HomeMy WebLinkAbout1765ORDINANCE NO. 1 � AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, proVidillg for the condemnation and acqui.sition of certain land in the City of Kent for the purpose of improving and widening 84th Avenue South, a public high - CD M way in the City of Kent-, and providing '11.:or CD the payment for said land. "Ki - CD ('\j THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHI-NGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Attorney for Lhe City of Kent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to Purchase and/or institute and prosecute to determination in the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in the County of King, an action in the name of the Citv of Kent for condemnation and acquisition of the following described land, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, for the purpose of improving and, widening 84th Avenue South, a public highway in the City of Kent, to -wit: PARCEL 2. (Green) The east 12 feet of thle following described property; that porl:ion of the north half of the southeast quF�rter of the northeast quarter in Section 12, Township 22 North, Range. 4 East, W.M., 1,7 4 n g - 2- J_ in King County, Washington, ­..'.. . eFin'terly of the following described line., Beginning at a point 256.75 feet west of northeast corner of -saial subdivision; thence south 3.98 feet; thence east 71 feet; thence south 288.20 feet; thence west 71 feet; thence south to line of said subdivision; EXCEPT the north 1.98 feet and EXCEPT th-e south 15 feet and EXCEPT Ithe east 30 feet. PARCEL 3. (BurlLn Northern, Inc..' The east 12 feet of the following described property: The south 15 feet of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 12, Township. 22 North, Range 4 E.W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the east 30 feet thereof. PARCEL 4 (.11 o 1 m) The east 15 feet of the following described parcels; PARCEL "A": South 60 feet of north 275 feet of east 1 . 56 -.-- feet of south half of southeast quarter of north- east quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, W,ashington; EXCEPT the -I- PARCEL 5. (Burlington Northern Inc.) The east 12 feet of the following described property: The south half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 1.2, Township 22 North, Range 4 E.W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the east 30 feet thereof and EXCEPT the west 126 feet of the east 156 feet of the north 275 feet of said south half �fj the south-- east quarter of the northeast quarter. PARCEL 6. (Breen) The east 12 feet of the following described property. The north half of Lot 4, Kent Five Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 7. (Holm) The east 12 feet of the following described property. North half of the southh half of Tract 4, Kent Five Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 8. (Raker) The east 1.2 feet_ of the following described property. South one-fourth of Tract 4, Kent Five Acre Tracts, according to the plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 1.9, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 9. (Northwest Steel Rolling Mills, Inc.) The east 12 feet of the following described properly. Trac:. 2, Kent Five Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 971. (Burlington Northern, Inc.) The east 12 feet of the following described property Lot 3, EXCEPT south 1.00 feet of east 170 feet, Kent Five Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 10. (The Epcon Company) The east. 12 feet of the south 100 feet of Lot 3, Kent's Five -Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Washington. This Deed is given for the purpose of relinquishing all right, title, and interest of the Grantor in and to said premises created by that certain lease dated on the 3rd day of November, 1969, :recorded under Auditor's F=_le No. 6599343. -2- east 30 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 749613. PARCEL "B": South 145 feet of north 215 feet of east 156 feet of south half of southeast quarter of northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the east 30 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road by deed CO cn recorded under Auditor's File No. 74961.3. O PARCEL "C": The east 104 feet of the north 70 feet CD I- of the north half of the southeast quarter cf the CD southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, in Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; LESS county road. PARCEL 5. (Burlington Northern Inc.) The east 12 feet of the following described property: The south half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 1.2, Township 22 North, Range 4 E.W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the east 30 feet thereof and EXCEPT the west 126 feet of the east 156 feet of the north 275 feet of said south half �fj the south-- east quarter of the northeast quarter. PARCEL 6. (Breen) The east 12 feet of the following described property. The north half of Lot 4, Kent Five Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 7. (Holm) The east 12 feet of the following described property. North half of the southh half of Tract 4, Kent Five Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 8. (Raker) The east 1.2 feet_ of the following described property. South one-fourth of Tract 4, Kent Five Acre Tracts, according to the plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 1.9, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 9. (Northwest Steel Rolling Mills, Inc.) The east 12 feet of the following described properly. Trac:. 