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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1071Ordinance No. 1071 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=131 —Zoning Codes Passed — 9/19/1960 Zoning ordinance Amended by Ord 3409 fpp 0%_ *P Ido dD Z 0 N I N G 0 R D I N k N C E For the City of KENT, W.,_,HIYGTON Q El, M"ll X0.7 Y' o. C, 2, 13 (D 3 ) 3 DS' lrenared by H,.RL�N NELSON & 'I.SSOCLITE3 OswcE0, Ore -on Z_ ,,',.urust 1960 I N D E X page I,. AffidIN15TUTION--------------- _------------------- Chapter 10.12 61 2 ADJUSTIENTS, V.iKANCES AND AiiLALS------------------ Chapter 10.15 66 3. AHLNWENTS-----------------------------------------Chapter 14 10.16 73 4, DEFINITIOrS----------------------------------------- Chapter 10.3 4 5; ENFORMENT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUiANCY------------ Chapter 10.14 67 66 GENERAL AND SUiiLIIMNTARY 1ROVISIONS---------------- Chapter 10.10 49 Lot irovisions -------------------------------------- Section 10.10.02 49 Yard irovisims--------------------- ---------------- Section 10.10.05 49 Site Area Lrovisions------------------------------- Section 10.10.15 50 Accessory Use irovisiDns Rl,R2,R3, & R4 -------------Section 10.10.17 51 Conditional Exceptions ------------------------------Section 10.10.21 52 Horne Occupations ------------------------------------Section 10.10.23 52 irofessional Offices and Clinics --------------------Section 10.10.24 53 Service Stations ------------------------------------Section 10.10.25 53 7. LEGISLATIVE INTENT ----------------------------------Chapter 10.1 1 S. NON-C01?FOFKR G USE6--------------------------------- Chapter 10.13 64 9.. IARKING AND LOADING STANDr:RDS----------------------- Chanter 10.11 54 Table of Iviinimum Standards --------------------------Section 10.11.3 57 10. IERFORIjLJ%TCE STAND:.RDS------------------------------ Chapter 10.6 44 11. USE DISTRICT CL.ISSIFIC.;TIONS----------------------- Chapter 10.2 3 RA --------------------------------------------Section 10.4.02 10 IL*, zone --------------------------------------------Section 10.4.2 12 SRzone zone -------------------------------------------Section 10.5.01 14 Rlzone --------------------------------------------Section 10.5.1 16 R2zone----------------------------------------- Section 10.5.11 19 R3zone --------------------------------------------Section 10.5.21 21 R4zone --------------------------------------------Section 10.5.31 24 R5zone --------------------------------------------Section 10.5.41 27 IM -------------------------------------------Section 10.5.51 30 Cl zone --------------------------------------------Section 10.6.01 32 C2zone zone --------------------------------------------Section 10.6.1 33 C3 zone --------------------------------------------Section 10.6.11 36 Mlzone --------------------------------------------Section 10.7.02 39 10.7.1 41 1,42 zone --------------------------------------------Section 12. VIOL (TIONS :SND i EN:J TIES--------------------------- Chapter 10.16 75 TITLE 10 ZONING ORDINANCE City of Kent, Washington AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO PLANNING AND ZONING FOR LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY OF KENT, TO BE MOWN AS "ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF KENT"; CREATING UNIFORM DISTRICTS IN WHICH COMPATIBLE USES ARE ALLOWED; PRESCRIBING STANDARDS FOR EACH DISTRICT; PRESCRIBING DENSITY CONTROLS; PRESCRIBING PP.O- CEDURES AND STANDARDS FOR GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE EXCEPTIONS; PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS FOR GRANTING VARIANCES IN HARDSHIP CASES; PROVIDING OFF-STREET PARKING; PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR ADMINISTRATION, APPEAL, AMEND- MENTS AND ENFORCEMENT; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 784 WHEREAS, the laws of Washington, Chapter 35.63 RCW authorize the implementa- tion of Comprehensive plans as prepared by the City Planning Comm- ission and adopted by the City Council through such instrumentalities as a zoning ordinance, and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it necessary, for the purpose of securing and promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the people and the City to enact a zoning ordinance, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the City Council have given due public notice of hearings relating to this Ordinance, and have held such hearings, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF EENT: CHAPTER 10.1 LEGISLATIVE INTENTS Section 10.1.01 TITLE AND ADOPTION. This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the "ZONING ORDINANCE, City of Kent". Section 10.1.02 GENERAL INTENT. It is the intent of the City Ccurcil to provide uniform, equitable and reasonable standards to govern the usage of land and structures in the interest of health, safety and the general welfare. Section 10.1.03 PLAN AND POLICY. The zoning plan adopied for the City of hent is an official map and land use policy to control and direct the use and develop- ment of property in the municipality by dividing it com;re'.:encively into districts according to the present and potential use of the properties. Section 10.1.04 PUBLIC WELFARE. Since the general welfare of the public is superior in importance to the pecuniary profits of the individual, this Ordinance may (1) limit the use of property, (2) cause depreciation of property values, or ( ) prevent the most profitable use of land. Zoning does not, therefore, constitute a vested right. Also, if some reasonable use of the property is allowed by this Ordinance the effect is not confiscatory and is a proper exercise of police power. 2. Section 10.1.05 ST:,NDARDS. Standards provided by this ordinance for particular districts and circumstances arc determined to be the minimum requirements in the public interest of health, safety, and general welfare to achieve the ob- jectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Section 10.1.06 TEXT AND OFFICIAL NMAP. This ordinance shall consist of the text hereof and that certain map or book of maps identified by the approving• signa- ture of the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney; and marked and designated as which map or book is placed on file in the offices of the City Clerk and other city departments. Said map has heretofore been examined and duly considered in detail by the City Council and is hereby adopted as a part of this ordinance. Said ordinance, and each and all of its terms and mapped details, is to read and be interpreted in the light of the contents of said book of maps and their relationship to th�sdeemed toarisethe textoftheordinance shall miLelf conflict the text of this ordinance prevail. Kv CHAPTER 10.2 USE DISTRICT CLASSIFICATIONS Section 10.2.01 USE CLASSIFICATIONS. To effectuate the Comprehensive Land Use Plan as adopted by the City Council under Ordinance No. , and as amended from time to time, lands within the incorporated area of the City of Kent are here- by classified into the following categories which are further described in subsequent sections and so indicated on the Zoning Map. Transitional Agricultural Districts Residential -Agricultural District Industr-'al-Agricultural District Symbol on Map gage RA TO MA 12; Reside_^tial Districts Suburban Residential District SR 12 Single Family Residential District R1 16 Two Family Residential District R2 19 Multiple Family Residential District R3 21 Multiple Family Residential District R4 24 Multiple Family Residential District R5 27 Mobile Home Residential District MHR 30 Business and Commercial Districts Neig:borhood Business District Cl 32 Central Business District C2 33 General Commercial District C3 36 Industrial Districts Light Industrial District M1 39 Heavy Industrir:l District M2 41. Section,10.2.02 BOUNDARIES OF Z014ING DISTRICTS. (1) Streets_ and A1J9Xs, Lot Lines. The boundaries of the various zoning districts shown on the Zoning M_ -':J are, unless otherwise indicated, center- lines of street, alley, or other public right-of-way; or lot lines as shown on the said map. Where the location of zoning district boundaries, as in- dicated on the map, are other than street, alley or other public rights-of- way, or lot lines, then such boundaries shall be as shown on the Zoning Map by figures for distances measured from the public rights-of-way or lot lines. Where the street layout actually on the ground varies from that shown on the Zoning Map, the designation sho•vn on the map shall be applied by the Plann- ing Commission or the Board of Adjustment so as to carry out the intent and purpose of the Zoning Plan for that district. (2) Divided Cr7nership. Where a zoning district boundary line, as shown on the Zoning Map, divides a lot in a single ownership at the time of passage of this ordinance, the use permitted on the least restrictive portion of such lot may extend to the portion lying in the more restrictive district a distance of not more than 50 feet beyond the district boundary line. 4. CHAPTER 10.3 DEFINITIONS Section 10.3.01 GENERAL DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain terms are herewith defined. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the singular number include the plural, and words in the plural number'include the singular; the word "person" may be taken for persons, association, firm, co -partnership or corporation; the word "structure" includes building; the word 'occupied" includes designed or intended to be used; and the word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directive. Section 10.3.02 SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS. ACCESSORY USE OR STRUCTURE-. One which is subordinate to the principal use of a building on the lot serving a purpose customarily incidental to the princi- pal ude of the building. ALLEY. A public right-of-way not over thirty (30) feet wide which affords, generally,a secondary means of access to abutting lots, not intended for general use. AUTOMOBILE REPAIR. Includes fixing, incidental body or fender work, painting and upholstering, engine tune-up, adjusting lights, brakes, supplying and in- stalling replacement parts to passenger vehicles and trucks. APARTMENT HOUSE. A building or portion thereof used or intended to be used as a home with three or more families or householders living independently of each other. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. A building, structure or facility such as a garage, wood- shed, utility building, heating plant, or storage bin, customarily inci- dental to and located upon the same lot, tract, or in the same area occupied by the main building. BASEMENT. The portion of a building included between a floor with its level two feet or more below the level from which the height of the building is measured and the ceiling next above said floor. BASIC REQUIREMENTS. Those requirements for each land use district to encourage, protect and preserve the general welfare of the area by promoting co- ordinated development and securing appropriate allotments of space for all uses in harmonious relationships. BOARDING HOUSE. A building other than a hotel, where for compensation, meals, or lodging and meals, arc provided for four or more persons. BILLBOARD. An outdoor advertising sign, being any structure or portion thereof, situated on private premises, upon which lettered or pictured material is displayed for advertising purposes, other than the name and occupation of the user, or the nature of the business conducted on such premises or the products primarily sold or manufactured thereon. 5. BREEZEWAY. A structure for the principal purpose of connecting the main build- ing or buildings on a property with other main buildings or accessory buildings. BUILDING. Any structure built or used for the support, shelter, or enclosure of any persons, animals, goods, equipment, or chattels and property of any kind. BUILDING LINE. A line established by this Ordinance to govern the placement of building with respect to streets and alleys. The front property line shall be the front line as shown upon official plats of the property in all sub- divisions platted. In all other cases the front line shall be according to the comprehensive plan or the determination of the City Engineer. BULK PLANT. An establishment where flammable liquids are received by tank vessel, pipe lines, tank car, or tank vehicle, and are stored or blended in bulk for the purpose of distributing such liquids by tank vessel, pipe line, tank car, tank vehicle or container. CLINIC. A building or portion of a building containing offices and facilities for providing medical, dental or psychiatric services for outpatients only. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The plans, maps, reports which have been adopted by the City Council in accordance with RCW 35.63. CONDITIONAL EXCEPT IN. An activity speeif ied by this Ordinance as a principal or an accessory use, permitted when authorized by the Board of Adjustment and subject to certain conditions. COURT. An open, uncovered and unoccupied space within an allotted property line. CONVALESCENT HOMEi A building and premises in which two but not more than five (5) sick, injured or infirm ambulatory persons are housed or intended to be housed for special attention and compensation. COUNCIL. When used in this Ordinance refers to the City Council, City of Kent. DENSITY PROVISIONS. Those requirements for each land use district to encourage, protect and preserve the health, safety and general welfare of the area, through standards which include yards, height, bulk, lot area, lot cover- age and occupancy limitations. DISTRICT OR ZONE. A section or sections of the City within which the standards governing the use of buildings and premises are uniform. DWELLING GROUP. Two or more detached dwelling structures located on the same lot. DWELLING UNIT. A family combination with housekeeping and cooking facilities. Hotel, motel, room and boarding units shall not be considered as dwelling units. EXCEPTION. A use permitted only after review of an application therefor by the Board of Adjustment, rather than administrative officials. 6. FId-ILY. A person living -.lone, or two or more persons.austomarily living to- gether as a single housekec- ing unit.. and . us-in_g common cooking facilities, as distinguished from a group occupying a hotel, club, board or lodging house, FLOOR-AMA-IUTIO. The ratio of usable floor area of a structure to the total area of the 1A or land aria occupied by such structure. GARiGE, PRIV.TE. An accessory building or part of a main building intended primarily for the storage of :rotor vehicles as an acc(,ssory use, and when the storage space does not exceed that for the following nurlber of vehicles;' (a) For one -family dwelling: three vehicles, not more than one of which may be a non -passenger. vehicle. See 3ec,10.11.4, page 59 (b) For any other dwelling: passenger vehicles equal to 1.50h of the number of dwelling units in the dwelling. See section 10.11.1, page 59 (c) For any other use: no limitations. G_uZ,GE, PUBLIC. A structure or portion thereof other than a private or com- munity garage used for the storage, sale, hire, or repair of self-propelled vehicles or trailers. GLOSS t'�RL.i. The total usable area including accessory space dedicated to such. things as streets, easements and uses out of character with the principal uses, but within a unit of area being measured. GUEST COTT..GE. :,n accessory, detached dwelling without any kitchen facilities designed for and used to house transient visitors or non-paying guests of the occupants of the main building. HEIGHT OF BUILDING; The vertical distance at the center of a building's principal front, measured from the level of the first floor above grade to the highest _point of the roof beards in the case of flat roofs, to the deck line of mansard roofs, or to the center height between eaves and ridges for gable, hip or gambrel roofs. For buildings set back from the street line, the height may be measured from the average elevation of the finished grgde along the front of the building. HOME OCMz,TICN. .my use customarily carried on within a dwelling by the in- habitants thereof which use is incidental to the residential use, and not primarily considered as a business. HOTEL. :� building in which lodging is provided and offered to the public for compensation and which is open to transient guests. JM, Y:.RD, .. place where waste, discarded or salvaged materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled; cleaned, packed, disassembled or handled, including auto wrecking yards, house wrecking yards, used -lumber yards, and yards for use of salvaged house wrecking and structural ste,,l mater- ials and equipment. 7. KENNEL. Any preniscs on which 4 or mort, dogs, which arc; five t,i_nths old or older, arc kept. LOT. A parcel of land under one ownership used or capable of being used under the regulations of this Ordinanct,, including both the building site and all required yards and other open spaces, and havinc frontage upon a street or . alley. LOT COVER�GE. That portion of a lot that is eccupicu by the principal building and its accessory buildings, expressed as a perccntag.c of thy. total lot area. It shall include all projections except caves. LOT DE TH. The horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. LOT WIDTH. The distance between side lot lines measured at the front yard building line. 14AJOR THOROUGHF"JIRES. The primary and secondary arterials and state highways as shown on the Comprehensive Plan. Jt,.NUF.,CLURE. The converting of raw unfinished materials or products, or any or either of them into an articlo or articles or substance of a. different character or for use for a c,ifferent character or for use as a different purpose. MOBILE HOiE. ;.11 vehicles, self propelled or propelled by another vehicle, for *use or capable of being used for living and/or sleeping quarters and not conforming to any schedule: op�.ratinC betwoGn fixed termini. 11OBILE HOi�� t�.RK. �,.ny property used for the accomodation of inhabited trailer or mobile home coaches. MULTI. -LLE F MILY PISIDENCE. :4, building; arranged to be occupied by more than two fa..rulies. NET :,Ri,:,. The toatl usable urea exclusive of space dcdicatcd to such things as streets, easements, and use out of character with the principal uses: NON-CONFOM,1ING USE. « use or an activity involving a building or land occupy- ing or in.axistence at the offoctive date of this Ordinance or at the time of any amendments thereto which does not conform to the standards of the zoning• district in which located. NURSING OR TLST HOME, "any building where persons are housed or lodged and fur- nished with mea�a and nursing care for hire. OFF-STREET !', RKING S -..CE. , permanently surfaced area for the parking of a motor vehicle. FRINCIi:,L USES -MlITTED OUTRIGHT. Those uses allowed as a matter of richt within use distriots'Vithout public hearing, zoning; permit, conditional exception or variance; provided that such use is in accordance with requirements of the particular district and general conditions stated elsewhere in the Ordinance. PROFESSIONAL -TYPE SERVICE. Activities such as those offered by a physician, surgeon, dentist, lawyer, architect, engineer, accountant, artist and teacher, exclud- ing services such as real estate and insurance sales. The distinction between the practice of a "profession" and the conduct of a mercantile "business" is that the former is purely personal, depending upon skill or art of the indivi- dual, while the latter may consist in the ability to organize and manage a shop or exchange where commodities are bought or sold. PROHIBITED USES. Any use which is not specifically encumerated or interpreted as allowable in that district. PROJECTION. A combination of materials constructed or added to a building or structure that extends into the yards, but is not part of the bearing members, roof or enclosure, and not essential to the creation of usable space. LOOMING HOUSE. A building wherein furnished rooms, without cooking facilities, are rented for compensation to three (3) or more non -transient persons not included in the family unit of the owner or tenant of the premises. SERVICE STATION. A retail establishment for the sale on the premises of motor vehicle fuel and other petroleum products and automobile accessories, and for the washing, lubrication, and minor repair of automotive vehicles. SIGN ADVERTISING. Any structure or portion thereof that is intended for advert- ising purposes or on which letters, figures, or pictorial matter are, or are intended to be displayed; other than a business sign. SIGN, BUSINESS. Any sign, structure, or device which directs attention to the premises on which located, or the occupant of the premises, or the goods or services manufactured, produced, or available on the premises. STORY. That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling next above it. First story means any floor not over 4k feet above the established grade, or if set back, above average ground level at front line of building. STORY, HALF. A space under a sloping roof which has the line of intersection of roof decking and wall face not more than four (4) feet above the top floor level. A half -story containing independent apartments or living quarters shall be counted as a full story. STREETS. A public way 40 feet or more in right of way width which affords a primary means of access to property. USE. An activity or purpose for which land or premises or a building thereon is designed, arranged, or intended, or for which it is occupied or main- tained, let or leased. a UTILITY. A public service or quasi -public service operated to provide the necessary functions for the whole community. VARIANCE. A modification of the regulations of this Ordinance when authorized by the Board of Adjustment after finding that the literal application of the provisions of this Ordinance would cause undue and unnecessary hardship in view of certain facts and conditions applying to a specific parcel of property. VICINITY. The area surrounding a use in which such use produces a discernable influence by esthetic appearance, traffic, noise, glare, smoke or similar influences. YARDS. The land unoccupied or unobstructed, from the ground upward, except for such encroachments as may be permitted by this Ordinance, surrounding a building site. YARD,FRONT. An open space, other than the court, on the same lot with the building, between the front line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the front property line and including the full width of the lot to its side line. YARD, REAR. An open space on the same line with the building, between the rear line of the building (exclusive of steps, porches and accessory buildings) and the rear line of the lot including the full width of the lot to its side lines. YARD, SIDE. An open space on the same lot with the building between the side wall line of the building and the side line of the lot and extending from front yard to rear yard. No portion of a structure shall project into any side yard except eaves which may project 2 feet, 0 inches. ZONING. The regulation of the use of private lands or the manner of construction related thereto in the interest of achieving a comprehensive plan of develop- ment. Such regulations shall also govern those public and quasi -public land use and buildings which provide for proprietary type service for the community's benefit as contrasted with governmental activities. Governmental activities are encouraged to cooperate under these regulations to secure harmonious city development. ZONING LOT. A tract of land occupied or to be occupied by a principal building and its accessory facilities, together with such open spaces and yards as are required under the provisions of this Ordinance, having not less than the minimum area required by this Ordinance for a zoning purpose in the district in which such land is situated, and having its principal frontage on a public street of standard width and improvement. A "zoning lot" need not necessarily coincide with the "record lot" which refers to land designated as a separate and distinct parcel on a legally recorded subdivision plat or in a legally recorded deed filed in the records of the County. ZONE TRANSITION LOT. A parcel of land abutting a district boundary where the district boundary is not a street upon which more restrictive or less re- strictive standards are affixed by this Ordinance. The width.of such parcel shall be the width of the lot as platted, but not to exceed 100 feet in any instance. 