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HomeMy WebLinkAbout10904 6 6 7 8 9 f 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE No. / 0 ro An Ordinance of tie City of Kent, Wash- ington providing for the improvement of certain streets and avenues and easements in the City by the construction and install- ation of a 15 inch sanitary sewer trunk line, with manholes and appurtenances, and dahg all other work necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto, pursuant to Resolution No. 441 of the City; creating an enlarged local improvement district therefore., and providing that payment of said improvements be made by special assessment upon the prop- erty in said district, payable by the mode of ' payment by bonds". WHEREAS, on December 19, 1960, pursuant to petitions filed by property owners within the Local Improvement District sought to be established, the Council of the City of Kent, Washington, ;adopted its Resolution No. 441, declaring its intention to order ,the improvement of certain streets, avenues and easements within E E i the City by the construction and installation of a 15 inch sans- jtary sewer trunk line, together with manholes and other necessary appurtenances, and by doing all other work in connection therewith `and incidental thereto, which resolution fixed the time, date and ce of hearing thereon at 8:00 p.m. on the 16th day of January, 961, at the City Hall, Kent, Washington; and WHEREAS, such resolution was duly published in the manner quired by law and notice of said hearing was also duly given o the owners or reputed owners of all lots, tracts and parcels of and or other property to be specially benefitted by the proposed rovement, as required by law; and WHEREAS, SAID HEARING was held on said date and at said time nd place, as provided in said resolution and notices, and the it has found,by unanimous vote, that the installatinn of i said trunk sewer is necessary for the public health; and 'I WHEREAS, the Council then, by unanimous vote, ordered the I mprovements described in said Resolution No. 441 to be constructed and installed; and v; WHEREAS, the Council has also determined that the entire cost end expense of the improvements ordered shall be borne by and 1. i 1 2 3 4 6 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lb 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2® 30 31 32 ssessed against the property included in the enlarged Local Improvement District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED]BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. That the following described property in the City Kent, to -wit: Beginning at a point 686.26 ft. West and 145.80 ft. South of the NE corner of Sec. 27, T22N,R4E,WM and run thence South 20008' West, -150.81 ft. -;thence South 8026' West, 302.6 ft.; thence South 56031' West; 126.15 ft.;Thence South 00028' East, 228.69 ft.; thence South 73006' West, 293.16 ft.; thence North 37044'West, 237.63 ft.; thence North 35055' West, 232.48 ft.; thence North 41012' West, 259 ft.; thence North 80052' West, 293 ft.; thence South 22040' West, 214 ft.; thence South 26052' East, 103.96 ft.; thence South 16031' East, 230.85 ft.; thence South 40054' East, 1291.47 ft.; thence South 14040' East, 104.05 ft.; thence South 23032' Eat.' 232.49 ft.; thence South 35050' East, 179.38 ft.; thence South 21012' East, 80.97 ft.; thence South 42014' East, 141.06 ft.; thence South 34013' West, 34.94 ft.; thence North 81041, West 90.15 ft., thence South 82°56' West, 218.46 ft.; thence South 450+6' West, 176 ft. more or less to its point of intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 821.65 ft. North of the South line of the SWI of the NEI of said Sec. 27; thence easterly along said parallel! line to the East line of said SWI of the NEI of Sec. 27; thence southerly alon said East line of the SWI of the NEI and the East line of the NWI of the SEI of said Sec. 27 to the SE corner of the NWI of the SEI; thence westerly along the South line of said NWI Of the SEI and the South line of the NEI of the SWI and the NWI of j the SWI of said Sec. 27, to its intersection with the center line Pf the -New Military Road; thence northerly along the center line I of the New Military Road to its point of intersection with the North line of the South 2 of the SEI of the SWI of Sec. 22, T22N, R4E, WM.; thence easterly along said North line of the South i of Phe SEI of the SWI to the East line of said SEI of the SWI; thence southerly along said East line to the South -I- corner of said Sec. 22; '.thence easterly along the South line of the SEI of said Sec. 22 to the East line of the J.L. Reith Road, as now established; thence; northeasterly along said East line of Reith Road to its intersection With a line drawn parallel to and 440 ft. North of said South line I of the SE1 of Sec. 22; thence easterly parallel to said South line of the SEI 60 its intersection with a line drawn parallel to and + 135 ft. southwesterly at right angles to the South line of the J.L. Reith Road; thence southeasterly and northeasterly along said par- , allel line to its intersection with the West line of the Lake Fen- wick Road, No. 2 also known as the Benson Road; thence northeasterly at right angles, 60 ft. to the East line of said Lake Fenwick Road No. 2; thence northerly along said East line of the Lake Fenwick Road to its intersection with a line drawn �arallel to and 450 ft. South of the North line of the SEI of the SEI of Sec. 22; thence East parallel to said North line of the SEI of the SEI to a point in a line drawn parallel to and 200 ft. easterly at right angles to the East line of the Lake Fenwick Road; thence southerly parallel to 'said East line of the Lake Fenwick Road to the South line of the North 200 ft. of the NEI of Sec. 27; thence westerly parallel to the North line of the NEI to the East line of Lake Fenwick Road; thence northerly along said easterly line to a point 145.80 ft. South of the NE corner of said Sec. 27; thence West to the point of beginning. li i° 2. 1 2 )e improved by the construction and laying of a 15 inch sanitary sewer trunk line, with manholes and other necessary appurtenances, 3 and by doing such other work as may be necessary in connection 4 `therewith, all in accordance with maps, plans and specifications n fide 5 repared by the City Engineer of the City of Kent and e 1with the City Clerk, which maps, plans and specifications are 3 7 Thereby adopted as those necessary and required for these improve - I 8 ane nt s . 