2, Kent Five Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 971. (Burlington Northern, Inc.) The east 12 feet of the following described property Lot 3, EXCEPT south 1.00 feet of east 170 feet, Kent Five Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 10. (The Epcon Company) The east. 12 feet of the south 100 feet of Lot 3, Kent's Five -Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Washington. This Deed is given for the purpose of relinquishing all right, title, and interest of the Grantor in and to said premises created by that certain lease dated on the 3rd day of November, 1969, :recorded under Auditor's F=_le No. 6599343. -2- PARCEL 12. (Buxton) The east 12 feet of the following described property. That portion of the south half of the southeast quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Wyshington, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said south half of the southeast quarter and running thence west along the north line of said soath h..-Iif of the southeast quarter 30 feet to an inter'secticn with the west line of Primary State Highway No,., 5; tfieiice south along the west line of said Primary State Higy'llway No. 5, 30 feet; to the true point of beginning; thence, west along a line 30 feet south of rand parallel with the north line of said south half o -C the sout-heast quarter, a distance of 320 feet; thence scuth to a point on the noith line of Tract 4, Shinn' s Valley Home Addition according to plat thei:eof recorded in Volume 7 of Plats. page 22, records io' King Cc�urj.ty, Washington, whi,ch point is 320 feet west of 'L."ac, west line of Primary State Higltiway No. 5;-,L.he_nCe east 320 feet to the west 11ine of Pr,lmary State High- way No. 5; thence north along the west 1,. -.re of Primary State Highviay No. 5, to a point 30 feet south of ',-he north line of said south half of the scut..,neast ,ivar'Cer and the True Point of Beginning. PARCEL 12A. (Northwest Steel Rollinq Mills Inc.) The east 12 feet of the south 30 feet of that portion of the "Unplaztted Tract A" in the Plat of Kent Five Acre Tracts, y,? -corded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, King County, Washington, AND ALSO the incest 12 fe�vt of the east 42 feet of the north 30 feet otthe north- east quarter of the southeast quarter all in &7-_-ction 12, Township 22 Nortfl, Range 4 E.W.M., King County, Washington. PARCEL 13. ( P.-_ a nd i) The east 12 fe:�t of the following described property. Tract 4, Shinn's Valley nfxrie Ad- dition to Kent, according to plat recorded ir, Volume 7 of Plats, page 22, in King Count.v, Washington. --3- PARCEL ll. (Department of Public Assisuanc,e) The east 12 feet of the following described property. Those portions of Tract 1 and of unplat-ted Tract "A" of Kent Five Acre Tracts, acco_'.din(.-j to the plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, in King County, Wash- ington, described as follows: Beginning at the south- east corner of the northeast quarter cf. t-ne soutlL- east quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 E.W.M., in King County, Washington; therice west along rl- the south line of said subdivision, 30 feet a point co on the westerly margin of Primary State Highwa.-v No.5; CD _. said point being the southeast corner of -a,,�! un - co platted Tract "A"; thence north along sa.i� west line CD a distance of 30 feet to the true point of beginning; "tT CD _L thence west, parallel with the south line of said Tract I and "A", a distance of 320 feet; -thence north parallel with the east line of said Tracts 1 and "A", a distance of 291,7 feet, more or less, to the north line :.--)f said Tract 1; -thence east along said north line, 320 feet, more or less, to the westerly margin of saLi,d road; thence southerly along said westerly margin,, 291.7 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCEL 12. (Buxton) The east 12 feet of the following described property. That portion of the south half of the southeast quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Wyshington, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said south half of the southeast quarter and running thence west along the north line of said soath h..