HomeMy WebLinkAbout1067ORDINANCE No. A�)_4/1 7 b� An Ordinance of the City of Kent amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 706, as amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 796, and amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 706, as amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 796, as amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 829, relating to the licensing and regulation of games of skill, novelty and amusement. The City Council of the City of Kent do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 706 of the City of Kent, entitled "An Ordinance regulating games of skill within the City of Kent, King County, Washington, and repealing Sections 7 of Ordinance No. 686 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent, relating to license fees,q passed by the City July/6, 1940, and approved by the Mayor July 17, 1940, as amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. ?96 entitled"An ordinance licensing and regulating games of skill and games of novelty or amusement within the City of Kent, amending Sections 1, 2, and 5, and repealing Section 4, 11 of Ordinance No. 706 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent," passed by the City on the 19th day of July, 1948, and approved on the 20th of July, 1948, be and it is hereby amended to read as ows: " Section 1. Every person, partnership, firm, association or corporation operating games of skill, commonly known as pinball machines, within the City of Kent, shall procure from the City Treasurer a mastrlicense for the operation of the same, which master license shall be issued by the City Treasurer upon the payment of the sum of One -thousand ($1,000.00)Dollars and compliance by applicant with the other provisions of t1i.s ordinance. No prorating of the fee for such master license shall be made for periods of less than one year. Application for such master license shall be made to the City Treasurer in writing, and applicant shall disclose, by sworn statement in said application, the names, business and home addresses and telephone numbers of all persons interested in the operation of said games of skill within the City of Kent, whether as sole proprietor, partners, members or stockholders, the extent of such interest, whether financial, managerial, or both, prior criminal convictions (excluding traffic violations in which the penalty was $25.00 or less) of any such person or any member or stock - holder of such partnership, firm, association, or corporation, and such application shall give at least one banking reference and three (3) trade references for each such interested person. Should any change of ownership, or of interest in the business operating such games of skill occur during the license year, such change shall immediately be disclosed to the City Treasurer by sworn statement of the licensee, setting forth names, busi- ness and home addresses and telephone numbers, prior criminal convictions (excluding traffic violations in which the penalty was $25.00 or less) of such newly interested person or parsons, extent and type of interest of the new owner, partner, member or stockholder of such business. Such application for master licen e, whether for original or renewal of an existing license, shall also disclose the location, or proposed location, and the serial number, make and manufacture of each such game of skill operated, or to be operated, by applicant within the City of Kent. "No master license shall be issued to any person, partnership, firm, association or corporation, who, or any member of stock- holder of which, has a prior criminal conviction (excluding traffic violations where the penalty was $25.00 or less), nor to any person, partnership, firm, association or corporation which does not also hold a valid similar license from King County, Washington. "No more than two (2) such master licenses shall issue until such time as more than forty (40) locations, approved by the Chief Of Police after a consultation with and majority approval of the Police Committee of the City Council of the City of Kent, shall be available in the City." Section 2. That Section 2 of said Ordinance No. 706, entitled, ssed and approved as aforesaid, as amended by Section 2 of Ordina No. 796, entitied, passed and approved as aforesaid, as amended by Section 1 of Qrdinance No. 829, entitled "An Ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordiance 796 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent, relating to the licensing and regulation of games of skill, novelt and amusement"�assed by the City on July 17, 1950 and approved July 18, 1950, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: " Section 2. Any person, partnership, film, association or corporation, aftr having received said master license, may then operate any number to and including twenty (20) cf'such games of skill in the City of Kent, upon payment to the City Treasurer of the City of Kent of the sum of $25.00 per quarter, payable in advance, for each such game of skill; provided, however, that no license shall be granted to operate such game of skill in, and no transfer of a licensed game shall be made to, any location when such location is licensed to and occupied by a machine owned by another licensee, nor until such location shall have been approved in writing by the Chief of Police after consultation with, and majority approval of, the Police Committee of the City Council of the City." Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect Pive (5) days after its passage, appYleva3 end publication as )rovided by law. /*_� � It Approved as to form: Passed July 18, 1960 Approved July 19, 1960 Published July 20, 1960 0 yor