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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2434Ordinance No. 2434
(Amending or Repealing Ordinances)
CFN=205 - Uniform Building Codes
Passed - 11/7/1983
Amending Ch. 13.02 KCC to adopt the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 edition, and
certain amendments; repealing Ch. 13.04 KCC relating to fire districts;
repealing Ch. 13.06 KCC and adopting a new Ch. 13.06A KCC relating to fire
hydrants; and amending Ord. 2413 to repeal Ch. 13.08 KCC
Amended by Ord. 3410
Repeal Ch. 13.02 by Ord. 3691
Amended by Ord. 3963,3974 (Sec. 9.38.030)
ORDINANCE NO. Tom' `,i� 3
_ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent,
Washington, relating to fire prevention; amend-
ing Chapter 13.02 Kent City Code (KCC) to adopt
the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 edition, and certain
amendments thereto; repealing Chapter 13.04 KCC
relating to Fire Districts; repealing Chapter
13.06 KCC and adopting a new Chapter 13.06A KCC
relating to fire hydrants; and amending
trr Ordinance 2413 to repeal Chapter 13.08 KCC.
Section 1.
Chapter 13.02 Kent City Code is amended as
V ((� 13.02.((44-)).010 UNIFORM FIRE CODE --ADOPTED. There is
na cerencupon codified-inhSections113.02.G4ve dateothrought this C13p02rte2
and upon the filing with the City Clerk of ((t)) one
cop(( -ie -&))y )y thereof, the Uniform Fire Code, 19((44-))8_f Edition,
promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials
and the Western Fire Chiefs Association, together with the appen-
(%`"� 'dices thereto, and deletions, amendments and additions thereto as
.set forth in this Chapter. (0.2212, §1)
1� 4.108. Article 4 of the Uniform Fire Code, 19( (-7-9))82 Edition,
previously adopted by Section 13.02.(($4-))010, is amended by
add -sling a new section thereto, which shall be designated as Section
;; J X4.108 and which shall read as follows:
Section 1.
"PERMIT FEES.Section 4.108. The fee for permits or
certificates issued in accordance with this article shall
be $35.00 per year, payable at or before the time of
issuance of any such permit or renewal thereof. When-
ever, under the provisions of this code, more than one
permit or certificate is required for the same location,
such permits or certificates may be consolidated into a
single permit or certificate, with a single non -compound-
ing $35.00 fee."
a) Permits or cerificates shall be valid for a 12 month
period and are renewable at the end of that time.
b) All schools and churches shall be exempt from the fee
requirements of this ordinance, however, required permits
i' or certificates shall be issued only after inspections
are performed and compliance is obtained.
c) Failure to pay for either an original permit or cer-
tificate or the required renewal within 30 days of the
notice date shall constitute a violation of this ordi-
nance. Any person who shall fail to comply, within the
time fixed herein, shall for each and every violation be
quilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more
than $500.00 or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days
10.((259._))210 There is hereby added to the Uniform Fire Code,
Edition, previously adopted by Section 13.02.((44_))010, a new
section to be designated " Section 10. ( (-28-9.-) )210 Fire Lanes,"
which reads as follows:
Section 10. ( (-2s-g-) )210 Fire Lanes.
(( ectian-1-)) (a) Definitions. The following
definitions shall apply in the interpretation and
enforcement of this Section.
(E --A14) 1. Fire Lane: That area within any public right
of way, easement, or private property desig-
nated for the purpose of permitting fire trucks
and other fire fighting or emergency equipment
to use, travel upon or park.
(()) 2. Park, Parking, Stop, Stand or Standing: Means
the halting of any vehicle, other than an emer-
gency vehicle, whether occupied or not, except
when necessary to avoid conflict with other
traffic or in compliance with the directions of
a police officer or fire official, traffic con-
trol sign or signal.
((-C-0) 3. Vehicle: A machine propelled by power other
than human power designed to travel along the
ground or rail by use of wheels, treads,
runners or slides and transport persons or
property, or pull machinery, and shall include,
but not be limited to, automobile, truck,
trailer, motorcycle, tractor, buggy, wagon and
(b) Requirements/Standards. When
lanes (Fire
by the Fire Department, hard surfaced driving
which by
shall be provided around facilities
warrant access
size, location, design, or contents
which exceed that normally provided by the
of city streets.