-Iif of the southeast quarter 30 feet to an inter'secticn with the west line of Primary State Highway No,., 5; tfieiice south along the west line of said Primary State Higy'llway No. 5, 30 feet; to the true point of beginning; thence, west along a line 30 feet south of rand parallel with the north line of said south half o -C the sout-heast quarter, a distance of 320 feet; thence scuth to a point on the noith line of Tract 4, Shinn' s Valley Home Addition according to plat thei:eof recorded in Volume 7 of Plats. page 22, records io' King Cc�urj.ty, Washington, whi,ch point is 320 feet west of 'L."ac, west line of Primary State Higltiway No. 5;-,L.he_nCe east 320 feet to the west 11ine of Pr,lmary State High- way No. 5; thence north along the west 1,. -.re of Primary State Highviay No. 5, to a point 30 feet south of ',-he north line of said south half of the scut..,neast ,ivar'Cer and the True Point of Beginning. PARCEL 12A. (Northwest Steel Rollinq Mills Inc.) The east 12 feet of the south 30 feet of that portion of the "Unplaztted Tract A" in the Plat of Kent Five Acre Tracts, y,? -corded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, King County, Washington, AND ALSO the incest 12 fe�vt of the east 42 feet of the north 30 feet otthe north- east quarter of the southeast quarter all in &7-_-ction 12, Township 22 Nortfl, Range 4 E.W.M., King County, Washington. PARCEL 13. ( P.-_ a nd i) The east 12 fe:�t of the following described property. Tract 4, Shinn's Valley nfxrie Ad- dition to Kent, according to plat recorded ir, Volume 7 of Plats, page 22, in King Count.v, Washington. --3- PARCEL 14. (McGovern) The east 12 feet of the following described property. The north hall' of Tract 3, i fin V s Valley Home Addition to Kent, accord.ing to plat re=corded in Volume 7 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 16. (BlO_E 2 shop) That portion -f Sbinn's Valley Home Additon to Kent,according to r.- at recorded in Volume 7 of Plats, Page 22 in King Coluinty, 1,7ashing- ton; beginning at a point on the south line of said. Tract 2 wh.,,ch is 12 feet westerly of t1he east 1ne of said Tract 2, being the True Point of Beghin]-l(iC C111i property herein described; thence northerly, Farallel with said east line to a point whicia is '19 feet south- erly from the north line of said Tract 2; north- westerly to a point on the north line of said Tract 2 which is 50 feet westerly from the northeast corner thereof, thence east a distance of 50 feet along said north line to the northeast corner thereof- thence south along the east line of said tract to the south line of said tract; thence west along said sout',-1. line 12 feet to the True Point of Beginning. PARCEL 17_9(BLshoP) The east 12 feet of the following described property. North half of Tract IP Shinn's Valley Home Addition to Kent, according to plat re- corded in Volume 7 of Plats, page 222, ri King County, Wash. -.1' ngton. PARCEL 18. (Geer) The east 12 feet c -l" the following described property. The south half of Lot 1, Shinr's Valley Home Addition to Kent, according to plat re- corded in Volume 7 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 18A. (Heath Manufacturing, 'Inc.) Thai. portion of the no--theast quarter of Section 1.3, Townsnip 22 North, Range 4 E.W.M., described as follows: Be- ginning at the northeast corner of said subdi,qision; thence west along the north line of said suh-divisicn, 30 feet to the True Point of Beginning; ther,-,�e south and paral.1-cl with the. east line of said subdivision to Highway Engineers Station 524 + 00, whJ..ch said station is more specifically defined within, that certain map of z.-ecord and on file in the office of PARCEL 15. (Bouvier) That portion of the south half of Tract 3 of Shinn's Valley Home Addit-ion to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume -j o.2 Plat-, Page 22, in King Cour.t-y, Washington; rcieq]'Inning at a. point on the north line of the south half (,;f saiO ,Aryr,ict 3, CXD which is 12 feet westerly of the East line of said Cn Tract 3, being the True Point of Beg .nein-3 ui p,ro.-perty CD herein described; thence southerly, parallel. wit'j.-:. said M CD East line to a point which is 19 feet northerly IL'rorrt `I- the south line of said Tract 3; thence southwesterly CD C\j 4 -1 , which c to a point o 11 the south line of said Traci t rl- is 52 feet froin the southeast corner- thereof; thence east along said south line 52 feet to the southeast corner thereof; thence north along the cast line of said Tract to the north line of said south half; thence west along said north line 12 feet to the True Point of Beginning. PARCEL 16. (BlO_E 2 shop) That portion -f Sbinn's Valley Home Additon to Kent,according to r.