12.06. Public Hearing. Except as hereinafter provided, whenever a Public hearing is required by this ordinancE 21 no less than three (3) notices thereof shall be posted by the City Engineer in conspicuous places on or adjacent 22I to the tract, lot, or other land or building area affected. Written notices shall be mailed to adjacent land owners, or their agents, or others likely to be affected. Such 23 I notices shall state the time and place of such hearing and the nature of the question to be heard and shall be 24 j posted not less than 14 days prior to the date of hearing. Notices shall be sent to the names appearing on the tax 28 ! rolls of all property within a distance of 200 feet, 26 streets and alleys excluded, of all property which is the subject of the public hearing. Notices may also 11 be sent to other property owners who might be affected. 27 =; Notices of public hearing on proposed textual changes in I f this ordinance, or proposed changes in the Comprehensive 28 !# Plan and Map of the City shall be published at least two (2) times successively in the city official newspaper 29 prior to the date of hearing, and such notices shall contain the date time andlace of the p public hearing, j 30 together with text or explanations of the � proposed changes. In addition to other required data accompany- i 31 ing request involving public hearing, a check in the amount of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, non-refundable and 32 I payable to the City, shall be filed to cover costs 7. 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 le 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 incurred in connection with the posting and mailing of notices." Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Kent be and he is hereby authorized to certify a copy hereof and record the same with the County Auditor of King County, Washington. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Mayor y i y� Attest• 3�r i y Cl r Approved as to form: Passed the 5th day of June, 1961 Published the 7th day of June,1961 l pproved the 5th day of June, 1961. 32 v7 it: tiled for Record""` j3 1�4') /0 Request of ROBE;VA. MORRIS, County" itoc go ;.i