HomeMy WebLinkAbout10871 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ORDINANCE NO. /09 7 An Ordinance of the City of Kent, Washington, providing for the improvement of certain streets and avenues in the City by the construction and installation of ornamental standards and mercury vapor street lights, pole mounted mercury vapor street lights, 4-te, and by doing all other work necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto, pur- suant to Resolution No. 443 of the City; creating a local improvement district therefor, and pro- viding that payment of part of the cost of said improvements be made by special assessments upon the property in said district,payable by the mode of "payment by bond", and that the.rest of such cost be borne by the City. WHEREAS, on the 16th day of January, 1961, the Council of the lity of Kent, Washington, adopted its Resolution No. 443, declaring P its intention to order the improvement of certain stweets and venues within the City by the construction and installation of rnamental standards and mercury vapor street lights, pol&s ted mercury vapor street lights, a d and by doing all other work necessary in /I ction therewith and incidental thereto, which resolution fixed time, date and place of healing thereon at 8:00 p.m. on Febru- ary 20, 1961, at the City Hall; and k�. WHEREAS, such resolution was duly published in the manner re- quired by law and the notice of said hearing was duly given to t i owners or reputed owners of all lots, tracts and parcels of land or other property to be specially benefitted by the proposed ;X10 improvement, as required by law; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held on said date and at said time 4 place as provided in said resolution and notice, and after a iscussion of said improvements, and after hearing all protests nd discussing the same, the Council geon)rdered�them�e imprpve nts Ad p scribed in said Resolution No. 443 otoconstruL�ted a�s allec i "nd whereas said Council also determined that the City should ontribute the amount of $5,001.81 to the cos; of such improvements ; 30 Now, therefore, BE IT ORDSMNED BY COUNCIL OF -THE CITY OF KENT, 31 WASHINGTON, as follows:. 32 Section 1. The following described streets and avenues within the City shall be improved by the construction and installation of 1 the following described improvements: 2 A. Ornamental standards and mercury vapor street lights along Meeker St. from 6th Ave. to Central Ave.; along 4th Ave.s 3 from Shinn St. to Meeker St., along 1st Ave. from Ti St. to Meeker St.; and along Central Ave. from Gowe St. 4 to 180 ft. North of the center line of Smith St. Also: Pole mounted mercury vapor street lights along 2nd Ave. from 6 Meeker St. to Shinn St.; along 1st Ave. from Meeker .St. to Shinn St.; along Railroad Ave. from Gowe St. to Titus St.; g along Central Ave. from 180 ft. Nmtth of the center line of i Smith St. to 1513.07 ft. North of the center line of James 7 St.; along Central Ave. from Titus St. to South 258th St.; along Smith St. from Railroad Ave. to Jason St.; along g Harrison St. from 6th Ave. to 2nd Ave.; along Gowe St. from 4th Ave. to 2nd Ave.; along Railroad Ave. from Meeker St. 9 ! to James St. ii 10 B. Pole mounted mercury vapor street lights along Washington Ave. from Shinn St. to 300 ft. South of the South line of 11 Meeker St. 12 -8. ii QV - 13 thereto and by doing `together with all necessary appurtenances , 14 ;all other work necessary in connection therewith and incidental lb thereto, all in accordance with maps, plans and specifications 18 prepared by the City Engineer, which maps, plans and specification 17 are hereby adopted as those necessary and required for these im- 18 provements. 19 Section 2. That there be and is hereby established a local 20 improvement district of the City to be known as "Local Improvement 21 istrict No. 24411 22�4 )�l Aq i Approximately _ j&@@@ ^2 of the entire cost and expense of 23paid improvements and appurtenances, including all necessary 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 xpenses incidental thereto, shall be borne by and assessed against! he property included in the local improvement district heretofore rested. The City of Kent shall bear approximately $5,001.81, of cost of such improvements, appurtenances and incidental xpenses. i The improvement district shall include all of the property i ontained within the following boundary lines, to -wit: Beginning at a point on the South line of Meeker St. 180 ft. west of the West line of Yesler's lst Addn.; thence northeasterly across Meeker St. to the Southwest corner of Blk.3, Rasmussen's 2. 