HomeMy WebLinkAbout2850Ordinance No. 2850 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=131— Zoning Codes Passed 6/20/1989 Creating Gateway Commercial District and Establishing new Sec. 15.04.195 Repealed by Ord. 3409 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to land use and zoning, creating a Gateway Commercial (GWC) district establishing a new Section 15.04.195. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Kent City Code is amended to establish new Section 15.04.195 creating the Gateway Commercial (GWC) district as follows: 15.04.195. GATEWAY COMMERCIAL (GWC) DISTRICT. It is the purpose of the Gateway Commercial District to provide retail commercial uses appropriate along major vehicular corridors while encouraging appropriate and unified development among the properties within its district. It is designed to create unique, unified and recognizable streetscapes while ensuring land use compatibility and the exclusion of inappropriate uses. It is also intended to promote flexibility in appropriate areas of site design and to encourage mixed-use developments. The Gateway Commercial district recognizes the significance of the automobile while simultaneously minimizing its dominance in commercially -developed areas and avoiding unsightly highway strip -commercial development. Gateway Commercial's development standards promote land uses which minimize physical and visual impacts normally associated with highway commercial developments. Landscaping, parking and sign standards have all been enhanced as compared to the current commercial and industrial zoning districts. These standards will promote a viable, unique and recognizable commercial area along East Valley Highway. Moreover, the Gateway Commercial district will encourage the development of commercial uses capable of benefitting and ensuring the long-term enhancement of properties throughout the study area. A. Princivally Permitted Uses. 1. Retail establishments wherein all sales, storage, display occur within enclosed buildings. Such uses include the sale of food, clothing, furniture, appliances, hardware and similar "hard" and "soft" goods. 2. Personal services such as barber and beauty shops, shoe and clothing repair, funeral and crematory services, laundering and dry cleaning and photographic studios. 3. Office uses and professional services such as medical, dental and optometric offices, legal, architectural, engineering, real estate, banking and financial services and similar uses. 4. Business services such as blueprinting, photocopying, advertising and consulting services and similar uses 5. Restaurants, taverns and nightclubs, provided that, any restaurant with drive-in or drive-through facilities shall be located a minimum of 1000 feet from any other drive-in restaurant use. 6. Repair services wherein all repair and storage occurs within an enclosed building. Such uses include radio, television and small appliance repair, watch, clock and jewelry repair and similar uses but not automotive or vehicular repair. 7. Educational services and facilities such as art and music schools, barber and beauty schools and business schools.' 8. Miscellaneous services such as animal grooming parlors, business, civic, social and fraternal associations, welfare and charitable services, and veterinary clinics and animal hospital services when located no less than one hundred fifty (150) feet from any residential use, provided the animals are housed indoors and the building is soundproofed. 9. Hotels and motels. 10. Cultural, entertainment and recreational facilities including art galleries, museums, motion picture theaters, video arcades, athletic clubs, bowling alleys and enclosed skating rinks. 11. Governmental offices and facilities, except for such uses and buildings subject to Section 15.04.200. 12. Existing dwellings may be rebuilt, repaired and otherwise changed for human occupancy. Accessory buildings for existing dwellings may be constructed. Such buildings include garages, carports, storage sheds and fences. - 2 - 13. Crop and tree farming. 14. Any other use that is determined by the Planning Director to be the same general character as the above permitted uses and is in accordance with the stated purpose of the district. B. Special Permit Uses. The following uses are permitted provided that they conform to the development standards listed in Section 15.08.020. 1. Churches. 2. Nursery schools and day care centers. C. Conditional Uses. 1. Gasoline service stations, automobile repair (excluding auto body repair) and car washes. 2. Multiple family dwellings as permitted in Section 15.04.050. 3. Public assembly facilities such as amphitheaters, arenas, auditoriums and exhibition halls. 4. General Conditional Uses as listed in Section 15.08.030. D. Accessory Uses. Accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to permitted uses. Accessory uses shall include vehicular drive-through, drive-in or service bay facilities. E. Development Standards for Proposed Gateway Commercial District 1. Minimum lot. 10,000 square feet 2. Maximum site coverage. Forty (40) percent 3. Front yard. There shall be a front yard of at least fifteen (15) feet in depth. 