HomeMy WebLinkAbout2298i� O ORDINANCE NO.�� AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Sections 10, 11, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, & 28 of Ordinance 1776 as previously amended by Ordinances 1961, 2107, .40!F,- 2109, & 2235 relating to water rates and charges. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 10 of Ordinance 1776, as amended by Ordinance 1961, as amended by Ordinance 2235 and which reads as follows: $275 for each 5/8" x 3/4" connection $325 for each 3/4" connection $350 for each 1" connection $600 for each 1 1/2" connection $800 for each 2" connection On any connection the actual cost percent. over two (2) inches, the minimum charge shall be of the meter and installation, plus twenty-five In the event that the workload of the Water Department as determined by the Superintendent of Utilities is such that the installation of the water connection would interfere with the proper operation and maintenance of the water system, the Superintendent of Utilities may require that the property owner employ a licensed contractor to make the connection and install the necessary line and materials except the water meter. All such water services shall meet or exceed the standards and specifications approved by the Superintendent of Utilities. The minimum meter and inspection charges so established for this is as follows: $100 for each 5/8" x 3/4" connection $125 for each 3/4" connection $175 for each 1" connection $360 for 1 1/2" connection $500 for each 2" connection Any connection over two (2) inches, the minimum charge shall be the actual cost of the meter plus twenty-five percent. All such contractor installed connections shall be quaranteed by the contractor for a period of one (1) year. In the event an undersized meter is installed, deduction will be allowed from the above charge which will reflect the difference in cost between the undersized meter and the regular size meter. All service material (including water meter) will remain the property of the City. If the tap is changed to one of a larger size, the cost and expense of such change must be paid before the larger size tap is installed. "Section 10. Installation and Connection Charges Inside City ' Limits. Any property owner within water service shall pay a service, This charge will include the cost the City limits applying for a new material, and connection charge. of connection and laying of pipe a from the City water main to the which service is desired, or at a the main toward such property line, minimum charge so established for Department is as follows: property line of the property to distance of sixty (60) feet from whichever is shorter. The service installed by the Water $275 for each 5/8" x 3/4" connection $325 for each 3/4" connection $350 for each 1" connection $600 for each 1 1/2" connection $800 for each 2" connection On any connection the actual cost percent. over two (2) inches, the minimum charge shall be of the meter and installation, plus twenty-five In the event that the workload of the Water Department as determined by the Superintendent of Utilities is such that the installation of the water connection would interfere with the proper operation and maintenance of the water system, the Superintendent of Utilities may require that the property owner employ a licensed contractor to make the connection and install the necessary line and materials except the water meter. All such water services shall meet or exceed the standards and specifications approved by the Superintendent of Utilities. The minimum meter and inspection charges so established for this is as follows: $100 for each 5/8" x 3/4" connection $125 for each 3/4" connection $175 for each 1" connection $360 for 1 1/2" connection $500 for each 2" connection Any connection over two (2) inches, the minimum charge shall be the actual cost of the meter plus twenty-five percent. All such contractor installed connections shall be quaranteed by the contractor for a period of one (1) year. In the event an undersized meter is installed, deduction will be allowed from the above charge which will reflect the difference in cost between the undersized meter and the regular size meter. All service material (including water meter) will remain the property of the City. If the tap is changed to one of a larger size, the cost and expense of such change must be paid before the larger size tap is installed. If it becomes necessary during the installation of said connection on a time and material basis to break and replace either concrete or blacktop paving, then in each instance an additional charge shall be made to cover the cost of such repair;" is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 10. Installation and Connection Charges Inside Cit Limits. Any property owner within the City limits applying for a water service shall pay in full a tap charge plus a system development charge prior to issuance of the water service permit. The tap charge will include