10 . CHAPTER 10.4 TRANSITIONAL AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICTS Section 10.4.01 PURPOSE AND FUNCTION. The purpose and function of the Transi- tional Agricultural 'Zoning Districts is to provide minimum standards and requirements governing land use for certain areas generally undeveloped or under cultivation, or in use for agricultural and related purposes, which areas arc determined to be in transitional stages of development for uses of a more intensive character. Section 10.4.02 RESIDENTIAL -AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT - RA - PURPOSE AND FUNCTION. The Residential -Agricultural DiStr.Let is intended to provide minimum standards for areas in transitional development for uses predominantly residential in character in general conformance to the Comprehensive Plan. Section 10.4.03 RESIDENTIAL -AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICT - RA - PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. (1) One -family detached dwellings, including servants' quarters, private garages, guest cottages, accessory buildings and uses, and home occupations. (2) All land uses, activities, operations, buildings, structures and o;hcr facilities necessary for agriculture, dairying, grazing, horticulture, and the growing and harvesting of agricultural crops, providing however that the aforemen:_ioned shall not include commercial or industrial processing, manufac�uring or packaging of food, dairy and other agricultural or horti- cultural products, cxcepc those sold at retail on the premises. (3) Accessory uses of all kinds. (4) The sale on the premises of all products grown and harvested, but not including any business, trade or industry. (5) Home occupations arc permitted which arc customarily carried on within a dwelling by a member or members of a family. Such activity shall be secondary to the use of the dwelling for living purposes. No- more 1-han 25% of the floor space of she main floor, which may be in the basement, or on the first floor only, of such dwelling may be used. and under no circumstances more than 300 square feet. After the effec'ive date of this Ordinance, a Certification of Occu- pancy from the City Engineer shall be required of the property owner for all home occupations esLablished in buildings and premises not now contain- ing such use and located in any residential district. For additional requirements see Section 10.10.23. Section 10.4.04 RA ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. The following uses may be authorized by the board of Adjustment as conditional exceptions in RA Zoning Districts as indicated. (1) Parks and playgrounds. 11. (2) Public, private and parochial schools and supporting dormitory facilities, provided that playfields, exclusive of the building site, shall be provided at the minimum ratio of 1 acre per hundred students for elem- entary schools and 1z acre per hundred students for junior and senior high schools, maximum design capacity. (3) Churches and other religious or charitable organizations. (4) Public and governmental buildings serving as administrative offices. (5) Fire and police stations. (6) Libraries. (7) Hospitals, rest and convalescent facilities for hu man beings, but not for treatment of contagious diseases, insanity, feeble minded, epileptics, or liquor or drug addicts. (8) Nursery schools, day nurseries, orphanages, private kindergartens and similar child-care centers, provided there is established and maintained in connection therewith a fenced and screened play lot on or adjoining the premises with a minimum area of 400 square feet plus an additional 40 aquare feet for each child in excess of ten. (9) Private clubs, lodges, convents, social or recreational buildings and community assembly halls except those having a chief activity carried on for monetary gain; provided, that any building used for such purposes shall be at least 50 feet distant from any adjoining residentially used lot; and provided that there be no external evidence of gainful activities, however incidental; nor any access to any space used for gainful activities other than from within the building. (10) Office buildings for professional -type services such as physicians, surgeons, dentists, architects, accountants, artists, authors, engineers, lawyers, and similar occupations; provided the property is planned, built and operated as a unit and adjoins or abuts a business or industrial dis- trict within the same block and/or borders or fronts on a street which is a continuation of a street in the business or industrial zone, bordering the same block; provided that a determination is made that the character of the residential district shall not be materially affected. (11) railroad rights-of-way, but not yards or other similar facilities. (12) Franchised and public utility and communication facilities, such as branch telephone exchanges, static transformers, booster stations, pump- ing stations, provided there are no service or storage buildings or yards in connection therewith. (13) Similar uses not harmful•to or inconsistent with a residential neighborhood environment. 12, Section 10.4.05 RA ZONING DISTRICT - EXISTING RESIDENTIAL USES OF GREATER DENSITY NOT NON -CONFORMING. Residential uses of any kind located in an RA Zoning District and in existence at the time of adoption of this Ordinance shall not be deemed non -conforming in terms of the density provisions relating to this District. Section 10.4.06 RA ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED USES. In the RA Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile home, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. Section 10.4.07 RA ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions for the RA Zoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum height of building: Two story but not to exceed 35 ft. (2) Minimum area of lot: 1 acre. (3) Minimum width of lot: 100 ft. (4) Maximum percent of building coverage on lot: 30'/. (5) Minimum front yard depth: 30 ft. (6) Minimum side yard width: 15 ft. (7) Minimum side yard width along flanking street of corner lot: 20 ft. (8) Minimum rear yard: 50 ft. Section 10.4.1 INDUSTRIAL -AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT - MA - PURPOSE AND FUNCTION. The Industrial -Agricultural District is intended to provide minimum standards for areas in transitional development for uses predominantly industrial in character in general conformance to the Comprehensive Plan. Section 10.4.2 INDUSTRIAL -AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICT - MA - PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. (1) Principal uses permitted outright in the Residential -Agricultural Zoning District RA. (2) Processing, manufacturing, storage and warehousing of agricultural, dairy and horticultural products. (3) Animal hospitals or clinics, boarding kennels, breeding establish- ments and other uses and facilities of the same general character. (4) Airports, drive-in theaters, golf courses, public stables, riding academies, rodeo grounds, golf driving ranges, and other uses of a similar character requiring large land areas. 13. (5) Railroad rights-of-way, yards, and operating facilities. (6) Franchised and public utility structures, facilities and operations of all kinds serving and supporting residential, coruacrcial or industrial uses. (7) Storage and equipment yards of all kinds, provided, however, that no wrecking, salvaging, junking or similar operations axe carried on, and no storage or sales of junk, scrap or materials arc: conducted; and provided, further, that such yards, when located within 300 feet from the boundaries of any residential zoning district or of any residential -use area shown on the Comprehensive Plan, shall be completely fenced or screened by sight -obscuring mc.terial so that the interior of such yards shall not be visible from any point on the ground or in any building within -the vicinity area, The set -back and yard provisions in effedt for the respective resi- dential zoning districts shall apply to such yards when located on adjoining or abutting property. (g) :,ccessory uses of all kinds. Section 10.4.3 ELL ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITION.,L EXCEPTIONS, The conditional ex- ceptions that may be authorized by the Board of "Idjustmcnt in the M., Zoning district are as follows: (1) :my uses deemed to be of the same general ch1r1.cter as the principal uses permitted outright exclusive of livestock auction barns and yards and commercial livestock feeding yards or lots. Section 10.4.4 ti, ZONIIG DISTRICT - M,ISTING R,SIDENTL L UaLS OF GRL"TLR DENSITY NOT P1ON-CONFO11,11ING. Residential uses of any kind located in an Nom, Zoning District and in existence at the time of adoption of this Ordinance shall not be deemed non -conforming in tc,rms of the density provisions re- lating to this District. Section 10.4.5 Mt, ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED USES. In the K', Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile horse, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. Section 10.1.6 1L, ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions for Int', Zoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum height of building: 90 feet. (2) idnimum area of lot: 3 acres. (3) Minimum width of lot: 200 feet. (4) M,,mimum lot coverage: 20;0 (5) Minimum front, rear and side yards width: None except where pro- perty in such district flanks or is opposite a'residential zone, in which case the set -backs of the residential zoning district shall be observed. 14. CHAPTER 10.5 RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS Section 10.5.01 SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT - SR - PRINCIPAL USES PER- MITTED OUTRIGHT. The principal uses permuted outright in this district are as follows: (1) One -family detached dwellings, including servant's quarters, privaLe garages, guest cottages, accessory buildings and uses, and home occupations. (2) Agricultural uses including horticultural and nurseries, but not including the raising of animals or fowl for commercial purposes, or the sale of any produce or products at retail en the premises. (3) A private stable, if locaLed not: less than 60 feet from a front street line or a side or rear lot line, providing accommodations for not more than one hors�,mulc or pony for the first one acre and no more than one additional of the before -mentioned animals per each 10,000 additional square feet more than the first acre in the tract. (4) Home occupations are permitted which are customarily carried on within a dwelling by.a member or members of a family. Such activity shall be secondary to the use of the dwelling for living purposes. Not more than 25 percent of the floor space of the main floor, which may be in the basement, or on the first floor only of such dwelling may be used, and under no circumstances more Lhan 300 square feet. After the effective date of this Ordinance, a Certificate of Occupancy from the City Engineer shall be required of the property owner for all home occupations established in buildings and premises not now containing such use and located in any residential district. For additional requirements, see Section 10.10.23. Section 10.5.02 SR ZONING DISTRICT-- ACCESSORY USES PERMITTED. (1) Accessory uses customarily incidental to a principal use permitted outright, such as private garages or parking areas for non-commercial vehicles only, conservatories for planes and flowers, but not including any business, trade or industry. (2) Non -flashing residential name plates not exceeding 64 square inches bearing only the name and address of the occupan,,; non -flashing sign or bulletin boards for quasi- public institutional buildings not exceeding 30 square feet permitted for non-residential uses and conditional exceptions. Section 10.5.03 SR ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. The following uses may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment as conditional exceptions in an SR Zoning District as indicated. Such uses, although not permitted out- right, shall not be deemed non -conforming if existing at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance. 15. (1) Parks and playgrounds. (2) Public,private and parochial schools and supporting dormitory faci- lities, provided that playfields, exclusive of the building site, shall be provided at the minimum ratio of 1 acre per hundred students for elementary schools and 12 acre per hundred students for junior and senior high schools, maximum design capacityi (3) Churches and other religious or charitable organizations. (4) Public and governmental buildings serving as administrative offices, (5) Fire and police stations. (6) Libraries. (7) Hospitals, homes for aged, "retirement" homes, rest and convales- cent facilities for human beings, but not for treatment of contagious dis- eases, insanity, feeble minded, epileptics, or liquor or drug addicts. (8) Nursery schools, day nurseries, orphanages, private kindergartens and similar child-care centers, provided there is established and maintained in connection therewith a fenced and screened play lot on or adjoining the premises with a minimum area of 400 square feet plus an additional40 square feet for each child in excess of ten. (9) Private clubs, lodges, convents, social or recreatioasl buildings and community assembly halls except those having a chief activity carried on for monetary gain; provided, that any building used for such purposes shall be at least 50 feet distant from any adjoining residentially used lot; and provided that there be no external evidence of gainful activities, however incidental; nor any access to any q)ace used for gainful activities other than from within the building. (10) Office buildings for professional -type services such as physicians, surgeons, dentists, architects, accountants, artists, authoris, engineers, lawyers, and similar occupations; provided the property is planned, built and operated as a unit and adjoins or abuts a business or industrial district within the same block, and/or borders or fronts on a street which is a con- tinuation of a street in the business or industrial zone, bordering the same block; provided that a determination is made that the character of the resi- dential district shall not be materially affected. (11) Railroad rights-of-way and operating facilities appurtenant thereto, but not yards, industrial spurs, or other similar facilities. (12) Franchised and public utility and communication facilities, such as branch telephone exchanges, static transformers, booster stations, pumping stations, provided there are no service or storage buildings or yards in connection therewith. (13) Cemeteries, mausoleums and cremator .urns. 16. (14) Private or public golf courses and country club or social club facilities in connection therewith. (15) Similar uses not harmful to or inconsistent with a residential neighborhood environment. Section 10.5.04 SR ZONING DISTRICT - EXISTIN:7 RESIDENTIAL USES OF GREATER DENSITY NOT NON -CONFORMING. Residential uses of any kind located in an SR District and in existence at the time of adoption of this Ordinance shall not be deemed non -conforming. Section 10.5.05 SR ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED USES. In the SR Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile home, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for resi- dential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. Section 10.5.06 SR ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions for the SRZoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum number of families permitted per lot: 1 (2) Maximum height of buildings: 2 story but not to exceed 35 ft. (3) Minimum area of lot: 20,000 square feet. (4) Minimum width of lot: 100 feet. (5) Maximum percent of building coverage of lot: 20%. (6) Minimum front yard depth: 20 feet. (7) Minimum side yard width: 15 feet. (8) Minimum side yard width along flanking street of corner lot: 20 ft. (9) Minimum rear yard required: 50 feet. Section 10.5.1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT - R1 - PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. (1) One single family detached dwelling structure per lot. (2) Subsistence or hobby -type gardening and horticultural activities and related structures having less than 400 square feet total area and used solely for non-commercial purposes. Section 10.5.2 R1 ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES PERMITTED. (1) Uses customarily incidental to a principal use permitted outright, 171 such as gar-.gcs or parking c.rcas for non-commercial vehicles only, but not including any business, trn.dc or industry. (2) Home occupations arc: permitted which arc customarily carried on within a dwelling by an me,nber or members of a family. Such activity shall be secondary to the use of the dwelling for living purposes. Not more than 25 percent of the floor space of the main floor, which may be in the basement, or on the first floor only, of such dwelling may be used, and under no circumstances more than 300 squwre feet. :after the effective date of this Ordinance a Certificate of Occupancy from the City Engineer shall be required of the property owner for all home occupations established in buildings Ind promises not now containing such use and located in any residential district. For additional requirements, see Section 10.10.23. (3) The renting of rooms by the resident owner for lodging purposes only, and for the accommodation of not more than 2 roomers in a single- family dwelling. (4) Non -flashing residontial name plates not exceeding 64 square inches bearing only the name and address of the occupant; non -flashing bulletin boards or signs not exceeding 30 square feet for quasi -public institutional bui ldin s . Section 10.5.3 R1 ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITION::L EXCEPTIONS. The following uses may be authorized by the Board of ,djustmcnt as conditional exceptions in. an R1 Zoning District as indicated. Such uses, although not permitted outright, shall not be deemed non -conforming if existing at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance. (1) Parks and playgrounds. (2) Public, private and parochial schools and supporting dormitory, convents and facilities, provided that playfields, exclusive of the building site, shall be provided at the minimum ratio of 1 acre per hundred students for elementary schools and 11 acre per hundred students for junior and senior high schools, maximum design capacity. (3) Churches and other religious or charitable organizations. (k) Public and governmental buildings serving as