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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2364C� ORDINANCE NO. ;�d,-15 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington accepting transfer of a portion of the property and facilities of Water District 87 and directing the Mayor to petition for dissolution of the District. WHEREAS, the Commissioners of Water District 87 are desirous of disincorporating the District; and WHEREAS, the Cities of Kent and Auburn are willing to tenter into a contract to transfer respective portions of the water system to the Cities for future operations; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent has reviewed the proposal, a copy of which is attached hereto labeled Exhibit "A", and by this reference made part of this Ordinance; and no WHEREAS, the City Council finds that such a transfer ld allow for improved services to the customers of Water District 87; and WHEREAS, the City Council also finds that it is in the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent; NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DO iEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Transfer Agreement attached hereto labeled Exhibit "A" is hereby adopted and approved. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed :o petition the Superior Court of the County of King for the issolution of Water District 87. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this ordinance to all of the parties to the agreement attached hereto. Section 4.. This ordinance shall take effect and be in (force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and 1publication as provided by law. ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR (ATTEST: I BETTY ; ... Y, DEP ,TY CITY CLERK (APPROVED AS TO FORM: P. STEPHEN DiJULIO, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED theday of 1982. APPROVED the % j%day of 1982. PUBLISHED the �(J day of 1982 . I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BETT - GRAY, PEPUTY CITY CLERK 4 AGREEMENT CONCCE'aWIAG TRA,6FER OF `y.,' lG CGUN Y WATER DIS'i RICT WO. 87'S 'IWATZR SYSTEM TO THE CITIES OF AUBURN AND KENT April 1, 1982 IT IS AGREED by and between WATER DISTRICT 87, King County, a Washington Municipal Corporation ("WD 87"); and the Cities of AUBURN ("Auburn") and KENT, ("Kent") Washington, collectively, "the cities") as follows: 1. Autoority This agree.,,enz is enceraa i neo pursuant to RC'W 35A.13.070, which aut+iorizes one or riore cities and water districts to contract regarding ownership of property, providing dor water service, and operation of facilities. 2. Transfer of Water Systera The ownership of WD 87's entire "hater system" shall, as of the uaove date, be transferred and conveyed to Auburn and Kent, in the manner provided below. The term "water system" shall i nclude, but not be limited to, all WD 87 water mains and appurtenances; hydrants; easements; licenses; franchises; permits and facilities, rights and assets of any kind or nature whatsoever. Said transfer is subject to the cities' performance of all of the terms and conditions of this agreement. The cities hereby accept their respective portions of the water system on the terms of this agreement. 3. Division of System The entire WD 87 water system 'lying line will become the property of the the water system ( lying nor-6werly of become the property of Kent: southerly of the following described Auburn and the remaining portion of the following described line) shall Starting at a point of intersection on the westerly boundary line of WD #87 which is the easterly margin of the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad right-of-way with the southerly right-of-way line of S. 277th street and projecting easterly therefrom along said southerly right-of-way line to an intersection point with the easterly margin of the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way thence northerly therefrom along said easterly line to an intersection point with the northerly right-of-way line of S. 277th street thence projecting easterly therefrom along said northerly right-of-way line to the easterly boundary line of WD 487 which is the westerly line of S.S. Highway #5 (aka) East Valley Highway. WD 87's customer records will be divided between the cities, according to the above division of the water system and any temporary services. The limited hand tools and miscellaneous personal property owned by WD 87 will be transferred to Auburn. 4. Connection to Auburn System Tne cost of inter-connectting the WD �7 w ter system to .Auburn's water system shall be paid for from monies presently in the WD 87 maintenance fund. The City of Kent is presentiy connected to the WD 87 water system, and no further connections are presently needed. 5. Costs and Expenses/WD 87 Money The following shall be paid from WD 87 money, in the following order of priority: WD 87 routine debts and expenses. WD 87's attorney's fees for drafting of this agreement, and related work. Any attorney's fees arid/or cc:;ts i n oa';; J nq boL:,aary review oo iro or other governr,,ental approvals (user parayrapr, iC 'nereof) . Cost of i Ater-conccti ng Ine RSC 67 sys gem to Auburn's water system (per paragraph 4 hereof). To the extant -that any 10 87 m3noy -;J� Aif.