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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968ORDINANCE NO. I9b% AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending the 1976 Budget for transfers and ad- justments made to various budgets during the first quarter of 1976. Section 1. The reasons for changes in budgets are as follows: Revenue Expenditur A. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Revenues Increases in budgeted Revenues for: 1. Increase in budgeted estimated beginning cash balance. 38,715 2. Increase Federal Grant for ex- tension of Indigent Counsel Fees through Feb. 29, 1976. 3,200 3. Transfer from Contingency Fund for salary reclassifications approved by Council as part of 1975 union negotiations. 759 Decreases in budgeted revenues for: 1. Reduce estimated sales tax revenue (30,000) Expenditures To reflect Increases and Decreases in expenditures as follows: 1. Non -Departmental a. Benefits from approved salary adjustments. 87 b. Medical insurance experience costs per June 1, 1975 Blue Cross contract. 5,490 c. Reallocation of property and liability insurance costs ap- proved by Council 2/17/76. (19,859) d. Increase transfers to Park Fund for property and liability in- surance costs. 78 e. Increase transfers to Park Fund for Medical Insurance experience costs. 1,309 f. Increase transfers to Library Fund for property and liability insurance costs. 316 g. Increase transfers to Street Fund for property and liability insurance costs. 1,479 Revenue Expenditure h. Increase transfers to Fire Relief and Pension Fund for medical insurance experience 2,096 costs. i. Increase transfers to LEFF Disability Leave Fund for medical insurance experience 544 costs. 2. City Attorney a. Increase Indigent Counsel Fees 3,200 3. Planning Department a. Increase printing costs for Zoning Codes and Comprehensive 2,075 Plans approved by Council 1/20/76. 4. Police Department a. Increase property and liability insurance costs approved by 3,477 Council 2/17/76. 5. Fire Department a. Increase property and liability insurance costs approved by 3,910 Council 2/17/76 6. Engineering Department a. Increase salaries for reclas- sifications approved by Council during 1975 union negotiations 672 7. City Clerk a. Increase election costs for 1975 costs not billed by county until 7,800 1976. Total Budget Adjustments Current 12,674 $ 12,674 Expense $ B. FEDERAL/STATE GRANT MATCHING FUND 1:5--n11G L^ 1. Increase budgeted Beginning Cash Balance 20,488 Expenditures 1. Transfer to Park Fund for Benaroya property purchase carried over from 20,488 1975 budget. Total Budget Adjustments $ 20,488 $ 20,488 C. PARKS AND RECREATION FUND Revenue Expenditure Revenues 1. Increase budgeted Beginning Cash Balance $ 10,299 $ 2. Revenue for beautification of Lower Mill Creek carried over from 1975 budget 3,421 3. Reduced revenue from street tree (3,660) program. 4. Increase contributions from private sources 1,000 5. Increase transfers from Current Expense. 1,387 6. Transfers from Contingency Fund 765 7. Transfers from Park Forward Thrust Fund 50,000 8. Transfers from Grant Matching Fund 20,488 Expenditures 1. Increase medical insurance costs. 1,309 2. Decrease salaries due to personnel (755) changes. 3. Increase Recreation Program supplies based on 1975 actual costs. 2,000 4. Increase recreation fees based on 4,000 1975 actual costs. 5. Increase equipment costs for Senior Center renovation carried over from 1975 budget 1,700 6. Increase building costs for Senior Center renovation carried over from 1975 budget. 900 7. Increase benefits for salary reclas- sifications approved by Council as part of 1975 union negotiations. 87 8. Increase street tree maintenance supplies due to change in street tree 2,275 program. 9. Increase property and liability insurance 78 costs approved by Council 2/17/76. 10. Increase dumping costs for clearing 200 Glenn Nelson Park. 11. Increase land acquisition for down payment on Benaroya land carried over 31,433 from 1975 budget. 12. Decrease costs of new street trees due (2,275, to change in street tree program. 13. Interest on Warrant for Benaroya 2,260 property acquisition. 14. Increase transfers to Park Forward Thrust Fund to repay loan. 40,488 - 3 - me Total Budget Adjustments D. LIBRARY FUND V/\TTS HTDC 1. Increase transfer from Current Expense Fund. Expenditures 1. Increase property and liability insurance costs approved by Council 2/17/76. Total Budget Adjustments E, , STREET FUND Revenue Expendi $ 83,700 1. Increase budgeted Beginning Cash Balance. 2. Increase transfers from Current Expense. 3. Increase transfers from Contingency Fund. 316 $ 316 Expenditures 1. Decrease new vegetation costs due to change in street tree program. 2. Increase salaries for salary re- classifications approved by Council as part of 1975 union negotiations. 3. Increase contractor services for overlay projects carried over from 1975 budget. 4. Increase vegetation maintenance costs due to change in street tree program. 5. Increase property and liability in- surance costs approved by Council 2/17/76. 