HomeMy WebLinkAbout2104follows: ORDINANCE NO. 16 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the 1978 Budget for trans- fers, and adjustments made to various budgets during the 1st quarter of 1978. Section 1. The reasons for changes in budgets are as Revenue Expenditure A. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Revenues 1. Decrease in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. [3,038] 2. Increase Federal Grant for CETA program and 1977 carry- overs. 20,229 3. Budget transfer from Contin- gency Fund for 1978 cost of living and reclassification salary increases approved by Council 2/21/78. 153,351 4. Budget 1977 carryover transfer from Canyon Drive Construction Fund. 2,923 5. Increase transfer from Reith Road/Military Intersection Fund per revised engineering estimate. 3,513 6. Budget reimbursement from King County for CPR training of high school students. 4,416 Expenditures 1. Administration a. Increase salaries for cost of living adjustments. 3,438 2. Non -Departmental a. Decrease Current Expense Fund departments' employee benefits due to increases less than es - t [24,202] imated. b. Increase transfer to Library Fund for increased cost of King Co. library services. 4,158 c. Increase payment to Parks Dept. for grounds maintenance due to cost of living increases. 328 d. Decrease transfer to Parks Dept. due to increased grounds maint- enance revenue. [2,088] e. Decrease employee benefits due to delayed hiring of new pa- trolmen. 3. Attorney a. Increase salaries for cost of living adjustments. 4. Planning a. Increase salaries for cost of living adjustments and reclassifications approved by Council 2/21/78. b. Carryover 1977 unexpended printing allocation. 5. Police a. Increase salaries for cost of living adjustments. b. Increase capital outlay for microfilm camera approved by Finance Committee 3/31/78. 6. Fire a. Increase salaries for cost of living adjustments and reclassifications approved by Council 2/21/78. b. Budget professional services for reimbursable CPR training of high school students. 7. Engineering a. Increase salaries for cost of living adjustments and reclassifications approved by Council 2/21/78. 8. Finance a. Increase salaries for cost of living adjustments and reclassifications approved by Council 2/21/78. 9. Civil Service a. Increase salaries for cost of living adjustments. Total Budget Adjustments - Current Expense B. FEDERAL/STATE GRANT MATCHING FUND D�csontGc 1. Decrease return transfer from 104th Ave. Street Const. Fund due to revised engineering pro- ject estimate. - 2 - Revenue Expenditure [2,879] 3,284 16,339 1,000 55,811 2,879 65,456 4,416 29,194 23,924 336 $ 181,394 $ 181,394 [406] Expenditures 1. Decrease budgeted estimated ending cash balance due to revised engineering estimate. Total Budget Adjustments - Federal/State Grant Matching Fund C. PARKS AND RECREATION FUND Revenues 1. Increase Federal Grant for CETA program and 1977 carry- overs. 2. Budget transfer from Conti- gency Fund for 1978 cost of living and reclassification salary increases approved by Council 2/21/78. 3. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 4. Carryover 1977 street tree rev- enue from Street Department 5. Budget building and grounds maintenance revenue from Kent Commons Operating Fund. 6. Budget transfer from Grant Matching Fund for balance of down payment on Korry Field ap- proved by Council 3/27/78. Revenue Expenditure 406 $ [406] $ [406) Expenditures 1. Increase salaries and benefits for cost of living adjustments and reclassifications approved by Council 2/21/78. 2. Increase Lake Fenwick Parking development costs approved by Council 2/21/78. 3. Carryover 1977 reimbursable street tree expenditures. 4. Budget reimbursable Kent Commons building and grounds maintenance expenditures. 5. Budget down payment on Korry Field purchase approved by Council 3/27/78. Total Budget Adjustments - Parks and Recreation D. LIBRARY FUND Revenues - 3 - 4,636 22,234 55,555 895 7,365 19,945 26,870 25,500 895 7,365 50,000 $ 110,630 $ 110,630 E. 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Increase transfer from Current Expense Fund. Expenditures 1. Increase cost of King County Library services due to re- vised formula. 2. Increase payment to Parks De- partment for grounds mainte- nance due to cost of living increases. Total Budget Adjustments - Library Revenue 76 4,158 Expenditure 4,158 76 $ 4,234 $ 4,234 STREET FUND Revenues 1. Increase Federal Grant for CETA program and 1977 carryovers. 2,290 2. Budget transfer from Contingency Fund for 1978 cost of living and reclassification salary increases approved by Council 2/21/78. 12,067 3. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 74,596 Expenditures 1. Increase salaries and benefits Total Budget Adjustments - Street Fund - 4 - $ 88,953 $ 88,953 for cost of living adjustments and reclassifications approved by Council 2/21/78. 14,357 2. Budget cost of purchase and installation of warning signs along Green River roads approv- ed by Finance Committee 2/28/78. 2,000 3. Carryover paving projects not 64,545 completed in 1977. 4. Carryover street oiling projects not completed in 1977. 4,672 5. Carryover street tree replacements not planted in 1977. 895 6. Budget blinker light at 116th SE and SE 256th approved by Finance Committee 2/28/78. 800 7. Increase payment to Parks Dept. for grounds maintenance due to cost of living increases. 1,684 Total Budget Adjustments - Street Fund - 4 - $ 88,953 $ 88,953 F. PARK FORWARD THRUST FUND 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 2. Budget investment interest re- ceived through 3/31/78. Expenditures 1. Increase transfer of balance in Park Forward Thrust Fund to Russell Road Park Con- struction Fund. Total Budget Adjustments - Park Forward Thrust G. STREET FORWARD THRUST FUND Revenues 1. Increase transfer of sur- plus from Smith St. Const. Fund due to revised engi- neering department project estimate. 2. Increase transfer of surplus from So. 180th St. Const. Fund due to revised engi- neering department project estimate. Expenditures 1. Increase in budgeted esti- mated ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments - Street Forward Thrust H. KENT COMMONS OPERATING FUND Revenues 1. Decrease Federal Grant for CETA program Expenditures 1. Decrease over budgeted CETA salaries and benefits. Total Budget Adjustments - Kent Commons Operating Fund I. FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE FUND 1. Increase in budgeted esti- mated beginning cash balance. - 5 - Revenue Expenditure 673 270 943 $ 943 $ 943 2,482 1,587 4,069 $ 4,069 $ 4,069 [1,035] 1,035] $ [1,035] $ [1,035] 142,967 J. K. L. Expenditures 1. Carryover approved projects not completed in 1977. Total Budget Adjustments - Federal Shared Revenue RUSSELL ROAD PARK - PHASE II CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Increase transfer of balance of funds from Park Forward Thrust Fund. Expenditures 1. Increase contractor expense per revised project estimate. Total Budget Adjustments - Russell Road Park Phase II Const. KENT COMMONS PHASE I CONST. FUND Revenues 1. Budget transfer from Kent Commons -Phase II Construction for 1977 expenditure advances. 2. Increase transfer from Hous- ing & Community Development Fund for 1977 carryover Expenditures 1. Increase contractor expense for 1977 carryovers. Total Budget Adjustments - Kent Commons Phase I Const. Fund EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY NORTH CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Budget estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Budget 1977 carryover right- of-way costs. Total Budget Adjustments East Valley Highway North Const. M. CANYON DRIVE CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted esti- - 6 - Revenue Expenditure 142,967 $ 142,967 $ 142,967 943 943 $ 943 $ 943 12,106 37,753 49,859 $ 49,859 $ 49,859 100 100 $ 100 $ 100 mated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Budget transfer back to Current Expense Fund per revised engi- neers estimate. Total Budget Adjustments - Canyon Drive Construction N. CENTRAL AVENUE SIGNALS 1. Increase in budgeted esti- mated beginning cash balance. 2. Increase State Grants for 1977 carryovers. Expenditures 1. Increase construction costs for 1977 carryovers. Total Budget Adjustments - Central Avenue Signals 0. REITH ROAD/MILITARY INTERSECTION Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted esti- mated beginning cash balance. 2. Budget County Grant from 1977 carryover. Expenditures 1. Budget 1977 carryover of architectual and engineer- ing services. 2. Increase budgeted transfer back to Current Expense per revised engineer's estimate. Total Budget Adjustments - Reith Road/Military Intersection P. SMITH STREET CONSTRUCTION CENTRAL TO 4TH 1. Budgeted transfer from Water Fund for hydrant. 2. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Increase budgeted transfer - 7 - Revenue Expenditure 2,923 2.923 $ 2,923 $ 2,923 9,856 90,464 100,320 $ 100,320 $ 100,320 1,519 3,177 1,183 3,513 $ 4,696 $ 4,696 1,159 1,323 back to Street Forward Thrust Fund per revised engineer's estimate. Total Budget Adjustments - Smith Street Construction Q. SOUTH 180TH - WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY TO EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY CONST. 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance Expenditures 1. Budget 1977 carryover construc- tion costs. 