HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922Ordinance No. 1922 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=175 — Business Licenses Passed 5/19/1975 Adopting King County Taxi Regulations and Repealing Ords. 749, 989, 1257 & 1607 Amended by Ord. 3838 ORDINANCE NO. tv q/ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, adopting the King County Taxi Regula- tions and repealing Ordinances 749, 989, 1257 and 1607. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. KENT TAXI LICENSE. All taxi cab and for - hire vehicle companies located and/or operating within Kent, Washington, must secure a Kent Business License. Section 2. KING COUNTY LICENSE REQUIRED. All taxi c and/or for -hire vehicles operating within Kent shall secure a King County Taxi Cab or For -Hire Vehicle License. Section 3. REPEALER. Ordinances 749, 989, 1257 and 1607 of the City of Kent, Washington, are hereby repealed in their entirety. Section 4. VIOLATIONS, PENALTIES. Any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance by any person, firm, association, partnership, or corporation shall be deemed a misdemeanor and up- on conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred (500) dollars or by imprisonment for a period of not more than one hundred eighty (180) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each person, firm, association, partner- ship or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each vehicle failing to comply with this provision of this Ordinance. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ISABEL H GAN, MAYO ATTEST: i61 s ak24;':. TY CL K -1- I ORDINANCE NO. tv q/ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, adopting the King County Taxi Regula- tions and repealing Ordinances 749, 989, 1257 and 1607. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. KENT TAXI LICENSE. All taxi cab and for - hire vehicle companies located and/or operating within Kent, Washington, must secure a Kent Business License. Section 2. KING COUNTY LICENSE REQUIRED. All taxi c and/or for -hire vehicles operating within Kent shall secure a King County Taxi Cab or For -Hire Vehicle License. Section 3. REPEALER. Ordinances 749, 989, 1257 and 1607 of the City of Kent, Washington, are hereby repealed in their entirety. Section 4. VIOLATIONS, PENALTIES. Any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance by any person, firm, association, partnership, or corporation shall be deemed a misdemeanor and up- on conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred (500) dollars or by imprisonment for a period of not more than one hundred eighty (180) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each person, firm, association, partner- ship or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each vehicle failing to comply with this provision of this Ordinance. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ISABEL H GAN, MAYO ATTEST: i61 s ak24;':. TY CL K -1- PROVED AS TO FORM: E. MIRK, CrTY ATTORNEY PASSED the /9.`� day of May, 1975. APPROVED the ,,'2r day of May, 1975. PUBLISHED they ,e{` day of May, 1975. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. j q v7� , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. J `7—(SEAL ) CIT CLERK mpm 6.60.160 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS CITY ,CLERK ##ft 2 01976 RECE1YED any business license ordinance shall be subject to a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars per violation to be directly assessed by the director. The director, in a reasonable manner, may vary the amount of (lie penalty assessed to consider the appropriateness of the penalty to the size of the business of the violator; the gravity of the violation; the number of past and present violations committed and the good faith of the violator in attempting to achieve compliance after notification of the. violation. All civil penalties assessed will be enforced and collected in accordance with the procedure specified under this title. (Ord. 1888 Art. IV 1, 1974). 6.60.160 Additional enforcement. Notwithstanding the existence or use of any other remedy, the director may seek legal or equitable relief to enjoin any acts or practices which constitute or will constitute a violation of ally business license ordinance or other regulations herein adopted. (Ord. 1888 Art. IV § 2, 1974). 41%M9 COUI1tV 2-28-74) 190 Chapter 6.64 TAXIS—BUSINESSES AND DRIVERS Sections: 6.64.010 Definitions. 6.64.020 License Applications. 6.64.030 "Taxicabs, maximum number. 6.64.040 Unlawful to sublet. 6.04.050 Color -scheme. 6.64.060 Expiration of licenses and license fees. 6.64.070 Unlawful to operate taxicab or for -hire vehicles without liability insurance. 6.64.080 King County taxicab or for -hire license plates. 6.64.090 Duplicate license plates. 6.64.100 Rate schedule. 6.64.1 10 Display of taxicab or for -hire vehicle number, 6.04.120 Taximeter. 6.64.130 Installation of taximeters. 6.64.140 Flag to be proper position. 6.64.150 Classification and capacity. 6.64.160 Driver's license. 6.64.170 Trip sheets. 6.64.1 R0 Display of license. 6.64.190 Inspection of taxicab or for -hire vehicles. 6.64.200 Direct route of travel. 6.64.210 Unlawful not to pay fare. 6.64.220 IX''kving taxicabs or fear -hire vehicle unattended. 6.64.230 Baggage. 41%M9 COUI1tV 2-28-74) 190 6.64.010 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter and unless the context plainly requires otherwise: (a) "Director of the King County public safety department" means the director and any of his duly authorized representatives; (b) "Enforcement officer" means the director and his duly authorized representatives, or the director of the King County public safety department and his duly authorized representatives; (r) "l,'m-hire driver" means any person in charge of or driving a taxicab or for -hire vehicle carrying passengers or baggage for hire, as hereinafter further defined; provided, however, that the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to drivers of motor vehicles operated by any municipal or privately owned, licensed transit system; (d) "For -hire vehicle" wherever used in this chapter means and includes every motor vehicle other than a "sightseeing car or charter bus" having it seating capacity of seven passengers or more, as per manufacturer's rating, used for the transportation of passengers for hire, and not operated exclusively over a fixed and definite route; (.) "Taxicab" means every motor vehicle having a seating capacity of six passengers or less as per manufacturer's rating, used for the transportation of passengers for hire, and not operated over a fixed and definite route; 191 (Kind, County 2-28 74) TAXI --BUSINESSES AND DRIVERS 6.64.010 6.64.240 Two-way radio dispatch. 