the cost of connection and laying of pipe from the City water main to the property line of the property to which service is desired, or at a distance of sixty (60) feet from the main toward such property line, whichever is shorter. The minimum tap charge so established for service installed by the Water Department is as follows: $275 for each 5/8" x 3/4" connection $325 for each 3/4" connection $350 for each 1" connection $600 for each 1 1/2" connection $800 for each 2" connection On any connection over two (2) inches, the minimum tap charge shall be the actual cost of the meter and installation, plus twenty-five percent. In the event that the workload of the Water Department as determined by the Superintendent of Utilities is such that the installation of the water connection would interfere with the proper operation and maintenance of the water system, the Superintendent of Utilities may require that the property owner employ a licensed contractor to make the connection and install the necessary line and materials except the water meter. All such water services shall meet or exceed the standards and specifications approved by the Superintendent of Utilities. The minimum tap charge so established for this is as follows: $100 for each 5/8" x 3/4" connection $125 for each 3/4" connection $175 for each 1" connection $360 for 1 1/2" connection $500 for each 2" connection For any connection over two (2) inches, the service connection shall include the meter and as such the tap charge shall be $25.00. All such contractor installed connections shall be guaranteed by the contractor for a period of one (1) year. The System Development charge is as follows: $550 for each meter less than 1 inch in size $979 for each meter 1 inch in size $2,200 for each meter 1 1/2 inches in size $3,910.50 for each meter 2 inches in size $8,800 for each meter 3 inches in size $15,642 for each meter 4 inches in size $24,442 for each meter 5 inches in size $35,200 for each meter 6 inches in size $62,579 for each meter 8 inches in size $97,779 for each meter 10 inches in size In the event an undersized meter is installed, deduction will be allowed from the above charges which will reflect the difference in cost including system development charges between the undersized meter and the regular size meter. All service material (including water meter) will remain the property of the City. If the tap is changed to one of a larger size, the cost and expense of such change must be paid before the larger size tap is installed. -2- If it becomes necessary during the installation of said connection on a time and material basis to break and replace either concrete or blacktop paving, then in each instance an additional charge shall be made to cover the cost of such repair." Section 2. Section 11 of Ordinance 1776 which reads as follows: "Section 11 Installation and Connection Charges Outside City. Any property owner outside the City limits applying for water service shall pay a service, material and connection charge. This charge will include the costs of connection and meter. The minimum charge so establihsed shall be the cost as established for inside City limits plus 50%.11; is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 11 Installation and Connection Charges Outside City_ Any property owner outside the City limits applying for water service shall pay in full a tap charge plus a system development charge prior to the issuance of a water service permit. The minimum charge so established shall be the cost as established for inside City limits plus 50% except the system development charge. Said system development charge shall be the same as for inside City limits". Section 3. Section 15 of Ordinance 1776 which reads as follows: "Section 15. If a property owner, lessee or occupant requests a change in meter size and/or water line size, an application therefore shall be made to the City Engineer. The charge for this service will be on a time and material basis. A credit on this charge will be made for the meter removed. This credit will be based on a depreciation schedule of twenty percent per year for the number of years the meter has been in service, with a minimum credit of $2.50. No credit will be allowed for the valves, meter box, or pipe originally installed"; is hereby admended to read as follows: "Section 15. If a property owner, lessee or occupant request a change in meter size and/or water line size, an application therefore shall be made to the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall review the application per compliance with Section 3 of this ordinance, should the request result in an increase flow capability to the property then the charge for this service shall include the respective system development charge otherwise, the charge shall be limited to just a time and material basis. In all cases a credit on this charge will be made for the meter removed. This credit will be based on a depreciation schedule of twenty percent per year