Lanes shall provide a minimum, unobstructed
width of 20 feet and vertical clearance of 13
feet, 6 inches.
(E8=)) 2.
Lanes shall be identified by a 4 inch wide line
and block letters 2 feet high, painted in the
lane, at 50 foot intervals stating "Fire
Lane -No Parking," color to be bright yellow, or
by posting of signs stating "Fire Lane - No
Parking." Signs shall be posted on or immedi-i
atedly next to the curb line, or on the build-
ing. Signs shall be 12" x 18" and shall have
letters and background of contrasting colors,
readily readable from at least a 50 foot
distance. Signs shall be posted no further
than 50 feet apart, nor shall they be more than
- 2 -
4 feet from the ground.
( )) 3. Fire lanes shall be either asphalt or rein-
forced concrete, 2 inches thick, minimum, or
other material as authorized by the fire
((Dz)) 4. Where fire lanes connect to city streets or
parking lots, adequate clearances and turning
radii shall be provided. All proposed plans
shall have fire department approval.
((-Sec-tion-3.)) (c) Parking Prohibited. Except when
nesessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in com-
pliance with the direction of a police officer or fire
official or traffic control sign, signal, or device, no
person shall:
1. Stop, stand or park a vehicle, whether occupied
or not at any place where official fire lane
signs are posted, except:
((-I))) a) Momentarily to pick up or discharge a
passenger or passengers; or
((-2))) b) Temporarily for the purpose of and while
actually engaged in loading or unloading
(d) Fire Lane as Part of Driveways and/or
Parking Areas. The fire department may require that
areas specified for use as driveways or private thorough-
fares shall not be used for parking. These areas when
specified, shall be marked or identified by one of the
two means detailed in Section ((-�-{B).)) (b) 2.
((lection 5.)) (e) Existing Buildings. When the fire
department determines that a hazard due to inaccessi-
bility of fire apparatus exists around existing build-
ings, they may require fire lanes to be constructed and
maintained as detailed in ( (Sections- 2--aftd--4.) ) (b) and
(FSeEn-b.)) (f) Enforcement. In addition to other
authorized personnel, it shall be the duty of the Kent
Fire Chief and/or his authorized designee(s), who shall
be members of the Fire Prevention Bureau, to enforce this
((sept ian ) ) ( g ) Pena1t ies . Any ( (-per-se-n-) ) vio1at-
((4f.3-))ion ((any-)) of the provisions of this Section
shall be ( (-g-uilt-y o€) ) a ( (misde*eano-r and upon e-an-v-ic-
too -n, shall be subject to a fine of not more than
t-w,enty-five ($25-.00) dollars or by imprisonment for not
more than thirty (30) days, or both such fine and impris-
-onment.)) traffic infraction punishable by a monetary
penalty of not more than two hundred ($200) dollars. The
recommended bail for such a violation shall be fifteen
(15) dollars plus state assessments and costs, when
((Sectio -n--". ) (h) Impound of Illegally Parked
Vehicles. In addition to the penalties provided for in
( (Sect ion- 7-) ) (g ) , any vehicle improperly parked in
violation of any of the provisions of this Section shall
be subject to impound; provided, however, that other than
- 3 -
in the event of immediate emergency, no such vehicle
shall be impounded unless the area where the improper
parking occurs shall be adequately and suitably posted
with signs advising that improperly parked vehicles are
subject to impound. (0.2296, §2)
10.309. Existing Sections 10.309-10.310-10.311 are hereby deleted
and There is added to Article 10 a new section to be know as
Section 10.309 "Automatic Sprinkler Systems" which shall read as
Section 10.309.
((+a) General Automatic sprinkler systems shall be
p-r-o-vided in accordance with the provisions of this
section. ) )
(((b)-)) (a) Where required. An Automatic ((-s-p-nin-k-er
systems)) Fire Extinguishing System shall be installed
(("d -maintained in operable contition as specified in
this article in the following locations:)) in the occu-
pancies and locations as set forth in this section.
