HomeMy WebLinkAbout1633/ l i ORDINANCE N0. 2 J' 3 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington amending specified -codified 4 sections of Kent City Ordinance 1071, as amended, making changes to the 5 terminology of the Kent City Zoning Code and adding terminology where indicated. 6 7 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 8 Section 1. Kent Codified City Ordinances 10.04.03 9 (5) ; 10.5.2 (2) ; 10.5.12 (2) ; 10. 5.22 (2) ; 10.5.42 (2) ; 10.5.32 10 (2), which all read as follows: 11 "Home occupations are permitted which are customarily carried on within a dwelling by 12 a member or members of a family. Such activity shall be secondary to the use of 13 the dwelling for living purposes. No more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the floor 14 space of the main floor, which may be in the basement or on the first floor only of such dwelling may be used and under no circumstances 15 more than tiree hundred (300) square feet. 16 After the effective date of this Ordinance, 17 a certification of occupancy from the City Engineer shall be required of the property owner for all home occupations established 18 in buildings and premises not now containing such use and located in any residential 19 district." 20 is hereby amended to read as follows: 21 "Home occupations are permitted which are customarily carried on within a dwelling by 22 a member or members of a family. Such activity shall be secondary to the use of 23 the dwelling for living purposes. No more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the floor 24 space of the main floor, which may be in the basement or on the first floor only of such 25 dwelling may be used and under no circumstances 26 more than three hundred (300) square feet. 27 After the effective date of this Ordinance, a certification of occupancy from the Building 28 Official shall be required of the property owner for all home occupations established 29 in buildings and premises not now containing such use and located in any residential 30 district." 31 Section 2. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.10.23 (2) which reads as follows: 32 am 1 "After the effective date of this Ordinance a certificate of occupancy from the Citi_ 2 Engineer shall be required of the property owner for all home occupations established in buildings 3 and premises not now containing such use and located in any residential distict." 4 is amended to read as follows: 5 "After the effective date of this Ordinance 6 a certificate of oc cupancy from the Building Official shall be required of the property owner 7 for all home occupations established in buildings and premises not now containing such use and 8 located in any residential district." 9 Section 3. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.14.03 which reads as follows: 10 "No vacant land shall be occupied or used and 11 no building hereafter erected (with the exception of single family dwellings) shall be occupied 12 or used until a certificate of occupancy is issued by the City Engineer, stating that the 13 provisions of this Ordinance have been complied with and a violation of the terms of this Ordinance 14 shall be grounds for the revocation of the certificate of occupancy." 15 is amended to read as follows: 16 "No vacant land shall be occupied or used and 17 no building hereafter erected (with the exception of single family dwellings) shall be .occupied 18 or used until a certificate of occupancy is issued by the Building Official, stating that the 19 provisions of this Ordinance have been complied with and a violation of the terms of this Ordinance 20 shall be grounds for the revocation of the certificate of occupancy." 21 Section 4. Kent Codified O rdinance 10.14.04 which 22 reads as follows: 23 "No change in use of land or buildings shall be permitted until a certificate of occupancy is 24 issued by the City Engineer stating that the provisions of this Ordinance have been complied 25 with." 26 is hereby amended to read as follows: 27 "No change in use of land or buildings shall be permitted until a certificateof occupancy is 28 issued by the Building Official stating that the provisions of this Ordinance have been complied 29 with." 30 Section 5. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.14.05 which reads as follows: 31 "The City Engineer may issue a temp:cr&ry certificate 32 of occupancy for all or part of any building or -2 1 land for a period of time not to exceed fourteen (14) days." 2 is hereby amended to read as follows: 3 "The Building Official may issue a temporary 4 certificate of occupancy for all or part of any building or land for a period of time not to 5 exceed fourteen (14) days." 6 Section 6. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.14.06 7 which reads as follows: "The application for a certificate of occupancy 8 shall contain a statement of the intended use of the premises and such plans and specifications 9 and other pertinent information as may be required by the City Engineer in order to 10 determine whether the building, structure or use is in compliance with this Ordinance." 