HomeMy WebLinkAbout1905V µ ORDINANCE NO. l (05 - AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, amending the 1974 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments made to various budgets during 1974. Section 1. The reasons for changes in budgets are as Ifollows: A. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Revenue To reflect increases and decreases in actual re- venues over budget esti- mates. 1. To increase budgeted revenue for proceeds from Pea Patch rentals. 2. To increase budgeted revenue for proceeds from rental of Fire District #37 Fire Station to volunteer fireman. 3. To increase budgeted revenue for proceeds from American Society of Planning refund for 1973 report not furnished. 4. To increase budgeted re- venue for proceeds from Contingency Fund for salary increases. 5. To increase budgeted re- venue for proceeds from sale of scrap Fire Dept. brass. 6. To reduce budgeted re- venue for general pro- perty taxes budgeted at 8 mills instead of ac- tual 6.89 mills assessed. 7. To increase budgeted re- venue for additional PEP positions 1 -1- Revenue Expenditures $ 500 120 E. 7,775 143 [227,300] 14,061 Revenue Expenditures 8. To increase budgeted - Estimated Beginning Cash Balance to be used for Total Mill Creek Study (1,056), Bond Printing and Bond Counsel for Com- bined LID 262/274 Bonds (1,000), Former Mayor Thornton's PERS Retire- ment contribution (2,420), setting up Federal and State Grant Matching Fund (100,000), Increased costs of Court Filing Fees (50), and Increased Costs of Com- puter leasing and supplies (530) $ 105,056 Expenditures To reflect increases and de- creases in budgeted expendi- tures due to increases and de- creases in expenditures during 1974. 1. Non -Departmental a. To reflect transfer of insurance costs all pre- viously paid by Non -De- partmental to individual [14,116] department budgets. $ b. To reflect salary and benefit adjustments [ 1,813] C. To budget Pea Patch 500 expenditures d. To budget costs of Bond Printing and Bond Counsel for Combined Lid 262/274 1,000 e. To budget former Mayor Alex Thornton's PERS Retirement contribution 2,420 f. To budget transfer to Federal and State Grant Matching Fund 100,000 g. To reduce budgeted transfer to Contingency Fund for difference between 8 mill tax levy and [227,300] actual 6.89 mill levy. 2. Police Department a. Transfer budgeted insurance costs from Non -Departmental budget 5,922 Qr= 4. Treasurer Revenue Expenditures b. To reflect salary and $ 5,535 costs from Non -Departmental benefit adjustments 3. Fire Department b. a. Transfer budgeted insurance 5. Engineering Department costs from Non -Departmental a. To reflect salary adjustments budget 7,944 b. To budget cost of rental of 1,236 Mill Creek Overall Study parking lot adjacent to one 6. Data Processing Fire District #37 Fire Station. 120 C. To reflect salary and benefit lease and paper costs. 530 adjustments. 7,267 d. To budget purchase of genera- tor trailer 143 4. Treasurer Attorney a. Transfer budgeted insurance a. To budget PEP salaries 1,500 costs from Non -Departmental b. To budget increased costs of budget. 250 b. To reflect salary adjustments 800 5. Engineering Department a. To budget purchase of calculator. a. To reflect salary adjustments 5,346 b. To budget payment for cost of a. To budget PEP salaries 1,236 Mill Creek Overall Study 1,056 6. Data Processing a. To budget increased computer due to refund from 1973. lease and paper costs. 530 7. Attorney a. To budget PEP salaries 1,500 b. To budget increased costs of Court Filing Fees 50 8. Accounting a. To budget purchase of calculator. 465 9. Finance a. To budget PEP salaries 1,236 10. Planning Department a. To budget increase for periodicals due to refund from 1973. 8 b. To reflect salary adjustments 1,500 -3- Revenue Expenditures B. CONTINGENCY FUND Revenue To decrease budgeted re- venue transfers from Current Expense due to reduction of 8 mill levy to actual 6.89 mill levy. $ [227,300] Expenditures To decrease budgeted ex- penditures due to reduc- tion of 8 mill levy to actual 6.89 mill levy. C. FEDERAL AND STATE GRANT MATCHING FUND Revenue To increase budgeted revenue transfer from Current Expense Fund to set up reserve. 