HomeMy WebLinkAbout1695Ordinance No. 1695 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=440 - Underground Wiring Ordinance and Appeal Passed - 12/21/1970 Repealing & Superseding Ordinance 1525 as amended by Ordinance 1610 - regarding construction of new underground wiring Amended by Ord. 3690 (Sec. 5 now Sec. 7.10.060) City'' of Kent Kent City Council Kent, WA 98031 Dear Council Members: d - I CITY CLERK DEC 1 a:;ia7o RECEIVE® December 16, 1970 I herewith veto and return without my signature Kent City Ordinance No. 1695 passed by the Kent City Council on December 7, 1970. I am apprec- iative of the work of the Chamber of Commerce committee on this ordinance. However, I do not feel the ordinance in its present form provides enough assurance that undergrounding will be accomplished. I would propose the following items be discussed at the next council workshop: 1. Section 3, part E relates to conversion to underground facilities in 15 years, but the ordinance does not indicate how this will realistically be done. 2. Section 1, B 3 includes ornamental street lighting standards in the same category as maintenance facilities. I do not believe it should qualify. 3. Section 1, B 6 relates to temporary services for construction. More specific regulations are needed to assure that this wiring does not become the permanent utility for the new construction. 4. Section 6, B 1 needs to be more specific in its definition of technological difficulty. 5. Section 6, B 3 does not seem particularly valid considering the very careful planning of sites that is being done on very expensive land in this area. Along with discussion of the ordinance, I would suggest that the council consider establishing a cumulative underground wiring fund. The following example explains the purpose of the fund: P. O. BOX 310 / 303 W. GOWE / KENT, WASHINGTON 38031 / TELEPHONE 1206) 852-2412 Page 2 December 16, 1970 Kent City Council ABC Company plans to construct a facility and requests a variance. The variance would be granted provided, 1. The company and the city agree on the cost of undergrounding to the facility. 2. The company make yearly payments over a 15 year period to the city cumulative fund, establishing the funds needed for undergrounding. The city would be expected to participate in the same manner. This year's budget includes Gowe Street, Kent-Kangley, South 212th and Reith Road. Obviously it would not be possible to fund all of these in a 15 year period. The ordinance could specify undergrounding the core area now and be amended later to indicate the next area of priority. Other than the Local Improvement District method, there does not appear to be a realistic way to accomplish undergrounding. All new residential construction is required to underground; I believe the city, commercial and industrial sectors must find a way to make undergrounding possible and practical. Sincerely, ISABEL K. HOGAN, Mayor City of Kent IKH:Idl F K, t+ i ORDINANCE NO. 3 "�-!� _ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, repealing and superseding Ordinance No. 4 1525 as amended by Ordinance No. 1610; regulating ' " for the general welfare the construction of new and the conversion of existing aerial electrical ,- - � or communication facilities underground within of.�7 the corporate limits of the City; providing certain minimum requirements and procedures relating there - 7 to; requiring connections and disconnections of service affected thereby and providing penalties 8 for the violation thereof. 9 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF KENT AS FOLLOWS: 10 Section 1. Scope and Exceptions. 11 A. It is especially found and determined by the City 12 that the general public necessity, convenience, health, safety and welfare require that electrical or communication facilities 13 e constructed underground in an orderly manner in accordance 14 With the requirements specified herein. 1 lf__ _._/ B. This ordinance shall apply to everyone who owns lectric facilities or communication facilities, including but not 16 limited to telephone and cable television facilities, within the 17 corporate city limits; provided, however, the following facilities ,iJ18 are excepted from the undergrounding requirements of this ordinance: Uro (1) Electric utility sub-stations, pad-mounted 19 L transformers and switching facilities not 20 f located on the public right-of-way where site 21 screening is or will be provided in accord- ance with Section 5C ( 2) . 22 (2) Electric transmission systems of a voltage of 23 55kv or more, (including poles and wires) and 24 equivalent communications facilities. (3) Ornamental street lighting standards. 25 (4) Telephone pedestals and other equivalent 26 communication facilities. 27 (5) Police and fire sirens, or any similar municipal equipment, including traffic control 28 equipment. 29 (6) Temporary services for construction. 