11 is hereby amended to read as follows: 12 "The application for a certificate of occupancy 13 shall contain a statement of the intended use of the premises and such plans and specifications 14 and other pertinent information as may be required by the Building official in order to 15 determine whether the building, structure or use is in compliance with this Ordinance." 16 Section 7. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.11.5 17 which reads as follows: 18 "Applications together with plans and specifications shall be submitted to the City. Engineer. His 19 approval shall be required before site preparation or development work is commenced." 20 is hereby amended to read as follows: 21 "Applications together with plans and specifications 22 shall be submitted to the Planning Director. His approval shall be requiredbEEoresite preparation 23 or development work is commenced." 24 Section 8. Kent Codified City.Ordinance 10.12.06 25 Which reads as follows: "Except as hereinafter provided whenever a public 26 hearing is required by this Title, no less than three (3) notices thereof shall be posted by. the 27 City Engineer in conspicuous places on or adjacent to the tract, lot or other land or 28 building area affected. Written notices shall be mailed to adjacent land owners or their agents 29 or others likely to be affected. Such notices shall state the time and place of such hearing 30 and the nature of the question to be heard and shall be posted not less than fourteen (14) days 31 prior to the date of the hearing. Notices shall be sent to the names appearing on the tax rolls 32 of all property within a distance of two hundred -3- 1 (200) feet, streets and alleys excluded, of all property which is the subject of these 2 public hearings. Notices may also be sent to other property owners who might be affected. 3 Notices of public hearing on the proposed textual changes in this Title or proposed 4 changes in the comprehensive plan and map of the City shall be published at least one time 5 in the City's official newspaper prior to the date of hearing, and such notices shall contain 6 the date, time and place of the public hearings together with the text or explanations of the 7 proposed changes. In addition to other required data accompanying the request involving 8 a public hearing, a check in the amount of $50.00, non-refundable and payable to the City, 9 shall be filed to cover costs incurred in connection with the posting and mailing of 10 notices. In the case of proposed rezones and map and textual changes of the City of Kent 11 Zoning Ordinance (Title 10, as"amended) said payment of $50.00 shall cover costs incurred 12 in connection with the posting and mailing of notices for both the public hearing for the Kent 13 City Planning Commission and any subsequent public hearing before the Kent City.Council." 14 is hereby amended to read as follows: 15 "Except as hereinafter provided, whenever a public 16 hearing is required by this Title, no less than three (3) notices thereof shall be posted by the 17 Planning Director in conspicuous places on or adjacent to the tract, lot or other land or 18 building area affected. Written notices shall be mailed to adjacent land owners or their agents 19 or others likely to be affected. Such notices shall state the time and place of such hearing 20 and the nature of the question to be heard and shall be posted not less than fourteen (14) days 21 prior to the date of the hearing. Notices shall be sent to the names appearing on the tax rolls of 22 all property within a distance of two hundred (200.) feet, street and alleys excluded, of all property 23 which is the subject of these public hearings. Notices may also be sent to other property owners 24 who. might be affected. Notices of public hearing and proposed textual changes of this Title or 25 proposed changes in the comprehensive plan and map of the City shall be published at least one 26 time in the City's official newspaper prior to the date of hearing and such noticesshall contain 27 the date, time and place of the public hearing, together with the text or explanations of the 28 proposed changes. In addition to other required data accompanying the request involving a public 29 hearing, a check in the amount of $50.00, non- refundable and payable to the City, shall be 30 filed to cover costs incurred in connection with the posting and mailing of notices. In the case 31 of proposed rezones and map and textual changes of the City of Kent Zoning Ordinance (Title 10, 32 as amended), said payment of $50.00 shall cover -4- 1 costs incurred in connection with the posting and mailing of notices for both the public 2 hearing for the Kent City Planning Commission and any subsequent public hearing before the 3 Kent City Council." 4 Section9. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.13.06 which reads as follows: 5 "Conversion or removal of a non -conforming 6 structure or use shall be commenced not later than sixty (60) days after the date of 7 abandonment and shall be completed within one (1) year thereafter except that in no $ case shall a non -conforming use or structure be required to commence conversion or removal 9 for a period of less than two (2) years from the date of the first notice of non-conformance 10 as issued by the City Engineer. In case of failure to complete said removal or conversion 11 as required, the City Engineer. within ninety (90) days after the date described herein 12 for completed conversion or removal of said use shall cause the use and/or structure to be 13 removed and the cost shall be charged against the property." 