6.64.250 Discontinued use as taxicab or for -hire vehicle. 6.64.260 Unlawful to solicit fares. 6.64.270 Condition of driver. 6.64.280 Suspension --Revocation of for -hire driver's licenses. 6.64.290 Licensing fees. 6.64.300 For -hire driver's license required - Application. 6.64.310 Qualifications for it for -hire driver's license. 6.64.320 Seattle -King County health department. 6.64.330 Fingerprints and photographs to accompany application. 6.64.340 Investigation of applicants for driver's licenses. 6.64.350 Temporary permit. 6.64.360 Issuance of for -hire driver's license. 6.64.370 Expiration and renewals of for -hire driver's licenses. 6.64.380 For -hire driver's license fee. 6.64.390 Damaged or worn-out for -hire driver's licenses to be replaced. 6.64.400 Identification of drivers. 6.64.410 jZcncwal cif license, registration or permit Late penalty. 6.64.450 Violations and penalties. 6.64.460 Civil penalty. 6.64.470 Additional enforcement. CROSS REFERENCE: Taxicab operating, agreement at airport, see 15.48 and 15.80. 6.64.010 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter and unless the context plainly requires otherwise: (a) "Director of the King County public safety department" means the director and any of his duly authorized representatives; (b) "Enforcement officer" means the director and his duly authorized representatives, or the director of the King County public safety department and his duly authorized representatives; (r) "l,'m-hire driver" means any person in charge of or driving a taxicab or for -hire vehicle carrying passengers or baggage for hire, as hereinafter further defined; provided, however, that the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to drivers of motor vehicles operated by any municipal or privately owned, licensed transit system; (d) "For -hire vehicle" wherever used in this chapter means and includes every motor vehicle other than a "sightseeing car or charter bus" having it seating capacity of seven passengers or more, as per manufacturer's rating, used for the transportation of passengers for hire, and not operated exclusively over a fixed and definite route; (.) "Taxicab" means every motor vehicle having a seating capacity of six passengers or less as per manufacturer's rating, used for the transportation of passengers for hire, and not operated over a fixed and definite route; 191 (Kind, County 2-28 74) 6.64.020 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS (f) "Taximeter" means any instrument or device by which the charge for hire of a passenger carrying vehicle is mechanically measured or calculated either for the distance traveled by such vehicle or for waiting time, or for both, and upon which such calculated charges shall be indicated by means of figures; (g) "Motor vehicle" means every self-propelled vehicle by or upon which any person may be transported or carried upon it public street, highway or alley; provided that vehicles used exclusively upon stationary rail tracks or propelled by the use of overhead electric wires, or for hotel or motel keepers conveying their guests to and from hotels or motels free of charge or reward and used exclusively for that purpose only, shall not come under the provisions of this chapter. (h) "Engage in the business of operating any taxicab or vehicle for -hire" means the pickup and transportation of any fare -paying passenger from a point within the geographical confines of unincorporated King Cmillty, whOlIvr or not 111c vehicle is dispatched from a taxicab sLand or office within any other municipal corporation, and whether or not the ultimate destination or route of travel is within the confines of unincorporated King County; provided, that nothing in this chapter shall be construed to apply to taxicabs or for -hire vehicles licensed by any other ruunicipal corporation and transporting passengers from a point within the licensing municipality to a destination outside thereof, whether or not the ultimate destination or route traveled is within unincorporated King County. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 56, 1974; Ord. 1 120 § 1, 1972). 6.64.020 License — Applications. It is unlawful to own, operate, or engage in the business of operating a taxicab or for -hire car in the unincorporated areas of King County without first having obtained, for each and every vellick so used, a license from the director, to be known as a lor-hire or Lixicah license. Licenses shall he obtained in the following IlYtrl ncl : (a), The applicant for such license, in a manner approved by the director shall show in his application: the true name and address of the applicant, and if a corporation, the names and addresses of the principal officers thereof, the classification under which the vehicle will be operated, whether as taxicab or other vehicle for hire; the year for which the license is sought; and shall furnish full, true and accurate information concerning the ownership, identification, company vehicle number, the name of the business, fictitious or otherwise under which the vehicle is to be operated, the distinguishing color scheme, design or dress, including any monogram or insignia to be used on such vehicle or vehicles, the number of days and the mileage for each day of operation for any or all vehicles operated by the applicant under any license issued under the provisions of this chapter or any prior ordinance of King County regulating taxicabs and for -hire vehicles for the year preceding the yearly period specified in the application; whether he has been convicted of any violation within ten years preceding the date of (King County 2 28-74) 192 TAXI—BUSINESSES AND DRIVERS 6.64.030 application related to the sale or possession of intoxicating liquor, gambling or anv law or ordinance relating to public morality and