HomeMy WebLinkAbout1836Ordinance No. 1836 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=464 — Recreational Vehicle Park Code Passed — 8/6/1973 Adopting Recreational Vehicle Park Code Amended by Ord. 3819 �1 4 ORDINANCE NO. ) V34 AN ORDINANCE Of the City of Kent, Wash- ington adopting by reference that code known as Recreational Vehicle Park Code -City of Kent, Washington; providing for future ad- ditions and amendments to the Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is hereby adopted by reference upon the effective date of this Ordinance and upon the filing of three (3) copies with the Kent City Clerk, that certain code known as Recreational Vehicle Park Code - City of Kent, Washington, to- gether with all amendments and additions thereto. Section 2. Additions and amendments to the Code may be made by the City Council by motion at any Regular or Special City Council Meeting. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and pub- lication as provided by law. ATTEST: JENSEN4/ C AP ROVED AS TO FORM: t DON LD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY -1- ISABEL HOGAN,LAAYOR r PASSED the k day of August, 1973. APPROVED the day of August, 1973. PUBLISHED the L,t day of August, 1973. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance j _, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, No. � Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JEN CITY CL RK -2- KENT RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK CODE 11 THE RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK CODE WAS APPROVED BY THE KENT CITY COUNCIL ON AUGUST 6, 1973 BY ORDINANCE 1836 AND BECAME EFFECTIVE ON AUGUST 16, 1973. -i- a f, RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK CODE M TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION Page 1.1 Title-------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 Purpose----------------------------------------- 1 1.3 Scope ------------------------------------.------ 1 1.4 Definitions------------------------------'------ 1 SECTION II - PROCEDURES AND ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES 2.1 Zoning for Recreational Vehicle Parks ----------- 2.2 Application Procedures -------------------------- 2.3 Recreational Vehicle Park Preliminary Development Plan---------------------------- ---- 2.4 Recreational Vehicle Park Final Development Plan------------------------------------------- 2.5 Substitution of Final Development Plan for Preliminary Development Plan------------ ----- 2.6 Code Administration -------------------- --------- SECTION III - TECHNICAL INFORMATION 3.1 Location and Design ---------------------------- 3.2 Completion Certification ------------------------ SECTION IV - PARK OPERATION 3 3 5 5 6 6 7 9 4.1 Licenses--------------------------------------- 4.2 -------------------------------------- 4.2 Registration of Occupants----------------------- 11 4.3 Inspection-------------------------------------- 11 4.4 Occupancy Limits-------------------------------- 11 4.5 Maintenance------------------------------------- 11 SECTION V - VARIANCES, PENALTIES, SEVERABILITY, LIABILITY, REPEAL 5.1 Variances--------------------------------------- 12 5.2 Penalties--------------------------------------- 12 5.3 ' Liability--------------------------------------= 12 5.4 Severability---------------------------------- -- 12 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK CODE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON M A code of the City of Kent, Washington, providing for the municipal adoption of rules, regulations, requirements, standards and procedures for the approval or disapproval of the development of recreational vehicle parks; pro- viding for the variation and exception thereto in hardship cases; providing penalties for the violation of such adopted rules, requirements, regulations, and standards; providing for the efectuation of the expressed and implied authority of the City of Kent in accordance with the intent of State statutes; invalidating all parts or sections of other ordinances in conflict herewith. SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION Section 1.1 Title This code shall be hereinafter known as the City of Kent Recreational Vehicle Park Code. Section 1.2 _Purpose The purpose of this code shall be to provide rules, regulations, requirements, and standards for development of recreational vehicle parks in the City of Kent; insuring that the highest feasible quality in such parks will be obtained; that the public health, safety, general welfare and aesthetics of the City of Kent shall be promoted and protected; that orderly growth and development together with the conservation, pro- tection and proper use of land shall be insured; that proper provisions for all public facilities (including circulation, utilities, and services) shall be made; and that conformance with provisions set forth in the City of Kent Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan shall be insured. Section 1.3 Scope This code applies to any acquisition of land, improvement of land, or the development of`land for recreational vehicle park use_. This code shall apply to all lands within the corporate boundaries of the City of Kent. Where this code imposes greater restrictions or higher standards upon the development of land than other laws, ordinances or restrictive covenants, the provisions