(b) General.
( (-A,) )
((-2•)) (c)
All occupancies except Group R, Division 3 and
Group M.
2. At the top of rubbish and linen chutes and
in their terminal rooms. Chutes extending
through three or more floors shall have
additional sprinkler heads installed within
such chutes at alternate floors. Sprinkler'
heads shall be accessible for servicing.
3. All rooms where nitrate film is stored or
handled ((-shall be equipped with an
approved automatic sprinkler system as
specified in U.B.C. Standard #48-1.))
4. In protected combustible fiber storage
vaults as ((in Section 9.118 of this
code.)) defined in this code.
Group A Occupancies.
1. In basements larger than 1,500 sq. ft. in
floor area.
2. When the occupancy has ((-eve-r)) 6,000 sq.
ft. or more of floor area or is more than
40 feet in height.
3. In any enclosed usable space below or over
a stairway in Group A, Divisions 2, 2.1. 3
and 4 Occupancies.
4. Under the roof and gridiron, in the tie and
fly galleries and in all places behind the
proscenium wall of stages; over enclosed
platforms in excess of 500 sq. ft. in area,;
and in dressing rooms, workshops and store-
rooms accessory to such stages or enclosed
EXCEPTIONS: Under stages or enclosed plat -1
form areas less than four feet in clear
height used exclusively for chair or table
storage and lined up on the inside with
materials approved for one-hour fire -resis-
tive construction.
- 4 -
(E3•)) (d)
((4•)) (e)
((_ )) (9)
Group B Occupancies
1. When the Occupancy has ((eve -r--)) 6,000 sq.
ft. or more of floor area or more than 40
feet in height.
2. In buildings used for high -piled combus-
tible storage, fire protection shall be in
accordance with Article 81.
Group E Occupancies
1. When the Occupancy has over 6,000 sq. ft.
of floor area or more than 40 feet in
2. In basements larger than 1,500 sq. ft. of
floor area.
3. In any enclosed usable space below or above
any stairway.
Group H Occupancies
1. In Group H, Division 1 and 2 Occupancies
longer than 1,500 sq. ft. in floor area.
2. In Group H, Division 3 Occupancies longer
than 3,000 sq. ft. in floor area.
3. In Group H, Divison 4 Occupancies more than
40 feet in Height or larger than 6,000 sq.
ft. in area.
4. In rooms where flammable or combustible
liquids are stored or handled in excess of
30 gallons of Class 1-A, 60 gallons or
Class 1-B, 90 gallons or Class 1-C, 120
gallons of Class II, 250 gallons of Class
III -A, or any combination of flammable
liquids totaling 240 gallons.
5. For paint spray booths or rooms and for
special provisions on hazardous chemicals
and magnesium, and calcium carbide, see
Section 45.208, Articles 48, 49 and 80.
See also Section 10.301.
Group I Occupancies.
EXCEPTIONS: (1) In hospitals of types I, II
Fire -resistive and II one-hour construction,
the automatic sprinkler system may be omitted
from operating, delivery, cardiac, X-ray and
intensive care rooms and patient sleeping rooms
not exceeding 450 sq. ft. in area when each
such room is provided with smoke detectors
connected to a continuously attended station or
location within the building. Increased for
area height specified in Section 506(c) and 507
shall not apply when this exception is used.
(2) In jails, prisons, and reformatories, the
piping system may be dry, provided a manually
operated valve is installed at a continuously
monitored location. Opening of the valve will
cause the piping to be charged. Sprinkler
heads in such a system shall be equipped with
fusible elements or the system shall be
designed as required for deluge systems in
U.B.C. Standard #38-1.
(h) Group R-1 Occupancies.
1. When the occupancy has over 6,000 sq. ft.
of floor area or more than 40 feet in
- 5 -
Alarms. When serving more than 100 sprinklers,
automatic sprinkler systems shall be supervised
by an approved central, proprietary or remote
station service. ((or --a 3ocal alarms which will
give an audible signal at a constantly attended
I eatlen. )
Permissible Omission. Subject to the approval
of the Chief with the concurrence of the Build-
ing Official, sprinklers may be omitted in
rooms or areas as follows:
1. Where sprinklers are considered undesirable
because of the nature of the contents or in
rooms or areas which are of non-combustible
construction which are wholly of non-com-
bustible contents and which are not exposed
by other areas. Sprinklers shall not be
omitted for any room merely because it is
damp or of fire -resistive construction.
