HomeMy WebLinkAbout2829rA 10rdinance No. 2829 ['Beginning July 1, 199$9'] (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) Amended by 3606 V� fz , ORDINANCE NO. �= �'�_: �� 1„� AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, lV Washington, relating to the Comprehensive Water System Plan, adopting the 1988 Water System Plan for the City of Kent. WHEREAS, the City has prepared an update of its Comprehensive Water System Plan in conjunction with the Critical Water Supply Plan for the South King County area; and WHEREAS, the Plan was prepared pursuant to and in accordance with the guidelines and standards developed by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services; and WHEREAS, the Plan has been submitted to the appropriate agencies for review and/or approval, including the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, the Department of Ecology, and King County; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DORS HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The 1988 Comprehensive Water System Plan, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby adopted. Section 2. Effective Date, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ATTEST: DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: SANDRA(D81scubb, CITY y PASSED the - day of 198q. (�i 1 APPROVED the// day of , 1981. PUBLISHED the —day of . 1989• I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. r?��-<passed by the city council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereo indicated. 6440-240 (SEAL) MARIE JEN,52N, CIT7 CLERK - 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY II. INTRODUCTION III. PLANNING AREA DESCRIPTION General Service Area Boundaries Characteristics of the Service Area Population Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM General Sources Water Treatment Transmission Mains Pressure Zones The High East HIII System The Low East Hill System The Valley System The West Hill Systems Recent System Improvements V. HISTORY OF THE WATER SYSTEM VI. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS AND FIRE DEMANDS General The 529 System The 354 System The 240 System Saturated Demand The 485 System The 590 System Saturated Demand Summary VII, STORAGE FACILITIES General 590/485 System w 240 System 529/354.5 System Summary VIII. WATER SUPPLY Peak Dependable Flows Yearly Average Flows Page 3 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 27 28 31 37 37 38 39 39 41 41 42 43 44 59 59 59 60 61 62 63 63 63 r XII. FINANCIAL PLAN AND REVENUE PROGRAM 131 State and Federal Grants 131 Developer Extension 132 Systems Development Charge 133 Short-term Program 133 of XIII. SYSTEM OPERATIONS PROGRAM 141 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED General Management and Operations Responsibility 141 142 Preventive Maintenance Program Page Water Quality Monitoring Requirements 144 Watershed Inspection VIII. WATER SUPPLY (Cont.) 63 64 Potential Sources 65 Emergency Response Contractual Sources 65 System Vulnerability 148 Water District #75 66 City of Auburn 66 City of Tukwila 66 City of Renton 66 City of Seattle b7 City of Tacoma 67 Other Sources 67 Water Quality Considerations IX. WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 89 One: -Day Peak Demand 89 90 Demand Under Saturated Development Spatial Variation of Demand 91 X. DEMAND VS. SUPPLY - THE ALTERNATIVES 103 Introduction 103 103 The Plan Meeting Demands in the Individual Pressure Zones 103 XI. THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 115 Tacoma Green River Pipe Line No. 5 115 The Storage Impoundment 116 116 Water Quality Considerations 117 Kent Springs Transmission Main Rebuild The Auburn Well Field 118 XII. FINANCIAL PLAN AND REVENUE PROGRAM 131 State and Federal Grants 131 Developer Extension 132 Systems Development Charge 133 Short-term Program 133 of XIII. SYSTEM OPERATIONS PROGRAM 141 General Management and Operations Responsibility 141 142 Preventive Maintenance Program 43 Water Quality Monitoring Requirements 144 Watershed Inspection 146 147 Cross Connection Control Satellite System 147 Emergency Response 147 148 System Vulnerability 148 Public Notifications 7] XVIII. APPENDICES TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED August Temperature Extremes August 19$1 Daily Water Production Record 207 Page 211 the Water Quality Effects of XIII. SYSTEM OPERATIONS PROGRAM (Cont.) 151 Agreements with Water Purveyors 235 Emergency Phone Numbers 152 249 Preparation Common to All Emergencies 153 XIX. BIBLIOGRAPHY Major Fire 154 Earthquake 156 Chlorine Gas Leakage Mechanical Failure of Pumping Equipment 157 Bomb Threat 158 162 Major Power Outage Accident or Illness to Personnel 1 64 Subzero Weather 166 XIV CONSTRUCTION AND OR THE WA7 R D STRIBU ONS STEDEVELOPMENMSTANDARDS Design 181 181 System 183 Fire Protection 185 Domestic Water Service 186 Cross Connections 187 Materials 189 Installation of Mains Separation of Water Mains and Sewers 190 Surface Water Crossings 191 XV. AGREEMENTS WITH NEIGHBORING PURVEYORS 193 XVI. RELATED PLANS 195 195 Comprehensive Plan 195 Sewerage Plan 195 Neighboring Water Purveyors XVII. SUMMARY 197 XVIII. APPENDICES .199 201 August Temperature Extremes August 19$1 Daily Water Production Record 207 Summary of Investigations on 211 the Water Quality Effects of the Proposed Kent Reservoir Reports on Source Water Quality Analyses 215 225 Agreements with Water Purveyors 235 Declaration of Environmental Impact 249 Annexation Covenant XIX. BIBLIOGRAPHY 251 C 0 Number Iltl€ 2 4 6 ® 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 LIST OF TABLES Distribution Mains Minimum Fire Flow Requirements Distribution of Demand in Valley System Peak Hourly Flows Apportioned to Various Sectors Seven Highest Industrial Water Users Industrial Flows Water Rights Held by the City of Kent Peak Dependable Flows Equivalent Yearly Average Supply Sources of Supply and Respective Service Areas Daily Production Record Summary Valley Drilling Results Drilling Results Summary Projected Water Demands Water Demand under Saturated Development High Demand Users Supply Requirements for the 590 and 485 System Projected Water Budget at Garrison Creek Reservoir Peak Day Outlet Flows from Guiberson Street Reservoir 50 Year Capital Improvement Program Cost Comparisons on Kent Springs Transmisson Main Alternatives Estimated Costs for the Proposed Five -Year Comprehensive Water Plan Total Operating Expenses Existing User Charges Monitoring Requirements Maximum Contaminant Levels Ranges of Values of Daily Water Samples iv Page Number 29 47 49 51 53 55 69 71 73 75 77 79-81 83 93 95 97 107 109 111 121 123 135 137 139 169 171 173 0 D F1 D LJ 1-1 F7 D- 7 7 7 F] D L� Ll LIST OF FIGURES Number T1flg 1 Location of Kent Service Area 2 Service Area Boundaries 3 Topographic Map 4 Map of Population Distribution 5 Existing Land Use 6 Proposed Land Use 7 Existing and Proposed Facilities 8 Map of Fire Flow Development Classifications 9 Valley Drillings 10 Exploratory Drillings Since 1979 11 Projected Peak Day Demands 12 Map of High Demand Users 13 Projected Supply vs. Demand for the Kent Water System 14 Capital Improvement Program 15 Existing Land Contours 16 Impoundment Configuration 17 Kent Water System Schematic 18 Water Utility Organizational Chart 19 Kent & Clark Springs Watershed Area Page Number 11 13 15 17 19 21 in back pocket 57 85 87 99 101 113 125 127 129 175 177 179 p I I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This section provides a brief overview of the conclusions and recommenda- tions included in this Water System Plan. Analysis of recent trends indicate that demand for water in the Kent system will increase at about 5 percent per year over the next thirty years. At saturation development, the one -day peak demand will level off at about 31 to 32 MGD. Present sources are adequate to meet peak day demand; however, during an extremely dry/hot spell, the City needs to buy some water from adjacent purveyors. The situation will become more critical as demand grows. An analysis of alternatives available to the City shows the implementation of Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line #5 project, the development of the 212/208 -SR 167 Aquifer and the development of the impoundment storage reservoir as being required to meet future supply demands. It also dictates the development of the Auburn Ranney well field should the Tacoma project not materialize. The capital expenditures required for this plan is anticipated to be financed out of operating revenues. The five-year capital improvement program totals $8,004,000 for which adequate funds are perceived as being available. 10 7 M 7 L1I' F1 _1_ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 17 17 17 11 17 - 2 - 0 [J D 7 M 71 II. INTRODUCTION This Water System Plan for the City of Kent has been developed pursuant to the guidelines and standards promulgated by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). It offers an overview of the facilities of the Kent Water System and of the physical, economic, and political milieux in which they function. It examines alternative plans for meeting expected future demands for water in the service area, selects the most cost-effective approach, and summarizes a plan to finance the necessary capital improve- ments. Previous planning efforts included a Comprehensive Water Report developed for the City in 1972, a Water System Plan developed in 1979, a Water System Plan Amendment prepared in 1982, a 1984 update which incorporated information from the 1979 plan, the 1982 Amendment, plus more recent data and analyses on system needs and possible strategies to meet those needs, and this update which was done in conjunction with the Critical Water Supply Plan for the South King County area. - 3 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT 6 - 4 - F11 Ll 11 0 F1 11 III. PLANNING AREA DESCRIPTION General This section provides the basic planning data pertinent to the Water System Plan. It provides a description of the water system's service area, population of the service area, and the present and projected land use patterns based on adopted plans. Service Area Boundaries The service area encompasses the incorporated City of Kent plus some additional unincorporated areas within the jurisdiction of King County. Figure 1 shows the location of the service area; Figure 2 shows its bounda- ries. The area covers approximately 27 square miles and is a franchise right granted by the county. By Ordinance No. 1315 on October 23, 1973, King County granted the City of Kent franchise rights for water main installation, mainte- nance, and operation in the area. Since October, 1973, there have been no changes regarding the boundaries of the service area, and no changes are planned in the foreseeable future. On the east, the service area boundary coincides with that of Water District No. 111 and Soos Creek Sewer and Water District, on the north it coincides with the mutual Kent/Renton and Kent/Tukwila city limit lines, on the west it coincides with that of Water District No. 75, and on the south it coincides with the service area boundary of the City of Auburn. Characteristics of the Service Area Residential, commercial, and industrial uses of land are interspersed in the service area. The area's easy access to the employment centers throughout the Seattle and Tacoma area makes it well suited to commuter -oriented, resi- dential development. Kent is close to Seattle, Tacoma, Sea -Tac International Airport, two major transcontinental rail lines, and two major interstate free- ways. There are substantial amounts of flat, industrially -zoned land which attract new industry to the Kent area. Industrial growth is transforming the use from agriculture to industry along the Kent valley floor. Continued eco- nomic and population growth is expected for the next several years. At present, about 20 square miles in the service area are within the City of Kent. The principal topographic features are the Green River Valley and the upland plateaus rising from both sides of the valley. The valley itself - 5 - 0 extends from the adjoining City of Auburn on the south through Kent to the cities of Tukwila and Renton on the north. It is about 2-1/2 miles wide with an elevation ranging from 30 to 40 feet above sea level on the valley floor. The West Hill rises abruptly to about 400 feet, while the East Hill rises to a similar elevation with a more gentle slope. Because of the East Hill's more gentle slope, more development has occurred there. The topography of the service area is shown in Figure 3. The geological features of the Puget Sound area are primarily the result of processes which occurred about 15,000 years ago during the Vashon period of the great Frasier glaciation, Most of the region was covered by ice several hundred feet thick. As the ice moved, it compressed the underlying earth and carved it into the valleys and ridges present today. In addition, the glacier scraped away the pre-existing soil of the area. As the ice retreated, it left behind the geologic and soil types characteristic of glaciated areas. The geological formations of the surface area consist predominantly of a very dense and consolidated material called glacial till over varying thicknesses of clay, sand, or bedrock. The till is overlain by alluvial material. The service area is influenced by the West Coast marine climate, which is characterized by mild, wet winters and cool, relatively dry summers. Most of the precipitation occurs as rainfall, although snow does occur almost every year. Approximately 75 percent of the rainfall occurs between October 1 and April 1, with a mean annual precipitation of 34.1 inches in Kent. *] Temperatures are moderated by the proximity of Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean. The mean annual temperature in Kent is 51.7 degrees Fahrenheit, although extremes of 100 degrees Fahrenheit and minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit have been recorded. Winds from the south prevail in the fall and winter, gradually shifting to a northerly direction in late spring and summer. Population The City of Kent serves water in an area of 27 square miles. The 1983 population is estimated at about 31,250. Population distribution irr 1980 is illustrated in Figure 4. It shows large areas of little or no population, which are primarily industrial and undeveloped areas, but which also include agricultural lands. The most densely populated areas (more than five people per acre) are found on West Hill, south of the Central Business District, in the 485 system, and the Park Orchard area of East Hill. (� Predicting population growth is an imprecise task. Recent projections as I� developed by the City indicate a growth rate of 3.13 percent annually. At fp such a rate, the system would serve 42,530 people by 1993 and 57,900 by the U year 2003. Since other predictions place the growth rate at around 2 percent, these estimates are conservative and represent the worst case possible. I - 6 - I Existing Land Use The hillsides and plateaus flanking the Green River Valley support dis- tinctively different uses from those in the Valley. Figure 5 illustrates the spatial variation of current land use in the area served by the Kent Water System. On the East Hill, scattered developments of single family homes are sur- rounded by rural residential areas and by pasturelands. A few wooded areas are found, areas are concentrated ealally ongecially p KangleyRoad, although n steep slopes. ts mem�are also dfound lnorth along 104th Avenue S.E. and along S.E. 256th Street near Lake Meridian. Parks are found along Mill Creek and along Soos Creek. Commercial areas are concen- trated along 104th Avenue S.E. particularly at the intersection of Kent- Kangley Road and of S.E. 240th Street. There are Avenue S.E., ino amountsof 240 land St Bused INfor office space along Kent-Kangley, Historically, the Green River Valley has been used for agricultural purposes because of its excellent soil. However, because of its location near urban centers and transportation corridors and facilities and because of the construction of new utilities and flood control levees along the Green River, the valley is being transformed into an industrial area with residential areas lining the hillsides. Increasing property taxes have forced many farmers to sell their lands, when farming was no longer profitable, to speculators who lease land to farmers until the land is ready to be developed to a more profitable land use. On the valley floor, commercial areas dominate the central business district (CBD) between James Street and Willis Street, between Kennebeck Avenue and SR 167, and are scattered heavily throughout the central and eastern portions of the valley. They are also important west along Meeker Street and south of the CBD along Central Avenue. Minor amounts of multi- family residential units are located mostly between Meeker and James west of West Valley Highway (SR 181) with some blocks scattered around the CBD. Single family residential areas are found around the CBD and scattered in small amounts throughout the Valley floor. Residential agriculture is very scattered mostly along West Valley Highway and along the Green River. Agri- cultural lands are concentrated south of the Green River and in the north rawcentral area west of West Valley Highway. Open space, or undeveloped areas, are scattered with some large tracts in the west central valley. Industrial areas occupy more space than any other classification in the valley; larger properties are found primarily north of S. 228th Street and are dominated by the Boeing complex between S. 196th Street and S. 212th Street, between West Valley Highway and the Green River; smaller industrial properties are south of 228th, mostly along Central Avenue and SR 167. Single family residential use dominates the West Hill area with commercial areas at scattered locations. There are some areas of multi -family resi- dential use on the eastern slope, but the slope is primarily open space. E Proposed Land Use Much The zoning within the service area follows the trend outlined above. of the valley is zoned Industrial and Commercial interspersed with other uses, while the hillsides and the higher elevations are zoned primarily Single Family Residential, Multi -Family Residential, and Neighborhood Commercial. Figure 6 illustrates these patterns. Land use plans for the East Hill area indicate that single family resi- dential use will supplant nearly all of the pastureland, wooded areas, and rural residential areas, although some rural residential areas will be re- tained near Soos Creek and further east. Green belts, or open space, will remain primarily along the creeks and hillsides. Multi -family residential use will expand, particularly around Kent-Kangley Road as far east as 116th Avenue S.E. In addition, it will be concentrated along 104th Avenue S.E. near S.E. 240th Street, along 108th Avenue S.E. near S.E. 208th Street, and between 100th Avenue S.E. and 112th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 240th Street and S.E. 256th Street. The commercial areas at 104th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 240th Street and at 104th Avenue S.E. and Kent-Kangley Road will expand, but other neighborhood commercial areas will remain essentially unchanged. Office space and limited commercial use will expand dramatically to include all the area on 104th Avenue S.E. between the commercial areas at S.E. 240th Street and S.E. 256th Street (Kent-Kangley intersection.) This use will also dominate in the area bordering Mill Creek southwest of the Kent-Kangley intersection with 104th Avenue S.E. A portion of the service area falls within the Soos Creek Plateau Land Use Plan. This Plan covers the East Hill of Kent and substantial areas lying to the east. The zoning of those areas of the service area which fall within the Soos Creek Plan is Single and Multi -Family Residential and Neighborhood Commercial, which is similar to that called for by the City's Comprehensive Plan. In the Valley area, industrial use is expected to occupy all the space north of S. 228th Street and SR 167 and east of the Green River. There will also be substantial tracts of industrial land south of the Green River along SR 167 and a smaller area, just southwest of the CBO and north and east of the Green River. The commercial areas along Central Avenue will expand, as well as those in the CBD and along West Meeker and West Valley Highway near their intersection with each other. Single family residential use will be com- pletely supplanted by commercial and multi -family residential uses. The multi -family residential areas will expand dramatically, occupying rather large tracts scattered around the commercial areas and filling a large area between S. 240th Street and S. 228th Street, between the Green River and the West Valley Highway. Open space will be found along the Green River and on steep slopes. Agricultural land will remain only south and west of the Green River. On West Hill, the single family residential area will remain largely the same as it is now, although a small amount will be lost to an expanded com- mercial area around Military Road and 38th Avenue S. Multi -family residential use will be somewhat expanded on the eastern slope and greatly expanded in the - 8 - I LI Kent Highlands area, north of the Kent -Des Moines Road, where a planned com- munity is scheduled to be developed on a landfill site. Open space will re- main in reduced amounts, due largely to the expansion of multi -family resi- dential areas. Overall, the character of Kent will change and intensify present trends in land use. The Valley floor will be dominated by industrial uses with com- mercial and multi -family residential also using significant amounts of land. The East Hill will lose almost all of its open space to single family resi- dential area, while multi -family residential and commercial areas will expand substantially. The West Hill will have fewer changes with an increase in multi -family residential being the biggest change. AM IN The effect of these changes will be to increase water demand greatly on the Valley floor and in the high East Hill system. Peak demands in the Valley should be during daytime business hours and will be relatively unaffected by variations in weather. On the other hand, demand on East Hill and West Hill will have peaks in early morning and early evening, especially as temperatures climb and lawn irrigation increases significantly. There will be a large amount of growth in water needs on East Hill and moderate growth on West Hill. I C U W - 9 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK I fl Figure 1 Location of Kent Service Area Shelton ton lake Sammamish SERVICE AREA Figure 2 Service Area Boundaries - 13 - LI L F1 I -7 ki 0 0 0 CI 0 Figure 3 Topographic Map of the City of Kent Contour interval: 100' _ 15 - Scale: I" -0.6m a r W w I 7j) inn Ll i a C w V Q i b Q bA ..� y •+ � � O a � h w � � [4 0. Ll i IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM Sources Most of the water for the City of Kent system is received from two sources. The Clark Springs source is located near the Kent-Kangley Road, just east of the Maple Valley -Black Diamond Road in the 245th block east. The City owns 300± acres at this source all of which have been annexed into the City for municipal purposes. The site is segregated by Kent Kangley Road and by Rock Creek. Rock Creek flows through the property in a westerly -northwesterly direction. The water intake facilities which are located in the mid westerly part of the property consist of 3 wells and an infiltration gallery. The combined production capacity, thereof is about 7.71 million gallons per day (MGD) which corresponds to the rights granted under Certificate No. 7660-A. In the past, continuous pumping at 7.71 MGD resulted in total loss of the well field in six to seven days. In 1985, however, the Clark Springs facility was totally rehabilitated including high pressure cleaning of the well holes and the installation of variable speed control on the pump motors. The results based on '86 summer peak demand use increased the maximum dependable flow therefrom from 4 MGD to 6 MGD. Conservatively, equivalent yearly average is 6.75 MGD based on 6 months at 7.5 MGD and 6 months at 6 MGD. The Kent Springs source is located near S.E. 288th Street and 216th Avenue S.E. The City owns 75± acres at this source all of which have been annexed into the City for municipal purposes. The site is segregated by Jenkins Creek which flows through the property in a westerly direction. The water intake facilities which are located in the middle of the property consists of the two wells and a spring fed infiltration gallery. Although the rights and claims appear to total 11.61 MGD and the yield during the winter is estimated at 6.3 MGD, the actual production capacity is limited to 2.5 MGD by the capacity of the transmission main. The main was originally designed to carry 3.2 MGD, but its condition has deteriorated to the point that 2.5 MGD is the maximum flow that can be accommodated. Furthermore, due to recent total loss of the - 23 - General The City of Kent's distribution system consists of over 147 miles of mains, 8 reservoirs with a total capacity of approximately is 20.9 million jointly gallons (MG), and five pump stations. One 3.5 MG reservoir owned by the City and Water District No. ill. There are five pressure zones/eleva- tions, which comprise five sub -areas. The sources of supply for the City are, and, second- primarily, the Clark Springs source and the Kent Springs source in arily, several wells on East Hill. A schematic of the system and is given transmission, Figure 17, Page 175. This section will address the source the storage and distribution facilities within each of facilities, as well as the five pressure zones (Figure 7 in back pocket). Sources Most of the water for the City of Kent system is received from two sources. The Clark Springs source is located near the Kent-Kangley Road, just east of the Maple Valley -Black Diamond Road in the 245th block east. The City owns 300± acres at this source all of which have been annexed into the City for municipal purposes. The site is segregated by Kent Kangley Road and by Rock Creek. Rock Creek flows through the property in a westerly -northwesterly direction. The water intake facilities which are located in the mid westerly part of the property consist of 3 wells and an infiltration gallery. The combined production capacity, thereof is about 7.71 million gallons per day (MGD) which corresponds to the rights granted under Certificate No. 7660-A. In the past, continuous pumping at 7.71 MGD resulted in total loss of the well field in six to seven days. In 1985, however, the Clark Springs facility was totally rehabilitated including high pressure cleaning of the well holes and the installation of variable speed control on the pump motors. The results based on '86 summer peak demand use increased the maximum dependable flow therefrom from 4 MGD to 6 MGD. Conservatively, equivalent yearly average is 6.75 MGD based on 6 months at 7.5 MGD and 6 months at 6 MGD. The Kent Springs source is located near S.E. 288th Street and 216th Avenue S.E. The City owns 75± acres at this source all of which have been annexed into the City for municipal purposes. The site is segregated by Jenkins Creek which flows through the property in a westerly direction. The water intake facilities which are located in the middle of the property consists of the two wells and a spring fed infiltration gallery. Although the rights and claims appear to total 11.61 MGD and the yield during the winter is estimated at 6.3 MGD, the actual production capacity is limited to 2.5 MGD by the capacity of the transmission main. The main was originally designed to carry 3.2 MGD, but its condition has deteriorated to the point that 2.5 MGD is the maximum flow that can be accommodated. Furthermore, due to recent total loss of the - 23 - 0 aquifer, no firm yield during the summer demand is relied on therefrom. The equivalent yearly average yield based on 6 months at 2.5 MGD and 6 months at 1.1 MGD is 1.8 MGD. When the water demand exceeds the capacity of the Clark Springs and Kent Springs sources, additional wells are activated. The East Hill Well, located at S.E. 246th Street and 104th Avenue S.E. can provide 3.0 MGD during a peak period of limited duration and a yearly average supply of 0.98 MGD, based on 120 days per year of pumping. The Garrison Creek Well, which is located at S. 218th Street and 98th Avenue S., can supply 0.57 MGD during peak demand and 0.12 MGD as a yearly average, based on 90 days of pumping per year. It pumps directly into the 218th Street, 6 MG reservoir, which supplies the Valley system. The Seven Oaks Plat Well, located at S. 258th Street and 118th Avenue S.E. can yield 1.28 MGD at peak demand and 0.42 MGD on a yearly average, based UN on 120 days of operation per year. It pumps directly into the Clark Springs Transmission Main. Armstrong Springs Wells, located at SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) and just east of Wax Road, can yield 1.7 MGD at peak demand and 0.42 MGD on a yearly average, based on 90 days of operation per year. It pumps directly into either the Clark Springs Transmission Main or Kent Springs Transmission Main. The 212th Street Well, located at S. 212th and SR 167, can yield 3 MGD at peak demand and 0.49 on a yearly average based on 60 days of operation per year. It pumps directly into the Valley system. If the demand exceeds the capacities of all these sources, water can be obtained through interties with Water District #75 or the City of Tukwila or on an emergency basis through an intertie with the City of Renton. Water Treatment The only treatment of the water supplied to the Kent consumers is chlorin- ation and fluoridation. Chlorination takes place at the Kent Springs and Clark Springs sources, at East Hill Well, at Seven Oaks Well, at Armstrong Springs Wells and at S. 212th Street Well. Fluoridation takes place at the abandoned Pump Station #1 at 152nd Avenue S.E. and Kent-Kangley Road and also at both the East Hill Well and the Seven Oaks Well for the water pumped from those sources. To preserve this minimum treatment level, the City has no plans to surplus any of its watershed properties. In fact, it has recently instituted a water shed inspection program to assure itself that land use activity, present & future, in the affected area will not impair the City's water quality. Although the City has informally followed this program in the past, it's now officially documented. The details of the program are reflected in (� Chapter XIII. U IF U - 24 - L Transmission Mains The Clark Springs Transmission Main, which originates at the Clark Springs source and terminates at the 6 MG reservoir on 98th Avenue S. and S. 240th Street, consists of about 6.0 miles of 21 -inch main, 1.7 miles of 18 -inch IN main, and 1.7 miles of 16 -inch main. It has a gravity flow capacity of 5 MGD with the reservoir full and 5.8 MGD with the reservoir empty, but under forced Springs which cannot be transmitted by the Kent Springs main when the two IN wells are being pumped can be diverted to the Clark Springs main through an intertie at Kent Springs, if conditions allow. The Clark Springs production flow condition, the main has a capacity of 7.5 MGD with a head of 110 feet. per minute (gpm), or about 5.4 The Kent Springs transmission main has a theoretical gravity flow capacity accommodate the added flow of 3.2 MGD but a practical capacity of about 2 to 2.5 MGD, due to the deterio- the two transmission mains rating condition of the main. It consists of 2,384 feet of 36 -inch, 1,082 combined capacity with the feet of 30 -inch main, 3.78 miles of 24 -inch main, 4.92 miles of 16 -inch main, level at 240 feet (the and 4,366 feet of 10 -inch main. The excess production capacity of Kent Springs which cannot be transmitted by the Kent Springs main when the two IN wells are being pumped can be diverted to the Clark Springs main through an intertie at Kent Springs, if conditions allow. The Clark Springs production Pressure Zones 14 14 must be below 3800 gallons per minute (gpm), or about 5.4 MGD, for the main to accommodate the added flow from Kent Springs. Thus, the combined capacity of Hill the two transmission mains at gravity flow ranges from 7 MGD to 7.5 MGD. The 590 system); the low combined capacity with the Clark Springs line pressurized is 9.5 MGD to 10 MGD. 485 system); the valley level at 240 feet (the 240 Pressure Zones 14 14 The total service area is divided into five sub -areas, each of which has a distinct hydraulic level. These pressure zones are: the high East Hill level, at elevation 590 feet above sea level (the 590 system); the low East IN Hill level at 485 feet (the 485 system); the valley level at 240 feet (the 240 system); the low West Hill level at 354.5 feet (the 354 system); and the high West Hill level at 529 feet (the 529 system.) and UAM IN feet The High East HIII System IN The Clark Springs main discharges into a 6 MG tank (the James Street tank), which is located west of 98th Avenue S. and north of S. 240th Street and which serves as a holding reservoir. Its high water surface elevation is 14 - 25 - at 416 feet. Water is pumped from it into a 1 MG tank and a 3.5 MG tank, each with a high water surface elevation of 590 feet. Water is also pumped from the East Hill Well into these tanks. These two tanks which serve the high East S.E. Hill pressure 236th Street zone are located respectively near 112th