administrative offices. (5) Fire and police stations. (6) Libraries... (7) Franchised and public utility and communication facilities, such as branch telephono exchanges, static transformers, booster stations, pumping stations, provided there arc no service or storage buildings or yards in connection therewith and that proper landscaping and screening is provided. (g) Similar uses not harmful to or inconsistent with a residential neighborhood environment. Section 10.5.4 Rl ZONING DISTRICT - 710-F:u ILY DZ-ELLING STRUCTURK NOT NON- CONF02 IEG. Two family dwelling structures (duplexes), although not per- mitted outright, shall not be decmcd non -conforming if existing at the time of adoption of this Ordinance. Section 10.5.5 R1 ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED U&S. In the R1 Zoning Distrigt no mobile home, camping trailcer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile hone, camping trailer) boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. Section 10.5.5 R1 ZONING DIARICT - R AiSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions for the R]. ZoninZ District arc as follows: (1) Kaximum number of families permitted per lot: l (2) l a.,ximum hei,ht of building: 2X story but not to exceed 35 ft. (continued on page lq 19. (3) Minimum area of lot: 7000 square feet. (4) Minimum depth of lot: 80 feet. (5) Minimum width of lot: 60 feet. (6) Maximum percent of building coverage: 30% of lot. (7) Minimum front yard depth: 20 feet. (8) Minimum side yard width: 5 feet. (9) Minimum side yard width along flanking street of corner 16t: 15 ft. (10) Minimum rear yard required: 25 feet. Section 10.5.11 TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT R2 - PRINCIPAL USES PER- MITTED OUTRIGHT. (1) Principal uses permitted outright in R1 Zoning District. (2) Two-family attached dwellings (duplexes). (3) Single family detached dwellings on lots of 6000 square feet minimum area. Section 10.5.12 R2 ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES PERMITTED (1) Uses customarily incidental to a principal use permitted outright, such as private garages or parking areas for non-commercial vehicles only, but not including any business trade or industry. (2) Home occupations are permitted which are customarily carried on within a dwelling by a member or members of a family. Such activity shall be secondary to the use of the dwelling for living purposes. Not more than 25 percent of the floor space of the main floor, which may be in the basement, or on the first floor only, of such dwelling may be used, and under no circumstances more than 300 square feet. After the effective date of this Ordinance, a Certificate of Occupancy from the City Engineer shall be required of the property owner for all home occupations established in buildings and premises not now containing such use and located in any residential district. For additional requirements, see Section 10.10.23. (3) The renting of rooms by the resident owner for lodging purposes only, and for the accommodation of not more than 2 roomers in a single- family dwelling. (4) Non -flashing residential name plates not exceeding 64 square inches bearing only the name and address of the occupant; non -flashing bulletin boards or signs not exceeding 30 square feet for quasi -public institutional buildings. 20. Section 10.5.13 R2 ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. The following uses may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment as conditional exceptions in an R2 Zoning District as indicated. Such uses, although not permitted outright, shall not be deemed non -conforming if existing at the time of adoption of this Ordinance. (1) Parks and playgrounds. (2) Public, private and parochial schools and supporting dormitory facilities, provided that playfields, exclusive of the building site, shall be provided at the minimum ratio of 1 acre per hundred students for ele- mentary schools and 1z acre per hundred students for junior and senior high schools, maximum design capacity. (3) Churches and other religious or charitable organizations. (4) Public and governmental buildings serving as administrative offices. (5) Fire and police stations. (6) Libraries. (7) Hospitals, homes for aged, `retirement" homes, rest and convales- cent facilities for human beings but not for treatment of contagious dis- eases, insanity, feeble minded, epileptics, or liquor or drug addicts. (8) Nursery schools, day nurseries, orphanages, private kindergartens and similar child-care centers, provided there is established and main- tained in connection therewith a fenced and screened play lot on or ad- joining the premises with a minimum area of 400 square feet plus an addi- tional 40 square feet for each child in excess of ten. (9) Private clubs, lodges, conv4�.n.ts, social or recreational build- ings and community assembly halls except those having a chief activity carried on for monetary gain; provided, that any building used for such purposes shall be at least 50 feet distant from any adjoining residentially used lot; and provided that there be no external evidence of gainful acti- vities, however incidental; nor any access to any space used for gainful activities other than from within the building. (10) Office buildings for professional -type services such as physicians, surgeons, dentists, architects, accountants, artists, authors, engineers, lawyers, and similar occupations; provided the property is planned, built and operated as a unit and adjoins or abuts a business or industrial dis- trict within the same block, and/or borders or fronts on a street which is a continuation of a street in the business or industrial zone, border- ing the same block; provided that a determination is made that the charac- ter of the residential district shall not be materially affected. (11) Railroad rights-of-way and operating facilities appurtenant thereto, but not yards, industrial spurs, or other similar facilities. (12) Franchised and public utility and communication facilities, such as branch telephone exchanges, static transformers, booster stations, pumping stations, provided there are no service or storage buildings or 21. yards in connection thorewith. (13) Cemeteries, mausoleums, crematoriums and coluibariums. (14) Private or ,,)ublic golf courses and country club or social club facilities in connection therewith. (15) Similar uses not harmful to or inconsistent tirith a residential neighborhood environment. Section 10.5.14 R2 Z0NR,*G DIST'6 CT - 1,,,RG1TIBITLD USS. In the R2 Zoning District no mobile horse, carping trailer or similar convcyanec ti•rhile being used for be living and/or sleeping quarters or human h.bitation of any kind shallot in allowed to stand or to be parked on or to oecul.y an1. ,yr portion of said district. No more than one each of such ;aooile ho; .e, c^r,ping trailer, boat or other si;:iln.r conveyance may be stored on a single lot usedfor residential rurnoscs,--xoviding that such convcyances shall (1) el oca on the roar half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be loss than 10 feet from any flanking or side street lino; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. Section 10.5.15 R2 ZOUI11,11IG DIST tICT - DENSITY FRoVISIONS. Density provisions for the R2 Zoning District arc as follows: (1) iiaxir.:um height of buildings: 21* story, but not to exceed 35 ft. (2) iiinimum arca of lot: 6000 square ft. for single family dct.^.ched dwelling structures, 8000 square ft. for two-fasrily attached dwelling structures. (3) Kinir_ium depth of lot: 90 feet. (4) Rdnimum width of lot: 60 feet. (;) iaxinuri percent of lot coverage: 40` (6) 17inimurr. front yard depth.: 20 foot. (7) iniraum side yard width: 5 feet. {C) mW -n side yard width along flanking street of corner lot: 15 ft. (9) minimum rear yard required: 25 feet. Section 10.5.21 1 ULTIPLE NELLI.NG ZONING DIST' ICT R3 - PRINCIP..L USES PER!-iITTED OUTRIGHT. (1) Principal uses permitted outright in the R2 Zoning District, (2) 1,iultiple dwelling structures or groups of structures, including triplex and fourplex family dwelling structures, and multi-fariily apart- 22. ments in which units are rented on a permanent basis, but not including motels, mobile homes, or other facilities offered on a transient tenancy basis. Section 10.5.22 R3 ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES PERMITTED. (1) Uses customarily incidental to a principal use permitted out- right, such as private garages or parking areas for non-commercial vehicles only, but not including any business trade or industry. (2) Home occupations are permitted which are customarily carried on within a dwelling by a member or members of a family. Such activity shall be secondary to the use of the dwelling for .living purposes. Not more than 25 percent of the floor space of the main floor, which may be in the basement, or on the first floor only; of such dwelling may be used, and under no circumstances more than 300 square feet. After the effective date of this Ordinance, a Certificate of Occupancy from the City Engineer shall be required of the property owner for all home occupations established in buildings and premises not now containing such use and located in any residential district. For additional requirements, see Section 10.10.23. (3) The renting of rooms by the resident owner for lodging purposes only, and for the accommodation of not more than 2 roomers in a single- family dwelling. (4) Non -flashing residential name plates not exceeding 64 square inches bearing only the name and address of the occupant; non -flashing bul- letin boards or signs not exceeding 30 square feet for quasi -public insti- tutional buildings. Section 10.5.23 R3 ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. The following uses may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment as conditional exceptions in an R3 Zoning District as indicated.. Such uses, although not permitted outright, shall not be deemed non -conforming if existing at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance. (1) Parks and playgrounds. (2) Public, private and parochial schools and supporting dormitory facilities, provided that playfields, exclusive of the building site, shall be provided at the minimum ratio of 1 acre per hundred students for elementary schools and 1� acre per hundred students for junior and senior high schools, maximum design capacity. (3) Churches and other religious or charitable organizations. (4) Public and governmental buildings serving as administrative offices. (5) Fire and police stations. (6) Libraries. 23 . (7) Hospitals, hoAcs for aged, "retirement" homes, rest and convales- cent facilities for human beings, but not for treatment of contagious dis- eases, insanity, feeble minded, epileptics, or liquor or drug addicts. (8) Nursery schools, day nurseries, orphanages, private kindergartens and similar child-care centers, provided there is established and maintained in connection therewith a fenced and screened play lot on or adjoining the premises with a minimum area of 400 square feet plus an additional 40 square feet for each child in excess of ten. (9) Private clubs, lodges, convents, social or recrontional buildings and community assembly halls except those having a chief activity carried on for monctnry gain; provided, that any building used for such purposes shall be at least 50 feet distant from any adjoining residentially used o lot; cr ncidental, fortanycaccess totanyaspacedused forggainful2activities however ine , other than from within the building. (10) Office buildings for professional -type services such as physicians, surgeons, dentists architects, accountants, artists; authors, engineers, lawyers, and similar occupations; provided the property is planned, built and operated as a unit and adjoins or abuts a business or industrial dis- trict within the same block, and/or borders or fronts on a street which is a continuation of n street in the business or industrial zone, border- ing the same block; provided that a determination is mAde that the char- acter of the residential district shall not be materially affected. (11) Railroad rights-of-way and operating facilities appurtenant thereto, but not yard, industrial spurs, or other sirdar facilities. (12) Franchised and public utility and communication facilities, such as branch telophone exchanges, static transformers, booster stations, there arc no service or storage buildings or pumping stations, provided yards in commection therewith. (13) Cemeteries, mausoleums, crematoriums and columbnriums. (14) Private or public golf courses and country club or social club facilities in connection therewith. (15) Housing projects involving multi -family units in a grouping of buildings generally on single sites and planned and developed as an in- tegral unit for which it is difficult or impossible to apply standards for density controls contained in this Ordinance. The Board of adjustment shall We full cognizance of the problems imnoscd upon lnrge scale de- velopments on the basis of their conformance to accepted land and build- ing planning principles and their effect upon existing land and property values in the vicinity thereof. (16) Similar uses not harmful to or inconsistent with a residential neighborhood environment. 24. Section 10.5.24 R3 ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED USES. In the R3 Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile home, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. Section 10.5.25 R3 ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions for the R3 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum height of buildings: 3 stories, but not to exceed 40 ft. (2) Minimum area of lot: R1- One single family detached dwelling structure - 6000 square feet. R2- One two-family attached dwelling structure - 7000 square feet. R3- Multiple family dwelling structures - 3000 square feet per family dwelling unit for first four dwelling units; 2000 square feet per unit for each dwelling unit in excess of first four. (3) Minimum depth of lot: 90 feet. (4) Minimum width of lot: 60 feet. (5) Maximum percent of lot coverage: 45%. (6) Minimum front yard depth: 15 feet. (7) Minimum side yard width: 5 feet, except when abutting an SR, R1, or R2 Zoning District, then 10 feet shall be required. (8) Minimum side yard width along flanking street of corner lot: 10 feet. (9) Additional Side yard required per story when in excess of 2 story: 2 feet. (10) Minimum rear yard required: 20 feet. Section 10.5.31 MULTIPLE DWELLING ZONING DISTRICT R4 - PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. Principal uses permitted outright in R3 Zoning District. Section 10.5.32 R4 ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES PERMITTED. (1) Uses customarily incidental to a principal use permitted out- 25. right, such as private garages or parking areas for non-commercial vehicles only, but not including any business, trade or industry. (2) Home occupations are permitted which are customarily carried on within a dwelling by a member or members of a family. Such activity shall be secondary to the use of the dwelling for living purposes. Not more than 25 percent of the floor space of the main floor, which may be in the basement, or on the first floor only, of such dwelling may be used, and under no circumstances more than 300 square feet. After the effective date of this Ordinance, a Certificate of Occupancy from the City Engineer shall be required of the property owner for all home occupations established in buildings and premises not now containing such use and located in any residential distr::_ct. For additional requirements, see Section 10.10.23. (3) The renting of rooms by the resident owner for lodging purposes only, and for the accommodation of not more than 2 roomers in a single- family dwelling. (4) Non -flashing residential name plates not exceeding 64 square inches bearing only the name and address of the occupant; non -flashing bul- letin boards or signs not exceeding 30 square feet for quasi -public in- stitutional buildings. Section 10.5.33 R4 ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. The following uses may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment as conditional exceptions in an R4 Zoning District as indicated. Such uses, although not permitted outright, shall not be deemed non -conforming if existing at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance. (1) Parks and playgrounds. (2) Public, private and parochial schools and supporting dormitory facilities, provided that playfields, exclusive of the building site, shall be provided at the minimum ratio of 1 acre per hundred students for ele- mentary schools and 13,- acre per hundred students for junior and senior high schools, maximum design capacity. (3) Churches and other religious or charitable organizations. (4) Public and governmental buildings serving as administrative offices. (5) Fire and police stations. (6) Libraries. (7) Hospitals, homes for aged, "retirement" homes, rest and convales- cent facilities for human beings, but not for treatment of contagious dis- ease, insanity, feeble minded, epileptics, or liquor or drug addicts. 26 (8) Nursery schools, day nurseries, orphanages, private kindergartens and similar child-care centers, provided there is established and maintained in comrnection therewith a imum arcanofd400dsqu�:renf�etlalusot on or an additiona1n40gsquere premises with a minimum feet for each child in excess of ten. (9) Private Clubs, lodges, convents, social or recreational buildings and community assembly halls except those having a chief activity carried on for monetary gain; providod, that any building used for such purposes shall be at least 50 feet distant from any adjoining residentially used lot; and provided that there be no extornal evidence of gainful activities, however incidental; nor any access to any space used for gainful activities other than from within the building. (10) Office buildings for professional -type servicessuch as physicians, surpons, dentists, architects, accountants, artists, , en g 2 lawyers, and si?ilnr occupations; provided the property is planned, built and operntcd as a unit and adjoins or abuts ? business or industrial district within thy, same block, and/or borders or fronts on a street which is a continuation of a street in the business or industrial zone, bordering the same block; provided that a determination is made that tho ch�ractr of the residential district shall not be ma.tcrially affected. (11) Railroad rights-of-way and oporAing Ycilitics appurtenant thereto, but not yards, industrial spurs, or other similar fneilitius. (12) Franchised and public utility and comnunicotion facilities, such as branch telephone exchanges, static transformers, booster stations, pumping stations, provided thorn ore no service or storage buildings or yards in connection therewith. (13) Cemeteries, mausoleums, crematoriums and columbariums. (14) Priv7te or public golf courses and country club or social club facilties in connection therewith. (15) Housing projects involving multi -family units in a grouping of buildings generally on single sits --nd planned and developed as an in- t tegral unit for which it is difficult or impossible to apply standards for density controls contained in this Ordinance. The Board of adjustment shall take full cogniz^nee of the problems imposud upon large scale de- velopments on the basis of their conformance to accepted land and building planning principles and their effect upon existing land and property values in the vicinity thereof. (16) Similar uses not harmful to or inconsistent with a residential neighborhood environment. Section 10.5.34 R4 ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED USES. In the R4 Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being usedfor living and/or sleeping qu^.rters or human habitation of any kind shall allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any ;portion of a lot in said district. No more than ono each of such mobile home, camping trailer, 27. boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes; providing that such conveyances shall (1) be 'located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. Section 10.5.35 R4 ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions of the R4 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum height of buildings: 3 stories but not to exceed 40 ft. (2) Minimum area of lot: R1 - One single family detached dwelling structure - 6000 square feet. R2 - One two-family attached dwelling structure - 7000 square feet. R4 - 1500 square feet per dwelling unit for first four dwelling units; 1000 square feet per unit for each dwelling unit in excess of the first four. (3) Minimum depth of lot: 90 feet. (4) Minimum width of lot: 50 feet. (5) Maximum percent of lot coverage: 60%. (6) Minimum front yard depth: 15 feet. (7) Minimum side yard width: 5 feet, except when abutting an SR, R1, R2, or $3 Zoning District, then 10 feet shall be required. (8) Minimum side yard width along flanking street of corner lot: 10 ft. (9) Additional side yard required per story when in excess of 2 stories: 2 feet. (10) Minimum rear yard required: 20 feet. Section 10.5.41 MULTIPLE DWELLING ZONING DISTRICT R5 - PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. Principal uses permitted outright in R4 Zoning District. Section 10.5.42 R5 ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES PERMITTED. (1) Uses customarily incidental to a principal use permitted out- right, such as private garages or parking areas for non-commercial vehicles only, but not including any