2. Sprinklers shall not be installed where the
application of water or flame and water to
the contents constitute a serious fire or
life hazard, as in the manufacture or stor-
age of quantities of aluminum powder,
calcium carbide, calcium phosphide,
metallic sodium and potassium, quicklime,
magnesium powder, and sodium peroxide.
3. Safe deposit or other vaults of fire -resis-
tive construction, when used for the stor-
age of records, files and other documents,
when stored in metal cabinets.
4. Communication equipment areas under the
exclusive control of a public communication
utility agency, provided:
A) The equipment areas are separated from
the remainder of the building by
one-hour fire -resistive occupancy
B) Such areas are used exclusively for
such equipment.
C) An approved automatic smoke detection
system is installed in such areas and
is supervised by an approved central,
proprietary or remote station service,
or a local alarm which will give an
audible signal at a constantly attended
D) Other approved fire -protection equip-
ment, such as portable fire extin-
guishers or Class II standpipes, are
installed in such cases.
5. Other approved automatic fire -extinguishing
systems may be installed to protect special
hazards or Occupancies in lieu of automatic
6. When approved by the Chief, automatic
sprinkler systems may be omitted from
buildings of Types I or II construction
provided that the contents are wholly
7. Area and Height Increases. Sprinkler
systems installed to meet the requirements
- 6 -
of this Section shall qualify the protected
building for appropriate area increases,
height increases and fire -resistive substi-
tutions as set forth in Sections 506(c),
507 and 508 of the Uniform Building Code.
Applications of this Section shall be as
set forth in Section 104 of the Uniform
Buliding Code. (0.2212, §2)
(k) For the purposes of calculating the square
footage of a building or occupancy, the
following definition shall apply.
Floor Area - is the area included within the
surrounding exterior walls of a building or
portion thereof. The floor area of a building
or portion thereof, not provided with surround-
ing exterior walls shall be the usable area
under the horizontal projection of the roof or
oor above.
(1) When additions, alterations or repairs cause a
building to come within the requirements of any
Section of this Article, the building shall
comply with those Sections.
1-8-:-207. Section 10.207 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1979 Edition,
adopted --by Ordinance 2212 of the City of Kent., be and the same
hereby is deleted. (0.2296, Sl)))
((13--02,16. NATIONAL FIRE CODE --ADOPTED. There is
adopted by reference upon the effective date of the ordinance
codified in the Section, and upon the filing with the City Clerk
s€--t#Pee-copies--t-hereof, the 1976 National Fire Code, Volumes 1
through 16, published by the National Fire Protection Associa-
t-i-o-n. (0.2021, S1)) )
13.02.050. UNIFORM FIRE CODE - ADDITION - Subsection
10.207(g). There is added a new sub -Section (g) to Section
10.207, to read as follows:
"(g) Grade The maximum permitted grade for road-
ways shall not exceed 12%."
Section 2. Chapter 13.04 Kent City Code "Fire Districts
Established" be and the same is hereby repealed.
(C-H-APTER 13.£4)
((-1-3-,G4-i G4. FIRE DISTRICT ESTABLISHED. The City of Kent
i -a declared to be and is hereby established as a Fire District.