decency, or for violating any law or ordinance involving an intent to defraud, or whether the applicant has ever been convicted of any law or ordinance relating to the use, sale or possession of narcotic drugs or barbituates, or any such other information the director may require, which he deems reasonably necessary to aid in the enforcement of this chapter. (b) The director shall inquire into the correctness of the information furnished, and if so satisfied, after due investigation, that the applicant is the reliable and bona fide owner of the motor vehicle, has met the various requirements of this chapter, that the name under which the applicant is to operate and the color scheme used upon the motor vehicle does not conflict with others so used, or tend to deceive the public, that the motor vehicle is equipped with proper state license and is properly insured for the protection of the public as required by law, and that there is a bona fide need for taxicab or for -hire service in the unincorporated area of King County, a license may thereupon be issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, authorizing the operation of the motor vehicle under the classification applied for. The license shall be effective for one year from the date license is granted. (c) A license may be denied to any person if the director, after due investigation, has reason to believe that the applicant is dishonest or immoral, desires such license to enable him to engage in a dishonest, unlawful, or immoral act; practice or enterprise. Wilful falsification or omission of any information required in the application shall constitute grounds for denial of the license. (d) No license .shall be transferable to any person except in case of a bona fide sale of -the business of the owner or operator of the motor vehicle and no license shall be transferred to any other motor vehicle without approval of the director and then only in cases where the motor vehicle for which the license is issued shall be sold, become obsolete, unsafe or unfit for further use. Such determination shall be made by the director and his determination shall be conclusive. All county licensed taxicabs shall be operated for at least ten miles per day for two hundred thirty days of the licensed year, nor shall any new taxicab license be issued to any person holding a license which lapses because of failure to meet the foregoing requirement in the next preceding licensed year; provided, however, that the director, upon good cause shown, may waive the foregoing requirement. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 57, 1974; Ord. 1120 § 2, 1972). 6.64.030 Taxicabs, maximum number. The maximum number of taxicabs authorized to operate and for which licenses may be issued shall be based upon the population of unincorporated King County as determined by the last preceding United States census, at the ratio of one taxicab to each forty-four hundred inhabitants; provided that this limitation shall not affect taxicabs in operation under license on the effective date of the ordinance 192-1 (King COUTAy 2-2K-74) 6.64.040- 6.64.070 BUSINESS 1-11CL:NSE.S AND REGULATIONS codified in this section, except as such vehicles are abandoned through inability of operators to meet the requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 1 120 § 3, 1972). 6.64.040 Unlawful to sublet. It is unlawful for the holder of a taxicab or for -hire vehicle license to directly or indirectly lease or sublet his business and license to another person or persons for use or operation and any such action shall be grounds for revocation of the license; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the holder of a valid taxicab or for -hire vehicle license from employing county licensed drivers for his taxicabs; and provided further, that the director, upon a finding that the licensee is incapacitated because of illness, may allow a licensee to lease his business and license to another person or persons for a period not to exceed one year. (Ord. 1 120 § 4. 1972). 6.64.050 Color scheme. The director shall, in the interest of protecting file public frons being deceived or confused, have the exclusive control in the granting of permission to use any color scheme, design or monogram by any taxicab or vehicle for -hire. It is unlawful to use or change any color, design, monogram or insignia on any taxicab or vehicle for -hire, without the prior permission and approval of the director. Failure to comply with this provision shall be grounds for revocation of any taxicab or for -hire vehicle license. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 59, 1974; Ord. 1 120 § 5, 1972). 6.64.060 Expiration of licenses and license fees. All licenses issued under this chapter shall expire one year from the date the license was granted. Such licenses may be renewed by the license holder for the succeeding year by making application thereof with the director at least ten days prior to the expiration date. (Ord. 1 120 § 6, 1972), 6.64.070 Unlawful to operate taxicab or for -hire vehicles without liability insurance. No such license shall be issued unless the applicant therefor files with the director satisfactory evidence of a policy or policies of public liability insurance, issued by an insurance company or companies authorized to do business in the state of Washington. The policy or policies shall be in the minimum sum of one hundred thousand dollars for the injury or death of one person, including the passenger, three Hundred thousand dollars for the injury or death of more than one person, including the passenger, in any one accident, and fifty thousand dollars for property damage. The policy or policies shall, in addition, by endorsement or otherwise, name King County as an additional insured and provide that King County, its officers, agents, and employees, shall be indemnified and held harmless from any loss, or claim or suit for damages or injury from the use or operation of the vehicle for which such permit is to be issued, and shall further provide that not less than ten days' written notice shall be given to the director in the event of any change or cancellation. Such insurance shall (King County 2-2M 74) 192-2 TAXI-- BUSINESSES AND DRIVERS 6.64.080-6.64.100 be maintained in full force and effect for the full period to be covered by the permit applied for and failure to do so shall result in the automatic suspension of such permit. (Ord. 1120 § 7, 1972). 