HomeMy WebLinkAbout2196ORDINANCE NO.I` AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the 1979 Budget for trans- fers and adjustments made to various budgets during the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 1979. Section 1. The reasons for changes in budgets are as fol- lows: Revenue A. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 175,562 2. Increase reimbursements for damaged assets. 1,073 3. Increase engineering service fees. 1,577 4. Decrease return transfer from Reith Road/Military Road Inter- section Improvement and Canyon Drive Improvement. (5,667) 5. Decrease animal license fees due to County taking over. (9,800) 6. Increase CPR -Public Education Reimbursement for 1978 carryover. 1,470 7. Increase transfers from Contingency Fund for fire arbitration settlement salaries and benefits. 100,377 8. Increase transfer from Contingency Fund for IPP studies. 263,573 9. Increase CETA revenue for exten- sion of Crime Prevention unit thru 9/30/79. 8,200 10. Increase plan check fees, building permit fees and zoning fees for accelerating permit process and setting up Hearing Examiner. 28,784 11. Increase return transfer from Military/Kent Des Moines Inter- section. 696 Expenditures 1. Administration a) Increase travel, subsistence and capital outlay per agreement. 2. Non -Departmental a) Increase benefits for Fire arbi- tration settlement and additional C.E. employees. b) Carryover 1978 transfer to Military/ Kent -Des Moines Intersection. Expenditure 4,290 1 13,927 3,481 Revenue Expenditure c) Increase transfer to West $ $ Valley Hiway Signals and 42nd Avenue Street Improvement ap- proved by Finance Committee 8/15/79. 39,306 d) Budget transfer to establish Workmen's Compensation Fund ap- proved by Council 6/18/79. 100,000 e) Budget IPP studies approved by Council 7/16/79. 263,573 3. Planning a) Budget assistant planner as part of permit process approved by Council 6/18/79. 8,909 b) Increase equipment rental costs for transfer of Administrative car to Planning approved by Finance Committee 8/15/79. 1,483 4. Police a) Increase repairs to damaged vehicles reimbursed by insurance. 1,073 b) Increase CETA salaries for extension of Crime Prevention unit thru 9/30/79. 6,548 c) Increase transportation costs for CETA Crime Prevention unit thru 9/30/79. 250 5. Fire a) Decrease capital outlay for trans- fer to Finance Department for pur- chase of typewriter approved by Finance Committee 5/15/79. (854) b) Increase salaries due to arbitra- tion award approved by Finance Com- mittee 6/29/79. 98,568 c) Increase salaries and uniforms for additional Fire Prevention clerk as part of accelerated permit process approved by Council 6/18/79. 4,706 6. Engineering a) Increase supplies due to increased projects offset by additional engineer- ing services revenue 1,577 b) Increase salaries and supplies for additional construction engineer as part of accelerated permit process approved by Council 6/18/79. 10,852 7. Health a) Increase 1979 Health Department con- tract with Seattle -King County Health Department approved by Council 7/16/79. 2,802 - 2 - 8 . Hearing Examiner a) Establish 1979 budgeted sal- $ aries for Hearing Examiner system approved by Council 5/21/79. 9. Finance a) Increase Treasurer's capital outlay budget for typewriter approved by Finance Committee 5/15/79. _ Total Budget Adjustments Current Expense Fund B. FEDERAL/STATE GRANT MATCHING FUND Vo,qro,,,,A4 Revenue Expenditure R 4,500 854 $ 565,845 $ 565,845 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 1,286 2. Decrease return transfer from 104th Avenue Street Improvement and increase return transfer from Central Avenue Signals Construction Fund. (1,015) Expenditures 1. Budget transfer to Kent Commons - Phase II Construction Fund ear- marked during 1979 budget process. 100,000 2. Decrease budgeted estimated ending cash balance for transfer to Kent Commons -Phase II (100,000) 3. Increase budgeted estimated ending cash balance for return transfer from Central Avenue Signals Con- struction Fund. 271 Total Budget Adjustments - Federal/ State Grant Matching Fund. $ 271 C. PARKS AND RECREATION FUND Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 8,162 2. Increase contributions for umbrellas for Saturday Market. 1,081 3. Budget grant from King County for Special Cooperative Arts program. 3,840 Expenditures 1. Increase budgeted unemployment com- pensation payments to self-insured fund based on revised salary esti- mates as of 3/15/79. - 3 - $ 271 Revenue 2. Increase budget for emergency $ furnace replacement at Senior Center approved by City Council 4/2/79. 