HomeMy WebLinkAbout2373ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE relating to zoning and land use, amending Chapter 4 of the Kent Zoning Code (Ordinance No. 1827) re- lating to off-street parking and loading requirements. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter 4 of the Kent Zoning Code entitled "Off -Street Parking and Loading Requirements" is amended, as set forth in Attachment "A" to this Ordinance. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five(S) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ATTEST: MA -RIB J E`I�TS� I'TY LE APPROVED • • ' 0 ••=RNEY PASSED the day of November, 1982. APPROVED the l( day of November, 1982. PUBLISHED the day of November, 1982. (SEAL) KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT October 29, 1982 d4lejIgo' MEMO T0: MAYOR ISABEL HOGAN AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JAMES P. HARRIS, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REVISION OF KENT ZONING CODE CHAPTER 4, OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS On October 26, 1982, the Kent Planning Commission unanimously approved the attached revisions to the Kent Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Off -Street Parking and Loading Requirements. This action by the Planning Commission establishes a clear, concise, and up-to-date set of parking standards. The off-street parking amendment project began in 1980 when the Planning Department staff identified a broad spectrum of concerns dealing both with the administration of this chapter and specific requirements. This problem identification process took the form of four primary processes: 1) field investigation, 2) review of staff administrative problems, and Board of Adjustment action, 3) review of developer, builder, architect and public input, and 4) collection of the most recent parking data available. The creation, in 1981, of the Planning Commission's Zoning Code Advisory Committee and recent updating of parking data by the Urban Land Institute, the National Parking Association, International Parking Design, Inc. and the International Council of Shopping Centers has given the planning staff and Commission the supporting data necessary to move forward with this much needed and wanted revisions. Although you will observe changes throughout the entire body of the attached Chapter 4 text, it is important to note that a majority of the changes are made to eliminate redundancy, clarifying wording or insure consistency in the text. These changes are made primarily to eliminate past administrative and interpretative problems or questions and not to just modify'or add require- ments or standards. Some requirements and standards of this chapter have been modified. An attempt has been made to eliminate or modify requirements which were unnecessary, too restrictive or conflicted with other sections of the Zoning Code. Key changes in this area included the reduction of required parking for such uses as office and shopping centers, the elimination of parking requirements for outside storage areas, and the addition of compact car parking stalls as well as a reduction in the size of the standard parking stall. Other additions to this chapter of note include a better defined set of develop- ment standards, diagrams and charts to visualize code requirements, a method that will permit easier compliance with landscaping requirements and recognition of loading and unloading area requirements. ch Enclosure s CHAPTER 4 - OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS SECTION 4.1 PURPOSE It is the purpose of this section to specify the off-street parking and loading requirements for all uses permitted in this code, and to describe design standards and other required improvements. All/ n1w/ drdveftrgfents An(Y prltVations )v, or/ exrpamion of/ exdsting d6veftoerytsAhol cbmFlly/wi)h ;h6 ?f)p�icytbl)e ro'gLWeryferyts o? thia3 s9ttiydn/ ACTION: Eliminate Text REASON: Redundant; covered more clearly in Section 4.2, following. SECTION 4.2 CATEGORY OF USES AND CONDITIONS OF USES COVERED BY THIS CHAPTER ACTION: Add to title REASON: Clarification NlewMuiXdind aXfd Wiljding/AdCVtiorfsi �} $rfildiAgs Andms" bi$lt or/enIArge$ afVr tWefMctir(e d9te,/of Ais cAef EXtefisiolis df e,(isp1ng/parkng/1o14 bylfift,� (y0) ereenti6r Mood os tyle rldmlybr �df �Xi�ng sealls/aleof/theelot/mt�t bef brelugKt 0 td tyle s�aAards of thA code. 1) New Construction. a) Buildings constructed, or enlarged. b) Other structures or use areas constructed or enlarged. c) Parking lots constructed or enlarged as follows: (1) If new or adding the equivalent of 50% or more of the existing parking lot area -- entire parking facility must meet the standards of this code. (2) If adding less than 50% of the existing parking lot area, only the new portion must meet the standards of this code. ACTION: Replace title and text. 1650-11A I REASON: Clarification 2) Change in Use. When the occupancy of any land use, structure, and/or building or any part of a building, structure and/or land use is changed to another use, parking shall be provided to meet the parking requirements of the new use. SECTION 4.3 LOCATION OF OFF-STREET PARKING j.y Q�ff_sWet perking Mall ►fit be Wcated oifi frQKf or $j& seXackw1unlges ap4wedXa paalcularAstri3O. ACTIO N: Remove text. REASON: The "O" Professional and Office Zone is the only zoning classification to which this requirement currently applies. Due to landscape requirgments adopted in August 1979 this requirement is no longer needed to protect adjacent properties, particularly residential uses. This modification will allow more efficient use of property within the "O" zoning district. >' Lo6atiye6 st3 ffi be! 1) Single-family dwelling. Required parking shall be located on the same lot as the building it is to serve. }a)' 2) Multifamily dwelling: Required parking may be on a contiguous lot if located within five hundred (500) feet of dwelling units. The lot shall be legally encumbered by an easement or other appro ria�ans to insure continuous use of the parking facilities. Documentation shall require review and approval of the City Attorney. 