Avenue S.E. and near 124th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 286th Street. and The boundaries of this zone within the Kent system extend as far as 124th Avenue S.E. on the east, S.E. 277th Place on the south, 98th Avenue S. on the west, and S.E. 224th Street on the north. Included within this zone are 1200 feet 14 - 25 - F of 16 -inch mains, 5.8 miles of 12 -inch mains, 3.6 miles of 10 -inch mains, 20.7 miles of 8 -inch mains, 10.6 miles of 6 -inch main, and 1 mile of 4 -inch mains (Table 1). Three of the four interties with Water District #111 which lie just east of the Kent system are serviced from the high East Hill system. These three interties are located near 124th Ave SE at SE 256th Street, at SE 277th Street and at SE 282nd Street because the high East Hill system and District's system (� are at the same hydraulic elevation, they can operate as a single system. In ll® fact, when Kent was the District's sole water source they were operated as one. Today, however, with the District supplying its own water, these f� interties are off. The fourth intertie with the District is located at 150th (� Place SE and Kent Kangley Road. This intertie takes water directly out of the Clark Springs Transmission Main and pumps into the District's reservoir. This intertie is also off. With the closing of the interties, the District takes no benefit from the 3.5 MG tank at 124th Avenue SE and SE 286th Street which is jointly owned and operated. Their future use of this tank is predicated on a water supply connection to Tacoma's GRPL #5 project. The Low East Hill System The low East Hill system at elevation 485 feet serves the westerly slopes of East Hill. Its boundaries are approximately 98th Avenue S. to the east, S. 257th Street to the south, Clearview Avenue S. to the west, and the north extremity of 222nd to the north. This system draws its supply from a 125,000 gallon elevated steel tank adjacent to the 6 MG, 416 foot elevation holding reservoir. It includes about 1,700 feet of 10 -inch mains, 2.7 miles of 8 -inch mains, 8.9 miles of 6 -inch mains, 1,700 feet of 4 -inch mains, and 1 mile of 2 -inch mains (Table 1). Pump Station No. 5, which is located at the site of the James Street tank, serves both pressure zones of the East Hill system with three pumps. One of the pumps serves the 125,000 gallon tank at elevation 485 feet. At 1,150 RPM, the pump can deliver 1,075 gpm. Another pump serves the two tanks at eleva- tion 590. At 1,750 RPM, it can deliver 1,950 gpm. The third pump serves both pressure zones. At 1,150 RPM, it can deliver 1,075 gpm to the 485 system; and at 1,750 RPM, it can deliver 1,950 gpm to the 590 system. At present capacity (� if the third pump is serving the lower East Hill, a total of 2,150 gpm (3.1 ll® MGD) can be supplied to the 485 system, while 1,950 gpm (2.8 MGD) can be supplied to the 590 system. On the other hand, if the backup pump is serving f� the higher East Hill system, 1,075 gpm (1.5 MGD) can be supplied to the lower (� system, while the higher one receives 3,900 gpm (5.6 MGD). There is space in the pump station for the installation of two more pumps, yielding an ultimate Pumping capacity of 11.2 MGD to the 590 system and 1.5 MGD to the 485 system. Alternatively, 3.1 MGD could be delivered to the 485 system, while 8.4 MGD could be supplied to the 590 system. The 485 system is also intertied to the 590 system in the vicinity of Pump Station #5 through a pressure reducer station. The pressure reducer station is only activated when the 125,000 gallon reservoir is either taken out of service or some other problem pro- hibits supplying water to the system via Pump Station #5. Another intertie to the 590 system exists on Woodland Way near Scenic Hill Elementary School - 26 - a F] through a control valve. It opens when pressure in the 590 system drops extremely low, a situation that might occur during a main break or fire in the I mmediate area. The Valley System This system has a hydraulic elevation of 240 feet and is served by two tanks. The 6 MG tank at S. 218th Street and 98th Avenue S. (Garrison Creek Reservoir) serves the northerly portions of the valley system. Its primary water source is gravity flow from the James Street tank. However, the Garrison Creek Well, the 212th Street Well, the Tukwila intertie and the Renton intertie can also feed it. The 3 MG tank near Kensington Avenue and Seattle Street, also known as the Scenic Hill Reservoir, or Guiberson Street Reservoir serves the southerly portions of the Valley system, It receives its water directly from the Kent Springs source via the Kent Springs main. Water District #87 has been dissolved. In terms of the area served, the total consumption, and the length of mains serving the system, the Valley system is the most extensive and the largest of the three systems. Excluding the 16 -inch main which delivers water from the James Street tank to the Garrison Creek Reservoir, the system con- tains about 11.3 miles of 16 -inch mains, 17.5 miles of 12 -inch mains, 17.4 miles of 10 -inch mains, 9.5 miles of 8 -inch mains, 13.5 miles of 6 -inch mains, 2.9 miles of 4 -inch mains, and 1,600 feet of 2 -inch mains (Table 1). The boundaries of the Valley system extend from S. 180th Street on the north to S. 277th Street on the south, and from the base of the West Hill slope on the west to approximately 98th Avenue S. on the east. Most of the large diameter mains are located in the northern part of the Valley system, while most of the 6 -inch and 8 -inch mains are located in the downtown area of Kent. The West Hill Sytems Similar to the East Hill systems, the West Hill systems consist of two major pressure zones. The lower one operates at a hydraulic elevation of 354.5 feet and the higher one operates at elevation 529 feet. Two sub areas of the higher elevation are further pressurized by individual continuous Ego running pumping stations to elevation 560. The low level is served by a 1 MG tank, located in the vicinity of Reith Road and S. 256th Street. The higher elevation is served by a 300,000 gallon tank (Cambridge Reservoir), located near 34th Avenue S. and S. 264th Street. The West Hill system is primarily supplied through the Valley system via a 12 -inch main which crosses the Green River along Meeker Street and terminates at Pump Station No. 3, at the intersection of Lake Fenwick Road and Reith Road. From here the water is pumped into the 354.5 elevation, 1 MG tank. 11 - 27 - r This pump station has two pumps each with a capacity 900 gpm (1.3 MGD). Under is operating. Pump Station No. 4, normal operating conditions, only one pump 1 MG tank site, pumps the water into the 529 -foot which is located at the 300,000 gallon tank and contains three pumps, two electric -driven elevation, 900/1000 gpm each and one electric/diesel-driven at 1800 gpm. The combined at capacity, however, due to distribution line restrictions is 2500 to 2600 gpm. the electrical pumps is operat- Under normal operating conditions only one of tem be to the 9 system of the West Hill sI eDistrict throughaanrintertiecan owith sWater #75d located on the east side of-5 and S. 240th Street. The West Hill system includes 2.69 miles of 18 -inch mains, 2000 feet of 10 5.1 16 -inch mains, 3,500 feet of 12 -inch mains, 3,000 -feet of -inch mains, 2,590 feet of 4 -inch mains, miles of 8 -inch mains, 8.9 miles of 6 -inch mains, (Table 1). The area served by the two pressure PP and 1640 feet of 2 -inch mains West Hill System is bounded by the Kent -Des Moines Road to the zones of the Road to the east, by north, by Lake i,candoad and the Kent -Des ONE by S. 272nd Street to thees south. Interstate 5 to the weste 11 - 28 - Recent System Improvements In the past few years, the City has undertaken a number of projects to Among those improvements upgrade the water storage and distribution system. 3.5 MG reservoir built jointly with Water District 111; the 116th are the Avenue main with over 6,000 feet of 12 -inch main; the modification to the West Kent Springs with the Hill pump stations; development of two new wells at 5 MGD; the installation of a complete system of tele- combined capacity of controls and equipment; the installation of chlorination and metering metric facilities at Kent Springs; the construction and development of East Hill Oaks Plat Well, and Armstrong Springs Wells; Well, Garrison Creek Well, Seven the construction of the East Hill Pump Station #5; the transmission main at Tukwila; the 98th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 244th Street; interties with Renton and S.E., S.E. 256th Street, and at 118th Avenue S.E., water mains on 104th Avenue and S.E. 284th Street; and the replacement of five miles of the Kent Springs Transmission Main. In addition, wells have been drilled at two sites, near the intersection SR 167, for of S. 212th Street and SR 167 and near that of S. 208th Street and 4.25 MGD has been determined. However, the which a combined safe yield of level of the water exceeds the maximum contaminant levels allowed by manganese State standards. The cost of the requisite treatment to reduce the manganese full concentrations to acceptable levels mitigates against their immediate 3 MGD, however, has been developed whereby use. One well with a capacity of dilution is the form of treatment used. 1 - 28 - Table 1 Distribution Mains Length of Main (Miles) _29_ A 0 C L1 J J V. HISTORY OF THE WATER SYSTEM In 1955 the City of Kent adopted its first Comprehensive Water Plan. Since then the system has undergone numerous improvements and additions which are summarized in the following synopsis: YEAR ITEM 1955 1. A comprehensive plan � for water supply and distribution was adopted by the Cif Kent. 1957 1. The Clark Springs water source was developed together with a transmission main from Clark Springs to Kent Springs and a ooster pump station was installed on the existing trans- mission main. 1958 1. East Hill Water System Improvements were made, consisting of a booster pump station, transmission line, and 125,000 gallon elevated storage tank near t e intersection of South 240th Street an t venue South. 1959 1. Two pumping stations, two storage reservoirs, and transmission mains were comp(e. 1964 1. The Clark Springs Transmission Main from Kent Springs to Kent was completed. This provided t -e-- ity of Kent with a second independent transmission main for supply of water. 1965 1. The construction of North Industrial Water Mains serving areas adjacent to the West Valley Highway, South 212th Street, and South 228th Street was completed. 1966 1. Federal funds from the Department of Economic Development Administration were obtained to pay a portion of the costs of additional water mains to serve the North Kent area, two 6 MG reservoirs together with required transmission facilities, construction of wells and pum Ong stations to increase the capacity of Clark Springs, an a roo over the existing 3 MG ground reservoir on Guiberson Street. 1967- 1. The 6 MG reservoir at South 240th Street and 98th Avenue South 1968 was constructed. 1969 1. The South 218th Street Supply Ma 2 was completed from the 6 MG reservoir at South 240t treet and 98th Avenue South to the North Industrial Area. 2. The construction of Phase 2 of the North Industrial Water Mains and the South 180th Street mains was completed. 3. The roof over the 3 MG reservoir on Guiberson Street was completed. - 31 - 11 - 32 1 YEAR ITEM 1970- 1. The 6 MG concrete reservoir on South 218th Street and adjacent 1971 supe y ines were constructed. 1972 1. The 1972 Comprehensive Water Report was completed. 1976 1. The East Hill Pump St�a��t���ioon�n No. 5 near S. 240th and 98th Avenue Oka S. was completed.pumps water from the James Street tank to the 484 and 590 system. 2. The distribution main was completed along 104th Avenue S.E. from reet to S.E. 267th Street and along S.E. 267th from 104th Avenue S.E. to 102nd Avenue S.E. 1978 1. The distribution main was constructed along 116th Avenue S.E. from en t- ang ey oad to S.E. 280th Street and along S.E. 280th Street from 116th Avenue S.E. to 120th AVenue S.E. to service the 3.5 MG joint reservoir. 2. Two wells, each with a capacity of 2.5 MGD, were developed at Kent rings and brought on line. 3. A 3.5 MG reservoir for joint use with Water District No. 111 was comp ete t serves the 590 system and is located near 120th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 288th Street. 1979 1. The transmission mainfromStation No. 5 at 98th Avenue m5 S S. an 90 system at 104th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 244th Street was constructed. 2. The water main on S.E. 256th Street from 116th Avenue S.E. to 104t viler enue T.E. was reconstructed. 10 MGD Kent 3. Chlorination facilities with a capacity of at J prings were cons rue e . 4. The water system's telemetry and control system was upgraded. 5. The capacities of the West Hill Pumping Stations No. 3 and 4 were increased. 6. The Water System Plan was completed. were con- 7. Interties with the Tukwila and Renton water systems structed to allow the City of kent to supplement its supply during peak demand periods. 8. East Hill Well, capable of producing 2.3 MGD, was drilled and eve ope 9. Policy was adopted to deny water service to properties outside tFe City limits. - 32 1 Ll YEAR ITEM 10. The City resolved to remove all customers from the Kent Springs Transmission Main. 1980 1. The City adopted the Brown and Caldwell financial plan. 2. The City drilled, developed, and tested wells at the following sites: - 33 - Results A. Cambridge Well (S. 265th & Military Rd. S) TZ077 B. Linda Heights Park (S. 248th St. & 35th Ave S) Dry Hole C. Garrison Creek Well (S. 218th St. & 98th Ave S) 500 GPM D. Sees Creek Well (Kent-Kangley & 118th Ave SE) 900 GPM 3. East Hill Well was placed in operation with remote monitor and con ro capa i ity.. 1981 1. A consortium of Water Districts 105, 111, and the City of Kent exp ore or additional water resources at the following sites: Site Owner Results A. MiTi7reek Canyon City of—Kent M—Gm (Smith St. & Jason Ave) B. City of Kent 1 MG Reservoir City of Kent 300 GPM (112th Ave. SE & SE 236th St) C. Joint Use Reservoir Consortium 160 GPM (124th Ave. SE & SE 286th St) D. Lake Sawyer Consortium 75 GPM (Hardisty Property) E. Lake Morton Site Consortium 50 GPM (Romano Property) F. Covington Park Consortium 50 GPM (192nd Ave. SE & SE 260th) G. Clark Springs Site Kent Dry Hole H. Water District No. 111 WD #111 150 GPM Tank (127th Ave SE & SE 256th St) 2. The City adopted Ordinance #2298, which established a system development charge on new water service connections, set new perms ees, etc. - 33 - YEAR ITEM 3. The City amended policy on water service outside the City limits to allow deve'lopers to provide an offsetting supply of water. 1981- 1. Garrison Creek Well was constructed and placed into operation, 1982 Supp yang up o . 5 MGD to the Valley System. 1982 1. West Hill Distribution Main, which consists of 8,000 feet or -inc an -inc mains, was installed from Cambridge Reservoir to Military Road to improve fire flows and water pressure. SR 167. 2. A well was drilled and developed at S. 212th Street and 3. Two production wells with a combined capacity of 1.7 MGD were Tr e and deve oped at Armstrong Springs. 4. The City adopted the Water System Plan Amendment and the Water System Financial Plan, including new water rates. 1982- 1. Seven Oaks Plat Well (Sons Creek Well) was constructed with 1983 remote mons or and control capability to supply about 1.25 MGD. 1983 1. Three observation wells and two test wells (one shallow and one deep) were drilled at the Auburn well field to determine the potential for a deep well fie an ora anney Well. 2. A second well at S. 212th Street and SR 167 was drilled and deve opped-_V test well was dMTed at S. 208th Street and SR 167. Results Tn'dicate a combined anticipated flow of 5 to 7 MGD, but also indicate unacceptably high manganese levels. 3. New policy providing for a connection fee for water service -- outsi ec — e City limits was a opT_ea 4. A booster pump station was constructed on West Hill with alternativepower suppiies to provide up to 2,000 gpm (2.88 MGD). Remote monitor and control capability was included. 5. Kent Springs Transmission Main was replaced with 8,000 feet of in and eet o 6 -inch water main between the Guiberson Street Reservoir and 104th Avenue S.E. 6. Local Improvement District (LID) 309 was created to construct new distribution mains along East Hill to remove existing customers from the Kent Springs Transmission Main. 7. Reconstruction of the parts of the Kent Springs Transmission Main with the worst leaks was designed. F7 - 34 - YEAR ITEM 9. A booster pump station was constructed in the 529 service area boosting tTie service pressure of the southerly subarea therein to elevation 589. 1986 1. East Hill Well Facility supply capability was upgraded from 2.3 MGD to 3 MGD. 2. KenSprings Transmission Main was replaced with 2,384 feet of 16-_6E PJ pei and -1,070 feet of 30 -inch pipe from 104th Avenue to S. 274th Street. -35 - 1983- 1. Pumps installed in the Armstrong Springs wells, providing 1984 "f,M gpm (1.7 MGD) to ties Clark rings Transmission Main. 1984 1. Water System tel and control system was totally upgraded to st o - a-ar au oma a compu erized control and telemetry system. 2. A booster pump station was constructed in the 529 service area boosting t e service pressure of the northerly subarea therein to elevation 589. 1985 1. Chlorination facilities were added to the Seven Oaks Plat Well oos Greek Well). 2. Kent Sprl�ingss Transmission Main was replaced with 6,665 feet of '24=inc an ee OT 30 -inch watermain between 152nd Avenue and 132nd Avenue. 3. Central Avenue Watermain was replaced from Novak Lane to James Street with a 10 -inch watermain in order to meet fire flow requirements. 4. On May 6, 1985 City executed a take over agreement of East Hill Community Well Company. 5. On June 17, 1985 City executed an agreement with the City of Tacoma for purchase x.62 TO supply capacity o acoma's Green River Pipe Line No. 5 project. 6. Completed acquisition of all properties_ (approximately 151 acres) for co�uction of t e waterfi mpoun men orage amity. . 7. Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) 316 was created to reconstruct a distribution system on 94th Avenue from 238th re�20th ree . 8. Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) 314 was created to con- struct a new distribution system on 104th Avenue and on 272nd Street. 9. A booster pump station was constructed in the 529 service area boosting tTie service pressure of the southerly subarea therein to elevation 589. 1986 1. East Hill Well Facility supply capability was upgraded from 2.3 MGD to 3 MGD. 2. KenSprings Transmission Main was replaced with 2,384 feet of 16-_6E PJ pei and -1,070 feet of 30 -inch pipe from 104th Avenue to S. 274th Street. -35 - YEAR ITEM 3. One well at the 212th Street and SR 167 well field was deve piped at 3 MGD an put into service. 4. Pump Station at the Water District No. 75 intertie was con- struct3 securing the Tlow therefrom at 1.42 MGD. 1986- 1. Construct new intake and metering facilities at the Guiberson 1987 Street Reservoir. 2. Installed new distribution mains for the East Hill system (590 service area) to upgrade a portion of those mains acquired per the East Hill Community Well take over and to eliminate some of the fire flow deficiencies reflected in the 84 Water System Plan. 3. Replaced the existing 4 inch dia. main on WVH south of the Green River with a new 12 -inch diameter main. 1987- 1. Repainted the 98th Ave. 6 million gallon reservoir. 1988 2. Design balance of the upgrade of the East Hill Community Well Distribution mains and the main reflected in the '84 Water System Plan to eliminate the fire flow deficiencies of the East Hill System. 3. Designed the Kent Springs replacement (20,000 LF) from SE 274th St. to impoundment site and then to SR516 and 132nd Ave. S.E. - 36 - fel LJ L Ll VI. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS AND FIRE DEMANDS General In conjunction with the development of the 1984 Water System Plan, a hydraulic analysis was conducted on each distinct system of the distribution network. Using the Stoner Associates' LIQSS software package the operating characteristics and deficiencies under present and future demands were determined. The systems were first studied to locate the problem areas in supplying normal peak usage. Peak hourly demand flows were assumed and pressures throughout the system were computed. Pressures under 45 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) or over 95 psig were considered indicators of potential problem areas. Where pressures under the 20 psig minimum were computed, it was concluded that the required flows could not be handled adequately by the system. The magnitude of the peak demands was derived from the Water Department records for flows in each of the five distribution systems. Flows to indi- vidual nodes were computed on the basis of 0.7 gpm per residence for peak hourly flow in single-family residential areas. For services other than single-family residential, averages were obtained from the Utility Department for each business or major apartment complex. These flows were adjusted to peak -day flows by multiplying by two and then adjusted to peak hour flows by multiplying by a factor of 1.75 for residential flows and 1.5 for commercial and industrial flows. The 1.75 factor was suggested by DSHS in Design Standards for Public Water Supplies and the 2.0 and 1.5 factors by viessman, and Hammer inaterSuppy and Pollution Control. Each system was also examined for its ability to provide required fire flours to various school, industrial, and residential buildings. The fire flow requirements employed were those established by the Kent Fire Department and exceed the minimum fire flow requirements set forth by the Washington Adminis- trative Code (Table 2). A map showing the areas of specific fire flow development classifications is included (Figure 8). The fire flows were simulated simultaneously with peak day - peak hour demand to examine the system performance in a "worst case" silton. T>Te typical fire would not occur at the same time as peak day - peak hour demand, so favorable results in such an extreme case would indicate that the system could handle all other situations. 11 - 37 - - 38- U The 529 System The high West Hillan ground visioat f529 feet275 toabo e 450 fsea above sea level and itss water storage elevat on located in the north end of the level, The higher ground elevations are feet from the 300,000 gallon elevated storage system, approximately 7,500 differential of 80 feet between the water storage tank. The small elevation end, the the elevation north in elevation and ground obtaning adequatepressure create difficultiryes generated in transmission,, in this area. a single-family residential area with the The 529 system serves primarily four schools and small neighborhood businesses. Thus, flows of to exception of were assumed. In addition, the reservoir was assumed 0.7 gpm per residence be full. Analysis of the high West Hill System under The klode and wash wed 33 nodes (out of 132) with pressures less than 45 psig. S. and 38th Avenue S. Eight nodes, located the intersection of 37th Avenue of 42nd Avenue S. and S. 262ndatStree above 9ited primarily in the vicinity intersection 5 psig with the greatest being 110 psig Kentwood Hills. pressures 45th Place S. and 262nd Street along the subdivision of of All velocities and head losses appeared to be minimal. With the addition of a residential fire demanding 1,000 gpm in fire flow end of the system, little at S. 240 Street and 35th Avenue S. in the north pr ssu e,e while ssur s as low is fi change was seen in the areas in thigh Since this re mostly iservice, the 20 psig were predicted, mal miimum for fire flows in perform adequately undersuchedemandi,al sthe ystemncouldlbeeassumedttole Simulation of a fire at Sunnycrest Elementary School (S. 246th Street and to the 43rd Avenue S.) showed the ability of the system provide AssumQn,radininie elsewhere below 20 psig. 9was flow of 2,000 gpm with no pressures a twereflow 6p two nodes n lh5 and 20 psigdrants, mum pressure of 20 psig predicted6at betweenearby obtained. However , pressures the north end of the system. west of the site in Simulation of a fire at Totem Junior High Sc co the involved 6hydrantth et The ssumed a minimum of 20 psig a 40th Avenue S., a ded the required minimum of 2,200 gpm and was resultant flow of 2,427 gpm excee accompanied by acceptable pressures throughout the system. In a separate simulation, a fire was placed at neighboring Star Lake the hydrant. A flow of Elementary School, with a minimum of 20 psig at de pressures ove the reet ept atS. 268th Stained 2,430 gpm was pre di and e then system, elsewherett minimum of 20 psigThe Princeton Avenue S. where the pressure was computed at 19.54 psig. 1/3 of a mile to the west) proximity of the 300,000 gallon reservoir (about at these two adjoining helps to insure adequate fire flows and pressures locations. - 38- U Although the pressures throughout the system are within tolerable limits the main problem of this system relates to the residential plumbing. Much of it is of galvanized pipe that is 15 years old or older. Numerous cases have been documented depicting the existence of corroded and constricted internal plumbing as the cause of low water pressure and flow. To resolve this, two areas of the system were isolated out and separately serviced by a respective booster pump station. Under fire flow conditions, these booster pump stations are automatically bypassed. With the segregation of the system, the intertie with Water District 75 was also equipped with a booster pump,station. The 354 System The low West Hill System lies in the transitional zone between the West Hill plateau and the valley floor. The area served by this system is small and future growth is severely limited by the surrounding topography. The distribution system is very small in relation to the storage for the system, which consists of a 1 MG reservoir with a water surface elevation of 354.5 feet above sea level. Large diameter pipes dominate the system, mini- mizing friction losses. A computer analysis of the system under peak flow, no fire conditions pre- dicted only 3 nodes out of 14 below 45 psig and none below 40 psig. With the addition of a residential fire requiring 1,000 gpm at S. 256th Street and 46th Avenue S., seven nodes exhibited pressures below 45 psig with the lowest being 38.8 psig. This system seems to be quite reliable in its ability to provide required flows and pressures under peak demands. No system modifications are necessary at this time. The 240 System The Valley System is supplied by the 6 MG reservoir on S. 218th Street and the 3 MG reservoir on Guiberson Street, both with water surface elevations of 240 feet above sea level. Water is also supplied for the Tukwila intertie and on an emergency basis from the Renton intertie. Ground surface elevations in the service area range from 20 to 205 feet above sea level. Because the 240 system has a substantial portion of its flow utilized by industry, the distribution of flows to individual nodes was apportioned in a manner designed to represent the actual flows obtained more closely than the 0.7 gpm per connection used in the largely residential areas. The 1981 peak daily flow for the valley system was 5.9 MGD. When projected to 1983 at a 5 percent annual growth rate, a 6.5 MGD flow was computed. The peak -hourly flow was computed by multiplying the peak daily flow by 1.5. Water Department records for October 1982 to May 1983 were examined to determine relative - 39 - 1: percentages of the following categories of users: residential, apartment/ hotel, residential/industrial, commercial, industrial, schools, City (Kent), government, and Water District 87 (now dissolved). The apartment/hotel cate- gory was combined with the residential; the residential/industrial was com- bined with the industrial; and the City (Kent) was combined with commercial to yield only 6 categories. The relative percentages of the total valley system flow are listed in Table 3. The peak -hourly flows to each sector were computed and then apportioned equally among the appropriate nodes in all sectors, except the industrial (Table 4.) In that sector, a few users can dominate water usage, so Utility Department records were examined and the 90 -day average flows of the seven largest users noted. These were multiplied by two to approximate peak -day flows and then by 1.5 to approximate peak -hourly flow (Table 5.) The total of these high users was subtracted from total industrial flow and the remainder of the flow distributed equally among the remaining nodes at a rate of 15.17 gpm per node (Table 6). mom Analysis of the 240 system under peak flow conditions showed 6 nodes with pressures below 45 psig, all located on eastern edge of the system at the higher elevations. Two of these were predicted below 20 psig, the lowest being 11.3 psig at 92nd Avenue S. and S. 222nd Street. With the completion of the replacement of the existing main on 94th Ave S. from SE 222nd Street to SE 240th Street, the customers of this area have been transferred onto the 485 system. There were no areas of excessively high pressure. When a fire requiring 5,500 gpm in fire flow was added at Cam Industries at S. 183rd'Street and West Valley Highway (SR 181) in the north end of the system, pressures throughout the system were lowered drastically. A resultant pressure of -36 psig at the involved hydrant indicated that such a flow could not be provided simultaneously with peak demand throughout the system. Five other nodes out of 276 were predicted at pressures less than 20 psig, again primarily at the higher elevations at the eastern edge of the system; one was at a node adjacent to the involved hydrant. This simulation was rerun assum- ing both the Tukwila and the Renton interties were on and that the withdrawal at Cam Industries was from two adjacent hydrants. Under this scenario the resultant fire flow was met with a residual pressure at the hydrants of 50.33 psig and 56.35 psig respectively. Only one out of the 276 nodes was predicted to have a pressure less then 20 psig. This pressure was 14.54 psig and was on the dead-end line leading to one of the hydrants. Looping of this line would probably eliminate this problem. Assuming a minimum pressure of 20 psig at the plant and appropriate peak -hour flows in the rest of the system, a fire was simulated at the Reynolds Aluminum Plant in the south end of the system at S. 272nd Street and State Route 167. The resultant fire flow of 891 gpm fell far short of the recommended fire flow of 6,000 gpm for such a fire. Additional computer simulations, reflected even upon completion of the Loop systems as proposed in the Plan (Figure 7), the available flow, although satisfying State standards is only increased to 2412 gpm. Thus, the conclusion drawn is that in order to meet the recommended fire flow, much of the existing distribution system from the Guiberson Street Reservoir to the hydrant, would have to be upgraded. The respective review and analysis of the distribution system reflected that it would have to be upgraded to 21 -inch and 18 -inch mains. Since the Reynolds plant is the only significant development in the south end and it has provided - 40- I Because much of the land in the valley remains undeveloped, it seemed advisable to model the system under saturated demand in order to discern possible system weaknesses in the future. Assuming a peak -day flow of 16 MGD, the 9.5 MGD, which represents growth from present peak -day flow of 6.5 MGD, was apportioned among the current industrial nodes and several new "industri- al" nodes (situated to simulate development of presently unused, industri- ally -zoned land). Results of this simulation showed seven nodes with pressures below 45 edge ofAihen,the syst problem s ngle areas feeders to eahnoderorlevation group of nodes odes nthe seem tomatern kethe nodes more vulnerable to low pressure problems. Also, the intake to Pump Station No. 3 exhibited a pressure of 11 psig, assuming present day demands on West Hill. dd The 485 System The lower East Hill system supplies the slopes along the eastern edge of the valley from the 125,000 gallon elevated tank near 98th Avenue S. and James Street. Ground surface elevations in the service area of the intermediate system range from 95 to 405 feet above sea level. The lower areas are served through pressure reducing valves. The system serves largely single family residences with some multi -family residential units. A peak hour flow of 0.7 gpm per residence was assumed. Computer simulation of this system was complicated by the range of eleva- tion and by the resultant use of pressure reducing valves which prevent excessively high pressures in the services on the lower slopes of the system. Peak flow conditions created several pressure problems; 15 nodes out of 102 experienced pressures below 45 psig, though none were lower than 25 psig; 13 nodes had pressures above 95 psig. In areas of excessively high pressure, individual pressure reducing valves control individual service pressures. The spatial variation of high and low pressures reflect the topography of the land quite well, a situation that indicates that there are relatively low head - losses throughout the system. - 41 - on-site water storage shortfall, the of 500,000 gallons to compensate for the fire flow need to most of the south end propose such project area (south of Green is questionable. In fact, since