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 19 13 14 16 le 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Addn.; thence northerly along the West line of said Blk. 3 and Blk. 2, Rasmussen's Addn. to the Northwest corner Lo North Blk. 2, Rasmussen's Addn.; thence easterly along t line of said Lot 4 to the East line of said Blk. 2;thence North along the East line of Blk. 2, 4 ft. to the center line of the alley in Blk. 16, Yesler's ist addn.; thence.East along said center line of alley to an intersection with the West line of Lot 8, Blk. 16 projected South; thence 'North along said West line of Lot 6 to the North line said Blk. 16; thence easterly along the North line of said Blk. 16, and North line extended EAst to the West line of Blk. 7., Yesler's Fir©ttheddn ; thence northerly along the projected West line Blk.7 tact Northwest corner of street vacated under Ord. #303, easterly along the North line of said vacated street to an Lot 2, said Blk. 7, p j ectad intersection with the East line o North; thence South along said East line and said line projected South to the center line of the alley in said Blk. 7; thence East along said center line of the alley to the West line of Lot 10, said Blk. 7, projected South; thence North along said West line and West line projected North to the North line North vacated street under Ord. #303; thence easterly along line said vacated street to the East line of said Blk. 7, pro - acted North; thence southeasterly acrosss Second Ave. to the Northwest corner of Blk. 4, Yesler's 1st Addn., thence East a- j long the North line of said Blk. 4 and said North line extended to theaenter line of the Northern Pacific Railroad right-of-way; thence northerly along the center line of the Northern Pacific Railroad right-of-way to the South line of James Street; thence easterly along the South line of James Street to the center line of the alley Blk. 2, Cross Addn.; thence North along a line which is parallel to and 161 ft. West of the center line of Central Ave. to a point which is 1513.07 ft. Nortt of the South line of Sec. 13, T.22N.R4E,W.M.;thence East I parallel to the South line of said Sec. 13, to the center line of Central Ave.; thence South along the center line of Central to a point which is 1500 ft. North of the South line of said Sec. 13;'�thence West parallel to the South line of said Sec -13 161 ft*East of and parallel to the center line of Central Ave. to a point which is 100' North of the North line of James St.; thence West parallel to the North line of James St. to a point which is 100; East of the East line of Central Ave.; thence South parallel to the East line of Central Ave. to the North line of James St.; thence East along the North line of James St. to a point which is 161 ft. East of the center line of Central Ave.; thence South along a line which is 161 ft.; East of and parallel to the cente4r line of Central Ave. to the North line of Lot 33, extended West, Blk. 18,WCI Cots First Addn.; thence East along said North line of Lot 33 to the East line of said Blk. 18; thence northeasterly to the center line of the alley in Blk. 19,WCI cots 1st Addn.; I9 to thence West along the center line of the alley in Blk. the East line thereof; thence northeasterly to the center line of the alley in Blk. 5, Clark's 2nd Addn.; thence easterly, along the center line of the alley to the East line said Blk. 5; thence northeasterly to a point on the East line of CIrk Ave. 120 ft.; North of the North line of Smith St.; thence easterly parallel to and 120 ft. North of the North line of Smith St. to the West line of Jason Ave.; thence South along the West line of Jason Ave. to a point 172 ft. i South of the North line of Smith St.; thence West along a line which is 172 ft. South of and parallel to the North line 1 of Smith St.; 126.5 ft.; thence South parallel to the West line of Jason Ave. 6 ft.; thence West parallel to and 178 ft. South of the North line of Smith St. to the East line of Kennebeck Ave.;thence Southwest across Kennebeck Ave. to the center line of the alley in Blk. 14, WCI Co's lst Addn; thenee% West along the center line of said alley to the East line of *Thence south along a line which is 161 ft. 3• 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 s 9 10 11 12 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 State Ave.; thence northwesterly across State Ave. to the South line of Lot 20, Blk. 15, WCI Co's 1st Addn.; thence West along said South line to