3) Other uses: May be in areas other than on the premises if the required , 'dWnyt,6 amount of parking area is set aside for a particular use in such a lot, and such area is not located more than 500 feet from the premises. The lot or area to be utilized shall be legally encumbered by an easement or other ap ropriate means to insure continuous use of the parking facilities Documentation shall require review and approval of the City Attorney. ACTION: Addition and revision of numbering. REASON: The City Attorney has requested the addition to insure enforceability and to preclude a change in use without prior approval. 1650-11A 2 SECTION 4.4 PARKING STANDARDS 1) ACTIVITY Living Activities a) Dwellings: ACTIVITY (1) Single family (2) Two family NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Two parking spaces per single-family dwelling. Two parking spaces per dwelling unit. (3) Multifamily One parking space per unit for efficiency and apartment apartments in all sized developments; Two houses parking spaces for each dwelling unit for developments with 49 or less dwelling units; 1.8 parking -. spaces per dwelling unit for developments of 50 or more dwelling units. For developments of 50 or more dwelling units, one parking space for each 15 dwelling units for recreation vehicles. [Amendment - per City Council action, 11/20/781 ACTION: Add text. REASON: An efficiency apartment, designed for single person occupancy, requires only one parking space. Recreational vehicle parking spaces shall be in a defined, fenced, and screened area with a minimum of a 6 foot high sight obscuring fence and/or landscaping as determined by the Planning Department. ACTION: Add text. REASON: A similar requirement was in the Zoning Code prior to the November 20, 1978 amendment of this section, at which time it was apparently inadvertently omitted. The staff feels that this is an important requirement to add in the maintenance of an aesthetically pleasing environment in multifamily developments. (4) Multiple dwellings One parking space for each four for low-income dwelling units. elderly 1650-11A 3 2) (5) Multifamily and apartment houses in the Central Business District (see Definition Section) One parking space per dwelling unit. [Amendment - per City Council action, 12/18/78] This requirement supersedes Section 4.7 O -Street Parking Regulations Downtown_ Commercial District. ACTION: Add text after existing text REASON: Clarification b) Boarding & Lodging One parking space for the proprietor Houses plus one space per sleeping room for boarders and/or lodging use plus one additional space for each four persons employed on the premises. c) Mobile Homes Two parking spaces for each mobile home site plus one screened space for each ten lots for recreation vehicles. d) Travel Trailers One parking space for each trailer site. e) Hotels One parking space for each guest room plus two parking spaces for each three employees. Commercial Activities a) Banks One parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area except when part of a shopping center. b) Professional and Businesses Offices ACTIO N: Change text (?6e,434xkivfg s¢agt fpt eprchxwo/ h)lnc)eecV ($0YsgUarV fglet/of/gv6sse fXoyf Aa'ei6ep4 WheX part af'a Oop¢ing'cAter/ One parking space for each two hundred and fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area except when part of a shopping center. REASON: Expert testimony during committee review of this item as well a staff review of existing office facilities in Kent reveals the change to be an appropriage modification. 1650-11A 4 c) Shopping Centers ACTIO N: Replace text Vive/and/oM-hgkf pgt'king sp#(ceV ped eadh Oe �thousAd V,00$) sqbarQ/ feeA of/ grq*s leasable Iloot arka/ 4.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area GLA or centers having GLA of less than 400,000 square eet; and 5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of GLA for centers having a GLA of over 400,000 square feet. REASON: Numerous observations by City staff have noted that even during peak periods, parking supply exceeds demand in existing shopping centers. Research revealed a recent study which recommended a lower parking ratio than the existing code. (Urban Land Institute, Parking Requirements for Shopping Centers: Summary of Recommendations. Washington: Urban Land Institute, 1981.) It should also be noted that bxisting requirements were based on a 1965 Urban Land Institute study. d) Restaurants, Night One parking space for each one hundred Clubs, Taverns, and (100) square feet of gross floor area Lounges except restaurants when part of a shopping center. e) Retail Stores, Super- One parking space for each two hundred markets, Department (200) square feet of gross floor area Stores, and Personal except when located in a shopping Service Shops center. f) Other Retail Estab- One parking space for each five hun- blishments; Furniture, dred (500) square feet of gross floor Appliance, Hardware area except when located in a shopping Stores, Household Equip- center. meet Service Shops, Clothing or Shoe Repair Shops g) Drive -In Business One parking space for each one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area except when located in a shopping center. [Amendment - per City Council action - 11/20/78] 1650-11A 