3. Increase budget for increased costs of Kent Memorial Park paving project approved by Council 4/2/79. 4. Budget expenditures for special cooperative arts program funded thru King County Arts Commission. 5. Budget purchase of ceramic arts equipment approved by Finance Committee 8/15/79. 6. Budget purchase of Saturday Market umbrellas financed by donations and approved by Finance Committee 6/29/79. Total Budget Adjustments - Parks and Recreation Fund. $ 13,083 D. STREET FUND RG]CTCn I'l gn C 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Increase budgeted unemployment compensation payments to self- insurance fund based on revised salary estimates as of 3/15/79. 2. Carryover of 1978 storm drainage and street construction. 3. Budget for emergency storm drain outfall in Kentwood Hills #4 approved by Finance Committee 6/29/79. 4. Budget purchase of R/W for SE 232nd Street Improvement approved by Fin- ance Committee 6/29/79. 217,548 5. Budget Kent's portion of SR516/Hwy 99 overlay per agreement with Washington State DOT approved by Council 4/16/79. Total Budget Adjustments Street Fund E. STREET FORWARD THRUST FUND RA�ianiiaa 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Increase return transfer from South 180th Construction Fund. - 4 - Expenditure 1,699 3,256 3,840 2,312 1,081 $ 1.3,083 201 159,347 25,000 23,000 10,000 $ 217,548 $ 217,548 1,320 8,526 Expenditures 1. Increase in budgeted estimated ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments - Street Forward Thrust Fund F. CUMULATIVE RESERVE -PARK FUND 'DIn[1G 7'71,.I= Q= 1. Budget proceeds from sale of East Hill Community Hall. 2. Budget investment interest for 1979. Expenditures 1. Budget costs of sale of East Hill Community Hall approved by Finance Committee 6/29/79. 2. Increase in budgeted estimated ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments - Cumulative Reserve -Park Fund G. KENT COMMONS OPERATING FUND 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Revise revenue estimates fol- lowing five months of operation. 3. Increase transfer from Housing and Community Development Fund for 1979-1980 Block Grant ap- proval. Expenditures 1. Revise expenditure estimates following five months of opera- tion. 2. Increase budgeted unemployment compensation payments to self- insurance fund based on revised salary estimates as of 3/15/79. 3. Increase in budgeted estimated ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments - Kent Commons Operating Fund H. FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE FUND DoTT�I'717�C - 5 - Revenue Expenditure 9,846 $ 9,846 $ 9,846 18,100 500 200 18,400 $ 18,600 $ 18,600 4,882 6,821 22,000 (365) 74 33,994 33,703 $ 33,703 Revenue 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. $ 31,917 Expenditures 1. Budget 1978 carryovers Expenditure 31,917 Total Budget Adjustments - Federal Shared Revenue Fund $ 31,917 $ 31,917 I. CENTRAL AVE. SOUTH CONSTRUCTION FUND 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 1,000 Expenditures 1. Budget 1978 carryover for right- of-way. 1,000 Total Budget Adjustments Central Ave. South Construction Fund$ 1;,000 $ 1,000 J. CANYON DRIVE CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Budget 1978 carryover for right- of-way. 2. Increase right-of-way costs due to revised engineers estimate. 3. Decrease in budgeted return trans - 2,500 2,500 2,923 fer to Current Expense Fund. (2,923) Total Budget Adjustments Canyon Drive Construction Fund $ 2,500 $ 2,500 K. CENTRAL AVENUE SIGNALS CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Decrease in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. (12,606) 2. Carryover 1978 State Grant 10,253 Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction costs. 2. Decrease audit costs per revised engineers estimate. 3. Increase return transfer to Grant Matching Fund _ (2,353) (271) 271 Total Budget Adjustments - Central Avenue Signals Construction Fund $ (2,353) $ (2,353) Revenue Expenditure L. REITH ROAD/MILITARY INTERSECTION $ $ CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 851 Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. 3,595 2. Decrease return transfer to Current Expense Fund. (2,744) Total Budget Adjustments -Reith Road/Military Intersection Con- struction Fund $ 851 $ 851 M. SMITH STREET (CENTRAL TO 4TH) CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 35,105 2. Carryover 1978 Federal Grant 28,463 3. Budget 1979 Investment Interest 200 Expenditures 1. Carry-over 1978 Construction Costs. 24,277 2. Increase budget for revised esti- mate of construction costs approved by Finance Committee 6/29/79. 