River) is either undeveloped or under farming uses, any new developments have to satisfy on-site fire flow requirements before a permit can be granted. fore, the burden of the would-be The fire flow problem is, there- developer and not the utility. Saturated Demand Because much of the land in the valley remains undeveloped, it seemed advisable to model the system under saturated demand in order to discern possible system weaknesses in the future. Assuming a peak -day flow of 16 MGD, the 9.5 MGD, which represents growth from present peak -day flow of 6.5 MGD, was apportioned among the current industrial nodes and several new "industri- al" nodes (situated to simulate development of presently unused, industri- ally -zoned land). Results of this simulation showed seven nodes with pressures below 45 edge ofAihen,the syst problem s ngle areas feeders to eahnoderorlevation group of nodes odes nthe seem tomatern kethe nodes more vulnerable to low pressure problems. Also, the intake to Pump Station No. 3 exhibited a pressure of 11 psig, assuming present day demands on West Hill. dd The 485 System The lower East Hill system supplies the slopes along the eastern edge of the valley from the 125,000 gallon elevated tank near 98th Avenue S. and James Street. Ground surface elevations in the service area of the intermediate system range from 95 to 405 feet above sea level. The lower areas are served through pressure reducing valves. The system serves largely single family residences with some multi -family residential units. A peak hour flow of 0.7 gpm per residence was assumed. Computer simulation of this system was complicated by the range of eleva- tion and by the resultant use of pressure reducing valves which prevent excessively high pressures in the services on the lower slopes of the system. Peak flow conditions created several pressure problems; 15 nodes out of 102 experienced pressures below 45 psig, though none were lower than 25 psig; 13 nodes had pressures above 95 psig. In areas of excessively high pressure, individual pressure reducing valves control individual service pressures. The spatial variation of high and low pressures reflect the topography of the land quite well, a situation that indicates that there are relatively low head - losses throughout the system. - 41 - 7- A of actual pressures in this system on a typical July day showed no A peak -hour, no fire usage in the 590 system Average flows check pressure problems; all values measured were less extreme than those predicted the flow sce- assumed a flow of 0.7 gpm per by the peak flaw model. This finding affirms the use of peak nario as a conservative estimate of a "worst case" situation. and for commercial units were obtained multiplied by 2 to estimate A fire in the south end of the system at S. 257th Street and Utility Department records. then by residential 90th Avenue S. was simulated assuming a minimum pressure of 20 psig at the hour flows elsewhere in the system. The involved hydrant and appropriate peak fire flow of 375 gpm fell short of the state required minimum of 500 A simulation at peak -hour, peday nd resultant gpm and the City guidelines of 1,000 gpm for residential fires. In addition, showed 9 nodes out of 264 with pressures below 45 psig. None exhibited in the this fire flow produced pressures below 2.0 psig at 19 nodes in the system, all S. pressure below 37 psig. Most in the southeastern portion. At S. 248th Street and 98th Avenue a pressure that residential fire, of zero psig was computed. Thus, it would appear a the end of the system which is coincident with peak system where the elevations are located in the lower areas especially one in south hour demand would stress this system to the extent that it could not provide 8 nodes which experienced pressures minimum flows at requisite pressures throughout the system, nor adequate fire day demand) flows to the fire. An additional simulation (using average peak 98th Avenue between system. pressure that no major problems were reflects that upon constructing a 10 -inch diameter main on in a fire flow of to correlate with topography, James Street (SE 240th St.) and SE 248th Street would result 20 the involved hydrant. Also only three nodes would have 1169 gpm at psi at pressures below 20 psi with the minimum being 2.67 psi on a dead end main with been no services. Construction of this 10 -inch diameter main has completed. Simulation of a 3,200 gpm fire flow demand at Sequoia Jr. High School, at 1 The 590 System Avenue S.E. in the south central area showed out of drastic pressure drops throughout The higher East Hill system has ground surface elevations that range from 375 feet to 512 feet above sea level and is served by two reservoirs with 1 MG standpipe on less than 45 psig while found primarily on the water surface elevations at the 590 foot level. One is the The is the 3.5 MG reservoir pressures less than 20 psig. 112th Avenue S.E. near S.E. 235th Place. other S.E. 288th Street and 124th Avenue S.E., a reservoir which is shared with near - 42 - Water District 111. A computer simulation of peak -hour, no fire usage in the 590 system Average flows assumed a flow of 0.7 gpm per single family residence. yearly from for multi -family residential and for commercial units were obtained multiplied by 2 to estimate Utility Department records. then by These amounts were 1.5 for commercial and 1.75 for residentialto peak day demand and approximate peak -hour demand. A simulation at peak -hour, peday nd showed 9 nodes out of 264 with pressures below 45 psig. None exhibited in the pressure below 37 psig. Most of the lower pressures were experienced highest. The northeastern portion of the system where the elevations are located in the lower areas 8 nodes which experienced pressures of 95 psig were Since the distribution seemed along the western edge of the system. pressure that no major problems were to correlate with topography, it was concluded present in the existing network. Simulation of a 3,200 gpm fire flow demand at Sequoia Jr. High School, at 1 S.E. 264th Street and 110th Avenue S.E. in the south central area showed out of drastic pressure drops throughout the system. One hundred thirty nodes 48 nodes experienced 264 exhibited pressures of less than 45 psig while found primarily on the pressures less than 20 psig. The low pressures were - 42 - eastern half of the system where the elevations are higher. The pressure at the involved hydrant was 10.7 psig, a pressure inadequate for fighting fires. It was concluded that the system could not accommodate a demand of this size hydrant with peak hour flows assumed elsewhere in the system. Although a IN number of nodes experienced pressures below 45 psig, none fell below 20 psig. Furthermore, the computed flow of 1,502 gpm essentially equaled the required fire flow of 1,500 gpm. It appeared that the system could handle adequately a 10 fire at Park Orchard simultaneous with peak demand. A fire was also simulated at Scenic Hill Elementary School, which is IN located at S. 260th Street and 98th Avenue S., on the edge of the 485 system, near a swing check valve connecting the system with the 590 system. A pressure of 20 psig was assumed at the check valve and both systems were simu- ow lated at peak hourly flow. The results indicated a flow of 200 gpm from the 485 system, and 1,217 gpm from the 590 system, for a combined total of 1,417 gpm. This falls short of the required fire flow of 4,250 gpm for this loca- tion by 2,813 gpm. In addition, pressures in the 590 system fell below 45 psig at 38 out of 264 nodes and below 20 psig at 5 of them. The nodes most affected were just upstream on the distribution main leading to the swing check valve. In the 485 system, 32 nodes out of 100 experienced pressures below 45 psig, while 2 dropped below 20 psig. It can be concluded that a fire at Scenic Hill Elementary that coincides with peak demand would stress the system beyond its capacity to provide required flows and pressures. An additional simulation was done wherein a 12" diameter crossing of Mill Creek Canyon at SE 260th St on the 590 system was assumed in place. Under this scenario and using an average peak day demand, the resulting fire flow capa- bility of the 590 system at the involved hydrant was 3100 gpm. Combining this with 1169 gpm capability of the 485 system brings the total to 4269 gpm which exceeds the required 4250 gpm. Under this scenario the minimum pressure within the 590 system exceeded 20 psi. The Mill Creek crossing is designed and construction is anticipated in the summer of 1988. Saturated Demand under peak hourly flow without flows. suffering very significant limitations on water It is that of the system and delivery pressures an assumed expansion To investigate the effects of completion of network loops will improve distribution and ameliorate this approximate network configuration potential problem. saturated development was needed. A flow Another fire was simulated at Park Orchard Elementary School in the north- that east end of the system. A minimum pressure of 20 psig was assumed at the hydrant with peak hour flows assumed elsewhere in the system. Although a IN number of nodes experienced pressures below 45 psig, none fell below 20 psig. Furthermore, the computed flow of 1,502 gpm essentially equaled the required fire flow of 1,500 gpm. It appeared that the system could handle adequately a 10 fire at Park Orchard simultaneous with peak demand. A fire was also simulated at Scenic Hill Elementary School, which is IN located at S. 260th Street and 98th Avenue S., on the edge of the 485 system, near a swing check valve connecting the system with the 590 system. A pressure of 20 psig was assumed at the check valve and both systems were simu- ow lated at peak hourly flow. The results indicated a flow of 200 gpm from the 485 system, and 1,217 gpm from the 590 system, for a combined total of 1,417 gpm. This falls short of the required fire flow of 4,250 gpm for this loca- tion by 2,813 gpm. In addition, pressures in the 590 system fell below 45 psig at 38 out of 264 nodes and below 20 psig at 5 of them. The nodes most affected were just upstream on the distribution main leading to the swing check valve. In the 485 system, 32 nodes out of 100 experienced pressures below 45 psig, while 2 dropped below 20 psig. It can be concluded that a fire at Scenic Hill Elementary that coincides with peak demand would stress the system beyond its capacity to provide required flows and pressures. An additional simulation was done wherein a 12" diameter crossing of Mill Creek Canyon at SE 260th St on the 590 system was assumed in place. Under this scenario and using an average peak day demand, the resulting fire flow capa- bility of the 590 system at the involved hydrant was 3100 gpm. Combining this with 1169 gpm capability of the 485 system brings the total to 4269 gpm which exceeds the required 4250 gpm. Under this scenario the minimum pressure within the 590 system exceeded 20 psi. The Mill Creek crossing is designed and construction is anticipated in the summer of 1988. Saturated Demand was 4,080 gpm, which closely approximates the peak day flow of 4,340 gpm projected for 1990 in the 1979 Water System Plan. - 43- To investigate the effects of further growth in the 590 system, an approximate network configuration at saturated development was needed. A flow rate per acre was determined for the Park Orchard neighborhood, an area that is already well developed. This rate was applied to new areas that would receive water service under saturated development. The total anticipated flow was 4,080 gpm, which closely approximates the peak day flow of 4,340 gpm projected for 1990 in the 1979 Water System Plan. - 43- simulation of the saturated, peak day no fire flow yielded 28 nodes out of 280 which fell below a pressure of 45 prig. The lowest value was about 30 psig in a new area on the eastern edge of the system at a high elevation of 500 feet above thee590esystemsince no appears toebeures c pableroofhthe providiingmum acceptable of 20 psig, adequate peak day flow under saturated development. Summary The computer simulations indicated that the Kent system is basically very strong. When fire demands were added to peak hourly demands, the added stress attention by illstrated uUtility weakness. Twek areas ed both the 590eand 485syst particular theuareein the southern endaof The following proposed improvements address these specific deficiencies: System Purpose Project Cost— F 12" WM on 260th Block $73,000* 590 Woodland Way to Crow Road C 12" WM on Central Avenue $75,000* 240 Crossing Green River R 8" & 6" WM Vicinity of SE 270th $64,000 590 St. & 125th Ave S. (Big K Addition) R 6" WM on Scenic Way from Titus $60,000* 485 Street to Guiberson Street R 6" & 8" WM Derbyshire Area $242,000 590 120th Ave to 124th Ave SE, 272nd St to SE 276th St. R 6" & 8" WM Derbyshire Area $177,000 590 116th Ave SE to 120th Ave SE SE 272nd St to SE 276th St 485 F Weiland St. Pressure Reducer $15,000* Station 485 F & GS Installation of Pressure Reducers $15,000* on Individual Services 590 GS 8 WM on 124th Ave SE from SR 516 $58,000* to SE 270th St - 44 - D L I J LJ LI LJ .erewnti-iv'teat.unga+.'u:xa'.s::dYu.]Y+X",uL1-:a:LC�NP',ti3 aU`Sw3[T4ti �vtiS..Lh�.: •., .• •�'u ��i •�s''-�'-- _ _45_ System Purpose Project Cost 590 EHCW 8" WM on S 231st St $24,000* 100th Ave SE to 600' W 590 EHCW 6" WM on D/W E of 100th Ave $14,000* 25' N of S 231st St 590 EHCW 6" WM on D/W N of 244th St $20,000* 275' E of 109th Ave SE 590 EHCW 6" WM on D/W N of 244th St $18,000* 525' E of 109th P1 SE 590 GS 8" WM on SE 270th St. in vicinity of .611,300* 116th Ave. 590 GS 8" on SE 274th St from 121st Ave SE $46,100 to 124th Ave SE 529 GS 6" on Military Road from Jeffrey Rd $8,000 Nike Manor 590 EHCW 8" WM on SE 242nd St $148,000* 104th Ave SE to 116th Ave SE 590 EHCW 8" WM on SE 248th St $31,200* 685 ft E of 104th Ave to 109th Ave SE 590 EHCW 6" WM on cul-de-sac S $26,000* from SE 244th St 590 EHCW 8" WM on 100th Ave 1660' N of $93,200* James St to 125' S of SE 229th P1 and 125' N of SE 228th P1 to 785' N of SE 228th Pl 485 EHCW 8" WM on 98th Ave 830' N of $46,800* James St to 2230' N of James St 590 EHCW 6" on S 236th St $26,400* 98th Ave to 100th Ave C = Project is consistent with a major road/bridge reconstruction project which presently is of most opportune time for the improvement. F = The project is fire flow related. GS = General system improvement with little potential for other source of financing. R = Rehabilitation Project. EHCW = East Hill Community Well Company take over replacements. * = Anticipated to be constructed within the next 5 years. _45_ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK J 11 1 11 11 LJ 0 0 C' J H - 46 - I Table 2 Minimum Fire Flow Requirements State: Rural (lots greater than 1 acre) Residential Commercial and Multi -Family (greater than 4,000 sq. ft.) Industrial City: Residential Commercial Industrial REQUIRED FLOWS None 500 gpm for 30 minutes 750 gpm for 60 minutes 1,000 gpm for 60 minutes 1,000 gpm 1,000 to 2,000 gpm 2,000 gpm NOTE: The City requirements exceed or equal those of King County. - 47 - 11 Table 3 Distribution of Demand in the Valley System Government Industrial Residential 0.05% 42.02% 18.11% School 0.48% Commercial 37.19% Water District No. 87 (now dissolved) 2.15% - 49 - Residential 1,226.2 74 16.6 Industrial 2,860.0 101 - Commercial 2,517.9 68 37.0 Government 3.5 2 1.8 School 32.2 3 10.7 Water District No. 87 (dissolved) 145.4 1 145.4 - 51 - 0 Ll 1-11 U Lj 0 Ij Lel E LJ Table 5 Seven Highest Industrial Water Users 90 -DAY AVERAGE FLOW (GPM) Boeing 204.71 National Can Reynolds E142.32 Hytek 1136.14 Propellors, Inc. � 19.87 Protective Covering 18.31 Davis Walker Q 16.37 140.34 Reynolds 127.0 Hytek 108.4 Propellors, Inc. 59.6 Protective Covering 54.9 Davis Walker 1149.1 Total: 1434.1 - 53 - Table 6 Industrial Flows Total Industrial Demand 2,860 gpm Seven Major Users - 1,434 gpm Remaining Industrial Demand 1,426 gpm Remaining Nodes - 94 Average Peak Flow for Remaining Industrial Nodes 15,17 gpm - 55 - pq y I F E Q% W I rn s P t e J aF E d� P oti C � OFa �n W E h d �X x W pq y I , E ' I s P t e d� P oti � W E h d a pq y I , i ' I P t d� I Llj, 7 VII. STORAGE FACILITIES General The storage requirements for the EstHill systems, the the Valley three componessystem and the West Hill system were analyzed e o constitute the total storage requirement. These components were fire flow, standby and flow equalization. The magnitude of each component depends on the specific conditions of the respective servicing water system. Thed s ga standards of the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) p o framework for calculating the total storage requirement. Where storage was provided by standpipes, the bottom 40 feet thereof was considered as limited usefulness, and as such was assumed to be unavailable. As a result of this assumption, slightly conservative and therefore, safer results were derived. 590/485 System The equalization component of the storage requirement 10 the DSHS Design of the 590 and 485 Standards and systems was calculated utilizing Graph No. of the following peak day demand projections. Peak Day Demand (GPM) Year System 1983 2033 590 1995 6524 485 798 1596 Total 2793 8120 gpm Equalization: Year 1983 15 x 0.72 x 60 x 2793/2= 904,932 gallons 2033 15 x 0.72 x 60 x 8120/2= 2,630,880 gallons Fire: 5000 gpm x 5 hours = 1,500,000 gallons Standby: 1750 gpm x 24 hr x 60 min = 2,500 000 gallons -59- The total storage required is summarized as follows: Year 1983 2033 Equalization 0.9 2.6 Fire Standby 1.5 2.5 2.5 IP Total (MG) 4.9 6.6 Total Storage Provided: System 3.5 mg tank @hSAve 3.5 mg x 0.57 x 0.6 = 1.2 mg 590 286th eet 590 1 mg tank @ 12A 1 mg x 0.6 = 0.6 mg 36thStreet 416 6 mg tank @ 98th Ave 6 mg 0 100% = 6 mg N of 240th Street 485 125,000 gal tank @ 98th Ave 0.125 = 0.125 mg N of 240th Street Total 7.925 mg The 416 - 6 mg tank was used here because Pump Station No. is equipped 5 which draws with auxiliary water therefrom and pumps it into both systems exceeds both the present and future power. Since requirements, the total storage available no additional storage is required. 240 System The storage requirements of the 240 system were calculated the using the peak equalization day demand projections listed below for determination of components. Peak Day Demand (GPM) Year System 1983 1989 2029* 240 3395 4319 8785 * Saturated development has occurred -60- L 14 Since the total storage available exceeds both the present and future requirements, no additional storage is required. It should also be noted with the construction of the impoundment reservoir 450 mg of additional storage In would be available in 2009. 529/354.5 System The storage requirements of the 529/354.5 systems were calculated using the peak day demand projections listed below for determination of the equalization component. Peak Day Demand (GPM) 1983 2025* 529/354.5 1141 2142 * Saturated development has occurred Equalization: - 61 - Year 1983 15 x 0.72 x 60 x 3395/2 = 1,099,980 gallons 2029 15 x 0.72 x 60 x 8,785/2= 2,846,344 gallons Fire: 5000 gpm for 5 hours = 1,500,000 gallons Standby: 3000 gpm x 24 hr x 60 min = 4,300,000 gallons The total storage required is summarized as follows: Year 1983 1989 2018 Equalization 1.1 1.4 2.9 Fire 1.5 1.5 1.5 Standby 4.3 4.3 4.3 Total (MG) 6.9 7.2 8.7 Total Storage Provided: System 240 6 mg @ 218th St. & 98th Ave. 6 mg 240 3 mg @ Kensington Ave. & Seattle St. 3 mg Subtotal 9 mg 14 Since the total storage available exceeds both the present and future requirements, no additional storage is required. It should also be noted with the construction of the impoundment reservoir 450 mg of additional storage In would be available in 2009. 529/354.5 System The storage requirements of the 529/354.5 systems were calculated using the peak day demand projections listed below for determination of the equalization component. Peak Day Demand (GPM) 1983 2025* 529/354.5 1141 2142 * Saturated development has occurred - 61 - Equalization: 1983 15 x 0.72 x 60 x 1141/2 = 369,684 gallons 2025 15 x 0.72 x 60 x 2142 = 694,008 gallons Fire: 2500 gpm for 2.5 hours = 375,000 gallons Standby: 450 x 1440 = 650,000 gallons The total storage required is summarized as follows: Year 1983 1999 Equalization .37 .69 Fire .38 .38 Standby _65 .65 Total (MG) 1.4 1.72 Total Storage Provided: System 529 300,000 gallon tank @ 264th & 34th Ave. 354.5 1 mg tank @ Reith Rd & S. 256th Street Total 0.30 1 1 .3 mg The 354.5 - 1 mg tank was used here because Pump Station No. 4 which draws water therefrom and pumps it into the 529 is equipped with auxiliary power. Although this represents a present shortage of 100,000 gallons and a future potential of 420,000 gallons the resolution thereof could be the installation of auxiliary power at Pump Station No. 3. As such the deficit could be made up from the available surplus of the 240 system. Since the 529 system is also supplied through an intertie with WD #75, action herein is not deemed critical at this time. Summary The reservoir capacity of the Kent Water System is for the most part more than adequate. With both the 125,000 gallon tank and the 6 million gallon tank which are located at 98th Avenue and north of 240th Street being repainted within the last two years no major maintenance on the reservoir facilities is required. I 62 0 77 0 VIII. WATER SUPPLY Peak Dependable Flows INso The flows shown in Table 8 are the dependable summer flows for Kent Springs and Clark Springs. The flows at the added wells can be sustained for only a limited period of time, since they are not designed for continuous 365 kib day operation. The interties with Water District 75 and Tukwila are activated only when the City's own sources are being used to capacity. The total com- bined supply is 17.56 MGD. Yearly Average Flows Since all of the wells other than those at Clark Springs and Kent Springs are intended only for production in high demand summer periods, the equivalent yearly average available supplies will be lower than the peak available daily supplies for these sources. On the other hand, the primary sources of Clark Springs and Kent Springs sustain higher flows in the wintertime when the aquifer recharge is greater. The equivalent yearly available supplies are listed in Table 9. r7 Lj The Clark Springs average is based on 6 months at 7.5 MGD and 6 months at 6 MGD. Recently it has been found that 6 MGD flow can be sustained under the more severe summer conditions, while a 7.5 MGD flow can be sustained during the wetter half of the year. At Kent Springs, the equivalent yearly average supply is based on 6 months pumping at 1.1 MGD and 6 months at 2.5 MGD. The rights and claims appear to total 11.61 MGD but summer yield is limited to the restricted pumped flows of 1.1 MGD. While the pumps are capable of pumping at 5 MGD, total loss of the aquifer has occurred during peak demand period. As such, the City no longer relies on Kent Springs as providing any dependable flow during the demand season. Another limitation imposed on the flows is the deteriorated condition of the Kent Springs transmission main. It was originally designed to accommo- date a gravity flow of 3.2 MGD but has a practical capacity at this time of 2 to 2.5 MGD. When rebuilding of the transmission main is complete, a flow of 6.3 MGD is anticipated from Kent Springs during the wetter part of the year. -63- As mentioned previously, Clark Springs and Kent Springs provide the bulk of the water needed by Kent. The total water rights held, pending, or claimed by the City are tabulated in Table 7. Needs exceed the capacity of these two sources in the relatively warmer and drier summer season, when aquifer re- charge is lower and water consumption rises. The wells at East Hill, Garrison Creek, Armstrong Springs, 212th Street/SR167 and Seven Oaks Plat are activated then to provide the water needed. The volumes provided by each source are shown in Table 8. Peak Dependable Flows INso The flows shown in Table 8 are the dependable summer flows for Kent Springs and Clark Springs. The flows at the added wells can be sustained for only a limited period of time, since they are not designed for continuous 365 kib day operation. The interties with Water District 75 and Tukwila are activated only when the City's own sources are being used to capacity. The total com- bined supply is 17.56 MGD. Yearly Average Flows Since all of the wells other than those at Clark Springs and Kent Springs are intended only for production in high demand summer periods, the equivalent yearly average available supplies will be lower than the peak available daily supplies for these sources. On the other hand, the primary sources of Clark Springs and Kent Springs sustain higher flows in the wintertime when the aquifer recharge is greater. The equivalent yearly available supplies are listed in Table 9. r7 Lj The Clark Springs average is based on 6 months at 7.5 MGD and 6 months at 6 MGD. Recently it has been found that 6 MGD flow can be sustained under the more severe summer conditions, while a 7.5 MGD flow can be sustained during the wetter half of the year. At Kent Springs, the equivalent yearly average supply is based on 6 months pumping at 1.1 MGD and 6 months at 2.5 MGD. The rights and claims appear to total 11.61 MGD but summer yield is limited to the restricted pumped flows of 1.1 MGD. While the pumps are capable of pumping at 5 MGD, total loss of the aquifer has occurred during peak demand period. As such, the City no longer relies on Kent Springs as providing any dependable flow during the demand season. Another limitation imposed on the flows is the deteriorated condition of the Kent Springs transmission main. It was originally designed to accommo- date a gravity flow of 3.2 MGD but has a practical capacity at this time of 2 to 2.5 MGD. When rebuilding of the transmission main is complete, a flow of 6.3 MGD is anticipated from Kent Springs during the wetter part of the year. -63- 0 The flows at Garrison Creek Well averaged 0.72 MGD in the first year of pumping but only 0.57 MGD in the second year. At Seven Oaks Plat Well, the average yield was 1.3 MGD in the first year of pumping. only the Clark Springs source provides water to all five pressure zones of the Kent System. The sources and their respective pressure zones to which they supply water are listed in Table 10. A summary of daily water production for March, 1981 through 1987 is in Table 11. Potential Sources Exploratory wells have been drilled at many sites in the Kent area, es- in Figures 9 and 10 and Tables 12 pecially on the valley floor as indicated drilled at S. 208th St./SR167 and at 212th and 13. Exploratory test wells indicated the potential of a significant source. Subsequent analy- to a safe St./SR167 sis, however, reduced the early conclusions of a 7-8 MGD supply the high manganese level, treatment is yield of only 4.25 MGD. Due to A sand filtration process was determined as the most quired before use. green treatment option. However, a reevaluation thereof is presently in treatment viable progress. Full development of these wells including the respective significant amount, lhoughthsissource. facilityis thwfully determined estimated the City has While treatment is ultimately required to fully utilize this source, one (2100 utilizing dilution well at the 212th street site has been developed gpm) This well, however, is only used when the demand as the method of treatment. the available supply from other City owned sources. The timing of the of exceeds full development is contingent upon the implementation or lack thereof Extensive delay thereof will Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line No. 5 project. result in near term ,full development. To determine said potential safe yield, another exploratory well was to drilled in the vicinity of 106th Ave. and S. 212th St. Its purpose was the aquifer assuming aquifer penetration establish the hydraulic gradient of achieved. The conclusion was that aquifer penetration did not occur. was Flowever, the drilling did provide evidence of the existence of two additional Treatment of the water of the aquifers potentially worthy of development. the of he other wasn't heexplorat ereas xploratory g tlit rate, radditiionaluired necessary established. Atr any would determine their real development potential. The area around 42nd Ave. and Orillia Road is viewed as a potential City's hydrogeologic consultant source. Preliminary analysis thereof by the diameter test well drilling indicates a potential which involved some small 3 MGD. The water quality was determined to meet State standards. yield of Pursuit of large diameter well drilling to confirm the yield is now underway. thereof. Should confirmation occur, the City would then pursue the development The Ravensdale site is considered a potentially productive source because its geological setting simulates that of Clark Springs. However, permission the site has not been adequately to drill was denied by the property owner, so - 64 - I 0 explored. Development as an additional source would be rather expensive, involving construction of a reservoir and 1-1/2 miles of transmission main. The Lake Retreat area, like the Ravensdale site, is considered a po- tentially productive source. The results of a preliminary investigation of the Bremmeyer Well located in the NE 1/4, NW 1/4 Sec. 32, T.22n, R.7E indi- cated a potential 3 MGD yield. More detailed investigation is required prior to pursuing any development. Also development as an additional source would be rather expensive involving construction of 3.2 miles of transmission main just to get it to the City's Clark Springs facilities. The Auburn well field is located on a bend of the Green River near the former confluence of the White and Green rivers. Tests in 1957 by the Ranney Corporation indicated a potential yield of 10 MGD. However, because this aquifer is hydraulically dependent on the Green River, water yields from it would be tied to the Green River low flow regulations. As indicated in Tacoma's Water System Plan IV, a well at this site could be limited to only 7 month's use out of any one year with a reliability of 98 percent. In such a case, the yearly average yield would be 5.85 MGD if storage is provided to offset pumping restrictions during low flow periods. Additional testing has indicated a potential yield of 20 MGD. Valley drilling by the City of Auburn at its abandoned sewage lagoon site indicates that a significant water -bearing aquifer exists at a depth of 300 to 350 feet. However, the City's drilling to the 500 foot depth at the Ranney site penetrated no impermeable layers which would prevent the deep aquifer from being hydraulically continuous with the Green River. Consequently, withdrawals from the aquifer would be governed by ® the low flow restrictions in the river. In 1985 the City acquired the East Hill Community Well Company, including all its water rights and permits. In 1986 the City upgraded the capacity of its East Hill Well facility by 500 gpm (0.71 MGD) to accommodate the acquisi- tion. Based on operational history it is now apparent that the once addi- tional 625 gpm (0.89 MGD) thought to be available is not. Another possible source of water could be provided by wells drilled at the site of the proposed storage impoundment. A hydrogeologic study of the site indicated a potential year-round flow of about 900 gpm (1.3 MGD); however, the water had unacceptably high levels of manganese, iron, and turbidity and so would require treatment. It is not considered an economically attractive source at this time. 14 Contractual Sources It Water District #75 The City has a contractual service agreement with Water District 75 which guarantees supply therefrom until 1990. After 1990, the service is on a year-to-year basis and subject to the pleasure of the District. The amount available is limited to 1,000 gpm (1.42 MGD). In developing said agreement Kent did significant hydraulic analyses on the District's system. Upgrading of their distribution system would be necessary to secure a greater flow. The -65- 11 cost to do so is not in the interest of Kent at this time. Also the District was not amenable to a permanent commitment. establishes S. 272nd Street as the dividing line between the areas of water. Since Kent is City of Auburn Since Auburn's discovery of a significant water -bearing aquifer at its abandoned sewage lagoon site, discussions have been held concerning con- not readily tractual service to Kent. However, because significant mains are they would need to be constructed. A Bill available within either jurisdiction, hydraulic analysis indicates that about 3 MGD could be transmitted to computer Kent through an intertie that would cost about $900,000 for a transmission In 1984 Auburn wanted main from the Kent system as far as South 277th Street. the with reimbursement anticipated through Kent to finance the rest of project future water sales. Because of this requirement and because the 0.1 mg/l treatment (or dilution) concentration of manganese in the water would require Auburn is also a growth com- the City of Kent has not pursued this option. will be requiring more water in the future. Together munity and probably these factors have cautioned Kent against investment in and dependence on this source. City of Tukwila The City of Kent has an open-ended contract for up to 2 MGD from the City from Seattle (Tukwila's of Tukwila. Because of the possibility of surcharges too high, Tukwila has expressed reluctance supplier) if its consumption rises other than emergency supply under this contract. Tukwila to provide anything has also restricted the flow therefrom to 1.5 MGD. City of Renton In previous years, the City of Kent has contracted with the City of Renton for up to 2.5 MGD, but the contract has expired. New wells being drilled may provide some surplus water that could be available to Kent, but they do not appear to offer a dependable long term supply in a quantity sufficient to meet Kent's needs. City of Seattle An informal agreement between the Water Departments of Seattle and Tacoma in south establishes S. 272nd Street as the dividing line between the areas of water. Since Kent is King County which each will serve as a wholesaler located north of this line but also extends south of it, both primarily regional purveyors have been considered. However, Seattle is the only one Tacoma's which could supply Kent in the near future, since interties with feasible at present. An intertie with Seattle system don't exist and aren't be located at the Seattle -Renton intertie and would cost about would $1,000,000 to construct. In 1979, negotiations with Seattle revealed a near term availability of about 6 MGD from this supplier. However, the terms would have limited the #75 and Seattle to total combined supply from Tukwila, Water District that supply in the second half of this decade 6.0 MGD. It also indicated dwindle to zero, a period when Kent's needs are projected to grow. As would such the City didn't further pursue a formal agreement. Upon construction of line) the Seattle/Tacoma Seattle's Cedar River Pipe Line #5 (cross Valley or -66- Intertie, unlimited supply could be available. However, the planning of either is integrated with Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line #5 project the fate of which is still uncertain. Even at best, due to the magnitude of either project, a seven year lead time is not unreasonable. As such, as a near future supply the City shouldn't count on this source. It may, however, be viable to contract with Seattle in the 1990'5 or later. City of Tacoma In July of 1985 the City executed an agreement with Tacoma to purchase 4.62 MGD of the supply capacity of Tacoma s Green River Pipe Line No. 5 project. The contract was amended in September, 1987 delaying the service availability therefrom to January 1, 1991. While Tacoma has resolved the litigation surrounding its water right, acquisition of the necessary construc- tion permits and resolution of the Muckleshoot Indian issues appears to be significant problems. At this point while the City is committed to the Mad project, near term availability is still questionable. Other Sources OWN Offsetting storage is another means of meeting peak demand needs. The MP concept is to provide storage equal to that quantity utilized during the peak demand period. The amount of such storage is dependent on the duration, with the maximum duration occurring when the average monthly demand equals the available supply. To date the City has acquired approximately 155 acres in the vicinity of 124th Ave. S.E. between 286th St. and 305th St. to provide for implementing an offsetting storage option. 