of this code shall prevail. Section 1.4 Definitions For the purpose of this code certain terms, phrases, words, and their derivatives shall be construed as -specified in this section. Words used in the singular include -the plural and the plural the singular. The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory; the word "may" is permissive. - 1 - CITY COUNCIL. The City Council of the City of Kent, Washington. DEPENDENT UNIT. A recreational vehicle that does not have a private toilet and bathtub or shower. DEVELOPER. The person, firm or corporation developing a recrea- tional vehicle park. INDEPENDENT UNIT. A recreational vehicle that has a toilet and bathtub or shower. PLANNING COMMISSION. That body as defined in Ordinance 1674, City of .Kent. RECREATIONAL AREA. A parcel or parcels of land or an area of water or a combination of land and water within the site designated fora recreational vehicle park which are designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of residents of the park. The recreational area may contain such complimentary structures and improvements as are necessary and appropriate for the benefit and enjoyment of residents of the recrea- tional vehicle park. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. Any vehicle or structure so designed and constructed to permit occupancy thereof, with sleeping quarters for one(1) or more persons, and constructed in such manner as to permit its being used as a conveyance upon the public streets or highways and duly licensable as such, propelled, drawn or transported by its own or other power. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK. Any site, lot, parcel or tract of land designed, maintained or intended for the purpose of supplying a location or accommodations for five (5) or more recreational vehicles and shall include all buildings used or intended for use as a part of the equipment thereof, whether a charge is made for the use of the recreational vehicle park and its facilities or not. Recreational vehicle parks shall not include commercial automobile or recreational vehicle sales areas on which unoccupied recreational vehicles are parked for purposes of inspection and sale only. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SPACE OR SITE. A parcel of ground within a recreational vehicle park designated for the accommodation of any recreational vehicle. SERVICE BUILDING. A building housing separate toilet, lavatory, and bath or shower accommodations for men and women, with separate service sink and laundary facilities. SETBACKS. The minimum all.owable.hor.i.zontal distance from a given point or line of reference, such as a street right-of-way, to the nearest vertical wall or other element of a recrea- tional vehicle or appurtenant structure. All setbacks from a line of reference shall be measured on a line perpendicular to said line of reference. TENT. An enclosed structure or shelter fabricated entirely or in major part of cloth, canvas, plastic or similar material which is erected for periods not exceeding thirty (30) days for recreational or vacation purposes. For the purpose of this code a tent shall be considered as a dependent camping vehicle. - 2 - SECTION II - PROCEDURES AND ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES Section 2.1 Zoning for Recreational-Vehiazle-Pa-rks Recreational vehicle parks shall be allowed in MHR, Mobile Home Residential zones and Mobile Home Park Combining Districts. Section 2.2 Application and Review 1) Responsible Departments. The Planning Department, Public Works Department, Fire and Building Departments and appropriate Health Agency shall be responsible for administering the review, design, and construction pro- visions of this code. 2) Application Procedures a) Existing Mobile Home Park Zones (1) The first step in preparing an application for a recreational vehicle park involves early informal discussions with appropriate City departments to allow the developer to obtain details of City requirements and some idea of the feasibility of his proposal prior to the actual submission of development plans. (2) The second step involves the preparation and submission to the Planning Department of a Preliminary Development Plan of the proposed recreational vehicle park. Said plan shall be reviewed by the responsible departments (Section 2.2 -1) and any comments and/or required corrections resulting from this review shall be provided to the developer. (3) The third step involves the preparation and sub- mission to the Planning Department of a Final Development Plan. This plan shall be reviewed by the responsible departments for compliance with their requirements and if approved shall serve as a basis for issuance of all permits and licenses. b) Residential Zoned Property Not Presently Zoned for Mobile Home Park Use Mobile Home Parks and Recreational Vehicle Parks may be located in any residential district when MHP Combining District regulations and development plans are approved for that location. The procedure for approval of a Mobile Home Park Combining;District re- quires a public hearing before the Planning Commission and a second public hearing before the City Council together with City Council approval. (1) The first step in preparing an application for a recreational vehicle park involves early informal discussions with appropriate City departments to allow