6.64.080 King County taxicab or for -hire license plates. The director shall furnish with cacti taxicab or for -hire license issued, one or more tags or plates or metal decals. All plates, tags or metal decals shall bear a number and the year for which the license was issued, together with the words "King County Taxicab or For -Hire License." The form, material, and positioning on the vehicle shall be as prescribed by the director. It is unlawful for any owner, operator or driver of a taxicab or for -hire vehicle to operate such vehicle without having conspicuously displayed thereon such vehicle license plate, furnished and authorized by the director, or to operate SUCK vehicle with expired or illegible King County taxicab or for -hire license. Oates thereon. All plates shalt be and remain the property of King County and upon the revocation, surrender, suspension or expiration of a vehicle license, or if' found in the possession of any person other than to whom the license was issued, the plates shall be picked up by any enforcement officer and returned to the director. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 59, 1974; Ord. 1120 § 8, 1972). 6.64.090 Duplicate license plates. Whenever a King County taxicab or for -hire license plate becomes lost, destroyed or stolen, a duplicate may be issued by the director at the expense of the licensee. The request for a duplicate license plate shall be accompanied by the licensee's sworn statement to the effect that such license plate has become lost, destroyed or stolen. Should the .original of the ordered duplicate be later found, the original plate shall be promptly returned to the director. It is unlawful to manufacture or 'produce any taxicab or for -hire vehicle license plate or duplicates thereof herein provided except by order of the director. (Ord. 120 § 9, 197). 6.64.100 Rate schedule. Every licensee shall, before commencing operation, file with the director his proposed schedule of rates and charges. It is unlawful for any licensee to charge any greater or lesser sum than _is specified by such filed schedule of rates, except as herein provided, and it is unlawful to make any discriminatory charges to any person, or to make any rebate or in any manner reduce the charge to any person unless such reduction is in conformity with the schedule, and rates and charges shall be conspicuously displayed in the taxicab so as to be readily discernible to the passenger. Operation of any taxicab or for -hire vehicle without the filing and display of rate schedules shall be a prima facie grounds for the suspension or revocation of the license. (a) The rate schedule for taxicabs shall be as follows: For one passenger for the first one-sixth mile, or fraction thereof .. . ............................. $ .60 192-3 (King; Opt my 2 28 ?4) 6.64.100 BUSINESS LICENSLS AND RFGULATIONS Thereafter fur each additional one-sixth mile, or fraction thereof ................ ...... .10 For every one minute of waiting time . . , . . . . . . ........ .10 For each additional passenger . I ...... , . I ............. .20 (No additional J)iI.SSL'nI­er ;hall be pickcd Lip WItlIOlIt the express consent of the originiJ passenger.) (b) The rate sche(I'Llic for "for -hire vehicles" shall be determined for each licensee by the director, who sh,'.iiI take into account, among other things, and with the objective of prescribing a just and reasonable rate, the following factors: ( I) 'rile public need for adequate "for -hire vehicles" service at the lowest level of charges consistent with the provision. maintenance and renewal Of'SUCh service; 2) The rites of other licensees operating it, the same or similar areas, (3) 'file effect of'such rates upon transportation of passengers by other modes of transportation; (4) 'The licensee,',, need for revenue of a level which under honest, efficient and economical management is sufficient to cover the cost (including all operating expenses, depreciation accruals, rents, license fees and taxes of every kind) of providing adequate "for -hire vehicles" service, plus an amount equal to Such percentage of the cost as is reasonably necessary for the replacement of deteriorated "for -hire vehicles" and it reasonable profit to the. licensee. -rile relation of revenues to expenses may be deemed the proper test of a reasonable profit. (c) Any person, Partnership, corporation or legal entity driving or operating or ClIga's."ed "I the IMSilles', Of oPCI-atillp, taxicabs, may contract their services to any legally established commercial enterprises, such its. apartment hOUSC.coniplexcs. motels, airlines, manufacturing companies, for rates below thost- as established herein, with approval of the director of licenses. After approval by the director of licenses, a copy of the contract between the licenscc and the commercial enterprise shall be filed with the director of licenses in triplicate. No bLUSHICSS shall he conducted prior to the director's approval. (d) Pic rate schedide for taxicabs entering into contractual service shall be determined for each licensee,by the director, who shall take into accOunt, among other things, and with the ob�iective of prescribing a just and reasonable rate, the following, factors: ( I ) Thr JIUbhc need for adequate taxicabs cntering into contractual service at the lowest level of charges with the provision, maintenance NIILI renewal Of'such SeI'V;.CC-, (2) 'I'lic rates of other licensees operating in the same or similar areas-, (3) The CITCCt o1' such rates upon transportation of passengers by other modes of, transportation; (4) 'rile licciisce's nce(t for' revenue of a level which under honest, efficient and ec0imli-lical ilianagement, is Sufficient to cover the cost (including all operatalf, expenses. depreciation accruals, rents, license fees (10119 ('011111Y 2 2; 7-;� 192-4 TAXI---BUSINFSSES AND DRIVERS 6.64.110-6.64.130 and taxes of every kind) of providing adequate contract taxi vehicle service, plus an amount equal to such percentage of the cost as is reasonably necessary for the replacement of deteriorated contract taxi vehicles and a reasonable profit to the licensee. The relation of revenues to expenses may be deemed the proper test of a reasonable profit. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 61, 1974; Ord. 1238 § 1, 1972: Ord. 1 120 § 10, 1972). 6.64.110 Display of taxicab or for -hire vehicle number. It is unlawful for any taxicab or for -hire vehicle to fail to have conspicuously displayed, where it is readily discernible by the passenger, the name and number of the taxicab or for -hire vehicle contained in a plastic sealed card attached to a metal hold, the size, location and form thereof' to be determined by the director. It shall be unlawful during the hours of darkness to fail to sufficiently illuminate such name and number. (Ord. 1120 § H, 1972). 6.64,120 Taximeter. It is unlawful for any person to drive, operate, or engage in the business of operating a taxicab unless the vehicle is equipped with a taximeter which has been inspected by the director. It shall be the duty of the owner, driver, or any other person havinf, possession or. control of a taxicab to keep such taxinrcler i1ccurate and in good working condition at all times. Prior to the installation of such taximeter, same shall be approved for operation by an official testing station so designated by the director and upon such approval, a written notice and lead, wire seal shall be plainly posted and attached to the taximeter for the information of the public. Such taxicab meters shall be rechecked and inspected at least semiannually in the same manner as the original inspection. It is unlawful for any person to drive, operate or engage in the business of operating a taxicab whenever the lead wire seal of approval has been broken, curt, rcniovixd or is missing. It is unlawful for any person to fail, resist or refuse the director or any duly authorized agent to test and reinspect the taximeter at any time. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 61, 1974; Ord. l 120 § 12, 1972). 6.64.130 histallation of laximeters. Fvery laxiurcter L.hall he installed at the right side of the driver, either adjoining the cowl or dashboard of the: taxicab and at such height that the flag thereof may be readily seen by observers on the street. The reading face of the taximeter shall at all times be well lighted and distinctly readable to the passengers within the vehicle. It is unlawful to change the size of the wheels or tires of any taxicab or the gears operating the taximeter or to change the taximeter from one vehicle to another unless such taximeter is reinspected and approved by the director; provided, however, that a licensee may change from regular to snow or studded tires without reinspection of the taximeter, so long as the change does not operate to increase the mileage registered by the taximeter. (Ord. 1120 § 13, 1972). 192-5 (King County 2-=8 74) 6.64.140 -6.64.170 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS 6.64.140 Flag to be proper position. It is unlawful for any driver of a taxicab while carrying passengers or under employment to display the flag attached to the taximeter at such a position as to denote that such taxicab or for -hire vehicle is not employed. The flag of such taximeter must be returned to a nonrecording position at the termination of each and every service. (Ord. 1120 § 14, 1972). 6.64.150 Classification and capacity. The director shall by inspection determine the classification and capacity of the vehicle inspected. (Ord. 1 120 § 15, 1972), 6.64.160 Driver's license. It is unlawful for any person owning, controlling, or engaged in the business of operating taxicabs or for -hire vehicles to employ as the driver of any such vehicle, or permit any such vehicle to be operated by a driver who does not have in his possession a valid for -hire driver's license. If any driver of a taxicab or for -hire vehicle shall be convicted of driving such vehicle while under the influence of or affected by liquor or drugs, the for -hire driver's license of such driver shall be revoked and he shall not be granted a for -hire driver's license for a period of at least one year from the date of such conviction. (Ord. 1120 § 16, 1972). 6.64.170 Trip sheets. It is unlawful for any person owning or operating any taxicab or for -hire vehicle, to fail to keep an accurate daily record on a trip sheet, the form and size to be determined and approved by the director. All daily trip sheets shall be kept on file for a period of five years at the address for which the vehicle for -hire license is issued. All daily trip sheets shall be open for inspection by the director either while carried in the vehicle for -hire or at the address of the licensee. It is unlawful for any taxicab or for -hire driver to fail or refuse to turn in his trip sheet or moneys collected from taxi -trip fares to his employer or his duly authorized agent at the end of each shift worked. The following information shall be contained on each trip sheet: (King ('„unty 2-28-74) 192-6 TAXIS --BUSINESSES AND DRIVERS 6.64.180-6.64.190 (1) The driver's name as licensed and for -hire driver's license number; (2) The driver's residence address and telephone number; �..� (3) The company name and vehicle number; (4) The date, time and place of origin and dismissal of each trip (including trips where the passenger did not complete an actual trip): (5) The fare paid; (6) The number of passengers paying or not paying, and any other items for which a charge was or was not made; (7) The beginning and ending speedometer mileage of the vehicle for each shift worked; (8) The beginning and ending time for each shift worked; (9) The beginning and ending meter readings for each shift worked. The driver of any taxicab or for -hire vehicle shall, on request of any passenger paying him a fare for any trip, issue a receipt showing such information for said trip. Failure to keep an accurate daily trip sheet or the withholding of it trip sheet or fare moneys collected by a for -hire driver from his employer or his duly authorized agent, shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of his for -hire driver's license. (Ord. 1120 § 17, 1972). 