10 Water Quality Considerations INBecause of two past situations which received wide publicity, the purity of the Kent water sources, both existing and future, was subject to concern by both officials and the general public. The more well-known situation was the pollution of the groundwater from the hazardous waste dump at Western Processing, Inc. on South 196th Street in the middle of the Valley. Approval of the final clean up plan has been given and the PRP's have commenced same. From the studies the pollutants appeared to be migrating in surface and/or groundwater, primarily to the west-northwest, but they have also been found just east of the site. The pollutants identified have been cyanide and organic compounds. These pollutants could conceivably threaten the water at the well sites at South 208th and South 212th Streets if they were to migrate the mile and a half southeast to those sites. Several domestic wells in the vicinity are closer to Western Processing than the City wells are; they are being monitored periodically, but no contaminants have been detected yet. Such groundwater migration is usually quite slow and it may take years before the pollutants move such distances even if the hydraulic gradients allow it. A review of a similar unrelated situation by Anderson & Kelly, consultants to the City of Kent, indicates that the proposed wells are probably safe. In - 67 - IN examining a problem of shallow groundwater pollution near 84th Avenue South and South 200th Street, the consultants pointed to three factors that indi- c:ted the City's proposed wells would riot be threatened: 1) Movement of shallow groundwater is generally northward, away from the City sites; 2) The City's sources are a deep artesian aquifer separated from the shallow one by a thick sequence of quite impermeable sediments and presumably sealed from surrounding non -artesian aquifers; 3) The artesian pressure at the well site is enough to raise the water to 110 feet above sea level, which is about 90 feet above the level at the polluted source, precluding flow into the source aquifer. Recently the City engaged another consultant to re-evaluate the contamina- tion potential of the 212th/208th Street aquifer including establishing a safe yield therefrom. While the consultant's conclusions were similar, the safe yield of the aquifer was reduced to 4.25 MGD. This reduction was based on both a better understanding of the aquifer potential and concerns for minimiz- ing the possibility of contamination. The other threat to the Kent water supply was posed by the dumping of unknown substances in open mining trenches owned by Palmer Coke and Coal near the Clark Springs site. A test of the Clark Springs water, in 1983 for the 129 priority pollutants, however, was found to be completely negative. Both of these situations reinforce the necessity of maintaining vigilance on quality of water from available sources. They also re-emphasize the importance of controlling dumping on private lands, so that it does not threaten land or water belonging to others. Also they have led the City to pursue the fencing of its sources such as Kent Springs, Clark Springs and Armstrong Springs. F1 11 11 E 68 Table 7 Water Rights Held by the City of Kent Water Right/ Claim File No. Source Name Well G123479*** EHCWC*" G1 pQ594G Hamilton Rd Watt G1 015620 Hamilton.Rd Wate Gl 000140 fast IN INC Ca: G 1-00435C East Hill Water Co. Total Primary Rights Held Supplemental Rights Held Supplemental Rights Pending Maximum 7232 A Clc Instantaneous 7660-A I Glz Withdrawal G11 -22956C Kei (gpm) :123225 . Ke -GI-23285C Ea: G123b1A� Gc G123713C HiQ 1 24073E , ,SE�1 Source Name Well G123479*** EHCWC*" G1 pQ594G Hamilton Rd Watt G1 015620 Hamilton.Rd Wate Gl 000140 fast IN INC Ca: G 1-00435C East Hill Water Co. Total Primary Rights Held Supplemental Rights Held Supplemental Rights Pending Maximum Maximum Instantaneous Annual Withdrawal Withdrawal (gpm) (AF/yr) 1,500 600* 790 400* 120 146 19,632 AF/yr 9,114 AF/yr 400 AF/yr TOTAL 29146AF/YR; * Supplemental *" City acquired the East Hill Community Well Company (EHCWC) on 5/1/85 *** Application for permit submitted August, 1983 -69- 1 Table 8 Peak Dependable Flows CLARK SPRINGS KENT SPRINGS EAST HILL WELL GARRISON CREEK WELL SEVEN OAKS PLAT WELL ARMSTRONG SPRINGS 212TH STREET WELL SUBTOTAL WATER DISTRICT 75 INTERTIE TUKWILA INTERTIE TOTAL M * In 1985 a 3 day period occurred In which the flows varied from 0-400 gpm. However, without testing the facility and with no rainfall reported the aquifer recharged itself such that production was restored to 1-1.5 MGD. In June of 1987 total flow was again lost for a 10 day period. ** Developed at 3.00 MGD. However, screen restrictions limit flows to 1600 gpM. - 71 - Table 9 Equivalent Yearly Average Supply OEM om GARRISON CREEK WELL (90 DAY) SEVEN OAKS PLAT WELL (120 DAY) ARMSTRONG SPRINGS (60 DAY) SUBTOTAL TOTAL AVAILABLE -73- Table 10 Sources of Supply and Respective Service Areas �J SOURCE Clark Springs Kent Springs East Hill Well Garrison Creek Well Seven Oaks Plat Well Armstrong Springs 212th Street/SR 167 Well WD#75 Intertie Tukwila Intertie - 75 - PRESSURE SYSTEM 590, 485, 240, 354.5, 529 240, 354.5, 529 590 240 590,485,240 590, 485, 240 240 529, 354.5, 240 240 -Ll- t -6L - I 11 17 i LJ I Ll 11 F] 0 0 0 E 11 0 I 0 I [1 0 D � a (DD N N c Q N 11 0 I 0 I [1 0 CJ Table 13 DRILLING RESULTS SUMMARY =Zc1111111 L 0 u 0 D 0 L1 0 11 F" 0 0 F I IX. WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS Over the years 1974 to 1980, water consumption in the City's system in- creased at a rate of 7.5 percent per year, while the population grew only 4.7 percent per year. Such a situation suggests that consumption in the com- mercial/industrial sector was increasing at a greater rate than the population was. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the growth rate for com- mercial/industrial consumption had been 17.7 percent per year. Consequently, a demand forecast based on separate projections for residential consumption and commercial/industrial consumption seemed most appropriate. In determining the growth rates to use in projecting future needs, it is important to use the longest water consumption records that are available to insure the greatest reliability of the projected figures and to avoid the effects of vicissitudes in the economic cycle. Since the City's water records are not extensive, METRO sewage records were used because they provided a 14 -year history and are directly relatable to water consumption on com- mercial/industrial accounts. (METRO sewage billings for commercial/industrial accounts are based on water meter readings). Those records showed an average annual growth rate of 6.3 percent for commercial/industrial consumption over the 14 years. The residential water usage over the same period averaged a 4.8 percent annual growth rate as compared to a 4.7 percent annual growth rate for popula- tion. Thus, residential water usage can be assumed to grow at essentially the same rate as the population does. Recent projections place the population growth at 3.13 percent. Since total water consumption is the sum of commercial/industrial con- sumption plus residential consumption, the growth rate for total consumption I s the weighted sum of the average growth rates of the components. Over the seven year City record of water consumption, the commercial/industrial sector, accounted for an average of 55.7 percent of the consumption, while the resi- dential sector accounted for 44.3 percent. A weighted average of these per- centages and the growth rates of 6.3 percent for commercial/industrial con- sumption and 3.13 percent for residential consumption yields a total growth rate of 4.9 percent, which was rounded off to 5 percent per year. One -Day Peak Demand Since the one -day peak demand is one of the critical parameters to be considered in planning management strategy and capital improvements, it is important to determine the one -day peak and project it into the future. Because water production has only been metered since 1981, the 1981 peak -day flow of 11.3 MGD requires additional data to validate its use as a basis for future predictions. In an effort to remedy the situation, a review of the historical temperature record was made to determine how representative of the _89_ long-term averages were the temperature conditions of August, 1981. (It is second method, the population served by the Kent system tinder such assumed that the peak demand is correlated with days of high temperatures, development especially in spells of extended duration.) These data are included in the Appendix. 2.7. Dividing the former by the latter yielded 39,466 connec- In August, 1981, the average high temperature for the month was 79.1 tions. When degrees Fahrenheit. Rased on the 50 -year record, the probability of exceeding such a monthly average high temperature is 20 percent. Investigating connection, the resulting ultimate demand for water was 31.57 MGD. durations of high temperatures, it was found that August, 1981, had ten In the consecutive days with high temperatures over 80 degrees, a condition that would be exceeded only in 6 percent of the years, according to the record; and of acres proposed for each type of land use was multiplied by the that there were 5 consecutive days with high temperatures over 90 degrees, a appropriate condition exceeded in only 2 percent of the years. Thus, it can be concluded that the weather conditions of 1981 were very close to the extreme of what composite flow produced was actually high, since it is likely that could be expected and therefore, the one -day peak demand of 17.3 MGD was a peaks for commercial/industrial consumers would not coincide temporally with high that is representative of the upper limit of variation that would have residential been possible. As such, it offers a reasonably conservative value on which to base future predictions of one -day peak demands. It should be noted that water demand from March, 1982, to February, 1983, shows a 12.5 percent increase in water consumption over the previous year. The one -day peak demand of 12.6 MGD is an increase of 11.5 percent over the previous year's peak. Also this peak occurred in June rather than in August when it usually occurs. These data were not incorporated into the basis for forecasting water demand since the one year variation may not be indicative of long-term trends. The predicted growth of the one -day peak demand as far as the year 2033 is depicted in Figure 11 and detailed in Table 14. Demand Under Saturated Development 11 In an effort to determine the ultimate demand to be made on the system, saturation development of the area was assumed and water needs computed in three different ways. In the first, the current water consumption on the peak day of 11.3 MGD was divided by the current population of 39,014 to obtain a value of 289.63 gallons per capita per day (gpcd). This figure was then multiplied by the projected saturation population of 106,557 in the service area to yield an ultimate demand of 30.86 MGD. The resulting 30.86 MGD is close to the value obtained by the following approaches. In the second method, the population served by the Kent system tinder such development was assumed at 106,557 and the number of people per connection assumed at 2.7. Dividing the former by the latter yielded 39,466 connec- tions. When this was multiplied by the State recommended value of 800 gallons per day per connection, the resulting ultimate demand for water was 31.57 MGD. In the third method of figuring ultimate demand at saturated development, the number of acres proposed for each type of land use was multiplied by the appropriate rate of water consumption at peak hour per acre to give a total flow. The composite flow produced was actually high, since it is likely that peaks for commercial/industrial consumers would not coincide temporally with residential peaks. The calculations indicated a saturated peak day flow of 90 I 16.57 VIGO for the Valley system, 11.38 MGD for the East Hill and 3.98 MGD for the West Hill, for a combined total of 31.93 MGD (Table 15). The projected total was high for the same reason mentioned above, because all of the in- dustrial use takes place in the Valley system and this use dominated consump- tion in that zone. The peak hours of consumption there will be during daytime hours. On the other hand, residential consumption dominates usage on the East Hill and West Hill, so that peaks were likely to be experienced in the early morning and early evening, not at all simultaneously with the daytime peaks in the valley. MM Since three different methods of calculation yielded a total ultimate demand in a narrow range between 30.83 MGD and 31.93 MGD, long range plans will need to include provisions to supply about 31 to 32 MGD. This is the same amount determined by the consultant for the South King Co. Critical Water im Supply Plan. Spatial Variation of Demand Valley area, especially at Boeing, at South 228th Street and 4th Avenue North, and on 84th Avenue South between South 190th Street and South 200th Street. These areas are served by 12 inch and 16 inch mains, which seem to be adequate FM for these demands. The records of daily water production for August, 1981, showed that on most days, the Valley system required the most water, followed by the high East [fill system; occasionally that situation was reversed. The combined West Hill system was usually next, followed by the lower East Hill system, although these two were sometimes reversed. Also, these last two were both much lower in consumption than the previous two (Appendix B). On the system -wide peak demand day, 39 percent was consumed in the Valley, 48 percent on East Hill, and 13 percent on West Hill. It was the peak -day for the East Hill area, but not for the West Hill and the Valley. If the peak -day demands for each area were superimposed, the Valley would account for 46 percent of 'yO the demand, East Hill for 42 percent, and West Hill for 12 percent. It is important to note the spatial variation of water use along with OEM projected land uses in order to plan a storage and distribution system that system demands will meet the individual needs of the consumers. a similar A map showing the location of the users are tabulated in Table high demand areas is shown in 16. The high demand water Figure 12 and users for the 12 -month period, August, 1982 to July, 1983, were taken from Utility Depart- industrial ment records. The highest demands are concentrated in the north central Valley area, especially at Boeing, at South 228th Street and 4th Avenue North, and on 84th Avenue South between South 190th Street and South 200th Street. These areas are served by 12 inch and 16 inch mains, which seem to be adequate FM for these demands. The records of daily water production for August, 1981, showed that on most days, the Valley system required the most water, followed by the high East [fill system; occasionally that situation was reversed. The combined West Hill system was usually next, followed by the lower East Hill system, although these two were sometimes reversed. Also, these last two were both much lower in consumption than the previous two (Appendix B). On the system -wide peak demand day, 39 percent was consumed in the Valley, 48 percent on East Hill, and 13 percent on West Hill. It was the peak -day for the East Hill area, but not for the West Hill and the Valley. If the peak -day demands for each area were superimposed, the Valley would account for 46 percent of 'yO the demand, East Hill for 42 percent, and West Hill for 12 percent. replaced by industry. 91 - Under saturated development and assuming that peak demands of each system coincide on the same day, the Valley would account for 52 system demands, the East Hill 36 and West Hill 12 percent of the percent of the system. percent, It would appear that the Valley's portion of the total system demands will grow by about 6 percent, while East Hill's portion will decline a similar amount. Since East Hill is projected to grow substantially, this indicates only that water needs will grow even faster in the Valley as it becomes more industrial and as open space, agriculture, and single-family dwellings are replaced by industry. 91 - THIS PACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 11 17 Ll N I 11 11 11 I t E I F - 92 - I 7 J FI CJ 7 El L1 11 7 7 71 71 - 93- Peak 1 Day Year Peak 1 Day Year Peak 1 Day Demand Demand Demand FYear (MGD) (MGD) (MGD) `11.30 (11,30) 2000 18.72 2019 27.84 `11.87 (12,60) 1 19.20 20 28.32 `12,43 ( 8,40) 2 19,68 21 28.80 84 °13,00 (10.40) 3 20,16 22 29.28 85 11.52 (13,00) 4 20.64 23 29.76 86 12.00 (12,45) 5 21.12 24 30.24 87 12,48 (14,17) 6 21,60 25 30.72 88 12.96 7 22.08 26 31.20 89 13.44 8 22.56 27 31,68 90 13,92 9 23.04 28 32.16 91 14.40 10 23.52 29 32.16 92 14.88 11 24.00 30 32.16 93 15.36 12 24.48 31 32.16 94 15.84 13 24.96 32 32.16 95 1632 14 25.44 33 32,16 96 16,80 15 25.92 97 17,28 16 26.40 From 1982 Plan Includes Water District No. 111 98 17,76 17 26.88 and 87 as customers. 99 18,24 18 27,36 O Actual Demand - 93- 7 0 I J El 11 1i Singgle family 659 3.5 Mu l family 55 8,0 Commercial 44 2.5 Community facility 71 2.0 Constrained areas 66 0 Open space 54 0 Parks 108 1 Planned unit 235 • Based on 1972 Comp Plan, 2 grade schools with 3,600 students and 661 1 junior In h school with 9W students eand ostlmated In Kent Highlands EIS. "eased on 4 MGD peak dayy dm It Is assumed Water District Y75 will provide half of ft. Water Single family 199 3.5 Multi family 771 8,0 Resjdentla/Agricultural 1778 1.0 Industrial 4831 2.0 Commercial 451 2.5 Community facility 40 Commercial Openspace 840 0 Includes 2 elementary schools, 1 junior high, Cly Hall, fire station, and recreation center. - 95 - 2306.5 440 110 418' 108 1458.3' 4,840.8 GPM (Peak hour) x 00144 MGD/GPM 6.97 MGD (peak hr) T 1.75 Peak hr/Peak day 3.98 MGD (Peak day) 697 6,168 1,778 9,662 1,128 700' 20,133 GPM (Peak hour) x .00144 MGD/GPM 28,99 mgd (peak hr) T 1.76 Peak hr/Peak day 16.57 MGD (Peak day) 6,787 5,504 693 736 110 13,830 GPM (Peak hour) x - 00144 MGD/GPM 19.92 MGD (peak hr) 1.75 Peak hr/Peak day 11.38 MGD (Peak day) Rate df CON West Hill Lpnd UseAcres {GPM/A 16,57 Single family 1939 3.5 Multi family 688 8.0 Commercial 277 2.5 Community facility 175 Constrained areas 661 0 1 Water 210 26 0 - 95 - 2306.5 440 110 418' 108 1458.3' 4,840.8 GPM (Peak hour) x 00144 MGD/GPM 6.97 MGD (peak hr) T 1.75 Peak hr/Peak day 3.98 MGD (Peak day) 697 6,168 1,778 9,662 1,128 700' 20,133 GPM (Peak hour) x .00144 MGD/GPM 28,99 mgd (peak hr) T 1.76 Peak hr/Peak day 16.57 MGD (Peak day) 6,787 5,504 693 736 110 13,830 GPM (Peak hour) x - 00144 MGD/GPM 19.92 MGD (peak hr) 1.75 Peak hr/Peak day 11.38 MGD (Peak day) West Hill 3.98 Valley Floor 16,57 East Hill 11.38 Entire Svstem 31.93 MGD - 95 - 2306.5 440 110 418' 108 1458.3' 4,840.8 GPM (Peak hour) x 00144 MGD/GPM 6.97 MGD (peak hr) T 1.75 Peak hr/Peak day 3.98 MGD (Peak day) 697 6,168 1,778 9,662 1,128 700' 20,133 GPM (Peak hour) x .00144 MGD/GPM 28,99 mgd (peak hr) T 1.76 Peak hr/Peak day 16.57 MGD (Peak day) 6,787 5,504 693 736 110 13,830 GPM (Peak hour) x - 00144 MGD/GPM 19.92 MGD (peak hr) 1.75 Peak hr/Peak day 11.38 MGD (Peak day) Table 16 High Demand Users - 97 M M NEW (7 79 N M�7Q co N N O Sam N c— O N LU M N d T ® O C� N u7 Q LU O Q N MIN V ® 3 U CLmen co r !� M 3 P P O N Q .a� co coP 0 VO' Q 3 M a M V)) N cq CD v O 1A O N '- - 99- J II F 01 L LI, LI J F1 D Li I D j 0 Figure 12 Map of High Demand Users Kent Water System Annual Consumption G I, 506p00 I . 29,P57,790 I t + 1lfr, i — i,_s0o� I- i _ de2IN9+lOb 12 250,800 56e __�' -- - J03,545,3D0 tom, 7 4096,700 L - ... - . • - w� ��_ ` j LEGEND cubic feet a [ • � f 0 20,000,000 - 90,000,000 ® 10,000,000 - 20,000,000 • 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 • 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 under 1,0000,000 scale; 1' - 0.6m - 101 - j. --1 I•-� — G I, 506p00 I . 29,P57,790 I t + 1lfr, i — i,_s0o� I- i _ de2IN9+lOb 12 250,800 56e __�' -- - J03,545,3D0 tom, 7 4096,700 L - ... - . • - w� ��_ ` j LEGEND cubic feet a [ • � f 0 20,000,000 - 90,000,000 ® 10,000,000 - 20,000,000 • 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 • 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 under 1,0000,000 scale; 1' - 0.6m - 101 - X. DEMAND VS. SUPPLY - THE ALTERNATIVES Introduction In the development of this plan, several potential sources of water supply have been considered and rejected for reasons that have been detailed in the Water Supply section. The strongest positive possibilities include the 212th/208th Wells, the 42nd Ave./Orillia Rd. well site, offsetting storage and Tacoma. While Kent has executed a supply agreement with Tacoma for a portion of the flow from the Green River Pipe Line #5 project, the uncertainty there- with per its near term availability forces Kent to pursue the more immediate concrete options. Thus Kent's direction at this time is to pursue the development of the 212th/208th wells and the 42nd/Orillia aquifer. Subsequent MR supply development would then be contingent on an evaluation of Tacoma's 10 progress per its Pipe Line #5 project. The Plan At the present time, the City has available 17.57 MGD to meet peak demand, IN as listed in Table 8. While this total is sufficient to meet projected peak -day demand beyond 1990, the reliability of the intertie sources is questionable particularly beyond 1990. As such, by 1990 it is proposed to de- velop both the 212th/208th wells and the 42nd/Orillia aquifer. The resultant total of 19.36 MGD would supply projected demand through 2000. At that time, the 4.62 MGD supply from the Tacoma intertie would need to be available. This should meet the demand until 2009. At that time, it is proposed the impound- ment project will be operational. This will provide an increase of 8.76 MGD to in summer peaking capacity and will meet the demand to saturated development. OR 11 Meeting Demands in the Individual Pressure Zones mom In addition to providing water in quantities sufficient to meet total system needs, it is necessary to project the demands in the individual pres- sure zones to be certain that supply is available where it is needed. Since the East Hill systems appear to be the only ones where demand may be exceeded by supply even while total system supply is adequate, this situation was analyzed more thoroughly. A series of tables were developed to project needs for additional supplies and system improvements to meet the increasing demands on East Hill. The peaks within these tables were assumed to occur simultaneously thereby giving a conservative approach to the analysis. Also the tables were projected from 85 actuals which were greater than the projec- -1�3- tions of the 1984 Water System Plan. The net results thereof is a slightly earlier build out than reflected in Figure 11. The first table is a water budget for East Hill to determine how the supplies meet demands (Table 17). The peak day demands for both the 590 and 485 systems are projected and totalled. The 485 peak hour flow is also in- cluded because the small storage capacity serving the 485 system provides limited capability to meet peak hour demand. Therefore, the supply will need to meet this need. The supply available from the East Hill Well is pumped directly into the 590 system so it can help meet 590 demands in excess of the capacity of Pump Station #5. In 1986 the yield from East Hill Well was increased from 2.3 to 3.0 MGD because of system wide needs. The supply from the Clark Springs Transmission Main and the East Hill Well will be sufficient to meet all East Hill peak day demands until 1993. At that time supply from Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line project must be available. If not, a pumping station at 218th St. pumping the surplus water from the valley floor to Pump Station #5 would be required. Upon completion of Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line No. 5 project ample supply would then be available to the East Hill System through saturated development. Preliminary hydraulics of the Pipe Line project are favorable to gravity flow into the 590 System. In 1999, the maximum capacity of the 485 pumps (3.1 MGD) will have been reached. However, the deficit will be made up from reservoir storage. Even at saturated development the deficit only represents 12,600 gallons of storage. As such, no additional pumping capacity is warranted. In 2007 the demand within the 485 System is anticipated to level off at 2.28 MGD because of saturated development. Also in 2007 the demand within the 590 System is anticipated to level off at 9.10 MGD because of saturated development. In the second table (Table 18), a water budget at Garrison Creek Reservoir applies the total supply from James Street Tank, 212th Street Wells, 208th Street bell, 42nd Avenue well(s), Tukwila, and the Garrison Creek Well to the total 240 system demand to determine how much of that demand must be met by Guiberson Street Reservoir. After 1990, it is anticipated that use of Tukwila would be on an emergency basis only. This is predicated on the fact that the supply from the 212th St. wells, 208th St. well and the 42nd Avenue wells) will be available. In 1993 with the supply available from the Tacoma Pipe Line #5 project, the 240 System will be sufficient through 2008 when the impoundment project is projected to be implemented. After said implementation, supply to the Valley System is sufficient to 2030 -its anticipated saturated development. The third table projects demands on the Guiberson Street Reservoir to facilitate the planning of the impoundment project and related facilities with respect to the Tacoma Pipe Line #5 supply project (Table 19). As reflected in Table 17, the supply needs of the 590/485 system require that the Tacoma supply be available by 1993. Should this not occur then a pumping station at 218th St. and 93rd Ave. would be required to pump available surplus within the Valley Floor System to Pump Station #5. Due to supply limitations to the Guiberson Street Reservoir, said available surplus is anticipated to last only until 2000. At which time either the Tacoma supply is available or the - 104 - 11 17 17 17 17 7 17 8 impoundment project including its related filtration facilities must be com- pleted. Assuming the Tacoma supply is available, the impoundment project and its related facilities would then not be needed until 2006 (Table 19). The filtration facility will be initially sized for a 7 MGD capacity. This ca- pacity would be satisfactory until the year 2016 at which time said capacity would be increased to 10 MGD. The 10 MGD capacity would thusly be sufficient to saturated development anticipated in 2033. Figure 13 is a summation of the City's water system supply/demand relationship. - 105 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - 106 - IOL 0 \ 2 o $ _ « � � C. (D ] m A / 00 /� ■Q m 0 \/ a � \ q % a § k \ t � m ] ° o E Table 18 Projected Water Budget At Garrison Creek Reservoir SUPPLY AVAILABLE (MGD) DEMAND (MGD) «, Portion of 240 System Supplied Remaining James 212W/ from Garrison./ to be St. 208W/ Garrison Total 240 Tukwila/212W/ Supplied by YEAR Tank 42W Tukwila Well Total System 208W/42W Guiberson 0 - 109 - UID/ :�:OZ7,`: 0,/4 5,57 �(),JLIU.. 5./4 ."1,0,26. 0.68.1 1986 -1,014. .- -.2.29- 1,5 "' I 0.57 5.40 6,50 5.40 1.1Q 2 -8 1 --425!t4 "1 �57::� 7,19 635 1990 0,70 7,00*6 1,5 " 0.57 9.77 0.00 ...... .5 1'. . ,-O 00*3 7;00 �: 0 .57 8,10 2 5 -7.00. 725 -0, 00 19U'� 03 -0, -0.00 -.1001- M7 7,93 7.50. 7,50 000 1993 '0,57 7' .76 .4.64 .7,00----0.00 Q47, 12.21 8,00 8.00'0100 , Y995 . A ---7, 0 �: 0 O 00 O,5T : 12 .04 �8,25 .:8�25 0 is 1.996-, 4,30.- -.7,00 .0 .00 0,57- 11,87 8-50 8,50 1997 413 0 0.00 0.57 11.70 8,75 :8.7 .0.00 11998 .. 396_-_-7.00- 0100 0.57- 11.53 9.00 9.00 Mo, 199,91�51�1-1�,�111'�-� 3 39,� 7 M -O,M�:� 0,57:. 11.36 - 25, 0,00 2000..... . 3,62 --7,00 ..... . 0,57 11.19 9.50 9,50 0,00 20 7,0 ;57 11,02 10 2002 3,37 _- 7.00 0.57 10,94 ":7 fo00, 10,0 0 0,00 % 2903 2D03 I 00 - 57 10.68 .9 H e1Q.25 .. 0=, 2004----... 2,94--.7,00- . 0.57., 10,51 10,501 10,50 O 00 20 2006 �7,,M 7,00 0.57 M7 10,36 10.19, 10,75:' 11.00 0,19 0.3 .,-.....2,62. Aal- 2007 249..` 7,00 I:0 67;: 10.06 0,06 1,19' 2008 2.49 7.00 10.06 11.50 10.06 1.44 2009 2 49 f •0.57 7,00 0.57 .1006 1.1 76 10:06 69 90I0 ... 2,49 7.00 . . ..... . 0,57. . 10,06 12 00 0 0, 6 1 94 201 2 0 67��. M06 -� -12 25, , - I ilq,- 2012 2.49 7 0 0,57 10,06 12.50 10,06 2.44 20 3 -,249. 7 M, ow 10,06 12.75,• 10.06 2.69 2014 2.49 7.00 0,57 10,06 13,00 10...061 2.94 zo * 49 701 , �0:57! 10,06 �A 3126 1Q Ob 2016 20 :� 2.49 -,g , .. -: 2, 9' 7.00 Z-1. �,: ': A 1Q.06 13.50 7�5� �:- 1� 10,06 1 M'06 3. 1 4.4. . 3_9', I 1 2018 1 2.� 9, - , 1 �: . � ..67.:,'::l0D6 0.57 . 10.061, 14.QO:, .6 1, 2 :191�::1,E,' 9 :. 2 . -1-7,004 1. I � - ". - .1. "- , :. 1 0, 5 . 10,06 125 1" --3.94 4,19, 2020�% .2,z 9, --7,00 0,57 10,06 14.50 4A4 2021, 7100 0.57 10.06 14.50 r .10,06. 10.06 4,44, 20222.49 , 7,00,.. 0,57, A 5,00 10.06 2023 2A9 7 M 0 .67: 10.06 5.25 10 �06 2024 2 49 7,00 ... 0.67 10,06 15,50 5,44 2025��!., 2A 0.57 10.06 15.75 .10,06, 10 06' 5.69, ' 2026 2.49, 7.00, 16,00 10,06 5.94 2027 --- �e 10. 1 12 49---7,00 -':57 101,06. 16,25 -10M� -6,19 2028 2.49 7.00 0:57 10-06 16.50 10.06 6.44 2099.1 K=LLL 2 4 -.,..9-8 00. � --! 0 06 : 16,57*4; - I 10 06 %&69 *1 Straight line growth rate based on a pro rata distribution of total demand. '2 Developed first phase of 212th/SR 167 Well. using dilution as treatment. *3 Anticipated use of Tukwila Intertle on an emergency basis only. '4 Developed 212th/SR 167 and 208th/SR 167 wells to 4.25 MGD capacity plus the respective treatment facility. `5 Developed 42nd/Crillia aquifer to 2.75 MGD. 6 Development of the Valley Is saturated: demand levels off. 0 - 109 - Table 19 Peak Day Outlet Flows From Guiberson Street Reservoir Portion o1240 System 1.94'3 1;94 Demand Allocated to 5291354.5 System' 1 Total 2.00 Year Gulberson (MGD) Demands (MGD) Demand (MGD) 2.06 2.66 1994 0 1986 0.26 0.22 1987 6;68 0.28 1988 1 10 0.34 2.24 :7 QRQ n. - ndn nnn " 1991 0 1.94'3 1;94 1992 0 2.00 2.00 1953 0 2.06 2.66 1994 0 2.12 2,12 19952.18. 1996 0 2.24 2.24 1997 0 1998 0 2.30 2.36 2:30 2.36 1949 2:42 242 2000 0 2001 0 2.54 2.54 2002 0 2.60 2.60 2003' 0 2.66 2.66' 2004 D 2.72 2.72 2005 0.34 _._ 278 2086 U.81 2,84.... 3.65's 1007 1.19,2.90 2008. , 144 2.96 4.40, 2009: 1.69 3.02 „ 4.71; 2010 1.94 2011:': 2.19 3.08 314 5.02 5.33 2012. 2.44 3.20 _.5,64 2013 2.69 3,26 5.94' 2014 2.94 3.32 6.26 2015. 