HomeMy WebLinkAbout2807Ordinance No. 2807 ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) Repealed by Ord. 3409 M ORDINANCE NC. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington., amending Kent City Code Section 15.04.100, to allow mini warehouses as a conditionally permitted use, with defined development standards, in the Community Commercial zoning district. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ZHE CITY CF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLCWS: Section 1. Kent City Zoning Code Section is amended as follows: 15.04.100. COMMUNITY CCNiMFRCIAL DISTRICT CR CC. Purpose: The purpose of this district is to provide areas for limited commercial activities that serve several residential neighborhoods. This district shall only apply to such commercial districts as designated in the Kent Comprehensive Plan. A. Principally Permitted Uses. 1. Retail estatlishments, selling primarily new merchandise, including convenience goods, shopping goods such as "soft lines" (clothing, shoes) and "hard lines" (hardware, furniture, paint, appliances). 2. Personal services such as barber and beauty shops, launderettes, dry cleaning establishments, television and radio repair, shoe repair. 3. Restaurants (excluding drive-in restaurants), taverns. 4. Veterinary clinics when located no closer than y one hundred fifty (150) feet to any residential use, providing they animals are housed indoors (no outside runs) and the tuilding is soundproofed. Soundproofing must to designed by competent acous- tical engineers. 5. Branches of financial institutions. 6. Car washes. 7. Nurseries and greenhouses. 8. Commercial recreational facilities including theaters, bowling alleys, skating rinks, miniature golf. 9. Cffice uses. 10. Any other use that is determined by the Planning Director to be the same general character as the above permitted uses and is in accordance with the stated purpose of the district. 11. Municipal uses and buildings, except for such uses and buildings subject to Section 15.04.200. (0.2695 §2) Existing dwellings may be rebuilt, repaired and otherwise changed for human occupancy. Accessory uses for existing dwellings may be constructed. Such uses are garages, carports, storage sheds and fences. B. Special Permit Uses. The following uses are permitted provided that they conform to the development standards listed in Section 15.08.020. 1. Gasoline service stations. 2. Drive-in restaurants. 3. Churches. 4. Nursery schools and day care centers. C. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, such as incidental storage facilities, loading and unloading areas. - 2 - D. Conditionally Permitted Uses. 1. General Conditional Uses as listed in Section 15.08.030. 2. Apartments (either by themselves or in conjunction with commercial uses), and building supply uses. 3. Auto repair facilities. 4. Mini -warehouses. Provided: that the following development standards shall apply for mini warehouses, superseding those set out in 15.04.100 (E), below. a. Frontage Use Reserved: The first 150 feet of lot depth (measured from the property line or right of way inward from the street frontage) shall be reserved for principally permitted uses for this district, defined by the provisions of 15.04.100 A-1, and/or fcr office/cn-site manager's unit, signage, parking and access. A maximum of 25% of the frontage Ray be used for access to the storage unit area, provided that: in no case shall the access area exceed 75 feet in width. Nc storage units/structures shall be permitted withinthis 150 feet commercial frontage depth. requirements. permitted. b. Lot Size. Minimum - 1 acre Maximum - 4 acres C. Site Coverage. Underlying zoning district d. Setbacks. Front Yard - 20 feet Side Yard - 10 feet Rear Yard - 10 feet e. Height Limitations. One story in height. f. Cutdoor Storage. No outdoor storage is - 3 - _. Signs The sign requirements of Chapter 15.06 shall apply. h. Off -Street Parking. 1 The off-street parking requirements of Chapter 15.05 shall apply. 2 off-street parking may be located in required yards except in areas required to be landscaped_. i. Development Plan Review. Development plan approval is required as prcvided in Section 15.08. Landscaping. Front Yard - 20 feet: T, e III (earth berms Side Yard - 10 feet: Type II abutting ccmmercial, 'Type I abutting residential uses or districts. Rear Yard - 10 feet: Type II abutting commercial uses or districts, Type I abutting residential uses or districts. Note: For maintenance purposes, underground irrigation systems shall be provicec for all landscaped areas. k. Cn Site Managers. A resident manager shall he required on the site and shall be responsible for maintaining the operation of the facility in conformance with the conditions of the approval The Planning Department shall establish requirements fcr parking and lcading areas sufficient to accommodate the needs of the resident manager and the customers to the facility. 1. Drive Aisles Drive aisle width and parking requirements are as follows: aisle. a 15 foot drive aisle and 10 foot parking - 4 - b. Parking for manager's quarters and visitor parking. m. Fuilding Lengths. The horizontal dimension of any structure facing the perimeter of the site shall be offset at intervals not to exceed 100 feet. The offset shall be no less (than 20 feet in the horizontal dimension, with a minimum: depth of 5 feet. ot" n. Materials Used. If abutting a residential use cf-zone, residential design elements such as brick veneer, (wood siding, pitched roofs with shingles, landscaping and fencing. No uncomplimentary building colors should be used when abutting,, a residential use or zone. o. Prohibited Uses. Restrict use to "dead (storage" only. Specifically prohibit the following: i. Auctions (other than tenant lien sales), commercial, wholesale, or retail sales, or garage sales. ii. The servicing, repair, or fabrication of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, lawn mowers, appliances or other similar equipment. iii. The operation of power tools, spray painting equipment, table saws, lathes, compressors, welding equipment, kilns or other similar equipment. iv. The establishment of a transfer and storage business. v. Any use that is noxious cr offensive because of odor, dust, noise, fumes, or vibration. vi. Storage of hazardous or toxic materials and chemicals, or explosive substances. fences. � Fencing. No razor wire allowed en top of - 5 - E. Development Standards. 1. Minirr.um lot. 10,000 square feet. 2. Maximum site coverage. Forty (40) percent. 3. Front yard. There shall be a front yard of at least fifteen (15) feet depth. 4. Side yard. Ncne except when abutting a more restrictive district, and then not less than twenty (20) feet width. 5. Rear yard. There shall to a rear yard of at least twenty (20) feet depth. 6. Height limitation. Three (3) stories or forty (40) feet. However, the Planning Director shall be authorized to grant one additional story in height, if during Development Plan Review, it is found that this additional story would not detract from the continuity of the area. Mcre than one additional story may be granted by the Planning Commission. 7. The landscaping requirements of Chapter 15.07 shall apply. 8. Cutdoor storage. Cutccor storage areas are jprohibitec. F. Signs. The sign requirements of Chapter 15.06 shall apply. G. Cff-Street Parking. 1. The off-street parking requirements of Chapter 15.05 shall apply. 2. off-street parking may be lecated in required yards except in areas required to to landscaped. - 6 - H. Development Plan Review. Development plan approval is required as provided in Section 15.08. Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after it's passage, approval and Fu.blicatior, as provided by law. Section 3. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence paragraph, subdivisions, section or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person cr circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder cf the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. ATTEST: DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR MARIE JENSEN,(, ITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: c _ I& 1 _ A DRI SCUL , CITY ATT PASSED the f day of CSC" , 1988 APPROVED thedayof , 1988. PUBLISHED the �~ _day of --C,7 , 1988. - 7 - I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the mayor of the City of Kent as hereo indicates. 6170-23C (SEAL) MARIEN,. EN, CITY CLERK - 8 -