6.64.180 Display of license. Every owner or operator of any taxicab or for -hire vehicle shall at all times carry in such vehicle permits issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles of the state of Washington showing such vehicle to be properly insured for the protection of the public, and also the licenses and permits issued pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. 1 120 § 18, 1970. 6.64.190 Inspection of taxicab or for -hire vehicles. All vehicles operated under the authority of this chapter shall be made available for inspection at any time or any place by the director. The director shall inspect the vehicle to determine cleanliness, proper equipment, good appearance, safe operating condition and shall in all cases be the sole judge in this determination. A taxicab or for -hire vehicle shall be deemed to be of safe condition for the transportation of passengers, when the following minimum requirements have been compiled with: (A) An efficient and operable windshield wiper mechanism; (B) An adequate braking system including emergency or auxiliary; (C) A complete lighting system, exterior and interior, and including signalling devices and emergency flashers; (D) Rear-view mirrors; (E) Glass (windshield and rear) free of breaks, cracks or defects sufficient to mar vision; (F) 'Fires with minimum tread depth of 2/32 inches as determined by gauge and free of visible defects. (G) Other safety equipment as may be determined from time to time by the director to be necessary for the safe transportation of passengers for hire. 193 (King County 3-27.72) 6.64.200-6.64.250 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS If the director determines during his inspection that the condition of any taxicab or vehicle for -hire needs correction lie shall issue to the operator or driver thereof a notice in writing specifying such defects and same shall be remedied immediately or at a later date to be fixed by the director. It is unlawful to fail to comply with any written notice by the director to make certain corrections on the taxicab or for -hire vehicle. (Ord. 1 120 § 19, 1972). 6.64.200 Direct route of travel. Any driver of a taxicab or for -hire vehicle employed to carry passengers to a definit,- point shall take the most direct route possible that will carry the passenger safely and expeditiously to his destination. (Ord. 1 120 § 20, 1972). 6.64.210 Unlawful not to pay fare. It is unlawful for any for -hire driver to refuse to accept as a passenger any person of proper deportment who requests a ride when the taxicab or for -hire vehicle is vacant or not employed, and it is unlawful for any person to refuse to pay the regular fare for a taxicab or for -hire vehicle after having hired the same. (Ord. 1 120 § 21, 1972). 6.64.220 Leaving taxicabs or for -hire vehicle unattended. It is unlawful for any driver of a taxicab or for -hire vehicle to leave the same unattended, or to make repairs thereto or wash such vehicle while in a taxicab zone, except that a period of not to exceed sixty minutes is allowed such for -hire driver for purposes of taking his meals or shopping ;;wring which time such taxicab or for -hire vehicle may be left unattended as long as the vehicle is locked and does not.interfere with other taxicabs or for -hire vehicles within such zone. (Ord. 1120 § 22, 1972). i 6.64.230 Baggage. Persons served with a taxicab or for -hire vehicle hereunder shall be entitled to have with them their valises or small hand baggage as can. be conveniently carried within the vehicle loaded, conveyed, and unloaded without charge. (Ord. 1 120 § 23, 1972). 6.64.240 Two-way radio dispatch. It is unlawful for any for -hire driver to fail to respond to a call from the dispatcher to pick up a passenger when so requested or to fail to keep the radio in the taxicab or for -hire vehicle operating at all times during the shift the taxicab or for -hire vehicle is operated. All taxicabs or for -hire vehicles shall have conspicuously placed on the vehicle by the name of the cab, the telephone: number where the taxicab or for -hire vehicle may be radio dispatched from. Persons cancelling calls for taxicabs or for -hire vehicles after dispatch in answer thereto, may be charged the same rate as if used. (Ord. 1 120 § 24, 1972). 6.64.250 Discontinued use as taxicab or for -hire vehicle. All taxicabs or for -hire vehicles licensed under this chapter when discontinued for use as a (King Counly 3-27-72) 194 TAXIS- SUSINESSF-S AND DRIV17RS 6.64.260--6.64.300 taxicab or for -hire vehicle shall be sufficiently repainted forthwith with a color that will not tend to confuse or lead the public to believe the vehicle may still be a taxicab or for -hire vehicle and may not be used on the street for private transportation until the repainting has been completed. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall be grounds for revocation of such license. (Ord. 1 120 § 25, 1972). 6.64.260 Unlawful to solicit fares. It is unlawful for any for -hire driver to cruise, drive, or operate a taxicab or for -hire vehicle repeatedly and persistently to and fro upon a public street or to solicit thereon, or on private property, or to haul any additional passengers when his taxicab or for -hire vehicle has been engaged for -hire and is occupied already by a passenger or passengers, except with the permission of such occupying passenger or passengers. (Ord. 1 120 § 26, 1972). 6.64.270 Condition of driver. It is unlawful for any for -hire driver to consume any alcoholic beverage at any time within eight Hours of reporting for duty, or while on duty as a driver to operate any taxicab or for -hire vehicle while under the influence of or affected by intoxicating liquors, narcotics, barbituates, or any medicine that shall impair his ability to drive. It is unlawful for any for -hire driver to drive, operate, or be in a taxicab or for -hire vehicle in a position to drive or operate for longer than ten hours in any one twenty-four hour period. (Ord. 1120 § 27, 1972). 6.64.280 Suspension — Revocation of for -hire driver's licenses. Any driver of a taxicab or for -hire vehicle who charges any passenger a rate or fare other than that provided for in this chapter shall upon conviction, in addition to any other penalties provided by law, have his for -hire driver's license suspended fur a period ol' not less than thirty days nor more than one year. (Ord. 1120 § 28, 1972). 