3) h) Uncovered Commercial One parking space for each five thousand Area, New and Used (5,000) square feet of retail sales area Car Lots, Plant Nursery in addition to any parking requirements for buildings, except when located in a shopping center. [Amendment - per City Council action - 11/20/781 i) Motor Vehicle Repair One parking space for each four hundred and Services (400) square feet of gross floor area except when part of a shopping center. j Industrial Showroom and Display ACTIO N: REASON: Industrial Activities a) Manufacturing, Research Testing Laboratories Creameries, Bottling Establishments, Bakeries, Canneries, Printing, and Engraving Shops ACTIO N: Add text One parking space for each five hundred 500 square feet of display area. Add text This situation was not addressed in other sections of this code. One parking space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area. For parking requirements for associated o ice areas, see Professional and Business Office. REASON: This revision is to clarify the parking requirement of office areas in conjunction with manufacturing operations. b) Warehouses and Storage Buildings ACTIO N: Add text. One parking space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross floor area. [Amendment - per City Council action, 11/20/781 Maximum office area of 2% of gross floor area maV be included without additonal parking requirements. 1650-11A 6 REASON: This revision will allow minimal office area without additional parking requirements. This will include such uses as shipping and receiving offices which are normally small and have low personnel requirements. j3'h96vAred Sfo figel Mew Orw parking/space/fov' ep(ch Pivo, twowane V,0")/sgdarce fdet/of ,grad. rAVendmAnV -/ plerlCiXy Qovho?I a-6tiow, AIMAY ACTIO N: Remove text. REASON: Review of existing storage facilities within the City reveals they are seldom operated without associated structures. The parking requirements for the use, of these buildings is sufficient to accommodate the parking needs of employees and customers. c) Speculative Warehouse and Industrial Buildings with Multiple Use or Tenant Potential ACTIO N: Add text One parking space for each 1.000 souare feet of gross floor area if building size is less than 100,000 square feet; or one parking space for each 2,000 square feet gross floor area or buildings which exceed 100,000 square feet gross floor area. IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS IS A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT AND VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PURPOSES ONLY. FINAL PARKING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE BASED UPON ACTUAL OCCUPANCY. REASON: Due to the fact that a relatively large number of industrial buildings are being constructed in Kent without specific tenants at the time of submittal or issuance of permits, the Planning Department has found it difficult to calculate the correct amount of parking necessary or required for these types of developments. Over the past few years, the Planning Department has found that many of these speculative buildings have ultimately acquired tenants which have larger parking demands than was originally anticipated because most of these buildings were permitted under the parking requirements for warehouses (one parking stall per 2000 square feet). To allow the City, the Planning Department and developers to better cope with this multi -use situation, the Planning Department recommends this addition to the Zoning Code. 1650-11A 4) 5) ACTIVITY Recreation - Amusement Activities a) Auditoriums, Theaters Places of Public Assem- bly, Stadiums and Out- door Sports Areas b) Bowling Alleys c) Dance Halls and Skating Rinks d) Golf Driving Ranges e) Miniature Golf Courses f) Recreational Buildings whether independent or associated with a multifamily complex) ACTION: Add text NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES One parking space for each four (4) fixed seats or one parking space for each one hundred (100) square feet of floor area of main auditorium or of principal place of assembly not containing fixed seats, whichever is greater. Five (5) spaces for each alley except when located in a shopping center. One parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area, except when located in a shopping center. One parking space for each driving station. One parking space for each hole. One arking space for each two hundred 200 square feet gross floor area. Such spaces shall be located adjacent to the building and shall be designated for visitors by signing or other special markings. REASON: The amendment adds often -needed guest parking to multifamily dwellings. Educational Activities a) Senior High Schools, One space for each employee plus one Public, Parochial, and space for each ten students enrolled. Private In addition, if buses for the transportation of children are kept at the school, one off-street parking space shall be provided for each bus of a size sufficient to park each bus. 1650-11A 8 One additional parking space for each one hundred 100 students shall be rovided or visitors in the vicinity or adjacent to the administration portion of the building or complex. Such parking spaces shall be so designated by signing or other special marking as approved by the Traffic ACTIO N: Add text Engineer REASON: Presently many of our schools have no provision for visitor parking; as a result, visitors often park in and block emergency access lanes. Since visitors are usually required to report to administration buildings first, the spaces should be located near that building. b) Colleges and Univer- sities and Business and Vocational Schools. ACTIO N: Add text REASON: Clarification ACTION: Add text Two and one-half (2-1/2) for each emp- ployee plus one space for each three students residing on campus, plus one space for each five day student not residing on campus. In addition, if buses for transportation of students are kept at the school, one off-street parking space shall be provided for each bus of a size sufficient to park each bus. One additional parking space for each one hundred 100 students shall be provided or visitors in the vicinity or adjacent to the administration portion of the building or complex. Such parking spaces shall be so designated by signing or other special marking as approved by the Traffic Engineer. 