14 is hereby amended to read as follows: 15 "Conversion or removal of a non -conforming 16 structure or use shall be commenced not later than sixty (6.0) days after the date of 17 abandonment and shall be completed within one (1) year thereafter except that in no 18 case shall a non -conforming use or structure be required to commence conversion or removal 19 for a period of less than two (2) years from the date of the first notice of non-conformance 20 as issued by the Planning Director. In case of failure to complete said.removal or conversion 21 as required, the Planning Director within ninety (90) days after the date described herein 22 for completed conversion or removal of said use shall cause the use and/or structure to be 23 removed and the cost shall be charged against the property." 24 Section 10. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.15.08 25 which reads as follows: 26 "The Board of Adjustment may review any interpretations of the provisions of the Zoning 27 Ordinance made by the City Engineer and any order, requirement, decision or determination 28 relating thereto in the application of the specific provisions of the zoning Ordinance to 29 any parcel of land and/or structure. The Board of Adjustment may affirm, alter or reverse the 30 interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance made by the City Engineer, and any 31 order, requirement, decision or determination relating thereto; and the Board's decision 32 shall be based upon the record and the findings -5- 1 in each case and to that end it shall have all the powers of the City Engineer." 2 is hereby amended to read as follows: 3 "The Board of Adjustment may review any 4 interpretations of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance made by the Planning 5 Director and any order, requirement, decision or determination relating thereto 6 in the application of the specific provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to any parcel of 7 land and/or structure. The Board of Adjustment may affirm,alter, or reverse the 8 interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance made by the Planning 9 Director, and any order, requirement,. decision or determination relating thereto; 10 and the Board's decision shall be based upon the record and the finding in each case, and 11 to that end it shall have all the powers of the Planning Director." 12 13 Section 11. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.15.12 (2) and (3) which reads as follows: 14 "The Board of Adjustment shall adopt rules and regulations for its own government not inconsistent 15 with the provisions of this and of any other Ordinance of the City. 16 (2) Any person or persons aggreived or any 17 officer, official or any department, board or commission of the City jointly or severally 18 may be the appellant .and may make a request for special exception to the board for relief 19 from any provisions of the Zoning Ordinances or any determination of the City Engineer in 20 the application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to the appellant's land and/or 21 structure. The appellant shall appear.at the public hearing at the time and place fixed by the 22 board in person, by agent or by an attorney. 23 (3) The Board may initiate a review of the City Engineer's interpretation of the provisions 24 of the Zoning Ordinance by motion, by virtue of a vote, by a majority of the quorum or a majority 25 of the members present if such number exceeds a quorum; it shall also review any interpretation 26 of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance made by the City Engineer and any order, requirement, 27 decision or determination relating thereto upon receipt of an application or petition requesting 28 a review of the interpretation; and it shall hear: and decide all applications for exception 29 and variances as authorized." 30 is hereby amended to read as follows: 31 "The Board of Adjustment shall adopt rules and regulations for its own government not inconsistent 32 MrsM 1 with the provisions of this and of any other Ordinance of the City. 2 (2) Any person or person s aggreived or any 3 officer, official or any department, board or commission of the City jointly or severally 4 may be the appellant -and may make a request for special exception to the board for relief 5 from any provisions of the Zoning Ordinance or any determination of the Planning Director in 6 the application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to the appellant's land and/or 7 structure. The appellant shall appear at the public hearing at the time and place fixed by the 8 Board in person, by agent or by an attorney. 9 (3) The. Board may initiate a review of the Planning Director's interpretation of the 10 provisions of the Zoning Ordinance by a motion, by virtue of a vote, by a majority of the quorum 11 or a majority of the members present if such number exceeds a quorum; it shall also review any 12 interpretation of the provisions of. the Zoning Ordinance made by the Planning Director and any 13 order, requirement, decision or determination relating thereto upon receipt of an application or petition 14 requesting,_a review of the interpretation; and it shall hearand decide all applications for 15 exception and variances as authorized." 