100,000 Expenditures To increase budgeted Esti- mated Ending Cash balance reserve. D. PARKS AND RRC PW ATTnV T: TTMn Revenue To reflect increases in actual revenues over budget estimates. a. To increase budgeted re- venue for proceeds of donations from Kent Area Activities Council ($800), Valley Publishing Co. ($350) and O'Brien Garden Club ($125) b. To increase budgeted re- venue transfer from Cur- rent Expense Fund for in- surance costs. C. To increase budgeted re- venue transfer from Con- tingency Fund for salary adjustments. d. To increase budgeted re- venue for proceeds from PEP reimbursements -4- 1,275 :E 3,600 2,704 $ [227,300) 100,000 D. Revenue Expenditures PARKS AND RECREATION FUND (con't) e. To increase budgeted re- venue for fire insurance claim at Kent Memorial $ 4,007 Park. f. To increase budgeted Es- timated Beginning Cash Balance to be used for carryover of 1973 budget for surfacing parking lots at Glenn Nelson Park and Garrison Creek Park ($11,300), payment of delinquent sales tax on Kent Memorial Park Baseball Lighting contract in 1970 ($2,000) and pur- chase of furnishings for Project Coordinator's of- fice ($650) 13,950 Expenditures To reflect increases in budgeted expenditures due to increases in expenditures during 1974. a. To budget 1973 holdover ex- penditures for surfacing parking lots at Glenn Nelson 11,300 Park and Garrison Creek Park. $ b. To budget expenditures from private donations for pur- chase of plants and payment 1,275 of part-time Van driver. c. To budget insurance costs transferred from Non -Depart- mental budget. 380- d. To budget salary and benefit 6,304 adjustments. e. To budget for payment of 1970 sales tax on Kent Memorial 2,000 Park Baseball Lighting contract. f. To budget for office furnishings 650 for Project Coordinator's office. g. To budget for repair of fire damage 4,007 to Kent Memorial Park. E. LIBRARY FUND Revenue To increase budgeted revenues for insurance costs transferred from Current Expense Fund 174 -5- E. F. G. Revenue Expenditures LIBRARY FUND (con't) Expenditures To budget additional cost of insurance transferred from Non -Departmental budget. $ 174 STREET FUND Revenue To budget increases in actual revenues over budget estimates. a. To increase budgeted Es- timated Beginning Cash Balance for 1973 budget carryover for Gowe St. overlay costs. $ 21,000 b. To increase budgeted revenue transfer from Current Expense Fund for insurance costs trans- ferred from Non -Depart- mental budget. 3,200 C. To increase budgeted re- venue transfer from Con- tingency Fund for salary adjustments. 875 d. To budget increase in PEP and WIN revenues over bud- get estimates. 6,716 Expenditures To budget increases in budgeted expenditures due to increases in expenditures during 1974. a. To budget insurance costs trans- ferred from Non -Departmental budget. 3,200 b. To budget salary and benefit adjustments 7,591 C. To budget 1973 budget carry- over for Gowe Street overlay expenditures. 21,000 CENTRAL AND MEEKER INTERSECTION Revenue To increase budgeted revenue trans- fer from Revenue Sharing Fund. 500 Expenditures To budget costs of Land Acquisition 500 Revenue Expenditures H. CENTRAL AND SMITH INTERSECTION Revenue To increase budgeted revenue transfer from Revenue Sharing $ 12,000 Fund. Expenditures To budget construction costs $ 12,000 I. SEWER OPERATING FUND Revenue To increase budgeted Estimated Beginning Cash Balance for in- surance costs transferred from Current Expense Fund. 952 Expenditures To budget insurance costs trans- ferred from Non -Departmental 952 budget. J. WATER OPERATING FUND Revenue To increase budgeted Estimated Beginning Cash Balance for in- surance costs transferred from Current Expense Fund ($3,942) and balance of 1973 budget carry- over for reservoir painting ($ 5,918) . 9,860 Expenditures To reflect increases in budgeted expenditures due to increases in expenditures during 1974. a. To budget insurance costs transferred from Non -De- partmental budget. 3,942 b. To budget 1973 budget carry- over to finish painting reservoir. 5,918 K. EQUIPMENT RENTAL Revenue To increase budgeted Estimated Beginning Cash Balance for in- surance costs transferred from Current Expense Fund ($8,845) and salary and benefit adjust- ments ($175) 9,020 -7- Revenue Expenditures K. EQUIPMENT RENTAL (con't) Expenditures To reflect increases in budgeted expenditures due to increases in expenditures during 1974. a. To budget insurance costs transferred from Non -De- $ 8,845 partmental budget. b. To budget salary and benefit 175 adjustments. L. FIRE RELIEF AND PENSION FUND Revenue To budget increased PEP 150 revenues over estimates $ Expenditures To budget increased PEP benefits over estimates 150 Section 2. This Ordinance is necessary for the protec- tion of public health, public safety, public property, or public peace and shall be immediately effective upon adoption. ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR ;_,l ATTEST: 1 t Ez AS TOff"_ ID-i" i DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the day of April, 1975. APPROVED the �-- day of April, 1975. PUBLISHED the day of April, 1975. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.l l? passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JFtN CITY CL RK