1650-11A 9 6) REASON: Presently many of our schools have no provision for visitor parking; as a result, visitors often park in and block emergency access lanes. Since visitors are usually required to report to administration buildings first, the spaces should be located near that building. C) Elementary and Junior Two and one-half (2-1/2) parking spaces for High each employee. In addition, if buses for transportation of students are kept at the school, one off-street parking space shall be provided for each bus of a size sufficient to park each bus. One additional parking space for each one hundred 100 students shall be provided or visitors in the vicinity or adjacent to the administration portion of the building or complex. Such parking spaces shall be so designated by signing or other special marking as approved by the Traffic Engineer. ACTION: Add text REASON: Presently many of our schools have no provision for visitor parking; as a result, visitors often park in and block emergency access lanes. Since visitors are usually required to report to administration buildings first, the spaces should be located near that building. d) Libraries and Museums e) Nursery Schools and Day Care Centers Medical Activities One parking space for each two hundred and fifty (250) square feet in office and public use. One parking space for each employee plus loading and unloading areas. a) Medical and Dental One parking space for each two hundred Offices (200) square feet of gross floor area except when located in a shopping center. 1650-11A 10 b) Convalescent, Nursing, One parking space for each two employ - and Health Institutions ees plus one parking space for each three beds. c) Hospitals One parking space for each three beds plus one parking space for each staff doctor plus one parking space for each three employees. 7) Religious Activities a) Churches One space for each five (5) seats in the main auditorium, provided that the spaces for any church shall not be less than ten (10). For all existing churches enlarging the seating capacity of their auditoriums, one additional parking space shall be provided for each five (5) additional seats provided by the new construction. For all existing churches making structural alterations or additions which do not increase the seating capacity of the auditorium, no additional parking need be provided. b) Mortuaries or Funeral One parking space for each one hundred Homes (100) square feet of floor area of assembly rooms. ('th,dr PsAs/ For ugeir vlotApatiiXcaHy i6erKified hafeitl, pravl W4 sfiaflAd' pT0404(40 spre)dived' fAr Xhe We MWW, iXf thV o¢iaArro? tAe ?1adnjAV ]fir/cor,&(*st/sialiltfr Vo Abe/user uttdir /cor(sirYeratloyl. A .4aele IV (Asdg1re9,,mWt/b9tWeeh /the/ apJpyfcant Anel the/Pl ngr DfieCtor/ablaut/ 0q)i iptepproatibn; tNe/ B6arde o#/ Adjustment/ wR1 /na} a tOe Awl dotkrrryfnat1ora'a9'p(ovi'ded iKSeetign 8.2'oVthX o6d,. 8) Other Uses. For uses not specifically identified herein. the amount of parking required shall be determined by the Planning Department, based on staff experience, parking required for similar uses, and if appropriate, documentation provided by the aDDlicant. ACTION: Replace text REASON: This version will speed the permit review process by allowing determinations not specifically spelled out in this portion of the Code to be made at the staff level, and by providing specific criteria by which those decisions will be made. The appeal to the Board of Adjustment, discussed in Section 8.6, applies to the entire Zoning Code and would be redundant here. 1650-11A 11 9) Mixed Occupancies or Mixed Use if One Occupancy. In the case of two or more uses in the sane building, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the several uses computed separately, except in shopping i centers. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use except as permitted in Section 4.4 10) Joint Use. ACTION: Amend title and minor amendments to text. REASON: Clarification, and to make title consistent with text. 10) Joint Use. The joint use of parking facilities may be authorized only for: Af Those uses which have dissimilar peak -hour parking demands Adrijag` Ike r9q-per hwrs pf' tpe lesp6r, gxceptAn shgppingrcenJe1t tw- Wch t,le- joint )w6 of p; trKing faQ41ities �<proWte,d; or ACTION: Remove text REASON: Simplification b) Parking facilities in excess of code requirements. ';w qugkrfy a,;d jojRt--use paf<ing jatfility, tl6 facility muWbe luted wLWiin a y4ius o; -five hury ed (50fYj'feet,ffom tpebuildir;gS or W are,aS ytlis ir;,dfided to strve. A,.,riinimunv6f a fivp'B) yeV,-6vrittep/oint-pee epwtract 5M11 be appe6ved by,,Hfe Planr�i.rfg DepaAfnent am*6 by tkt CiPf A�t6rney,,6r su%a parkjug arrapgement Wbe €,1KWeA-. The followine conditions must be fulfilled before a joint -use facility is allowed: (1) The facility must be located within a radius of five hundred (500) feet of the buildings or use areas it is intended to serve, (2) documentation of dissimilar peak hour parking demands must be provided by the applicant, and (3) The subject property shall be legally encumbered by an easement or other appropriate means which provides for continuous joint use the oarkinv- facilities. Documentation shall require review and approval of the City Attorney. ACTIO N: Revise text. 1650-11A 12 REASON: This paragraph is reworded for clarification; the new language simply shifts the burden of proof of the adequacy of the facilities for joint use onto the applicant. The City Attorney recommended removal of the five-year clause to add flexibility to this requirement and to insure adequate enforcement during the full term of any agreement for joipt use facilities. 