business, trade or industry. (2) Home occupations are permitted which are customarily carried on within a dwelling by a member or members of a family. Such activity shall be secondary to the use of the dwelling for living purposes. Not more than 25 percent of the floor space of the main floor, which may be in the 28. basement, or on the first floor only, of such dwelling may be used, and under no circumstances more than 300 square feet. After the effective date of this Ordinance, a Certificate of Occupancy from the City Engineer shall be required of the property owner for all home occupations established in buildings and premises not now containing such use and located in any residential district. For additional requirements, see Section 10.10.23. (3) The renting of rooms by the resident owner for lodging purposes only, and for the accommodation of not more than 2 roomers in a single- family dwelling. (4) Non -flashing residential name plates not exceeding 64 square inches bearing only the name and address of the occupant; non -flashing bulletin boards or signs not exceeding 30 square feet for quasi -public institutional buildings. Section 10.5.43 R5 ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. The following uses may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment as conditional exceptions in an R5 Zoning District as indicated. Such uses, although not permitted outright, shall not be deemed non -conforming if existing at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance. (1) Parks and playgrounds. (2) Public, private and parochial schools and supporting dormitory facilities, provided that playfields, exclusive of the building site, shall be provided at the minimum ratio of 1 acre per hundred students for elemen- tary schools and 12 acre per hundred students for junior and senior high schools, maximum design capacity. (3) Churches and other religious or charitable organizations. (4) Public and governmental buildings serving as administrative offices. (5) Fire and police stations. (6) Libraries. (7) Hospitals, homes for aged "retirment" homes, rest and convales- cent facilities for human beings, but not for treatment of contagious dis- eases, insanity, feeble minded, epileptics, or liquor or drug addicts. (8) Nursery schools, day nurseries, orphanages, private kindergartens and similar child-care centers, provided there is established and maintained in connection therewith a fenced and screened play lot on or adjoining the premises with a minimum area of 400 square feet plus an additional 40 square feet for each child in excess of ten. (9) Private clubs, lodges, convents, social or recreational buildings and community assembly halls except those having a chief activity carried on 29. for monetary gAn; provided, that any building used for such purposes shall be at least 50 feet distant from any adjoining residentially used lot; and provided that there be no external evidence of gainful activities, however incidental; nor any access to any sp:.ce used for gainful activities other than from within the building. (10) Office buildings for professional -type services such as physicians, surgeons, dentists, architects, accountants, artists, authors, engineers, lawyers, and similar occupatiohs; provided the property is planned, built and operated as a unit and adjoins or abuts c business or industrial district within the same block, and/or borders or fronts on a street ALA is a con- tinuation of a street in the business or industrial zone, bordering the same block; provide that a determination is made that the character of the resi- dential district shall not be materially affected. (11) Railroad rights-of-way and operating facilities appurtenant thereto, but not yards, industrial spurs, or other similar facilities. (12) Frachised and public utility and communication facilities, such as branch telephone exchanges, static transformers, booster stations, pump- ing stations, provided ther4 are no service or storage buildings or yards in connection therewith. (13) Cemeteries, mausoleums, crematoriums and columbariums. (14) Private or public golf courses and country club or social club facilities in connection therewith. (15) Housing projects involving multi -family units in a. grouping of buildings generally on singly sites ,and planned and developed as an integral unit for which it is difficult or impossible to apply standards for density controls contained in this Ordinance. The Board of Ajustment shall Vke full cognizance of the problems inTosed upon large scale developments on the basis of their conformance to accepted land and building planning principles and their effect upon existing land and property values in the vicinity thereof. (16) Similar uses not harmful to or inconsistent with a residential neighborhood environment. Section 10.5.44 R5 ZONING DISTRICT- PROHIBITED USES. In the R5 Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind shall be allowed to stand or to bo porkcd on or to occupy any portion of a lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile home, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for re- sidential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond thy: front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side Arcot line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. 30. Section 10.5.45 R5 ZONING DIaTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions of the R5 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum height of buildings: 3 stories but not to exceed 40 ft. (2) %iinitinun area of lot: Onosingle family detached dwelling One two-family attached dwelling structure - 6000 square foot. Eultiple dwelling structures - 1000 square feet for each dwelling unit for first four dwelling units; 800 square feet for each dwelling unit in excess of the first four. (3) Minimum depth of lot: 100 feet. (4) Hinimum width of lot: 100 feet. (5) Maximum percent of lot coverage: 606 (6) Minimum front yard depth: 15 feet. (7) iiinimum. side yard width: 5 feet except when abutting an SR, R1, R2 or R3 Zoning District, then 10 feet shall be required. (8) Minimum side yard width along flanking street of corner lot: 10 ft. (9) :additional side yard required per story when in excess of 2 stories: 2 feet. Section 10.5.51 MOBILE HOS RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT - AHR - PRINCIPAL USES PEPd.LITTED OUTRIGHT. (1) Mobile home and trailer courts or parks. Section 10.5.52 NIHR ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES PLPdJTTED. (1) uses ildinssoandlf�cilitaestol forto rkpofficPaluse laundries ttoiletsoutright, including bu g p`' washrooms. (2) Non -flashing bulletin boards or signs not exceeding 30 square feet for non-residential uses and conditional exceptions. (3) The accessory cxcaptions which may be authorized by the Board of :adjustment in this District are those customarily incidental to conditional exceptions allowed. 31. Section 10.5.53 MER ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIuNS. V (1) Maximum height of buildings: 21 stories but not to exceed 35 ft. (2) %linimum area of trailer or mobile home park: 3 acres. (3) Lot areas and dimensions of mobile home or trailer stands, per- centage of lot coverage, and other developmental features shall conform to the requirements of local and state health and sanitary authorities and to other applicable resolutions, ordinances, and regulations. 32. CHAPTER 10.6 BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS Section 10.6.01 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICT Cl. The Cl Neighborhood Business Zoning District is intended to provide for shopping centers serv- ing the daily living needs of people through the sale of primarily convenience goods. Section 10.6.02 C1 ZONING DISTRICT - PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. The principal uses permitted outright in the Cl Zoning District are as follows: (1) Retail stores, shops, services and business activities serving primarily the residents of the surrounding neighborhood, supplying the necessary daily convenience goods for households, such as: groceries; meats, diry products; drugs; confectionery, cleaning -laundry (pick-up only) and self-service laundries; clinics; variety; florists. (2) Uses permitted outright or as conditional exceptions in Resi- dential Districts R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5. Section 10.6.03 Cl ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES. The accessory uses per- mitted outright in Cl Zoning Districts are as follows: (1) Uses and structures customarily incidental to a principal use permitted outright, except of a type specified as a prohibited use. (2) An exterior business sign not facing the side of any adjoining lot in an "R" Zoning District, said sign not to exceed 80 square feet pertaining only to business within. i ection 10.6.04 Cl ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. The conditional �{ exceptions which may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment in a Cl Zoning District are as follows: (1) Any use determined to be of the same general character as the principal uses permitted outright in this District. Section 10.6.05 C1 ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED USES. In the C1 Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind, shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a residentially used lot in said distr-,_ct. No more than one each of such mobile home, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. Section 10.6.06 Cl ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions for the C1 Zoning District are as follows: 33. (1) Maximum building height: 2 story not to exceed 35 feet. (2) Minimum lot area: 5000 square feet. (3) Minimum lot width: 50 feet. (4) Minimum front yard depth: 15 feet. (5) Minimum side yard, interior lot-: none required. (6) Minimum side yard, zone transition lot: same as requirement of any adjoining more restrictive district. (7) Minimum side yard, corner lot: 10 feet. (8) Minimum rear yard: None required, except when abutting any "R" District: 20 feet. Section 10.6.06 Cl ZONING DISTRICT - BASIC REQUIREMENTS. Uses permitted in Cl Zoning District shall be subject to the following limitations: (1) All business, service, processing, or storage shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building, except for off-street automobile parking and off-street loading. (2) Goods sold shall consist primarily of new merchandise, and all goods shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced; storage shall be limited to the current inventory needs of the permitted uses. (3) Mechanical equipment used for the conduct of business within the district shall be limited to devices and processes which cannot be heard beyond the boundary of the District. (4) Processes and equipment employed and goods processed or sold shall be limited to those which are not objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas, vibration, refuse matter, or water carried waste. (5) See specific parking.regulations provided for in Chapter 10.11. (6) All principal uses shall be oriented to pedestrian needs and be so located and designed as to discourage vehicular interference with pedestrian safety. Section 10.6.1 CENTRAL BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICT C2. In the C2 Zoning District it is intended that structures, premises and facilities would provide a major shopping, business, and transportation center serving the community and its trading area. The range of services to be provided would extend from the sales of "convenience goods" to include "shopping goods" such as ''soft lines" (apparel);"hard lines" (hardware, furniture, equipment); banking, professional, business and commercial services; commercial re- creation facilities; and transportation services and facilities. 34. Section 10.6.2 C2 ZONING DISTRICT PRINCIPAL, USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. The principal uses permitted outright in the C2 Zoning District are the uses as specified in the Cl District, and sales, service or business establishments necessary to supply the retail needs of residents in an area such as de- scribed in Section 10.6.1 such as, but not limited to., the following uses: (1) Hardware; drygoods; apparel; interior decorating; appliance center, photographic studio; ice dispensary; home appliance; furniture. (2) Cafe and catering establishment; tavern; theater; gift, music, radio, T.V. shops; bank, business or professional offices; insurance or real estate offices; undertaking establishments. (3) Barber; garage (minor auto repair, but not service stations); refrigerated locker; shoe repair; boot: store; fruit and vegetable markets; bakery; supermarket; self-service laundry; sporting goods; printing establishments. (4) Bus and railway depots; taxi stands; and similar transportation facilities, but not including railroad yards, bus garages or storage yards, and similar operating facilities. (5) Hotels, motels and similar facilities offering accommodations on a transient tenancy basis, but not including mobile home or trailer courts. (6) Uses permitted outright or as conditional exceptions in R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 Districts, provided that they are located so as to serve as transition uses between business and more restrictive residential uses. Section 10.6.3 C2 ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES. The accessory uses permitted outright in C2 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Uses and structures customarily incidental to a principal use permitted outright. (2) Commercial parking lots for private passenger vehicles only. (3) Loading and unloading areas and facilities. Section 10.6.4 C2 ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. Conditional ex- ceptions which may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment in C2 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Places of public assembly for meetings or amusement, provided the location is more than 50 feet from any "R" zone, is completely en- closed and is more than 300 feet from any public school, playground or park, except that churches may be permitted without conformance to the distance requirements. 35. (2) Open structures for parking of private passenger vehicles only, if located 50 feet or more from any "R" zone, and adequately screened. (3) Automobile service stations, but not including ground storage for used vehicles, U -rent trailers or trucks, or similar equipment for sale or hire. (4) Small animal hospitals when located not closer than 150 feet from any residential district and 400 feet or more from any hospital, nursing home, or institutions for the care of the aged or infirm, providing the animals are housed indoors. Section 10.6.5 C2 ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED USES. In the C2 Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind, shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a resi- dentially used lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile home, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single_ lot used for residential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project- beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. Section 10.6.6 C2 ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions for the C2 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum building height: 4 stories, but not to exceed 60 feet for buildings, structures and appurtenant facilities. (2) Minimum lot: None. (3) Minimum front yard depth: None required. (4) Minimum rear yard: None required. (5) Minimum side yard, interior lot: None required. (6) Minimum side yard, corner lot: None required. (7) Minimum front, rear and side yard, zone transition lot: same as requirement of adjoining more restrictive district (when a boundary separates distinct zoning district classifications). (8) Minimum rear yard: None, except when abutting an "R" district: 20 feet. Section 10.6.7 C2 ZONING CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT - BASIC REQUIREMENTS. Basic use permitted in C2 Zoning District shall be subject to these limitations: (1) All business, service, repair, processing, or storage shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building, except for off-street 36. parking and for automobile service stations when the latter is permitted by conditional exception. (2) All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises. (3) Processes and equipment employed and goods processed or sold shall be limited to those which are not objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas; noise, vibration, refuse matter., or water - carried waste. (4) See specific parking regulations provided for in Chapter 10.11. (5) All principal uses, except those for servicing automotive vehicles, shall be oriented to pedestrian needs and be so located and designed to discourage vehicular interference with pedestrian safety. Section 10.6.11 GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT C3. The General Commercial Zoning District C3 is intended to provide for those types of retail., wholesale, transportation, and service uses of a specialized nature, which because of traffic requirements depend upon a particular location to serve the needs of an expanding urban community. The uses permitted in the C3 District are generally those which are not entirely compatible with the C2 District because of heavy -type traffic demands, type of commodities and goods handled, need for large sites, and certain dis- tracting and interruptive influences. Section 10.6.12 C3 ZONING DISTRICT - PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. The principal uses permitted outright in the C3 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Those uses permitted outright or as conditional exceptions in the C2 Zoning District. (2) Production or treatment of such food products, all or a portion of which are sold in conjunction with a retail business conducted on the premises. (3) Fruit and vegetable markets, retail and wholesale; fish markets. (4) Automobile sales and services, used car lots, and storage (ground or otherwise) of vehicles for sale or hire, but not including wrecking, salvage, processing or storage operations. (5) Mobile home or trailer courts. (6) All types of building supply sales and warehousing. (7) Indoor recreational facilities: bowling alleys, dance halls, skating rinks, and other commercialized forms of recreation conducted or carried on within a building. (8) Outdoor recreational facilities: outdoor theaters, golf driving ranges and practice courses, other forms of commercialized recreation carried on entirely outdoors or partly within a building or shelter. 37. (4) Feed and seed stores, nursery sales yards and greenhouses. (10) Trade schools. (11) Stone and monument sales but no industrial operations. (12) Processing and bottling non-alcoholic beverages, the production of which is devoid of fumes, noxious odors or waste products: (13) Similar uses but not including those involving industrial operations, activities, warehousing or storage. Section 10.6.13 C3 ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES. The accessory uses per- mitted outright in the C3 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Uses and structures customarily incidental to a principal uses permitted outright. (2) Advertising signs and outdoor advertising structures not exceeding 300 square feet in area. (3) Parking lots for passenger vehicles and trucks. (4) Loading and unloading area facilities. Section 10.6.14 C3 ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. Conditional exceptions which may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment in the C3 Zoning district are as follows: (1) Wholesale and storage establishments, provided they are enclosed in a building. (2) Truck terminals. (3) Any use determined,to be of the same general character as the principal uses permitted outright. Section 10.6.15 C3 ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED USES. In the C3 Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind, shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a residentially used lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile home, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. Section 10.6.16 C3 ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions for the C3 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum building height: 4 stories, but not exceeding 60 feet for buildings, structures and appurtenant facilities. 38. (2) Minimum lot: none. (3) Minimum front yard depth: none required. (4) Minimum rear yard: none required. (5) Minimum side yard, interior lot: none required. (6) Minimum side yard, corner lot: none required. (7) Minimum front, rear, and side yard, zone transition lot: same as requirements of adjoining more restrictive district (when a boundary separates distinct zoning classifications). 