16 Section 12. Kent Codified City.Ordinance 10.15.14 17 which reads as follows: "The Board of Adjustment shall decide all 18 applications and appeals at .the final hearing thereon which shall be held not later than sixty 19 (60 ) days after the first hearing thereon. A �. certified copy of the final decision shall be 20 transmitted to the City Engineer not later than 21 five (5) days after said decision, which decision shall be binding and observed by him and heshall 22 incorporate the terms and conditions of same in the permit to the applicant or appellant whenever it is authorized by the .Board." 23 24 is hereby amended to read as follows: "The. Board of Adjustment shall decide all 25 applications and appeals at the final hearing thereon which shall be held not later than sixty 26 (60) days after the first hearing thereon. A 27 certified copy of the final decision shall be transmitted to the Planning Director not later than 28 five (5) days after said decision, which decision shall be binding and observed by him and he shall 29 incorporate the terms and conditions of same in the permit to the applicant or appellant whenever 30 a permit is authorized by the Board." 10. Section 13. Kent Codified City Ordinance/15.15 31 which reads as follows: 32 -7- I "All actions of the Board of Adjustment shall be by resolution which shall state the reasons 2 for each decision. The concurring vote of three (3) members of the Board shall be 3 necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of the City Engineer, 4 or to decide in favor of the applicant on any matter upon which it is required to pass under 5 this Ordinance, or to effect any variance in the requirements of this Ordinance." 6 is hereby amended to read as follows: 7 "All actions of the Board of Adjustment shall 8 be by resolution which shall state the reasons for each decision. The concurring vote of 9 three (3) members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, 10 decision or determination of the Planning Director, or to decide in favor of the applicant 11 on any matter upon which it is required to pass under this Ordinance, or to effect any variance 12 in the requirements of this Ordinance." 13 Section 14. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.11.6 14 (B) (a) which reads as follows: "In all districts where off-street parking 15 facilities are permitted or required use, as an adjunct to business, and such facilities 16 provide service to the patrons and customers patronizing such businesses, such off-street 17 parking lot shall be established and maintained subject to the following regulations: 18 (a) Adequate ingress and egress shall be 19 provided in accordance with the plans submitted in triplicate to and approved by the C'i'ty Engineer. 20 As nearly as possible ingress shall be.from abutting street frontage, and egress by way of 21 public alley in a manner approved by the City Engineer and the Chief of Police. 22 is hereby amended to read as follows: 23 "In all districts where off-street parking 24 facilities are permitted or required. use, as an adjunct to business, and such facilities 25 provide service to the patrons and customers patronizing such businesses, such off-street 26 parking lot shall be established and maintained subject to the following regulations: 27 (a) Adequate ingress and egress shall be 28 provided in accordance with the plans submitted in triplicate to and approved by the `Planning 29 Director. As nearly as possible ingress shall be from abutting street frontage, and egress by way 30 of public alley in a manner approved by the Planning Director and other appropriate City departments." 31 Section 15. Kent .Codified City ORDINANCe 10.11.7 which 32 reads as follows: I "In addition to the basic standards and requirements established by this chapter, the 2 Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and/or City Engineer may make such other requirements 3 or restrictions as shall be deemed necessary in the interests of the safety, health and 4 general welfare of the City, including but not limited to lighting, joint development of g parking facilities, entrances and exits, assessory uses and conditional exceptions. 6 Further,performance bonds may be required in such cases where the Planning Commission, Board 7 of Adjustment or City Council determines that such shall be necessary to guarantee proper 8 completion of improvements 14ithin time periods specified." 