HomeMy WebLinkAbout1799ORDINANCE '40. 14 ORDINANCE of th(-i City of Kent, Wash- ington, amending Section 1. of Ordinance 711 previously amended 1--, t.rdlnance 980 and codi- e Kent City Code LIE,! CjLapt(;. 1. 0 rye w .L -elating to Travel Lxpensscs- THF: CITY COUNCIL OF' THF> (..TTY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY ORDAIN Aq FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section I of Ordinance 711, previously amended by Ordinance 980 and codifie,as Chapter 1. 18.04 in the Kent City Code and which reads as follows: "TRAVEL EXPENSES. In the event any elective or appointive officer of the City of Kent is re- quired, in the performance of his official duties, to travel without the municipal limits of the City of Kent, and such travel is authorized or rati- fied by the City Council, such official shall be allowed 8 cents Der mile for each mile of travel between the City of Kent and the point of desti- nation of such required travel and return, to- gether with subsistence, at the actual cost there- of, for the time such official is actually and necessarily absent frorn, the City." is hereby amended. to read as follows : "TRAVEL EXPENSES. In the event any elective or appointive officer of the City of Kent is re- quired, in the performance of his official duties, to travel without the municipal limits of the City of Kent, and such travel is authorized or ratified by the City Council, such official shall be allowed ten (10) cents per mile for each mile of travel between the City of Kent and. the point of desti-- nation of such required travel and return, to- gether with subsistence, at the actual cost there- of, for the time such official is actually and necessarily absent from tl,,,e City." -I- effect and be in sitake eff Section 2. This ordinance . (5) days frorr and after its passage, approval and pub - force five lication as provided by law. X. TiSABEL HOGANP MAYOR. ATTEST: APP VED AS TO FORM: DONALD F. Attorney PASSED the day of oct(,-,ber, 1972. APPROVED the, day of October, 1972. PUBLISHED the day of October, 1.972. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance NO. Tj passed by - the CitY Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mavor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL CITY MARIE -2-