19 0 CHAPTER 10.7 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Section 10.7.01 INTENT. It is the policy of the City Council to permit the esta- blishment of industrial, manufacturing and processing -type activities and uses in appropriate districts in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. Section 10.7.02 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICT - M1 — PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. (1) Principal uses permitted outright in the C3 District, provided that residential uses may be permitted only in conformance with Section 10.7.06. (2) The following typical uses, provided that the Planning Commission may require evidence that uses established after the effective date of this Ordinance shall be operated so as to conform with all performance standards set forth in Chapter 10.8 of this Ordinance. Assembly and fabrication of metal products Auto reconditioning, painting, upholstering, motor rebuilding Automobile or truck wrecking Assembly of electrical appliances, electronic instruments and devices Boat building Body and fender work; farm equipment repair Brewery, distillery or winery Cereal mills Concrete mixing plants Contractors' or loggers' equipment and trucks storage yard, plant, repair, rental Enameling or metal coating (galvanizing, electroplating Foundry Fuel oil distributor, retail Fuels, solid, yard Glue factory using vegetable or synthetic resin materials in its operation which will not produce obnoxious nor offensive odors Grain elevator Heavy machinery, repair, storage, or salvage Lumber or shingle mills Machine shop Manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, dairy products, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceuticals; toiletries (excluding the refining and rendering of fats and oils), food and beverage products. Manufacture, compounding, assembling or treatment of articles or mer- chandise from previously prepared materials, such as bone, cellophane, canvas, cloth, cork, feather, felt, fiber, fur, glass, hair, leather, paper, plastics, textiles; tobacco, wood, yarns, and paint not employing a boiling process. Manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clay Manufacture and maintenance of electric and neon signs, outdoor advertising, and other commercial advertising structures. 40. Manufacture of musical instruments, toys, novelties, and rubber and metal stamps Railroad facilities of all types, except repair shops and engine roundhouses Spinning or knitting of cotton, wool, flax or other fibrous materials Stone, marble and granite monuricnt works Tire retreading or recapping Welding shop Any other uses judged by the Planning Commission to be no more detre- mertal to adjacent properties than, and of the same type and character as, the above listed uses. Section 10.7.03 Ml ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES. Accessory uses may be per- mitted in an 141 Zoning District which are customarily incidental and sub- ordinate to the principal use. Section ZONING DISTRICT - OUTDOOR STORAGE. Out door storage in an 111 District must be maintained in an orderly .manncr at all times. Outdoor storage is permitted under the following conditions: (1) No material may be piled higher than the top of the fence or screening material; such screening material to be a minimum of 7 foot sight - obscuring fence or evergreen planting a rai.nimum of 7 feet high at maturity, T- which shall complctclY enclose said use. (2) Such storage shall be no closer than 100 feet from any residential district. (3) Storage of animal or vcgctable wastes which would attract insects or rodents or otherwise create a health hazard shall be prohibited. Section 10.7.05 °11 ZONING DISTRICT - SIGNS PEPLITTED. All types of signs and outdoor advertising structures are perrnitted in compliance with other city ordinances. Section 10.7.06 Ml ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED USES. No building structure, or premises, or portions thereof, established aft,,r the effective date of this Ordinance, shall be used for human habitation, except as ouarters for a care- taker, guard or other persons whose permanent residency on the premises is required for operational, safety or protective purposes. In the Ml Zoning District no mobile ho:ie, ea::�ping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or hunan habitation of any kind, shall be allowed to stand or to b�. parked on or to occupy any portion of a residentially used lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile, camping trailer, boat or other similar con- veyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, pro- viding that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the roar half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. One mobile home may be ncrmitted, upon approval by the Planning Commission, for use to house a caretaker on an industrial site. 41. Section 10.7.07 M1 ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. (1) Maximum lot coverage: no limitation. (2) Maximum height limitations for this district: 90 feet. (3) Minimum front yard: none required. (4) Minimum rear yard: none required. (5) Minimum side yard: none required. (6) Minimum front, rear and side yard, zone transition lot: same as requirement of adjoining more restrictive district (when a boundary separates district zoning classifications). Section 10.7.1 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICT M2 - PRINCIPAL, USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. In an M2 District, any use established after the effective date of this Ordinance shall be so operated as to conform with all performance standards set forth in Chapter 10.8 of this Ordinance. No use located in an M2 District and already established on the effective date of this Ordinance shall be so altered or modified as to conflict with, or if already in conflict with, to conflict further with any performance standard established by this Ordinance. Section 10.7.2 M2 ZONING DISTRICT - ACCESSORY USES. Accessory uses may be per- mitted in an M2 Zoning District which are customarily incidental and sub- ordinate to the principal use. Section 10.7.3 M2 ZONING DISTRICT - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. The following uses may be permitted in an M2 Zoning District only when the location of such use shall have been approved by the Board of Adjustment after public hearing and examination of the location: Acid manufacture Blast furnace Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of paris manufacture Coal distillation Coke ovens Distillation of bones Dump, rubbish, slag or sawdust Explosives , manufacture or storage Fat rendering Fertilizer manufacture Garbage, offal, or dead animal reduction or dumping Gas manufacture, or storage (artificial, natural, industrial liquified or compressed gases) Glue manufacture Incinerator Junk yards, including processing, storage and sales Ore reduction paper or pulp manufacture 42. Petroleum refining Salvaging, including processing, storage and sales Slaughter of animals or meat packing Smelting of copper, iron, lead, tin or zinc, and other metallic ores Steel manufacture Stock yards or feeding pens Tannery -or the curing of storage of raw hides Section 10.7.4 M2 ZONING DISTRICT - OUTDOOR STORAGE. Outdoor storage in an M2 Zoning District must be maintained in an orderly manner at all times. For outdoor storage in this district uses such as junk yards, auto wrecking and scrap metal storage is permitted under the following conditions: (1) No wrecked autos or scrap material may be piled higher than the top of the fence or screening material; such screening material to be a sight -obscuring fence having a minimum height of 7 feet, or evergreen planting having a minimum height at maturity of 7 feet, which shall com- pletely enclose said use. (2) Such storage shall be not closer than 100 feet from any public thoroughfare and not closer than 300 feet from any residential district. (3) Storage of animal or vegetable wastes which would attract insects or otherwise create a health hazard are prohibited. Section 10.7.5 122 ZONING DISTRICT - PROHIBITED USES. No building, structure, or premises, or portions thereof, established after the effective date of this Ordinance, shall be used for human habitation, except as quarters for a caretaker, guard or other persons whose permanent residency on the premises is required for operational, safety or protective purposes. In the M2 Zoning District no mobile home, camping trailer or similar conveyance while being used for living and/or sleeping quarters or human habitation of any kind, shall be allowed to stand or to be parked on or to occupy any portion of a residentially used lot in said district. No more than one each of such mobile home, camping trailer, boat or other similar conveyance may be stored on a single lot used for residential purposes, providing that such conveyances shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the principal building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; and (4) not be less than 5 feet from any side or rear lot line. One mobile home may be permitted, upon approval by the Planning Commission, for use to house a caretaker on an industrial site. Section 10.7.6 M2 ZONING DISTRICT - DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions for an M2 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum lot coverage: no limitation. (2) Maximum height: no limitation. (3) Minimum front yard: none required. 43. (4) Minimum side yard: none required. (5) Minimum rear yard: none required. (6) Minimum front, rear, and side yard, zone transition lot: same as requirement of adjoining more restrictive district (when a boundary separates district zoning classifications). Z CHAPTER 10.8 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Section 10.8.01 PERFORMaICE STANDARDS - POLICY. It is the intent of the City Council to provide for certain classifications of use bta..'.ar s.Ly which the extent of hazards and nuisances m.y ba.measured. Units of measure and techniques for such determination are established by this Crdinance in the interest of the safety, health and general welfare of the community'at large. Section 10.8.02 SMOKE AND PAr%TICULATE MATTER. (1) The emission of smoke or particulate matter of a density equal to or greater than No. 3 on the Ringlemann Chart as currently published and used by the U. S. Bureau of Mines is prohibited at all times. (2) The emission from any source of particulate matter having more than 10% by weight of particles having a particle density of over 44 microns during any one hour is unlawful. (3) Dust and other types of air pollution borne by the Y,:ind from su-�'.i sources as storage areas and roads shall be minimized by appro_r ate land- scaping, paving, oiling or other acoentable means. Emis^ion o-° r.•art-iculc.t.c matter in excess of the following weight limitations per cu'.;c, fcot of caz- veying gas or air measured at any property line is prohibitel: M1 - Light Manufacturing District?, Crain M2 - Heavy Manufacturing District .4 Grain Section10.8.03 TOTAL SMOKE EMISSIO14 RATL S. The rate of of matter from all sources on any property shall not eY:eed a n^t per acre of property during any one hour as folloT7s: Maxim,-im Tc t l ? "Pt T'.a tc Ml - Light Manufacturing District 3 lbs. per acre Y'2 ... !-"eW'!y 't:lllfxi,; z i.a Di_,2:-"C;'t Q .L3. �'i The above rates are the total net emission rates permitted from all sources on the property after deducting for each source of pollution correction factors set forth in Tables 1, 2 and 3 below for height, vel.)city, and temperature of emission respectively. The total net rate of e::: -scion of particulate matter within the boundaries of any lot shall be e.2ter.-Aned as follows: (1) Determine the maximum emission in pounds per hcur frc.:z each eaurce of air pollution and divide these figures by the acre: o` the pro- perty, thereby obtaining the gross hourly rate of emission in pct­a,,Is per acre. n" 5 (2) From the gross hourly rates of emission derived in (1) above, subtract the appropriate correction factors for height, velocity and temperature of emission of Tables 1, 2 and 3, which follow to derive the net rate of emission. (3) Add together the individual net rates of emission derived in (2) above, to obtain the total net rate of emission from all sources of air pollution within the boundaries of the property. Such total shall not exceed the total net emission rate permitted in each manufacturing zone. Section 10.8.04 SMO'' EMISSION CORRECTIONS FOR HEIGHT OF STACK. Table 1 esta- blishes correction factors for height of stacks in industrial districts: TABLE 1 ALLOWANCE FOR HEIGHT OF EMISSION Particulate Matter Correction in Pounds Per Hour Acre Height in Ft. M1 _M2 50 0.00 0.00 100 0.10 0.56 150 -0.20 1.00 200 10.30 1.50 250 0.40 2.00 300 0.52 2.60 350 0.66 3.30 400 0.°0 4.00 450 0.92 4.60 500 1 5.20 550 1.Z` 6.00 600 1,42 7.00 Interpolate for Intermediate Values not shown in Table. Section 10.8.05 SMOKE EMISSION CORRECTIONS FOP. VELOCITY. Table 2 establishes correction factors for velocity of emission in industrial districts. TABLE 2 ALLOWANCE FOR VELOCITY OF E-14ISSION Particulate Matter Correction in pounds Per Hour Acre Exit Vel. Ft -Sec- Ml 1.12 0 .0 .0 10 0.3 0.8 20 0.6 1.6 30 0.9 2.4 40 1.2 3.2 50 1.5 4.0 60 1.8 4.8 Interpolate for 70 2.1 5.6 Intermediate Values £30 2.4 6.4 Not Shown in Table 46 Section 10.8.06 SMOKE EMISSION CORRECTIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. Table 3 establishes correction factors for temperature of emission in industrial districts. TABLE 3 ALLOWANCE FOR TEMPERATURE OF EMISSION Particulate Matter Correction in Pounds Per Hour Per Acre Temp. of Emission in Deg.F M1 M2 100 0.00 0.00 200 0.03 0.08 300 0.06 0.16 400 0.09 0.24 500 0.12 0.32 600 0.15 0.40 700 0.18 0.48 800 0.21 0.56 900 0.24 0.64 1000 0.27 0.72 1100 0.30 0.80 1200 0.33 0.88 1300 0.36 0.96 1400 0.39 1.04 1500 0.42 1.12 1600 0.45 1.20 1700 0.48 1.28 1300 0.51 1.36 1900 0.54 1.44 2000 0.57 1.52 Interpolate for Intermediate Values Not Shown in Table. Section 10.8.07 SOOT BLOWING AND FIRE CLEANING PERIODS. The following Ringlemann Smoke densities for the designated time periods are the maximums permitted from any source during a 24 hour day for soot blowing and fire cleaning operations: M1 District: No. 4 for 4 minutes or No. 3 for 8 minutes M2 District: No. 4 for 4 minutes or No. 3 for 8 minutes Section 10.8.08 TOXIC OR NOXIOUS MATTER. Any use established in any district before or after the effective date of this Ordinance shall be so operated as to conform with the performance standards governing emission of toxic or noxious matter set forth hereinafter for the district in which such use shall be located. No use shall for any period of time discharge across the boundaries of such property toxic or noxious matter in such concentrations as to be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort or welfare or cause injury or damage to property or business. 47 Section 10.8.09 VIBRATIONS. Every use shall be so operated that the ground vibration inherently and recurrently generated from equipment other than vehicles is not perceptible without instruments at or beyond any boundary line of the property on which the use is located. Section 10.8.10 NOISE. Every use shall be so operated that the noise inherently or recurrently generated does not exceed the following sound pressure level in decibels for each octave band measured at or beyond any property line during the nighttime hours between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. for each dis- trict according to the following schedule: TABLE 4 SOUND PRESSURE LEVELS IN DECIBELS Frequency Band, Cycles Per Sec. M1 M2 0-75 76 83 75-150 67 64 150-300 59 57 300-600 52 49 600-1200 45 45 1200-2400 37 41 2400-4800 34 37 4£00 plus 31 34 (1) Maximum sound pressure levels during the daytime hours between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. may be increased 5 decibels for each frequency band from the values in the previous table. (2) Except as may be provided by other ordinances, moving vehicles are exempt from sound pressure limitation. Section 10.8.11 ODORS. No emission of odorous gases or other odorous matter in such quantities as to be offensive at any point on or beyond any boundary line of the property on which the use is located shall be per- mitted. Section 10.8.12 HEAT AND GLARE. Operations producing heat or glare shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building except in the M2 District. Exterior lighting shall be directed away from adjacent properties. Section 10.8.13 LIQUID AND SOLID WASTES. Storage of animal or vegetable wastes which would attract insects or rodents or otherwise create a health hazard shall be prohibited. 48 CHAPTER 10.9 SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND USES Section 10.9.01 INTENT. It is the intent of this Chapter to provide for addition of new districts established to meet changing conditions and needs. 49• CH;�PTER 10.10 GENEn'T .'sl�D SUi'PI,Li��NT:CRY PROVISIONS Sec tion 10.10. O1 PURPOSE. Provisions of this Chapter are of general application to several zoning districts unless otherwise noted. It is the intent of to Ordinance to provide standards sufficient to afford continuing p property and yet be adaptable enough to avoid unnecessary hardship or inter- ference with growth and natural change. X'J.ccordingly, supplementary provisions are also necessary to govern specific deviations from general rules. These special deviations are to be contras tndi ntby theg$oard whereast-,ndardshconnot 10.15) which r.quires discretionary be completely defined. Section 10.10.02 LOT PROVISIONS. Section 10.10.03 LOT REDUCTION TO VIOLaTION. No property may be so reduced inlot aria that it would be in violation°requirementsminimum lot ,ofatherd pzoningodistrict coverage, off-street parking or any other or use. section 10.10.04 hZINII'IUNI LOT EXCEPTION. Buildings or structures to be erected, moved or structurally alorezoningdistrictinwhich it rthoproperty which sthan isthe locatedmnrovided lot area or dimensions f such property has exist,,d by title in its present form and size since the date of passage of the first zoning ordinance of the City of Kent on K(Ogdinance No. 784) on September 15, 1947 and Zoning Resolution No. 6494 June 21 1937. In such cases documentary proof of the fact and date of acquisition shall be submitted by the person claiming benefits from this clause. This section shall not waive other minimum requirements of this ordinance. Section 10.10.05 Y.;,RD PROVISIONS. FRONT Y:,RDa, GENERAL• Where any front yard is required, no build - Section 10.10.06 hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall ing shall be FR be nearer the front property line than the distance indicated by the depth of the required front yard. Section 10.10.07 FRONT YARDS, PROJECTIONS. Steps, terraces, platforms, porches and similar projections having no roof covering and being not over 42 inches high, may be built ��� in befless thannt ,l0ut in no feet fromcthese sface ofcthe projection cause a fronty projection to the front proncrty line. Section 10.10.0$ FRONT Y«RDS, Sri°iI-BUILT-UP :.Rx�a :after of basisctofealltthef this Ordinance when 40 percent or more, on a front f , property on one side of a street between two intersecting streets has been built up with buildings having a minimum front yard of more or less depth than that established by this Ordinance, and provided that the majority of such front yards do not vary more than 6 feet in depth, no building shall be built within, or shall any portions, save as above excepted, project into 50. such minimum front yard; _provided further, that no new buildings be required to set back more than 35 feet (or as otherwise provided) from the property line in the Residential Zoning Districts, nor more than 2 feet farther than any building on an adjoining lot and that this regulation shall not be inter- preted as to reduce a required front yard to less than 10 foot in depth. Section 10.10.09 SIDE Y:,RD, GENER:*,L. Where any specified side yard is required, no building shall be hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer to the side lot line than the distance indicated by the width of the required side yard. Section 10.10,10 SIDE 1,11IDS, PROJECTIONS..Eaves, cornices, ehimn(ys and similar projections may extend over the required side yn.rd for a distance of not more than 2 feet. Section 10.10.11 SIM Y:,RD, EXCEPTIONS, RESIDENTI.,L DISTRICTS. Lots of record held under separate and distinct ownership prior to the taking effect of City Ordinance No. 784 and County Resolution ado. 6494, provided such lot (1) has a width of less than 40 feet, and (2) was originally acquired in its present form and size prior to such time, shall have a side yard on each side of not less than 3 feet. Lots more than 40 feet wide but of less width than the minimum required by Ordinance, shall have a side yard consistent with the zoning district, but in no case less than 5 feet. Section 10.10.12 RE',R Y,,RDS, PROJECTIONS. Eaves, cornices, steps, platforms, rear porches and similar projections, whether enclosed or not but not exceeding in width one-half that of the building nor more than one story in height, may extend into the rear yard not more than 20% of the distance from the exterior wall of the structure to the rear property line. Section 10.10.13 RE.,R Y..RD EXCEPTIONS, RESIDEYTI..L DISTRICTS. On lots of record held under separate and distinct ownership prior to the taking effect of Ordinance No. 784, the depth of rear yards may be reduced to not less than 10 feet, provided that such is necessary only to the extent needed to permit a building depth of 30 feet. Section 10.10.14 IRREGUL,R-SH ,PED LOTS. On irregular-shaped lots the average distance from the building line to the lot line shall be no less than the minimum yard provision, provided however that no part of the structure shall be located so that one-half the minimum yard provisions occurs at any point along such averaged alignment. Section 10.10.15 SITE ..RE:, PROVISIONS. Section 10.10.16 SITE �,R Jg, EXCEPTION, RESIDENTI.,L ZONINTG DISTRICTS. Where owner- ship of a lot of record is restricted to a tract containing a lesser arca than is required by this Ordinance, provided such property was originally acquired in such form and size prior to the date of City Ordinance No. 784, September 15, 1947, or King County Resolution No. 6494, June 2, 19372 the site area provisions may be varied to a lesser and reasonable requirement by the Board of Adjustment. 