HomeMy WebLinkAbout10896 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5263857 ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance o�_ the City of Kent annexing to said City certain lands contiguous thereto. WHEREAS, the owners of not less than 75% in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxationlof certain lands situated in King County, Washington, and more particularly in this ordinance hereinafter described, have filed with the City Council of the City of Kent their petition in writing to have annexed to said City said described land, and WHEREAS, the eLty Council of the City of Kent, on the 20th day of February, 1961, fixed a time and place for public hearing upon said petition, to -wit, the City Council Chambers of the City of Kent, on the 6th day of March, 1961, of which hearing due notice was published and posted in the manner and form and for the time required by law; and WHEREAS, upon said public hearing on the 6th day of March, it appeared appeared to the City Council that the said petition meets the requirements specified by law and the land sought to !be annexed is contiguous to the City of Kent and has not hereto - !fore been incorporated in or as a city or town, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN I as follows: 19 Section 1. That there shall be annexed to the City of Kent 20 !1 4kthe following described land situated in the County of King, 21 22 1IState of Washington, to -wit: Thatof Sec. 15, T22N,R4E,WM. and the portion of the NW,� i 23 iSW� of Sec. 15, T22N,R4E,WM.described as follows: IlBeginning at the. NW corner of the NW of the N of Sec. 15,T22N,R4E, WM.,and run thence S 00038'16" E along the W..line of f said Subdivisic 838.96 ft. to the Northeasterly line of the„Kent-Des Moines,Road 25 (SSH 5-A); thence S 40028'16”E along said Northeasterly line of ISSH 5-A.,.,,162-97 ft. to the true point of beginning for this 26 description; thence N 74015' E, 1083.02 ft. to the westerly line Iof the Old Military Road as now revised; thence N 26044120" W along 27 'said westerly line of Old Military Road 403.11 ft.;thence S .7,40 x57'30" W to the Easterly line of PS H#1(Seattle-Tacoma Freeway) now established ru thenae 28 !as d ththe west 2 of Sec. 15, T22N, R4E,WM.;ry j 14Northerly and Westerly along said Easterly line. of PSH#1 to its 29 ilintersection with the North line of the South 300 ft. Of the SW t,of the NW,�, sai Sec.15• thence Easterly along said North line of 30 JiSouth 300 - f t . the SW 1T of the NW 4, See. 15 to the Ea srly line of the Old Mi1i ary Road as now revised; t'thence S. 26044120" E along 31 iisaid Easterly line to a point N 26o44120 W 85 ft. from the inter-� section of the Easterly line of Old Military Road as now revised I 32 liand the South line of the SW u of the NW u of Said See. 15; thence I and 385 ft. ;iN52000t40" E to a point in a -line drawn parallel to I i 1 2 3 7; 4 6 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 le 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 North of the South line of the SW of the NWS of said Sec. 15; thence N 88018120" E along said parallel line to the East line of said SW1 of the NWJ of Sec. 15•thence S 00056'45" E, along said East lime of the 8W4 of the NWV� to the SE corner, thereof; thence continuing S 00056,1.45" E along . the East line of the NW1 of the SW of said Sec. 15 to its intersection with the Easterly line of the Old Military Road as now revised; thence Southerly along said Easterly.'line of the Old Military Road and Easterly line extended to the center line of the Kent -Des Moines Road (SSH 5-A); thence Southwesterly and Northwesterly..along the center .line of the Kent - Des Moines Road to a point whieh bears S 74015' W from"the true point of beginning; thence N 7+015' E to the true point of beginning. Section 2. That upon the 14th day of March, 1961, the annexation of said property shall be effective, and the said Droperty shall become a part of the City of Kent,subject to all the City laws and ordinances then and thereafter in effect, ept as otherwise provided by law. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ive days after its passage, approval and publication as by law rovided. f� mayor ttest: y Clerk Approved as to form: LKAN163, I& seed the 6th day of March, 1961 roved the 6th day of March, 1961 ished the 8th day of March, 1961. 09 Hied for Recce .X Request of RnRTRT A mnRos, (nnnty Aurl;fn, 2. y Aztorney