3.19 3.38 2016 3.44 3.44 6.88'6 2017 3.69 3.50 7.191. 2018 3.94 3.56 7.50 2019.`.L 4.19 3.62 2020 4.44 3.68 8.12 2021'' 4.69 3,74 8.43 2022 4.94 3.80 8.74 2023; 5.19 2024 5.44 3.86 3.92 9.05 9.36 2023; S_69 3.98'8 9.67 2026 5.94 3,98 9.92 2027. 6_I93.98 10,17 2028. 6.44 3.98 10.42 2029; 6.69 3.98 10.67" eI Straight line growth rale based on a pro rely distribution of total demand. a2 1.42 MGD Is supplied to West Hill through the Water D1.1,1ei No. 75 IrlorGe. '3 Reflects ma of Water District No. 75 lnleetfe on an emergesmy basis only, a4 Reflects earliest possible need to implement impoundment storagdlrealment project doe m Tacoma supply not being arsilable. a5 Reflre4 earliest possible need to implement impoundment storagdtrestmenl prglea due to inflow li nilatimts Into the CWbenou Street Reservoir. e6 Ineeeaw filtzad.n facilityy capadty by 4 MCD. h ReHec4 maximum ai>e o(Dltra4on fedlity reyuired al Cuibersmt Strcel facility. e8 Development in the West Hill Le saturated; demand levels off. C 0 0 0 0 L D E 7 E ID L I L E IBJ U Ll XI. THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Integral components of the plan are the 212th/208th Well Fields, 42nd Ave. well(s), the Tacoma Intertie and the Impoundment project (the development of offsetting storage equivalent to the peak -demand period). Each of these projects are critical to the City's ability to meet its ultimate supply needs. Of the four projects, only the Tacoma Intertie project is questionable as to its implementation schedule. This questionability arises from the issues evolving around the project and the fishing rights of the Muckleshoot Indians. To date a two year delay of Tacoma's project can be attributed to same. . The Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) tabulated in Table 20 and pre- sented graphically in Figure 14 is predicted on fully developing the 212th/208th wells in 1989, followed in 1990 by the development of the 42nd Ave, well(s). It is also assumed that the Tacoma Intertie will, in fact,'be in service sometime between 1993 and 2000. As such, the City's supply capabilities would then be adequate until 2006. At that point the impoundment project including its respective treatment facility would be brought on line. With the added treat- ment capabilities (4 MGD) to the impoundment facility in 2017, the City's supply needs would be satisfied to saturation development. Tacoma Green River Pipe Line No. 5 As noted earlier, the Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line Project No. 5 is questionable. The effects of the present delay have forced the City to proceed with full development of the 212th Street and 208th St. wells and respective treatment. Also with no near term resolution of the surrounding issues and the questionable dependability of the City's other intertie sources (WD #75 and Tukwila) the City is also forced to pursue the development of the 42nd Avenue aquifer. With such supply development, the near term need of the Tacoma supply is extended to 1993. Continued delay would then result in the construction of a pumping station at 218th Street and 93rd Avenue. The pur- pose of this station would be to move water from the Valley floor to the 590 and 485 Systems via the 98th Avenue 6 MG Reservoir and Pump Station No. 5. By so doing the need for the Tacoma supply would be deferred to 2000. At that point if the Tacoma source were not available, then the impoundment storage project would have to be. Depending on the perceived status of the Tacoma project the development of the impoundment portion thereof may be to its maximum size (3200 AF). Total abandonment of Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line No. 5 project would result in the necessity to develop the Auburn Well Field in the year 2011. - 115 - The Storage Impoundment The storage impoundment denoted as part of this plan would be located SE in northwest of the intersection of SE 304th Street and 124th Avenue an 3/4 of a mile to the south upland area between the Green River Valley, about Creek Valley, about 1/2 mile to the southeast and west and the Soos 15). The site itself is in a small northwest, southeast trending (Figure valley with an average surface elevation of 400 feet above sea level and formerly contained a small lake. A study of the site concluded that this is an excellent place geotechnical for an impoundment, since the former existence of a lake indicated that materials seepage losses would be reasonably low. Ample quantities of site and recommendations regarding are suitable for construction of embankments, included in the report of the study. In particular, three construction are possible configurations were presented. One constraint to be considered in designing the impoundment is the Bonneville Power Administration transmission it. lines, which traverse the site east to west, just north of the center of to the City estimated at Two towers will need to be relocated at an expense the impoundment facility favored at this time $98,000. The configuration of is included in Figure 16. With a bottom elevation at 375 embankments will permit a water surface elevation up to elevation 425, enclosing a potential total capacity of 3,200 AF. A hydrogeologic study of the site reveals two aquifers of limited extent, sufficient which are possibly connected. The site does not seem to offer to drilling production wells. yield of high quality water warrant In 1983, the City exercised its option to purchase the site totaling approximately 157 acres. Water Quality Considerations One important factor to be considered in building the storage impoundment de- is the effect that the storage will have on the quality of water to be City chlorinates and fluoridates livered to the consumer. Currently, the only are water and all storage is covered, but the water because all sources ground State regulations require treatment of surface water supplies before distribu- tion. The anticipated quality of the water in the storage impoundments has been studied. It is expected to be of high quality even before treatment. Issues have been raised regarding contamination of the water while it is least 100 being stored in the reservoir. On-site sewage systems will be at is not be, to be feet away from the reservoir. Development of the area from the zoning designations. Lots to the east are at intensive, judging 5 in area; the City has purchased the drainage area to the west. least acres In addition, the seepage from the unlined reservoir should form a mound of water beneath the reservoir. This should prevent any groundwater contamina- tion from reaching the reservoir. Although it is true that the reservoir will -116- it be subject to effects of air pollution, such effects are minor. Furthermore, they are a regional problem that must be addressed on a regional basis. Wind effects causing erosion of the banks should be minimized by installation of riprap along the shore. Vandalism will be discouraged by a fence surrounding the site and by a security patrol, which will check the property periodi- cally. Even if some contamination should occur from one of these sources, the filtration process should remove any offending elements. A water treatment feasibility study commissioned by the City and reported in 1983, focused on the alternatives of gravity granular media filtration, pressure granular media filtration, and pressure diatomaceous earth filtra- tion. It also considered alternative sites for the treatment facility. The recommended least cost alternative was a diatomaceous earth filtration facili- ty located near Guiberson Street Reservoir to take advantage of the 87 foot elevation differential between the impoundment and this site. This could eliminate the need for pumping. A literature survey on diatomaceous earth filtration of municipal water supplies confirmed the feasibility of using diatomaceous earth filtration in this situation. The water is low in turbidity; diatomaceous earth filters can be effective in high turbidity situations, but are especially effective in low turbidity waters. The finished water is consistently of high quality and the backwash water and solids are more manageable than are those of a granular media filtration plant. It is, however, recognized that the final selection of the treatment process will be predicated upon the results of a pilot plant study in which the study is to be conducted under actual impoundment operating conditions. One factor that might be a problem for a diatomaceous earth filtration plant is a high concentration of algae. Actually the filter would continue to produce high quality water in such a situation, but the pores would clog more quickly and the run would be shortened. The water quality study of the pro- posed impoundment reveals that the total phosphorus concentration in the im- poundment should be no more than 10 micrograms per liter. Since phosphorus is the limiting nutrient and its level is relatively low, there should be no algal nuisance in the impoundment. The summer chlorophyll -a content should be about 2 micrograms per liter and transparency of the water should extend to about five meters. Thus, algae should not be a major problem, nor should they cause any problems for the filtration system. A summary of the study's findings is included in an appendix. Because the alignment of Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line No. 5 project is through the impoundment, a supply therefrom is an ideal situation and should not be given up easily. 11 Kent Springs Transmission Main Rebuild A project partly related to the impoundment is the reconstruction of the Kent Springs Transmission Main. This was only one of several other alterna- tives available to solve the problem of a deteriorated 50 year old concrete main which is both structurally unreliable and unable to convey the flows it - 117 - I was designed to carry. Another option the City considered was abandoning Kent Springs as a source, but with the inability to provide an adequate substitute, this option was dropped. Another option considered for solving the problem of the deteriorated Kent Springs Transmission Main was transmitting the Kent Springs flow through the Clark Springs Transmission Main. This would require pumping at 152nd Avenue S.E. and possibly also at Kent Springs. Additional power costs would be incurred. A detailed look at this alternative showed that costs of building a pump station plus costs of power over the years outweighed the cost of selling bonds to rebuild the Kent Springs Transmission Main (Table 21). Thus, it was decided to rebuild the main. This option is consistent with both the con- struction of the impoundment and with the potential alternative to purchase water from Seattle in the future. From Kent's point of view, the preferred intertie location to the City's system is on East Hill, since the system is designed to accommodate flows from east to west and not vice versa. The Kent Springs Transmission Main is the logical main to accept any such added flow and so will need to be rebuilt to a size to accommodate anticipated flows. Instead of rebuilding the Kent Springs Transmission Main along the exist- ing route, it is being routed south to the proposed impoundment between 104th Avenue S.E. and 132nd Avenue S.E. This prepares the system to transmit flows to and from the impoundment and preserves the options of tapping the proposed Seattle/Tacoma Intertie and/or the Tacoma/Green River Pipeline No. 5. Also, the Clark Springs Transmission Main will be intertied to the Kent Springs Transmission Main at 132nd Avenue S.E. Thus, the entire production of both sources will be able to be diverted to the impoundment. Initially, a total of 10 MGD could be diverted (7.5 MGD from Clark Springs plus 2.5 MGD from Kent Springs as a winter yield). With the completion of the Kent Springs Transmission Main rebuild a diversion of 13.8 MGD would be possible (7.5 MGD from Clark Springs plus 6.3 from Kent Springs as winter yield). The Auburn Well Field The development of the Auburn Well Field is a fall back alternative should Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line No. 5 project fall through. Because the aquifer at the Auburn well site appears to be hydraulically continuous with the Green River, pumping at this site will be governed by withdrawal restrictions during low flow periods when withdrawals from the river are restricted. Water pumped in the winter months could be stored in the impoundment to be used in the high demand summer months. Analysis of the ground water at the Auburn well field shows manganese levels at 0.2 mg/1, which is four times the maximum contamination level allowed by the State standards. The level of manganese in the Green River is only 0.1 mg/1. It has been hypothesized that heavy pumping will draw river water into the aquifer. Thus, the manganese level should drop towards 0.1 mg/l in the pumped water. In addition, the water would be pumped to the storage impoundment, 0 E 71 F1 E where it would be diluted with water from other sources with low manganese levels. The dilution may be sufficient to bring the concentration down to acceptable levels. At the present time, the City has secured legal rights to the property at the Auburn Well Field. It has also determined the potential yield to be between 10 and 20 MGD via drilling three observation wells and two test wells (one shallow and one deep). A supply of 10 MGD from the Auburn Well Field would be sufficient to adequately meet the City's future needs should Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line No. 5 project fall through. - 119 - TEAS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - 120 - ) b .e» , ;E r ; !� ) b I I 11 I 0 71 F-1 J D 7 D Ej L l Ll Table 21 COST COMPARISONS ON KENT SPRINGS TRANSMISSION MAIN ALTERNATIVES Alternative 1. Put Kent Springs flow into Clark Springs Transmission Main. Pump Station Power costs for pumping Alternative 2. Rebuild KSTM (all gravity - no power costs for pumping) 132nd Avenue SE - Kent Springs 104th Avenue SE - 132nd Avenue SE (direct) extra for loop to impoundment 'Bond Service (20 years) $750,000 $300,000-$400,000 (After 20 years) $2,500,000" 2,000,000" 1,8001000** 6,300,000 $200,000-300,000/ year " Required independent of what occurs east of 132nd Avenue. - 123 - P at mo No aw w a Figure 15 Existing Land Contours 1111Z O O ty 1� ti I I 1 .n o � C: 1 f�� 11 wU s,em 1 � i J'., .,0 1 SA• , I n o � 1 1 r ° 4tii/� r \ -1-. .I�.\ -1--i -\•--,;,,,. / Q I' Proposed Property tine - 127 - Figure 16 Impoundment Configuration 0 XII. FINANCIAL PLAN AND REVENUE PROGRAM The water system improvements projected in the previous section can be financed in one or a combination of various methods. Those considered include grants, bonds, utility rates, and other charges. 11 State and Federal Grants In 1980 the voters of the state authorized the sale of $75 million in general obligation bonds to finance needed water supply facilities. At this time, little if any remains to be allocated from the $60 million appropriated by the State. Under the Community Development Block Grant Program, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development provides funds to communities that have concentrations of impoverished citizens and substandard housing to expand their low and moderate income housing opportunities and to meet community development needs. Kent receives about $180,000 per year. Whatever grant money will be available from HUD funds will be relatively insignificant. The grants and loans available from the Farmers' Home Administration, under the Rural Community Development Act, are limited in eligibility to communities of less than 10,000 people. Consequently, Kent will be ineligible to qualify for funds from this source. Three types of long-term debt financing are available to the City. These include assessment bands, general obligation bonds, and revenue bonds. Assessment bonds are typically used to finance capital facilities that will benefit a discrete area. One-time assessments are assigned to properties based on the benefits that will accrue to them. Assessment bonds are secured by the properties assessed. Issuance costs are higher than other types of bonds because they require public notification to all property owners within the assessment area, public hearings, and usually costly engineering and legal expense associated with the assessment spread. A project like the proposed comprehensive improvement program does not lend itself to assessment bond financing because: a. Issuance costs are high. In the past , grants from state and federal agencies have provided a significant portion of the funds required to finance water system improve- ments. Consequently, the grant programs of Social the Washington State Department of and Health Services, of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and of the U.S. Farmer's Home Administration were investi- gated. In 1980 the voters of the state authorized the sale of $75 million in general obligation bonds to finance needed water supply facilities. At this time, little if any remains to be allocated from the $60 million appropriated by the State. Under the Community Development Block Grant Program, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development provides funds to communities that have concentrations of impoverished citizens and substandard housing to expand their low and moderate income housing opportunities and to meet community development needs. Kent receives about $180,000 per year. Whatever grant money will be available from HUD funds will be relatively insignificant. The grants and loans available from the Farmers' Home Administration, under the Rural Community Development Act, are limited in eligibility to communities of less than 10,000 people. Consequently, Kent will be ineligible to qualify for funds from this source. Three types of long-term debt financing are available to the City. These include assessment bands, general obligation bonds, and revenue bonds. Assessment bonds are typically used to finance capital facilities that will benefit a discrete area. One-time assessments are assigned to properties based on the benefits that will accrue to them. Assessment bonds are secured by the properties assessed. Issuance costs are higher than other types of bonds because they require public notification to all property owners within the assessment area, public hearings, and usually costly engineering and legal expense associated with the assessment spread. A project like the proposed comprehensive improvement program does not lend itself to assessment bond financing because: a. Issuance costs are high. a b. Changes in use of properties cannot be reflected in assessments, which are fixed at the time of bond issue. General obligation (G. O.) bonds can be repaid either with an ad valorem tax levy, or, if bond proceeds were used for utility facility construction, with system user charge revenue. These bonds are therefore secured by the full faith credit of the issuing agency, as well as system revenues. Conse- quently, interest costs are lower than for other types of debt financing, as much as 60 basis points (6/10 of 1 percent) below the yields which could he expected from revenue bonds. Councilmanic G.O. bonds can be issued by authorization of the City Council, subject to the constraint that the current principal outstanding is limited to 1/4 of 1 percent of the assessed value within the City's corporate limits. Currently, the City committed to full utilization of its councilmanic capacity to other types of municipal improvements. In addition to councilmanic bonds, G.O. debt can be issued upon authoriza- tion by the City's electorate. It is necessary to place the measure before the public for 60 percent ratification by those voting in the election. To achieve such a margin can be expensive in terms of public relations programs, plus the long time necessary to schedule the bond election. This latter point is particularly critical during inflationary periods in which project costs can rise substantially and more than offset the nominal savings that G.O. bonds can achieve through lower interest rates and reserve/coverage require- ments. Revenue bonds are serviced and secured by the revenues generated through utility operations. Advantages of revenue bonds include ease of authorization to by the City Council without a bond election, no ad valorem tax security re- quirements, and the capacity to recover associated 'debt service costs from users in proportion to the benefits accorded thereto. Disadvantages include slightly higher interest costs, which can range up to 1 percent; and, in some cases, debt coverage requirements that may require the accumulation of revenues in excess of total annual expenditure needs as a guarantee to bond investors that the debt can be serviced adequately. Utility activities have traditionally been financed by revenue bonds. Developer Extension 11 In general, developers are required to finance mains connecting their 10 developments with the existing water system. They are also required to meet specific on-site fire flow requirements and to provide hydrants and the associated connections to the water system, according to City Ordinance 2434. After construction and approval by the City, ownership of the mains is trans- ferred to the City. In this way, many of the additional distribution mains required by the City will be financed by private developers. Service requests outside the City limits follow the same developer exten- sion requirement; plus, and in accordance with Council policy, they either - 132 - 11 annex or as determined by the Director of Public Works execute an annexation covenant (See Appendix G for covenant agreement). Systems Development Charge Pursuant to City of Kent Ordinance 2298, adopted by Kent City Council on June 15, 1981, and effective June 26, 1981, a systems development charge applies to all applications for water service from the City of Kent. This systems development charge is in addition to the tap charge and any latecomers 11 L! _! F E adequate until 1993 or possibly longer. - 133 - fee or charge in lieu of assessment that might be due. The systems develop- the next five years are projects will be financed ment charge is as follows: from cash generated from system operating revenues $550.00 for each meter less than 1 inch in size operation and debt service $979.00 for each meter 1 inch in size $2,200.00 for each meter 1 1/2 inches in size in Table 23. $3,910.50 for each meter 2 inches in size existing rate as reflected in $8,800.00 for each meter 3 inches in size $15,642.00 for each meter 4 inches in size $24,442.00 for each meter 5 inches in size $35,200.00 for each meter 6 inches in size $62,579.00 for each meter 8 inches in size $97,779.00 for each meter 10 inches in size Short-term Program q 11 L! _! F E adequate until 1993 or possibly longer. - 133 - The estimated costs of proposed projects over tabulated in Table 22. It is anticipated that these the next five years are projects will be financed from cash generated from system operating revenues after maintenance and operation and debt service costs have been deducted. The anticipated revenues and operating expenses over the next five years are included in Table 23. Based on same the existing rate as reflected in Table 24 is assumed to be 11 L! _! F E adequate until 1993 or possibly longer. - 133 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT 6LANK r', 11 I I 0 1.1 III 11 I I 11 L1 7 - 134 - I Table 22 Estimated Costs for the Proposed Five -Year Comprehensive Water Plan ($1,000) ou Fiscal Year BMW Description 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Total Tacoma Intertle 750 11500 2,000 2,000 6,250 212thSt./208th St. Wells & Treatment Facilities 2,250 2,250 Or I 42nd Ave, Well(s) 600 900 1,500 Misc. Water System Improvements 450 350 300 300 300 1,700' 3,300 2,000 1,800 2,300 2,300 11,700 "It is anticipated that a total of $1,700,000 would be avallable over this 5 year period for distribution system improvements, This amount is anticipated to address those asterisked projects denoted on pages 44 and 45 plus the fencing needs of the City sources (page 68). r - 135 - Table 23 Total Operating Expenses 01,000) Non - Operating Operating M&O Year Revenues Revenues Costs Unreserved Beginning Fund Balance Actual 1987 5335 Projections 1989 53014 788 2083 Annual Oper. Surp. Unreserved Avail. for Capital Balance Debt Construct, Projects Available 3316 1438 2602 3933 2724 450 2379' 1381 1991 3300 2068 1991 54084 450 26232 1380 1855 1800 2046 1993 55174 450 30773 1386 1504 2300 718 `Reallocation of funds back to the fund balance for Tacoma Intertie. ' Reflects a 3 percent growth over 1988. P Reflects a 5 percent growth over previous year. 3 Reflects a 5 percent growth over previous year plus $185,000 increase per the M&O cost associated with the on line status of the Tacoma Intertie. 4 Reflects a 1 percent growth over previous year. - 137 - D E E El E LI I D D T u p Table 24 Existing User Charges - 139 - 11 LIM XIII. SYSTEM OPERATIONS PROGRAM General This section presents an operations program outline for the City of Kent Water System. Figure 17 is an operation schematic of the system. The section is divided into five sub -sections: Management and Operations Responsibility Preventive Maintenance Program Water Quality Monitoring Requirements Cross -Connection Control Emergency Response The following items are valuable references to supplement the material in this Bad section and should be available for reference: 1. A complete set of "as -built" plans of the system. 2. A complete set of "as -built" plans, submittal data, and shop draw- ings of all electrical and mechanical equipment in the system. 3. A complete set of manufacturer's operation and maintenance instruc- tions. 4. Reference Manuals: Water Distribution Operator Training Handbook. American Water Works Association. Emergency Planning for Water _Utility Management. American Water ors ssociation, AWWA No. 19. Manual of Water Utility Operations. Texas Water Utilities Association, Austin, Texas. Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health Regarding u is ater Systems. . State o Was ington, Departm, of Socialand HeaTtFServices. Accepted Procedure and Practice in Cross Connection Control Manua Pacific Northwest Section, American Water Worms sA sociation. Latest edition. Water Operator Certification Regulations. 1978. State of as ington, epartment o ocia and Health Services. - 141 - Management and Operations Responsibility 11 mom The Kent Water System is operated and maintained by the Operations Division of the Public Works Department of the City of Kent. An organization chart is given in Figure 18. Names of employees certified as waterworks operators by the State of Washington are listed below. Water Distribution Manager III ater reatment perator Glenn Bearson Water Distribution Manager II Bradley Lake Brad Dupleich Water Distribution Manager I George Jett Brad Dupleich Water Treatment Plant Operator I (In Training) Glenn Bearson Brad Lake Water Distribution Specialist II Bradley Lake Glenn Bearson Brad Dupleich Water Distribution Specialist I James Ausburn Stan Fraga Pat Sullivan Phillip McConnell Brad Dupleich Duaine Hager Robert Lewis Iva Hawkins Kevin Swinford Leland Fingerson Cross -Connection Control Specialist III Nelden Hewitt Cross -Connection Control Specialist I James Ausburn Brad Lake Stan Fraga Joe Fagan Glenn Bearson Duaine Hager Brad Dupleich Leland Fingerson George Jett Pat Sullivan (Cross -Connection Control is managed by Ken Miller, Construction Engineer, and 1 Van Parker, Construction Inspector.) - 142 - C r L J D Cl J I U D E D Preventive Maintenance Program This section will present a schedule of inspection and maintenance for the major water supply facilities within the Kent Water System. Detailed informa- tion regarding specific pieces of equipment is not presented. Lubrication and maintenance instructions specified by the manufacturers should be followed closely. Sources: 1. Weekly -- Inspect pumps and chlorination equipment; record flow meter readings and well drawdown. Storage Reservoirs and Tanks: 1. Weekly -- Inspect fences, gates and locks; check tank exterior for cracks or leaks; record water surface elevations; and collect water samples. 2. Annually -- Drain reservoir; clean sides and bottom, if neces- sary; and inspect interior surface for cracks and leaks. Pump Stations: 1. Weekly -- Check doors and locks; record flow meter reading; check pumps, including the following items: lubricants seals running amperage and pressures proper operation of pump control valves other items specified by manufacturer Distribution System: 1. Daily -- Collect representative water samples. 