- at recorded in Volume 7 of Plats, Page 22 in King Coluinty, 1,7ashing- ton; beginning at a point on the south line of said. Tract 2 wh.,,ch is 12 feet westerly of t1he east 1ne of said Tract 2, being the True Point of Beghin]-l(iC C111i property herein described; thence northerly, Farallel with said east line to a point whicia is '19 feet south- erly from the north line of said Tract 2; north- westerly to a point on the north line of said Tract 2 which is 50 feet westerly from the northeast corner thereof, thence east a distance of 50 feet along said north line to the northeast corner thereof- thence south along the east line of said tract to the south line of said tract; thence west along said sout',-1. line 12 feet to the True Point of Beginning. PARCEL 17_9(BLshoP) The east 12 feet of the following described property. North half of Tract IP Shinn's Valley Home Addition to Kent, according to plat re- corded in Volume 7 of Plats, page 222, ri King County, Wash. -.1' ngton. PARCEL 18. (Geer) The east 12 feet c -l" the following described property. The south half of Lot 1, Shinr's Valley Home Addition to Kent, according to plat re- corded in Volume 7 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 18A. (Heath Manufacturing, 'Inc.) Thai. portion of the no--theast quarter of Section 1.3, Townsnip 22 North, Range 4 E.W.M., described as follows: Be- ginning at the northeast corner of said subdi,qision; thence west along the north line of said suh-divisicn, 30 feet to the True Point of Beginning; ther,-,�e south and paral.1-cl with the. east line of said subdivision to Highway Engineers Station 524 + 00, whJ..ch said station is more specifically defined within, that certain map of z.-ecord and on file in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia, and bearing date of approved November 22, 1960; thence west 12 feet; thence north parallel with the east Of said sub- division to the north line of said sub di-Ision; thence east 1.2 feet of the True Point of Begi,-Ming, EXCEPT that portion lying within public rights -or -ways. PARCEL 2l_,___'Ne_',son) The west 12 fee -,A_ the following described property. Commencing at the west quarter corner of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 E.W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north al,�ng the west line of said Section 7, 565.77 feet to the true point of beginning; thence north 88'38'30" east, 755.65 feet; thence north 201.63 feet, more cr less, to south line of a 30 foot road; thence south r8042' -west along the south line of said road, 755.65 feet, ITI(:-'ire Or less, to the west. line of said Section 7; thence south along said west line, 201.88 feet, more or Less, t --o the true point ot bagl,nninq; LESS the we -.-.-L-. 30 feet for road. PARCEL 2"), (Nelson) The west 12 feet of the following described property. Commencing on the west quarter corner of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 E.W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north along line -5- This Deed is given for the purpose of relinquishing all right, title, and interest of the Ga'a tor in and CD M l -i: to said prem.ses created by that- certai;). lease dated (D on the 6th day of June, 1956, recor=ded under Auditor's CD M File No. 511611.5 in King Coanty, Wash-LI-igcon. 144- NPARCEL 20, - (National Bank of Washington Nash Estate) The west 12 feet of the following -II.--s cr 'Lbed property: That portion of Government 3 -Jot 2 and of tyre southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Secticn 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 E.W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the west quarter corner of said Section 7 and running thence north along the west line of said Section 797.62 feet t -I the true point of beginning; thence north 88042'00" east, 1741.44 feet, more or less, to the center 1-Ine of a 20 foot drainage ditch right-of-way; thence south 40 26'00" west,along said center lit.ner 30,,09 feet; thence north 82'�'24'10'* east, 744.79 feet, more or less, to a he east line of said. southeast quafter of the point on t=he northwest quarter which is 8419.42 feet. north of the southeast corner of said subdivision.; thence n:)_-'th along said east line 473.7 feet, more of le�Is,, to the north line of the sout=heast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 7; thence south 88042'00" west, 1940.22 feet; thence south 282 feet; thence south 88'42'00" west, 540.64 feet, more or less, to the, west line of said Section 7; thence south along sald west line 238.59 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT the west 30 feet thereof convc,ied to King C,-_-)unty, Washington for roads by deed recorded under Auditoi-'s File Nc. 749611, and th_"t. "por- tion thereof: lying within a strip of lar -,d 25 feet- in width condemned for drainagc ditch by.Drainage District No. 1, In. King County Super. -Lor Court Cai,',.�>e No� 33912, and EX(-"-,'Ppj' that portion thereof cGn-veyed to the State of Wastiinyt,on for highway purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5337456. PARCEL 2l_,___'Ne_',son) The west 12 fee -,A_ the following described property. Commencing at the west quarter corner of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 E.W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north al,�ng the west line of said Section 7, 565.77 feet to the true point of beginning; thence north 88'38'30" east, 755.65 feet; thence north 201.63 feet, more cr less, to south line of a 30 foot road; thence south r8042' -west along the south line of said road, 755.65 feet, ITI(:-'ire Or less, to the west. line of said Section 7; thence south along said west line, 201.88 feet, more or Less, t --o the true point ot bagl,nninq; LESS the we -.