The-Fi-re District shall contain two (2) Fire Zones, to be desig-
nated as Fire Zone No. 2 and Fire Zone No. 3, which are more
particula-rly described as follows:))
(((A) Fire Zone No. 2. Starting at the center line
of --South Central Avenue and Willis Street, thence northerly along
It-he-eenter line of Central Avenue to the center line of East James
IStr-eet, thence westerly along the center line of James street to
- 7 -
the center- line of Washington State Highway No. 167, thence
sattt-he-rly al-ong the center line of said Highway to the center line
of --West Willis Street, thence easterly to the point of the
(((B) Fire Zone No. 3. All portions of the City not
included in Fire Zone No. 2 shall be in Fire Zone No. 3. (0.1852,
Section 3. Chapter 13.06 Kent City Code "Fire Hydrants"
is repealed and a new Chapter 13.06 Kent City Code is adopted as
( (-4: 3 -vb : 4 . ----I ITRNT. The following provisions and-regu-
B=Is "ie--ad-opted- as -part of the City of Kent's fire prevention
flrr-te abate existing fire hazards, to investigate the cause,
OT-i-tyi-n- ane} --circumstances of fires, to inspect potential fire
birds, t-e--een-t-mel---t-he -means and adequacy of the construction and
�` in -ease of fires within commercial, business,
or manufacturing area and all other places in which
ie..'of.,.pers-ons- Sao-rk-_mteet, live, or congregate. (0.1593,§1)
. RI; ff DRANTS I-N-.C-0MM- Rij-AD� _.$HSFi SS
�'�`R-i-A�--OR_._N.AN,ggACTURING AREAS. The owner of any building ie-
r-.]De built in an area zoned for commercial, business,
4ftd-tts-triai or- iwanuf-aeturing use in the City of Kent, which build -
is not within one hundred sixty-five ( 165) feet
his expense-, have _installed suffi-
e�eyf}rant- j together with the necessary pipes_ and connec-
tta-ecrnrre-et_with.-the Kent water system. The building or
strt Lure -_shall- be situated in such a manner that no part of itIStee--than--thT-e-e--htindr-ed-- feet from a fire hydrant The number and
location of therequiredfire hydrants shall be determined by the
or h.s del-egate in accordance with the rules
aiee-ns a-dop-ted- by the City of Kent. The installation of the f re-
hnts--shall be to the satisfaction, upon inspection, of the
K@Rtnorms �€- P hliG' Weeks. (0.1593j -5-2-j
-14,44,44-- 4-. F -I -.DIY -DRAFTS IN OTHER ARRAS. The owner or
Paxt-Y-.iu- cant.ral_ sf- any- bu d -in -g -here-after constructed in the City
of n�-..rr�eTrr t led-$`-$ S`hasC�1OO�� c�IC[Tc�I_�TErSt-�iD7Ti�-
Qr' m„l E l o_ roc,; a r
- ,
�h at 3 S e��-pen se--.._ :nst-ail . -or-ca-u-s-e--t-e--be-i�s-t-ailed ---f�e
by ra e - ydT-a-nt-s--u-n-less- adequate and s-uf-fi-cent hydrants- are -
locat-ed ar- accessible within 165 feet of any-s-ueh- building -or-
=z-- ad
"c�tsA be-ir,�caile� �^=raz�
(a, 1593-,§3)
IRE H V T�T�DR Tzr v-mr.S
hydrant .,,a, a-
�u�r �n -areas which are being utilized for open storage
of flammable products, including flammable liquids, or other areas
Ie+1 9peeial: fire ;a gpael-ng and -floor-requirements based
,shall be -
as ^ r, ^ ^ . r . ,. a -tet- --1-3 : -- above
t -i 8 "--t-@- be ttb j E'er - t -o- t -h -app- r o v -I Of - -t-hTe _F_i2 E -_DePa L't lite I I t
_l Z 96 2q MUI mIr+r L'+ i7�+�+C n r,,n
- V'O"II.O'_._._-__"C:4LV'1
a e, fire hydrant ante. and the a eo}etic--iPi4g _
^he.+l d benefit--A-we--o-r- more- ragertiesr-tie �,.,.