2. Annually -- Flush all deadend mains according to a schedule throughout the year. Valves and Hydrants: 1. Annually -- Check and operate all hydrants and hydrant valves (fire department responsibility); operate all distribution system valves: Close and reopen until valve seats properly Clean valve box Log inspection 2. Weekly -- Check operation of all pressure reducing valves and pump control valves according to manufacturer's recommendations and make necessary adjustments. - 143 - Meters: Annually -- calibrate all system flow meters (not including service meters) according to manufacturer's recommendation. Telemetry: The telemetry system employs primarily electronic components which require no maintenance. Annually -- inspect and lubricate (if necessary) telemetry recording instruments and mechanical flow meters. In addition to the above scheduled inspections, more frequent checks should be made to monitor facilities having temporary problems. Emergency response equipment and spare parts inven- tory should also be checked periodically. Water Quality Monitoring Requirements Federal and State regulations specify a minimum water quality monitoring program for community water systems. The State Department of Social and Health Services has the responsibility for enforcement of these regulations. The water purveyor (the City) has responsibility for monitoring, reporting and maintaining drinking water quality within its service area. These regulations concern sampling requirements, maximum allowable contaminant levels (MCL's), and action required if these levels are violated. Drinking water contaminants which must be monitored have been divided into several classifications. Primary contaminants are those which relate directly to public health; violations of MCL's of these substances must be dealt with rapidly. Secondary contaminants are related to the aesthetic quality of the water and do not directly affect public health. Table 25 summarizes monitor- ing requirements and Table 26 shows maximum contaminant levels. Turbidity. The maximum contaminant levels for turbidity are as follows: (a) One nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU), based on a monthly average of the maximum daily turbidity. The limit may be increased to five NTUs if the purveyor can show the source is within a controlled watershed and meets all the requirements of WAC 248-54-125 and WAC 248-54-225. (b) Five NTUs based on an average of the maximum daily turbidity for two consecutive days. - 144 - C 11 11 11 11 O I 11 O 11 L7 1 0 `J I H F1 Trihalomethanes. The maximum contaminant level for total trihalomethanes (TTHM) is 0.10 micrograms/liter. The concentrations of each of the trihalomethane compounds [trichloromethane (chloroform), dibromo-chloromethane, bromo-dichloromethane, and tribromomethane (bromoform)7 are added together to determine the TTHM level. Corrosivity. If any corrosion byproduct parameter exceeds the maximum contaminant level or the increase in parameter levels between source and distribution sampling points is significant, follow-up action as outlined in WAC 248-54-185 shall be taken. The corrosivity characteristics as generalized by the Langelier index are as follows: Highly aggressive = <-2.0, moderately aggressive = -2.0 to < 0.0, nonaggressive = > 0.0. Pesticides. The maximum contaminant levels for organic chemicals are as follows: (a) Chlorinated hydrocarbons: Endrin 0.0002 mg/L Lindane 0.004 mg/L Methoxychlor 0.1 mg/L Toxaphene 0.005 mg/L (b) Chlorophenoxys: 2, 4-D 0.1 mg/L 2, 4, 5 -TP Silvex 0.01 mg/L Radionuclides. (a) The maximum contaminant levels for radium -226, radium -228, and gross alpha particle radioactivity are as follows: (i) Combined radium -226 and radium -228 - 5pCi/1. (ii) Gross alpha particle activity (including radium -226 but excluding radon and uranium) - 15 pCi/1. Written notice to customers is required by Federal and State laws for the following conditions: 1. MCL for a primary contaminant has been exceeded; 2. granting of an exemption or variance from a MCL; 3. failure to comply with required monitoring program or with requirements of exemption or variance. The notice should be included with the first set of water bills after the failure and should be repeated every three months until the situation is 145 - corrected. Notices well informed. In addition, if a primary contaminant MCL is exceeded, a notice must also be published for three consecutive days in a newspaper of general circulation within con Also, serviy of ng the areawithin 7 notice should daysbe supplied to the radio andtelevision statng t e The following water quality monitoring records should be kept and main- tained for the specified period of time: 1. Bacteriological tests - results of all analyses (5 years) 2. Chemical analyses - results of all analyses (10 years) 3. Documentation of action taken to correct violations of drinking water regulations (3 years) 4. Public notice information and documentation (3 years) should be written in a manner to assure that the public is 10 Groundwater sources must be tested for inorganic chemical pollutants once every three years and for organic chemical pollutants only when required by the Department of Social and Health Services. Turbidity does not need to be tested on groundwater supplies. The most recent results forKent S riings, Clark Springs are included in the Appendix. dings contaminant levels allowed. Tests at Seven Oaks Plat the So. 212th Street wells, which are also included, above the allowable levels. Lj 1 11 L 7 L Springs, and Armstrong were below the maximum man oil Well (Soos Creek) and �8 show manganese levels Water samples are gathered daily at Pump Station #5 (Clark Springs water) and at Guiberson Street Reservoir (Kent Springs water.) The water is moni- tored for pH, turbidity, chlorine, and fluoride levels. Ranges of values are shown in Table 27. Bacteriological tests are performed nine times weekly at random locations nations throughout the distribution system by Water Management Associates, inde- pendent water testing laboratory. Coliform counts of zero have consistently been recorded. The few exceptions have been at construction sites, which have been retested until the situation was corrected. In 1982, non -zero results of those that were measurable varied from 1 to 24 coliform/100 ml. There was one occurrence of a sample with coliform bacteria too numerous to count; it was tested six days later and showed no coliform contamination. Watershed Inspection To assist in maintaining the integrity of the City's watersheds (Clark & Kent Springs) the City has a watershed inspection program. Under this program on a quarterly basis the watershed areas will be inspected for any activity therein which may affect the water quality at the City's facilities. &Should a potential appear, the City would proceed with the necessary testing to verify or discount its concerns. Should a concern be validated the City would take whatever steps necessary to protect the integrity of it sources - 146 - 11 11 11 E 11 P I which could includes both the physical improvements at its sources and legal action against the polluter. The City also has advised the county of that area under county jurisdiction which is suspected of lying within the watershed area and ask for consideration and cooperation therein per county land use planning and actual developments. The watershed area as best approximated by the City consultant, Montgomery Engineers, is depicted on Figure 19. Cross Connection Control Washington State regulations place the primary responsibility for control of cross -connections with the water purveyor (City). The City may be held legally liable for any problems which may arise due to an unprotected cross connection. If an immediate hazard to health is caused by a cross connection, water service to the premises should be discontinued until the cross connec- tion has been corrected. Failure of the customer to cooperate in the installation, maintenance, testing, or inspection of backflow prevention devices is grounds for the termination of water service to the premises or for the requirement of an air gap separation. Authority to terminate the water service is included in the State regulations listed at the first of this section and in City of Kent Ordinance #2394. Satellite System While there are some small private water systems within Kent's service area, the distribution system of Kent's water utility is extensive enough such that the take over and operation of these systems as satellite systems is not warranted. As such, it is the utility's position not to do so. Emergency Response All water supply systems are subject to damage and interruption from unusual emergency events. This section presents a discussion of the vulner- ability of the Kent system and outlines a general program for responding to a variety of emergency conditions. To establish an effective emergency program, more detailed schedules and assignments are developed by Water Department personnel within the outline presented here. - 147 - System Vulnerability L7 C An overall assessment of the existing Kent Water System shows a reliable available water supply of 17.57 MGD. This is enough to meet expected near future one -day peak demands. Emergency power is available at Pump Station #5 on East Hill and at Pump Station #4 on the West Hill. This will increase the reliability of the water system in the event of a power outage. Future demand shall be met with an additional 4.71 MGD from the 212th St./208th St./42nd Ave. Wells which are scheduled to be on line by 1990. Public Notifications Many of the plans which follow call for notification of the public of emergency conditions and of required demand curtailment measures. Sample announcements are presented here in increasing order of severity. The City should contact newspapers and several local radio and television stations, which broadcast in the service area, to make prior arrangements concerning emergency announcements. 11 F 17 17 11 7 - 148 - L n L 7 �J For Immediate Release: Sample I The City of Kent is experiencing unusually high water demand and is having difficulty maintaining adequate reservoir reserves. Residents of the City are requested to reduce water consumption and to avoid wasting water wherever possible. It will be particularly helpful if homeowners will make every effort to reduce lawn irrigation. The problem is expected to be temporary in nature, and a public announcement will be made when normal water consumption can be resumed. For Immediate Release: Sample II The City of Kent is experiencing a major loss of its water production capacity. The City's customers are directed to stop all irrigation and to make every effort to conserve valuable water. Failure to do so may result in the application of fines of up to $50/day, according to City ordinance #2227. The City is doing everything possible to correct the situation, and will make a public announcement as soon as the problem has been rectified. For Immediate Release: Sample III This is a Community Emergency Announcement. The City of Kent has experienced a major loss of its water production capacity, and, therefore, is unable to maintain normal water deliveries. It is mandatory that all irrigation, industrial, and commercial use be discontinued. Water must be conserved for sanitary and potable use only. Your cooperation is urgently requested. Failure to eliminate unessential uses of water may result in the application of fines of up to $50/day, according to City ordinance #2227. The City is doing everything possible to restore the water system to normal operations. You will be notified of any change in the situa- tion. Note: repeat of above message. For Immediate Release: Sample IV The City of Kent has experienced a total loss of its water production capacity; as a result, the water mains have been shut off and normal water deliveries have been discontinued. The City has made arrangements to deliver water by tank truck to residential areas for potable and sanitary uses only. The following is a schedule of tank truck deliveries and locations: When picking up own clean containers normal water service restored. (Site locations) water at the tank truck locations, please bring your The City is doing everything possible to resume end will notify you as soon as water service has been - 149 - state law, WAC 248-54-750, Reporting and Public Notification, clearly outlines the District's responsibilities for both oral and written covamunica- tion with water users in situations which may be caused by emergencies. All staff with authority for public announcements should be familiar with these regulations. In addition to public announcements, communication with emergencylces and is vital. Important phone numbers are included on the following page should be posted at all phones. 7 I 11 11 11 r] 11 E 11 E D - 150 - I d CITY OF KENT - WATER DEPARTMENT Emergency Phone Numbers Kent Water Shops 859-3395 City Switchboards 859-3300 (After hours) Police Department 911 Fire Department 911 Electric Company: Puget Sound Power and Light 824-6200 Telephone Company: Pacific Northwest Bell 872-5121 Emergency Pump Service: STANG De Watering Co. 1-863-8151 Utility Service Co. 246-5674 Emergency Equipment Rental: '40 Rentals 251-8150 ABC Rentals 852-5080 Emergency Chlorine Supplies: Jones Chemical 1-838-0644 Ambulance Service: Kent Fire Department 911 or 859-3322 Operations Manager: Tim Heydon 859-3394 Public Works Director: Don Wickstrom (office) 859-3383 - 151 - 0 1. Review possible repair materials for local purchase of items on short notice in an emergency. 2. Arrange with local suppliers for access to stored chemicals, tools, repair parts, etc., which may be required immediately after the disaster. 3. Determine the need to relocate certain materials to outlying sites. u F I - 152 - Preparation Common to All Emergencies Personnel 1. Advise personnel to arrange for safety of families in advance. 2. Prepare emergency schedule and brief personnel. 3. Put all personnel on emergency status. 4. Strategically locate and station crews, Facilities On a scheduled basis: 1. Check automobiles, auxiliary electrical power, and pumping units. A. Sufficient fuel. B. Operation of emergency power/battery operated lights. C. Operation of vehicles. 2. Check emergency communication equipment for readiness. 3. Maintain emergency rations, water, clothing, and bedding at fire station sufficient for 48 hours. 4. Secure equipment and supplies in exposed areas; secure buildings; install storm shutters, if available and appropriate. Materials 1. Review possible repair materials for local purchase of items on short notice in an emergency. 2. Arrange with local suppliers for access to stored chemicals, tools, repair parts, etc., which may be required immediately after the disaster. 3. Determine the need to relocate certain materials to outlying sites. u F I - 152 - L9 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CITY OF KENT TYPE OF EMERGENCY: Major Fire Assumed Emergency Scenario: Multiple alarm blaze at major commercial establishment during weekend of peak summer demand period. LJ 71 - 153 - System Component and Effects Recommended Action 1. Reservoirs - Heavy demand will 1. At first communication of fire cause drop in water level. demand, check reservoir Italready levels. Start well if not automatically started. IN 2. Pumps - Reduction of reservoir 1. Maintain all pumps, motors, levels should automatically and controls to provide full activate pumps. supply capacity. 3. Personnel - During off -hours 1. Provide weekend list of staff and weekends, only one em who will likely be available ployee is on call. for emergency help. 4. Communications - Communicate 1. Make arrangements with fire and with fire fighting personnel police officials to relay to advise on the status of messages by radio. available pressure during fire fighting efforts. 5. Power Supply - None 1. None required. 6. Repair Inventory - Use of 1. Maintain supply of hydrant hydrants at fire location parts. may result in damage. LJ 71 - 153 - EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CITY OF KENT TYPE OF EMERGENCY: Earthquake Assumed Emergency Scenario: Intensity of 9 on the Modified Mercalli Scale. Considerable damage and partial collapse even of specially designed build- ings. Displacement from foundations. Ground cracks, underground pipes broken System Component and Effects Recommended Action 1. Mains - Multiple breaks. Fire 1. Have adequate supply of repair fighting demand also causing fittings and know locations high flows. of other supplies, such as supply distributors. 2. Reservoirs - Some damage likely. Fire fighting demand may cause rapid drawdown. 3. Pumps and Wells - Well pump out of service due to casing dis- placement and power failure. All electrical drives without power. 4. Personnel - Mobile units isolated from headquarters by road damage. Coping with personal disaster effects. - 154 - 2. Have detailed system maps in all vehicles, so staff can locate valves quickly for isolation of breaks. Have valve wrench in each vehicle. 3. Loop system as much as is practical to avoid vulnerability of single feeders. 4. Prepare action plan to indi- cate priority of actions to be taken. 1. Have some plan -for rapid inspection of tanks after disaster and isolate from system if damaged beyond use 2. Have levels transmitted by radio to headquarters if necessary so fire department can be informed. 1. Have plan for rapid inspection of all pumping facilities, starting with emergency well to ensure start of the diesel engines. Isolate failed units. 2. Call power company or radio to inform them of power needs and condition of feed lines to well. 1. Make all personnel knowledge- able of their duties before a disaster occurs. 0 L L.1 I 11 F1 FJ I E I L_J 7 I C F] I F D Cl TYPE OF EMERGENCY: Earthquake (continued) System Component and Effects S. Communications - Telephone system severely crippled and overloaded Telemetry out. if 6. Power Supply - Supply line down. Most power interrupted. 7 11 E Cl - 155 - Recommended Action 2. Cover the topic of disaster aid in inter -local agreements with neighboring water suppliers. 3. Have clear lines of authority pre -established. I. Maintain mobile radios and train all personnel in their use. Use mobile units to relay information until phone service is restored. 2, obtain formal recognition'from phone company on need for emergency service priority. Obtain phone number of local commercial radio stations to have public service announcements broadcast. 1. Establish priority status with power company. 2. Inform power company of disaster status via mobile units. 3. Maintain standby diesel generators at pump stations and emergency well. 1. Maintain supply of repair fittings and extra pipe consistent with the various diameters of pipe and quantities of pipe material used. 2. Maintain supply of powdered sodium hypochlorite con- sistent with the manu- facturer's storage recommendations. 3. Maintain list of suppliers with inventories, such as pool supply firms for chlorine. 7. Repair Inventory - High demand for repair fittings and replace- ment pipe. High demand for chlorine to disinfect system due to breakage repair and likelihood of broken sewers. E Cl - 155 - Recommended Action 2. Cover the topic of disaster aid in inter -local agreements with neighboring water suppliers. 3. Have clear lines of authority pre -established. I. Maintain mobile radios and train all personnel in their use. Use mobile units to relay information until phone service is restored. 2, obtain formal recognition'from phone company on need for emergency service priority. Obtain phone number of local commercial radio stations to have public service announcements broadcast. 1. Establish priority status with power company. 2. Inform power company of disaster status via mobile units. 3. Maintain standby diesel generators at pump stations and emergency well. 1. Maintain supply of repair fittings and extra pipe consistent with the various diameters of pipe and quantities of pipe material used. 2. Maintain supply of powdered sodium hypochlorite con- sistent with the manu- facturer's storage recommendations. 3. Maintain list of suppliers with inventories, such as pool supply firms for chlorine. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CITY OF KENT TYPE OF EMERGENCY: Chlorine Gas Leaka Assumed Emergency Scenario: Leakage or rupture of chlorine gas cylinder. System Component and Effects Recommended Action 1. Mains - No effect. 1. None required. 2. Reservoirs - No effect. 1. None required. 3. Source - Gas fills rooms where 1. Isolate gas -contaminated area chlorine is stored and any and ventilate to atmosphere other connected areas, espe- cially low lying spaces. 2. Install and maintain chlorine Severe corrosion of all gas detectors and alarms. metal in contact with the gas. 3. Isolate gas storage area from all electrical and mechanical equipment. 4. Inspect for damage after area is safe to enter. 4. Personnel - Extreme danger to life from gas. 5. Communications - Police and Fire Departments should be informed. 6. Power Supply - No effects. 7. Repair Inventory - Need for approved breathing apparatus. - 156 - 1. Train all personnel in chlorine safety practices. 2. Make approved breathing devices readily available and have staff trained in their use. 1. Use mobile radio units. 1. None required. 1. Piaintain breathing units in serviceable condition. Periodically check air supply. 0 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CITY OF KENT TYPE OF EMERGENCY: Mechanical Failure of Pumping Equipment Assumed Emergency Scenario: Unanticipated sudden failure of a well pump during periods of high demand. System Component and Effects Recommended Action 1. Mains No 1. None - effect. required. 2. Reservoirs - Loss of supply dur- 1. Make arrangements for ing peak demand will draw down appropriate repair. reservoir levels. 3. Pump Stations - Auxilliary pumps 1. Have list showing pump " should start automatically. supplier or manufacturer's Pump Stations #3 and #4 out representative for each of service. pump. Also, local pump and motor repair shops. 2. Monitor reservoir levels closely. 4. Source - Wells out of opera- 1. Monitor reservoir levels tion, infiltration galleries closely. still operable. OEM 5. Personnel - Necessity for repair 1. Develop clear job descriptions will cause some personnel to indicating who should be in - neglect routine activities. volved in actual repair, who should be involved in sub- stituting for personnel involved in the repair, and who will make necessary decisions. 6. Communications - Reduced supply 1. Have list of local commercial MEM of water may require reduced broadcasting companies and consumption. have them announce conservation methods, if appropriate. 7. Power Supply - No effects. 1. None required. ifs 8. Repair Inventory - Pump may fail 1. Maintain supply of field L� due to small part, such as shaft replaceable parts for each coupling. pump. 2. Have a list showing phone numbers and addresses of local parts suppliers. - 157 - EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CITY OF KENT TYPE OF EMERGENCY: Bomb Threat Assumed Emergency Scenario: The City receives a call containing a threat of sabotage by explosives, probably by phone call or by letter. System Component and Effects Recommended Action 1. Mains - No immediate problem as 1. None required, these would be unlikely targets. 2. Reservoirs - Likely target. 3. Source - Likely target. 4. Personnel - Office will receive call; field crew will respond. - 158 - 1. Attempt to get caller to reveal the location of the bomb. 2. Immediately notify Police and Fire Departments with location of target or, if not known, all possible targets. 3. Make arrangements to start draining the target reservoir, if at all possible, by wasting water through hydrants. 1. Same as Step 1 for Reservoirs. 2. Same as Step 2 for Reservoirs. 3. Proceed to shut down targeted facilities and isolate from the system. 4. Make special point to inform Police and Fire Departments about the location of chlorine gas at facilities. 1. Instruct all staff that might handle calls on how to respond to caller with bomb threat. Keep a copy of the form shown here or something comparable near the main switchboard and at Fire Department switchboard. 11 F I �J E I I I I TYPE OF EMERGENCY System Component and Effects 5. Communications - Clear, concise communication will be required to ensure timely response. 6. Power Supply - Likely to be affected only peripherally to other facilities. 7. Repair Inventory - Unlikely target Bomb Threat (Continued - 159 - Recommended Action 1. Train all staff in response to threatening calls. Consider the possibility of an unan- nounced drill on some periodic basis. Be sure to coordinate with Police and Fire Units. 1. No action required other than those already outlined. I. Well stocked inventory will facilitate repairs. 17 - 160 - REPORTING BOMB THREATS Responsibility Action Person receiving 1. Attempt to retain the caller long enough to obtain call all pertinent information, such as where it is located, what type of bomb it is, and when it's set to go off. 2. Listen carefully to the exact words of the message so that you can repeat the information clearly and accurately. 3. Listen for background noises, voice accent, word pronunciation, voice pitch (high or low), male or female voice, and child or adult. 4. Try to signal another person near you to pick up the same telephone line and listen in. 5. Prepare a list of the following information: - Date and Time of Call - Type of Bomb - Location of Bomb - Description of Bomb ki - What caller actually said - Sex of caller - Estimated age of caller - Type of voice (soft, loud, whisper, normal, drunk) - Background noises heard, if any - Your name and location 6. Report the threat to the Police Department and the Director of Public Works. Operations Manager 7. Notify employees to search their areas. 8. Notify local law enforcement agency having juris- diction. Employees 9. Search own work areas for suspicious objects or packages as follows: Desks a. b. Wastebaskets c. File Cabinets d. Supply Room e. Closets f. Ashtray Receptacles g. Locked Doors h. Underside of Horizontal Surfaces 17 - 160 - 0 D - 161 - Responsibility Action Employees (continued) 10. Turn off electrical machine or other noise making equipment. 11. Notify immediate Supervisor of the results of search. 12. Search non -work areas in assigned area including: a. Restrooms b. Conference Rooms c. Coffee Shops d. Store Rooms e. Hallways, Stairways, and Lobbies 13. If results of search are negative, proceed as follows: a. Notify immediate Supervisor and remain calm and in work areas. Immediate b. Notify Supervisor's Office by telephone or in Supervisor person of negative results. 14. If a suspicious object or package is discovered at any time, whether or not a bomb threat call has been received, proceed as follows: Employees a. Do not move, touch or disturb the object or package in any way. b. Immediately notify the immediate Supervisor or next available Supervisor. Immediate c. Clear all persons from the immediate area and Supervisor notify the supervisor of location and descrip- tion of the suspicious object or package. Supervisor 15. Evaluate available information and make a decision on evacuation. 16. Notify employees of evacuation decision or all clear decision. Employees 17. When directed to evacuate, leave building. 18. Take coats, jackets, purses, and briefcases when leaving the work area. 19. Lock Cash Drawers and other valuable items. D - 161 - EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CITY OF KENT TYPE OF EMERGENCY: Major Power Outage Assumed Emergency Scenario: Entire City loses power during high power demand period (cold weather). System Component and Effects Recommended Action 1. Mains - No immediate effect. 1. None required. 2. Reservoirs - Extended outage will cause reservoir draw- down in high service areas. 3. Source - Wells out of service; gravity supply continued. 4. Pump Stations - pump Station #3 out of service. Pump Stations #4 and #5 operat- ing on diesel generators. 5. Personnel - Routine mainte- nance will be ignored while staff monitors system condition. 6. Communication - Telephone circuits operable, but over- crowded. 1. Monitor levels closely. use mobile radios if telephone system is affected. 1. No action required as pumps will automatically restart with restoration of power. 1. Monitor West Hill reservoir levels carefully; monitor James St. tank level to insure adequate supply for East Hill area. Close valve from James St. tank to Valley system if necessary. 1. All personnel should at least be on standby status to assist with emergency lighting and power distribution. 1. Maintain all mobile radio units in excellent condition. 2. Consider requesting help from Police or Fire Departments in notifying key personnel, if telephones and radio are inoperable. 7. Power Supply - Power off. 1. Check status of diesel unit at Emergency power required. Pump Station #5. Be ready to respond to demand. - 162 - 17 IT 17 17 L_J 11 I I C TYPE OF EMERGENCY: Major Power Outage (Continued) System Component and Effects 8. Repair Inventory Demand for lantern batteries. - 163 - Recommended Action 2. After power is restored, inspect all electrical equipment and check for return of normal operations. 1. Stock and maintain supply of portable lights. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CITY OF KENT TYPE OF EMERGENCY: Accident or Illness to Personnel Assumed Emergency Scenario: A member of the City's staff becomes seriously ill or suffers an accident on the job resulting in inability to work. Note: All accidents occurring on the job, no matter how minor, must be reported to the appropriate supervisor. System Component and Effects 1. Mains - No immediate effect. Routine maintenance may be delayed. 2. Reservoirs - No immediate effect Routine maintenance may be de- layed. 3. Source & Pump Stations - No immedi- ate effect. Routine mainten- ance may be delayed. 4. Personnel - Staff may be faced with situation requiring first aid. Long term effect will be short-handed staff. S. Communications - No immediate or long range effect. May be needed in the event of an accident. - 164 - Recommended Action 1. Provide more than one staff member with knowledge of or access to necessary mainte- nance information. 1. Same as Mains. 1. Same as Mains. 1. In the event of any serious accident, immediately call or radio for a doctor or ambulance. Give name, location and brief description of incident. E I E 11 LJI I 11 11 2. Have all staff trained in first aid and cardio- pulmonary resuscitation (.CPR). 3. Have chain of command clearly displayed and frequently updated. 4. Have at least two staff members trained in each critical maintenance function. 1. Maintain all mobile radios in good condition. Ll Ll TYPE OF EMERGENCY: Accident or Illness to Personnel (Continued) System Component and Effects Recommended Action 6. Power Supply - No effect. 1. None Required. 7. Repair Inventory - No immediate effect. Routine restocking may be delayed. 1. Provide more than one staff member with knowledge of or access to necessary information. - 165 - EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CITY OF KENT TYPE OF EMERGENCY Subzero Weather Assumed Emergency Scenario: Extended freezing weather has promoted deep frost penetration in the soil, especially under cleared streets. Local service connection lines are freezing, especially on isolated runs. Water demand high due to tap running. Condition will be similar throughout State affecting all neighboring water suppliers. System Component and Effects 1. plains - Effects are unlikely Routine maintenance will likely be disrupted by repair of frozen service lines. 2. Reservoirs - No immediate effect. Demand may result in excessive drawdown. 3. Source - No immediate problem. High demand will cause longer than normal operation. Power outage or space heater failure could threaten source piping. 4. Personnel - Routine maintenance will be slowed due to cold working conditions and staff needed to thaw out service lines. -166- Recommended Action 1. Fill meter boxes with insulating material to resist pipe freezing. 2. Areas of widespread problems should be documented and examined for preventative measures, such as deeper mains, insulated meter boxes, special customer notifi- cation of problem and solutions, and so forth. 1. Monitor levels closely. Check condition of space heaters prior to winter cold weather period. 2. Schedule normal maintenance prior to periods of possible cold weather. 3. Maintain sources of emergency space heating at the District. Rentals cannot be relied on because of the heavy demand on heaters throughout the region. Make staff aware of proper cold weather work clothing and symptoms of frostbite. 2. Established system of priority for thawing service lines so that field staff will not have to make decisions without guidance. F1 11 F 11 11 0 11 I� LI C 11 L I I LI I TYPE OF EMERGENCY: System Component and Effects S. Communication - No immediate effect. 6. Power Supply - outages likely due to overloading or power pole accident. 7. Repair Inventory - Repairs to frozen service lines and emergency heating will re- quire adequate inventories. Subzero Weather (Continued) Recommended Action 1. No action required. 1. Inform power company immedi- ately of any supply problems. 2. Check status of all emergency power and heat units. 1. Check items used in frozen line repair, fuels and equipment for emergency power prior to cold weather season. During cold weather, suppliers will likely be out of stock. - 167 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK I iI 0 I 11 f II E 0 C 0 0 0 I - 168 - I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 25 Monitoring Requirements - 169 - J 0 0 D D 0 L Cl D D 0 0 Table 26 Maximum Contaminant Levels E - 171 - Note: Although there has not been a maximum contaminant level established for sodium, there is enough public health significance connected with sodium levels to require inclusion in Inorganic chemical and physical monitoring. Information on sodium levels in drinking water should be provided to physicians needing the results to treat persons on sodium - restricted diets. E - 171 - I C D 0 D 11 LTJ Table 27 Ranges of Values ®f Daily Water Samples - 173 - 0 0 n na 3 9 � a Y1 a z Figure 18 Water Utility Organizational Chart OPERATIONS MANAGER Tim Heydon WATER DISTRIBUTION & OPERATIONS Water Superintendent, Leland Fingerson FACILITIES WATER TREATMENT I CONTROL CENTER MAINS & SERVICES 110CATES, HYDRA & METERS Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance enance Maintenance Worker IV Worker IV Worker IV ker IV F Worker IV Maintenance Maintenance enance Maintenance Worker III Worker II ker III Worker III Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Worker II Worker 11 Worker II Maintenance Maintenance Worker 11 Worker II Maintenance Maintenance Worker II Worker II - 177 - to Nit it NO `� � 1 r ' :%.-° "`> •qtr`/: �' l ��' � c' ' ! ,�f.D ��y' •t,r :� .4 ,if'�-2 m � ��-•.: .�, r � ��W Ei •r. t L ,. J uAmvS r N .//�C •��011, i- �� �011 � / � d � � Ili°I _ , a _a ir r .., > oIIi;vow 3. unC'tl'A7 [V � y�j b � ' � k fiat. li��`�liS � � ..-../ �'-•i 0 XIV. G®NSTRUCTI®N & DEVEL®PMENT STANDARDS I` F®R THE WATER DISTRII3UTI®N SYSTEfV7 J These specifications are the minimum acceptable design criteria and standards for water distribution systems to be accepted by the City of Kent for opera- tion and maintenance. The requirements herein shall also apply to privately owned systems (firelines, yard hydrants, and domestic water lines) as noted. 1. System Design In general, all water distribution systems shall conform to the design re- quirements of the State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services, as well as the City of Kent design requirements as stated herein. 1.1 Comprehensive Water System Plan The City of Kent has adopted a Comprehensive Water System Plan to insure the development of an efficient and adequate water supply system for the City. All extensions, additions, changes, or alterations to the City water system shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan indicates the general location and configuration of the proposed system supply mains, interties and loops. The exact location or configuration of the system may be modified or adjusted by the developer, pro- vided the proposed system remains consistent with the overall concept of the Plan. All modifications to the Comprehensive Plan require specific approval by the City & DSHS. 1.2 Water System Pressure The normal working pressure in the distribution system should be approximately 60 pounds per square inch (psi) and not less than 35 psi. All water mains shall be sized after a hydraulic analysis based on the required fire flow demands and pressure requirements. The system shall be designed to maintain a minimum pressure of 20 psi at ground level at all points in the distribution system under all conditions of flow. 1.3 Water Main Diameter In all cases, the minimum diameter of water main shall be based on a hydraulic design analysis of the system. The design shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer and be approved by the Engineering Department prior to detailed design of the water system. The minimum diameter of water main extension acceptable for commercial, in- dustrial, multi -family, and residential developments shall be eight (8) inch diameter. Six (6) inch diameter mains will be acceptable for circulating systems in residential areas and for "dead end" mains servicing less than 20 single family residences. In all cases, the minimum diameter of water, main accepter; by the City for operation and maintenance purposes, and for providing tire protection shall be six (b) inches. Main Extension 1.4 Water In general, a oeveloper shall be required to extend the water matin improvements to the extreme boundary of his property in accordance with the comprehensive plans. In cases when the flan does riot specifically depict a future extension, the water main shall be extended as required to service all attectea or potentially affected properties. 1.5 Dead End Systems Dean ends shall ue ninimizea by looping of all mains where possible. Where dean end mains are unavoidable, a standard 2" Blowoff assembly is re- quires. A tire hyarant may be used in lieu of a blowoft assembly if flow ano pressures are sufficient to warrant a hydrant assembly. 