11) Employee Parking. Where employee parking will be maintained separately and in addition to KbAi parking for the general public, the regulations of this section prayer rpedifW as,-Pol;elke. hall apply: a) yAplgoe peCrkirX nlay We fyf'feeV(1,5�'peycfent p.Ma1leP,'sp4e6S 4Hd f4fteelr(15) Defrcen�.Karrower drivelarjes. Minimum parking stall sizes, aisle widths, and percentage of compact car stalls shall be as per other requirements in this chapter. 12) ACTION: Replace text REASON: Reduced stall sizes are being incorporated into the Code through this revision process. Further reductions for employee stalls would render the facilities unusable and/or unsafe. b) Employee parking must be clearly identified as such and not become parking for the general public. c) In the event the employee parking is changed to parking for the general public, the normal regulations for off-street parking shall be in force. d) Employee parking shall not be in lieu of parking requirements per activity as stated in Section 4.4 ACTION: Add text REASON: Parking standards per activity as stated in Section 4.4 are calculated to provide a minimum amount of public, off-street parking for different types of land uses and activities. Employee parking standards have been established to allow the developer to provide additional parking for' employees at an operable standard if it is so desired. Temporary Parking Facilities. Temporary parking facilities may be permitted by the Planning Director when it has been shown that - 16 50-1 hat: 1650-1lA 13 13) a) The existing use of the subject property has adequate legal nonconforming parking or that existing parking conforms to the applicable standards of the Kent Zoning Code. b) The temporary parking facility is primarily intended to serve the public at large and not the existing use on the property. c) The temporary parking facility serves a public need. d) The temporary facility meets the following minimum standards: (1) 285 square feet gross area per stall minimum. (2) Pavement Section: Minimum 4 inches of 5/8 inch minus C.R. crushed rock with Bituminous surface treatment, subject to Engineering Department review. (3) On-site drainage control and detention per drainage ordinance. (4) Ingress and egress and interior circulation and perimeter control subject to Traffic Engineer approval. (Amendment - per City Council action, 1/21/801 Compact Car Parking. a) Parking stall size shall be minimum 8 feet by 17 feet. Aisle width shall be per requirements of Section 4.8. and diagram U. b) Compact car parking spaces shall be clearly identified by signing or other marking as approved by the City Engineer. c) Compact car parking spaces shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total required parking and shall be interspersed equally throughout the entire parking area. d) See Section 4.8 diagram # 2 for typical compact car stall arrangements. e) No more than four (4) compact car parking stalls shall be placed side b side or eight 8 head to head. ACTIO N: Add text REASON: Recent surveys conducted by the Planning Department and the Traffic Engineer have shown that approximately one-third of the vehicles currently being used in the City of Kent are compact cars. Current parking regulations do not recognize compact cars and do not provide for any space reductions. Over the past several years, many inquiries and suggestions have been made by developers with regards to this subject. The City staff recognizes this need and has in this proposed amendment attempted to meet the growing demand for better utilization of land, increased landscaping within parking areas, and less paved area to reduce storm water runoff problems. Review of this amendment and Section 4.8 diagram #2 show how the above three goals will be met. 165 0-11 A 14 SECTION 4.5 DRIVE-IN BUSINESS All banks, savings and loans associations, cleaning establishments, food dispensing establishments, and other businesses which maintain drive-in facilities which are intended to serve customers who remain in their motor vehicles during the business transactions, or are designed in such a manner that customers must leave their automobiles temporarily in a driving line located adjacent to the facility, shall provide stacking space for the stacking of motor vehicles as follows. 1) Stacking Space. The drive-in facility shall be so located that sufficient stacking space is provided for the handling of motor vehicles using such facility during peak business hours of such a facility. 2) Driveway Location. Entrances and exits shall not be so located as to cause congestion in any public right-of-way. 3) Shopping Centers. When located in a shopping center, drive-in facilities shall provide sufficient stacking space to handle peak business demands and shall not, in any way, obstruct the normal' circulation pattern of the shopping center. SECTION 4.6 LOADING SPACE For all buildings hereafter erected, reconstructed, or enlarged, adequate permanent off-street loading space shall be provided if the activity carried on is such that the building requires deliveries to it or shipments from it of people or merchandise. Such space shall be shown on a plan and submitted for approval by the Planning Department and the City Engineer. 