HomeMy WebLinkAbout1639NV— ORDINANCE NO. LL 4 fjr.3 AN ORDINANCE of the.City of Kent,. sections of c i q3 i 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Washington amending certain Kent codified ordinance, Chapter 5.4 regarding garbage collection, changing certain units of measurement therein, amending fees therein and adding certain requirements thereto; and declaring a public emergency. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Paragraph 5 of Kent codified ordinance 5.4,.04 (Definitions)which reads as follows.: "The term 'garbage units' means secure and tight bundles, none of which shall exceed three feet in the longest dimension, and shall not exceed one hundred pounds in weight or such .'garbage unit may be packed in small discarded boxes, barrels or bags, or in securely tight cartons or other receptacles reasonably easy to be handled and loaded by one person onto a collection vehicle." is hereby amended to read as follows: "The term 'garbage units' means secure and tight bundhs, none of which shall exceed three feet in the longest dimension, and shall not exceed seventy-five pounds in weight or such 'garbage unit' may be packed in small discarded boxes, barrels or bags, or in securely tight cartons or other receptacles reasonably easy to be handled and loaded by one person onto a collection vehicle." Section 2. Paragraph 3 of Kent codified ordinance 5.4.12 (Containers) which reads as follows: "No garbage can when filled shall weigh more than one hundred pounds and shall be so packed that the contents thereof will dump out readily when can is inverted. All garbage cans, bundles, disposal receptacles units, as above specified, shall be placed in convenient accessible locations upon the ground level or ground floor, and near as practxa.ble at the approximate rear of the building or near the alley, street or road at which collection trucks are to be loaded; all walks, paths, driveways to the place of loading shall have an overhead clearance of not less than 8 feet, but in no event shall ordinance defined cans or units be placed a distance greater than 60 feet from the street, alley or road on the day of collection." is hereby amended to read as follows: 32 -1 1 "No garbage can when filled shall weigh more than 75 ounds and shall be so packed that the contents 2 thereof will dump out readily when can is inverted. All garbage cans, bundles,disposal receptacles. 3 units, as above specified, shall be placed in convenient accessible locations upon the ground 4 level or ground floor and near as practicable at the approximate rear of the building or near 5 the alley, street or road at which collection trucks are to be loaded; all walks, paths, 6 driveways to the place of loading shall have an overhead clearance of not less than 8 feet, but 7 in no event shall ordinance defined cans orunits be placed a distance greater than 75 feet from the street, alley 8 or road on the days of collection." 9 Section 3. Kent codified city ordinance 5.4.20 10 which reads as follows: "Exclusive right to haul garbage, exceptions. 11 It shall be unlawful for any person except the duly authorized employees of the Cty under the 12 direction and supervision of the person designated as provided in Section 5.4.16 hereof to haul 13 garbage, refuse or swill through the streets of the City or to dump garbage, refuse or swill 14 on the city garbage dump except as hereinbefore provided for swill originating in commercial or 15 industrial establishments provided, however, any industry desiring to haul their own garbage 16 to a suitable site with equipment that is approved by the Health and Sanitation Committee to.travel over 17 the streets of the City of Kent may be issued a permit to do so at a cost of $2.50. Safi permit 18 shall be valid for three months from the date of issuance; and said equipment will be subject to 19 review and approval by the Health and Sanitation Committee of the City Council as to each request." 20 is hereby amended to read as follows: 21 "Exclusive right to Haul Garbage, Exceptions. 22 It shall be unlawful for any person except the duly authorized employees of the City under the 23 direction and supervision of the person designated as provided in Section 5.4.16 hereof to haul 24 garbage, refuse or swill through the streets of the. City or to dump garbage, refuse or swill 25 except as hereinbefore provided for swill originating in commercial or industrial 26 establishments; provided, however, any Customer desiring to hau their own garbage 27 to a suitable site with equipment that is approved by a representative of the Rent City Council' Health 28 and Sanitation Committee to travel over the streets. of the City of Kent may be issued a permit to do so 29 at a cost of $2.50. Said permit shall be valid for three months from the date of issuance; and said 30 equipment will be subject to review and approval by 31 32 1 said representative of the Kent City Council's Health and Sanitation Committee as to each request. 2 Any such permit holder shall haul his said garbage at least once each week for public health 3 reasons. 