HomeMy WebLinkAbout1901ORDINANCE NO. /,01 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, amending Sections 4, 8, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19 and 24 or Ordinance 1777, of the City of Kent to allow the Seattle -King County De- partment of Health to issue permits for and inspect the construction, installation and repair of septic tanks in the City of Kent. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 4 of Ordinance 1777 of the City of Kent which reads as follows: "Section 4. POWERS AND AUTHORITY OF SUPERINTENDENTS, INSPECTORS AND ASSISTANTS: The Superin- tendent and other duly authorized employees of the City bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purposes of inspection, observation, measurements, sampling, and testing in accordance with provision of this Ordinance." is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 4. POWERS AND AUTHORITY OF SUPERINTENDENTS, INSPECTORS AND ASSISTANTS: The Superin- tendent and other duly authorized employees of the City or of the Seattle -King County Department of Public Health bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purposes of inspection, observation, measurements, sampling, and testing in accordance with provision of this Ordinance." Section 2. Section 8 of Ordinance 1777 of the City of Kent which reads as follows: "Section 8: PERMIT TO OWNER, AGENT, OR OCCUPANT TO CONSTRUCT, EXTEND OR REPAIR SEWER, AND/OR TO CONSTRUCT A SEPTIC TANK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. It shall be unlawful -1- for any person to construct, extend, relay, repair or make connections to a private or lateral sewer, or to construct a septic tank on private property without obtaining a permit therefore as herein provided and filing a scale drawing showing the location thereof. The Superintendent may issue such permit to the owner of any property to construct, extend, relay, repair or make connections to a lateral or private sewer or septic tank inside of property line; provided that such owner shall comply with the applicable provi- sions of this Ordinance. Work shall be done by the owne or a licensed contractor. Nothing in this Section shall prevent a property owner from installing a side sewer from stub to building if the side sewer and connection are within his pro- perty and approval of the Sewer Superintendent has been obtained." is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 8. PERMIT TO OWNER AGENT, OR OCCUPANT TO CONSTRUCT. EXTEND OR REPAIR SEWER ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, ex- tend, relay, repair or make connections to a private or lateral sewer on private property without obtaining a permit therefor as herein provided and filing a scale drawing showing the location thereof. The Department of Public Works may issue a permit to the owner of any property to construct, extend, re- lay, repair or make connections to a lateral or private sewer inside of the owner's property line; provided, that such owner shall comply with the applicable pro- visions of this Ordinance. Said permit shall not becom effective until the installation is completed to the satisfaction of the Superintendent. He shall be allowe to inspect the work at any stage of construction and, in any event, the applicant for the permit shall notify the Superintendent when the work is ready for final in- spection, and before any underground portions are covered. The inspection shall be made within seventy- two (72) hours after the receipt of written notice directed to the Superintendent. Work shall be done by the owner or a licensed contractor. -2- Nothing in this Section shall prevent a property owner from installing a side sewer from stub to building if the side sewer and connection are within his pro- perty and approval of the Sewer Superintendent has been obtained." Section 3. Section 10 of Ordinance 1777 of the City of Kent which reads as follows: "Section 10. PERMIT FEES. The fee for each permit to connect with any public sewer or to construct, extend, relay, repair, or make connections with a lateral or private sewer inside of property line is hereby fixed at ten (10.00) dollars inside the City and fifteen (15.00) dollars outside of the City and said fee shall be paid to the City Treasurer who shall issue a receipt therefore and such receipt must be filed with the Super- intendent before the permit is issued. The fee for the construction of and/or connection to a septic tank is hereby fixed at twenty (20.00) dollars for a single family residence and thirty-five (35.00) dollars for other structures, and said fee shal be paid to the City Treasurer who shall issue a receipt therefore and such receipt must be filed with the Sewer Superintendent before the permit is issued. The fee for each permit to repair a septic system is hereby fixed at ten (10.00) dollars, and said fee shall be paid to the City Treasurer before the permit is issued." is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 10. PERMIT FEES. The fee for each permit to connect with any public sewer or to construct, extend, relay, repair, or make connections with a lateral or private sewer inside of property line is hereby fixed at ten (10.00) dollars inside the City and fifteen (15.00) dollars outside of the City and said fee shall be paid to the City Treasurer who shall issue a receipt therefor and such receipt must be filed with the De- partment of Public Works