11 Yo�pg/ti,6nibf/a #ehXIVt0XinJ( p$rf iY( lbad�hg/or(uv1 adyhg/actrvit4ey sifalY pn6joet AnXo A pibke/stKeel of allsey/. L6a0ir)g 4al6e(shQll he In ddd1ti4n(to/regt1iybd,6ffrSt6eA pQrking sptept. ACTION: Replace text REASON: The rewording and additon to this section is to aid in clarifying the relationship between normal vehicular traffic and parking, and that of truck loading, unloading, and maneuvering activities. Past situations have arisen where automobile parking has been blocked, or otherwise been made inaccessible or hazardous when truck loading, unloading, or maneuvering areas are placed in close proximity. 1) Relationship of Loading Space to Residential Areas. Loading berths shall be located not closer than fifty (50) feet to any residential district, unless wholly enclosed within a building, or unless screened from such residential area by a wall or uniformly painted fence not less than six (6) feet in height. 165 0-11 A 15 2) Relationship to Open Space. Space for loading berths may occupy all or any part of any required setback, or open space as long as the loading berth is uncovered. A covered loading area shall comply with the minimum setback requirements for the district. 3) Types of Uses for Which Loading Space Shall be Provided. Loading space shall be provided for the following types of buildings or businesses: warehouses, supermarkets, department stores, office buildings with a floor space in excess of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, industrial or manufacturing establishments, freight terminals, railroad yards, mortuaries, and such other commercial and industrial buildings which, in the judgment of the Planning Director, are similar in nature in regard to loading space requirements. 4) Buildings which utilize dock -high loading doors shall provide a minimum 100 feet of clear maneuvering area in front of each door. See Diagram # ACTIO N: Add text REASON: This addition is proposed to establish a standard for truck maneuvering area. Past experience has shown that the lack of a set standard has encouraged developers to minimize this area; therefore, causing trucks to maneuver in designated parking areas or to maneuver in public or private streets because of inadequate on-site space. 5) Buildings which utilize ground level service or loading doors shall provide a minimum 45 feet of clear maneuvering area in front of each door. ACTIO N: Add Text REASON: This addition is being proposed to establish a standard for this maneuvering and/or loading area. Past experience has shown that a lack of a set standard has encouraged developers to minimize this area causing maneuvering in designated parking areas and general congestion and disruption of vehicle circulation. 6) Ingress and egress points from public right-of-way (driveways) shall be desioned and located in such a manner as to preclude off-site or on -street maneuvering or venicies, ACTIO N: Add text 16 50-11 A 16 REASON: Past experience and observations by the Planning Department and the Traffic Engineer has shown that if ingress or egress points from public streets are located in front of overhead dock -high type doors, most truck drivers will choose to maneuver their vehicle in the street and back to the door via the driveway entrance from the street. This situation obviously causes congestion in the public right-of-way, as well as a hazardous condition when cars or other trucks try to get around the truck doing the in -street maneuvering. SECTION 4.7 OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Purpose: It is the purpose of this section �to recognize the pedestrian -oriented nature of downtown activities while also recognizing the need for off-street parking facilities to eliminate traffic congestion. For the purpose of regulating off-street parking, there shall be two divisions of the Downtown Commercial District, DC -1 and DC -2. These divisions shall be delineated on the official zoning map. NOTE: Sections 4.7.1 and 4.7.2 do not apply to residential development in the DC, Downtown Comercial zoning district. See Section 4.4 for residential parking requirements ACTION: Add Text REASON: This change was precipitated by a relatively large number of complaints from residents within the CBD who are unable to park close to their residence due to the parking time limits and the location of existing public parking areas. Section 4.7.1 DC -1 Division No off-street parking shall be required in this division. The DC -1 Division is the core area of downtown which should be pedestrian oriented. In addition, the property owners in the DC -1 Division have provided off-street parking through LID assessments. Section 4.7.2 DC -2 Division Off-street parking shall be provided and shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter; except there may be a fifty (50) percent reduction from the parking standard requirements contained in Section 4.4. [Amendment - per City Council action, 4/7/751 1650-11 A 17 SECTION 4.8 SIZE AND'DESIGN S'T'ANDARDS .4 gfirkir* Kakf and'Aigle Size/ gd ?0 f feet by g f q6t pXr s)4Ij AxcrKpt ,ror p4ra)4el §tallb: Tf V6r k5arafileYsta14s,,eacA sto spall Ke 2.9 feet byl9 Met/. 