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 "In addition to the basic standards and 11 requirements established by this chapter, the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and/or 12 Planning Director may make such other requirements or restrictions as shall be deemed necessary in 13 the interests of the safety, health and general welfare of the City, including but not limited 14 to lighting, joint development of parking facilities, entrances and exits., assessory uses and conditional 15 exceptions. Further, performance bonds may be required in such cases where the Planning Commission, 16 Board of Adjustment or City Council determines that such shall be necessary to guarantee proper 17 completion of improvements within time periods specified:" 18 Section 16. Kent Codified City. Ordinance 10.14..0 19 which reads as follows: 20 "It shall be the duty of the city Engineer (or official in char e of issuin buildin 21 ermits an inspection o buildincLs to see that this Title is enforced through the proper legal 22 channels. He shall issue no permit for the construction or alteration of any building or 23 part thereof unless the plans, specificatioonform ns and intended use of such building visions of this Title." 24 all respects with the pro 25 is hereby amended to read as follows: 26 "It shall be the duty of the Planning Director to see that this Ordinance is enforced through the 27 pro er legal channels. The Building' official e shall issue no prmit for the construction or 28 alteration of any building or part thereof unless the plans, specifications and intended use of such 29 building conform in all respects with the pro- visions of this Title." 30 Section 17. Kent Codified City. Ordinance 10.15.0 31 (2) which reads as follows.: 32 -9- 1 "Excavation Pits. Stone quarry, sand, gravel or clay pits and soil stripping: The use of 2 premises in any zone for the excavation, mining, extraction or removal of stone, sand, gravel, clay 3 or other natural deposits may be authorized by temporary and conditional permit by the Board of 4 Adjustment, after public hearing for such periods as it deems consistent with the public interest 5 and subject to the. following provisions: Plans for such excavation shall consist of two (2) 6 copies of a topographic map with such cross- sections as are necessary to adequately show the 7 topography of the property in question and its relation to streets, alleys and surrounding 8 property, together with two (2) copies of a similar map showing the extent of the proposed excavation 9 and the contours of the ground after the removal of the material. A copy of each map shall be 10 submitted to the City Engineer who shall report to the Board of A us men-Yf`i`r findings regarding 11 the effect of the intended excavations upon streets and alleys, i either existing or contemplated, and 12 upon all properties within the area of influence of such excavation. The Board may require that 13 the excavator enter into an appropriate agreement with the City at the offset for reclamation of 14 such areas to suitable use after completion of excavations and that adequate performance bond 15 or other guarantee be furnished covering the cost of restoration or other work." 16 is hereby amended to read as follows: 17 "Excavation Pits. Stone quarry, sand, gravel 18 or clay pits and soil stripping: The use of premises in any district for the excavation, 19 mining, extraction or removal of stone, sand, gravel, clay or other natural deposits may be 20 authorized by temporary and conditional permit by the Board of Adjustment after public hearing 21 for such periods as it deems consistent with the public interests and subject to the following 22 provisions: Plans for such excavation shall consist of two (2) copies of a topographic map 23 with such cross-sections as are necessary to adequately show the topography of the property. 24 in question and its relation to streets, alleys and surrounding property, together with two (2) 25 copies of a similar map showing the extent of the proposed excavation and the contours of 26 the ground after the removal of the material. A copy of each map shall be submitted to the City 27 Engineer and the Planning Director who shall report tothe. Board ofADjustment their findings 28 regarding the effect of the intended excavations upon streets and alleys either. existing or 29 contemplated, and upon all property within the area of influence of such excavations. The 30 Board may require that the excavator enter into an appropriate agreement with the. City at the 31 offset for reclamation of such areas to suitable use after completion of excavations and that 32 -10- I 2 3 adequate performance bond or other guarantee be furnished covering the cam of restoration or other work." Section 18. Kent Codified City. Ordinance 10.13.13 4 which reads as follows: "The (building inspector, City Engineer or 5 zoning administrator) shall determine by survey the existence of non -conforming uses which may 6 be affected by the requirements of Section 10.13.06 and shall give written notice by 7 mail to the owners thereof as shown in the County Assessor records. Such notice shall 8 state the purpose, provisions and expiration date as set forth herein and shall be given 9 after the effective date of this Ordinance or any amendment thereto which may cause a building 10 to become non -conforming. Failure to give notice shall not invalidate the regulations 11 or alter the expiration date." 12 is hereby amended to read as follows: 13 "The Planning Director shall determine by survey the existence of non -conforming uses which may 14 be affected by the requirements of Section 10.13.06 and shall give written notice by 15 mail to the owners thereof as shown in the County Assessor records. Such notice'shall 16 state the purpose, provisions and expiration date as set forth herein and shall be given 17 after the effective date of this ordinance or any amendment thereto which may cause the 18 building to be non -conforming. Failure to give notice shall not invalidate the regula- 19 tions nor alter the expiration date." 20 Section 19. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.7.1 (1) 21 which reads as follows: "Principal uses permitted outright in the M-1 22 District provided that residential uses may be permitted only in conformance with Section 23 10.7.5." 24 is hereby amended to read as follows: 25 "Any manufacturing uses except those listed in Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.7.3." 26 Section 20. In addition to those uses permitted as 27 conditional exceptions in Kent Codified City Ordinance10.7.3 28 the following additional uses may be permitted'in an M-2 zoning 29 districe only when the location of such use shall have been approved by the Board of Adjustment after public hearing and 30 examination of the location: 31 Service Stations Motels 32 Restaurants -11- I Section 21. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.7.02 (A) which reads as follows: $ "Principal uses permitted outright in the C-3 3 district, provided that residential uses may be permitted only in conformance with Section 4 10.7.06." 5 is hereby repealed. 6 Section 22. In addition to those principal uses permitted outright in Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.7.02 (B) 7 there is herewith added to said list the following use: 8 "Auto dismantling and storage and sales of auto parts when conducted wholly within an enclosed 9 structure and without any outside storage of any nature." 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 23. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.7.051 which reads as follows: "The following uses may be permitted in an M-1 zoning district only when the location and said use shall have been approved by the Board of Adjustment after public hearing and examination of the location: Auto and truck wrecking. Sanitary Land fill." is hereby amended to read as follows: "The following uses may be permitted in an M-1 zoning district only when the location of said use shall have been approved by the Board of Adjustment after public hearing and examination of the location: Auto and truck wrecking. Sanitary Land fill. Service stations. Motels. Restaurants." Section 24. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.6.12 (1) which reads as follows: "Those uses permitted outright or conditional exceptions in the C-2 zoning district." is hereby repealed. Section 25. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.6.12 (4) which reads as follows: "Automobile sales and services, used car lots, and storage .(ground or otherwise) of vehicles for sale or hire, auto reconditioning, painting, upholstering, motor rebuilding, body and fender works and farm equipment repair. Automobile wrecking, salvage, or storage relating thereto -12- 1 shall not be permitted." 2 jis hereby amended to read as follows: 3 "Automobile sales and services, used car lots, and storage (ground or otherwise) of vehicles for 4 sale or hire, auto reconditioning, painting,. upholstering, motor rebuilding, body and fender 5 works and farm equipment repair. Automobile wrecking, salvage, or storage related thereto 6 shall not be permitted, except auto dismantling and storage and sales of auto parts when conducted 7 wholly wit in an enclosed structure and without any outside storage of any nature. 8 Section 26. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.6.12 (5) 9 'which reads as follows: 10 "All types of buildings, supplies,sales and ware- housing." 11 is hereby amended to read as follows: 12 "All types of buildings, supplies, sales. All 13 types of retail sales uses, service stations, restaurants, motels. All types of office, 14 professional and institutional uses. 15 Section 27. Kent Codified. City 0 rdinance 10..6.14 (2) 16 which reads as follows: "Truck terminals." 17 is hereby amended to read as follows: 18 "Residential uses." 19 Section 28. There is herewith added to Kent Codified 20 'City Ordinance 10.6.16 a new sub -paragraph (8) which shall read as 21 follows: 22 "Densities for residential uses permitted under Section 10.6.14 shall be the same as densities 23 for single-family, duplex and multi -family districts and Ordinance 1071:, except that for 24 multi -family residential use the applicant may follow the density requirements of either the 25 R-3 or R-4 multi -family district density regulations of Ordinance 1071." 26 Section 29. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.6.1 which 27 read as follows: 28 "In the C-2 zoning districtit is intended that structures, premises and facilities. will provide 29 a major shopping, business, and transportation center serving the community and its. trading area. 30 The range of services to be provided would extend from the sales of "convenience .goods" to 31 include "shopping goods" such as "soft lines" (apparel);"hard lines",(hardware,. furniture, 32 equipment); banking, professionals, business -13- 1 and commercial services; commercial recreation facilities; and transportation services and 2 facilities." 