30 (7) Secondary wiring for street lighting. -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Section 2. Cost. The cost of constructing new facilities underground or relocating existing aerial facilities underground shall be borne by the serving utilities, the owners of the real property to be served, or others requesting such underground service in accord- ance with the applicable filed tariffs, or the rules and regulations, or the published policies of the respective utilities furnishing such service, or as may be contractually agreed upon between the utility and such owner or applicant. In the absence of filed tariffs, rules or regulations, published policies, or contractual agreement, the cost of con- structing new facilities underground or relocating existing aerial facilities underground may be financed by any method authorized state law. Section 3. Underground Requirements. A. New Facilities. (1) All major additions of new facilities (three or more spans and/or 500 feet or more) shall be underground. (2) Minor additions of new facilities may be con- structed aerially where the growth requirements are uncertain or where existing facilities are aerial. A permit from the City Engineer shall be required. B. Rebuilds, Replacements and Additions. (1) A major rebuild or replacement of existing aerial facilities (three or more spans and/or 500 feet or more) shall be underground, (2) A minor rebuild or replacement of or addition to existing aerial facilities may be constructe aerially. No permit shall be required. (3) When there is casualty damage to an overhead service system due to the elements or other major service outage, the facilities may be restored aerially. No permit shall be required (4) An addition of three phase conductors or re- conductoring will be allowed on existing aerial facilities. No permit shall be required. C. Relocations or Rearrangements. (1) Relocations or rearrangements of aerial -2-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 facilities necessitated by, but not limited to, road widening, sewer and water main projects, shall be underground if replacement of poles and associated facilities are necessary to accommodate the improvement. (2) Relocations or rearrangements of aerial facil- ities not requiring major replacement of poles and associated facilities may be constructed aerially. '�. D. Service Connections. � •a570 Service connections are facilities extending from a iistribution system and terminating on private property to serve a ;ustomer or subscriber. Service connections: (1) Shall be underground, if the distribution system serving the customer or subscriber is undergroun ���� (2) Shall be underground if the distribution system serving the customer or subscriber is aerial, but underground entrance facilities have been provided by the builder, customer, or subscriber in accordance with utility company requirements. (3) May be aerial, if the distribution system serving the customer or subscriber is aerial, but underground entrance facilities have not been provided by the builder, customer, or subscriber in accordance with utility company requirements. E. Specific Program. All areas zoned or rezoned for commercial or industrial ase shall be converted to underground facilities within fifteen (15) years from the date of this ordinance, subject to a ten (10) dear extension by the City, whereby in the City's judgment its Einancial situation prohibits the City from participating to the 3egree implied by the provisions of this ordinance. Conversion to underground of existing aerial facilities Shall be accomplished in an orderly manner and in conjunction with the City's street widening and environmental improvement program. F. Street Lighting. Street lighting facilities or systems, conforming to _urrent standards of the City Engineering Department, shall be -3- 1 installed as an integral part of all undergrounding projects 2 constructed after the effective date of this ordinance. G. Proposed Rights-of-Way. 3 All right-of-way proposed to be dedicated to the City or 4 easements for public facilities shall be subject to the provisions 5 of this ordinance. H. Connections and Disconnections of Affected Service. 6 The owner or owners of real property abutting an under- 7 ground project shall be responsible, at his or their expense, for 8 converting to underground service and disconnecting his or their aerial services within ninety (90) days following notice in writing 9 of availability of such underground service. Time in consummating 10 such connection and disconnection is of the essence and such notice 11 to the property owner, customer or subscribed may be mailed, post- age prepaid, or delivered in person. In the event that said con- 12 version and disconnection is not accomplished within ninety (90) 13 days of receipt of notice, the City may order the work done and 14 the actual cost constitute a lien against the real property subject to enforcement as provided by law. 15 I. Site Screening. 16 Plans for all above--ground installations shall be sub- 17 mitted to the Planning Department for approval of site screening and set-backs prior to the issuance of a service permit by the 18 Engineering Department. 19 J. As Built. 20 Project drawing in form and scale conforming to generally accepted engineering practices, shall be submitted in duplicate to 21 the office of the City Engineer within ninety (90) days of the 22 completion of any underground project within the City. 23 Section 4. Permits. A. Underground Permits. 24 A permit for underground construction shall be obtained 25 from the office of the City Engineer prior to construction of 26 facilities in the public right-of-way. No fee shall be charged for this permit until an appropriate fee schedule is adopted by 27 the City Council. 28 B. Aerial Permits. 