& after;^ dayr,:eat of the above, the same shall be divined even" y oetweero the citses proportionate to the number of WD 87 customers to be served perman:!ntly by the cities. To the extent that the WD 87 funds are inadequate to pay all of the above, then the City of Auburn shall bear u;,y remaining cost of i neer-coanecti ng the water systems. If there is insufficient WD 87 money to oay all of the other above -listed items in full (other than !dD debts), then any amount remaining due shall be borne by the cities according to the same permanent customer ratio as above. 6. Service Interruptions The cities each agree that transfer of the water system will not result in any interruption of water service to any WD 87 customer other than that normally experienced in the day-to-day operation of the respective water systems. 7. Water Rates The cities each agree that former WD 87 customers shall, following transfer and in the future, be changed for water service, and pay the same connection and other charges, as the cities charge in each case, its other customers in tile same class o; service. Sevice shall also be of the same quality as that received by other customers in the same class. A 8. Temporary Service Auburn and Kent recognize, and agree, that until their respective water systems are readily available within the present WCC 87 service area, each will have to extend temporary water service to existing customers on the opposite side from them on the above described boundary line. During such temporary service, the customers shall pay the serving city's rates and charges, and tie serving city will maintain the water mains, hydrants and meters serving those temporary customers. The city temporarily serving such customers will turn over the customers to the other city on request. Both cities agree to cooperate in the transition of these customers from one city to the other and agree that water service to the customers will not be interrupted unnecessarily during the transition. No property temporarily served by one of the cities shall be assessed, or otherwise required to pay, for new•water mains or facilities in order to transfer their services over to the other city unless said property is specifically benefitted beyond the availability of the existing service. No new water services including five hydrants and rive service lines will be connected to a water main owned, by one city but temporarily being utilized to serve the above said customers (property), without the written consent of the other city. -3-2- 2/11/82 3-2- 2/11/82 9. Preferential E'mpioyment The employees of WD 87 shall be entitlea to Offers of comparable full-time employment from both Auburn and Kent, in accordance with RCW 35.13A.090. 10. Governmental Approvals If, in the opinion of either city, it is necessary to so obtain approval of this agreement by the King County Boundary Review Board, King County Council, and/or any other governmental body, then that city shall so notify the other parties to this agreement prior to transfer of WD 87's remaining monies to the cities. The cities shall detannine, between the,—,selves, which city (or WD 87) shall ootai . such approval(s). Regati dl, �s of who Obtains the approval(s), the cost the,^eof shall be paid from WD 81 funds to the extent available. 11. Financial Records WD 87's financial and other records are available on request, for inspection and copying by either of the cities. 12. WD 87 Indebtedness WD 87 shall, as above, pay all of its debts from its present funds. WD 87 warrants that on the effective date of this agreement it wil''have no debts. Further WD 87 has no bonds, warrants or similar oblications outstanding, and will not issue any in the future. WD 87 also warrants that it does not have any ULID or other assessments receivable, and will not form any improvement districts in the future. WD 87 warrants that, to the best of its knowledge and the knowlege of its Water Commissioners, there are no pending, asserted or threatened claims, suits or liens against it or any of its water system, monies or other assets. IF WD 87 or any its commissioners should receive notice or knowledge of any such claim, suit or lien prior to the effective date of this agreement, WD 87 will immediately notify other cities. The Water Commissioners of WD 87 shall not be personally liable for the foregoing warranties; and shall not be personally liable for performance of any of the terns of this agreement unless they shall., by Board of Water Commissioners's action, vote or otherwise cause to breach of this agreement. 