o-f---slie h-benef - -t ed -p r o pen es shat } sha-re--the---cost -of --s-u c -h - i n st a-l-
-ation in the proportion --of the benefits so- denied Whenever an
-er-- s -r eqe}f-e-d-t a-inst�a4I- under the pr :
FA&i-ezi-s --- e€- t h i-s--C-irap-t-e-r---aid nth i e h i n t a 1 l -a -t ion will benefit proper -
-ties by suc-h -ower, -then such owner may
apg} te- the E3ty-€or an Agreement under -the provisions of the-
i+� ieipa�___ ater an -d yS,ewer- Facilities- Act", -
RC 1-35.91 and any such
F'I J. rt. r o o m o n �- _ l-+ v ,., o o n .'s-tt a h'-ow'fie-r- - a-rrd_.'_-t'fI'C" �_t _'_'.7TI'RZo- _a_ -_pe - �._f}d
-not , e m e e e d T �e { j-} -yeas s and .tuts pe�m� - s�eh owns r-� o --r ee$ve r
i- 4 r+n o r+nc} of f rnm h
a --p t h — �--s --iPi t i a } n s to 11 a tion -
parties in the --e-� --- s-ur-h- f a h o a- k- up-nr connection -
onnectionthat t+re- owner -ef -an build n -
or T r e cte--Z>'Lra'L3- not -pe-rmitt--e -d , -_ du -r i -ng
'tire- ir__e f..... t..he...afereeaie}--eentract, .-.t.ofta-ke anyh-oek--up or- c-EMnec- ',,
tion to ..eityl--s-water -system 6 r 8 any - u n 3-i- ---ir-
;!,ewner has -.h-i S._'� L`6p@i 9fi e e it-�nuze -6 f the i initial -zit of
e ue4zt - n -s a -i 1 a t -.-a-s-..- se-t---f-e-nth i n said - ee t ae t may--s-uch- agree -
in e n
t e e l -i rtt e bet wee n- 2 -u -eh _ -owner-causi I i Lj a ch i n a 11 at i ort- a rrd--
4 €iee ani-thereupart- sueb--€ili-nog- s-hal1- eonst 4-tute due-�aatise -©
par_.reserves..the--r-ight --upon--app-r-oval-by
ty �a rrcr�; to particigatg in the- irrstwatian--Qf-any--over-
'Size_ 3e --e tensions or additional or extra improvements
13z-0�, --PRI*AT-5 WAIT -9R--- Services for
,.fire p-rotecf:i-Gn- st_ be--detec-tor cheek -ed- at ---he e��per3se-e€ -the-___
.owner and fitted with such fix -tures only as ---a re---;needed---fs-r---€i-r-e--
-nrt��rt-ee--a7n-d must be entirely disconnected from those used for
nG 7/� �Rn L1T �T/+T TT(1Tl_T71_ Tl�_ .--Whenever _ .�n._
Z'IVr ---Z�'�}'�Ch -"�Ya�'g�--
I t he-sse-v,q ee�a-n -o r-een-s-t -r- uc-t e -n a f any _ p rim i ses-ter--ptrrpo s ee---ae -
--hereinabove define -d-, requires any increased -fire and hydrant
rp net e t i -en , - t -h -e- own e -r -,. ._ awns �-, a -r- -pe r s vn- '
I i�`e�r-i-ses---sh-a � � -- pr-acee�--p-r-amp_t�Y __t-ow�rrcl __�c-uri-rr g ate- pz o t e -c
ipanc-y of such facilities.
_ prot:ectien-,- pr-io-r---to--t-he- -use- o-r--oecu=
- 3 - OIDIF CATTMTS. Fire Chief- or his --delegate
rshall have p9wer.---e-r--modify any of the provisions of this Chapter
len -In- w i-t-ig_-by. _.-tire- ewer or leasee—, er-h4g--ft -Iii
h- - zed- 'fir--when--t- h�r-e a -r -e p -r ae-t-}-e-a-1 -if-f i -e u -i -t e-s---i-n - -t-he --way
t-h e--way--
of rrS,_-n-Ey--eat t - str-ie-t let -ter of this- Chapter provided that
! e s P i r it- -- -of- -t*i_s--C-.Le
h..ap't-e....--s+hi-14-- --b.e _- e b s e Iv e d i -- -- - ^ `- -- - - y—
.� T r>r�i � rC
s e e u f ea -n� substantial - 4 lee- de ems - --The- 1+a�-_o-f-such
xted € ea t lee s-
when --g-rapf-ted--er --a-11 owed and-
" , T-er-n -dei ate--`r;Terev, r -sha3 i be. ente-rea upon the records of
jt--he-department---and--a--s ned.--e-a y--shall--be f-urni�hed-the applicant.