4. Side yard. A. A side yard of at least five (5) feet in depth shall be provided along the side property line(s), except no side yard shall be required between adjacent properties where a common, shared driveway with a perpetual cross -access easement is provided to serve the adjoining properties. B. Where a side yard abuts a residential district, a side - 3 - yard of at least twenty (20) feet shall be provided. 5. Side yard on flanking street of corner lot. Fifteen (15) feet. 6. Rear yard. A rear yard of at least five (5) feet in depth shall be provided, except when a rear yard abuts a residential district, then a rear yard of at least twenty (20) feet in depth shall be provided. 7. Height limitations. Three (3) stories or forty (40) feet. An additional story and/or building height may be added, up to a maximum of five (5) stories or sixty (60) feet, with one (1) additional foot of building setback for every additional foot of building height over forty (40) feet. 8. Vehicular drive-through, drive-in and service bays. All vehicular drive-through, drive-in, service bay and similar facilities shall be designed so that such facilities, including j vehicular staging or stacking areas, shall be oriented away from the adjacent street. Additional landscaping and/or fencing may be required to ensure visual screening of these facilities from the adjacent street or properties. 9. The landscape requirements of Chapter 15.07 shall apply. F. Landscaping Requirements shall include: 1. Where buildings abut the required front yard, a landscape strip at least fifteen (15) feet in depth shall be provided. Where vehicular parking areas abut the required front yard, a landscape strip at least twenty (20) feet in depth, with an earth berm at least 36" in height, shall be provided. 2. A landscape strip at least five (5) feet in depth shall be provided along the side property line(s) of all independent development sites. - 4 - IN No landscaping along the side property line(s) shall be required between adjacent properties where a common, shared driveway with a perpetual cross -access easement is provided to serve the adjoining properties. Where side property line(s) of a commercial use abuts a residential district, a landscape strip at least ten (10) feet in depth shall be provided. 3. A landscape strip of at least fifteen (15) feet in depth shall be provided along side property lines flanking the street of a corner lot. Where vehicular parking areas abut the required side yard, an earth berm at least 24 inches in height shall be provided. 4. A landscape strip of at least five (5) feet in depth shall be provided along all rear property lines. Where rear property line(s) of a commercial use abuts a residential use, a landscape strip of at least ten (10) feet in depth shall be provided. 5. Alleneral g provisions of Section 15.07, Landscaping Regulations, shall apply. G. Sign Regulations: 1. Aggregate sign area. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each foot of street frontage. Aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed three fourths (3/4) square foot for each foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated below shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. A. Identification signs: Occupancies. Each business establishment may have one (1) freestanding sign per street frontage (if not located in a shopping center) and one (1) wall sign per street frontage. i. Freestanding signs. Freestanding signs shall not exceed a height of fifteen (15) feet. The maximum sign - 5 - area permitted is one hundred (100) square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed fifty (50) square feet. Said sign may be illuminated. Freestanding signs shall not rotate. ii. Wall signs. One wall sign per street frontage shall be permitted. The total area of all signage, graphics, or other advertising shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the building facade to which it is attached. B. Identification signs: Shopping centers. One freestanding or one wall shopping center identification sign shall be permitted for each street frontage of the shopping center. The maximum sign area permitted for a freestanding sign is one hundred (100) square feet. No one face shall exceed fifty (50) square feet. Freestanding signs shall be limited to fifteen (15) feet in height. Said sign may be illuminated. Freestanding signs shall not rotate. One wall sign shall be permitted per occupancy, except anchor tenants (business establishments with a store frontage of at least one hundred (100) feet in length) shall be allowed two wall signs. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the building facade to which they are attached. 2. All general provisions of Section 15.06, Sign Regulations, shall apply. Section 2. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ATTEST: Lq Lx�a"DA14 KELLEHER, MAYOR MARIE JENSFAq,JCITY AS TO FORM: COLL, CITY A PASSED the cz;�� day of , 1989. APPROVED the c, day of , 1989. PUBLISHED the �(� day of , 1989. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordina No.a g-5 0 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as he indicated. 7220-260 ( SEAL) MARIE JENSE ITY C RK - 7 -