1.6 Gate Valves A. Location - Sufficient valves shall be proviaeo on water ruains so that inconvenience and sanitary hazards will be minimized during repairs. Valves shall be locateo at not more than 500 foot intervals in industrial and commerical districts and at not more than one block or 800 foot intervals in other districts. All "TEE" intersections shall have two'valves located at the tee and all crosses shall have three valves located at the connec- tion. All hydrants and fire line extensions shall have a gate valve located at the mainline connection. B. Type - All valves for water mains 12" in diameter and Vialler shall be gate valves conforming to the latest revisions to AWWA Standard Specification 0500. All valves for water mains larger than '12" diameter shall be butterfly valves conforming to the latest revisions to AWWA Standard Specifications C504. 1.7 Air Release Valves Combination air vacuum - air release valves shall be located at points along the water main to release air that accumulates within the main and to allow air to enter the line rapidly to prevent the collapse under negative pressure due to a break in the main. Air release valves shall be located at all high points along the main. The open end of an air relief pipe front automatic valves shall be extended to at least one foot above grade and provided with a screened, downward-facing elbow. The pipe from a manually operated valve should be extended to the top of the pit. Automatic air-relief valves shall not be used in situations where flooding of the manhole or chamber may occur. - 182 - C. 1,8 Blowoff Valves A stariaard two inch blowoff assembly shall be located at the aead end of all water mains for flushing purposes. It flows and pressure are aeemed suf- ticient, a tire hydrant may be installed in lieu of the blowoft assembly. Chambers, pits or manholes containing valves, blowotfs, meters, or other such appurtenances to a aistribution system, shall not be connected directly to any storm drain or sanitary sewer, nor shall blowotfs or air relief valves be can- enectea directly to any sewer. Such chambers or pits shall bla urfa e watere surface of the ground where they are not subject to flooding y or to absorption pits underground. 2. Fire Protection When fire protection is to be provided, the system design shall be designed such that fire flows and facilities are in accordance with the requirements of the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau, the City of Kent Fire Marshall's Office, and the Engineering Department requirements as herein containea. 2.1 Fire Hydrants - Location See Section 5.5 for material specifications. A. City Hydrants - City owned fire hydrants shall be provided at each street intersection and at intermediate points between intersections as recommended by the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau. Maxi- mum hydrant spacing along streets shall be 600 feet in single-family zonea areas aria 300 feet in commercial, industrial aria apartment areas. Duplexes, churches and schools shall be considered as Com- mercial areas. B. Private Hydrants - Private fire hydrants (yard hydrants) shall he located on private property at locations as required by the City Fire Marshall. Yard hydrants extensions tron, Cittion frog mains sthe Purequire an approved yard hydrant permit app ks Department. C. Connection - the yard hydrant connection to the City main shall be accomplished with a tapping tee and valve (wet tap). The hydrant lead shall be Class 52 ductile iron pipe (minimum diameter o"). The connections shall service yard hydrants for fire protection only; no other use or connection to hydrant leads shall be permitted. The city Utility Department shall be permitted to make periodic inspec- tions of the yard hyarants. The yard hydrant extension shall be pressure and purity tested prior to operation. Water mairis not designed to carry fire-tlows snall not have tire hydrants connected to there. LI 2.2 Private Fire Protection Systems Because of the varying degrees of hazard associated with private Tire pro- tection systems, the City Engineer shall review each specific system to j deterr,ine The degree of backflow prevention required. Backflow prevention devices shall be installed at each fire service connection to the City water mains. All backflow devices shall be approved by the Washington State Surveying and Rating Bureau, the Department of Social and health Services, and the City of Kent prior to installation. The backflow prevention device or detector check assembly shall be designed in accordance with the AWWA's "Acceptea Proceoure ana Practice in Cross Connec- tion Control flanual" and the standard design details as herein contained. A. Detector Lhecks Approved single oetector check assemblies are acceptable for the following fireline systems: 1. Viet systems with pumper connections downstream from the check valve assembly and no auxiliary water supply source available. c. Dry syster,i with pumper connections downstream, from check valve assembly and no auxiliary water supply source. Detector check assemblies r,ay be bum ea directly or located in a vault, but in all cases, the assembly must be located in the City right-of-way or easement. The tire system on the building side of the vault is private; yard hydrants and risers may be located as required by the Fire Marshal; however, no domestic water service connection to the fireline is permitted. A gate valve is required at the fireline connection to the City main. B. Detector Double Check Valve Assemblies Approved detector double check valve assemblies are required on the following fire protection systems. 1. All foamite or chemically charged installations. 2. Systems where an unapproved source is permanently connected to the fire system, including private storage reservoirs. 3. Systems in which anti -freeze is alloweo. 4. Wet systems with an in-line booster pump or building over three stories high. 5. Systems with a pumper connection within 1)UU feet of an auxiliary water supply source, as designated by the Kent Fire Marshal. - lb4 - I D 11 Ll Li Ll F1 D 11 F1 All double check valve assemblies shall the DSHS "Approved Cross - Connection assemblies (UCVAs) shall be installed standards: be approved by the latest listing of Control Devices". Double check valve in accordance with the following AWWA A. A DCVA should be installed with adequate space to facilitate mainte- nance and testing. A DCVA should be tested and inspected as soon as possible after installation to insure its satisfactory operation and proper installation. B. lne device must be protected trom freezing. C. If hot water conditions are anticipated, inquire as to the manufac- turer's recommendations. D. Avoid pit installations of a DCVA because leaky test cocks are cross connections when the pit is flooded. If no alternative site is available, provisions for pit drainage must be provided. Also, it is recommerided plugs be installed in the test cocks to lessen the danger of leaks. E. The vault should be large enough to provide tree access for workmen to enter for testing and/or repairing the device; this includes adequate room for the workmen as well as clearance all around the device for maintenance. Include an adequate hatch in the cover or complete cover removal through which there is access to the pit for personnel. Provisions must be made for crane access for removal and reinstallation of large devices. Large pits should also be provided with ladders. F. A strainer may be required ahead of the device in some localities. G. THOROUGHLY FLUSH THE LINES PRIOR TO INSTALLING A DCVA. 3, Domestic Water Service All domestic and/or industrial consumption of water, except for fires, shall It be metered. Water service connections and plumbing shall conform to relevant Washington State plumbing codes and City of Kent standards. All domestic water service connections require an approved water meter permit from the ItPublic Works Department. 3.1 Service Meters Each service connection to the City water main shall be metered. Unless have a separate service specifically approved otherwise, all buildings shall be locateo within a City ease- connection and meter. All water meters shall be located in such a manner as to provide ment and/or right-of-way and shall easy access for the meter reader. Ej 4. Cross Connections There shall be no connection whatsoever between the City water distribution system and any pipes, pumps, hydrants, or tanks whereby unsafe water or any other contaminating materials may be drawn into the water system. 4.1 Backflow Prevention ired must be commensurate with ;�al dorretoxoc The degree of protection requ hazard presented. In situDor kreducedrprpessuredeviationsces sshall be re - health hazards, air gap separators quires. Double check valve assemblies or vacuum breakers are generally util- ized where aesthetic or detrimental effects on water quality m,ay occur. - lb6 - 3.2 Domestic Service Installation by the Utility Superintendent, the Developer shall install the is When specified to thproperty water service line from the City mn}nthe einstallation therservice include but not be limited to tapp' 9 nain box in accordance with the standard details as lines, meter setter, and meter contained herein. The exact location of the service line shall be as oetined by the engineer. verity the pressurtestafteprior The engineer shall inspect the installation and box shall be installed to grade to approval to backtill. The meter sidewalk construction and the final site grading. pletion of roadway and City Water Department following approval The water meter shall be set by the the City Engineer and approval of the water of the water meter permit by by the inspector. service installation 3.3 Compound Meters Compouno rneters for service connections 3 inches and larger shall be installed in accordance with the standard within a concrete vault and be constructed details contained herein. 3.4 Sewer Exempt Meters The monthly wastewater billing rates for multi-tamily, industrial, ano com- 100 cubic feet mercial developments is based on a flat fee plus a charge per terprocessing,consuriecl i not thewater of metered water. If a significant percentageof i.e. irrigation systems,for returned to the sewers, a sewer exempt application with the City the owner may elect to make an exempt meter requires approval of both City of meter. The installation of Kent and Metro. installed the exempt meter is a private meter, purchases by the owner, and the exempt meter ducte ading on behind the domestic meter. The re typicalfin- to the standard details for a typ the monthly sewer charge. Refer stallation. 4. Cross Connections There shall be no connection whatsoever between the City water distribution system and any pipes, pumps, hydrants, or tanks whereby unsafe water or any other contaminating materials may be drawn into the water system. 4.1 Backflow Prevention ired must be commensurate with ;�al dorretoxoc The degree of protection requ hazard presented. In situDor kreducedrprpessuredeviationsces sshall be re - health hazards, air gap separators quires. Double check valve assemblies or vacuum breakers are generally util- ized where aesthetic or detrimental effects on water quality m,ay occur. - lb6 - DI Each water system connection has unique problems arising from location, cli- matic conditions, service demands, and other factors. Consequently, each cross -connection shall be examined on an individual basis and the City shall make thie final determination as to the type of backflow protection required. 4.2 Irrigation Systems Cross -connection protection is required for all irrigation systems. Irl general, atmospheric or pressure vacuum breaker assemblies are acceptable for most irrigation system applications. In areas of flooding, on hillside installations, or where injection systems are used, double check or reduced pressure backflow devices are required. 5. Materials All pipes, fittings, valves, hydrants, joints, ano related appurtenances shall conform to the latest standards issued by the AWWA, APWA, and be acceptable for use by the City of Kent. All materials used for construction shall be new and undamaged. All materials used on the project shall be inspected and approved by the City prior to installation. Acceptance of the materials by the City shall not relieve the developer/contractor from the responsibility to guarantee construction and materials as required by the maintenance agreement. The suppliers shall pro- vide the City with a Certificate of Materials as requested. 5.1 Watermain Pipe used for watermain construction for lines six inches in diameter or larger shall be Cast Iron or Ductile Iron Pipe, Class 52 or better, unless otherwise specified. All watermains shall have a cement mortar lining. Joints shall be mechanical joints or push -on joints with rubber gaskets. 5.2 Fittings All fittings shall be cast iron or ductile, with flanged or mechanical joint connections and be of the same thickness class as the pipe used. All fittings shall be cement mortar linea. 5.3 Valves Unless otherwise specified, all valves shall be gate valves conforming to the latest revisions to AWWA Standard Specifications for gate valves for Ordinary Water Works Service No. C-500. They shall be iron body, bronze mounted, double disc valves with bronze wedging device and/or an O-ring stuffing box. All valves shall open counter -clockwise, and unless otherwise specified, shall be a non -rising stem type equipped with standard square stem nuts. Stem nuts shall be identical with the City's existing equipment, and all valves shall be furnished with a box, cover, and marker post. L Stem nuts on gate valves shall be located no deeper than four feet below finished grade. In cases where gate valves are deeper, a City approved ex- the operating nut to within tension rod must be locked to the valve to raise lb" of finished grade. All valves shall be flanged or mechanical joint type suitable for installation with the type and class of pipe being used. 5.4 Valve Markers A concrete valve marker post shall be furnished and installed as directed on shall each gate valve located outside of the street. The concrete marker post length of 42" with beveled have a 4" minimum square section and a minimum (1) 3/8" diameter bar of reinforcing steel. edges and containing at least one hiarkers shall be placed as directed by the engineer and set so as to leave 18" exposed above grade. The exposed portion of the marker posts shall be painted the valve with two (2) coats of white concrete paint, and then the size of feet and inches to the valve shall (for example, b" G.V.) and the distance in which be stenciled with black paint on the face of the post, using a stencil wil produce letters two (2) inches high. 5.5 Fire Hydrant Assembly All fire hydrants shall be compression type, break -away (traffic model) hydrants conforming to AWWA C502 except as herein modified. A. Valves and Nozzles - Fire hydrants should have a bottom valve size of 2-1/2 inch at east ive in es, one 4-1/2 inch pumper nozzle and two nozzles. B. Hydrant Leads - The hydrant leads shall be a minimum of six inches in diameter. Auxiliary valves shall be installed in the hydrant leads located in the connection to the City main. C. Drainage - All hydrants shall be equipped with a drain. A gravel pocket or dry well shall be provided unless the natural soils will provide adequate drainage. Hydrant drains shall not be connected to or located within lu feet of sanitary sewers or storm drains. D. Painting - Hydrants shall be painted with two (2) coats of white paint, similar to waterous hydrant enamel V-lbl4-W (Shining White) or equal. E. Fire Hydrant Guard Posts - Concrete fire hydrant guard posts shall be furnished an insta ed with fire hydrants as directed by the engineer. The guard posts shall be made of reinforced concrete, eight (8) inches in diameter, six (b) feet long and buried to a minimum depth of three (3) feet. Guard posts shall not be set higher than the top of the fire hydrants, they shall be plumb, and where two posts are used at a hydrant, they shall be set with their tops at the be same elevation. The exposed portion of the guard posts shall (2) of white concrete paint, approved by the painted with two coats engineer. - lbb - I 6. installation of Mains 6.1 Standards ns ofethestallaAPWA and AWWAion of ll water standardsains and/orall be in manufacturer'sdance with recommendedhinstallation procedures. 6.3 Cover All water mains shall be covered with sufficient earth or other insulation to prevent freezing. In no case shall less than thirty-six (36) inches of cover be maintained over the pipe. Local variations in ground surface shall not control, but the average depth shall be the determining factor. 6A Blocking All tees, plugs and hydrants shall be provided with reaction blocking, tie rods or joints designed to prevent movement. 6.5 Connection to Existing Water System All new connections to the City of Kent water system shall be in strict accordance with the appropriate subsections of Section 74-2 of the APWA Specifications, except, as herein amended. No connection shall be made between the new main and the existing mains until the new piping has been flushed, disinfected, and tested. Temporary plugs and blocking shall be installed at the points of connection to the existing system. After the thrust blocking has cured and the new piping tested and disinfected, the final connections can be made. All closure pieces and fittings shall be swabbed with a very strong chlorine solution (5-6% Cl), in accordance with AWWA Standard C601. 6.6 Flushing aim Sections of pipe to be disinfected shall first be flushed to remove any solids or contaminated material that may have become lodged in the pipe. The contractor shall be responsible for disposal of treated water flushed from mains and shall neutralize the waste water for protection of aquatic life in the receiving water. The City shall approve disposal into available sanitary sewers, provided the rate of disposal will not overload the sewer. - 189 - 6.2 Bedding A continuous and uniform bedding shall be provided in the trench for all buried pipe. Backfill material shall be tamped in layers around the pipe to adequately support and protect and the to a sufficient height above the Stones found in the trench pipe shall be removed for a depth of at least six pipe. (6) inches below the bottom of the pipe. 6.3 Cover All water mains shall be covered with sufficient earth or other insulation to prevent freezing. In no case shall less than thirty-six (36) inches of cover be maintained over the pipe. Local variations in ground surface shall not control, but the average depth shall be the determining factor. 6A Blocking All tees, plugs and hydrants shall be provided with reaction blocking, tie rods or joints designed to prevent movement. 6.5 Connection to Existing Water System All new connections to the City of Kent water system shall be in strict accordance with the appropriate subsections of Section 74-2 of the APWA Specifications, except, as herein amended. No connection shall be made between the new main and the existing mains until the new piping has been flushed, disinfected, and tested. Temporary plugs and blocking shall be installed at the points of connection to the existing system. After the thrust blocking has cured and the new piping tested and disinfected, the final connections can be made. All closure pieces and fittings shall be swabbed with a very strong chlorine solution (5-6% Cl), in accordance with AWWA Standard C601. 6.6 Flushing aim Sections of pipe to be disinfected shall first be flushed to remove any solids or contaminated material that may have become lodged in the pipe. The contractor shall be responsible for disposal of treated water flushed from mains and shall neutralize the waste water for protection of aquatic life in the receiving water. The City shall approve disposal into available sanitary sewers, provided the rate of disposal will not overload the sewer. - 189 - tJo flushing device shall be directly connected to any sewer. Water for testing and flushing of water and sewer lines, when taken from the through an approved City of Kent Water System shall be metered and passed double check valve assembly. 6.7 Pressure and Leakage Testing All water mains and appurtenances shall be pressure tested for leakage in the APWA specifications, for new mains accordance with appropriate section of and extensions from existing mains. the water main and appurtenances shall atic In but in noocase yllesstthan general, ressuret,e pressure of 150 psi in excess of operating p be appreciable or abrupt loss in pressure during a 200 psi. There cannot an 15 -minute test period. 6.8 Disinfection All new, cleaned or repaired water mains shall be disinfected in accordance include detailed procedures for with AWWA Standard C601. The specifications microbiological testing of all water the adequate flushing, disinfection, and mains. Wa oi is thatn theWater Following the flushing procedure, the contractor shall request from representative p new Department collect water samples be taken in sterilized bottles and tested by an system. These samples shall lab, as designated by the Water Department. All samples must approved testing the DSHS quality standards prior to placing the lines into service. meet 7. Separation of Water Mains and Sewers 7.1 General Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet horizontally from any existing or proposed sewer. The distance shall be measured edge to edge. In cases where it is not practical to maintain a ten foot separation, the City Engineer may allow deviation on a case-by-case basis, if supported by data from the Design Engineer. Such deviation may allow installation of the water main closer to a sewer, provided that the water main is laid in a separate strenhuchcanat or on an elevationnthatuthe bottmsofltheowate maincaton niss�at leastde of elBeWnches above the top of the sewer. 7.2 Crossings Water mains crossing sewer shall be laid to provide a minimum vertical distance of 18 inches between the outside of the water main and the outside of the sewer. This shall be the one full length the ofwater mai pipe n is h 1h� rbabove located below the sewer. At crossings, 190 so both joints will be as far from the sewer as possible. Special structural support for the water and sewer pipes may be required. 8. Surface Water Crossings F1 F1 D �.l - 191 - When crossing A minimum cover of four feet shall be provided over the pipe. be water courses which are greater than 15 feet in width, the following shall provided: A. the pipe shall be of special construction having flexible water -tight joints; B. valves shall be provided at both ends of water crossing so that the section can be isolated for testing or repair; the valves shall be easily accessible, and not subject to flooding; and the valve closest to the supply source shall be in a manhole; C. permanent taps shall be made on each side of the valve within the manhole to allow insertion of a small meter for testing to determine leakage and for sampling purposes. 8.1 Outside Agency Approval State Department of Fisheries approval is required for any stream crossing. The developer shall apply for and receive approval prior to construction. F1 F1 D �.l - 191 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK f Ll 17 7 E 17 7 17 LJ L1 0 0 - 192 - I =AGREEMENTS WITH NEI 7 B®RING PURVEY®RS Kent has entered into agreements with its neighboring water purveyors to acquire water. These agreements are included in the Appendix. On June 28, 1979, an open-ended agreement was signed with the City of Tukwila to provide water on 10 days notice or on an emergency basis for $0.33 per hundred cubic feet. This intertie was envisioned primarily to hprovide Kent with up to 2 MGD in additional supply to help meet peakmandswater to the it has also been used in the reverse direction to provide Southcenter South Industrial Park when Tukwila's under -river crossing failed in the Spring of 1983. On July 16, 1982, an agreement was drawn up between the City of Kent and Water District No. 75 for the latter to provide continuous water service up to 1.42 MGD on request. The cost to the City of Kent was set at $710 per month (when used), plus $0.30 per hundred cubic feet after the first 100 cubic feet. This agreement extends for five years initially and may be continued annually after that. In June, 1985, an agreement was executed with the City of Tacoma for Kent to share in both the capital costs and the operational and maintenance costs of Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line No. 5 project. Upon completionherefrom f the The project the City of Kent will receive 4.62 MGD of supply agreement was amended once to reflect a new on-line date of January 1, 1991. It has subsequently lapsed because Tacoma could not guarantee an on-line date. An intertie also exists with Water District No. 58 at S.E. 227th Street and 113th Avenue S.E. It has never been used and no agreement governing its use has been pursued with the District. An intertie with the Renton system exists and has been used in the past to help meet peak demands in the Kent system. However, it was an expensive alternative for the City, since pumping is required to raise the water to the 240 -foot hydraulic level of the Valley system. The agreement governing use of this intertie has expired and has not been renewed. A potential intertie with Seattle was explored in great detail from 1979 to he agreent able98ost/benefit ratiotwhen the t$1,000POOOdcosst of buildding the not intertie favor -low a intertiewas included. An intertie with the Auburn Water system exists via the dissolution of Water District No. 87 but no agreement has been executed. 7-1 1-1 - 193 - I -J THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E L 11 7 LJ 17 C I r1 C C C C 1 1 C - 194 - 1 XVI. RELATED PLANS � J It is important for efficiency and consistency of operation to insure that the Kent Water System Plan has objectives and goals that are compatible with those of other plans that affect the service area or those of neighboring purveyors. Comprehensive Plan The goals and policies of the City of Kent as stated in the 1977 City-wide Comprehensive Plan, the 1979 Valley Floor Plan, the 1982 Draft East Hill Plan, and the 1983 Draft West Hill Plan are in accord with those in the Water System Plan. The objectives include efficient water facilities to provide a depend- able supply of high quality water, coordination of service with adjacent water purveyors, implementation of a comprehensive water plan, provision of adequate water supplies for fire protection, development of an equitable rate struc- ture, and development of a water system based on the land use plan. The Water System Plan is designed to achieve these objectives while providing the same level of service to areas developing in accordance with zoning and land use plans. Sewerage Plan A review of the City's Sewerage Plan reveals no conflicts with the Water System Plan. There are no areas scheduled for water service without accompanying sewerage service. Neighboring Water Purveyors A water supply feasibility study conducted for the Regional Water Association of South King County recommended that the region's water purveyors make plans to contract with either Seattle or Tacoma for water to augment their ground water supplies. In 1985, Kent, which is an active member of RWA, executed an agreement with the City of Tacoma to financially participate in Tacoma's Green River Pipeline No. 5 project. In so doing Kent would receive 4.62 MGD of continuous supply therefrom. In 1986 King County declared the South King County area as a critical water supply area. The Regional Water Association of South King County (RW.A) is the lead agency for the development of the respective coordinated water - 195 - P system plan for said area. Kent's development of this plan is in accordance therewith. The Seattle Comprehensive Regional Water Plan (Complan) was recently published. It provides for a Seattle/Tacoma intertie which would be built on the East Hill of Kent. It also includes the Cedar River Pipeline No. 5 from a proposed Lake Meridian Pump Station west across the Green River Valley to a reservoir at Midway. Assuming that these projects are eventually constructed, should the need arise, Kent will be in a good position to contract to buy water from Seattle. 1980. It the The Tacoma Water System Plan was completed in anticipates construction of the Green River Pipeline No. 5 through the site of the impoundment reservoir proposed by the City of Kent. As noted earlier Kent has already executed an agreement with Tacoma to share in the cost and supply from said project. Overall, the water system plan is compatible with other City-wide plans and with the plans of neighboring water purveyors. F C� 0 0 �1 D Ll - 196 - 1 0 [1 rl 7i n 11 XVII. SUMMARY This section summarizes the main points in this Water SysservicePan. of Kent is a suburban municipality with a oiislation in projected the grow to about 42,530 by about 31,250 in 1983; its population 1993 and to about 57,900 by 2003, assuming an annual growth rate about 3.1 percent. Land use in the developed areas is predominantly residential and so water in- ected ue and creaserlalAt saturation developmentwhichwhichn should be reached d demands dnd the year cresspeak day demand should be about 31 to 32 p1GD for the Kent system. 2030, of The present sources of water supply are two springs and wellfields east on he Kent plus two wells at Covington, three wells on East Hill and ement lower ne ow the valley floor, which are used in the summer to supe primary sources during the high demand season. When the demand urveyorrs,tin capacities of these sources, water is bought from neighboring p particular, Water District 75 and the City of Tukwila. The Kent Water System comprises five pressure zones to provide efficient delivery of water at reasonable pressures. These are the hydraulic elevations: High East Hill System 590 485 feet feet Low East Hill System 240 feet Valley System 354.5 feet Low West Hill System 529 feet High West Hill System A computer analysis of system performance under peak demands and simultaneous fire flow demands indicated that flows and/or prtwo could areas of chronic pro lems parts of the 590, 240, and 529 systems. Only exit: the anise small north en ofd lof ow he 529 s s em here neSedges of r then 240 consistently at South 222nd Street where it intersects 92nd and 93rd Avenues South. Both problem areas have since been resolved. Since demands are predicted to grow and present sources are not adequate, new sources and management strategies were investigated. To assure that water supply needs are met the Plan reflects the development of four major Supply sources. These are the develmen�hefi plementathe �onaof TacomaSR 7'sAGreen River 42nd Ave. and Orillia Rd Aquifer, Pipe Line No. 5 project and the building of the storage impoundment project. The Plan's Capital Improvement Program incorporates these and other im- provements. It includes development of the 2121 /208t /financiaellshareld, development of the 42nd Ave./Orillia Rd. ro e,thK rebuilding of the Kent of Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line No. 5 project, Springs Transmission Main and the construction of the storage impoundment reservoir and treatment facilities. The expenditure to support this plan for the next five years 89to9�6e is estimated at $11,700,000. The funds therefor are anticipated - 197 - 0 financed by cash revenues in excess of annual operating expenses. The existing utility rate is projected to be sufficient to cover said expenses. The impact of this plan on the Kent area is expected to be negligible, although the impacts of individual projects will need to be investigated separately. A declaration of environmental impact is included in the Appendix. The current plan affords the City a great deal of reliability in providing 10 water for the system. It provides for the development an optional supply system should Tacoma's Green River Pipe Line Project not materialize. 11 11 11 I 11 P P L] XVIII. APPENDICES A. August Temperature Extremes B. August 1481 Daily Water Production Record C. Summary of Investigations on the Water Quality Effects of the Proposed Kent Reservoir D. Reports on Source Water Quality Analyses Purveyors E. Agreements with Water F. Declaration of Environmental Impact G. Annexation Covenant 1?9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 0 17 7 17 I 17 r r I n I - 200 - 0 Appendix A AUGUST TEMPERATURE EXTREMES - 201 - DAILY MAXlMUM TEMPERATURES MONTHLY_ AVERAGES_ FOR AUGUST 1981 79.1 1980 70.9 1979 72.9 1978 74.4 1977 79.6 1976 71.1 1975 69.9 1974 75.2 1973 70.7 1972 77.5 1971 77.8 1970 73.9 r 1969 73.2 ■1 1968 72.0 1967 83.7 1966 7S.0 1965 74.6 1964 71.2 1963 74.1 19 62' 71 .2 1961 80.3 1960 70.8 1959 1958 71.7 78.3 19S7 71-0 1916 73.5 1955 71.3 1954 68.9 1953 74.2 1952 79.O 1951 79.0 1949 75.5 1947 75.2 1944 75.1 1942 81.7 1941 70.3 1940 78.6 1939 79.8 1938 76.1 1937 76.4 1936 80.4 1935 78.9 1934 78.6 1933 80.0 1932 76.1 1931 78.9 1930 80.0 192'9 79.6 1928 77.6 1927 80.2 1924 74.2 LO = 68.9 (""'4) HI = E33.7 i 1967 ) CONSECUTIVE AUGUST DAYS IN WHICH THE LiAILY TEMPERATUL<E EXCEEDED 80 DEGREES 1981 10 DAYS BEGINNING AUGUST 6 1980 3 DAYS --.; BEGINNING AUGUST 8 1979 2 DAYS --. BEGINNING AUGUST 9 1978 4 DAYS --. DEGIttiN ING AUGUST 6 1977 13 DAYS --i BEGINNING AUGUST 1 1976 1 DAYS --= BEGINNING AUGUST 11 1975 1 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST 4- 1974 4 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST I 1973 2 DAYS -- BEGINNING AUGUST 2 1972' 7 DAYS --. BEGINNING AUGUST 3 1971 6 DAYS --- BEGINNING AUGUST 7 1970 3 DAYS --= BEGINNING AUGUST 21 1969 1 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST 14 1968 2 DAYS - = BEGINNING AUGUST 9 1967 12 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST 9 1966 3 DAYS --_ BEGINNING AUGUST 1 1965 4 DAYS --= BEGINNING AUGUST 15 1964 2 DAYS -- - BF - AUGUST 23 1963 1 DAYS --- BEGINNING AUGUST 3 19622 DAYS --. BEGINNING AUGUST 14 1961 5 DAYS --- BEGINNING AUGUST 10 1960 4 DAYS --_- BEGINNING AUGUST 6 1959 3 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST 6 1958 7 DAYS - BEGIt�1N.1NC AUGUST 19 1957 1 DAYS --= BEGINNING AUGUST 22 1956 5 DAYS --= BEGINNING AUGUST 18 1955 1 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST 6 1954 1 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST 1 1953 2 DAYS --.