HomeMy WebLinkAbout284661 YA ORDINANCE NO. � AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, approving and confirming the assessments and the assessment roll of Local Improvement District 327 which has been created and established for the purposes of widening and improving West Valley Highway from South 212th Street to West James Street, the installation of a sidewalk on South 220th Street from West Valley Highway to the east side of 72nd Avenue South, and the construction of a sanitary sewer line on the west side of West Valley Highway from a point approximately 275 feet north of southwest corner of Section 12, Range 22, Township 4 East, W.M., to a point approximately 150 feet north thereof, all in accordance with Ordinance 2761; and levying and assessing the amount thereof against several lots, tracts, parcels of land and properties shown on the roll. WHEREAS, the assessment roll levying the special assessments against the properties located in Local Improvement District 327 has been filed with the Clerk of the City of Kent as provided by law; and WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of hearing thereon and of making objections and protests as to the roll was duly published at and for the time and in the manner provided by law, fixing a time and place of hearing thereof for March 21, 1989, (April 4, 1989, and April 18, 1989 all at the hour of 7 o'clock p.m in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in the City of Kent, Washington, and further notice thereof was duly mailed by the City Clerk to each property owner shown on the roll; and WHEREAS, the City Council held such public hearings and considered all written and verbal testimony before it and heard the protests by representative of the property owners of Assessments No. 47 and 63; and WHEREAS, the Council finds that the lots, tracts, parcels �of land and other properties within LID 327, excluding Assessments No. 47 and 63, are specially benefited by the improvements in at least the amount charged against the same; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District 327 which has been created and established for the purposes of widening and improving West Valley Highway from South 212th Street to West James Street, the installation of a sidewalk on South 220th Street from West Valley Highway to the east side of 72nd Avenue South, and the construction of a sanitary sewer line on the west side of West Valley Highway from a point approximately 275 feet north of southwest corner of Section 12, Range 22, Township 4 East, W.M., to a point approximately 150 feet north thereof, all in accordance with Ordinance 2761 be and the same is hereby in all things and respects approved and confirmed in the amount of $4,733,748.36. le -- Section 2. Findings. 2.1 Each of the lots, tracts, parcels of land and/other properties shown upon the roll, except Assessments No. 47 and 63, as legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference is hereby determined and declared to be specially benefited by the improvements in at least the amount charged against the same and the assessment appearing against the same is in proportion to the several assessments appearing upon the roll. There is hereby levied and assessed against each lot, tract, parcel of land and other property appearing upon the roll the amount finally charged against the same thereon. Section 3. 3.1 The assessment roll as approved and confirmed shall be filed with the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting of the City of Kent for collection, and the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice as required by law stating that the roll is in her hands for collection and a payment of any assessment thereof or any portion of that - 2 - assessment can be made at any time within thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of the notice without penalty, interest or cost, and that thereafter the sum remaining unpaid may be paid in ten (10) equal installments with interest at an estimated rate of 11 percent per annum, with the exact interest rate to be fixed in the ordinance authorizing issuance and sale o the LID bonds for LID 327. The first installments of assessments on the assessment roll shall become due and payable during the thirty (30) day period succeeding the date one (1) year after the date of the first publication by the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting of notice that the assessment roll is in her hands for collection and annually thereafter each succeeding installment shall become due and payable in like manner. If the whole or any portion of the assessment remains unpaid after the first thirty (30) day period, interest upon the whole unpaid sum shall be charged at the rate as determined above, and each year thereafter one of the installments, together with interest due on the whole unpaid balance, shall be collected. Any installment not paid prior to the expiration of the thirty (30) day period during which sum installment is due and payable shall thereupon become delinquent. All delinquent installments shall be subject to a charge of interest at the rate as determined above and for an additional charge of 9 percent penalty levied upon both principal and interest due upon such installment or installments. The collection of such delinquent installments will be enforced in the manner provided by law. