HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025k ORDINANCE NO. 2 0 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, approving application CD -MHP - 77 -2, an application for a Special Use Combining District for the placement of a mobile home park in an area zoned MRM, Multiple Family Medium Density Residential, and imposing conditions upon said approval. WHEREAS, application has been made to the City of Kent under application No. CD -MHP -77-2 for the imposition of a Special Use Combining District in an area of the city zoned MRM, Multiple Family Medium Density Residential, an area containing 7.50 acres more or less, and WHEREAS, the purpose of said application is to allow the placement of a mobile home park in the City of Kent, and WHEREAS, application CD -MHP -77-2 was heard before the Planning Commission and City Council in public hearings, and all persons who attended said public hearings were given the oppor- tunity to be heard, and all correspondence which was received prior to closure of the public hearings was read and considered, and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it would be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Kent to approve the application, and further that all of the conditions set forth in Section 3.20.04 of the Kent Zoning Code have been or can be satisfied by the imposition of certain conditions upon the expansion contemplated by the application, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Application CD -MHP -77-2, an application to allow the placement of Glen Morse Mobile Home Park, in an area of the City of Kent hereinafter described, be and the same hereby is granted. Section 2. The property upon which said district is imposed, currently zoned MRM, Multiple Family Medium Density Residential is described as follows: CV 0 N tt' CD i`- That portion of Government Lot 5 and of the SE 1/4 of NW 1/4, Section 23, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. described as follows: Beginning on the center line of Secondary State Highway No. 5-A at Highway Engineer's Station 163+00.0 Back - 163+48.2 Ahead as shown on State Highway Map bearing date of approval of January 29, 1957, revised March 19, 1957, the center line of which is also shown of record in Volume 1, Page 32 of Highway Plats, Records of King County, Washington; thence north 63°53130" east along said center line 549.68' to the True Point of Beginning; THENCE south 14151110" east to the southerly line of said Government Lot 5; thence easterly along said line to the westerly line of the John Downey County Road No. 722; thence northerly along said line to the center line of said Secondary State Highway No. 5-A; thence south 63153130" west along said center line to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT the southern 200' thereof and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying north of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the West line of the John Downey County Road No. 722 with the North line of said Section 23 at a point 3,559.9' west of the NE corner of said Section 23; thence along said road line south 9058' east 257.95' and south 20°35' east 1,918.6' and south 12°03' east 322.3' to the True Point of Beginning of said line; THENCE west to the westerly line of the above described tract. Containing 7.50 acres Section 3. The approval of the application to allow the placement of a mobile home park on the above described prop- erty is granted upon the following conditions: 1] Deed 10 feet on the west side of Russell Road to provide 30 feet on the west side of the street centerline. 21 Construct watermains and sanitary sewer lines to serve all lots prior to construc- tion. Provide detailed plans of said lines to Kent Engineering Department for review and approval. Also obtain all necessary outside agencies' approval of said plans. 3] Improve all streets within mobile home park per Ordinance No. 1118 prior to construction. Provide detailed plans of said streets to Kent Engineering Department for review and approval. 4] Improve Russell Road abutting the mobile home park by installing a 20 feet wide, - 2 - 2 inch asphalt overlay on the existing pavement and, on the west side only, construct an 8 foot wide, 2 inch crushed rock shoulder and a five foot wide hard surfaced pedestrian path. 5] Require onsite disposal of all storm waters. Prior to any mobile home related onsite construction submit to Kent Engi- neering Department for review and approval detailed plans of storm water disposal system. 6] Install a lighting system for all roads and walkways within the mobile home park as per City Ordinance No. 1118. Prior to said installation, provide detailed plans to the Engineering Department for review and approval. 7] Hydrant Ordinance No. 1593 shall be com- plied with. Spacing of hydrants may be extended to a maximum of 500 feet be- tween hydrants in the trailer park proper. The apartment -club house complex on the south side shall have hydrants as per the Hydrant Ordinance. 81 Required hydrants shall be installed prior to any combustible building mate- rial being brought on site. 9] That a central service building be placed on the site proper. 10] That a drainage plan be submitted to the Public Works Department for approval prior to any permits being issued. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. - 3 - 1 ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN CITY CLERK � AP ROVED AS TO FORM: DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the � day of April, 1977. APPROVED the day of April, 1977. PUBLISHED theme' day of April, 1977. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. t.Yter (SEAL) MARIE JE1tS)R1N, CITY OLERK , O I• a •, - 4 -