HomeMy WebLinkAbout2234ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, providing for the condemnation and acquisition of certain property and property rights in the City of Kent for the purpose of widening and improving West Valley Highway, a public street in the City of Kent, and for providing right-of-way for 72nd Avenue South, a public highway in the City of Kent, and for utility easements a- long said 72nd Avenue South. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Attorney for the City of Kent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and/ or institute and prosecute to determination in the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in the County of King, an action in th name of the City of Kent for condemnation and acquisition of the following described property and property rights situated in the City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington, for the purpose of providing for the widening and improving of West Valley High- way, a public street in the City of Kent, and for providing right- of-way for 72nd Avenue South, a public highway in the City of Kent, and for utility easements along said 72nd Avenue South: Parcel 1 (McNae-Narod) The East 20 feet of the South 382.85 feet of the following des- cribed property: The Southeast quarter of the Northeast quar- ter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington EXCEPT portions thereof lying within South 212th Street and 68th Avenue South (Secondary State Highway No. 2M); and EXCEPT portion thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the West line of Secondary State Highway No 2M (68th Avenue South) and the South line of the South- east quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 11; thence North along the West line of said State Highway a distance of 200 feet to the true point of beginning; thence con- tinuing North along said West line a distance of 100 feet; thence westerly parallel to the North line of said Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, a distance of 140 feet; thence South parallel to the West line of said State Highway a distance of 100 feet; thence easterly parallel to the South line of said Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, a distance of 140 feet to the true point of beginning EXCEPT the North 650.7 feet as measured along the East line thereof. Parcel 2 (Green Valley Properties - Narod) The East 20 feet of the following described property: Beginning at a point on the East line of the Southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, a distance north 664.70 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section; and running thence north 89057150" west along the line of an existing fence marking the recog- nized South boundary of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 11, a distance of 660.00 feet; thence north parallel to the East line of said Section 11, a distance of 1584.00 feet to the true place of beginning of this des- cription thence south 89057150" east parallel to said fence line 660 feet to the section line; thence north along the said section line 414.16 feet to the north line of said South- east quarter of said Section 11; thence along the line of an existing fence marking the rec- ognized North boundary of said Southeast quarter, south 89055120" west 660.00 feet to a point which bears north from the true place of beg- inning; thence south 412.84 feet to the true place of beginning; EXCEPT that portion con- demned for State of Washington under Superior Court Cause No. 695013 EXCEPT the north 30 feet conveyed to the City of Kent for road purposes by deed recorded under Recording Number 7404150088. Parcel 3 (Bull) The East 20 feet of the following described property: That portion of the southeast quarter of Sec- tion 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W. M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said sub- division; thence north along the East line thereof 1984.70 feet to the true point of beg- inning; thence north 89157150" west 660 feet; thence north parallel to the East line of said subdivision 264 feet more or less to the South line of the following described property: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southeast quarter distance north 664.70 feet from the Southeast corner of said section; and running thence north 89057150" west along the line of an existing fence marking the recog- nized South boundary of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 11 a distance of 660.00 feet; thence north parallel to the East line of said - 2 - Section 11, a distance of 1584.00 feet to the true point of beginning of this description; thence south 89057'50" east parallel to said fence line 660 feet to the Section line; thence north along the said section line 414. 16 feet to the North line of said Southeast quarter of said Section 11; thence along the line of an existing fence marking the recog- nized North boundary of said Southeast quarter, south 89055120" west 660.00 feet to a point which bears north from the true place of beg- inning; thence south 412.84 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south 89057150" east along said South line to the East line of said Section; thence south along said sec- tion line 264 feet more or less to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT the East 30 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road under Recording Number 602279; EXCEPT any portion of the above described tract, if any, lying south of the North 660 feet of said subdivision; to- gether with any portion of the above described tract, if any, lying south of the North 396 feet of said subdivision. Parcel 7 (Alhadeff et al) The easterly 20 feet of the following described property: That portion of the East half of the South- east quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East W.M., in King County, described as follows: Beginning on the East line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 11, distance north 1456.7 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; thence north 89°57'50" west 660 feet; thence north parallel to the line of said Section 132 feet; thence south 89057150" east 660 feet to the section line; thence south along said sec- tion line 132 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the east 30 feet thereof for State High- way; together with any portion of the above des- cribed tract, if any, lying south of the North 1056 feet of said subdivision. Parcel 8 (Alhadeff et al) The easterly 20 feet of the following described property: That portion of the East half of the South- east half of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southeast quarter, distance north 1336.7 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 11 and the true point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence north 89°57150" west 660 feet; thence north parallel to the East line of said Section 11, a distance of 120 feet; thence south 89°57150" east 660 feet to the section line; thence south along said - 3 - section line 120 feet to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT the East 30 feet thereof for State Highway; together with any portion of the above described tract, if any, lying south of the North 1188 feet of said sub- division. Parcel 9 (Gorham et al) The easterly 20 feet of the following described property: Beginning at a point on the East line of the Southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, distance north 1192.70 feet from the Southeast corner of said section, said point being the true point of beginning of this description; running thence north 89° 57'50" west 660 feet; thence north parallel to the East line of said Section 