HomeMy WebLinkAbout196619 6 (p ORDINANCE NO. IM AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, amending the 1975 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments made to various budgets during 1975. Section 1. The reasons for changes in budgets are as follows: A. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND $ Revenues Increases in budgeted Revenues for: 1. Transfer from Contingency Fund for 1975 - Transfers to cover negotiated salary increases in Current Expense Departments. 2. Fire District #37 for replen- ishing Office Supply Fund. 3. Transfer from Contingency Fund for salary reclasses approved by Council. 4. Extension of CETA Title II and VI Program 6-30-75 to 12-31-75. 5. For transfer from Contingency Fund to cover preliminary costs on proposed Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Project.' 6. Grant from King County to fund jailor positions. 7. Transfer from completed project excess funds on Canyon Drive Construction. 8. Funding for 2 WIN employees. 9. Transfers from Contingency Fund for Civil Service Hearing Costs. 10. Sale of equipment - Fire Dept. 11. Increase in budgeted beginning cash balance. Revenue 220,988 200 18,834 49,611 1,000 19,382 4,222 4,451 1,200 1,018 4,295 Expenditure Revenue Expenditures To reflect Increases and Decreases in expenditures as follows: 1. Administrator a. Approved salary adjustments. $ 2. Non -Departmental a. Approved Salary Adjustments. b. 1975 Insurance Cost Changes. c. vacuum Cleaner for Courtyard. d. City Hall Construction Retainage. e. CETA salaries - extension of contract. f. Fringe benefit costs - salary adjustments. g. Traffic Signal Costs 101st/ SE 256th/104th SE. h. WIN salaries - contract. 3. City Attorney a. Approved salary adjustments. b. CETA salaries - contract extension. c. Court Filing Fees - increased case load. 4. Planning Department a. Approved salary adjustments. 5. Police Department a. Approved salary adjustments. b. Additional cost of CRT Communi- cation. c. 1975 Insurance cost increases. d. CETA salaries - contract ex- tension. e. Approval of jailor salaries - King County Contract. 6. Fire Department a. Approved salary adjustments. b. 1975 Insurance cost decrease. c. Additional cost - copy supplies. d. CETA salaries - contract ex- tension. e. Capital Outlay - fuel tanks - 2 - Expenditure $ 4,486 35,545 ( 718) 129 3,855 10,514 276 4,222 2,099 4,531 4,075 689 8,754 62,531 525 900 10,580 19,382 71,861 ( 182) 200 14,517 1,018 7. Engineering Department a. Approved salary adjustments. $ b. Cost of preliminary work - SCS Project. 8. Health Department a. Increased cost of Health Service Contract. 9. Finance Department a. Approved salary adjustments. b. CETA salaries - contract ex- tension. c. WIN salaries - new position approved. d. Decrease in Election Expense Costs. 10. Civil Service a. Approved salary adjustments. b. Civil Service Hearing Costs. Total Budget Adjustments Current Expense B. FEDERAL GRANT MATCHING FUND Revenues 1. Decrease budgeted Revenue from Current Expense due to loan to Water Fund. Revenue Expenditure $ 27,567 1,000 597 27,181 6,737 2,352 ( 2,530) 278 2,230 $ 325,201 $ 325,201 (200,000) Expenditures 1. Decrease estimated ending cash (200,000) balance. Total Budget Adjustments $ (200,000) $ (200,000) C. PARKS AND RECREATION FUND Revenues 1. Transfer from Contingency Fund approved salary increases. 47,018 2. Transfer from Current Expense for Insurance. ( 118) 3. Donation from Springbrook Garden Club - plantings. 