30,965 3. Increase return transfer to Street Forward Thrust Fund approved by Finance Committee 6/29/79. 8,526 Total Budget Adjustments Smith Street (Central to 4th) Construction Fund $ 63,768 $ 63,768 N. SOUTH 180TH (WVH to EVH) CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 21,955 Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs 22,126 2. Decrease in budgeted estimated (171) ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments - South 180th (WVH to EVH) Const. Fund. $ 21,955 $ 21,955 - 7 - 0. 104TH AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND D-—, — ma 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Decrease 1978 carryover of State Grant. Expenditures 1. Decrease return transfer to Grant Matching Fund Total Budget Adjustments -104th Avenue Street Improvement Con- struction Fund. P. SOUTH 212TH/WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY ..SIGNALS Docron,io a 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Carryover 1978 Federal Grant Revenue 150 (1,436) Expenditure (1,286) $ (.1.286) $ (1,286) 3,160 1,071 Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. 4,231 Total Budget Adjustments - South 212th/West Valley Highway Signals $ 4,231 $ 4,231 Q. MILITARY/KENT-DES MOINES ROAD INTERSECTION 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash. balance 2. Decrease Federal Grant 3. Increase transfer from Current Expense Fund. 4. Increase State Grant Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 construction costs. 2. Increase construction costs per revised engineers estimate. 3. Increase return transfer to Current Expense Fund. 602 (1,024) 3,481 5,288 Total Budget Adjustments - Military Kent Des Moines Intersection $ 1 8,34.7 6,902 749 696 $ 8,347 Revenue R. FOURTH AVENUE SIGNALS CONSTRUCTION $ FUND Doc:on„oc 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. 1978 carryover of Federal Grant. 3. Increase transfer from Arterial Street Fund. Expenditures 1. 1978 carryover of Construction Costs. 4,043 49,062 2,046 Expenditure 60,949 2. Decrease Construction Costs per revised engineers estimate. (5,798) Total Budget Adjustments - Fourth Avenue Signals Construction Fund $ 55, 151 $ 55,151 S. WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY SIGNALS CONSTRUCTION FUND 'DIM Von77C]C 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Increase Federal Grants. 3. Budget 1979 Investment Interest. 4. Increase transfer from Current Expense Fund. Expenditures 1. 1978 carryover of Construction Costs. 2. Increase Construction Costs due to increased size of project ap- proved by Finance Committee 8/15/79. 1,561 14,527 642 3,482 1,561 18,651 Total Budget Adjustments - West Valley Highway Signals Construction $ 20,212 $ 20,212 Fund T. WEST MEEKER STREET IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Decrease in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. Total Budget Adjustments - West Meeker Street Improvement Con- struction Fund (2,546) $ (2,546) $ (2,546) (2,546) U. KENT -DES MOINES ROAD IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND 1D-—, - 1. Decrease in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. Revenue (2,140) Expenditure (2,140) Total Budget Adjustments - Kent -Des Moines Road Improvement Construction Fund $ (2,140) $ (2,140) V. NORTH CENTRAL STREET IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Decrease in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. Total Budget Adjustments - North Central Street Improvement Con- struction Fund W. KENT COMMONS -PHASE II CONSTRUCTION FUND D'dro n n o c 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Increase Federal Grants per re- vised project estimate. 3. Budget transfer from Grant Matching Fund earmarked during 1979 budget process. Expenditures 1. Increase construction costs per revised project estimate. (1,307) (1,307) $ (1,30-7) $ (1,307) 783 163,898 100,000 264,681 Total Budget Adjustments - Kent Commons-Phast II Construction Fund $ 264,681 $ 264,681 X 84TH AVENUE SOUTH CONSTRUCTION FUND De�,Ydri, o.c 1. Decrease in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. ewtiz (41,058) 2. Decrease transfer from 1978 $ Street Construction Fund. 3. Increase State UAB Grants 4. Carryover 1978 transfer from LID 293. 5. Budget 1979 Investment Interest. Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. 2. Budget increased construction costs due to increase in UAB grant award. 3. Decrease construction costs by UAB grant amount received for prelimi- nary engineering. Total Budget Adjustments - 84th Avenue South Construction Fund Y. 1978 STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND DOTT »ll�. 