144 feet; thence south 89°57150" east 660 feet to the East line of said section; thence south along said section line 144 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the East.30 feet thereof for State Highway; together with any portion of the above described tract lying south of the North 1308 feet of said subdivision. Parcel 10 (Burdic et al) The easterly 20 feet of the following described property: Beginning 30 feet west and 1716 feet south of the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence west 630 feet; thence north 264 feet; thence east 630 feet; thence south 264 feet to beginning; EXCEPT the South 90 feet of the East 242 feet thereof; together with any portion of the above described tract, if any, lying south of the North 1452 feet of said subdivision. Parcel 11 (Burdic et al) The easterly 20 feet of the following described property: Beginning 30 feet west and 1716 feet south of the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, thence west 242 feet; thence north 90 feet; thence east 242 feet; thence south 90 feet to beginning. Parcel 12 (Newton et al) The east 20 feet of the following described property: Beginning at a point on the East line of Sec- tion 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, north 664.70 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 11; thence north 89057150" west along the line of an existing fence marking the recognized South boundary of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Sec- tion 11 a distance of 660 feet to an angle point; - 4 - thence south 89154135" west along said fence line 660.45 feet, more or less, to an existing fence marking the recognized West boundary of the East half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 11; thence northerly along said fence line 265.46 feet; thence south 89°57150" east 1320.55 feet to the East line of said Section 11; thence south along said section line 264 feet to the true point of beginning EXCEPT that portion lying westerly of a line which begins at said angle point and runs north parallel to the East line of said Section 11, to the northerly line of the above described Tract; EXCEPT the East 30 feet thereof for the State Highway. Parcel 14 (Piha et al) The East 30 feet of the North half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT any portion thereof lying northerly of the following described line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter; thence south along the East line of said sub- division a distance of 193.59 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the herein described line; thence north 88005'16" west a distance of 262.25 feet to the terminus of the herein described line. Together with the following described easement for utility purposes: The West 10 feet of the East 40 feet of the North half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT any portion thereof lying northerly of the fol- lowing described line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said South- west quarter of the Northwest quarter; thence south along the East line of said subdivision a distance of 193.59 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the herein described line; thence north 88105116" west a distance of 262.25 feet to the terminus of the herein described line. Parcel 15-1 (Prudential Insurance -Flow Industries) All that portion of the following described Tract "X" lying within the North 330 feet of the West 635 feet of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; except the West 30 feet conveyed to King County for road purposes; and except that portion conveyed to State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5989217; Tract "X": That portion of the South half of the - 5 - Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said South half; thence west along the North line of said South half a distance of 30 feet; thence south 00 53146" west a distance of 600.72 feet, more or less, to a point of curvature, said point being a distance of 85.98 feet north of the South line cf said South half; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 55 feet, through a central angle of 90140'29"an arc distance of 87.04 feet to a point of tangency, thence north 88°25145" west a distance of 1132.49 feet, more or less, to a point of curvature, said point being a distance of 104.27 feet east of the West line of said South half; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 55 feet, through a central angle of 891131 50" an arc distance of 85.66 feet to a point of tangency; thence north 0148'06" east a distance of 498.58 feet; thence west a dis- tance of 20 feet to the East margin of West Valley Road (aka SR 181 and/or 68th Avenue South); thence south 0048106" west, along said East margin a distance of 582.85 feet to the South line of said South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter; thence south 88125145" east along the South line of said South half a distance of 1322.74 feet to the Southeast corner of said South half; thence north 0153146" east a distance of 686.7 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of said South half and the point of beginning. Parcel 22 (Spickler) The West 20.00 feet of the following described property: The South 105 feet of Lot 15 in Block 3 of Ross Fair Addition (corrected), according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 44 of Plats, Page 82, in King County, Washington. Parcel 23 (Spickler) The West 20.00 feet of the following described property: North half of Lot 14, Block 3, Ross Fair Addition (corrected) according to the plat thereof in Volume 44 of Plats, Page 82, in King County, Washington. Parcel 28 & 29 (Barnier) The West 30 feet of the following described property: The Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company for right-of-way under Recording Number 453930; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Puget Sound Power and Light Com- pany for right-of-way under Recording Number 2644020; EXCEPT the East 15 feet conveyed to King County for road purposes under Recording Number 2295214; EXCEPT Drainage Ditch, as con- demned by Superior Court Cause Number 32912. Together with the following described easement for utility purposes: The East 10 feet of the West 40 feet of the following described property: The Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company for right-of-way under Recording Number 453930; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Puget Sound Power and Light Com- pany for right-of-way under Recording Number 2644020; EXCEPT the East 15 feet conveyed to King County for road purposes under Recording Number 2295214; EXCEPT Drainage Ditch, as con- demned by Superior Court Cause Number 32912. Section 2. That the acquiring of said land for the purpose herein mentioned is for a public use and necessity. Section 3. Payment for land use herein described be acquired shall be made from City of Kent Street Department funds and from other City of Kent general funds which may be allocated for the purpose. Section 4. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be con- strued as a waiver by the City of Kent of its rights to decline to take and to pay for said land after the amount of damages has been ascertained and within the time allowed by law. section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR - 7 - ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN, PITY C ERK ROVED AS TO FORM: DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the APPROVED the PUBLISHED the f (o day of June, 1980. / day of June, 1980. day of June, 1980. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordi- nance No. 3 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE ENSEN, CITY CLERK