50 4. Sale of scrap. 60 - 3 - 5. Pea Patch Revenue $ 6. Reimbursement for taxes - Boeing property. 7. Donations for Senior Center - Kent Activities Council. 8. CETA salaries - contract extension. 9. Jury Duty reimbursement. 10. Vandalism reimbursement. 11. Donation - Senior Center sound equip- ment. Expenditures 1. Approved salary adjustments. 2. Decrease - insurance costs. 3. Grounds Improvements. 4. Pea Patch Program. 5. Property taxes - Boeing property. 6. Senior Center van drivers salary. 7. CETA salaries contract extension. 8. Part-time help. 9. Vandalism repairs. 10. Nutrition Program costs - Grant supported. 11. Sound Equipment - Senior Center. Total Budget Adjustments D. LIBRARY FUND Revenues 1. Decreases in actual revenue for 50% insurance costs. 2. Decrease transfer from Current Expense insurance. Expenditures 1. Decrease insurance costs. Total Budget Adjustments E. STREET FUND Decser». oc. 1. Transfer from Contingency Fund salary adjustments. 2. Budget Transfer - Current Expense Insurance costs. - 4 - Revenue Expenditure 300 $ 34 9,880 24,676 170 50 528 47,018 ( 118) 110 300 34 3,900 24,676 170 50 5,980 528 $ 82,648 $ 82,648 ( 53) ( 53) ( 106) $ ( 106) $ ( 106)I, 15,685 ( 1,212) Revenue Expenditure 3. CETA salaries - contract ex- $ 16,017 $ tension. Expenditures 1. Approved salary adjustments. 15, 685 2. Decrease budgets - Insurance costs. ( 1,221212 ) 3. CETA salaries - contract ex- 16,017 tension. Total Budget Adjustments $ 30,490 $ 30,490 F. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Revenues 1. Decrease transfer from Current 290) Expense for salaries. Expenditures 1. Decrease salaries & benefits. ( 290) Total Budget Adjustment $ _(290) $ ( 290) G. S.E. 256TH/104TH SIGNAL COST Revenues 1. Transfer from Current Expense. 2,972 Expenditures 1. Signal Costs - construction. 2'972 Total Budget Adjustment $ 2'972 $ 2'972 H. CENTRAL/SMITH INTERSECTION CONST. Revenues 1. Transfer from Federal Revenue 642 Sharing. Expenditures 1. Construction costs incurred over 642 estimate. Total Budget Adjustment $ 642 $ 642 I. 101ST SE/256TH SIGNAL CONST. Revenues 1. Decrease revenue from Federal (32,000) Grant. 2. Transfer from Current Expense. 1,250 Expenditures 1. Decrease construction costs. (32,000) - 5 - Revenue Expenditure 2. Construction costs $ $ 1,250 Total Budget Adjustment $ (30,750) $ (30,750) J. CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION Revenues 1. Transfer from Current Expense. 3,855 Expenditures 1. Payment of retainage - court- 3,855 yard. Total Budget Adjustment $ 3,855 $ 3,855 K. CENTRAL/MEEKER INTERSECTION CONST. Revenues 1. Transfer from Revenue Sharing. 3,100 Expenditures 1. Construction Costs over estimate. 34,100 Total Budget Adjustments $ 3,100 $ 3,100 L. SOUTH 180TH/WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY Revenues 1. Transfer from Arterial Street Fund Forward Thrust. 84,000 Expenditures 1. Preliminary Engineering Costs. 84,000 Total Budget Adjustments $ 84,000 $ 84,000 M. SEWER OPERATING FUND Revenues 1. Increase estimated beginning cash balance. 2. CETA salaries —contract ex- tension. Expenditures 1. Approved salary adjustments. 2. Transfer to Kent -Des Moines Sewer Interceptor. 3. CETA salaries - contract ex- tension. Total Budget Adjustments 20,523 10,291 10,232 6,862 $ 27,385 $ 27,385 N. KENT DES MOINES SEWER CONST. FUND Revenues 1. Transfer from Sewer Operating. Expenditures 1. Approved Construction Costs. Total Budget Adjustments O. WATER OPERATING FUND Revenue Expenditure $ 10,232 $ 10,232 10,232 $ 10,232 1. Increase estimated beginning cash. 20,763 2. CETA salaries - contract extension. 