for the number of years the meter has been in service, with a minimum credit of $2.50. No credit will be allowed for the valves, meter box, or pipe originally installed. Where a system development charge is included, a credit will also be given for that previously paid system development charge." Section 4. Section 18 of Ordinance 1776 which reads as follows: "Section 18. Water Turned On by Owner or Tenant Prohibited. Should the water be turned on to the premises by any one other than an employee of the Water Department after it has been turned off at City stop cock, it will be turned off again at the City stop cock and locked, and will not be turned on again until the charges as herein prescribed have been paid. Such charges will consist of the actual cost per hour, including overhead, of sending Water Department employees to return service to the account, plus the normal $3.00 turn on charge. However; in no case will the charge be less than $10.00"; is hereby amended to read as follows: -3- "Section 18 Water Turned On by Owner or Tenant Prohibited. Should the water be turned on to the premises by any one other than an employee of the Water Department after it has been turned off at City stop cock, it will be turned off again at the City stop cock and locked, and will not be turned on again until the charges as herein prescribed have been paid. Such charges will consist of the actual cost per hour, including overhead, of sending Water Department employees to return service to the account, plus the normal $15.00 turn on charge. However; in no case will the charge be less than $15.00." Section 5. Section 19 of Ordinance 1776 which reads as follows: "Section 19 Vacant Premises - Water Supply. Should it be desired to discontinue the use of water supply to vacant premises for a period of not less than thirty (30) days, notice in writing must be given to the Finance Department; the water will then be turned off; and will be turned on again on written application at a charge of three (3) dollars for such turn -on. No remission of charges will be made for a lesser period than thirty (30) days or without receipt of notice by the Finance Department."; is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 19. Vacant Premises - Water Supply. Should it be desired to discontinue the use of water supply to vacant premises for a period of not less than thirty (30) days, notice in writing must be given to the Finance Department; the water will then be turned off; and will be turned on again on written application at a charge of $15.00 for such turn -on. No remission of charges will be made for a lesser period than thirty (30) days or without receipt of notice by the Finance Department." Section 6. Section 21 of Ordinance 1776 which reads as follows: "Section 21 Turning Off - Turning On - Charges. For the purpose of paying the expense to the Water Department, a charge as hereinafter set forth is hereby fixed and made to turn off or turn on the water service to any building for the making within the building of any inspection, repair, maintenance, enlargement, replacement, addition, or change in or to the water line or lines, or plumbing, or plumbing fixtures, or for the purpose of connecting any kind of machine, appliance, toilet and/or bath facilities, or any other kind of plumbing in or to the water system located within the building when said building does not have stop and waste cock as required in Section 14. The charge shall be ten (10) dollars if the turn off and turn on is done within a period of forty-eight (48) hours, which charge shall be first paid to the City Treasurer before any water service is turned off or turned on for any of the purposes set forth above. If the turn off and turn on is not done within a period of forty-eight (48) hours, the charge is ten (10) dollars to turn off the water service and ten (10) dollars to turn on the service which charge shall be first paid to the City Treasurer before any water service is turned off or turned on for any of the purposes set forth above"; is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 21 Turning Off - Turning On - Charges. For the purpose of paying the expense to the Water Department, a charge as hereinafter set forth is hereby fixed and made to turn off or turn on the water service to any building for the making within the building of any inspection, repair, maintenance, enlargement, replacement, addition, or change in or to the water -4- line or lines, or plumbing, or plumbing fixtures, or for the purpose of connecting any kind of machine, applicance, toilet and/or bath facilities, or any other kind of plumbing in or to the water system located within the building when said building does not have stop and waste cock as required in Section 14. The charge shall be twenty-five (25) dollars if the turn off and turn on is done within a period of forty-eight (48) hours, which charge shall be first paid to the City Treasurer before any water service is turned off or turned