13. WD 87 Continuing Authority. Following the effective dare of this agreement,' WD 87 shall remain a ':aunicipal corporation, and its commissioners shall remain in office for at least their present terms of office, unless WD 87 is sooner dissolved as set forth below. During the continued existence of WD 87, its commissioner shall not exercise any rights, privileges, powers or T'uncti ons provided by law to WD 87, except at the request of one or both of the cities. If such request is made by only one of the parties, then such.actions shall be taken only with respect to that city's. portion of the WD 87 water system. The WD 87 Commissioners shall not be obliged to undertake any action unless it is necessary to implement, clarify or carry out this agreement and, in such cas.e, the other city(ies) requesting the action shall thereby agree to save the WD 87 Commissioners harmless from any liability in respect to the same. 14. Dissolution of WD 87. Any one or more of the parties to this agreement, or anyone else having standing to do so, may petition and/or take such steps having standing to do so, may petition and/or take such steps as are necessary to dissolve WD 87 under any available statutory authority cad procedure. In the event. that WD 87 has not been dissolved within five (5) years of the effective date of this agreement, then the cities agree that they will immediately thereafter petition for the dissolution of WD 87 pursuant of RCW 57.90 governing the aisincorporaticri, of special districts that have not actively carried out any of the district's purposes or functions for a period of 3-3- 2/11/82 -3- 2/11/82 A five years, or any similar or oth&r statutes tne+n in effect. The cost of such di s j ,"icorrorati on shall be borne by the cities in the same proportion as other expenses are provided for in this agreement. 15. Approval uy Parties This agreement shall be submitted to the governing bodies of each of the parties and approved by City Ordinance and Water District Resolution. Certified copies of said ordinances and resolution shall be furnished each of the parties to this agreement. Adoption of said ordinances and resol uti �)n shall serve in lieu of signature to this agreca.ent. Notwiths-�andinq the effective date set forth as the beginning of this agreement, this agreement snail be effective 45 days after i t is approved by all t,,ree ;3) parties. DATED as of the date set fortis hereinabove. 1681-57A r Y OF J1�N ZC TY OO�F� KENT L WATER DISTRICT 0. 87, KING COUNTY 3-4- 2/11/82 KING COUNTY WATER DUSTRUCT NO.87 RISOLUTION NO. 57 A RESOLUTION approving an agreement with the City of Kent and the City of Auburn concerning the splitting of the assets afid service area of water District No. 87. BE IT RESOLVED that the attached agreement, dated the let of April, 1982, between the City of Auburn, City of Kent, and mater District No. 879 be, and it is hereby, approved. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Water District No. 87, King County, held this 5th day of January,1983• BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS WATER DISTRICT NO.87 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON b �.._— Robert Ros 1� v n JA by Dougl G.~arta m byk^,� Jo} h Valentine 'JAN ' f -3 1983 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I, Coralee A. McConnehey, the duly appointed, qualified City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a Municipal Corporation and Code City, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the fore- going is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 1341 entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, T•]ASHINGI'ON, AUTHORIZING THE TIAYOR OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, TO F.XE=, AN AG1UTMEW BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AT\10 =, G COUNTY TIATER DISTRICT NO. 87 CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF KING COUNTY T�ATFR DISTRICT N0. 87's TaATFR SYSTEM TO THE CITY OF ALMURN. I further certify that said Resolution No. 1341was duly passed by t Council and approved by the Mayor of the said City of Auburn, on the �th. day of July , A.D. , 1982 . WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this 13tiday of August , A.D., 1982 . C CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF AUBURN A 1 2 3i 4 5' 6, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 1 3 4 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 87 CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 871S WATER SYSTEM TO THE CITY OF AUBURN. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, IN A REGULAR MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED, HEREWITH RESOLVES THAT: THE Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington, is herewith authorized and directed to execute an Agreement between the City of Auburn and King County Water .District No. 87 concerning the transfer of King County Water District No. 87's water system. A copy of said Agreement is attached hereto, denomi- nated as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof as though set forth in full herein. THE Mayor is -hereby implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. DATED and SIGNED this 6th day of July, 1982. ATTEST: ------------------------ Resolution No. 1341 7/6/82 ITY OF AUBURN AY I