29 Where pole line installations are permitted under the 30 variance procedures of Section 6, or minor new additions under Section 3A (2) or temporary aerial facilities under Section 1B (6), -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 a permit shall be obtained from the office of the City Engineer prior to construction of such facilities in the public right-of-way. No fee shall be charged for this permit until an appropriate fee schedule is adopted by the City Council. Section 5. Design Standards. A. All conductors, switches, transformers, and regulatinc devices shall be installed in accordance with the applicable national, state and local safety standards. All structural devices shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code; provided, however, all under- ground facilities provided for herein shall be installed in such nanner as to coordinate with other underground facilities, e. g., ;nater, sewer and gas pipelines, traffic control and other signal systems. Whenever such coordination requires installation practiceE nore restrictive or demanding than the minimum standards required Dy applicable national, state and local codes and safety standards, the requirements of such coordination shall be governing and controlling. B. All vaults, handholes, ventilation gratings, and access covers and conduit in public rights-of-way shall be strong enough to withstand 10,000 pound wheel load. The serving utility nay, at its option, elect to restrict a 10,000 pound wheel load requirement while assuming the responsibility for upgrading facil- ities to traveled street areas beyond the original traveled street area should subsequent widening occur. C. Any equipment excepted from those underground require- nents or otherwise permitted to be installed above -ground shall be: (1) Placed within an enclosure or part of the building being served, or, (2) Suitably screened with masonry or other decorative panels and/or evergreen trees, shrubs and landscaping planted in sufficient depth and height, within a period of five (5) years, to form an effective sight barrier. (3) The utility shall be responsible for the installation, maintenance, repair, or replace- ment of the afore -mentioned screening materials when the real property, on which the above- ground facility is located, is owned by the utility. When said above -ground facility -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 is located on non. -utility owned real property, the owner(s) shall bear the expense of installation, maintenance, repair or replacement of screening materials out- lined hereinabove. D. Space frames and structural arrangements for holding uipment shall be designed to have an uncluttered and neat appear- ance. E. Streets shall be graded to sub -grade prior to the installation of underground facilities. Section 6. Variance Procedures. A. All applications for variances from the foregoing underground requirements shall first be filed with the City Engineer If, thereafter, the City Engineer shall deny such variance request, then the applicant shall have the right to appeal such ruling to the City Council or its designated sub -committee. In the event that the variance is denied by the City Council or its designated sub -committee, then the applicant shall have the right to appeal such ruling to the Board of Adjustment, subject to all the rules and regulations of Chapter 10.15 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as amended. B. Underground requirements shall be waived by a varian Dnly if the owner of electrical or communication facilities or the user thereof, or any other affected person can demonstrate that it would be an undue hardship to construct such facilities under- jround. The term "undue hardship" shall mean either: (1) There is a technological difficulty associated with such facilities or with the real property involved: (2) The cost of the underground construction outweighs the general welfare consideration in requiring underground construction; or (3) The growth pattern in the geographical area has not been sufficiently established to determine the ultimate service requirements or major service routes. Section 7. Joint Trenches. Where several utilities are planned or required in the same corridor, every effort shall be made by the utilities to W -M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .se joint trenches for such facilities. Section 8. Penalties. Any person convicted of violating any of the provisions f this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 r by imprisonment in the City jail for a period not to exceed six .onths, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 9. Enforcement Officer. The City Engineer or his designated representative shall e responsible for the investigation of violations. Section 10. Repeal and Supersedure. Ordinances Nos. 1525 and 1610 and any other ordinances f the City which are inconsistent with any of the provisions of his ordinance are hereby repealed and superseded. 12 This Ordinance shall take effect five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. 13 14 15 ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR 16 17 TTE ST : 18 19 MARIE JENSEN, City Clerk 20 k P OVED AS TO FORM: 21 22 PONALD E. MIRK, City Attorney W 24 Passed the '7ti, day of December, 1970. 25 kpproved the - day of December, 1970. 26 ublished the �� day of December, 1970. 27 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of 28 29 Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City 30 f Kent, Washington, is hereon indicated. -7- (SEAL) MARIE JENSEN, City Clerk Ordinance 1695 vetoed by Mayor Hogan December 16, 1970 The ordinance was reconsidered by the Council on December 21, 1970 and passed by a unanimous vote. ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN, City Clerk ZVED AS TO FORM: 0_1A. '�-' Vt4�AL DONALD E. MIRK, City Attorney Passed the cz>?//Qt- day of December, 1970. Approved the '---day of December, 1970 Published the � - day of December, 1970 I, hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. ^ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, a&4pqpe+#8l•y- kj& M -7 —r ^f tri 1 -e-r==Yy t as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JETS N, City Clerk - 8 -