before the permit is issued. The fees for permits to construct, install or repair septic tanks shall be those established by the Seattle -King County Department of Public Health. These fees shall be paid directly to that Department." -3- follows: Section 4. Section 15 of Ordinance 1777 which reads as "Section 15. PERMITS TO REPAIR SEPTIC SYSTEMS. It shall be unlawful for any person to repair a septic system without first obtaining a permit from the Super- intendent. The Superintendent shall not issue a permit to repair a septic system if there is a public sanitary sewer available and the City Council has ordered con- nection thereto, unless it shall be necessary for pub- lic health and safety that repairs to the septic system be made. All repairs shall be subjected to the approval of the Superintendent. All liquids and solids removed from septic tanks shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the Super- intendent." is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 15. PERMITS TO INSTALL OR REPAIR SEPTIC SYSTE It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, install or repair any septic system within the City of Kent without first obtaining a permit from the Seattle - King County Department of Public Health. That Depart- ment shall issue permits pursuant to the applicable County standards; subject, however, to the other pro- visions of this Ordinance. The Department of Public Health shall not issue a permit to construct, install or repair a septic system if there is a public sanitary sewer available and the City Council has ordered connection thereto, unless it shall be necessary for public health and safety that repairs to the septic system be made. All liquids and solids removed from septic tanks shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the Super- intendent. Section 5. Section 17 of Ordinance 1777 of the City of Kent which reads as follows: "Section 17. PRIVY WELLS OR VAULTS, AND CESSPOOLS, PROHIBITED. Whenever, in the judgment of any Public Health Officer, the use and maintenance of any privy well, or vault, or cesspool, located upon any premises -4- in the City of Kent is detrimental or dangerous to life or health, and whenever a septic tank can properly be maintained upon such premises, the City Council may prohibit the use of such privy well, or vault, or cesspool and may order the same to be disinfected and filled with fresh earth, and may order a septic tank to be constructed upon such premises and suitable plumbing to be installed in any building or structure located upon such premises and such plumbing to be connected with and to drain into such septic tank, such work to be done under the supervision and to the satis- faction of the Superintendent and to that end the City Council shall direct the Superintendent to notify in writing the owner or occupant of such premises that the use of the privy well or vault, or cesspool, must be disinfected and filled with fresh earth, and a septic tank must be constructed upon such premises and suitable' plumbing installed in any building or structure located thereon and such plumbing connected with, and to drain into such septic tank, all within the period of twenty (20) days from and after the time when such notice shall be served as hereinafter provided. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the use of cesspools or sumps for the disposition of liquids from floor drains, or laundry trays where said fixtures are too low to drain into the sanitary sewer." is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 17. PRIVY WELLS OR VAULTS, AND CESSPOOLS, PROHIBITED. Whenever, in the judgment of any Public Health Officer, the use and maintenance of any privy well, or vault, or cesspool, located upon any premises in the City of Kent is detrimental or dangerous to life or health, the City Council may prohibit the use of such privy well, or vault, or cesspool and may order the same to be disinfected and filled with fresh earth. To that end the City Council shall direct the Superin- tendent to notify in writing the owner or occupant of -5- of such premises that the privy well or vault, or cesspool, must be disinfected and filled with fresh earth, and a suitable sewage disposal system construct- ed within a period of twenty (20) days from and after the time when such notice shall be served. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the use of cesspools or sumps for the disposition of liquids from floor drains, or laundry trays where said fixtures are too low to drain into the sanitary sewer." Section 6. Section 18 of Ordinance 1777 of the City of Kent which reads as follows: "Section 18. PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL. A permit for a private sewage disposal system shall not become effec- tive until the installation is completed to the satis- faction of the Superintendent. He shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of construction and, in any event, the applicant for the permit shall notify the Superintendent when the work is ready for final inspection, and before any underground portions are covered. The inspection shall be made within seventy- two (72) hours after the receipt of written notice directed to the Superintendent. No septic tank shall be permitted to discharge to any public sewer or outlet. Any abandoned septic tanks, cesspools, and similar private sewage disposal facilities shall be filled