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Budget return transfer from 72nd Avenue Street Construction Fund. Expenditures 1. Decrease transfer to 84th Avenue South Street Construction Fund. 2. Increase in budgeted estimated ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments - 1978 Street Construction Fund Z. KENT-KANGLEY ROAD IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. Total Budget Adjustments - Kent- Kangley Road Improvement Con- struction Fund Revenue (25,135) 504,595 115,793 4,966 Expenditure 504,195 67,565 12,599) $ 559,161 $ 559,161 35,717 4,265 (25,135) 65,117 $ 39,982 $ 39,982 178,000 178,000 $ 178,000 $ 178,000 AA. 72ND AVENUE STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND T3-,,- T,.1,: � � 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditure 1. Budget balance of right-of-way costs. 2. Budget return transfer to 1978 Street Construction Fund. Total Budget Adjustments - 72nd Avenue Street Construction Fund BB. 42ND AVENUE STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND Do,TO Y,llOC 1. Increase transfer from Current Expense Fund. 2. Budget 1979 Investment Interest. Expenditures 1. Increase construction costs due to escallation of costs and ad- dition of sidewalks approved by Finance Committee 8/15/79. Total Budget Adjustments - 42nd Avenue Street Construction Fund CC. 104TH AVENUE STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Budget transfer from Sewer Fund. 2. Increase State Grants. 3. Budget County participation. 4. Budget 1979 Investment Interest. 5. Increase LID 292 participation. Revenue 4,370 Expenditure 105 4.265 $ 4,370 $ 4,370 Expenditures 1. Budget sewer portion of project costs approved by Finance Com- mittee 6/29/79. 2. Increase construction costs due to larger State grant, County participation and enlarged scope of project. Total Budget Adjustments - 104th Avenue Street Construction Fund - 12 - 35,824 57 $ 35,881 35,000 112,413 79,544 1,740 6,947 $ 235,644 35.881 $ 35,881 35,000 200,644 $ 235,644 Revenue DD. CHICAGO/MILWAUKEE CROSSING UPGRADES $ Revenues 1. Increase Federal Grants. 90,250 2. Decrease transfer from 1978 Street Construction Fund. (69,050) Expenditutes 1. Increase engineering fees for the railroad company. Total Budget Adjustments - Chicago/ Milwaukee Crossing Upgrades $ 21,200 EE. WATER OPERATING FUND D r.er��n i�oc 1. Budget reimbursement from developer for majority of Tukwila Intertie costs. Expenditures 1. Budget Tukwila Intertie Con- struction costs. 2. Budget employee training omitted from 1979 budget in error. 3. Decrease in budgeted estimated ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments - Water Operating Fund Expenditure 21,200 $ 21,200 62,000 70,000 1,000 (9,000) $ 62,000 $ 62,000 FF. 1978 WATER REVENUE BONDS CONSTRUCTION .FUND Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 556,201 2. Budget 1979 Investment Interest. 30,064 3. Increase return transfers from Water Construction Funds. 74,914 Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. 516,434 2. Budget transfer to Kent Springs Chlorination Construction Fund. 42,652 3. Additional construction costs on 1978 Water Bond Issue projects. 15,756 4. Decrease in budgeted estimated end- ing cash balance. (158,663) 5. Budget East Hill Well Construction approved by Council 4/16/79 & 5/21/79 245,000 Total Budget Adjustments -1978 Water Revenue Bonds Construction Fund $ 66.1,179 $ 661,179 - 13 - GG. KENT SPRINGS CHLORINATION FUND $ Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. $ 2. Budget transfer from 1978 Water Revenue Bonds Construction Fund. 3. Budget 1979 Investment Interest. Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. 2. Decrease return transfer to 1978 Water Revenue Bonds Construction Fund. Total Budget Adjustments - Kent Springs Chlorination Fund. HH. WEST HILL RESERVOIR CONSTRUCTION FUND Dotro r�itoc 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Budget 1979 Investment Interest. Expenditures Revenue Expenditure 28,556 42,652 9,087 $ 81,126 (831) $ 80,295 $ 80,295 4,668 3,148 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. 10,105 2. Decrease return transfer to 1978 Water Revenue Bonds Construction Fund. (2,289) Total Budget Adjustments - West Hill Reservoir Construction Fund $ 7,816 $ 7,816 II. EAST HILL BOOSTER PUMP CONSTRUCTION FUND 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 35,230 2. Budget 1979 Investment Interest. 870 Expenditures 1. Budget return transfer to 1978 Water Revenue Bonds Construction Fund. Total Budget Adjustments - East Hill Booster Pump Construction Fund $ 36,100 - 14 - 36,100 $ 36,100 Revenue JJ. WEST HILL BOOSTER PUMP CONSTRUCTION$ FUND 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. $ 24,697 2. Carryover 1978 State Grant. 