2. Increase transfer back to Street Forward Thrust Fund per revised engineer's esti- mate. Total Budget Adjustments - South 180th Street Construction R. 104TH AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT Revenues 1. Decrease in budgeted esti- mated beginning cash bal- ance. 2. Budget 1977 carryover State Grants. 3. Budget 1977 carryover trans- fer from LID 281. Expenditures 1. Decrease budgeted transfer back to Grant Matching Fund per revised engineer's esti- mate. 2. Budget 1977 carryover con- struction expenses Total Budget Adjustments - 104th Avenue Street Improvement S. SOUTH 212TH AND WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY SIGNAL 1. Decrease in budgeted esti- mated beginning cash bal- ance. MI.= Revenue Expenditure 2,482 $ 2,482 $ 2,482 95,267 93,680 1,587 $ 95,267 $ 95,267 [67,108] 139,764 47,135 [406] 120,197 $ 119,791 L===1=1 9 =7 9 1 [8,755] Revenue Expenditure Expenditures 1. Decrease budgeted construc- tion costs per revised eng- ineer's estimate. [8,755 Total Budget Adjustments - South 212th and West Valley Highway Signal $ [8,755] $ [8,755] IT. KENT COMMONS - PHASE II CONSTRUCTION 1. Decrease in budgeted esti- mated beginning cash balance. [32,570] Expenditures 1. Decrease budgeted construction costs completed in 1977. [32,570] Total Budget Adjustments - Kent Commons - Phase II $ [32,570] $ [32,570]1 U. 84TH AVENUE SOUTH CONSTRUCTION I SOUTH 216TH TO SOUTH 192ND 1. Budget transfer from Rev- enue Sharing Fund approved by Council 3/31/78. 4,865 Expenditures 1. Budget preliminary engineering approved by Council 3/31/78. 4,865 Total Budget Adjustments - 84th Avenue South Construction $ 4,865 $ 4,865 V. SEWER OPERATING FUND 1. Increase Federal Program for CETA employees and 1977 carryover. 26,528 Expenditures 1. Decrease salaries and benefits due to additional CETA program. [2,706] 2. Increase in budgeted estimated ending cash balance. 29,234 Total Budget Adjustments - Sewer Operating Fund $ 26,528 $ 26,528 W. WATER OPERATING FUND ■m Expenditures Revenue Expenditure Revenues [10,610] 1. Increase Federal Program for 2. CETA employees and 1977 7►182 carryovers. 14,666 2. Increase in budgeted esti- 2,000 mated beginning cash balance. 9,411 3. Increase Federal Grant carry- 1,617 over from 1977. 31,500 4. Increase Federal Loan carry- over from 1977. 31,500 Expenditures 1. Decrease in budgeted estimated [10,610] ending cash balance. 2. Increase salaries and benefits 7►182 for cost of living increases. 3. Increase professional services 2,000 for 1977 carryover. 4. Increase equipment purchases 1,617 for 1977 carryover. 5. Budget transfer to Smith Street Construction Fund for water hy- 1,159 drant installation. 6. Budget for WD #111 intertie ap- 4,635 proved by Council 9/6/77. 7. Increase budget for rent, account- ing and engineering increase ap- proved by Council but omitted 33,669 from 1978 budget. 8. Budget for oversizing devel- opers lines omitted from 1978 10,000 budget. 9. Increase drought relief pro- jects carried over from 1977 37,425 budget. Total Budget Adjustments - $ 87,077 $ 87,077 Water Operating Fund X. EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND Revenues 1. Increase Federal program for CETA employees and 1977 carryover. 2,886 2. Increase budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 12,833 Expenditures 1. Increase salaries and bene- - 10 - fits for cost of living in- creases and police vehicle mechanic. Total Budget Adjustments - Equipment Rental Y. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVEL- OPMENT FUND Docro nioc 1. Increase Federal Grant for 1977 carryover. 2. Increase Federal program for CETA 1977 carryover. 3. Decrease budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Increase Housing & Community Development projects for 1977 carryovers. 2. Decrease CETA salaries and benefits. Total Budget Adjustments - Housing & Community Development Z. LID NO. 281 FUND Revenues 1. Budget proceeds from LID bond sales. Expenditures 1. Budget transfer to 104th Avenue Street Construction Fund. Total Budget Adjustments - LID No. 281 TOTAL ALL BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR FIRST QUARTER 1978 Revenue Expenditure 15.719 $ 15,719 $ 15,719 125,563 4,019 [4,983] 124,799 [200]' $ 124,599 $ 124,599 47,135 47.135 $ 47,135 $ 47,135 $ 1,172,728 $ 1,172,728 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and pub- lication as provided by law. ISABEL HOGAN, KNYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK PROVED AS TO FORM: N. DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the -� day of July, 1978. APPROVED the day of July, 1978. PUBLISHED the day of July, 1978. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE SEN, CITY CLERK - 12 -