a developer to obtain details of City requirements and some idea of the feasibility of his proposal prior to the actual submission of development plans. - 3 - (2) The second step involves the preparation and sub- mission to the Planning Department of a Preliminary Development Plan of the proposed recreational vehicle park together with an applicationfor a Mobile Home Park Combining District. Application forms for a Mobile Home Park Combining District are available in the Planning Department office. The Preliminary Development Plan and application for a Mobile Home Park Combining District must be sub- mitted to the Planning Department at least twenty- five (25) days prior to the date the developer intends to be heard before the Planning Commission. A fee Of fifty (50) dollars plus one (1) dollar for each lot shall be paid at the time of application. Within two (2) days of receipt of the application the Planning Department shall set a time and date for a preliminary plan meeting between the developer and the responsible departments. The comments resulting from the preliminary plan meeting,as well as any written comments received by the Planning Department, shall be considered in preparing the staff recommendation to be presented to the Planning Commission. Notification. The Planning Department shall give written notice of the Planning Commission Public Hearing to all property owners within a radius of two hundred (200) feet -of the exterior boundaries of the property being subject of the application. Public notice shall also be posted in three (3) conspicuous places on or adjacent to the property subject of the application at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing. Recommendation of the Planning Commission. Following the aforesaid public hearing, the Planning Commission shall make a report of its findings and recommenda- tions with respect to the proposed Combining District and shall forward such to the City Council. City Council Action. The City Council shall hold a public hearing within thirty (30) days of the date of the Planning Commission public hearing. If the application for a Mobile Home Park Combining District is denied by the City Council, said application shall not be eligible for resubmittal for one (1) year from date of said denial, unless specifically stated to be without prejudice. A new application affect- ing the same property may be submitted, if in the opinion of the Planning Commission, circumstances affecting the application have changed substantially. (3) The third step involves the preparation and sub- mission to the Planning Department of a Final Development Plan. This plan shall be reviewed by the responsible departments for compliance with their requirements and if approved shall serve as a basis for issuance of all permits and licenses. One Year Validity. Any Mobile Home Park Combining District shall remain effective only for one (1) year unless the use is begun within that time or construction has commenced. =! Section 2.3 Recreational Vehicle Park Preliminary Development Plan 1) General Information. Seven (7) copies of the Preliminary Development Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department. The Planning Department shall then transmit one copy of said plans to the appropriate Health Agency, two copies to the Kent Fire and Building Departments, and three copies to the Kent Public Works Department. 2) Preliminary Development Plan Requirements. The Preliminary Development Plan shall include the following: a) Vicinity Map. A vicinity map of the area, dimensions, acres and zoning of the adjacent property, at a scale of not less than one (1) inch representing two hundred (200) feet. b) Site Map. Site map at a scale of not less than one (1) inch representing one hundred (100) feet showing: (1) An accurate legal description of the property involved. (2) Location and square footage of lots. Notation as to average lot size will suffice for square footage. (3) Street layout and sizes. (4) Recreational area location and square footage. (5) Number of parking spices and location. (6) The location of service buildings and other existing and proposed structures. (7) Location and type of landscaping to be used. Section 2.4 Recreational Vehicle Park Final Development Plan 1) General Information. Seven (7) copies of the Final Develop- ment Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department. The Planning Department shall then transmit one copy of said plans to the appropriate Health Agency, two copies to the Kent Fire and Building Departments, and three copies to the Kent Public Works Department. 