8,718 3. Budget 1979 Investment Interest. 164 Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. 2. Increase return transfer to 1978 Water Revenue Bonds Construction Fund. Expenditure $ 20,062 3,593 3. Increase construction costs based on revised engineers estiamte ap- proved by Finance Committee 6/29/79. 9,924 Total Budget Adjustments - West Hill Booster Pump Construction Fund $ 33,579 KK. 116TH AVENUE TRANSMISSION MAIN CONSTRUCTION FUND D,=Tnnn1, nc 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Budget 1979 Investment Interest. Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. 2. Increase construction costs based on revised engineers estimate. 3. Increase return transfer to 1978 Water Revenue Bonds Construction Fund. 43,964 1,296 Total Budget Adjustments - 116th Avenue Transmission Main Construction Fund $ 45,260 LL. 124th AVENUE/WD #111 RESERVOIR AND TRANSMISSION CONSTRUCTION FUND noc�on-„cc 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Decrease State Grant received in 1978. 3. Carryover 1978 WD#111 payment. Expenditures 1. Carryover 1978 Construction Costs. - 15 - 49,310 (53, 813) 6,450 $ 33,579 7,500 2,000 35,760 $ 45,260 (191) Revenue Expenditure 2. Increase return transfer to 1978 Water Revenue Bonds Con- struction Fund. $ $ 2,138 Total Budget Adjustments - 124th Avenue/WD#111 Reservoir and Trans- mission Construction Fund $ 1,947 $ 1,947 MM. GARBAGE OPERATING FUND 1. Increase revenues due to new garbage contract and higher dump fees. Expenditures 1. Increase expenditures due to new garbage contract and high- er dump fees. 2. Budget reimbursement to Street Department for Spring Cleanup costs. 3. Decrease in budgeted estimated ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments - Garbage Operating Fund NN. EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 631,350 646,350 19,883 (34,883) $ 631,350 $ 631,350 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Increase budgeted unemployment compensation payments to self- insurance fund 'used on revised salary estimates as of 3/15/79. _ Total Budget Adjustments - Equipment Rental Fund $ OO. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 1. Decrease in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Carryover 1978-1979 Grant rev- enues. 3. Increase Grant revenues for 1979- 1980 Block Grant approved by Council 11/20/78. - 16 - 211 211 211 $ 211 (4,301) 40,515 208,592 Revenue Expenditures $ 1. Decrease in budgeted estimated ending cash balance. 2. Carryover 1978-1979 Block Grant Programs. 3. Increase expenditures for 1979- 1980 Block Grant Programs ap- proved by Council 11/20/78. _ Total Budget Adjustments - Housing and Community Development Fund $ 244,806 PP. UNEMPLOYMENT TRUST FUND Revenues 1. Budget unemployment compensa- tion contributions from all funds based on 1.250 of salaries. 57,699 Expenditures 1. Budget estimated ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments - Unemployment Trust Fund QQ. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION FUND 1. Budget transfer from Current Expense to set up self-insurance fund. 2. Budget workmen's compensation contributions from all funds with employees. Expenditure (21) 36,235 208,592 $ 244,806 57,699 $ 57,699 $ 57,699 Expenditures 1. Budget reserve required by state. 2. Budget expenses of operating self- insurance fund. 100,000 22,500 Total Budget Adjustments - Workmen's Compensation Fund $ 122,500 RR. LID #292 FUND Revenues 1. Increase proceeds from sale of bonds. 6,947 100,000 22,500 $ 122,500 Expenditures 1. Increase transfer to 104th Avenue SE Street Construction Fund. 6,9471 - 17 - Total Budget Adjustments - LID #292 Fund SS. LID #293 FUND Revenues 1. Budget proceeds from sale of LID Bonds. Expendituz es 1. Budget transfer to 84th Avenue South Street Construction Fund. Total Budget Adjustments - LID #293 Fund TOTAL ALL BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR SECOND AND THIRD QUARTER - 1979 Revenue Expenditure $ 6,947 $ 6,947 115,793 115,793 $ 115,793 $ 115,793 $ 4,505,597 $ 4,505,597 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publicatio: as provided by law. r� ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR ATTEST: BRIE JE N, CITY CLERK AP ROVED AS TO FORM: DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the / day of December, 1979. APPROVED the / % day of December, 1979. PUBLISHED the day of December, 1979. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. r. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE, SEN, CITY CLERK