9 1 Section 2. That the place of commencement and ending of the 10 jimprovements and the route along which the improvements are to be T 11 liconstructed are as follows, to -wit: 12 13 beginning at the Existing Manhole at the intersection of the J. L. eith Rd. and Lake Fenwick Rd.No.2,also knwon as the Benson Rd.,sai nhole # 14 Whole being known as "Ma20 of the West Hill Outfall Sewer i o the City of Kent",,said manhole being 1028.14 ft.North and 885.0! 15 feet West of the NE corner of Sec. 27,T22N,R4E,WM;and run thence southerly along the Lake Fenwick Rd. to a point 686.26 ft. West le and 145 ft. South of the NE corner of said Sec. 27;thence South 20008' West, 150.81 ft.;thence South 8028' West,302.60 ft.;thence 17 :South 56031'West, 126.15 ft.;thence South 00028'East,228.69 ft.; {thence South 73006'West,293.16 ft.;thence North 370441 West, 18 i'237.63 ft.;thence North 35055' West, 323.48 ft.;thence North 19 �41012'West,259 ft.;thence North 80052' West 293 ft.; thence ISouth 22040' West 214 ft.;tgence South 26052' East, 103.86 ft.; ��hence South 16031' East,230.85 ft.; thence South 40054' East • 20 129.47 ft.; thence South 14040' East, 104.05 ft.;thence South �3032' East, 232.49 ft.; thence South 35050' East, 179.38 ft.; 21 South 21012' East, 80.97 ft.;thence South 42014' Ea4t, 141.06 ft.; 'thence South 34013'West,34.94 ft.; thence North 810 1' West, 22 90.15 ft.; thence South 82056' West, 218.46 ft.; thence South I�45646, West, 260.78 ft.; to a point being 1825.70 ft. South and 23 !1959,09 ft. West of,the Northeast corner of aforementioned Sec. 27. 24 `. 25 Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Kent has 26 ound and does hereby find that the construction of the improvement l� 27 Eis necessary for public health, and has and does hereby, by 28 iunanimous vote, order the construction of said improvements. 29 30 31 32 3• Mfg 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lb 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 4. That there b@ and there is hereby established an :nlarged Local Improvement District of the City of Kent, to be ecnown as "Enj�irged Local Improvement District No. 239"- That the City Council finds that the nature of the improvement is such that the special benefits conferred on the property are not fairly reflected by the termini and zone method and the be made against the property of the district assessment shall in accordance with the special benefits it will derive from the t reard to the zone and termini method, and j i improvement, without gi { 'the cost and expense of said improvement, including all incidental ;expenses, shall be borne by and assessed against the said property �expe , included in the Local Improvement District hereinafter created, {according to law and in proportion to the square footage contained! l i Ain the different lots and parcels of land improved. The City of Kent shall not be liable in any manner for any I nse of said improvement except as portion of the cost and expe may be herein provided. f the trunk sanitary sewer That the installation o Section 5. i (line described in Sections 1 and 2 hereof will be of special ;benefit to all of the properties in the sewage drainage area of the cost of such trunk sewer' !such trunk sewer. Assessments to pay k �!and of ng doi all necessary work in connection therewith and { `incidental thereto shall be levied against all of the properties i !within the area first in this ordinance above described. i Section 6. That the estimated cost of the installation of i Ilsaid trunk sanitary sewer with its appurtenances and work necessary in connection therewith is estimated to be in the sum of 75,000.Oo. Section 7. That the Enlarged Local Improvement District No. lI 1239, hereinabove created, shall be composed of and shall include 'the property hereinabove, in Section 1 of this ordinance, described, ;fall within the City of Kent, County; of King, State of Washington. ; I { Section 8.' -Bonds of said Enlarged Local Improvement District 4. t 1 bearing interest at a rate of not to exceed 6% per annum and 2 payable on or before 10 years from date of issue shall be 3 issued in payment of the cost and expense of the improvements i 4 provided for herein, which bonds shall be redeemed by the collee on, i b Uof special assessments to be leviasd and assessed upon the property g within the district, as above provided, such assessments to be 7 payable in equal installments and with interest at a rate of 8 not to exceed 6% per annum under the mode of "payment by bonds", 9 as defined by law and the ordinances of the City of Kent. j 10 Any assessment or installment thereof when delinquent and the 11 linterest due thereon shall bear a penalty of 5% of the total amount' 12 thereof from the date of such delinquency. 13 That there be and is hereby created a fund of the City to be 14 known as "Enlarged Local Improvement District No. 239 Fund! 15 arrants bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed 6% per 18 'annum shall be drawn on said fund, based on estimates of the City's 17 i ngineers, in payment of the cost of construction of said improve - 18 P invent and all costs incidental thereto. 19� The money received from the sale of said warrants shall be P 20 !placed in the Enlarged Local Improvement District No. 239 Con - 21 ystruction Fund of the City which is'hereby created, and shall be 22 ;used to pay all of said costs. The rate of interest to be borne by said warrants, bonds and 23 � 24 installments said installments of said assessments shall be as 28 i. Hnstallmens of fixed by the City Council. The bonds of this district i 26 to be issued shall be delivered to the owner or owners of said r �I 27 Snlarged Local Improvement District No. 239 warrants in redemption i. 28 'of the same. I 29 j Section 9. This ordinance shall become effective five days j ]i 30 from and after its passage, approval and publication as required 31 ; 5. 32 s, 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lb 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 )y law. PASSED by the unanimous vote of the Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting Ma/f - " of said Council this --�011tiay of- 1961. yor Atte !�'Q yer Approved as to f . � .ice■� MCI,Y c�% Date of Passage: ---Fe*rueW , 1961 Date of Approval: F4*ru*&-Y , 1961 war6k �-�- , 1961. Date of Publication: C'1