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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2046ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, amending the 1977 Budget for transfers, and adjustments made to various budgets during the second quarter of 1977. Section 1. The reasons for changes in budgets are as follows: Revenue A. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance $ 2,960 2. Budget transfer from So. 228th Street Construction Fund 13,525 3. Budget transfer from Contingency Fund for salary adjustments 12,170 Expenditure Expenditures 1. Non -Departmental a. Budget transfer to So. 228th St. Construction Fund for final right-of-way costs approved by Finance Committee 4/29/77 $16,485 b. Decrease benefits due to reduc- tion of budgeted Social Security (6,099) rates 2. Planning a. Increase salaries due to salary reclassifications approved by Council 6/6/77 1,621 3. Police a. Increase salaries due to arbi- tration settlement and salary reclassifications approved by Council 6/6/77 8,813 b. Increase benefits for salary adjustments 983 c. Increase budget for patrol car tires approved by Council 6/6/77 1,769 4. Engineering a. Increase salaries due to salary reclassifications approved by Council 6/6/77 553 5. Finance A. Increase salaries due to salary Reclassifications approved by Council 6/6/77 4,530 Total Budget Adjustments Current Expense $28,655 $28,655 B. PARKS AND RECREATION Revenues 1. Increase in budgeted esti- mated beginning cash balance Expenditures 1. Increase budgeted improvements for fencing three tot lots ap- proved by Finance Committee 4/29/77 Total Budget Adjustments Parks and Recreation C. STREET FUND D��T�Tlll OC 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance Expenditures 1. Increase budget for light pole replacements due to increase in accident damage approved by Finance Committee 4/15/77 2. Increase budget for new trees carried over from 1976 budget and new roadside planter ap- proved by Finance Committee 4/29/77 Total Budget Adjustments Street Fund D. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Dcvo n n c c 1. Budget partial reimbursement from University of Washington for CBD Planning Study Expenditures 1. Budget salaries for Work Study student approved by Council 6/6/77 2. Budget benefits for Work Study student 3. Decrease budgeted estimated ending cash balance for City's portion of CBD Planning Study approved by Council 6/6/77 _ Total Budget Adjustments Central Business District $1,361 Revenue 2,500 $2,500 3,017 $3,017 1,361 E. SOUTH 228th STREET CONSTRUCTION Revenues 1. Budget transfer from Current Expense Fund approved by Finance Committee 4/29/77 16,485 - 2 - Expenditure 2.500 $2,500 1,500 1,517 $3,017 2,360 163 $1,361 F. Revenues - cont. 2. Budget State UAB Grant Expenditures 1. Budget final right-of-way costs approved by Finance Committee 4/29/77 2. Budget transfer back to Current Expense Fund Total Budget Adjustments So. 228th Street Construction HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Revenues 1. Budget CETA Funding for minor home repair project 2. Increase Federal Housing & Community Development Grant for 1977 projects Expenditures 1. Budget 1977 Housing & Community Development Grant project ap- proved by Council 11/15/76 Total Budget Adjustments Housing & Community Development TOTAL ALL BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR SECOND QUARTER, 1977 Reserves Expenditure $ 13,525 $ 16,485 13,525 $ 30,010 $ 30,010 36,279 199,771 236.050 $236,050 $236.050 $301,593 $301,593 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JEN N�CIT�YCLEERK PROVED AS TO FORM: 4L DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY - 3 - PASSED the �a day of A gust, 1977. APPROVED the _ '7_ day of Aug t, 1977. PUBLISHED the day of Au ust, 1977. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. _ v`�� passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL MARL NSE�N,`ITYCLERK - 4 -