with suitable material and in a manner which will insure the public safety, health and well-being. All private sewage disposal facilities shall be operated and maintained in a sanitary manner at the entire expense of the owner." is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 18. PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL. No septic tank shall be permitted to discharge to any public sewer or outlet. Any abandoned septic tanks, cesspools, and similar private sewage disposal facilities shall be filled with suitable material and in a manner which will insure the public safety, health and well-being. All private sewage disposal facilities shall be operated and maintained in a sanitary manner at the entire expense of the owner." Section 7. Section 19 of Ordinance 1777 of the City of Kent which reads as follows: "Section 19. SEPTIC TANK REPAIRS REQUIRED. Whenever, in the judgment of the Sewer Superintendent, any private septic tank shall fail to properly function or the con- tinued use of such private septic tank in its then con- dition or in the condition of the outlets, therefrom, will be detrimental to life or health, it shall be the duty of the Sewer Superintendent to report that fact in writing to the City Council. Thereafter, in case the City Council shall determine that the continued use of such private septic tank in its then condition, or in the then condition of the outlets therefrom will be detrimental to life or health, the City Council may order such work to be done upon the premises upon which such private septic tank is situated as to the City Council shall be deemed necessary to restore and in- sure sanitary conditions upon such premises. Such work shall be done under the supervision of the Superinten- dent, and to that end the City Council shall direct the Superintendent to notify in writing the owner or occupant of such premises, which written notice shall state the particular work to be done and that such work must be completed within the periodof twenty (20) days from and after receipt of said notice." is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 19. SEPTIC TANK REPAIRS REQUIRED. Whenever, in the judgment of the Sewer Superintendent, or any Public Health Officer, any private septic tank shall fail to function properly or the continued use of such private septic tank will be detrimental to life or health, it shall be the duty of the Sewer Superintendent or Health Officer to report that fact in writing to the City Council. If the City Council determines that the continued use of such private septic tank will be detri- mental to life or health, it may order such work to be done upon the premises where the private septic tank is situated as it deems necessary to restore and insure sanitary conditions upon such premises. The work shall be done according to the provisions of this Ordinance. -7- The City Council shall direct the Superintendent to notify in writing the owner or occupant of such premises which written notice shall state the particular work to be done and that such work must be completed within the period of twenty (20) days from and after receipt of said notice." Section 8. Section 24 of Ordinance 1777 of the City of Kent which reads as follows: "Section 24. FEES FOR INSPECTION. There shall be no charge for required inspections unless an inspection is necessary because of failure to comply with the terms of this Ordinance or any construction standards, speci- fications or codes of the City. For all inspections for which a charge is made, the charge shall consist of the actual cost per hour, including overhead, of sending Dewer Department personnel to make the inspections, plus equipment rental charges if any. In no event shall the charge be less than ten (10.00) dollars. All inspection fees shall be paid to the City Treasurer who shall issue receipts therefor. No permit shall be issued to any person who is delinquent in the payment of inspection charges." is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 24. FEES FOR INSPECTION. There shall be no charge for required inspections unless an inspection is necessary because of failure to comply with the terms of this Ordinance or any instruction standards, speci- fications or codes of the City; provided that, if the Seattle -King County Department of Public Health requires inspection fees for the construction, installation or repairs of septic tank systems, such fees shall be paid to that Department. For all inspections for which a charge is made by the City of Kent, the charge shall consist of the actual cost per hour, including overhead, of sending Sewer Department personnel to make the in- spections, plus equipment rental charges if any. In no event shall the charge be less than ten (10.00) dollars. All inspection fees shall be paid to the City Treasurer who shall issue receipts therefor. No permit shall be issued to any person who is delinquent in the payment of inspection charges. Section 9. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR' ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN -CITY CLERK PR VED AS TO F RM: DONALD E. MIRK, •CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the - day of February, 1975. APPROVED the day of February, 1975. PUBLISHED the _ day of February, 1975. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. �G L� , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JENS , CITY CLERK