2) Final Development Plan Requirements. The Final Development Plan shall include the following: a) Site Maps. Site maps at a scale of not less than one (1)inch representing one hundred (100) feet showing: (1) The location of existing and platted property lines, streets, buildings, water courses, railroads, sewers, bridges, culverts, storm drains, water mains, and any recorded utility or roadway easements and the present zoning classification, both of the land to be used for the recreational vehicle park and of the adjoining lands (land that abuts the subject area). (2) Plans of proposed underground utility layouts (sanitary and storm drainage, water, gas, tele- phone, fire hydrant system, and electrical power). When such connections are not feasible or required, any proposed private water or sewage disposal system must be approved by the Engineering Depart- ment and Health Agency. - 5 - (3) Contour lines at vertical intervals of not more than five (5) feet.where the average slope is or exceeds eight (8) percent. On slopes averaging less than eight (8) percent, contour lines at vertical intervals of not more than two (2) feet shall be required. Contour data shall be referenced to National Ocean Survey (1929 mean sea level) datum. (4) The proposed lots, structures, roadways, parking spaces, walkways, screening, recreation areas, landscaping, and any other permanent physical features. b) Landscape Plan.. A detailed landscape plan. c) Indicate the acreage of land to be used for the recreational vehicle park, the number of lots, the amount of square feet and dimensions of each lot. d) Parking Spaces. The number, location, and size of all automobile parking spaces. e) Streets and Sidewalks. The location and width of streets and sidewalks. f) Buildings. The location of service buildings and other existing and proposed structures. g) Any other pertinent information deemed necessary by the responsible departments. 3) Final Plan Meeting. At a time and date set by the Planning Department, representatives of the responsible departments as defined in Section 2.2 1) shall meet to consider the Final Development Plan. The developer shall be encouraged to attend the Final Plan Meeting. Any revisions or corrections required by the responsible departments shall be applied to the Final Plans which shall then be used as the basis for any construction permits related to the development of the recreational vehicle park site. Section 2.5 Substitution of Final Development Plan for Preliminary Development Plan In certain instances, the applicant may choose to submit a completed Final Development Plan,in place of the Preliminary Development Plan. An example of a situation where this alternative procedure might be in order would be the conversion of a number of spaces within an existing mobile home park to a recreational vehicle park use. Informal discussions with the responsible departments prior to the actual preparation of plans might clear up any problems that exist and might make the submission of plans in two stages unnecessary. Although the applicant may choose to initiate this simplified procedure, actual acceptance of the submitted plans as suitable Final Development Plans shall require the unanimous agreement of everyone present at the development plan meeting. Section 2.6 Code Administration General administration of this code shall be the responsibility of the Planning Department; however, those matters that are defined by City ordinance as the responsibility of any other department shall be administered by that department. =:� SECTION III - TECHNICAL INFORMATION Section 3.1 Location- and- Design Recreational vehicle parks shall comply.with the following minimum standards: 1) Number of Spaces. A minimum of five (5) recreational vehicle spaces shall be required in a recreational vehicle park. 2) Access. a) Vehicular. A recreational vehicle park having more than seventy-five (75) spaces shall have two (2) or more places of access at least one of which shall be on a major or secondary street as defined by the City of Kent Street Plan. No entrance or exit from the recrea- tional vehicle park shall be closer than fifty (50) feet to a street intersection measured from the nearest right-of-way line of the intersecting street. The developer shall not create or maintain, or allow to be created or maintained within the boundaries of the recrea- tional vehicle park any material impediment to visibility which obscures the view of an approaching driver in the right lane of the street within: (1) One hundred (100) feet where the speed limit is less than forty-five (45) miles per hour, or (2) One hundred and fifty (150) feet where the speed limit is forty-five (45) miles per hour or more, of any portion of the approach lane of the access - way within twenty-five (25) feet of its intersection with the right hand lane of the street. All traffic lanes and streets within the recreational park shall have a minimum width of thirty (30) feet and shall be paved and drained in a manner approved by the Engineering Department. No parking for other than emergency purposes shall be allowed in the streets and traffic lanes of a recreational vehicle park. b) Pedestrian. Means of protected pedestrian access shall be provided between the parking spaces, recreational and service facilities, and public ways outside the limits of the park. Curbing shall be used to separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic and crosswalks shall be provided and maintained by the management. 