51. Section 10.10.17 ACCESSORY USE PROVISIONS. RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS R1, R2, R3, R4. Section 10.10.18 ACCESSORY USE LOT COVERAGE. Accessory structures, whether attached or detached, shall occupy no more than 15% of the lot area and shall not exceed 35% of floor area of the principal use even though such use may be situated on several floor levels. Section 10.10.19 FENCES AND HEDGES. Fences not over 42 inches in height may occupy a front yard. Fences erected back of the required front yard and flanking street side yard lines shall not exceed 6 feet in height. Hedges within the front and flanking street yard lines shall have a mature height of not over 42 inches. Section 10.10.20 DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING. An accessory building shall not exceed one story nor 14 feet in height and shall be located as follows: (a) A detached accessory building shall (1) be located on the rear half of the lot; (2) not project beyond the front line of the main building; (3) not be less than 10 feet from any flanking or side street line; (4) not be less than 2 feet from any side or rear lot line. (b) A detached accessory building shall not occupy more than 30 percent of the area of a required rear yard; provided, that any total required open space area for the lot is not exceeded. (c) In R1 and R2 Residential Zoning Districts where any portion of such accessory building is located directly in the rear of a main building, it shall be not less than 8 feet from such main building. (d) In the residential zoning districts, upon the joint request in writing of the owners of adjoinidg properties, on the side and rear pro- perty lines affected, a permit for the erecting of a private garage within the rear yard immediately adjacent to the division lines between the pro- perties may be made, after an examination of the location and the making of a finding by the Board of Adjustment that the granting of such per- mission will not be unduly detrimental to the adjacent and surrounding property. (e) In the Rl and R2 Residential Zoning Districts, when any portion of an accessory building is attached to the main building, it shall not be nearer to the rear lot line than 15 feet; an accessory building when attached to the mail: building shall not be nearer to the side or front lot line than the distance indicated for the width of the required front or side yard. (f) Where a through -lot has a depth of less than 150 feet, a de- tached accessory building not exceeding 1 story nor 14 feet in height, may be located in one of the required front yards,provided that such building is set back from the front lot line a distance of not less than 10 percent of the depth of the lot. Such accessory building shall not project beyond the front yard line of an existing main building along the frontage, except that such building need not be set back more than 25 feet from the street line. 52 Section 10.10.21 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS. Conditional exceptions specifically men- tioned in the various districts may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment provided the standards and conditions for granting them as set forth in the zoning district, general, supplemental or Board of Adjustment provisions of this Ordinance aye met. Each request for a type of conditional exception (special permit) shall include such architectural and site plans, with eleva- tions and/or perspectives, as will enable the Board of Adjustments to analyze the proposed use to determine whether it conforms to the character of the area and is in harmony with the other permitted uses in the district. Such find- ings and determinations shall be presented by or to the Board of Adjustment at public hearing for their evaluation. Other new uses, not specifically mentioned in this Ordinance, shall be considered by the Board of Adjustment in a similar manner when they are not inconsistent with the character of the area, the policy and the philosophy of this Ordinance. Section 10.10.22 ACCESSORY EXCEPTIONS. The accessory exceptions which may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment in any zoning district are those uses customarily incidental to conditional exceptions. Section 10.10.23 HOME OCCUPATIONS. (1) ape of Use. Home occupations are permitted which are customarily carried on within a dwelling by a member or members of a family. Such activity shall be secondary to the use of the dwelling for living purposes. Piot more than 25 percent of the floor space of the main floor, which may be in the basement, or on the first floor only, of such dwelling may be used, and under no circumstances more than 300 square feet. A home occupa- tion shall not include the following: barber shop, beauty parlor, commercial stable or kennel, real estate office or restaurant. (2) Certificate of Occupancy. After the effective date of this Ordinance a Certificate of Occupancy from the City Engineer shall be required of the properly owner for all home occupations established in buildings and premises not now containing such use and located in any residential district. (3) Non-residential Employees. No non-resident employees are permitted in any R1 or R2 zoning district. One non-resident employee is permitted in dwelling units having home occupations in the R3 and R4 Zoning Districts. (4) Accessory Buildings. Home occupations shall not be conducted in accessory building detached from the main sL-ructure. (5) Transfer of Merchandise. No merchandise shall be transferred in such dwellings or on Lhe premises. (6) Disturbing Influences. No home occupation shall be permitted which is objectionable due to noise, dust, smoke, odor, glare, traffic attraction or other disturbing influences greater than that of ether residential pro- perties in the vicinity. (7) Exterior Modification. There shall be no exterior modification of the structure which would suggest use other than residential. (8) Trade Limitation. In all residential zoning disLricts no services shall be rendered on the premises which require the presence of persons in connection with the home occupation in excess of an average of 4 persons per day. 53 Section 10.10.24 PROFES3ION:►L OFFICES _ND CLINICS. Professional offices and clinics when permitted under conditional exceptions in zoning districts more restrictive than the C1 Zoning District shall meet the following requirements. (1) LOT AREA. iiinimum lot area shall be 10,000 square fejt. (2) LOT COVERAGE,. Iaximum lot coverage shall be 35p. (3) ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPING. Buildings, structures and land- scaping shall harmonize with buildings in the vicinity. Adjacent resi- dential properties shall bo buffered by a dense evergreen planting at least 6 feet in height extending to the minimum yard set -backs from the street right-of-way. (4) DISTURBING INFLUENCES PROS-IIBITLD. No professional office or clinic shall be permitted which is objectionable due to noise, dust, smoke, odor, glare, traffic attraction, architectural incompatibility, psychological in- compatibility or other disturbing characteristics greater than those of rusi- dential uses in the vicinity. This provision applies particularly to small animal veterinary clinics. (5) ACCESSORY U3E. When a professional pharmacy qualifies as a legitimate accessory use under this chapter, the kinds of goods, displayed, offered and sold, shall be limited to such pharmaceutical and medical supplies as are used in the medical and dental professijns. The intent of this restriction shall be that of prohibiting the expansion of service into merchandising fields of variety iteras, cosmetics and similar merchandise which bear no substantial relationship to the operation of the prescription pharmacy for medical purposes as an accessory use to clinics in residential ".istricts. The hours of 11perati-_n shall n•Jt be more than the h:)urs when the principal use is open for business. Section 10.10.25 SERVICE 3TATIONS. (1) Lot Area and Frontage. Minimum lot area shall be 10,000 square feet with at least 100 feet frontage on a public street. (2) Yard Provisions. Rinimum set -back of pump island shall be 12 feet for front, rear and side yards. (3) Lubrication Within Building. Lubrication shall be done within an enclosed building. (4) Buffer of Adjacent Property._ A solid or woven fence, free of advertising which is 6 feet in height or a dense everE;recn plantirg,shall be maintained along property lines which flank residential districts. (5) Lighting. Lighting devices shall be shielded so as not to glare into "R" type districts. 54. CHAPTER 10.11 PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS Section 10.11.01 PURPOSE. The provisions of off-street parking and loading space in accordance with the needs and requirements of particular property uses is a necessary public policy in the interest of traffic safety, minimizing con- gestion, and to provide harmonious development. Section 10.11.02 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING. New uses in all zoning districts shall meet the minimum standards of this Chapter, Section 10.11.03 POLICY, In all districts there shall be provided at the time of erecting, enlarging, moving, or increasing of capacity by adding dwelling units, commercial or industrial floor space, or seating fac lities, minimum off-street parking space, other than in required front yards and with adequate provision for ingress and egress to the street, in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter. The applicant for a building permit for a building and its related use in the Neighborhood Business (Cl) Zone, Central Business (C2) Zone, General Commercial (0) Zone, in lieu of providing the off-street parking facilities required by the regulations contained herein, may elect to make to the City Treasurer of the City of Kent a payment for placing in its off-street Parking Cumulative Reserve Fund in an amount equal to the product of the following formula; (a) The payment, made by the applicant shall be equal to the product derived from the multiplication of the square foot area of off- street parking, as required by the application of the standards for parking contained in Chapter 10.11, Sections 10.11.01 - 10.11.4, by a factor. (b) A factor, shall be defined, as used in the formula, to be that value of one square foot of land and improvements in terms of money representing the estimated average of all the land proposed to be established for off-street parking, as indicated on the adopted plan of off-street parking. (c) The City Engineer, each year, between April 1 and May 1, shall examine the real property tax records of the County Assessor and the real estate transactions as recorded by the County. Auditor for those properties comparable to those delineated for off-street parking in the adopted plan, and obtain from these data a money value per square foot of land, and shall report to the Mayor the preliminary average land value in terms of money per square foot of the land; subsequently, the Mayor shall transmit to the City Council the preliminary estimate of the value of the land made by the Engineer. The City Council may affirm, modify, or change the Engineer's preliminary estimate and establish a final estimate, which shall thereafter be known as the factor to be used in the 55. formula as a means of determining the amount of the payment, an applicant makes to the off-street parking Cumulative Reserve Fund, in lieu of pro- viding for the off -strut parking spaces as established as a condition for the granting of a permit for the use of lands and/or buildings in the (Cl), (C2) and (C3) Zones. Provided, that if 50 percent or more of a given block already has structures upon it for which no provision has been made for off-street parking, the remaining property owners in such block shall not be required to provide either off-street parking faci- lities pursuant to the regulations prescribed herein make a con- tribution in liou thereof in accordance with the above formula. Provided further, That the owners of the existing structures in a given block that is not completely occupied with structures may also avail themselves of the right to contribute to the City to place in its Off - Street Parking Cumulative Reserve Fund for the establishment of off- street parking facilities on the basis of the above formula. Sect on 10.11.04 SIZE AND ACCESS. Each off-street parking space shall have a net area of not less than 180 square feet exclusive of access drives or aisles, and shall be of usable shape and condition. If the required parking space for a one or two-family dwelling is not provided in a covered garage, then such space shall be not less than 200 square feet, and shall be so located and/or constructed that it may later be covered by a garage structure in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and the City Building Code. Section 10.11,05 LOCATION. Off-street facilities shall be hereinafter specified, Where a distance is specified, such distance shall be the maximum walking distance measured from the nearest point of the parking facility to the nearest point of the building that such facility is required to serve. (1) For one and two family dwellings: on the same lot with the building they are required to serve. (2) For multiple dwellings: 300 feet. (3) For hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged, asylums, orphanages, rooming houses, club rooms, fraternity and sorority houses: 600 feet. (4) For uses other than those specified above: 800 feet. Section 10.11.06 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT. (1) In stadiums, sports arenas, churches and other places of assembly, each 20 inches of width of seating facilities shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining requirements for off-street parking faci- lities. (2) For purposes of determining off-street parking and loading space as related to floor space on multi-level structures and buildings, 56 the following formula shall be used to compute gross. floor area for park- ing determinations: Main floor Always 100% Basement and 2nd floor 50% Additional stories 25% Section 10.11.07 EXPANSION AND ENLARGEMENT. Whenever any building is enlarged in height or in ground coverage, off-street parking shall be provided for said expansion or enlargement in accordance with the requirements of the schedule; provided, however, that no parking space need be provided in the case of en- largement or expansion.where the number of parking spaces required for such expansion or enlargement since the effective date of this Ordinance is less than 10% of the parking spaces specified in the schedule for the building. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to require off-street parking spaces for the portion of such building existing at the time of passage of this Ordinance. Section 10.11.08 USES NOT SPECIFIED. In the case of a use not specifically mentioned in parts below, the requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be determined by the Planning Commission. Such determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use listed. Section 10.11.09 JOINT USE. The Board of Adjustment may authorize the joint use of parking facilities for the following uses or activities under conditions specified: (1) Up to 507 of the parking facilities required by this Chapter for a theater, bowling alley, dance hall, bar or restaurant may be supplied by the off-street parking facilities provided by certain other types of buildings or uses herein referred to as "daytime" uses, in part (4) below. (2) Up to 50% of the off-street parking facilities rgquired by this part for any buildings or uses specified in part (4) below, "daytime" uses, may be supplied by the parking facilities provided by uses herein referred to as "nighttime" uses in part (5) below. (3) Up to 100`/ of the parking facilities required by this section for a church or for an auditorium incidental to a public or parochial school may be supplied by the off-street parking facilities provided by uses herein referred to as "daytime" uses in part (4) below. (4) For the purpose of this part, the following and similar uses are considered as primary daytime uses: banks, offices, retail, personal service shops, household equipment or furniture stores, clothing or shoe - repair shops, manufacturing or wholesale buildings and similar uses. (5) For the purpose of this section, the following and similar uses are considered as primary nighttime or Sunday uses: auditorium incidental to a public or parochial school, churches, bowling alleys, dance halls, theaters, bars or restaurants. 57. Section 10.11.1 CONDITIONS RiC�UIRED FOR JOINT USES. (1) The building or use for which application is being made to uti- by another building or use, lize the off-street parking facilities provided 300 feet of such parking facilities. shall be located within (2) The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict for which in the operating hours of the two buildings or uses principal joint use of off-street parking is proposed. Section 10.11.2 FLANS. The plan of the in eforlall whichethe parking buil the building at the time of the application for the building permit te the proposed acvel indicaopm4nt, area is required. Said plan shall clearly dcsiCn, curb cuts, lighting, landscaping, includinE, locati;n, size, shape, requircd. and other features and appurtenances 10.11.3 TABLE OF tilidliJiUii 3T.',NDARDS. Required parking spaces (where alter - computations), Section native standards prevail, the greater applies in conflicting are as follows: SPACES RLCUIRED USE (1) Residential structures 1 for each dwelling unit (2) Rooming houses, lodging 1 for each sleeping room homes, similar uses (3) Auto courts, motel 1 for each sleeping unit (4) Hospitals, nursing homes 1 for each 4 beds and institutions 1 for each 4 scats, except 1 for each (5) Theaters 8 seats in excess of 800 seats (6) Churches, auditoriums and 1 for each 6 seats and/or 1 for each feet of floor area for similar enclosed places 50 square assembly not containing fixed seats. of assembly (7) Stadiums, sport arenas, and 1 for each 8 seats and/ or 1 for each feet of assembly space similar open assemblies 100 square without fixed seats (8) Libraries, classrooms 1 for each 250 square feet of gross floor area 1 for each 50 square feet of gross (9) Dance Halls floor area (10) Bowling alleys (11) Medical and dental clinics 6 for each alley 1 for each 150 square feE;t of gross floor area MP (12) Banks, business and professional 1 for each 200 square feet of gross offices floor area (13) Mortuaries, funeral homes 1 for each 75 squarc feet of floor space used for assembly (14) truarehouse, storage and whole- 1 for each 2 employees sale business (15) Food and beverage places with sale and comsumptior on premises: If less than 1000 square feet floor area If over 1000 squarc foot floor arca 1 for each 200 squarc fcct of gross floor area 20 plus 1 for each 100 square feet gross floor area in excess of 1000 square feet (16) Food and beverage places with 1 for each 50 sq. ft. of gross floor comsumption of food and bev- area or a minimum of 10. erages principally in cars or to go (17) 3clf service laundries 1 for each 3 washing machines or a minimum of 5. (18) Drive-in cleaners :md other 1 space for each 300 sq. ft. of si.:u.lar uses with no customer self gross floor area, but no less service on the premises. than 5. (19) Furniture, appliance, hardware, 1 for each 600 square feet of clothing, shoe, pers-,nal gross floor arca servico stores (20) Motor vehicle, machinery, 1 for each 1000 square feet of plumbing, hcating, ventilating, gross floor arca, exclusive of building supplies stores and displays, or 1 for each 3 services employees (21) Other retail stores less than 5000 square feet floor area (22) Retail between 5000 and 20,000 square foct floor arca 1 for each 300 square feet floor area. 17 plus 1 for each 100 square feet in excess of 5000. (23) I,ianufacturing uses, research, 1 for each 2 employees on the maxi - testing and processing, assembly,mum working shift, and not less and all industries than 1 for each 800 square feet of gross floor area (24) Transportation terminal (25) Uses not specified By Planning Commission determin- ation based upon the needs See Section 10.11.08 59 Section 10.11.4 PROVISIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT. Every tract or parcel of land or lot hereafter used as a public or private parking area, having a capacity of 5 or more vehicles, shall be developed and maintained in accordance with sub- sequent sections of this Chapter. Section 10.11.5 PROCEDURE. Applications, together with plans and specifications, shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and the City Engineer in the order named. Approval of both shall be required before site preparation or development work is commenced. Section 10.11.6 ENCLOSURE. A rail fence, evergreen hedge, wall or other continuous barricade of harmonious material and design at least 18 inches, and no Moro than 24 inches,.in'height, shall be provided along property lines which ad- join streets in business zoning districts. Off-street parking areas which adjoin or face across a street or property line toward residentially zoned and/or used property, or institutionally used premises, shall be more ef- fectively screened