4 Section 4. Codified Kent City ordinance 5.4.24 5 pertaining to burning of certain materials within the Kent City limits is hereby repealed in its entirety. 6 Section 5. Codified Kent City ordinance 5.4.28 7 covering the hours of collection for garbage collection service 8 within the City of Kent is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 6.' There is added herewith to Chapter 5.4 of 9 the codified ordinances of the City of Kent the following: i0 "Hours of Collection. All garbage, refuse and swill as hereinbefore defined will be collected within the 11 boundaries of the City of Kent as follows: 12 (1) Regular collections from business firms and commercial enterprises will be made as often as 13 required, but shall not exceed one pick-up per day, five days per week, Monday through Friday, between 14 the hours of Four a.m. and four p.m. 15 (2) Regul4r collection from residential dwellings shall be made one day per week, Monday 16 through Friday, between the hours of seven a.m. and four p.m. 17 (3) Regular collection in areas where a 18 building contains commercial and residential uses. shall be made as often as required but 19 shall not exceed one pick-up per day, five days per week, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 20 four a.m. and four p.m. 21 Section 7. Kent codified ordinance 5.4.30 pertaining 22 to garbage billing provisions for premises vacant more than one month is hereby repealed in its entirety. 23 Section 8. There is herewith added to Chapter 5.4 of 24 the codified ordinances of the City of Kent the following new 25 section: "Whenever any person shall determine to leave his 26 premises vacant for a period of more than one month and thus shall not need garbage collection service 27 during said period, he may cancel garbage collection and service fees therefor for said vacated premises 28 by giving written notice ofsaid vacancy to the Kent Utilities Department and in the.written notice 29 the person shall state the period of said vacancy and the street address of the premises; provided, 30 that upon receipt of said written notice said service will be discontinued on the first calendar 31 day of the next succeeding month for not less than thirty days." 32 -3- 1 ' Section 9. Kent codified city ordinance 5.4.36 2 covering garbage collection charges and rate schedule is hereby 3 repealed in its entirety. Section 10_ Garbage collection charges -- Rate 4 schedule. The following schedule is adopted as a basis of 5 classification and as a schedule of charges to be paid to and coll- 6 ected by the City for services rendered by the City for the collection and removal of garbage, refuse and swill, from residences, 7 business firms and commercial enterprises: 8 "(a) Collection of garbage, refuse and swill from residential dwellings shall be made once a week. 8 (1) For 'garbage cans' and/or 'garbage 10 units' as herein defined. Place not more than twenty-five (25) feet from the point 11 of pick-up. Said point of pick-up shall be measured from a public right -of way, either 12 street or alley that is open to public use all times of the year. 13 1 - cans per week $2.20 per month 14 2 - cans per week $2.45 per month 3 - cans per week $2.70 per month 15 4 - cans per week $2.95 per month 5 - cans per week $3.30 per month 16 (b) For 'garbage cans' and/or 'garbage units' 17 as herein defined. Placed. . more than twenty-five . (25) feet from the point of pick-up. Said point of 18 pick-up shall be measured from a public right-of-way, either street or alley that is open to public use 18 all times of the year: 20 1 — cans per week $2..25 per month 2 - cans per week $2.50 per month 21 3 - cans per week $2.75 per month 4 - cans per week $3.00 per month 22 5 - cans per week $3.35 per month 83 Any customer whose pick-up point is more than 75 feet from the public right-of-way, either 24 street or alley, must either (a.) grant permission in writing tothe City.for the 25 contractor's truck to use his driveway so that the pickup point falls into (less than 26 25 feet) or (more than 25 feet) or (b) negotiate a proper fee with the city and 27 contractor. 28 (c) Collection of garbage, refuse and swill from business firms, commercial and industrial firms shall 28 be available for up to daily pick-up Monday through Friday of each week. The contractor will negotiate 30 with each such customer as to the number of said pick-ups per week. 31 32 _4_ 1 1 -can per week ...... $2.00 per month 2-5 cans per pick-up 2 per week ............. $3.00 per month 5-10 cans per 3 pick-up per week....$5.00 per month Excess of 10 cans 4 per pick-up per week.$.80 per can per month 5 Multiply the above base rate by the. number of pick-ups per week in excess of one. 6 Provided, however, ,that the minimum monthly charge for each business or commercial ' account shall be $2.50 per month. 8 (1) The rate for handling of detachable 9 containers for the use by commercial, industrial and multiple dwelling establishments shall be as follows: 10 24 Section 11. Kent city ordinance 5.4.42 pertaining to 25 garbage container rental fees is hereby repealed in its entirety. 