HomeMy WebLinkAbout1061ORDINANCE N0. &�� An Ordinance of the City of Kent approving a plat of portions of land in said City under the name KENTWOOD HILLS, DIVISION No. 1 ,dHEREAS, DWIGHT M. MOSER and FLORENCE G. MOSER, his wife, J.R. COLE and LILLIAN M. COLE, his wife, C.E. DOLMAN and MARJORIE G. DOLMAN, his wife, E.M. BRANNAN and ALMA BRANNAN, his wife, HARLAN CROSS and PHILLIP M. BOTCH, BAY CONSTRUCTION INC., H.K. WASSON, President and J.G. WASSON, Secretary, have submitted to the City a proposed plat of the following described land in said City: That portion of the south half of the northwest quarter of Sec. 27, Township 22 north, Range 4 east, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the west quarter corner of the afore mentioned Section 27 and running south $901411911 east on the centerline of Section 30.001 to the true point of beginning; thence north 100010311 east 123.101; thence in a northeasterly direction 515.141 measured along.the arc of curve having a radius of 6$6.201; thence north 4400014$11 east $9.0$1 to the north line of the south 2 of the SWr" of the NW 1 of said Section; thence south $901112711 east 1049.921 to the NE corner thereof; thence north 005$12$11 east 154.321; thence south $$04210 711 east 1325.19' to the centerline of said Section; thence south 00 57 1 4411 west 196.1'; thence north $$04711$1f west 793.67'; thence south 3101214211 west 2$9.251; thence south 4904315771 west, $6.$71; thence south 6204015$11 west 477•$91; thence south $$04913111 west 92.$$1; thence north $$05415711 west 533•$91; thence south 100510311 west 74.9:1 to the south line of said northwest quarter; thence north $901411911 west 56$.261 to the true point of beginning. and the said matter coming on for hearing pursuant to notice of said hearing, duly posted in the form and manner and for the time required by law; the City Council after due consideration thereof finds that said plat conforms to all legal requirements, that due provision has been made for all streets and alleys and for other public necessities and conveniences; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. That said Kentwood Hills, Division No. 1 be and it is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to have approval thereof duly inscribed thereon under their proper official signatures and with the seal of said City. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days after its passage, approval and publication, as by law provided. Mayor � Attest -as. Bridges n 1 Approved as to form:%k-,.j,46vL City Atty. Passed ae�r�l, 1960 Approved Naach--U , 1960 Published M�j 1960