-.-L-. 30 feet for road. PARCEL 2"), (Nelson) The west 12 feet of the following described property. Commencing on the west quarter corner of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 E.W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north along line -5- PARCEL 24. (Harvey) The west 1.21 L'eet of 'Uie following described property., West 306 feet of the norlth 125.20 feet of the south 241.66 feet of Governmont. Lot 2, Section 7, Township /22 North, Range 5 E.WMI,, a.r. King County, Washingt.orn; EXCEPT County Road. PARCEL 25. (R. Fournier) The west 12 feet�_­f the following &�scrli.bed property. The east 276 feet of the west 306 feet of that portion of 113o,/ernment Lot 2, Section 7. Township 22 North, Range 5, L-W.M., in King County, Washington, and o'L­ Shin --,'s Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to p-I.at. i:, -:!corded in Volume 6 of Plats, p�-,tge 52, in King Ccuniu,y,, ',q'lashingtun, descri.bed as follows: Begirinlnq -.it a in -n the west line of said Section 1.1.6..48 Leet rorth of the west quarter section corner thereof; ; thence east 1187.84 feet to the east line of the south iG acx­s ,:) ff said Government Lct 2 (as said 10 acre t t vias c,­.)nveye­A_ to Daniel W. Post by deed recorded ir, Volume 11 of Deeds, page 366) a. distance of 249.(,.,4 feet south from the northeast corner thereof, therce south along said east line and the east line of Tract 11 In said plat a distance of 124.83 feet to the south line of the norti- 8.72' J_eet of tracts 10 and. 1.1 in said plat; thence west along said south line and sE:i'd south line produced 1188.23 feet to the west !J.ne ok said section; thence ntortl� ailong said west line L.25.20 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 26. (Reed) Tice west 12 feet c, --F' t,, -!,e following described prc, -1 perty: The west 306 feet cf the north 133.92 feet; EXCEPT the north 8.72 feet of Tract 10, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page _'52, in King County, Washington. I M. 4 of said Sect`,on 7., 363.39 feet, more ox ]I-ess, ci point on the north line of south 10 acres of Government Lot 2 in said Section 7, which is the true point :)f beginning; thence north 88'35' east, 755.65 feet; thence north 201.63 feet; thence south 88'38'30" west, 755.65 feet, mope or less, to the west line of said Section a'; thence south along Sji 4 d west line 201.88 feet, more i:jr less, to the true point beginning; EXCEPT rl- the west 30 feet thereof heretofore conveyed to King CC) C") oded u ,- County for: road purposes by deed rz_,cr ridr Auditor's - CD File N:._i, 791776. (n CD "Cr PARCEL 23. (Geuae' ) The west 1/2' feet of tl,,c following CD described property. That portion of Government Lot 2, Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 E�W.M,,, in King County, Washington, descri..bed as follows: Beginning on the west 1-ine of said section 3616.88 feet north of the southwest corner of said Government Lot 2 ' : thence east along the north line of the south 10 acres of said Government Lot 2, a distance of 118'/'.',',7 feet; thence south along the east line of said Government Lot 2, a distance of 124,,82 feet; thence west 1187.46 feet to the west line of said Government Lot, thence north 125.20 -feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the west 30 feet thereof heretofore conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Audi. to�'s File No. 791776. PARCEL 24. (Harvey) The west 1.21 L'eet of 'Uie following described property., West 306 feet of the norlth 125.20 feet of the south 241.66 feet of Governmont. Lot 2, Section 7, Township /22 North, Range 5 E.WMI,, a.r. King County, Washingt.orn; EXCEPT County Road. PARCEL 25. (R. Fournier) The west 12 feet�_­f the following &�scrli.bed property. The east 276 feet of the west 306 feet of that portion of 113o,/ernment Lot 2, Section 7. Township 22 North, Range 5, L-W.M., in King County, Washington, and o'L­ Shin --,'s Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to p-I.at. i:, -:!corded in Volume 6 of Plats, p�-,tge 52, in King Ccuniu,y,, ',q'lashingtun, descri.bed as follows: Begirinlnq -.it a in -n the west line of said Section 1.1.6..48 Leet rorth of the west quarter section corner thereof; ; thence east 1187.84 feet to the east line of the south iG acx­s ,:) ff said Government Lct 2 (as said 10 acre t t vias c,­.)nveye­A_ to Daniel W. Post by deed recorded ir, Volume 11 of Deeds, page 366) a. distance of 249.