- 9 -
j,3.96 36 TPPBAEr — Wheney mho !'his Rnroan rtf
-Fi-ire PrevcrSs a1:1 Sapi$Ve- -an - -ref use- -to--gr ant
perm; pp ; od-,•_.f-orj --r_ -wh- n�]i�tt is claimed that the p-r-ovis�i-Gnsg - f
this Ghapter do _nom_.-'-'�'�' l' "-'��"-L!I Gl 1. 11Ctrde intent-andmean�+•y-vy
t -}3e �3rdi arree-}�a�e been misconstrued or wrongly -interpreted, the
a a'r,r _ems,,- „- z L i t c t rrc i w ittri-n. 3.. f-. �d-z from --t--- -d-a.e. -� -- e -
ea v__sssQ_ = agiaealed:- �.
4 "v :---U*LA E1F UbCONDUCT--i'---Et- : u n , .. w, f ,&1--- f9 - ._ - y ...
-person }e own?—wee Py--,---o-r---u-se---an-y-- build-ing or structure as define,
in Section • , .. ___ter__ 13.46.,16 unl-less such building or
strueture is le ted within enehundred xty five (165) 4ea- r,�
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13.06A.010. Definitions. For the purposes of this
chapter the following terms, words, phrases and their derivations
shall have the meaning given herein, unless the context otherwise
indicates. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in
the present tense include the future, words in the plural number
include the singular number, and words in the singular number
include the plural. The word "shall" is always mandatory.
A. "Approving authority" is the Fire Marshal of
the Kent Fire Department or his/her designee.
B. "Fire Department" is the Kent Fire Department.
C. "Water Authority" is the Public Works Depart-
ment, Water Utility Division of the City of Kent.
D. "A.W.W.A." is the American Water Works Associa-
E. "A.P.W.A." is the American Public Works Associ-
F. "U.L." is Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
.G. "U.B.C." is the Uniform Building Code as
adopted by the City of Kent.
H. "U.F.C." is the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by
the City of Kent.
I. "Public Hydrant" is a fire hydrant situated and
maintained to provide water for fire fighting purposes without
restrictions as to use for that purpose. The location is such
- 10 -
that it is accessible for immediate use of the fire authority at
all times.
J. "Private Hydrant" is a hydrant situated and
maintained to provide water for fire fighting purposes with
restrictions as to use.
K. "Fire Flow" is the measure of the sustained
flow of available water for fire fighting at a specific building
or within a specific area at 20 pounds per square inch residual
L. "Fire Marshal" is the City of Kent. Fire Marshal
or his designee.
M. "Municipality" is the City of Kent.
13.06A.020. Fire Hydrants Required. All buildings or
structures constructed within the City of Kent shall be served by
fire hydrants installed in accordance with the requirements of
this chapter. In addition, presently existing hydrants which do
not conform with the requirements and standards of this ordinance
when replaced, shall be replaced with hydrants which do conform toj
the standards and requirements of this chapter. All fire hydrants'.
shall be served by a municipal water system, or as otherwise !
approved by the Fire Marshal. All hydrants shall be subject to
itesting, inspection and approval as determined by the Fire Marshal.
1 13.06A.030. Prohibited Installation. The installation
of flush type hydrants is prohibited unless approved by the Fire
Marshal and such approval shall only be given when approved fire
hydrants would be dangerous or impractical as determined by the
Fire Marshal. The showing of such danger or impracticability
shall be the burden of the builder or other installer.
13.06A.040. Building Classification. All structures or
buildings classified under the 1979 edition of the Uniform Build-
ing Code as A,E,B,H,I and R-1 (KCC 14.04.04) shall conform to the
requirements and standards contained in this chapter for buildings',
or structures in commercial, industrial and apartment use district
13.06A.050. Installation Requirements.
A. The installation of all fire hydrants shall be
in accordance with the latest A.P.W.A. or A.W.W.A. standards. In
addition the following requirements shall apply to all building
construction projects:
B. Two copies of detailed plans and drawings,
accurately indicating the location, size and type of all lines,
valves and fire hydrants to be installed shall be submitted to the
Fire Marshal for approval prior to any construction.