1) Parking Stall Sizes Note: 2) a) Standard: 9 feet by 19 feet (1) (3) bT Compact: 8 feet by 17 feet T2 3 ej Employee: 8-1/2 feet by 18 feet (3) dT Parallel: 9 feet by 23 feet (1) Dimensions may include overhang. See Section 4.9 Number 5 for exceptions. (2) See 4 landsi (3) Parki corre ram #2 for typical compact stall placement with r area. stall length may nding increases in be reduced aisle width. a maximum two (2) feet with ACTIO N: Replace text REASON: This change and additon is made to allow compact car parking stalls, reflect the change in the size of employee parking, and to show more clearly how the developer may utilize these options. Minimum Design Standards and T ical Parking Stall Arrangements - (See diagrams at the end of this chapter EKarallerl'park ivfg/ (� $brpnor- Wfay/cireuldteon, true j' irAmbm/width/ofAheAisYb 54V t�e tAn 60Yfeef. (25 F,6r Xwg4wag cWculqef lorry' tIA irrfnirrfum )6id�6 of the aiRfe sfial� b1 ei6tdenAl04V- i yjry6ty/ d6gKeq'hp1a44in pfirking./ Fop' on1' r^ And/tw/6 o6ws/of/nir(eq ( gree Weaid-in/pa/kin,# us* AhQ1satfie/gisit jA al onoAway qi� tWo-)fay' cyc4atyon / parftofn,/ th njirrfmu'm Aidt)f of ,fhe/ aide /shall/b0' tXegtiy-foV (A)AW 94 qfxVj dtgtep'hetd-din 6arging! Q4 F6r One/roy4 4d ytvo/rov(s G4 s/xtV degree/hee(d-V pavking/GsAg/ Wong,Lw* cotrcydatioV4ttgtn,,thg(mAirqurr/width/ofAhVai0e s� alb be,Aeybnoer/(17�egC (�yS �c)AaVor � dte ¢xt �de�ni,�S�uA VAdttfr o,(tVeglnypla isle/shl ff �� Aeryty 14OKeel. ](opfy4ive d,/grqj6 hVad-in garkyAg/ 1650-11A 18 V Or bneA4twb rowS of f(^y-fivq+dere(Yhedd-Xn A4rk0g )tsi.* rfl Kon,6-vydy�Cirrat on Kat;'erre, the rryinirKunl/wVth or ttV aAW sNalKbeAwg4veA 12)1,%eV. (4 Fyrr xwo/rVws/of/fatyrfivg' dggriee Veapr-iKppfkiggrtisirfg 9 tAo Aay ciecrylatipn tatorn, /ehpe w4thlof ethe(aiole s6alYt�4 tXeryfy 4OYfeW. ACTIO N: Remove text REASON: Diagrams at the end of this chapter, more clearly express parking requirements and allow more flexibility of design than the above text. 3) Units of Measurements a) Benches. In stadiums, sports arenas, churches, and other places of assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews, or other similar seating facilities, each twenty (20) inches of width of such seating facilities shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining requirements for off-street parking facilities under this code. b) Fractions. When a unit of measurement determining the number of required parking spaces results in the requirement of a fractional space, any fraction up to but not including one-half (1/2) shall be disregarded and fractions one-half (1/2) and over shall require one parking space. SAC'IOA V..9 &AAD,$CAPIN�, PtNCI rG1WH1IWG, SXGKS,,'AVYNG/ V(H P,X S'rO PA ASI D /b R XI NIG Y� SECTION 4.9 OVERHANG EXCEPTION, LANDSCAPING, PAVING, WHEELSTOPS, DRAINAGE, LIGHTING, AND CURBING ACTIO N: Change title REASON: This change is made to correspond with the expansion in coverage and subjects of this section. 0e Xano4c iirlg r�quiYbm n of C)'fapzer/6 Shall Xpp�y. �Ampndyfleny-kep' te C&r.+il�actrfon, $/20%7% 1) L MOVE requirements of Chapter 6 and Diagrams 2 and 3 of this chapter 2) Landscape Islands (minimum size-- 100 square feet) shall be located in the following areas to protect vehicles and to enhance the appearance of parking areas: 1650-11A 19 a) At the ends of all parking rows. bT Where loading doors or maneuvering areas are in close proximity to parking areas or stalls. ACTIO N: Replace text REASON: Clarification and reference to new diagrams. xj p/qvYhg/ Al,t oflf-str)eet earKing'apeas,AndudirSg sKags, RianeVerixfg ee98 ap'd c* IroXfi pytt5lic/ri,g'htss ow�ry �XiajX 0plaklv��vity( ��hal'Eic%opt're�Ee c,ZmAtAr fquiv§1ent�mVe4aVto$e 4pr�ied by'tiy6 Po6li opKs jArOtq/. 2) Paving All vehicular maneuvering areas, including but not limited to, off-street parking areas, truck and mobile equipment loading, unloading, storage and maneuvering areas, and related accesses to and from public right�f-way shall be paved with asphalt or equivalent material, to be approved by the City Engineer. ACTION: Replace Text REASON: In the past, questions have been raised as to what areas must be paved. The old requirement refers only to off-street parking and maneuvering areas. It did not include areas of truck or mobile equipment parking or maneuvering areas. This situation has led to developments such as Metro Hauling and other truck users providing paved car parking, but not paving areas of heavy truck traffic. The lack of paving in these areas adds greatly to the air quality problems of the Valley by increasing dust generation and also adds to street cleaning loads since often the gravel from these lots is carried onto public rights-of-way. On-site drainage problems may also occur in these areas since a formal storm water control system is difficult to design and maintain in graveled areas. 1pe94 SxopK WheX1 s' OA sWfall6e /(egVIred on/thV pe,�ipt ry i6f rdSe gQrki 10 s6 thk airs Shall Kot 4roltu0b iyfto/fhe AlW richt-of-way 9Tf tk�e pArki 1 , oV/styfke/bui16in1s. iVeeYstoKs Aal11beAwd (2)/fe9of frgr� th/e►�d o� 2 s a}}l�or/he d-ir/parki/g. ePargllel,4takfs Aall th cWsigKed do khat fie,d'oo�s d� v�hicl�s d�noeon ofito t pu¢Tic,ltgWWwi. 3) Wheel Stops Wheel stops shall be required in the following locations: (Minimum two (2) feet from obstruction or end of parking stall). 1650-11A 20 a) Where the parking stall abuts a building or vehicles may overnang a property line. b) Where the parking stall abuts a pedestrian walkway of less than six (6) root—width or one which is not raised creating its own barrier. e) Where a parking stall abuts any h sical object which may be impacted i.e. light standards fire hydrants fences ower vaults utility poles etc. . d) Where a hazardous grade difference exists between the parking area and the abutting property. e) Where other hazardous situations may exist as determined by the City Engineer. ACTIO N: Replace text REASON: This change is proposed to better define and to state in a more comprehensive manner the need and location of wheel stops to protect vehicles, buildings, and other normal parking area appurtenances. �j i ig�rtipg. /AnZf light4ng pin or pArkiilg Xbt 0all 4rumip'atee only tate peaking k6t/ Adl �rIgKirJ 0had ire desighe,d avfd Aoc&A do A X0 a'4oiod Aduee earl ot( r;&IAc 'on/of Aght! LAht/stdndands �ihalyngt t16 kbcated $b a/ tc/int,,erfere/ wAh pfirKingXtaRls, stAckir;�g a96as/and,,kAgr,0ss end jegrges a/ea' 4) Lighting Any lighting of a parking lot or storage area shall illuminate only the parking lot or storage area.