HomeMy WebLinkAbout1794) " "I0� Y ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, adopting the Uniform Fire Code, 1971, with specified deletions, additions, and amendments thereto, deleting prior preven- tion codes and bulletins, and repealing sections of prior ordinances of the City of Kent. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is hereby adopted by reference upon the effective date of this Ordinance and upon the filing with the City Clerk of three (3) copies thereof, the Uniform Fire Code, 1971 Edition, promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials and the Western Fire Chief's Association, to- gether with the appendices thereto, and deletions, amendments and additions thereto as set forth hereafter. Section 2. There is hereby deleted from the Uniform Fire Code, Section 1.205, "Authority of fire personnel to exer- cise powers of police officers", found on page 15 of said Code. Section 3. Section 13.208, page 75 "Required vertical driveway clearance" which reads as follows: "Access driveways serving buildings or property located more than 150 feet from a street shall have a vertical clearance of not less than 12 feet above the finished driveway surface. EXCEPTION: Groups I and J Occupancies as specified in the Building Code. Where auxiliary means of access or fire protective measures, approved by the Chief, are provided, the above required clearance may be modified or waived." is hereby amended to read as follows: -1- "Access Ways for Fire Apparatus: All premises where buildings or portions of buildings, other than dwellings are hereafter constructed, located and/or occupied, shall be provided as may be required by the Chief with fire ap- paratus access. Such access way shall have horizontal and vertical clearance as required by the Chief and shall be constructed and located to accommodate fire apparatus. Where auxilary means of access or fire protection facilities approved by the Chief are provided, the above requirements may be modified." Section 4. There is hereby added to Article 31, a new section to be known as Section 31.114, "Welding or Cutting Opera- tions - Permits" which shall read as follows: A. A permit shall be required of each company, corporation, co -partnership or owner -operator performing welding or cutting operations ex- cept as provided in Section 31.114B. This permit shall not be required for each weld- ing or cutting job location. The company, corporation, co -partnership or owner -operator shall notify the Bureau of Fire Prevention in advance where such work is taking place, except where such work is done in response to an emergency call that does not allow time for the Bureau of Fire Prevention to be notified in advance of the work. B. A permit shall not be required of any company, corporation, co -partnership or owner -operator: (1) Where the welding or cutting is per- formed in areas approved for the pur- pose, or (2) Having an approved permit system es- tablished for control of the fire hazards involved. C. Application for a permit required by this Article shall be made by the Company, corp- oration, co -partnership or owner -operator performing the welding or cutting operation or by his duly authorized agent. D. A permit for welding or cutting operations shall not be issued unless the individuals in charge of performing such operations are capable of doing such work in a safe manner. Demonstration of a working knowledge of the provisions of the adopted codes and standards governing cutting and welding operations -2- shall constitute acceptable evidence of compliance with this requirement. E. Companies, corporations, co -partner- ships and. owner -operators required to have a permit shall maintain a record of all locations where welding or cutting operations are performed and have it available for inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Section 5. The Uniform Fire Code, 1970 Edition by the American Insurance Association and NFPA No. 101, 1967 Edition, contained in Volume 4 of 1970-71 National Fire Code by NFPA be and ,the same hereby are deleted. Section 6. Section 1 of Ordinance 1706, and Sections 4, 5 and 6 of Ordinance 1470, previously enacted by the Kent City Council be and the same hereby are repealed. Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and pub- lication as provided by law. ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR - ATTEST: MARIE JENNY E , City Clerk PROVED AS TO FORM: I s DONALD E. MIRK, City Attorney PASSED the day of October, 1972. APPROVED the day of October, 1972. PUBLISHED the day of October, 1972. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as here- on indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JEN , `City C1e7rk -3-