3 is hereby amended to read as follows: 4 "C-2, limited commercial district. In the C-2 zoning district the range of services to be 5 provided would extend from the sales of "convenience goods" toinclude "shopping goods" 6 such as "soft lines" (apparel); "hard lines" (hardware, furniture, equipment); banking, 7 professional, business and commercial services; commercial recreation recilities; and 8 transportation services and facilities." 9 Section 30. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.6.2 (3) 10 which reads as follows: "C-2 District - - Principal Uses Permitted 11 Outright. The principal uses permitted outright in the C-2 zoning district are the 12 uses as specified in the C-1 District, and sales, service or business establishments 13 necessary to supply the retail needs of residents in an area such as described in 14 Section 10.6.1 such as, but not limited to, the following uses: 15 (3) garage, minor auto repair but no 16 service stations; refrigerated locker; shoe repair, book store; fruit and vegetable market; 17 bakery, self-service laundry, printing establishments" 18 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19 "C-2 District - - Principal Uses Permitted 20 Outright. The principal uses permitted outright in the C-2 zoning district are 21 sales, service, or business establishments necessary to supply the retail needs of 22 residents in an area such as described in Section 10.6.1 such as, but not limited to, 23 the following uses: 24 (3) garage, minor auto repair, service stations; refrigerated locker; shoe 25 repair, book store; fruit and vegetable market; bakery, self-service laundry, printing 26 establishments." 27 Section 31. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.6.2 (6) 28 which reads as follows: "Uses permitted outright or as conditional 29 exceptions in R-2, R-3, R-4 and R-5 districts, provided they are located so as to serve as 30 transition uses between business and more restrictive residential uses." 31 is hereby repealed. 32 -14- I Section 32. There is herewith added to Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.6.4 a new sub -paragraph (6) which will allow 2 residential uses as a conditional exception which may be authorized. - 3 by the Board of Adjustment in C-2 zoning districts. 4 Section 33. There is herewith added to. Kent City Codified Ordinance 10.6.6 the following new sub -paragraph (9) pertaining 5 to density provisions for the C-2 zoning district and which will 6 read as follows: "Densities for residential uses permitted under ' Section 10.6.4 shall be the same as densities for 8 single family, duplex and multi -family districts in Ordinance 1071, except that for multi -family 9 residential use the applicant may follow the density requirements of either the R-3 or R-4 10 multi -family district density regulations of Ordinance 1071." 11 Section 34. Kent City 0 rdinance 10.6.02 (2) which 12 reads as follows: 13 "Uses permitted outright or as conditional exceptions in residential districts R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and 14 R-5.11 15 is hereby repealed. 16 Section 35. Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.5.13 (10); 10.5.23 (10); 10.5.33 (10) all of which identically read as 17 .follows- 18 "Office buildings for professional type services such as physicians, surgeons, dentists, 19 architects, accountants, artists, authors, engineers, lawyers, and similar occupations; 20 provided the property is planned, built and operated as a unit and adjoins or abuts a 21 business or industrial district within the. same block andfor borders or fronts on a 22 street which is a continuation of a street in the business or industrial zone bordering 23 the same block; provided that a determination is made that the character of the residential 24 district shall not be materially affected." 25 are hereby amended to read as follows: 26 "Office buildings for services for physicians, surgeons, dentist4 chiropractors, architects, 27 accountants, engineers, attorneys, and other office type uses where retail trade is not 28 carried on, subject to the following conditions: 29 -The office use is planned, built and operated in one building. Office uses 30 may occupy the ground floor of multi- family dwelling structures. 31 A determination is made that .such use will not 32 be detrimental to the character of the -15- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 surrounding area. The property is fronting on a city street, proposed or existing, but not on an easement. That there are not more than five (5) separate offices - The applicant shall submit to the Planning Department five (5) copies of the plot plan and elevations for the proposed use at the same time the. conditional exception application is made." Section 36. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days from and after its passage, ap roval and publication as provided by law. - �1S_BEL HOGAN, Mayor Attest: MARIE JENSEN, City Clerk Ap oved as to.; form: Z JO B. BEREITER, City Attorney '_-, 1970. Passed this �jC/i _ day of 1970. Approved this ti( dl of Published this day of t.! 197Q. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 1L ,7 z passed by the City Council of the City of Kent and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. s;� (SEAL) MARIE JE SE , City Jerk -16-