__All lighting shall be designed and located so as to avoid undue glare or reflection of light onto adjoining properties or public right-of-way. Light standards shall not be located so as to interfere with parking stalls, maneuvering areas, or ingress and egress areas. ACTIO N: Replace text REASON: The purpose of this proposed change is to better clarify the requirement. 5) Vehicle Overhang Exception. Where sufficient area is available to allow safe and a ficient overhang of a vehicle the Planning Department may ermit the standard parking stall length to be reduced by two 2 feet with corresponding increase in adjacent walkway or landscaping width. (See Diagram #2). 1650-11A 21 ACTIO N: New text REASON: This statement is proposed to aid in reducing paved areas and at the same time increase landscape areas which will help reduce storm water runoff, help developers meet landscaping requirements, and provide a more aesthetically pleasing parking area without severely jeopardizing the functionability of the parking lot. 6) Concrete Curb Placement. In addition to wheel stop requirements (Section 4.9). All landscape areas within or abutting parking areas shall be separated from the paved area by concrete curbing or other acceptable method as aooroved by the Planning Director and the City Engineer. ACTION: Add text REASON: The proposed addition assures that landscape areas do not erode onto parking areas and that safe separation is maintained. SECTION 4.10 OFF-STREET PARKING PLANS f llf f-Atredt prarVng f)laryS 51alVbe ,dpp0vefd by/th0'Pj4nnipg I)�regtor ,dnd tKe T/aVic /$n9ine6r. /Sep'ardte 1plMs /for/ o?f-sVeee pArMng Por /f esMewfiai� 44vel'op/neAs Are v6t dequ4red' ex,6ept/Wh en tMe praring/spacre Pbr Vsicjefitia!i uAeVis 6 Ke , 6catpd od a/Iot/oVler t n Aeloneoti-Y41iQK the rAic)dhW/ OilAirje irr4ogatld. 1) Off-street parking plans shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department and City Engineer. Approval shall be based upon the following criteria: a) Compliance with Zoning Code requirements. b) Safety and efficiency of interior circulation. c) Safety of ingress and egress points. d) Effects of access on public streets with regard to street capacity, congestion and delay. ACTIO N: Replace Text REASON: This proposed amendment is made to clarify to developers and staff the specific criteria necessary to be met prior to parking plan approval. 1650-11A 22 2) All plans must be complete with the information as requested by the Planning Director. 1650-11A 23 A l B I C MINIMUM PARKING DESIGN STANDARD D E F Gl G2 N Stall Stall Angle Width Depth 00 9.0 23.0 100 8.0 17.0 8.5 18.0 Loss i 9.0 19.0 200 8.0 17.0 23.0 8.5 18.0 12.0 9.0 19.0 30° 8.0 17.0 10.8 8.5 18.0 6.9 7.3 9.0 19.0 36.90 8.0 17.0 20.0 20.0 8.5 18.0 23.4 9.0 19.0 400 8.0 17.0 16.0 16.9 8.5 18.0 14.1 9.0 19.0 450 8.0 17.0 41.1 8.5 18.0 9.0 19.0 50° 8.0 .17.0 12.5 8.5 18.0 14.7 15.6 9.0 19.0 53.1° 8.0 17.0 13.4 8.5 18.0 22.1 9.0 19.0 60° 8.0 17.0 14.2 8.5 18.0 13.5 13.5 9.0 19.0 700 8.0 17.0 8.5 18.0 9.0 19.0 800 8.0 17.0 20.0 20.0 8.5 18.0 13.2 9.0 19.0 900 8.0 17.0 14.6 8.5 18.0 9.0 19.0 MINIMUM PARKING DESIGN STANDARD D E F Gl G2 N �F - G E L � J Gross Stall Area (sq.ft.) 207 499 563 630 312 352 394 247 276 311 221 249 279 212 239 268 200 225 252 190 214 239 184 207 232 173 195 218 159 179 200 147 166 185 136 153 171 Depth Aisle WidthDepth Curb Starting to to Setback Length Loss i Wall One-way Two-way - Interlock 23.0 0.0 - 9.0 12.0 20.0 9.0 23.0 46.1 61.4 10.8 12.0 20.0 6.9 7.3 16.7 17.7 48.9 51.8 65.2 69.0 11.5 12.2 12.0 12.0 20.0 20.0 7,7 18.7 23.4 36.6 13.3 12.0 20.0 9.6 16.0 16.9 24.9 38.9 14.1 12.0 12.0 20.0 20.0 10.2 10.7 17.9 26.3 41.1 15.0 16.0 26.7 15.4 12.5 20.0 12.0 12.7 14.7 15.6 17.0 18.0 28.3 30.0 16.4 17.3 12.0 12.0 20.0 20.0 13.4 16.5 13.3 22.1 16.6 13.5 20.0 13.4 14.2 13.6 14.4 14.2 23.5 17.6 18.6 13.5 13.5 20.0 20.0 15.0 15.2 15.0 24.8 12.4 20.3 17.1 13.5 20.0 20.0 14.0 14.8 13.0 13.8 13.2 21.5 1B.1 19.1 13.5 13.5 20.0 15.7 14.6 14.0 22.8 11.3 17.7 17.7 14.5 20.0 14.8 15.7 12.0 12.7 12.0 18.7 16.7 19.8 14.5 14.5 20.0 20.0 16.6 13.4 12.7 19.8 10.4 15.2 18.2 15.5 20.0 15.6 16.5 10.9 11.6 11.1 16.2 19.3 15.5 15.5 20.0 20.0 17.4 12.2 11.7 17.1 20.3 10.0 13.8 18.4 16.5 20.0 16.0 10.2 15.5 20.6 16.5 20.0 17.9 11.4 11.3 9.2 10.8 18.7 17.0 20.0 16.7 17.7 8.5 9.0 9.8 11.5 19.8 17.0 17.0 20.0 20.0 18.7 9.5 10.4 12.1 21.0 8.5 6.8 18.7 20.0 22.0 17.3 18.4 5.8 6.2 9.0 7.2 19.8 20.9 20.0 20.0 22.0 22.0 19.4 6.5 9.6 7.6 8.1 5.0 18.1 23.0 24.0 17.4 18.5 3.0 3.1 8.6 5.0 19.2 20.3 23.0 23.0 24.0 24.0 19.5 3.3 9.1 5.0 8.0 5.0 17.0 26.0 26.0 17.0 18.0 0.0 0.0 8.5 5.0 18.0 19.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 19.0 0.0 9.0 5.0 �F - G E L � J Gross Stall Area (sq.ft.) 207 499 563 630 312 352 394 247 276 311 221 249 279 212 239 268 200 225 252 190 214 239 184 207 232 173 195 218 159 179 200 147 166 185 136 153 171 �-=- 19 26' ��.__._ 19' I T 9y WHEEL STOP 2 - COMPACT COM PACT COMPACT I COMPACT I I 17 ---A 1 COMPACT REQUIRED LANDSCAPING j �%(PER CHAPTER 6 CITY OF KENT ZONING CODE) �+--- 21' --+�- 17' 18.7 ' --• 21 LIGHT STANDARD COMPACT COMPACT j COMPACT 18.7 2' PERMITTED 'OVERHANG I I COMPACT COMPACT I 6'MIN.WIDTH FOR RAISED WALK 'l FA_ DOCK -HIGH LOADING DOOR ,^ ANGLED DOCKS Me PARKING