(,.,4 feet south from the northeast corner thereof, therce south along said east line and the east line of Tract 11 In said plat a distance of 124.83 feet to the south line of the norti- 8.72' J_eet of tracts 10 and. 1.1 in said plat; thence west along said south line and sE:i'd south line produced 1188.23 feet to the west !J.ne ok said section; thence ntortl� ailong said west line L.25.20 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 26. (Reed) Tice west 12 feet c, --F' t,, -!,e following described prc, -1 perty: The west 306 feet cf the north 133.92 feet; EXCEPT the north 8.72 feet of Tract 10, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page _'52, in King County, Washington. I M. PARCEL 27, (Stewart) The west 12 feet of Tract 10, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Washington; EXCIEPT the north 133.92 feet thereof. PARCEL 30. (,Mauritsen) That portion of the south 90 feet of the west 244 feet of Tract 9, S�,Jnn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, accc;rding to p.).at recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, Page 52, records of Ki -r,, County, Washington, lying southerly and westerly of the fol- lowing described line: Beginning a,,--- a po,'Mi. on the � north line of the south We 90 feet of the _ st , '44 feet of said Tract 9 which is 12 feet easti.:�,riy of the west line of said Tract 9; thence souther.ly, par allel. with said west. line to a point which is 20 feet north of the south line of said Tract 9; thence sout-heF.sterly to a point on the south line of said Tract 9 whi-ch is 50 feet easterly of the s,--uthwest corri(--,,r th(�--reof. PARCEL 31. (Lundberq and Ellis) That port -Jon of Tract 8, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat -recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, Page !--,2, Records of King County, Washington, lying rorthel-ly and westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the south line of said Tra%:t 8 which is -1.2 feet easterly of the west line of said Trac -1. 8; thence northerly, parallel faith said west line to a point which Is _19 feet southerly of the n,-Drth lire: _3f said Tract 8; thence northea.L,,t.erly to a point cri the north. line of sa-ld Tract 8 which is 50 feet from the north- west corner thereof. PARCEL 32. (Ladely-) The west 12 feet of the following described property: Tract 7, Shinn's Cloverdale Ad- dition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 62, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the south 2 acres and EXCEPT the. west 252 feet of the ncrth Ii7.241 feet. PARCEL 33.1 J_ �s �jk) The west 12 feet of the :Following described property. The west 252 feet of the north 117.24 feet of Tract 7, Shinn's C1_o%,,erdaJe IAdition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, V,asbington,, PARCEL 34, (Cohen) The west 12 feet of the fol.lowing described propped -y. SULI-11h. 2 acres of Tract 7, Shinn's Cloverdale Addit.ion to Kent, accordinq to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Flats, page 52, in Ring County, Washington. -7- PARCEL 28. (Maroni) The west 12 feet- of 't -he following described property: The west 147 feet of il.-.he north CU C"') 85 feet of Tract 9, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to CD Kent, according to plat recorded in VGlu"Ite 6 of Plats, M i page 52, n King County, Washington, CD CD PARCEL 29. ivjetrop2litan Federal Savin�_ and ,oan C\j Association of Seattle) West 12 feet of LotN9, Shinn's rl- Cloverdale Add--Ltion to Kent, according t,:) plat re- corded in VcliF4me 6 of Plats. page 52, -in County, Washington; EXCEPT the south 90 feet and LESS the north 85 feet. PARCEL 30. (,Mauritsen) That portion of the south 90 feet of the west 244 feet of Tract 9, S�,Jnn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, accc;rding to p.).at recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, Page 52, records of Ki -r,, County, Washington, lying southerly and westerly of the fol- lowing described line: Beginning a,,--- a po,'Mi. on the � north line of the south We 90 feet of the _ st , '44 feet of said Tract 9 which is 12 feet easti.:�,riy of the west line of said Tract 9; thence souther.ly, par allel. with said west. line to a point which is 20 feet north of the south line of said Tract 9; thence sout-heF.sterly to a point on the south line of said Tract 9 whi-ch is 50 feet easterly of the s,--uthwest corri(--,,r th(�--reof. PARCEL 31. (Lundberq and Ellis) That port -Jon of Tract 8, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat -recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, Page !--,2, Records of King County, Washington, lying rorthel-ly and westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the south line of said Tra%:t 8 which is -1.2 feet easterly of the west line of said Trac -1. 