on such sides by a continuous view -reducing fence, wall or compact.evergreen hedge. Such fence, wall or hedge shall comply with the yard requirements of the more restrictive zoning district upon which same abuts,'adjoins or faces. Section 10.11.7 OTHER REQUIEMENTS, FINAL APPROVAL AND PERFORMANCE BONDS. In addition to the basic standards and requirements established by this Chapter, the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and/or City Engineer may make such other requirements or restrictions as shall be deemed necessary in the interests of the safety, health and general welfare of the City, including, but not limited to, lightigg, joint developmenz: of parking facilities, en- trances and exits, accessory uses, and conditional exceptinns. Further, performance bonds may be required in such cases where the Planning Commission] Board of Adjustment or City Council determines that such shall be necessary to guarantee proper completion of improvements within time periods specified. Section lO.11i8 OPERATION. In or adjoining a residential zoning district, no charges shall be made for use of parking facilities except on a weekly or monthly basis, and no commercial or repair work or service of any kind shall be conducted on the parking lot, Further, parking on such lots shall be limited to passenger vehicles, panel, light and pick-up trucks. No loading, sales or storage of vehicles shall be permitted on such lots: Section 10.11.9 OFF-STREET LOADING SPACE. The off-street loading provisions of this Chapter shall apply in all zoning districts. Buildings or structures to be erected or 'substantially altered and which require the receipt, delivery or distribution of materials and mer- chandise by trucks shall provide and maintain off-street loading berths according to prescribed standards. Section 10.11.10 TABLE OF STANDARDS. Business or commercial buildings (retail, wholesale, storage), goods display, markets, mortuaries, laundries, de- partment stores, warehouses, industrial or manufacturing establishments, freight terminals, railroad yards and similar uses, which have, or intend to have, an aggregate gross floor area of 5000 square feet or more, shall ME provide truck loading and unloading berths in accordance with the following table of standards: Number of berths Adjusted Gross Floor Area (See Sec.10.11.06) 1 5,000 sq. ft. up to 20,000 sq. ft 2 20,000 sq. ft. up to 50,000 sq. ft. 50,000 sq. ft. up to 100,000 sq. ft. 1 additional for each 50,000 sq. ft. in excess of 100,000 sq. ft. Section 10.11.11 TABLE OF STANDARDS. Each office building, hotel, restaurant, assembly structure, hospital and any similar structure, which was or is intended to have an aggregate gross floor area of 20,000 square feet or more shall provide off-street truck loading or unloading berths in ac- cordance with this table. Number of Berths Adjusted Gross Floor Area (See Sec. 10.11.06) 1 20,000 sq. ft. up to 50,000 sq. ft. 2 50,000 sq. ft. up to 100,000 sq. ft. 1 additional for each 50,000 sq. ft. in excess of 100,000 sq. ft. Section 10.11.12 DESIGN STANDARDS. Berths shall be provided in such a manner as not to obstruct freedom of traffic movement and driver vision on streets or alleys, and be adequate for standing, loading and unloading services in order to avoid undue congestion and interference with public use of streets and alleys, and to provide safety. Section 10.11.13 USE OF YARDS. Space for such berth may occupy all, or any part of any required yard space when uncovered. ,,-,ction 10.11.14 RELATIONSHIP TO RESIDENTIAL LOTS. No berth shall be located closer than 50 feet to any other lot in any residential district unless wholly within a completely enclosed building or unless screened from such lot in the residential district by a wall or uniformly painted fence not less than 6 feet in height. 61 CHAPTER 10.12 ADMINISTRATION Section 10.12.01 INTENT. In interpreting and applying the provisions of this Ordinance, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the pro- motion of the public health, safety, and general welfare; therefore,where this Ordinance imposes greater restriction than is imposed or required by other laws, ordinances, rules or regulations, the provisions of this Ord- inance shall control. Section 10.12.02 EXCEPTIONS. Recognizing that there are certain uses of pro- perty that may,or may not, be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare, depending upon the facts of each particular case, the Planning Commission shall have limited power to issue special permits, after public hearing, for such new or unusual uses which are of similar character and not specifically mentioned elsewhere in the Ordinance as a permitted use. Section 10.12.03 INTERPRETATIONS. The Planning Commission may permit by inter- pretation in a zoning district any use not described in this Ordinance, not a prohibited use, or not expressly allowed in a less restrictive dis- trict. A record shall be kept of such interpretations to facilitate equitable future administration and to permit periodic amendments to this Ordinance. Section 10.12.04 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP. It shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to interpret the provisions of this Ordinance in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of the official zoning plan as shown by the zoning map accompanying and made a part of this Ordinance. Section 10.12.05 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. It shall be the duty of the Planning Com- mission, Board of Adjustment and City Council to interpret and/or administer the provisions of this Ordinance in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of the long-range comprehensive plan prepared by the Planning Commission in compliance with RCW 35.63 and adopted by the City Council. Section 10.12.06 PUBLIC HEARING. Whenever a public hearing is required by this Ordinance, no less than three (3) notices thereof shall be posted by the City Engineer in conspicuous places on or adjacent to the tract, lot or other land or building area affected. Writ,:en notices shall be mailed to adjacent land owners, or their agents, or others likely to be affected. Such notices shall state the time and place of such hearing and the nature of the question to be heard and shall be posted not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of hearing. Notices shall be sent to the names appearing on the tax rolls of all property within a distance of two hundred (200) feet, streets and alleys excluded, of all property which is the sub- ject of the public gearing. Notices may also be sent/to other property owners who might be affected. In addition to other required data accompany- ing a request involving public hearing a check in the amount of $ i" nn non-refundable and payable to the City, shall be filed to cover costs in- curred in connection with the posting and mailing of notices. 62. Section 10.12.07 CONFLICT. In the event of conflict of provisions in this Ordinance the most restrictive requirements shall prevail. Section 10.12.08 SIX MONTH VALIDITY. Whenever any permit or exception is issued pursuant to provisions of this Ordinance, such permit or exception shall remain effective only for six (6) months, unless the use allowed is begun within that time. If not in use or if related construction is not under- taken within,six (6) months, the authorized use shall become invalid and the principal uses permitted outright in the district shall prevail; pro- vided that two extension periods of six (6) months may be granted upon proof of need and timely application therefor is made to the City. Engineer. Section 10.12.09 RECORDING. To insure the perpetuation of any and all conditions and limitations agreed upon as conditions of the special permit or exception authorized, the owner and/or owners of the property affected shall ex3cute a declaration of restrictions and covenants to be duly recorded covering said property. The City Attorney shall approve all such forms. Said re- quirements may not be relaxed without a rehearing. The covenant is waived and terminated at such time as the use is abandoned as to any duties not yet due to be performed under the covenant at the time of abandonment of use. Also any permits or rights granted on the basis of a variance or conditional exception are terminated when the use is abandoned. Section 10.12.10 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR USE OF PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. In instances where the City Planning Commission finds it necessary to require evidence that industrial uses established after the effective date of this Ordinance arc operating, or will be operated, so as to conform with performznce standards established in Chapter 10.8, the following procedures shall be used: (1) City Planning Commission Initiates Determination. The City En- gineer on request of the Planning Commission, shall arrange for such scientific tests as may be necessary to properly determine conformance to standards on the part of industries established and operating after the effective date of this Ordinance. If the City Engineer deter- mines that such tests show the industrial operation as not conforming to performance standards of this Ordinance, he shall notify the City Plann- ing Commission of the findings. The Planning Commission, after a re- view of all facts and findings, shall make recommendations to the City Council as to the appropriate action to be taken. In instances where tests performed by or under the direction of the City Engineer show non-conformance, the industrial concern whose operation is tested shall compensate the city for the costs of such tests. (2) Industries Request Determination. In instances in which an industrial concern requests determination of the conformance of its operation to the performance standards of this Ordinance prior to the establishment of a new industry, or the expansion of an existing in- dustry, the City Engineer, upon request of the Planning Commission, will make such scientific and technical tests as may be necessary to properly determine conformance. If such tests show the industrial operation as conforming to the performance standards of this Ordinance G3 . the City Engineer shall so advise the Planning Commission. The Com- mission in this case shall record the findings and the City Engineer shall make appropriate records in the issuance of building permits or other documents. Certification of conformance, as indicated by the records mentioned above, shall be authorization for establishment of such industrial uses, and shall not be subject to revocation by the City Council,, except upon evidence of change to a non -conforming use, or except where such in- dustrial operations do not conform with other applicable city ordinances or state laws. (3) Complaints of Violations. Complaints of violations of the pro- visions of Walter 1018 shall be submitted in writing and signod by the c-mplainAnt,, addressed to the City Planning Commission. Upon receipt of the complaint, the Planning Commission shall request the City Engineer to mnko a yrcliminary investigation. If the City Engineer finds and re- ports no apparent violations of the performance standards of this Ordinance, the Planning Commission shall so notify the complainant in writing. If the complainant thereafter dosiros to pursue the complaint, he shall in- form the Planning Commission in wri AC and shall deposit with the City a certifies: cheek or money order coverin; the costs of obtaining necessary scientific and technical tests. In cases whore such t,sts determine no violation, such deposit shall be forfeited to the City Treasury. If Sucn test show a violation to exist the deposit shall be returner: to the complainant and the violating industry shall compensate the city for such costs. Upon detcrmination of a violation, the City Planning Commission shall forward to the City Council recommendations for appropriate action. CHAPTER 10.13 NONCONFORMING USES Section 10.13.01 POLICY. It is declared to be the policy of the City Council to provide regulatory mechanics for non -conforming uses as found and determined to be reasonable and equitable. This policy is pursued in order that non- conforming uses in existence at the time of adoption of the Ordinance, or amendments thereto, shall be brought to conformity or amortized and removed within such periods of time as are compatible with justice to the owners of properties affected -and with the interests of the safety, health and general welfare of the City. Section 10.13.02 ESTABLISHED NON -CONFORMING USE.. To benefit from the protection given to a non -conforming use, such use must have been legitimately and lawfully established prior to the adoption of this Ordinance and amendments thereto or a County resolution in effect at the time of annexation which rendered it non -conforming. Section 10.13.03 SCHEDULE OF CONTINUANCE: NON -CONFORMING "OPEN" LAND USES. The two alternatives provided to meet compliance with non -conforming "open" land uses are: (1) the use of land (not having buildings thereon) which does not conform to the use provisions of this Ordinance, and which becomes non- conforming by reason of subsequent amendments or annexation shall be dis- continued within two (2) years from the effective date of this Ordinance, amendments thereto, or the effective date of the zoning restrictions ap- plied to annexed areas, or (2) all uses of land for outdoor work or storage purposes, which after the adoption cf this Ordinance, or amendments thereto, exist as non -conforming uses in any district, shall, within two (2) years after the same become a non -conforming use, be completely enclosed within a view -obscuring fence approved by the Board of Adjustment. Such fence shall be of a sufficient height so that the fence and supplemental landscaping will at all seasons of the year completely screen all operations of such establishments from view from adjacent land and buildings. + Section 10.13.04 ENLARGEMENT AND EXTENSION. No non -conforming use of land shall be changed to another non -conforming use. The lawful use of land existing at the time of, the adoption of this Ordinance may be continued under the provisions of Section 10.13.03, paragraph (2), although such use does not conform to this Ordinance for the district in which such land is located; provided, further, that no such non -conforming use shall be enlarged or increased, nor shall any non -conforming use be extended to occupy a greater area of land or building than that occupied by such use at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance, unless by said moving it brings the use closer to conformance with this Ordinance. Section 10.13.05 ABANDONMENT RELINQUISHES RIGHTS. (1) A non -conforming use if changed to a conforming use may not.'---- 65 thereafter be changed back to a non -conforming use. (2) A non -conforming use, when discontinued or abandoned shall not be resumed. Discontinuance or abandonment shall be defined as follows: (a) When improved land used as a non -conforming use shall cease to be used for that particular use for six (6) consecutive calendar months. (b) When a building designed or arranged for a non -conforming use shall cease to be used for that particular use as a lawful non- conforming use continuously for a period of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months. (c) When a building designed or arranged for a conforming use, but used for non -conforming activities shall cease to be used for such particular use for a period of nine (9) consecutive calendar months. (3) The land from which any non -conforming structure has been removed shall be subsequently used in conformity with the appropriate district regulations. Section 10.13.06 CONVERSION OR REMOVAL. Conversion or removal of a non -conforming structure or use shall be commenced not later than sixty (60) days after the date of abandonment: and shall be completed within one (1) year there- after; except that in no case shall a non -conforming use or struc::ure be required to commence conversion or removal for a period of less than two (2) years from the date of the first notice of non-conformance as issued by the City Engineer. In case of failure to complete said removal or con- version as required, the City Engineer within ninety (90) days after the date described herein for completed conversion or removal of said use, shall cause the use and/or structure to be removed and the cost shall be charged against the property. Section 10.13.07 ENLARGEMENT OF NON -CONFORMING USE. (1) The enlargement of a non -conforming use to any portion of an existing building, which portion was designed and built for such non- conforming use prior to the passage of this Ordinance may be permitted, provided no structural alterations are made. (2) A building designed and built for, or devoted to, a non -conforming use at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, may not be enlarged or structurally altered unless the use of such building is changed to a con- forming use, or when such enlargement is permitted by variance in case of evident hardship. (3) Moving of a non -conforming use to contiguous lots is prohibited. Section 10.13.08 UP -GRADING OF NON -CONFORMING USES. A lawful non -conforming use of a building may not be changed to another non -conforming use unless changed to a more restrictive use. M Section 10.13.09 WEAR AND TEAL: IMPROVEMENTS: ALTERATION OF UNSAFE STRUCTURES. Normal repairs and alterations may be made to alawful non -conforming building, provided that no structural alterations shall be made, except those required by law or ordinance. No existing non -conforming structure designed, arranged, intended for, or devoted to, a use not permitted under this Ordinance for the'disttict in which such structure is located shall be enlarged, extended, reconstructed, structurally altered, or moved unless such use is changed to a use permitted under the regulations specified by this Ordinance for the district in which said building is located; provided that work may be done in any period of twelve (12) mon,.hs on ordinary repairs or on repairs or replacements of non-bearing walls, fixtures, wiring, or plumbing to an extent not exceeding 15 percent of the full value of the structure as determined from the assessed value thereof (according to the assessment thereof by the County Assessor for the year in which such work is done); provided that the cubical content of the building as it existed at the time of passage of this Ordinance be not increased; and provided, further, that nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening or restor- ing to a safe condition of any building or part thereof declared to be unsafe by the City Engineer and ordered to be strengthened or restored to a safe condition, unless such building has been destroyed by an extent exceeding 75 percent of full value, as determined by consideration of the assessed value referred to above. Section 10.13.10 RESTOraViION OF DAMAGED STRUCTURES. When a building or other struc- ture containing a non -conforming use is damaged by fire or by any ocher cause so that the cost of renewal of the damaged parts exceeds 75 percent of the cost of the replacement of the entire building (exclusive of foundations) using new mat- erials, then such building shall not be rebuilt unless the building and its con- struction and uses conform fully to this Ordinance and other codes of the City as applied to new buildings and structures and to uses for the district in which it is located. Any rebuilding otherwise authorized by this code or any other applicable code shall commence within six (6) months from the date of damage or destruction, if such non -conforming use is to be continued. the determina- tion of whether a building is destroyed to the extent described above shall rest wish the Board of Adjustment. Section 10.13.11 UNLAWFUL USES NOT AUTHORIZED: SPECIAL EXCEPTION. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be interpreted as authorization for, or approval of, the contin- uance of, nor the allowing of a special permit, exception or variance for the use of a stric,:ure or premises in violation of the zoning regulations in effect at the time of the effective dace of this Ordinance. Any use existing at the time df adoption of this Ordinance which is within the scope of uses permitted by condi- tional exception or accessory exception in the use district in which the property is situated shall be deemed a conforming use without necessity of any action by the Board of Adjustment. Section 10.13.12 DISTRICT CHANGES. Whenever the boundaries of a district shall be changed from one district to another district of different classification, the foregoing provisions shall also apply to any non -conforming uses existing therein, or thereby created. Section 10.13.13 NOTICE OF NODI-CONFOF:MANCE. The (building inspector, city engineer, or zoning administrator) shall determine by survey the existence of non-conform- ing onconform- ing uses which may be affected by the requirements of Sec. 10.13.06 and shall give written notice by mail to the owners thereof as shown in the County Assessor's records. Such notice shall state the purpose, provisions and the expiration date as set forth herein, and shall be given after the effective date of this Ordinance or any amendment thereto which may cuase a building to become non- conforming. Failure to give novice shall not invalidate the regulations nor alter the expiration date. 67 CHAPTER 10.14 ENFORCEMENT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Section 10.14.01 PERMITS. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer (or official in charge of issuing building permits and inspection of buildings) to see that this Ordinance is enforced through the proper legal channels. He shall issue no permit for the construction or alteration of any building or part thereof unless the plans, specifications and intended use of such build- ing conform in all respects with the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 10.14.02 PLATS EQUIRED. All applications for building permits shall be accompanied by a plat in duplicate drawn to scale, showing the actual di- mensions of the lot to be built upon, the size, the use and location of existing buildings and buildings to be erected, and such other information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement: of this Ordinance. Section 10.14.03 CERTIFICATE REQUIRED. No vacant land shall be occupied or used and no building hereafter erected shall be occupied or used until a Certifi- cate of Occupancy is issued by the City Engineer stating that the provisions of this Ordinance have been complied with, and a violation of the terms of this Ordinance shall be grounds for the revocation of the Certificate of Occupancy. Section 10.14.04 CHANGE IN USE. No change in use of land or building shall be permitted until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the City Engineer stating that the provisions of this Ordinance have been complied with. Section 10.14.05 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE. The City Engineer may issue a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for all or part of any building or land for a period of time not to exceed 14 days. Section 10.14.06 APPLICATION. The application for a Certificate of Occupancy shall contain a statement of the intended use of the premises and such plans and specifications and other pertinent: information as may be required by the City Engineer in order to determine whether the building, structure or use is in compliance with this Ordinance. Section 10.14.07 LICENSES. Business and occupational licenses, if required, shall not be issued unless the applicant has a valid Certificate of Occupancy. DO CHAPTER 10.15 ADJU37' NTS. V:.RI:.iv'C�S 1;T�D �;PYE.;LS Section 10.15.01 POLICY AND INTENT. It is the policy of the City Council to pro- vide relief in cases of hardship, and a process of appeal to govern situations in which parties affected by these zoning regulations allege improper ad- ministrativc actions. Section 10.15.02 BOARD OF ;0JUSii.:�NT CRE -,TLD. To carry out the intent and policy of the City Council, a Board of :adjustment is hereby created. Section 10.15.03 BOARD JY=4BERS. The Board of Adjustment shall consist of five voting members, all of whom shall serve without compensation. The members of the Board of Adjustment shall be appointed by the Mayor with consent of the Council. In case any vacancy should occur in the membership of the Board for any cause, the Mayor shall fill such vacancy by making an appoint- ment with the consent of the Council. Any member of the Board of Adjustment may be removed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Council. The initial membership shall consist of appointments for staggered terms of ono, two, three, four and five years; each appointment thereafter shall be for five years, except that appointments to replace any terminated member- ship shall be for the duration of the unexpired term. Section10.15.04 COMPOSITION OF '11IE BO_.RD OF ADJUS ILLIT: lv�UORUH. The Board of ndjustmont shall consist of citizens having; an understanding of the benefits of planning and zoning to the municipality. It shall include a councilman, a planning commissioner, an attorney, one layman, and one city administrator (but not the City Attorney, City Engineer, City Planner nor any of their assistants, who each shall serve as ex -officio non-voting members). The presence of three voting members including the Chairman shall constitute a quorum. Section 10.15.05 BOARD OF j,DJU3T1L 1T DUTIES :,ND PoliERS. The jurisdictional duties and powers of the Board of Adjustment are as follows: (1) Hearing and deciding apylications for conditional exceptions and accessory exceptions expressly provided for in certain districts. (2) Hearing and deciding appeals from the decisions of the City Engineer regarding interpretations of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. (3) Hearing and deciding requests for variances of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 10.15.06 :,UTHORITY. The Board of adjustment is authorized to receive, consider, grant or deny appropriate applications for exceptions as provided for in this Zoning Ordinance, after a public hearing and after making written findings of fact that the conditions of the Ordinance upon which these special uses are permitted have been fulfilled and after the City Engineer has found that the provisions of all the ordinances, with which compliance is required, have been fulfilled. In considering applications for such use, the Board of Adjustment shall give due regard for the nature and condition of all adjacent uses and structures and any reports thereon, M and in authorizing a conditional use, may impose such requirements and conditions with respect to location, construction, M�,intenance �dbepcleemedn in addition to these expressly set forth in this Ordinance as may necessary for the protection of adjacent properties and the public interest.- Section 10.15.07 OTh%R EXCEPTIONS. ��ongtheneceptions that may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment are the following: (1) addition to Building. Provided plans have been filed with the arc in con- x�.City Enginerior to the et ffthe1precedingdate fordithisn Oce,nan addition to the ance and formnce with requiremen justment dooms such building may be allowed where tain p n present reque Bard of irements, essential toutthelon, though in conflict with cer applicant's completion of a planned unit. (2) Excav_wtion Pits. Stono quarry, sand, gravel or clay pits and soil- stripping: The use of premises in gravel) clrythe or otheranistrict ltural deng� extraction, or removal of stone, sand, d posits may be authorized by temror ryfiand s ondition l permits it by the Boar of ..djustncnt, after public h g� provisions: con-ns: sistcnt with the Public interest and subject to the followingg � topographic plans for such excavations shall consist of two oto2adequately show the tope- Map, with such cross-sections as ars necessary Craphy of the property in question and its relation to streets, alleys and surproperty,toher with two (2) conies of a similar nap showing therextent�of the prgetposed cxcovation and the cDntours of the hound after the removal of the material.Kcopy of each map shall be sub' ittcd to the City Engineer who shall repottexc�`t ons upJnstmunt street his lndings alleys,re- garding the effect of the intendedro crtics within the area either existing or contemplated, and e Bo all p p� of influence of such excavations. The Board may require that the excavator enter into ar appropriate aCrccnent with the City a t the ouset for re- clamation of such areas to suitable use after completion of exc^vations and that adequate porformance bond or other guorantce be furnished cover- ing the cost of restoration or other work. Secy n 10.15.08 JURISDICTION - REvEW OF DECISIONS OF THLITYENINE R. The Board of Adjustment may review Yiprovisions of r: and ire the Zoning Ordinance made by the CittEhroto, in the applicationrofuthement, decision, or determination relatin specific previsions of the Zoning Ordinance to any parcel of land and/or structure. The Board of 0justment may affirm, alter or revers, the inter- pretation of the rrovisionegofrc�cnto�eciOrdinance :':etcrmi-natienCity relr..ting EnC;ineer, amu any order, r _ , thereto; and the Board's decisionts allend lbesh`sldhuponall thetrecord an of - the findings in each case., and to the City EnCineex.. 70. Section 10.15.09 JURISDICTION - V.,RI..NCIS. Where there are unnecessary hard- ships and practical difficulties that result from peculiarities of a specific property which render it lifficult to carry out the provisions of the Zoning; Ordinance, the Board of Adjustment shall have the power to a variance which may vary the literal enforcement ::f any rules, ragu- lations, or provisions of the Zoning Ordinance relating to the density provisions governing the zoning district in which the property is located, provided that the spirit of the Ordinance will be a7bscrved, the public intorest protoctcd, public snfety secured, and substantial justice done. To this end, a variance in the density provisions and requirements of this Ordinance shall only be authorized if the Board of Adjustment finds that all the following facts and conditions exist in each case of a request for a special cxception by an application for n variance. (1) That there arc exceptional or extraordinary circwzltan cus or conditions applying to the subject property that do not apply gencrall y to other properties in the sgme vicinity or zone, and that the plight of the owner is unique ani' not the result of his own action. (2) That the land or structure in question cannot be reasonably used and cannot yield a reasonable return under strict interpretation of the density provisions for the district in which it is located, and that such variance is necessary for the prescrvntion ane: enjoyment of a substantial property richt of the appellant possessed by the owners of other property* in the same vicinity or district. (3) That the authorization of such variance will not be matcrially detrimontal to the public welfare, nor injurious to nearby property. (4) That the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive plan or studios thcrcof. Section 10.15.10 NON-CONFORHING USE AB:MI.IENT EXTENSION. Upon evidence of hardship the Board of Adjustment 'shall have the_p:;wor ti extend the time limits for non -conforming use abatement for one period nit to exceed six (6) months. Section 10.15.11 V:►RI..NCE COIIDITIONS. In authorizing a variance the Board of adjustment may attach thereto such conditi ns regarding the location, character and other features of the proposed structures or uses as it may deem necessary to carry out the spirit and purpose of this Ordinance in the public interest; provided, however, that a variance so nuthorized shall become void after the expiration of six (6) months if no substantial con- struction has taken pincc in accordance with the plans for which -such variance was authorized and provided further, that a vnrianco from the use provisions of this Ordinance shall not be inconsistent with the intent and purpose of the section on non -conforming uses. Section 10.15.12 PROCEDURE. The Board of Adjustment shall adopt rules and re- gulations for its own governAPAN, not inconsistent with the provisions of 7z. this and of any other ordinance of the City (1) The Board shall hold nob,lcss than one regular mooting each month of the year, provided, if no issues over which the Boyd has jurisdiction are pending a meeting may be concelled. All official meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceed- ings, showing the action of the Board upon each question, and shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions taken by it, all of which shall be imaedintely filed with the City Clerk and shall be public record. (2) kopellant Any person or persons aggrieved, or any officer, official or any departmont, board or commission cf the City, jointly or severally, may be the appellant, and may make a request for special exception to the Board for relief from any provisions of the Zoning Ordinance or any detcr- minaticn of the City Engineer in the application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to the appellants land and/or structure. The appellant shall appear at the public hearing at the time and place fixed by the Board, in person, by a_ent, or by an attorney. (3) Initiation of action by Board. The Board may initiate a re- view of the City Engineer's interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance by a notion, by virtue of -ti vote by -a majority of the quorum, or a majority of the members present if such number exceeds a quorum; it shall also reviewany interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Ordi- nance macic by the City .Engineer and any order, requirement, decision, or determination rclatinE thereto, upon receipt of an applieatiDn or potition requesting a review of the interpretation; and it shall hear and decide all applications for exception and variances as authorized. (4) Filing_A7olieations. :.n application to the Board, in cases in which it has original jurisdiction under the provisi,ns of this Ordinance, may be ma e by any property owner or tenant or by any government officers, department, boars'.. or bureau affected. Such application, or appropriate form, together with all the plans, specificati,ns and other papers per- taining to the application, shall be filed with the Board of Adjustment. Application for c_nditional exception (special permit) filed by others than governmental officials shall be accompanied by a fee of $50.00. (5) Filing Appeal Appeals to the Board for a variance, or from any ruling of the City Engineer, or any ether administrative officer as - ministering any portion of the Ordinance, may be made by any property owner or by any governmental officer, department, board or bureau affected. :appeals may be made within ten (10) days, as provided by the rules of the Board, by filing; with the City Engineer and with the Board, a notice of appeal, specifyingthe grounds thereof. The City Engineer shall forth- with transmit to the Board his interpretation or ruling, as the case may be, together with all the plans and papers relating to the case. .any action referred to the Board shall not necessitate an additional fee. Section 10.15.13 BOARD MEETINGS. When an application or appeal has been filed in proper form, with the required data, and payment of any rcquircl fee, 72. the City Clerk shall immediately place said application or appeal upon the calendar for hearing and cause notices stating the time, place and object of the hearing to be served. Said notices shall be served per- sonally or by mail at least ten (10) days prior to the date of such hearing, upon the applicant or appellant, the City Engineer, and the names appearing on the tax rolls of the property within two hundred (200) feet of the premises in question in the case of all applications for exceptions. On hearings other than exceptions only service to names appearing on the tax rolls for abutting properties is required. Failure to send notices by mail to any property owners, where the ad- dress of such owners is not recorded on the tax rolls, shall not in- validate any proceedings of the Board. Section 10.15.14 DECISIONS OF THE BOARD. The Board of Adjustment shall decide all applications and appeals at the final hearing thereon which shall be held not later than sixty (60) days after the first hearing thereon. A certified copy of the final decision shall be transmitted to the City Engineer not later than five (5) days after such decision, which decision shall be binding and observed by him, and he shall incorporate the terms and conditions of same in the permit to the applicant or appellant when- ever a permit is authorizes] by the Board. Section 10.15.15 RESOLUTION REQUIRED. All actions of the Board of Adjustment shall be by resolution which shall state the reasons for each decision. The concurring vote of three members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of the City Engineer, or to decide in favor of the applicant on any matter upon which it is required to pass under this Ordinance, or to effect any variance in the requirements of this Ordinance. Section 10.15.16 APPEALS TO CITY COUNCIL. Any interested citizen or adminis- trative officer of the City may appeal to the City Council from a ruling of the Planning Commission or the Board of adjustment where such ruling allegedly is adverse to his interests. Written notice of appeal from such rulings shall be filed within ten (10) days from such ruling. Thereupon the Planning Commission or Board of Adjustment shall forth- with transmit to the City Council all papers constituting the record upon which the ruling was made. The City Council at a regularly scheduled meeting shall hear the appeal after receiving such further evidence as seems relevant. The Council may overrule or alter the de- cision of the Planning•..Commission or the Board of Adjustment by a majority vote of the full Council. O'C� l0 7 1 73 . CH.& TER 10.16 Section 10.16.01 MAP CH -NGLs. iiZe City Council may, up2n proper applicati-�n, upon recommendation of the Planning Coraru.ssion, or upon its own moti:;n, and after public hearing and referral to and report from the Planning Commission, change by ordinance the district boundary lines of zine classifications as shown on the Zoning Map provided such change is duly c,,nsidered in relationship to a comprehensive plan as required by the Laws of Washington. Section 10.16.02 TEXT CH.NGES. The City Council may, upon recorarnondation of the Planning Commission, or upon its olm motion, after public hearing and referral to and report from the Planning CorrAssion, amend, delete, supplement, or change by orc?inanec the roeulations herein established provided such revision conforms to the state statute. Section 10.16,03 APPLIC.LTION PROCEDURE. ,n application for a change of zone classification or district boundary lines subiiitteu by the property owner, or his authorized ronresentative, shall be onterec; on a form provided for this purpose and filed with the City Clcrk at least ten (10) days befDre a rcgula.rly scheduled mooting of the Planning CorT.dssi_n. Said petition shall be a.ccompanie..'. by a check made payable to the City in the stun of Q50.00, which shall be non-refundable and usc( t) cover costs incurred in connecti-n with posting of the premises, mailing ::f n-,ticcs and con:Ai6tinE the hoar- ing as provide:' in this Ordinance. Section 10.16.04 ;X,-EXED LR&LS. Private land annexed to the city after the effective date of this Ordinance shall not be classified into use districts and no zoning shall be in effect for such annexed lands until the Planning Commission shall have complctcd a study and ma(e a report to the City Council, with recommendations as to the use districts to be c;stablished by appropriate amendment to this Ordinance. If within 90 days after the effective date of annexation, the Planning Corviiissi)n has not submitted its report to the City Council, the latter shall act in acc^rdance with the procedures specified in this Chapter to Qstablish zoning for the annexed lands by designation of use districts. The City Planning Corx�ussion upon request of the City Council, prior to the effective da.t� of annex -,ti --n of any land may undertake appropriate studies and submit a report to the City Council recommending; chances in the Zoning Ordinance to include the, area proposed for annexatic:,n. Section 10.16.05 PLANS :.S B_,SIS FOR IILTIUaT. A plan, upon being acceptable as part of a petitioner's application for change cf z_ne district ^�r boundary) shall. be cr)nsidercd as part of any special permit granted f.)r the use re- prosented, and building permits may only b<; issued in .accordance: there- with t; the applicant or his successor; provide': a covenant shall be pren<,,rcd, acceptc;d and rocordod to govern condti�)ns of the aforementioned permit. 74. CHAPTER 10.17 WiLIDITY Section 10.17.01 Should any chapter, section or provision of this Ordinance be declared by the courts to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. 75. CHAPTER 10.18 VIOL LIONS ZM rEN:.LTIES Section 10.1$.01. :,ny person, partnership, association, firm or corporation who wilfully violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with or resists the enforcement of this Ordinance or its provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not in excess of three hundred dollars (�300.00) or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not to exceed ninety (90) days or by both such fine r.nd imprisonment. Each day that a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense. 76. CHITMR 10. 19 RLP" - L Section 10.19.01 Ordinance No. 784 and the map accompanying the same, entitled .LN ORDIN.+NCE to regulate and restrict the location and use of buildings and the use of land within the City of Kent, frdashingtcn, to limit the hei€ht of buildings; to prescribe building lines and the size of yards and other open spaces, and for these purposes to divi..e the city into districts. .adopted 15 day of September, 1947. :.pproved 16 day of September, 1947 Published 23 day of September, 1947 ;2,ND Ordinance No. 858, entitled :*,N ORDIN..NCE of the City of Kent amending Section 5. of Ordinance No. 784, to regulate and restrict the location and use of buildings and the use of land within the City of Kent, Washington, to limit the height of buildings, to prescribe building lines and the size of yards an"' other open spaces, and for these purposes to divide the City into districts. :,dopted 6 day of :,pril, 1953 ;,pprovod 7 d^y of .'%pril, 1953 Published 9 day of :►pril, 1953 ARE IffREBY repealed. 9-J- /0 "-,y CHAFTER 10.20 WHEN EFFECTIVE 77. Section 10.20.01 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Signature isle Thornton, Mayer Sigature _ Chas. Bridgos, City Cle Approved as to rm. Signature: Arthur Lane, City Attorney Passed this 1_ clay of September, 960. Approved this 20 day of Sc�tembcr.,-1960. Publishod this 28 _ day of Septembers 1960.