C. All fire hydrant piping, valves and related
,appurtenances shall be approved by the City of Kent Department of
'Public Works.
D. The fire hydrant installation and its attendant
,water system connection shall conform to the design and construc-
tion standards and specifications of the City of Kent.
E. Fire hydrants shall be adequately protected
against vehicular damage by guard posts or other approved means.
F. An auxiliary gate valve shall be installed at
the main line tee to permit the repair and replacement of the
hydrant without disruption of water service.
G. All hydrants shall be plumb, + or - 30, to be
set to finished grade with the bottom flange 2" above the ground
or curb grade and have no less than 36" in diameter of clear area
around the hydrant for the clearance of hydrant wrenches on both
outlets and the operating nut.
H. The largest port shall face the most likely
direction of approach and location of the fire apparatus while
pumping. Distance from the pumper port to the street curb shall
be no further than 12' (feet). All the above shall be determined
by the Fire Marshal.
I. The lead from the service main to the hydrant
shall be no less than 6" (six inches) in diameter. Any hydrant
leads over 50' (feet) in length from the water main to hydrant
shall be no less than eight inches in diameter.
J. All hydrants installed in single family resi-
dential areas shall be supplied by not less than six inch mains
and shall be capable of delivering 1,000 G.P.M. fire flow over and
'above average maximum demands at the farthest point of the instal -
1 lation.
K. All hydrants shall have at least five -inch
minimum valve openings, "0" ring stem seal, two, 2-1/2 inch,
national standard thread hose ports, one four 1/2 inch steamer
port with national standard threads. In addition all hydrants
shall meet A.W.W.A. standards for public hydrants and be of a type
approved for use in the City of Kent by Department of Public Works.
L. All pipe shall meet the City of Kent standards
as determined by the Department of Public Works. Piping located
entirely within private property and maintained by the property
owner shall meet the requirements and be approved by the Fire
i'Marshal. The Fire Marshal may approve any piping material that
has been tested and approved by a nationally recognized testing
M. The maximum distance between hydrants in single
family use district zones shall be 600 feet.
M. The maximum distance between hydrants in
commercial, industrial, and apartment (including duplex) use zones
shall be 300 feet.
N. Lateral spacing of hydrants shall be predicated
on hydrants being located at street intersections.
0. The appropriate water authority and the fire
department shall be notified in writing of the anticipated date
the hydrant installation and its attendant water connection system
will be available for use.
- 12 -
P. The Fire Marshal shall be notified when all
newly installed hydrants or mains are placed in service.
Q. Where hydrants are out of service or have not
yet been placed in service, they shall be identified as being out
of service by a method approved by the Fire Marshal.
13.06A.060. Special Requirements. All buildings or
structures shall be so located that there is at least one hydrant
within 150' (feet) and no portion of said building or structure
more than 300' (feet) from a hydrant. The Fire Marshal may, at
his sole option, substitute wet or dry standpipes in lieu of the
hydrant requirements where the installation of hydrants is imprac-i
13.06A.070. Dead-end Mains Prohibited. Provision shall
be made wherever appropriate in any project for looping all mains.
13.06A.080. No building permit shall be issued until all
plans required by this chapter have been submitted and approved in
accordance with the provisions of this chapter. No construction
beyond the foundation shall be allowed until all hydrants and
mains required by this chapter are in placed and approved.
Section 4. Ordinance 2413 is amended to include a
Section 2, which was inadvertently omitted from said ordinance, as
"Section 2. Chapter
(Ordinance numbers 1242, 1247,
same is hereby repealed."
13.08 Kent City Code "Fireworks"
1796, 1873 and 1943) be and the
Section 5. Any act consistent with the authority and
'prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified
!and confirmed.
Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage,
approval and publication as provided by law.
- 13 -
PASSED the day of 1983.
APPROVED the day of �l�bll.4r�L1.�ti/, 1983.
PUBLISHED the day ofz�1983.
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance
No. �Z`1r , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent,
Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon
44��4� (SEAL)
- 14 -