6.64.290 Licensing fees. It is unlawful to engage in the business of operating a taxicab or far -hire vehicle as defined in this chapter without first having obtained a valid and subsisting license so to do. This license shall be known as and the fee shall be as follows: (A) Taxicab]; cense $150.00 per 12 months (For each such vehicle) (B) For -hire vehicle license $100.00 per 12 months (For cacti vehicle) (Ord. 1120 § 29, 1972). 6.64.300 For -hire driver's license required — Application. It is unlawful for any person to drive or operate a taxicab or for -hire vehicle in the unincorporated areas of King County without first having obtained a valid and subsisting license to do so, which license shall be known as a for -hire driver's license. The license shall be obtained in the following manner: 194-1 (King Counly 2 28-74) 6.64.310-6.64.330 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS "rhe applicant shall file an application on a form furnished by the director, which shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant and shall contain: Name, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, residence address, place and date of birth, length of time a resident of the state of Washington. whether a citizen or noncitizen, last place of employment, whether or not the license was ever suspended or revoked and for what cause, and such other information as may reasonably be required. The applicant shall on the application give the names and mailing address of four persons, not relatives. who have known the applicant for at least two years past. (Ord. 1 120 § 30. 1972). 6.64.310 Qualifications for a for -hire driver's license. No person shall be issued a for -hire drivcr's license unless lie po',esses the followins' qualifications: (A) Must be at least eighteen years of age; (B) Must be a bona fide resident of the state of Washington for at least six months prior to filing application; (C) Must possess a valid state of Washington Motor Vehicle Operator's License; (D) Must be free from any infirmity of body or mind which would render the applicant unfit for safe operation of a motor vehicle and shall have submitted to a medical examination by the Seattle -King County health department and have obtained a certificate from the officer certifying his fitness as such for -hire driver. Such examination certificate shall not be required for renewals of such license, but the director may at any time at his discretion require any licensee to be so examined and to secure such a certificate or renewal thereof; (E) Must hot be addicted to the use of intoxicating liquor, dangerous drugs or narcotics. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 62, 1974; Ord. 1120 § 31, 1972). 6.64.320 Seattle -King County health department. Any applicant who fails to pass a satisfactory medical examination may be reexamined after thirty days from the original examination, and if following such reexamination the certificate herein required from the Seattle -King County health department is issued, the applicant may be licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 1120 § 32, 1972). 6.64.330 Fingerprints and photographs to accompany application. Each application for a for -hire driver's license shall be accompanied by a complete set of fingerprints of the applicants, and also by three recent duplicate photographs of the applicant of the size to be determined by the director. One photograph shall be retained in the records of the business license section and the second attached to the license in such manner that it cannot be removed and another photograph substituted therefor without detection; the third photograph together with the name, address and license number shall be prominently displayed inside the taxicab so as to be readily (King County 2-28.74) 1 94-2 'TAXI -BUSINESSES AND DRIVERS 6.64.340- 6.64.370 discernible to any passenger. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 63, 1974; Ord. 1 120 § 33, 1972). 6.64.340 Investigation of applicants for driver's licenses. When an application for a for -hire driver's license, duly signed and sworn to and accompanied by the required certificate of the Seattle -King. County health department has been received by the director, he shall investigate the statements contained therein, and may obtain such other information concerning the applicant's character, integrity, personal habits, past conduct and general qualifications as will show the applicant's ability and skill as a driver of a motor vehicle for -hire, and his honesty. integrity and character for the purpose of determining whether the applicant is it suitable person to drive a motor vehicle for -hire. All application for -hire driver's licenses shall become null and void after sixty days from date of filing, it' the applicant for any reason fails or neglects to obtain a license. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 64, 1974; Ord. 1 120 § 341, 1972). 6.64.350 'Temporary permit. Upon application for a for -hire driver's license, the director may issue a temporary for -hire driver's permit which shall entitle the applicant to operate a taxicab or other far -hire vehicle pending final action upon his application, for a period not to exceed forty-five days; provided, that any such temporary permit may be revoked for falsification of information on the application. Such temporary permit shall not be transferable or assignable and shall be valid only with the taxicab or for -hire vehicle company to which it was originally issued. Whenever the holder of such a temporary permit leaves the original employment, the employer shall notify the director within five days. (Ord. 1 ] 20 § 35, 1972). 6.64.360 Issuance of for -hire driver's license. If the director is satisfied that the applicant for a for -hire driver's license possesses the qualifications and is a suitable person io drive a motor vehicle for -hire under the provisions of this chapter, he shall issue .him a for -hire driver's license which will entitle him to drive and operate a motor vehicle for -hire within King County. (Ord. 1120 § 36, 1972). 