the center of the alley in said Blk. 15; thence South along the center line of the all y in said Blk. 15 and the center line of the vacated alley in Blk. 11, WCI Co's 1st Addn. to the center line of Gowe Street; thence west along the center line of Gowe St. to the center line of the alley projected South in Blk. 10, WCI Co's 1st Addn.; thence North along said center''`line of alley to the South line of Lot 6, Blk, 10, projected East; thence West along the South line of Lot 6 to the East line of Rail- road Ave.; thence Southwest across Railroad Ave. to a point on the West line of Railroad Ave. midway between Meeker St. and Gowe St.; thence West along a line which is midway be- tween MeekrSt. and Gowe St. to the center he linofSouth the along Northern Pacific Railroad right-of-way; the center line of said right-of-way to the center line of Gowe St.; thence East along the center line of Gowe St. _to the center line of the alley in Blk.91 WCI Co's ist Addn. projected North; thence South along said center line of alley to the center line of Titus St.; thence East along the center line of Titus St. to a point which is 123 ft. East of the center line of Central Ave.; thence southerly along a line whi,I is 123 ft. East of and parallel to the center line of Central Ave. to the South line of Willis st.; thence East along the South line of Willis St. to the center of the alley in Blk. 7, Original Plat of Kent; thence South along the center line of the alley in Blk. 7, Blk. 8 and vacated alley in Blk. 9, Original Plat of Kent, to the South line of said Blk. 9; thence South along a line parallel to and 150 ft. East of the center line of So. State Ave. (PSH#5) to the North ! line of So. 258th St.; thence West along the North line of So. 258th St. to a point 150 ft. West of the center line of So. State Ave. (PSH #5); thence North along a line parallel to j and 150 ft. West of said center line of So. State Ave. to I, the center line of the alley at the South line of Blk. 6, Ori- ginal Plat of Kent; thence North along the center line of the alley in Blk. 6, vacated alley in Blk. 5, and Blk. 4, Original Plat of Kent, to a point 10ft. South of the South line of Willis St.; thenee West 5 ft.; thence North along a line 5 ft. East of and parallel to the East line of Lots 4 and 1, said Blk. 4 to the centerline of Willis St.; thence I West along the center line of Willis St. to the center line j of the alley, projected South, in Blk. 1, WCI Co's 1st Addn.; thence North along the center line of said alley in Blk. 1, and the center line of the alley in Blk.. 4, WCI Co's 1st Addn. to the center line of Titus St.; thence West along the center line of Titus St. to the center line of the alley, projected South in Blk. 3, Yesler's 1st Addn.; thence North along the center line of said alley in Blk. 3, and the center line of ire alley in Blk. 24, Yesler's 1st addn.to a point 90 ft. South of the South line of Meeker St.; thence West parallel to the South line of Meeker St. to the center line of 2nd Ave.; thence South -along the center line of 2nd Ave. to the South line of Lot 5, projected East, Blk. 8, Yesler's 1st Addn.; thence west along said South line of Lot 5 to the SW corner thereof; thence North along the West line of said Lot 5 00 a point 90 ft. South of the South line of Gowe st.; thence West along a line 90 ft. South of and parallel to the South line of Gowe St. to the East line of 3rd Ave.; thence south- westerly across 3rd A e. to the South line of Lot 5, Blk. 13, Yesler's 1st Addn.; thence West along the South line of said Lot 5 and the South line of Lot 8, Blk. 13, Yesler's 1st Addn. to the center line of 4th Ave.; thence North along the center line of 4th AVe. to the East-West center line of Blk. 15, 4. 1 I 2 3 4 B. 5 e 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 le 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Yesler's 1st Addn. projected East; thence West along said East-West center line of Blk. 15, and said center line extended West to a point 180 ft. West of the West line of Yesler's 1st Addn.; thence North 90 ft. to the point of beginning. Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 28, Blk. F, Meeker's Supp. Plat; thence North along the East line of said Lot 28, and East line Lot 3, Blk. F, Meeker's Supp. Plat tothe South line of Harrison St.; thence northwesterly across Harrison St. to a point on the South line of Lot 28, Blk. A Meeker's Supp. Plat, 10 ft. East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 28; thence Northeparallel to the West line of Lots 28 and 3, Blk. A, Meeker's Supp.to the center line of Shinn St.; thence West along the center line of Shinn St. and said center line projected West to a point which is 150 ft. West of the West line of Wash ngton Ave. (SSH #2M); thence South parallel to Washington Ave. to the North line of Meeker St.; thence ,SW across Meeker St. to a point on the South line of Meeker St. 161.26 ft. West of the West line of Washington Ave.; thence South parallel to Washington Ave., 300 ft.; thence East parallel to Meeker St. to a pant 150 ft. East of the East line of Washington Ave.; thence North parallel To Washington Ave. to the South line of Meeker St.; thence NW across Meeker St. to the SE corner of Lott 28, Blk. F, Meeker's Supp. Plat and the point of beginning. fights, Third Section, said point being in the East line j o 4 of the HE 4 of Sec. 21, T22N,R4E,WM., and run thence West ng the North line of B1k.19, and the North line of Blk. 20, id Interurban Heights, Third Section to the NW corner of L 42, said Blk. 20; thence South along the West line of Blk. 2 , and the West line extended to the South line of aforesaid 4 of the NE j, Sec. 21; thence West along said South line of th W 4 of the NE k to a point 14o ft. northwesterly at right a, es to the center line of Primary 1 State Highway #1; thence so westerly along a line parallel to said center line of Primary ate Highway #1 to a point in a line drawn parallel to and 4 t. South of the North line of theSW 4 of the SE y, said Se 21; thence East I along said parallel line toa point 140 southeasterly at right angles to center line Primary Stat ighway No.l; thence northeasterly parallel to said center 1 Primary State Highway #1 to the South line of the SW 4 of a NE, said Sec. 21; thence East along said South line to th SE_ corner thereof; thence North along the East line saidthe po±rxt of beg±nn±ng-.- 1 That the City Council finds that the nature of the improve- ment is such that the special benefits conferred on the property are not fairly reflected by the termini and zone method, and the assessments shall be made against the property in the dis- trict in accordance with the special benefits it will derive from the improvement, without regard to the zone and termini method, and the assessment shall be computed in a manner which will fairly reflect the special benefits derived from the improvements. 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lb 16 17 18 19 Section 3. Bonds of said Local Improvement District, bearl interest at a rate of not to exceed 6% per annum, and poyable on or before 7 years from date of issue, shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of the improvements provided for herein, which bonds shall be redeemed by the collection of special assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property within the district as above provided, such assessments to be payable in _equal installments and with interest at a rate. i of not to exceed 6% per annum under the mode of "payment by bonds", as defined by law and the ordinances of the City of Kent. Anymats or installments thereof when delinquent, and the interest due thereon, shall bear a penalty of 5% of the total i amount thereof from the date of such delinquency. 'khat there be and.there is hereby created a fund of the City to be known as "Local Improvement District No. 244 Fund' ` I Warrants bearing interest at a rate of not to exceed 6% per annum � shall be drawn on said fund, based on estimates of the City's IlEngineers, in payment of the cost of construction of said im- 11provements and all costs incidental thereto. 20 The money received from the sale of said warrants shall be I 21 1�placed in the Local Improvement District No. 24f Construction 22 i!Fund of the City which is hereby created, and shall be used.to 23 1# pay all of said costs. 24 The rate of interest to be borne by said warrants, bonds an 28 installments of said assessment shall be as here after fixed by 26 the City Council. The bonds of this district to be issued shall 27 be delivered to -the owner or owners of said Local Improvement 28 District No. 240 Fund warrants, in redemption of the same. 29 1 Section 4. .This ordinance shall become effective five days 30 i; s= 6. 31 32 1I 2 3 4 8 8 7 8 from and after its passage, approval and publication, as required Dy law. PASSED by the Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of $aid Council held this 20th day of February, 1961. By: Mayor Atte 9 4 10 Appr 11 12 i. 13 14 18 ' 16 17 h 18 18 20 i 21 22 i. 23 24 !� �i 28 3 26 �l 27 28 Ii !p 2® 30 !! �i 31 38 7•