3) Screening. All recreational vehicle parks shall be surrounded by a five (5) foot high, fifty (50) to one hundred (100) per- cent view obscuring wall, fence, or planting strip, as permitted by Section 3.1 2)a) of this code and the yard requirements of the surrounding zone. 4) Permanent Structures a) Permanent Dwellings. The only permanent dwelling allowed in the recreational vehicle park shall be the single- family dwelling of the owner or manager. - 7 - b) Service Building (1) Laundry.Facilities. Such facilities shall be pro- vided by the management in the ratio of one (1) dryer and two (2) washers for every thirty (30) spaces within the park. (2) Restroom and Shower Facilities. If dependent units of any type are to be allowed to occupy space within the recreational vehicle park, restroom and shower facilities shall be provided in the following minimum ratio: MALE No. Camping Drinking Water Hand Vehicle Spaces Fountains Closets Urinals Basins Showers 2-20 1 1 1 2 1 21-30 1 2 1 3 2 31-40 1 3 1 4 2 41-50 1 4 2 5 4 51-60 2 5 2 6 4 61-70 2 6 2 7 5 F E M A L E No. Camping Drinking Water Hand Vehicle Spaces Fountains Closets Basins S}iowers 2-20 Included in 2 2 1 "Male" cate- gory above 21-30 if 3 3 2 31-40 It 4 4 2 41-50 It 5 5 4 51-60 it 6 6 4 61-70 if 7 7 5 c) Surfacing of Spaces. All recreational vehicle spaces shall have a paved pad of the same minimum dimension as the largest unit to be allowed to occupy that space. Said pad shall be located in conformance with the separation requirements of Section 3.1 7) and shall be paved in a manner approved by the Engineering Department. 5) Space Dimensions. No specific areas or dimensions are required for .individual spaces. The developer should design his spaces around the density and separation require- ments listed as items (6) and (7) below and the different types and sizes of recreational vehicles that he intends to provide accommodations for. The boundaries of each space shall be clearly marked on site and each space shall be large enough to accommodate within those limits the entire recreational vehicle package being used by the renter of that space; for example, trailer plus towing vehicle, pickup camper plus pickup when separated, camper and boat on trailer. The only exception to this requirement would be to allow a separate parking area for the vehicle of those persons using an area provided for tents. 6) Density Requirements. The number of recreational vehicle spaces shall not exceed twenty-eight (28) per gross acre of the recreational vehicle park. 7) Separation Requirement. No recreational vehicle shall be positioned closer than ten (10) feet to any other recreational vehicle or tent, closer than eight (8) feet to any permanent building, or closer than five (5) feet to any exterior property line of the recreational park. Self propelled vehicles not used for sleeping purposes may be located within the ten (10) foot required separation between recreational vehicles. 8) Recreational Area. A recreational area composed of outdoor and/or indoor area totaling not less than one hundred (100) square feet for each space included within the park shall be developed and maintained by the management of the recrea- tional vehicle park. 9) Landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided in the recrea- tional vehicle park according to a landscaping plan approved by the Planning Department. A surety bond to cover the approved landscaping shall be posted prior to the issuance of any permit to construct the park. 10) Parking. One (1) parking space for guest use shall be provided for every twenty-five (25) spaces. 11) Illumination. Sufficient illumination shall be provided between sunset and sunrise to illuminate adequately the roadways and walkways within the recreational vehicle park. Such illumination shall not be under the control of the tenants. 12) Fire Safety Equipment. All fire safety equipment and installation including hydrants, fire extinguishers, etc., shall be in accordance with ordinances of the City of Kent. 13) Utility Systems. All installation and maintenance of utility systems shall be in accordance with appropriate Engineering and Health department requirements. Refuse containers shall be provided by the park operator in number and type sufficient to satisfy health department require- ments. Section 3.2 Completion Certification 1) A signed completion certificate shall signify that the recreational vehicle park has been satisfactorily completed according to the approved Final Plan and the requirements of this code. Said completion certificate shall be submitted to the Planning Department as a partial require- ment for the business license. Completion certificate forms are available from the Planning Department. 2) The developer shall sign and forward the completion certi- ficate to the Planning Department when, in his opinion, the recreational vehicle park has been completed. Said certi- ficate shall be signed by all responsible departments listed in Section 2.2 1) for those portions of the recreational vehicle park within their departmental jurisdiction, when the work has been satisfactorily completed, except for those improvements deferred by Section 3.2 3). - 9 - 3) If a developer wishes to defer certain improvements, written application shall be made to the department responsible for approval of that improvement stating the reasons why such delay is necessary or advisable. Upon approval by the department the developer shall furnish a performance bond of one hundred fifty (150) percent of the estimated cost of the installation of the required improvements. Such bond shall list the exact work that shall be completed and shall be subject to the condition that the improvement shall be completed within one (1) year after the approval of the Final Plan. Bonds for landscaping may exceed a one (1) year time limit. The developer may substitute a certified check in lieu of a performance bond. Such check shall be made payable to the City Treasurer and shall be in the same amount as the bond for which it is substituting. The City reserves the right, in addition to all other remedies avail- able to it by law, to proceed against such bond or other payment in lieu thereof. In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this code, the developer shall pay unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation including reasonable attorney's fees. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City requiring payment of such attorney's fees. - 10 - SECTION IV - PARK OPERATION Section 4.1 Licenses It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, maintain or permit to be operated or maintained upon any property owned or controlled by him, a recreational. vehicle park within the limits of the City of Kent without having first secured a license from the City Clerk in compliance with the provisions of this code. Such annual licenses will expire on December 31 of each year, but may be renewed under the provisions of this code for additional periods of one (1) year. If the license is for less than half a year, the fee shall be one-half (1/2) the annual rate. No license shall be transferable. Section 4.2 Reaistration of Occupants In all recreational vehicle parks there shall be located an office of the person in charge of said park. A copy of the recreational vehicle park license and of this code shall be posted therein. It is hereby made the duty of the attendant or person in charge, together with the licensee, to keep a register of all tenants which shall be available for inspection by federal, state, county, and city officials; said register shall contain at least the following information: 1) Name and address of occupants. 2) Dates of entrances and departures. 3) License or registration number of all recreational vehicles. 4) State issuing such license or registration. Section 4.3 Inspections 1) Regular Inspections. Each recreational vehicle park will be inspected by the Fire Prevention Bureau in the course of their normal routine inspections. These inspections will cover record keeping, proper location and separation of recreational vehicles, and all other aspects of the park affecting the health, safety, and welfare of its inhabitants. 2) Special Inspections. In addition to the regular inspections individual city departments may make special inspections of those items under their jurisdiction at any time. Section 4.4 Occupancy Limit A recreational vehicle park is designed to accommodate only recreational vehicles. While such units are located within a recreational vehicle park, no business shall be conducted from them. A maximum rental period of thirty(30) days shall be enforced for all spaces within a recreational vehicle park. Section 4.5 Maintenance The recreational vehicle park shall be kept in good repair to insure that said park shall be a pleasant, safe, and sanitary living environment for present and future inhabitants. SECTION V - VARIANCES, PENALTIES, SEVERABILITY, LIABILITY, REPEAL Section 5.1 Variances o 1) Variance Requirements. The Board of Adjustment may authorize a variance from the requirements of this -code when, in its opinion, undue hardship may be created as a result of strict compliance with the provisions of this code, as per RCW 35A.63.110. When authorizing a variance, the Board of Adjustment may prescribe conditions that it deems necessary to or desirable for the public interest. No variance shall be recommended unless the Board of Adjustment finds: a) The variance shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the property on behalf of which the application was filed is located; and b') That such variance is necessary, because of special circumstances relating to the size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings of the subject property, to provide it with use rights and privileges permitted to other properties in the vicinity and in the zone in which the subject property is located; and c) That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or in- jurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property..is situated. 2) Applications Required. Application for any variance shall be submitted in writing on forms prescribed by the Planning Department by the developer at the time the preliminary plan is submitted to the Planning Department. The applica- tion shall state fully all substantiating facts and evidence pertinent to the request. Section 5.2 Penalties Any person or firm who has neglected or failed to comply with the provisions of this code shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed five"hundred (500) dollars for each such violation, or imprison- ment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Section 5.3 Liability Citv Not Liable. This code shall not be construed to relieve from or essen the responsibility of any person owning any land or building, constructing or modifying any recreational vehicle park in the City for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the City or any agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by reason of any preliminary or final approval or by issuance of any permits or certificate authorized herein. Section 5.4 Severability If any part or portion of this code is determined to be uncon- stitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determina- tion shall not affect the remainder\of this code. - 12