6.64.370 Expiration and renewals of for -hire driver's licenses. All for -hire driver's licenses shall expire one year from day license was granted and must be renewed within ten days from the date of expiration, except as otherwise herein provided. Applications for renewal shall be made to the director and shall contain such information as he may deem necessary, whereupon he may renew the license for a period of one year; provided, however, that a person whose for -hire driver's license has expired and who is not engaged in the business or occupation of driving taxicabs in King County may have his license renewed within six months from date of expiration and provided further, that in the event it appears that the licensee has become physically or mentally incapacitated to a degree so as to make the driving of 194-3 (King, Counly 2-29-74) 6.64.380--6.64.450 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS an automobile or other motor vehicle by the licensee a danger to the public, that the director may require the licensee to be reexamined by the Seattle King County health department and procure from that department, a satisfactory certificate before such for -hire driver's license may be renewed. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 65, 1974; Ord. 1120 § 37, 1972). 6.64.380 For -hire driver's license fee. The fees for a for -hire driver's license shall be as follows: For each original license, fifteen dollars; for each renewal thereof, five dollars. No charge shall be made by the Seattle -King County health department for examining applicants for for -hire driver's licenses. (Ord. 1888 Art. V § 66, 1974; Ord. 1120 § 38, 1972). 6.64.390 Damaged or worn-out for -hire driver's licenses to be replaced. When the license is worn-out, damaged or otherwise unlit for use, the director may require the license to be replaced in the same form as the original license, at the expense of the licensee. (Ord. 1 120 § 39, 1972). 6.64.400 Identification of drivers. 1,;very for -hire driver shall wear a badge of identification, the size, form and placement to be determined and approved by the director, and such badge shall be worn by such for -hire driver at all times while he is operating a taxicab or for -hire vehicle; such badge shall show, among others, the name of the licensed for -hire driver, and the name and telephone number of the company employing such drivers. The for -hire driver's license shall at all times be carried on the person of the licensee; and shall on request be exhibited by the licensee to any passenger or to any police officer or other enforcement officer. (Ord. 1 120 § 40, 1972). 6.64.410 Renewal of license, registration or permit — Late penalty. A late penalty shall be charged on all applications for renewal of a license, registration or permit received later than ten working days after the expiration date of such license, registration or permit as set forth in the respective resolution or ordinance establishing the expiration date of such license, registration or permit. The amount of such penalty is fixed as follows: For a license, registration or permit requiring a fee of fifty cents or more, but less than fifty dollars -- twenty percent of the required fee. For a license, registration or permit requiring a fee of fifty dollars or more, but less than one thousand dollars — ten percent of' the required fee. For a license, registration or permit requiring a fee of one thousand dollars or more - five percent of the required fee. (Ord. 1888 Art. IV § 3, 1974). 6.64.450 Violations and penalties. Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a tine in any sum not (King County 2-28-74) 194-4 ` THEATERS 6.64.460-6.68.020 exceeding two hundred fifty dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding ninety days. (Ord. 1 120 § 45, 1972). 6.64.460 Civil penalty. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided herein or by law any person who violates any provision of any business license ordinance shall be subject to a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars per violation to be directly assessed by the director. The director, in a reasonable manner, may vary the amount of the penalty assessed to consider the appropriateness of the penalty to the size of the business of the violator; the gravity of the violation; the number of past and present violations committed and the good faith of the violator in attempting to achieve compliance after notification of the violation. All civil penalties assessed will be enforced and collected in accordance with the procedure specified under this title. (Ord. 1888 Art. IV § 1, 1974). 6.64.470 Additional enforcement. Notwithstanding the existence or use of any other remedy, the director may seek legal or equitable relief to enjoin any acts or practices which constitute or will constitute a violation of any business license ordinance or other regulations herein adopted. (Ord. 1888 Art. IV § 2, 1974). 6.68.010 License required.- It is unlawful for any person to open, operate, conduct, manage, maintain or control any theater which is open to the public and which is located within the unincorporated areas of King County, Washington, without a valid and subsisting license to be known as a "theater license." (Res. 19610 § 1, 1959). 6.68.020 License Fee - Term. The fee For a theater license shall be one hundred dollars per year, commencing May I st and ending April 30th of each year, payable in advance to King County. (Res. 19610 § 2, 1959). 194-5 (King County 2-28-74) Chapter 6.68 THEATERS Sections: 6.68.010 License required. 6.68.020 License fee—Term. 6.69.030 Transfering of license. 6.68.040 Renewal of license, registration or perinit Late Ilenalty. 6.68.050 Application for license. 6.68.060 Penalty --Misdemeanor. 6.68.070 Civil penalty. 6.68.080 Additional enforcement. 6.68.010 License required.- It is unlawful for any person to open, operate, conduct, manage, maintain or control any theater which is open to the public and which is located within the unincorporated areas of King County, Washington, without a valid and subsisting license to be known as a "theater license." (Res. 19610 § 1, 1959). 6.68.020 License Fee - Term. The fee For a theater license shall be one hundred dollars per year, commencing May I st and ending April 30th of each year, payable in advance to King County. (Res. 19610 § 2, 1959). 194-5 (King County 2-28-74)