8; thence northerly, parallel faith said west line to a point which Is _19 feet southerly of the n,-Drth lire: _3f said Tract 8; thence northea.L,,t.erly to a point cri the north. line of sa-ld Tract 8 which is 50 feet from the north- west corner thereof. PARCEL 32. (Ladely-) The west 12 feet of the following described property: Tract 7, Shinn's Cloverdale Ad- dition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 62, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the south 2 acres and EXCEPT the. west 252 feet of the ncrth Ii7.241 feet. PARCEL 33.1 J_ �s �jk) The west 12 feet of the :Following described property. The west 252 feet of the north 117.24 feet of Tract 7, Shinn's C1_o%,,erdaJe IAdition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, V,asbington,, PARCEL 34, (Cohen) The west 12 feet of the fol.lowing described propped -y. SULI-11h. 2 acres of Tract 7, Shinn's Cloverdale Addit.ion to Kent, accordinq to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Flats, page 52, in Ring County, Washington. -7- PARCEL 38. (Valdez) The west 12 feet of the following described property: That portion. of Lot 4, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Wash- ington, described as follows: Beginning at the north- west corner of said Lot 4; thence east along the north line of said Lot 4, a distance of 485 feet; thence southerly 90 feet along a line if extended southerly would intersect the south line of said Lot. 4, distant 488 feet from the southwest corner of said Lot 4; thence west. along a line parallel with the north line of said Lot 4, a distance of 184 feet to the true point of beginning of this description; thence north parallel with the west line of said Lot 4, a distance of 90 feet; more or less, to the north line of said Lot 4; thence west along said north line, 301 feet, more or less, to the west line of said Lot 4; thence south along said west line to the north line of the south 187 feet; thence east along said north line, 250 feet to the east line of the west 250 feet of said Lot 4; thence south along said east line to a point that bears west as measured parallel with the north line of said Lot 4 from the true point of be- ginning; thence east to the true point of beginning. PARCEL 39. (Baumgartner) The west 12 feet of the fol- lowing described property. North 100 feet of the south 187 feet of the west 250 feet of Tract 4, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 40. (Ameny) The west 12 feet of the following described property. South 87 feet of west 250 feet of Tract 4, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, ac- cording to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 41. (Wallenberg) The west 12 feet of the following described property. The north 100 feet of the west 250 feet of Lot 3, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Washington. OM PARCEL 35. (Crown Life Insurance Company) The west 12 feet of the north 209 feet of Tract 6 Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat re- corded in Volume 6 of Plats, Page 52, in King County, Washington. This Deed is given as "Partial Release of Security" as secured by that certain Assignment of Leases and Rents, dated September 16, 1965 and recorded on September 27, 1965, under Auditor's File No. 5932577. Above security instrument was Assigned under Auditor's File No. 5937892 to Crown Life In- fl- surance Company. CO 0 PARCEL 36: (Pacific National Bank of Washington) M The west 12 feet of Tract 6 Shinn's Cloverdale Ad- C-Ddition to Kent according to Plat recorded in Volume 0 6 of Plats, Page 52, King County, Washington, EXCEPT CD the north 209 feet thereof. f` PARCEL 37. (Reinhard) The west 12 feet of the following described property. West 350 feet of Tract 5, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, ac- cording to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 38. (Valdez) The west 12 feet of the following described property: That portion. of Lot 4, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Wash- ington, described as follows: Beginning at the north- west corner of said Lot 4; thence east along the north line of said Lot 4, a distance of 485 feet; thence southerly 90 feet along a line if extended southerly would intersect the south line of said Lot. 4, distant 488 feet from the southwest corner of said Lot 4; thence west. along a line parallel with the north line of said Lot 4, a distance of 184 feet to the true point of beginning of this description; thence north parallel with the west line of said Lot 4, a distance of 90 feet; more or less, to the north line of said Lot 4; thence west along said north line, 301 feet, more or less, to the west line of said Lot 4; thence south along said west line to the north line of the south 187 feet; thence east along said north line, 250 feet to the east line of the west 250 feet of said Lot 4; thence south along said east line to a point that bears west as measured parallel with the north line of said Lot 4 from the true point of be- ginning; thence east to the true point of beginning. PARCEL 39. (Baumgartner) The west 12 feet of the fol- lowing described property. North 100 feet of the south 187 feet of the west 250 feet of Tract 4, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 40. (Ameny) The west 12 feet of the following described property. South 87 feet of west 250 feet of Tract 4, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, ac- cording to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Washington. PARCEL 41. (Wallenberg) The