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ATTEST: 5=72 � fir_ MARIE JENSEN,/ CITY CLE4K D KELLEHER, MAYOR - 3 - APPROVED AS TO FORM: DRISCOLL, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the �� day of APPROVED the -� day of PUBLISHED the _day of , 1989. , 1989. , 1989. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinanc No. " , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as here indicated. 7230-260 A -- ( SEAL) MARIE J EN, CITY CLERK - 4 - L.I.D. 327 West Valley Highway Improvements (S. 212th St. to James St.) EXHIBIT "A" BOUNDARY LEGAL DESCRIPTION The West 856.73 feet of the following. The North Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Township 22 North, Range 4 East, EXCEPT portions in of -way. Lots 1 and 2 Flow SP 78-37 Recording #7902130695. half of the Section 12, public right- -The Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East EXCEPT the East 108.00 feet of the West 278.00 feet of the South 159.00 feet of the North 189.00 feet thereof AND EXCEPT portions in public right-of-way. The East half of the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, AND the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 11 EXCEPT portions thereof lying in public right-of-way. The Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, EXCEPT portions in public right- of-way. That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter in said Section 12 lying Westerly of 70th Avenue So. and 72nd Avenue So. including therein all recorded plats. EXCEPT portion lying easterly of the east line of Ross Fair Addition (corrected) in Volume 44 Page 82 King County Washington, lying Southerly of a line which lies 501.00 feet south of the south line of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest•, quarter in said Section 12 and lies north of the easterly intersection of the north 'line of Lot 12 in Block 3 of said_ Ross Fair plat AND EXCEPT any portions thereof lying in public right-of-way. Lots 1 and 2 -Arden Mayfair No.11 SP#77-20 recorded in King County under Recording #7707260759. Lots 1, 4 and 5 Block 1 Upland Corporate Park recorded in Volume 108 Page 38 and 39 in King County, Washington. Lot 1 of Western Electric SP#83-10 recorded under King County Recording #831280552. Lots 1, 7, 8 and 9 Van Doren's Landing SP #86-6 recorded under King County Recording #8606301093. /L LID 327 West Valley Highway Improvements (S. 212th to W. James St.) Boundary Legal Description 10/26/87 Page -2- The Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter in Section 14, Township 22 North, Range 4 East EXCEPT portions in public right of way. The Northeast quarter of the. Southeast quarter in Section 14, Township 22 North Range 4 East EXCEPT portions in public right- of-way AND EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within King County Drainage District #1. Lots 1 and 4 Green River Industrial Park SP#74-1 recorded in King County under Recording #7808170845. Lots 5 and 10 except the North 37.40 feet thereof and Lots 6, 7and 9 EXCEPT the South 40.00 feet of said Lot 9 all in Block 4 of Kenthurst Addition Volume 57 pages 58 and 59 in King County Washington. Lot 2 Scholle S.P. #86-14 recorded in King County under Recording #8612101194. Tract 2 Meeker's Supplemental Plat 1st Addition to Kent Volume 5 Page 96 and a portion of Tract 3 in said Meeker's Plat which portion is lying Westerly of State Highway EXCEPT County Road AND EXCEPT portion of said tracts lying South of the following described line. Beginning at a point on the West margin of County Road which point lies 131.00 feet North of the North line of So. 238th St. being the True Point of Beginning of line; thence S 89056100" West a distance of 141.04 feet; thence North at right angles to said street a distance of 0.50 feet; thence West parallel with said street to a point on the West line of Tract 2 and the terminus of line That portion of Tract 3 in said Meeker plat together with the West half of vacated Washington Avenue adjoining lying Easterly of State Highway EXCEPT the East 87.00 feet, measured from centerline of said vacated Avenue of the South 120.00 feet thereof AND EXCEPT portions for public right-of-way. Tract 6 in said Meeker's Plat EXCEPT Beginning at the Southwest corner of Tract 6 being the True Point of Beginning of exception; thence East along the South line thereof a distance of 354.28 feet; thence the North at right angles to the last described line a distance of 102.20 feet; thence N 89003115" West to a point on the West line of said Tract 6; thence South along said West line thereof to the True Point of Beginning of this exception EXCEPT portions in public right-of-way. EXCEPT• Lot 1, Green River Industrial Park Short Plat of City of Kent SPC 74-1, Rec. AF #7808170845. Tax Lot 62 in Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. (1322049062) AND Lot 2 and 3 Meekers Supplemental Plat 1st Addition to Kent portion 2 and of 3 Westerly of secondary state highway #5M and West of County Road and North of line beginning on West line of 2 at point 128 feet North of North line of street thence East 386 feet thence Easterly to point 141.04 feet West of Westerly line of County Road and 127.50 feet North of North line of street thence East 141.04 feet to West line of County Road less beginning at Northeast corner thereof thence West 100 feet thence South 165 feet thence East to West line of highway thence Northerly along West line of highway to beginning. (5436200023) All lying within City limits of kent, King County, Washington.