6. Increase benefits for salary reclas- sifications approved by Council as part of 1975 union negotiations. 7. Increase medical insurance costs. — Total Budget Adjustments F. PARK FORWARD THRUST 1. Increase budgeted Beginning Cash Balance. 2. Increase transfers from Park Fund. - 4 - 43,000 1,479 5,254 $ 83,700 316 $ 316 (4,418) 4,656 43,000 3,258 1,840 598 799 $ 49,733 $ 49,733 9,512 40,488 Revenue Expenditures 1. Increase transfers to Park for loan to purchase Benaroya property. $ Total Budget Adjustments $ 50,000 G. FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 1. Increase budgeted Beginning Cash Balance 108,005 Expenditures 1. Increase expenditures for 1975 projects carried over from previous year. Total Budget Adjustments $ 108,005 H. 1966 SEWER BOND REDEMPTION FUND Revenue 1. Increase transfer from Garbage Fund to fulfill bond requirements for sufficient monthly transfers to meet debt requirement. 1,402 Expenditures 1. Increase budgeted ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments $ 1,402 I. 1968 SEWER BOND RESERVE FUND Revenue 1. Decrease transfer from Garbage Fund by increased amount needed in 1966 Sewer BI&R Fund (1,402) Expenditures 1. Decrease budgeted ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments $ (1,402 J. 1963 #1 WATER BOND REDEMPTION FUND Revenue 1. Increase transfer from Water Fund to fulfill bond requirements for sufficient monthly transfers to meet debt requirement. 195 - 5 - nditure $ 50,000 $ 50,000 108,005 $ 108,005 1.402 $ 1,402 (1,402 $ (1,402 Revenue Expenditures 1. Increase budgeted ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments $ 195 K. 1970 WATER BOND REDEMPTION FUND Revenue 1. Increase transfer from Water Fund to fulfill bond requirements for sufficient monthly transfers to meet debt requirement. 3,166 Expenditure 195 $ 195 Expenditures 1. Increase budgeted ending cash balance. 3,166 Total Budget Adjustments $ 3,166 $ 3,166 L. EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND Revenue 1. Increase budgeted beginning cash balance 6,322 Expenditures 1. Increase salaries for salary reclassifications approved by Council as part of 1975 union 321 negotiations. 2. Increase benefits for salary 41 reclassifications. 3. Increase medical insurance costs. 185 4. Increase property and liability insurance costs approved by 6,363 Council 2/17/76. 5. Decrease budgeted ending cash ( 588 balance. - Total Budget Adjustments $ 6,322 $ 6,322 M. ARTS COMMISSION FUND Revenue 1. Add budgeted beginning cash balance. Expenditures 1. Add postage 2. Add stationery 3. Add music, films and art pre- sentations. _ Total Budget Adjustments 500 50 75 375 $ 500 $ 500 N. FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND Revenue Expenditure Revenue 1. Increase transfers from Current Expense. 2,096 Expenditures I 1. Increase medical insurance costs. 2,096 Total Budget Adjustments $ 2,096 $ 2,096 0. LEFF DISABILITY LEAVE FUND Revenue 1. Increase transfers from Current Expense 544 Expenditures 1. Increase medical insurance costs. 544 Total Budget Adjustments $ 544 $ 544 P. SEWER OPERATING FUND Revenue 1. Increase budgeted beginning cash balance. 2. Increase Federal Grants for Sewer Facility Study Expenditures 1. Increase salaries for salary reclassifications approved by Council as part of 1975 union negotiations. 2. Increase benefits for salary reclassifications. 3. Increase medical insurance costs. 4. Increase property and liability insurance costs approved by Council 2/17/76. 5. Increase expenditure for sanitary sewer survey 90o funded by Federal Government. 6. Decrease budgeted ending cash balance. Total Budget Adjustments Q. WATER OPERATING FUND Revenue 1. Increase budgeted beginning cash balance. - 7 - 13,100 :M 1,375 14,560 (3,614; $ 13,586 $ 13,586 672 TOTAL ALL BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR FIRST QUARTER 1976 $ 351,997 $ 351,997 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. 6 ✓ ISABEL HOGAN,, YOR ATTEST: MARIE JEN , CITY CLERK ROVED AS TO FORM: DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY Revenue Expenditure Expenditures 1. Increase salaries for salary re- classifications approved by Council as part of 1975 union negotiations. 657 2. Increase benefits for salary re- classifications. 84 3. Increase medical insurance costs. 672 4. Increase property and liability insurance costs approved by Council 2/17/76. 8,266 5. Increase transfer to 1963 #1 Water Bond Redemption Fund to filfill bond requirements. 195 6. Increase transfer to 1970 Water Bond Redemption Fund to fulfill bond requirements. 3,166 7. Decrease budgeted ending cash balance. (12,368) Total Budget Adjustments $ 672 $ 672 TOTAL ALL BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR FIRST QUARTER 1976 $ 351,997 $ 351,997 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. 6 ✓ ISABEL HOGAN,, YOR ATTEST: MARIE JEN , CITY CLERK ROVED AS TO FORM: DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the c!'�-f day of June, 1976 APPROVED the day of June, 1976 PUBLISHED the day of June, 1976 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No, ZZLY _, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. ` (SEAL) C