HomeMy WebLinkAbout1724ORDINANCE NO. i 10P--, I LN- I AN ORDINANCE ington, amending �t codified as Kent to vacations and of the City of Kent, Wash - Ordinance 1192, Section 1, Ordinance 1.26.02 relating holidays. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Kent City Ordinance 1192, Section 1, codi- fied as Kent Ordinance 1.26.02 which reads as follows: "Every officer or employee of the city shall, after the first seven months of em- ployment receive and be entitled to one day per month of vacation credit so that after the first full year of employment with the city, such officer or employee shall have a total of five working days of vacation credit; and every such officer and employee, after such first year's employment, shall receive and be entitled to a credit equal to eighty- three one hundredths day per month of conse- cutive employment, thus providing total va- cation credits of ten working days for each year; after ten years of continuous employ- ment with the City of Kent, such monthly credit shall be increased to one and one- quarter working days per month. Above va- cation credits shall not be applicable to members of the fire department and police department, who are covered by provisions promulgated by the civil service commission. When any officer or employee shall not take a vacation to which he is entitled in any one calendar year, as above specified, by reason of the urgent need of his continuous service or because of seasonal demands there- for, such officer or employee, with the ap- proval of the head of his department or divi- sion, may be allowed such vacation during the succeeding calendar year, but in no event shall any vacation not taken in the year when due, be accumulated beyond the next succeeding calendar year. All vacations shall be taken at such time as shall be approved by the head of the division or department in which the person entitled thereto serves, or in the case of an officer, by the mayor." =a is hereby amended to read as follows: "Every full time employee or full time elected official of the City shall, after the first seven months of employment, re- ceive and be entitled to one day per month of vacation credit so that after the first full year of employment with the City, such employee or official shall have a total of five working days of vacation credit; and every such employee or official who has been in the service of the City for one year or more shall receive a vacation of one week with pay equal to forty hours at the regu- lar straight time rate. Every such employee or official who has been in the service of the City for two years or more shall receive an annual vacation of two weeks with pay equal to eighty (80) hours at the regular straight time rate. Employees or officials who have been in the service of the City for eight years or more shall receive an annual vaca- tion of three weeks with pay equal to one hundred twenty (120) hours at the regular straight time rate. The above vacation credits shall not be applicable to members of the fire department and police department, who are covered by provisions promulgated by the civil service commission. When any employee or official shall not take a vacation to which he is entitled in any one calendar year as above specified, by reason of the urgent need of his continuous service or because of seasonal demands therefor, such em- ployee or official, with the approval of the head of his department or division, may be al- lowed such vacation during the succeeding calen- dar year, but in no event shall any vacation not taken in the year when due,be accumulated beyond the next succeeding calendar year. All vacations shall be taken at such time as shall be approved by the head of the division or department in which person entitled thereto serves, or in the case of an official, by the mayor." Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and pub- lication as provided by law. .., �./)7 ISABEL HOGAN, MA -2- Attest: SEN, ,�it)V Cle Approved as to form: 1 DONALD E. MIRK, C ty Attorney Passed the day of June, 1971. Approved the day of June, 1971. Published the �` day of June, 1971. I reby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. % 7v2 h , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as here- on indicated. ----- (SEAL) MARIE JE] 'S City lerk -3-