west 12 feet of the following described property. The north 100 feet of the west 250 feet of Lot 3, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Washington. OM PARCEL 44. (V. pji�d ) The west 12 feet of the following described property. Lot 1, Shinn's Cloverd6le Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the south 128 feet thereof. PARCEL 45, (Purdy) The west 12 feet of the following described property. That portion of I-Pract 1, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in Kinq County, Washing- ton, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said tract; thence northerly along the west line of said tract, 128 feet; thence easteriy parallel -to the south line of said tract, 340,4_5 fee".; thence southerly parallel to the west line of sa_­:ci tract, 128 feet to the south line of said tract; -thence westerly along said south line, 340.45 feet to the poin­of beginnl.ng, PARCEL 46. (Tonelli) The west 12 feet of the following described property. The north half of Government Lot 1 and the ncrth half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 E.W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT that portion conveyed for Primary State Highway #5 EXCEPT right-of-wa.y for drainage Di::,trJ_ct No. 1, and EXCEPT P,(:),Dias . Section 2. That the acquiring of said land for the purpose herein mentioned is for a public use and necessity. PARCEL 42. (Caraccioli) That portion of the west 277 feet less north 100 feet of west 250 feet of Tract 3, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, ac- cording to Plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, Page 42, Records of King County, Washington, lying southerly and westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point which is 100 feet. southerly from the north line of said Tract 3 and 12 feet easterly from the west line of said Tract 3; thence southerly, parallel with said West line to a point which is 20 feet northerly of said line of saki. Tract 3, thence southeasterly to a point on the south line of said CID Tract 3, which is 51 feet from the south,qest- corner Cn CD thereof n CD PARCEL 43. (BeBrialer) That portion of Tract 2, 'AT Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent, according to CD C\j plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, Page 52 in King County, Washington, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the south line of said Tract 2 which is 12 feet easterly of the west line of Tract 2; thence northerly, parallel with said west line to a point which is 19 feet southerly of the north line. of said Tract 2; thence northeasterly to a point on the. north line of said Tract 2 which is 49 feet Lion, the north- west corner thereof. PARCEL 44. (V. pji�d ) The west 12 feet of the following described property. Lot 1, Shinn's Cloverd6le Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the south 128 feet thereof. PARCEL 45, (Purdy) The west 12 feet of the following described property. That portion of I-Pract 1, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, in Kinq County, Washing- ton, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said tract; thence northerly along the west line of said tract, 128 feet; thence easteriy parallel -to the south line of said tract, 340,4_5 fee".; thence southerly parallel to the west line of sa_­:ci tract, 128 feet to the south line of said tract; -thence westerly along said south line, 340.45 feet to the poin­of beginnl.ng, PARCEL 46. (Tonelli) The west 12 feet of the following described property. The north half of Government Lot 1 and the ncrth half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 E.W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT that portion conveyed for Primary State Highway #5 EXCEPT right-of-wa.y for drainage Di::,trJ_ct No. 1, and EXCEPT P,(:),Dias . Section 2. That the acquiring of said land for the purpose herein mentioned is for a public use and necessity. Section 3. Payment for the land herein described to be acquired shall be made from funds provided by the Urban Arterial Board of the State of Washington, by assessments against the pro- perties specially benefited by the improvement, and from the City of Kent funds allocated for the purpose. Section 4. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as a waiver by the City of Kent of its right to decline to take and CD pay for said land after the amount of damages has been ascertained pC�') and within the time allowed by law. CD CD Section 5. This Ordinance shall take'.effect and be in rte- force five (5) days after it passage, approval and publication as provided by law. I SABE/.L/HUGAN , !MAYO ATTEST: MARIE JENSEli,jCity Clerk A PROVED AS TO FORM: DONALD E. MIRK, City Attorney PASSED the day of March, APPROVED the day of March, PUBLISHED they day of March, 1972. 1972. 1972. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 1-7 L' , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. C! (SEAL) MARIE JENSIEV, City Clerk 10 00 't A11