26 Section 12. There is hereby added to codified Kent ordinance Chapter 5.4 the following new section: 27 "Any customer renting garbage containers from the 28 City of Kent in one yard, yard and one-half and two yard capacities shall be charged a $10.00. 29 fee for moving said garbage container into place and a $10.00 fee for moving said garbage .container 30 our of place unless said customer keeps said container for a minimum of three months (in which 31 case, no fee for moving in and moving out said garbage container will be charged). Further, for 32 -5- 1 yard containers $2.20 per pick-up 11 1 1/2.yard containers $3.30 per. pick-up 2 yard containers $4.10 per pick-up 12 10 yard to 20 yard $4.50 per. month 2 yard coriainers $6.00 .per month containers $1.00 per yard 13 20 yard to 40 yard 18 30 yard containers $35.00 per month. containers $ .90 per yard 14 (3) The customer may furnish his own detachable 21 24 Section 11. Kent city ordinance 5.4.42 pertaining to 25 garbage container rental fees is hereby repealed in its entirety. 26 Section 12. There is hereby added to codified Kent ordinance Chapter 5.4 the following new section: 27 "Any customer renting garbage containers from the 28 City of Kent in one yard, yard and one-half and two yard capacities shall be charged a $10.00. 29 fee for moving said garbage container into place and a $10.00 fee for moving said garbage .container 30 our of place unless said customer keeps said container for a minimum of three months (in which 31 case, no fee for moving in and moving out said garbage container will be charged). Further, for 32 -5- (2.) The rental rate to be paid the contractors 15 for furnishing detachable containers is as follows: 16 1 yard containers $3.00 per month.. 17 1 1/2 .yard containers $4.50 per. month 2 yard coriainers $6.00 .per month 18 10 yard containers $14.00 per month 20 yard containers $24.00 per month 18 30 yard containers $35.00 per month. 40 yard containers $42.50 per month 20 (3) The customer may furnish his own detachable 21 container providing said container is compatible with the contractor's equipment for collection. 22 (4) The. minimum pick-up schedule for all 23 accounts is once each week. 24 Section 11. Kent city ordinance 5.4.42 pertaining to 25 garbage container rental fees is hereby repealed in its entirety. 26 Section 12. There is hereby added to codified Kent ordinance Chapter 5.4 the following new section: 27 "Any customer renting garbage containers from the 28 City of Kent in one yard, yard and one-half and two yard capacities shall be charged a $10.00. 29 fee for moving said garbage container into place and a $10.00 fee for moving said garbage .container 30 our of place unless said customer keeps said container for a minimum of three months (in which 31 case, no fee for moving in and moving out said garbage container will be charged). Further, for 32 -5- 1 rental of garbage containers in excess of two yard capacities, the customer renting said 2 containers shall be charged a $40.00 fee for moving said garbage container and a $40..00 fee 3 for moving said garbage container out of location unless said customer keeps said garbage container 4 for not less than six months (in which no fee for moving in and moving out of said container. will 5 be charged). 6 Section 13. There is herewith added to Kent codified 7 city ordinance Chapter 5.4. the following new .section: "The location of garbage containers or cans in 8 conjunction with commercial, industrial or multi- family dwellings shall be subject to inspection 9 by the Kent Fire Department and located in such areas to reduce or remove any fire hazard." 10 Section 14. Kent codified City ordinance 5.4.40 11 pertaining to garbage classification and determination thereof 12 is hereby repealed in its entirety. 13 Section 15. There is herewith added to codified Kent 14 City ordinance Chapter 5.4 the following new section: "The City of Kent reserves the right for its 15 utilities committee to determine the necessity to require garbage collection." 16 Section 16. Severability. If any section, sub -section, 17 sub -division, sentence, .clause or phrase of this ordinance is for 18 any reason held to be unconstitutional or void, such decision 19 shall not affect thevalidity of the remaining portion or portions thereof. 20 Section 17. The City Council of the City. of Kent,. 21 Washington deem the passage of this ordinance to be a public 22 emergency necessary for the protection of the. public health, 23 public safety, public property or public peace of the citizens of the City of Kent and upon the passage of this ordinance by 24 a majority, plus one, of the whole membership of the Kent City 25 Council, its terms shall immediately become effective. 26 27 ISABEL HOGAN, Mayor 28 Attest: 29 MARIE JENSEN, ity Cle k 30 \ App ved as to _form: 31 r 32 Ci Attorney l -6- 1 Passed the day of January, 1970. Approved the ,z day of January, 1970. 2 Published the day of January, .1970. �` 3 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance 4 No. -2 , passed by the City Council of the. City of Kent and appro ed b the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. 5 6 (SEAL) MARIE JENSEW, City Clerk 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -7-