45,919 Expenditures 1. Approved salary adjustments. 2. Willis/Seattle Street Main Improvements. 3. Appraisal Costs - Scenic Hill Reservoir. 4. CETA salaries - contract extension. Total Budget Adjustments $ 66,682 JP. KENT SPRINGS CHLORINATION Revenues 1. Loan from D.S.H.S. Expenditures 1. Additional Engineering costs. Total Budget Adjustments Q. WEST HILL RESERVOIR CONST. FUND Revenues 1. Loan from D.S.H.S. Expenditures 1. Additional Engineering Services. Total Budget Adjustments R. EAST HILL BOOSTER PUMP Revenues 1. Loan from D.S.H.S. - 7 - 619 $ 619 4,531 16,9751 2,288 1,500 45,919 66,682 619 $ 619 4,531 $ 4,531 $ 4,531 2,576 S. T. U. Expenditures 1. Construction Cost of Main. Total Budget Adjustments V. EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND Revenues 1. Adjust beginning cash balance. 2. CETA salaries - contract ex- tension. Expenditures 1. Approved salary adjustments. 2. Increased Insurance costs. 3. CETA salaries - contract ex- tension. Total Budget Adjustments $ 200,000 4,621 8,018 200,000 $ 200,000 4,432 189 8,018 $ 12,639 $ 12,639 Revenue Expenditure Expenditures 1. Additional Engineering Services. $ $ 2,576 Total Budget Adjustments $ 2,576 $ 2,576 WEST HILL BOOSTER PUMP Revenues 1. Loan from D.S.H.S. 1,312 Ex enditures 1. Additional Engineering Services. 1,312 Total Budget Adjustments $ 1,312 $ 1,312 116TH AVE. TRANSMISSION MAIN CONST. Revenues 1. Loan from D.S.H.S. 2,512 Expenditures 1. Additional Engineering Services. 2,512 Total Budget Adjustments $ 2,512 $ 2,512 104TH AVENUE WATER MAIN CONST. 1. Loan from Current Expense. 200,000 Expenditures 1. Construction Cost of Main. Total Budget Adjustments V. EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND Revenues 1. Adjust beginning cash balance. 2. CETA salaries - contract ex- tension. Expenditures 1. Approved salary adjustments. 2. Increased Insurance costs. 3. CETA salaries - contract ex- tension. Total Budget Adjustments $ 200,000 4,621 8,018 200,000 $ 200,000 4,432 189 8,018 $ 12,639 $ 12,639 W. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Revenues 1. Block Grant from King County. Expenditures 1. Planning Costs. 2. Community Service Center. 3. Housing Rehab. Assistance. Total Budget Adjustments. X. FIREMENS RELIEF & PENSION FUND Revenue Expenditure $ 8,460 $ 3,800 630 4,030 $ 8,460 $ 8,460 Revenues 1. CETA salaries - contract ex- 228 tension. Expenditures 1. CETA salaries - contract ex- tension. Total Budget Adjustments $ 228 IY. LEFF DISABILITY FUND Revenues 1' Transfer from Contingency Fund. 104 Expenditures 1. Benefit Costs. Total Budget Adjustments TOTAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - 1975 $ 104 228 $ 228 104 $ 104 $ 639,042 1.==639,042 Section 2. This Ordinance is necessary for the protection of public health, public safety, public property, or public peace and shall be immediately effective upon option. 111e" -� - ISABEL HOGAN,MA ATTEST: Jf�RIE JEN , CITY LERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 9 - PASSED the day of1976. APPROVED the day of 1976. PUBLISHED the /0 day of GApri7l, 1976. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. J%& , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as here- on indicated. (SEAL) MARIE E SEN, CI Y CLERK - 10 -