HomeMy WebLinkAbout16387 ' % 5 ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance of the City of Kent, Washington, amending prior Ordinance No. 1550 as to Parcel T-57, and providing for condemnation for right of way of certain land in the City of Kent for the improvement of James Street in the City of Kent, and directing amendment of the City's Petition in Condemnation in King County Superior Court, Cause No. 706251. WHEREAS by prior City of Kent Ordinance No. 1550, passed the 4th day of November, 1968, the City of Kent authorized the condemnation of right of way and easements in, over and upon certain land necessary for the improvement of James Street in the City of Kent, including a portion of the property of George M. Booher, as his separate estate, designated therein Parcel T-57; and WHEREAS the proposed acquisition as set forth in said Ordinance No. 1550 provided for appropriation of a portion of the property of said George M. Booher, designated Parcel T-57, which appropriation was based on installation of a retaining wall within the property to be appropriated by the City of Kent lying adjacent to the Booher ownership on the east , being designated Parcel :T-58; and WHEREAS pursuant to said Ordinance No. 1550 a condemnation suit is presently pending in King County Superior Court, Cause No. 706251; and WHEREAS the property designated in said Ordinance No. 1550 as Parcel T-57 was purchased by the City of Kent for right of way for the improvement of James Street; and WHEREAS subsequent thereto it has been necessary to revise the plans for the improvement of James Street; and WHEREAS by reason of such change in plans a rockery is to be constructed on the property to be appropriated herein designated Parcel T-58, all as set forth in City of Kent Ordinance No. 1632 passed January 5, 1970; and WHEREAS by reason of said change in plans as to Parcel T-58 it is now necessary to acquire an additional portion of the Booher ownership, designated Parcel T-57 for right of way for the improvement - 1 - of James Street; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, does ordain as follows: SECTION I: That prior City of Kent Ordinance No. 1550 be and it hereby amended at page 28 thereof, as to Parcel T-57, to include additional right of way needed for the improvement of James Street, as follows: PARCEL T=57 (BOOHER) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of Parcel "A" which is 15 feet northerly of the Southwest corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point which is 10 feet easterly of said West line and 6 feet Northerly of the South line of said Parcel"A", as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly to a point which is 50 feet Easterly of std West line and 8 feet Northerly of the South line of said Pagel "A", as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "A" which is 18 feet Northerly from the Southeast corner thereof; and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "'A" That portion of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying East of Alvord Street as shown on the plat of Marlow's First Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 44 of plats, page 94, in King County, Washington, west of Walker's Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 53 of plats, page 85, in King County, Washington, north of the south 30 feet of said Section and south of a line beginning at a point on the West line of said Walker's Addition which is South 0114'36" East 100 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block`2 of said Marlowe's Addition and running thence South 88057149" Went to the East line of said Alvord Street. SECTION II: That the City Attorney be and he is hereby directed to proceed to effect appropriation of the aforedescribed real property, designated Parcel T-57 for right of way for the improvement of James Street in the City of Kent; and he is hereby further directed to proceed to amend the City's Petition in King County Superior Court Cause No. 706251 to effect such appropriation. SECTION III: Except as provided for herein, prior Ordi-nce No. 1550 shall remain in full force and effect as passed. - 2 - SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ,tel ifet r ' Mayor Attest: City Clerk AP roved as to f,rm: / Cill, Attorney PASSED the day of January, 1970 APPROVED the day of January, 1970 PUBLISHED they day of January, 1970. - 3 -