on for any of the purposes set forth above. If the turn off and turn on is not done within a period of forty-eight (48) hours, the charge is fifteen (15) dollars to turn off the water service and fifteen (15) dollars to turn on the service which charge shall be first paid to the City Treasurer before any water service is turned off or turned on for any of the purposes set forth above. Section 7. Section 23 of Ordinance 1776 as amended by Ordinance 1961 as amended by Ordinance 2107 as amended by Ordinance 2109 and which reads as follows: "Section 23. Water Rates Within the Citv of Kent. The minimum monthly rate for: 0 - 499 cu. ft. 500 - 999 cu. ft. 1,000 - 1,999 cu. ft. 2,000 - 7,999 cu. ft. 8,000 - 14,999 cu. ft. 15,000 - 39,999 cu. ft. 40,000 - and over $4.50 .78 per 100 cu ft. .60 per 100 cu ft. .49 per 100 cu ft. .39 per 100 cu. ft. .30 per 100 cu. ft. .30 per 100 cu. ft." A monthly demand charge for service and meter is as follows: Less than 1 inch -0- 1 Inch $1.50 1 1/2 Inch 3.00 2 Inch 6.00 3 Inch 9.00 4 Inch 12.00 6 Inch 34.50 8 Inch 49.50 10 Inch 64.50 12 Inch 79.50" is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 23. Water Rates Within the City of Kent. The monthly rate is $0.20 per 100 cubic feet for 0 - 499 cubic feet and $0.64 per 100 cubic feet for 500 - and over, plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter as follows. 5/8" x 3/4" 3.40 1 inch 3.65 1 1/2 inches 5.00 2 inches 6.35 3 inches 9.65 4 inches 13.00 6 inches 19.35 8 inches 31.00 10 inches 44.30" Section 8. Section 24 of Ordinance 1776 as amended by Ordinance 1961 as amended by Ordinance 2107, as amended by Ordinance 2109 and which reads as follows -5- "Section 24. Water Rates Outside City of Kent. The minimum monthly rate for: 0 - 499 cu. ft. $6.75 6.75 2 inches 13.50 500 - 999 cu. ft. 1.17 per 100 cu. ft. 1,000 - 1,999 cu. ft. .90 per 100 cu. ft. 2,000 - 7,999 cu. ft. .74 per 100 cu. ft. 8,000 - 14,999 cu. ft. .59 per 100 cu. ft. 15,000 - 39,999 cu. ft. .45 per 100 cu. ft. 40,000 - and over .45 per 100 cu. ft. A monthly demand service and meter charge is as follows: Less than 1 inch -0- 1 inch 3.38 1 1/2 inches 6.75 2 inches 13.50 3 inches 20.25 4 inches 27.00 6 inches 77.63 8 inches 111.38 10 inches 145.13 12 inches 178.88" is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 24. Water rates outside City of Kent The monthly rate is $0.68 per 100 cubic feet plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter as follows: 5/8" x 3/4" 3.40 1 inch 3.65 1 1/2 inches 5.00 2 inches 6.35 3 inches 9.65 4 inches 13.00 6 inches 19.35 8 inches 31.00 10 inches 44.30" Section 9. Section 26 of Ordinance 1776 as amended by Ordinance 1961 as amended by Ordinance 2107 which reads as follows: "Section 26. Effective Date of Rates. The minimum rates and charges set forth herein shall be effective for water billed and charges made therefore from and after the lst day of August, 1978"; is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 26. Effective Date of Rates. The minimum charges set forth herein shall be effective from and after the 26th day of June, 1981. Those water service applications which correspond to a respective building permit application that was submitted and accepted by the building official on or before June 26, 1981 shall be exempted until October 23, 1981 from the system development charge portion of the water service fee. The minimum rates set forth herein shall be effective for water billed from and after the start of the next billing cycle." Section 10. Section 28 of Ordinance 1776 which reads as follows: "Section 28. Request for Meter Check. A customer may request a meter check. If it is found that said meter is registering less than or more than the requirements of the State of Washington for meter accuracy, no charge will be made. 10 If .it is found that the meter is registering in accordance with State regulations, a charge of five (5) dollars will be made for meters one (1) inch or less in size; and ten (10) dollars for any meter over one (1) inch in size. This charge will be added to the next water billing."; is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 28. Request for Meter Check. A customer may request a meter check. If it is found that said meter is registering less than or more than the requirements of the State of Washington for meter accuracy, no charge will be made. If it is found that the meter is registering in accordance with State regulations, a charge of twenty-five (25) dollars will be made. This charge will be added to the next water billing. Section 11. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ISABEL HOGA4,1 MAYOR ATTEST: BETTY GR Y, DEPUTY CITY CLERK PROVED AS TO FORM: DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the day of June, 1981 APPROVED the / jday of June, 1981 PUBLISHED the day of June, 1981 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. ! _� 9 - , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. pf/169A (SEAL) BETTY G , DEPUTf CITY CLERK -7-