= BEGINNING AUGUST 13 1952 6 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST 8 1951 9 DAYS --. BEGINNING AUGUST 14 1949 3 DAYS - BEGINNING AUGUST 27 1947 3 DAYS=-% BEGINNING AUGUST 1944 2 DAYS --= BEGINNING' AUGUST 20 1942 7 DAYS --_ BEGINNING AUGUST 13 1941 8 DAYS --. BEGINNING AUGUST 13 1940 5 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST 4 1939 5 LAYS --= BEGINNING AIllGUST 7' 1938 3 DAYS --- BEGINNING AUGUST 23 1937 3 DAYS --_ BEGINNING AUGUST -- 1936 1936 7 DAYS --. BEGINNING AUGUST 8 1935 6 DAYS --? BEGINNING AUGUST S 1934 8 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST 19 1933 12 DAYS --. BEGINNING AUGUST 7 1932 5 DAYS --: BEGINNING AUGUST 3 1931 3 DAYS --= BEGINNING AUGUST 1 1930 6 DAYS -- BEGINNING AUGUST 10 1929 9 DAYS --% BEGINNING AUGUST 6 1<728 5 DFYYS --. liEGINNING AUGUST 6 1927 9 DAYS -- BEGINNING AUGUST 1 1924 3 DAYS --= BEGINNING AUGUST 10 LO = 1 C 1976 > HI = 13 C 1977) AVG = 4.69 STD 33EO = 3. 12 CONSECUTIVE AU. ,LIST DifA r'S iN WHICH THE TEE 'Ei;:A : URE EXCEEDED 9(-) i,EGf-<EES 1981 5 DAYS ---. Bc-GINNING AUGUST 7 1980 O Llrlys --. 1979 0 DAYS --. 1978 1 LAYS --. PEGINN.ING AUGUST 8 1977 4 LAYS --> BEGINNING AUGUST 9 1976 0 DAYS --. 1975 1974 O 2 DAYS LAYS --, -- )BEGINNING AUGUST 20 1973 0 DAYS ---. 1972 3 LAYS -- : BEL: INNI 1G AUGUST 6 1971 4 DAYS --: DELGlttNING AUGUST 8 1970 O DAYS --: 1969 O LAYS --. 1968 1 DAYS -- DEGINNING AUGUST 1 1967 2 DAYS --'-PL GINNING AUGUST 15 1966 O DAYS 1965 1 LAYS --_ BEGINNING AUGUST 1 1964 0 LAYS --_ 1963 0 LAYS --_ 1962 O 'DAYS --. 1961 1 LAYS - BEGINNING AUGUST 11 1960 2 DAYS -_ DEGINNING AUGUST S 1959 0 DAYS --: 19.58 0 DAYS --. 1957 O LAYS 1956 0 DAYS --: 1'955 1954 0 0 DAYS --. DAYS --_- 1953 0 DAYS --_ 19'52 2 DAYS --_ BEGINNING AUGUST 3 1951 0 DAYS --- 1949 1 DAYS - DEGINNING AUGUST 1 1947 0 DAYS 1944 I DAYS -- DEGINNING AUGUST 30 1942 2 DAY'S --' DLGINNINCG AUGUST 14 1941 2 LAYS - - DEC:IN?41TlG AUGUST 18 19'40 2 DAYS ---. )BEGINNING AUGUST 17 1939 3 DA'I'S -- BEGINNING AUGUST S 1938 0 DAYS -- 1937 O DAYS --. 1936 1 DAYS -- DEC IT1Nz "iG rluGUS T 28 1935 2 DAYS --. BEC,INNINC AUGUST 27 1934 2 DAYS --. DEC: INNING AUGUST 2 i 1933 2 DAYS -- DEG LPINING AUGUS i 22 l 1932 2 DAYS ---. PEG INN" NG AUGUST `, G 1931 1 DAYS --: DF -t -INN CNG AUGUST 9 1930 1 DAYS --. DEG Ii4NIi4G k%!jGUST 11 1929 0 DAYS 1928 O DAYS --: 1927 4 DAYS --. PEG 1Nm1NG AUG9-jST 15 1924 0 DAYS LO = 1 C 1978 ) HI = 5 { 1981 ) AVG = 2.08 STI, DEV =1.13 Appendix B AUGUST 1981 DAILY WATER PRODUCTION RECORD - 207 - AUGUST 1981 DAILY WATER PRODUCTION RECORD (1000 GAL) Date Total Water Water Valley 485 590 West Hill WD Water Bought Produced System System System System 111 1 7982 7982 3905 647 2462 968 1048 2 7982 7982 3905 647 2462 968 1048 3 7982 7982 3905 647 2462 968 1048 4 7945 7445 3309 658 2624 854 1006 5 7644 7644 3447 693 2559 945 1099 6 8015 8015 3171 741 2971 1132 1268 7 8432 328 8104 3206 884 3108 1234 1518 8 8561 638 7923. 2638 974 3469 1480 1862 9 8561 638 7923 2638 974 3469 1480 1862 10 8561 638 7923 2638 974 3469 1480-2 1862 11 11213-1 2804 8409 4407 1038-2 4289-2 1479 1106 12 10147 1945 8202 3910 974 3841 1422 1551 13 8562 534 8028 3438 864 3621 639 2227 14 8799 3334 5465 3884 832 3140 943 1245 15 9764 1693 8071 4608 770 3016 1370 1292 16 9764 1026 8738 5265 770 3016 713 1292 17 9764 1026 8738 5265 770 3016 713 1292 18 10666 2280 8386 5815 797 3096 958 1290 19 6539 317 6225 1486 790 3244 1019 1274 20 9192 2287 6905 5911-2 513 2103 565 726 21 7826 803 7023 4615 626 1978 607 825 22 7451 -0- 7451 3293 669 2565 924 1132 23 7451 -0- 7451 3293 669 2565 924 1132 24 7451 -0- 7451 3293 669 2565 924 1132 25 7238 -0- 7238 3465 623 2418 732 909 26 7679 -0- 7679 3787 591 2564 737 1015 27 7927 -0- 7927 4144 661 239' 730 907 28 7638 -0- 7638 3417 729 2531 56-1 1180 29 6789 -0- 6789 3460 579 2084 666 813 30 6789 -0- 6789 3460 579 2084 666 813 31 6789 -0- 6789 3460 579 2084 666 813 1 - Peak 1 -day demand, total system 2 - Peak 1 -day denand, individual service area Appendix C SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIONS ON THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED KENT RESERVOIR - 211 - O b 0 0 O N H rt w N 9 K N m m O N 0 a N Y H% 9 N Y tY �. rt N W m a n O P. rwi 7 d N ro M w a w n rt Y• w m rt H `GG K O n C n H Oj w w H O a o O'NCE r n w'G m za -- ro a w p w rt m N w N a Y• r• `N•• m O a a~ H y w r H ro m N H. o 0 n ro w o p N 7 a oa w a w o rrtu 7 H w Q H G K r m N. rO� o P. w w< K rt N a w 9 a rt K a 'G N k O n r• Y• N o a w M r H O O O O O tqw m rt rt a O O. H to 8 10 ✓D O R � c 0 (b rc* M K N' 4 X a W S H H w mry N Y• H ((D [t" H. o w H. w `° o N mom+ P+ c H. o W rt 0N O w M > H~ w brt � o� Y'00Iw-w� m m MK ~ N n a N m T 0 0 £ Y• O rt 0 !1 m H 'dr x m 7 n w w n y a N o H K N Y K H N 5 n O a H k 5 N w M rh m w rt r y m r 0 p a m O K CO H w £d mK'Iom rD Id r N N M O W m O H H K Ino n n Oz O M (n m 80 z yy clu a to m o H M roaw �°° ton a 9 H a W m O !n 51 >C 0 a C X N O bmo co O K OH N pf W H �EJS 0 O O O N 0 O u• r rt rt rt K O. b' rt r•F+.-,N d H'l7 p' H 0 O O H r. a• a' a' O d G n a O a w m N O. 7 K W O N w Y. \ w rt K K w I Wrt N r✓7 �a w ww A!N O� r.n C7 n rt0 4 r• rbH PV 00 x m r•Iw+ O w d N ro a a a N W7 W 'l r• r• £ o' K K rn LQ w H rt Y w m H P. a 'o W N a l< m C Y• 'O HNrt r O M • Nw V. £H H. • NY 0 0 7 f 10 Ma :NLCn mR7N`C • dN n m w0 �9 w 'K m. Prt . N YO p O Hrn G zo n n r 7. m N o x m a co 0 H m 0 m w w '^ r n rt a '< O m rrr a w h 7 7 m~ Y• m m r i m K o W k K W V4 ..Nr ro rn v A p m N 7 ti F G w .Gi G W C rl O Nri0 04'•�d 0x tn b O\ C E N •.i u N G [ N 0 Q• ri Y U N\ (y N} N O d y F xF b m w 3 C O O� Y N N Y b C .'{ O rt O fo C H a b O N ��-' i1 G U V ro K .-. Y 0 3 C N d O > Y C b N R N U `U" G G N • �/ U O •ti N N G U GI .-I !G u GI E N C �j ro Val N U x G Y .-I O• ro F V 01 N Y N b O a O ro 0 Y N a .�1 U }b DW N H Y •N }\ U Y p N° H M Y p 0 m W O N 0) O O C O) rl O) U .y (oN Y O p, G G.-I Yti }9 C a K Y Y•M kri N O O O O O p O N N m ASL' Y O Tro•-°+�i A ro 3 V 10 S& U .� % U Y ut Y •i b VOi Y b� T N p�N T Y N C w -HN z 4 u U ba) Y N W w W .-1 .Ti a •H 0) a N N �"� a q L O W 10W a m F a x z a m ri m Y kD br ti 10 OH w Nro N W H C N Y G d C C ro .0 U W N a 0 ✓ C h ° u E ° H CO CN YC u 0, w a b N Y U Gro ti Y CG C N a ro N Cl G D U G' O u K U U m �a ° O ro H m 0., Y G N W b N G O tr Y U •.� C O Yn 0 .-. a > 3 Y O C H w w w O d 4 u T N W O fo AO - 7 D K H W 4 KS co Appendix D REPORTS ON SOURCE WATER QUALITY ANALYSES - 215 - yr I 1 VF ILC III I Plee m Eller 'Wer, USE HEAVY PENCIL J3IL'�'E� U I(7 LILe DD IR)T,VmAE IN SHAPED AREAS WATER— aAMPLE INFORMATION FORATE RECEIVED DATE NO cNICP BY. CHEMICAL ANALYSES USE THIS: FORMFOR �F-OR THE COMPLETE IL' SKRALYSIS ONLY -1-0 1 '- ■ ,VV,•I Swam, _3. Well - ■! —e. Pech.e r f_1 I E F 11 El l ■ Ll eelPre Tram.nl I• i (O'.l. emet k, (i1 2 3 4 y FEES ARE CHARGED FOR CHEMICAL TESTING A tae schedule Is evl lahle from this department. PARTY TO PAY FOR FEE FOR SERVICE TESTING IF TAKEN AFTER TREATMENT WAS IT—FILTERED _FLUORIDATED Sipeaem(Reeulr.d) (Priel Furl Nemo 6 Addmeel —_CHLORINATED _WATER SOFTENER: TYPE USED rPit es, (tC, h WA. ) caaa34— ny 7elephane:d. --i7---dam—-- LABORATORY REPORT TESTS 'MCL LESS THAN RESULTS UNITS CompllancB YES NO -- CHEMIST INITIALS Arse °� 0.06' mail ^- Barium 1.0' —'---- mull Cadmium 1° 0.01' • r moil Cluamiam 0.06' . m0/1 � Iran °. Ds '— ti •--�� men ✓..... lib Lead __—I D.es' i— • mail indlllalle Sl' "^ MCltpfy xr �A5 0.0021 - •_`/,`�—_ To ail mull _ _ ( •--�}--Cy4-- Selenium $dyer r 0.011 mo/I l 0,051 _ • ma/I Sodium "' -- _ ---- ma/1 flardness ---_ me I AS 0.0o3 Micr�5emlcm Londut6nlp 700 1arbldlty .-- 1.0' NTL '\ fain 15.0 •�_ —�—•�-- Color Unita Ileaede r ( 2.0' •_ mal - I'hlpr alfso� -- m all Sa_ tiate men _ IIS 600 an 7.y_� illtf n I:.tiw 6.0 - • m011 -Tc DATE OFF FINAL REPO v - / /K LABORATORY SUPERVISOR (Name or initial.) CHARGE: REMARKS: 7 � M.ee...m I amle.m Level AlIme.tl. ,, 'Ppmary al.ndna 1' 3 tR.. "'I'B13' BSHS Lahorotmpd Dele Prpcaeaind CapyDSHS Billing COPY Water Seppller Capy DjaHIcl Enol neer Cop, LOOM Haellh Bent. COPY Plea 11 Print Piclnly USE HEAVY PENCIL SEE BACK DO NOT WHITE IN SHADED AREAS FOR INSTRUCTIONS WATER SAFAIPLE INFORMATION )FOR INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSES USE THIS FORM FOR THE COMPLETE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ONLY LAO. _74,5 19 � I_ k -C r f - 0 I I ST kTE NTMI- r ,� 2 3 4 I k%`1f (. — IS kk STREAM ENTER NAME \ !� ��L FEES ARE CHARGED FOO CHEMICAL TESTING � �F T-4 S Y (r1� S A fee schedule is available Iram this DIED- py(It, FgOlS pM AT: TION aso P ,�/((>• i I N% N wnJ VULL[GI[V EHVM SYSTEM AL IAJtli eee) l .[I Aelo,. T,.umem I PARTY TO PAY FOR FEE FOR SE *,Fr TESTINf! I,y Tl Alm, Teelmenl lkPR (�6• IF TAKEN AFTER TREATMENT WAS IT FILTERED .FLUORIDATED slonoima (Rowlwe) fmint Full Name Sdeeaa; ._.._--CHLORINATED _WATER SOFTENER: TYPE USED _ REMARK alar quality problems, Address for addlillona copies, etc. - - I i �n J -f it treat _ WA. > Telephone: (- Af.a ) j r) �1 `�5 -� �`- LABORATORY REPORT tt fai TES'(S --I- LESS TNAN SOUIIpE TYPE UNITS SOURCE NO IF ArSen'^ ^ 0.051 Well tlo4 • ��_._- -..I. svleae -i wen .2. Suite —1 Pu,0... i —•— .—�` —• k -C r f - 0 I I ST kTE NTMI- r ,� 2 3 4 I k%`1f (. — IS kk STREAM ENTER NAME \ !� ��L FEES ARE CHARGED FOO CHEMICAL TESTING � �F T-4 S Y (r1� S A fee schedule is available Iram this DIED- py(It, FgOlS pM AT: TION aso P ,�/((>• i I N% N wnJ VULL[GI[V EHVM SYSTEM AL IAJtli eee) l .[I Aelo,. T,.umem I PARTY TO PAY FOR FEE FOR SE *,Fr TESTINf! I,y Tl Alm, Teelmenl lkPR (�6• IF TAKEN AFTER TREATMENT WAS IT FILTERED .FLUORIDATED slonoima (Rowlwe) fmint Full Name Sdeeaa; ._.._--CHLORINATED _WATER SOFTENER: TYPE USED _ REMARK alar quality problems, Address for addlillona copies, etc. - - I i �n J -f it treat _ WA. > Telephone: (- Af.a ) j r) �1 `�5 -� �`- LABORATORY REPORT tt fai TES'(S 'MCL LESS TNAN RESULTS UNITS COmpIIa11C0 NO CHEMIST INITIALS ArSen'^ ^ 0.051 • ��_._- mpll Hart __. 1' 1.01 i —•— .—�` —• moll \ Cadmium U O.ON• �___ r) / meq _: g HIIromium a 0,06, �� • -.— • 1_• _1 mg/1 mg/t mu/I - ,,.Ion r. lead 1a 0.3 0.051 - v � `danganese w dercury al D.06 0.0x21 — • r _ •—{ {_._—_ mg/I mall -5-- •J iP.enlNRl ,liver ^a 0.011 0.061e- •`- mall all - •, `t- �odimn mall - Idrd0e55 _- __ 1 mall AS C;aGo3 Hadn'tlity Ilrbdity 700 1.01 —.. JcL_• Mlcromhoe/cm NTU I' afar 16.0 —_ __•� Color Unite IOOrlde 1 2.01 —_.__•-a„- all Titrate ne 10.01 __•- mall . - IJalidr. 250 mall u14, It. 250 mall DS 600 ma/I ';Ppar 1.0 • man DATE OF FINAL REPORT: G LABORATORY SUPERVISOR (Nameerl1{niimul) CHARGE: REMARKS: na .eve ni aweo rNmary 91e0ovtl y SHB'A g2f'Iner..T1551,,,,,•B74,,., OSH5 LAllwatbryB Date Pf"Intalnp Copy,:,DSHS Billing Copy I Wafer, Supplier Copy,. Dlelrlol Engineer Copy ;i` Local Health Dapt, Copy , I, 7 I C LI 0 Pi... lariat PI.IAY SEE EACH USE nlAJY PENCIL FOR INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT WRITE IN SHADES ARVAS WATER SAMPLE INFORMAsI®FOINORGANIC ORppNIC pfMICAL ANALYSES USE THIS FORM FOR THE COMPLETE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ONLY NUMBER DATE RECEIVED DATiEO B £'�--�.(•1-�--4$-- — !—r_F�18'V� — tl� '—r-6.�7y- r,r.r«. - (1, ..t _ r.l "' SYSTEM LD. NO. SYSTEM NAME SYSTEM CLAS COUNTY SOURCE TYPE SOURCE NC IF BOU.'t S LA E OR TR AM Ni n NAME (Wall Nn./ FEES ARE CHARGED FOR CHEMICAL T —._t. Smr..d. W.II p —z. SpMa -N. Purchau .-- A lee schedule is available from Ihip�departma .0 THIS SAMPLE WASTAKEN IF SAMPLE WAS DRAWN FROM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1 IT WAS COLLOCTEO FROM SYSTEM AT: lAddr...1 PARTY TO PAY FOR FEE FOR SERVICE'=7 1�G Balala Tleam,nl fI knn All., R.War.m IF TAKEN AFTER TREATMENT WAS IT FILTERED FLUORIDATED Sigam. lnequhed) (Prial Full N.meA Addmu) —_..CHLORINATED —WATER SOFTENER: TYPE USED ' REMARKS: alar quality problems, address for Bddllilonel copies, SIDI) ..__. —. r 6�-f-al.--- —_.— _ -+iiaycoa-e�G Telephone:(.�.__—) ��.. _ M a, LABORATORY REPORT 100 NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE) TESTS 'MCL LESS THAN RESULTS UNITS COmplanta YES NO CHEMIST INITIALS mull — Farm, e. 11.01 K, Cadmium e. 0.or' a : mq/1 `- Chromiuln er O.OS, AfLs mBli ITCH n 0.3 Leadn DAB • a mq/1 f \ AlAngancse ,•• 0.05 Mercury Selenium e 0.002'mull - o.ol' T'T:_0 moll Silver a,0.06' • 'mull Sodium-` ••y..• moll hardness Sri A$CBC03 Conductivity Too , �rj— Mlcr.mhP.fcm Turbidity 1.01 ._ NTU -S^" J Color 16.0 �.+ P•� ----4i-.y—IT C. ar UITS Fluoride r'20a moll Nitrate •' Chloridea -I.fo.Oa 1250 =+—; =a ��— ,I.,l' moll IDOiI � � SIIIIL. p, 1250 mall IDS '500 moll .— Copper 1.0 a m Zinc u b,0'�J.�I ,. .I:..g/I� , man DATE OF FINAL REPORTc: ( IP r ' l _" i LABORATORY SUPERVISOR (Name or Initials) �T-k� CH RGE: REMARKS: I 'MCL,Ie IN MAalm mlConlEminenP Lrvel Allowatl,.,:.r Prlmery Shmd.'dl �ffipS USNSLA 92F�(R.U" 715]).y,B70• ^t' DSHS Labor eldry SDala Pfdcea'alDgrCdpYl �!DSH9 RilIInp Capy. ;; WelOr Supplier Copy OISIrIcl Eriglnear Capt. ;;; Local HeallR DepI COPY ^.: Peru. Hurt P1.I1ty SEE SACK use HEAR'Y PENCIL - FOR INSTRUCTIONS 00,rr01 WIFUTEIN SHADED AREAS WATER SAMPMG .:.INFORMATION FOR INRGAN14p CHEMICAL HEMIqML ANALySES USE THIS_ FORM FOR THE COMPLETE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ONLY IAT uuMTFR DATE HECEI1EO DATE COLLECTED COLLECTED UY: 1 ppips, etc.)<< �CII, ,�/. f�T P O I Ne WA. �9 in LABORATORY REPORT T WPITF RFI nW TNm I NEI TESTS I `, "MCL LESS THAN RESULTS r Crime lance YES -uD SYSTEM 10. ND. SYSTEM NAME SYS LASS' COUNTY (circa ono) =�-�J �— (� � ( n _RC1 Cadmium a. 2 s 4 SOURCE TYPE SOURCE NO (Wan No) IF 9DUH IS LAKE HSI REAM EN EB NAME (yq FEES ARE CHARGED FOR CHEMICAL TESTING AIr ,I —_I, sarec. KGs. Well Chromium A fee schedule is availablo from this tlq{��0�•Ta L SAMPLE S TAKEN IF SAMPLE WAS DRAWN FR0A1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 11115 SAMWA IT WAS COLLECTED FROM SYSTEM AT: (Add ma I U A. PARTY TO PAY FOR FEE FOR � pyrE TESTIN ybfl I ePLE II..Imenl !! wORrs 0.3 -(- All., TI—Ira.al (cI rl 1q-�cir7 (At ) Q 11 — c ' NgnO / Lead Manganese "^ 0.05+ 0.05 IF TAKEN AFTER TREATMENT WAS IT FILTERED _FLUORIDATED siaA.mre (ReNatr.e) (Prim FORName aAddea ) _CHLORINATED WATER SOFTENER: TYPE USED, • man ppips, etc.)<< �CII, ,�/. f�T P O I Ne WA. �9 in LABORATORY REPORT T WPITF RFI nW TNm I NEI TESTS I `, "MCL LESS THAN RESULTS UNITS Crime lance YES -uD CHEMIST INITIALS Arse-:..— bane... .: 0106 LD' F� ' � —1---L •- mp+l man 7 >� �..` Cadmium a. 00" ' —'. mall Chromium 0.051 11• ., .011 Iron . 0.3 II �•--F— m9/1 / Lead Manganese "^ 0.05+ 0.05 me" • man _ Mercury Selenium „ - 0.0021 ED,' man h' Silver n 0.051 ,mp/I , Sodium on"ll llardpeSs __ f_� "Noil AS CsCo3 \ COndp[(IVity Turbidily T00 1.0' „ Micramhoelcm 25° C NTD_Jv A i`,. _ — ;' �-•—�_ COIOr 16.0 —�yw—�C .�-�--- Color Unita Fluoride , 2.01—�-• mp/I AW3 i Nitrate :t,. 10.01 !� . --.-•- man '. Chlori 1. n 250 G)�+yf.. moll Suit, )260 }u' moll TD$ '600Iit . . mvn Copper N L0 _r mp/I l -pit DATE OF FINAL REPORT: LABORATORY SUPERVISOR (Hama onnilleh) CHARGE: REMARKS: 1 'MCL is Va r.l;almam Caron..al I ...I AllAw.d I Poim.ry swdo4 "JUM4. a DSHS n62F, IR.r. )/e5)... 873 ,.. DSHS LeblUdIry 6 Data Pmcaaaing Copy'.' DSHSDIIIIng Copy WeAr Supplier Copy . Dlntrlcl Engineer Copy Local Health Capt. Copy A,-, 11 LJ 11 11 11 11 a•, ,. F U F L 11 i IF TAKEN AFTER TREATMENT WAS IT—.FILTERED FLUORIDATED sloneiale Wmiul/ad) (Prim Full Name 6 Aadmael _._CHLORINATED __WAl'ER SOFTENER: TYPE USED If.�� MARK Welar quality pro ema, D rasa for edditiionDl copies, atc. ` _ Slrenl WA �'1�llll c ry zP cow Telephone: LABORATORY REPORT ®" xIt I INEI TESTS meeee PrNlPmnly - USE HEAVY PENCE DO HOT WRITE IN SHADED AREAS MATER SAMPLE INFORMATION USE THIS FORM FOR THE SEE BACK FOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSES COMPLETE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ONLY RESULTS LAS. NUMBER DATE RECEIVED GATE COLtECTEO WLLECTFO BY: L� e M ArSn^:, r y-_, g moll SYSTEM r.D. NO. SYST aYSTEM NAME SYSTEM OLAS. COUNTY (mncle one, I — Ballo.., r. C y. 2 3 4 SOURCE TYPE SOURCE NO IF SOURCE 49 ANE OR Si AM ENTER NAME FEES ARE CHARGED FO CHEMICAL TESTING _t. 5uneca s�: s(Well H.1 . Wall ; . q lee schedule Is available from thin department. . z. Swlna ' a. Parcn.... — -- iWrS�sAMPLE WAS TARE. IY WAS PCO PARTY TO PAY FOR FEE FOR SERVICE TESTING LECTED FRIOMRSYSTEOM IMTA : (Add, PARTY `hl Belore Tuelmenl Chromium a 0.061 11 a•, ,. F U F L 11 i IF TAKEN AFTER TREATMENT WAS IT—.FILTERED FLUORIDATED sloneiale Wmiul/ad) (Prim Full Name 6 Aadmael _._CHLORINATED __WAl'ER SOFTENER: TYPE USED If.�� MARK Welar quality pro ema, D rasa for edditiionDl copies, atc. ` _ Slrenl WA �'1�llll c ry zP cow Telephone: LABORATORY REPORT ®" xIt I INEI TESTS 'MCL LESSCompliant• THAN RESULTS UNITS YES NO CHEMIST INITIALS ArSn^:, 0.051 y-_, • _ moll — Ballo.., r. to, y. — —'�"°'�"�3— - - Cadmium a o.oP . mall {" y Chromium a 0.061 <_ • moll IPoO 1, 0.3 • —. mgfi _ �� Lead w 0.051 mall Manganese�^ 0.05 moll ' Mercury x1 0.002 •_I yy— b'-- moll -} Selenium T. 0.01' ,[, _QL__• . mon Silver N 0.061 Sodium -- --- IlaldnE.ii mall AS CaCo3 Conductivity TOO Mlcromhoelcm 26e0 TUfhidily I'D, NTU .I^I •.I -- Color Mo _ -- —•'— Color uniia _ 'l l •' TIUDfIdP, 2.0,0—' '— Nitrate •• 10.01 r ---�?--• in 4\ I:MILu^ 11 260 m01t SUh. , w, 260. ___.--- mall _ � IDS 500 � -- moll Copper d. 1.0 ! - • mon 1 -1 '" ,, 1 Zinc 1. 60 se mall r'! Area Cede DATE OF FINAL REPORT: ;1� � 7- DIIBORATORY SUPERVISOR (Name a/Inllula) Y V� F CHA GE: REMARKS: 'MCL 'P, the Maximum, Contiminenl Level Allowed r, Prlmely. Blend Id ' DSHS 4e2F (Raw. 1106).: -873- DSHSLeboretcryi'Dale Pfoaeaalna Cayf� DSHS Billing COPY W&Sr Supplier Copy Dlelrlcl Engineer COpYjd Local Health DBPL' COPY'-', •r ' piaese Prim Plelnly USE HEAR PENCIL SEE BACK DCL NOT WRITE IN SHADED MEAS FOR INSTRUCTIONS WATER SAMPLE INFORMATION FOR INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALyS ES USE THIS FORM FOR THE COMPLETE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ONLY LAB. NUMBER BATE DECEIVED DATE COLLECTED COLLECTED 9Y: i __1. soden X.3, wall _ 2 order 1. Dux Belem Trnlmam IF TAKEN AFTER TREATMENT WAS IT—FILTERED __FLUORIDATED CHLORINATED WATER SOFTENER TYPE USED 23 4 l•Wova FEES ARE CHARGED FOR CHEMICAL TESTI/ A loo schedule is available Rom this de arttmel�/Y �� PARTY TO PAY FOR FEE FOR SEFIVIJrT.VCT Sl,mume(RMwrmg print PollN,aame& AddreseJ REMAI7KS: star qua tly piob e— mi e, address for addi(iipnalcopies, ela I j wA. z ��hirl I nP cone' LABORATORY REPORT DO NOT tel .11 6. TH1.1 IMPI TESTS 'MCL LESS TH 4 RESULTS UNITS Comp ll onto yea No CHEMIST INITIALS A(y - 0.05, —_ • mg/1 Barium 1.1.01 —AOL—•z — mull Cadmium la 0,01, g/I CIIfOm11101 0 0.05, • f mg/I ✓ 'ti Iran "r Lead0.05, - Manganese 0.3 0.05 -' ---G�--• — - • ' �_• mp11 mall mull �- -Y--- — — �=v - Mercury RI Selenium ' 0.002' 0.01, _ •_J�—_[�._—L_ Q• mail 1 mg/d. •v 1 Silver; at o.Osr • _ man 7AZ Sodium ul Ilardnessmail _ AS CeCo3 COnduCllVlly 700_ Mlcro5ooa/cm Turbidity 1.01 NTU Color I5.0• Unit Unita )�h Fluoride r 2.01 ems'-'.-�7—e��_ moll Nitrate 10.01-- 1_-.._' •_ mull Chir n. .:zs0 :,; .,IT Who, w, 1250 :I!'' .011 TDS 600.:ail: mall Coppet 1.0 S • . moll ]Inc S.O" .•`� moll 'r"" H 11 DATE OF FINAL REPORT' LABORATORY SUPERVISOR INnme m Inulalal CH RGE: REMARKS: r -- n Mnnmme commmrnl L...I Allowed . ' Primary standard, . n1rM InrF mea. r/Rn Rn. DCH.4I ahnrnlnry A Dille Pmr9aalnhnIcBy' DSHS BIIIInq Copy water Supplier Copy Dielrlcl Engineer Cr, - Local Health Door. Copy E I I E E .. PI.e.. Pant Pl.ldmy SEE RACK USE HEAVY PENCIL FOR INSTRUCTIONS qD Ilii WHITE BE BRAD ED AREAS WATER SAMPLE ;,INFRMATION FrOR INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSES USE THIS FORM FOR THE COMPLETE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ONLY LAB..DATE RECEIVED HATE COLLEOTEO COLLECTED BY. ayy'UMBER /l f' 1 IL Com, Ia%, I r/i-.I—/ fl A- CURTY SOURCE TYPEI SOURCE N Surlac. rE �/}a, wa11 ' .(Wen No.) _I. (� ' _ T. Soling _1. Purchase �- — THS SAMPLE WAS TAKEN IF SAMPLE CC IT WAS Cr )EI eet.l. L.Almenl L AT: IF TAKEN AFTER TREATMENT WAS IT—FILTERED —FLUORIDATED —CHLORINATED —WATER SOFTENER: TYPE USED 2 3 4 1 k ( III 1 E I FEES ARE CHARGED FOR CHEMICAL TESTING A fee schedule is available from this doperlmav /l ,op PARTY TO PAY FOR FEE{FOR SERVICAfrNNG NT y_4310}— --- - I Srgneluro(Ra9ubnd) (PtlnI FON.Q1.m8AEEmre) Li Telephone: (-)--��-- LABORATORY REPORT Inn Mn� eITF BELOW TN15 LINE) TESTS 'MCL LESS THAN RESULTS UNITS Compliance YES NO CHEMIST INITIALS Ars. ' r. 1, Q051 / 1 ',L• .• - m9/1 / - r -.— mo ll 1 Barium o t0 ___----•' _ Cadmium .r 0.011 marl _ ^'y/ Chromium ?` mall I Iran r. 0,3 _ _ • me/] Lead r. 0,05, _� I'LL- ]—e 5-+— m0/I Manganese 0.05 _. 1 •--ice —�T—� mail Mercury xl 0.002, -- Selenium UA1, Silver 1. :y 0.051. "�.. -�.�—• 1 - marl I/_. T..-[,. mall • Sodium x' —. -- ___ moll AS CeCD3 ' Hardness j Conductivity 700 25°C Turbidily 1.01 .--r'-—•–- NT U i. "� J•. Color 16.0 -- _0�,.1 Calor Unita Y.'_ Fluoride 1.2'0, Nitrate Is CMO,: H :250 X250 !"'; moll _. Sully._ ro, -- --_;'`_-- TOS 1600 mel] Capper ., Lo —_ ' a":. 1 ZIOC 'li'd 60' m9/1 DATE OF FINAL REPORT:: LABORATORY SUPERVISOR (Name o<mmele) C RCE: REMARKS: 'MCL Ir N,e Maxim C.,unf enl L.1.1 Allowed., JPrMery SNIN rdl I. Local Hoallh Depl CPpYw'i''% OSMS. aD2f (Rel, 7186) eTs•;,_ DSHS LatiureforyAPalnPracaeslned! ?Y,'DSHS Soling copy ..Waler SUppllerCopy'. Dietr]cl EnomeerCopi, PLnr.Panl Planar.- ^•"' - SEE BACK [ISP HEXY PENCIL FOR INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT WRITE IN SHADED AREAS„. Tacamati ® ry ® /� p ®g y WATER SAMPLE l:IPdFORMA•YION FOR INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSES USE THIS* FORM FOR THE COMPLETE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ONLY LAB. NUMDER DATE RECEIVED DATECOLLECTED COLLECTED Byt __I. SoH... X-0. Wen —2. Sprino —4. P.,. AT: aelw. Tre.Imenl IF TAKEN AFTER TREATMENT WAS IT__FILTERED _FLUORIDATED __CHLORINATED __.._._'.MATER SOFTENER: TYPE USED _- REMARKS: alar Dually p� address for eddllilonal COpes, etc, E FEES ARE CHARGED FOR CHEMICAL TESTINVy,� A tee schedule Is available Irom INS de rlment. / e �/r yy PARTY TO PAY FOR FEE FOR IOF.RVICE AlSj/NG /p 1po Pk At elyn.lun [Rn9uira0) lPrinl FeI1 ND.�LAtltlroea ��— (IA/ v 1 WA. — y 'W -- Telephone: ( LABORATORY REPORT •� (DO NOT WARE BELOW THIS LINEI I TESTS 'MCL LESS THAN RESULTS UNITS Compliance YES_ NO CHEMIST INITIALS Ac a OAS` mall �- l mon ' LO --- "—•r�—�— _Barium Cadmium r. 0�01� —1,�—e'1a' moll � Chromium DOE' _< •'� man __ Iron 0.3 T • _ moff _ Lead D.Ds ' Manganese w 0.06 : •— moll Alericury B.DOE' (} •-�____�_—�.--•J�- moll Selenium '• 0.01' a mon $IVar� �I 0.05'+.. •'1 moll. Sadium moll all !, HardnessAS Ce Cos TOB - Micl25hoalcm �' `• �_ Y COndUCllYlly Nru f� Turbidity I.o' Color 15.0-—�-�-• Coley Unila Fluoride I -off— Ndrale •• to.o�--=.�'•— mvn Ch' 2SO ii - moll sullate III, Fk. mon TES 600 CDPPef a 1.0; ;Y • mall __.1 Zinc I. ..:,.IIA e'. _ • moll ..',. LABORATORYI SeUPERVISOR Oj �v CHA GE: REMARKS: 'MCL is Ih.Maximum Dan[.DIM.m L.r.1 Allowa , y � Pdm.ry SI.n0u0 oalp. 5 R IIS 1e21'.1161 7105)'- -928 BSHS I.abRmj6" A D., Pr ... ..Ino Copy DSHS BIIrina Copy Water Supplier Copy- Dielrlct Enolneer Copy -Local Heallh Dept. Copy 7 F F F I I DATE OFFINAL REPORT LABORATORYI SeUPERVISOR Oj �v CHA GE: REMARKS: 'MCL is Ih.Maximum Dan[.DIM.m L.r.1 Allowa , y � Pdm.ry SI.n0u0 oalp. 5 R IIS 1e21'.1161 7105)'- -928 BSHS I.abRmj6" A D., Pr ... ..Ino Copy DSHS BIIrina Copy Water Supplier Copy- Dielrlct Enolneer Copy -Local Heallh Dept. Copy 7 F F F I I i I I Appendix E AGREEMENTS WITH WATER PURVEYORS - 225 - D A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT entered into this ,� G day of 1979, by and between the CITY OF KENT, hereinafter referred to "Kent" and the CITY OF TUKWILA, hereinafter referred to as as "Tukwila". WHEREAS Municipal Corporations are given the power to contract under RCW 39.39 for cooperative services, and WHEREAS it is necessary for Tukwila and Kent to enter into this Agreement to provide a water intertie system, and WHEREAS it is mutually beneficial to both parties to enter into this Agreement to provide emergency water flow and water supply to meet Kent's needs during periods of peak demand and for emergency flow and fire protection in both cities, NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits conveyed hereby do agree as follows: 1. Both parties agree to cooperate in the construction of a water flow intertie system uniting the water supplies of the City of Kent and the City of Tukwila at a point on the West Valley Highway. 2. The intertie system will be constructed by the City of City of Kent's expense and ownership of said facility Kent at the with the City of Kent. The City of Kent hereby agrees shall remain to operate and maintain said facility. 3. Both parties agree that the intertie system will not be operated except during periods when either party desires to obtain D water from the other party. Whenever either party wishes to operate the intertie, ten days notice shall be given to the other party, except that in the case of an emergency, such notice shall not be required. Whenever operated, the operating party agrees to notify the other party's Fire Department and Water Department immediately. 4. Both parties agree that the rate to be charged for water used under this Agreement will be at the rate of $0.33 per 100 cubic feet of water used. Billing for said charge shall be made in the normal course of business and paid by the other party promptly upon receipt of the invoice. Failure to pay for water utilized under this Agreement or for use for other than emergency purposes, unless other- wise agreed upon, shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement. 5. Either party may cancel this Agreement for material breach of its terms by written notice served upon the other party at least twenty (20) days prior to the proposed termination date. If the breaching party removes the breach and performs under terms of this Agreement before the termination date, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. However, if the breach is not removed and continues, then the Agreement shall be null and void in all respects except for the obligation to make payments as defined for water used prior to the termination date. CITY OFF JTUUKWILA By GGC, �+••�J4/ ayor CITY OF KENT By � , Mayor Attest: i City Clerk A proved as to For : ity Attorney f r City of Tukwila Attest: By City Clerk A roved as to Form: City Attorney for City of Fent Document No. 26.17 Revised 7/16/82 WATER 015TRICT NO. 75 AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE WATER SERVICE THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 19_, between Water District No. 75, King Couney, and The City of Kent , (muntclpality). WHEREAS, Water District No. 75 and The City of Kent , (municipality), are corporations organized under the laws of the State of Washington; and WIIEREAS, the State Department of Social and Health Service recommends Water Service Agreements between adjacent water utilities; and WHEREAS the Comprehensive Plan of Water District No. 75 anticipate, such needs; and WIIEREAS, the Rale, and Regulations of the Water District set forth conditions for providing water service; and WHEREAS, the race structure of Water District No. 75 specifies the cost of providing water for certain classes of users; NOW THEREFORE it is hereby agreed as follows; 1. Definitions a) Continuous Service; 'Two (2) utilities connected by an unlocked operating meter for a term of more than one Year. b) Emergency Service: Two (2) utilities connected by a locked meter with service provided at the request of one or the other recipient for a sudden unplanned event or set of circumstances demanding immediate action to prevent serious losses to personnel and/or property. c) Other: Shall be miscellaneous rater use; not defined. 2. Scope of Service Water District No. 75 will provide the following service to —The City of Kent (municipality). Type a( Service: . (a) Emergency ( ) . (b) Contlnuous (X ) (c) Other ( ) L•.:atlon of Neter will he: S._242nd St: G 111 II tare _ Rd. S. Sl,e and type of cetrr will be: H" _Water Specialties, Prop cl ler Neter :L-ber or ld­ntlflcatlon: 7812.3 )later will be ow oed by: W_at_er_Distr_ct_ No. 75 ::aver will be ^tlntalcad a,dt.re.ad by: 4ater_District No, 75 Teter --ill be Installed and paid (or by: Water District No. 75 11 P Ilydrau lfe gradient at meter w111 be: (max.) 560 w0 I75 WL ( ) 529 Kent IIWL E .elms ted available floe will be: (e.g.) 1000 _ CPN (min.) 200 GPM E stlmeted annual consumption W111 be: (max.) 52$ MC mated ve[lfied annually and appropriate credit, or (.in.) _ 105 NC Meter will be normally: Locked ( ), Unlocked (x) 6. Term This xcept for the cats rare, shall extend for five years from the date hereof, and shall continue Sad,flnitely m an annual basis thereafter unless ,Soler of the porttes notiflrs the other of Its Snt,otion sot to Continue this .&,eeoent by giving Mnety days (90) 'rlttea no Lice prior to the end of the first cern of this agree-,ent or any extended ten thereof. F1 1j 7, Cost of Water Charges for water Will be hosed upon the Water District No. 75 The applicable rate for this rervice current rates as amended. will be far the following class of snry ice: (a) wholesale (% ) (b) Industrial ( ) (c) Standby Fire ( ) (d) Hlacellancous ( ) The size of meter for billing purposes will bu determined by demand. This meter size is initially eatl- historical annual meter to 1k il (Inches diameter). This hypothetical mated ve[lfied annually and appropriate credit, or efze willbe will be made each year (chis appllea to continuous adJus talent. ee"ice only). the current water District He. 75 race is attached A copy of hereto, and made s part hereof, 4. City of Seattle Demand Cllzrge ' the event water usage through the in[ertle ...sea either In municipality to incur a City of Seattle demand charge;lishas estab- e by City Of Seattle 0 ro . 9 398, r to e event increase the City off Seattle demand charge cause. an that it the munfciPalltles must pay, then in that event, the that one of negotiate add(tlollal tom Pensatloa for the water parties shall compensation shall be as the two mualcl- used. The additional palities shall agree as reasonable under the circumstances. 5. indemnification (municipality), agrees to The CI[V PF Kcnt hold harmless wale[ District ilo. 15 from any claim mite ionlCy and from this agreeacnt. Furthermore, it is understood and arising agreed that water District No. 75 makes no warranties or assur- to water availability, pressure or volume at any given ances as It is unde,s Lood that if Water District No. 751s water time. ln[crconnecltoo point is texporarlly Interrupted service to the for re7alr; in an am,rr.ency; or for any other reasSOpn;It Is not '.*,ter ohll Dud to provide in alternative source of supply. District Do. 75 docs, hor,rer, ,arra nr that It will not, eaccpc for reasons such as.the foregoing, interrupt the eater supply to the interconnection. 6. Term This xcept for the cats rare, shall extend for five years from the date hereof, and shall continue Sad,flnitely m an annual basis thereafter unless ,Soler of the porttes notiflrs the other of Its Snt,otion sot to Continue this .&,eeoent by giving Mnety days (90) 'rlttea no Lice prior to the end of the first cern of this agree-,ent or any extended ten thereof. F1 1j 7. Hlacellaneow Conditions Demand monitoring required. Install P.R.V. WATER DISTRICT No. 75, KINC COUNTY ( NUN1 CiiPALIIYf) Kent BY COKKIssIONERS BY: coruussioneR WHOLESALE RATE SCHEDULE (OTHER WATER DISTRICTS) Hever Rate Per Mo. Minimum Per 100 Cu. Pt. Size (Period -1 Mo. Hin.) Cu. Fc./Mo. Over Minimum y' $ 1BO.00 100 $0.30 6` 400.00 100 0.30 B. 710.00 loo 0.30 10" 1,100.00 100 0.30 12" 1,600.00 100 0.30 MISCELLANEOUS WATER USE 1' $ 14.00 100 $0.42 1 t,' 27.00 100 0.42 7- 44.00 100 0.42 3- 100.00 100 0.42 4' 190.00 700 0.42 6" 400.00 100 o.42 B' 710.00 100 0.42 10" 1,110.00 100 0.42 12' 1,600.00 100 0.42 INDUSTRIAL RAIZ SCHEDULE Hater Average Rate Per He. Hlm Smum Per 100 Cu. Pt. Size Consumption Mini.. Cu. Ft. Over Minimum 4- 50,000-100,000 $ 390.00 50,000 $0.30 6' 100,001-300,000 820.00 100,000 0.30 B. 300,001 -UP - 1,970.00 300,000 0.30 These rates are predicated upon (1) use during low demand periods and (2) user having a demand factor of.not more than 1.25 clines average demand. Sc will be the responsibility of the user to verify that these conditions exist. STANDBY FIRE SCUEDULE Fire -Floe Minimum Rate Binimum Cu. Fc. Per 100 Cu. Ft. Peter Site Per Honth Par 4dnth Over Mlnlouo 3• $ 3.50 0 50.42 4' 6.00 0 0.42 6- 13.50 0 0.42 8' 25.00 0 0.42 10' 40.00 0 0.42 12' 55.00 0 0.42 These rates are based upon as annual debt s,ry Eae of $12,331 for the east of faellitins, per 1978 Standby Fire Prote Ctlon Rate Study. Appendix F DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT - 235 - E L E F1 U D F1 0 7 E CITY OF KENT DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Environmental Checklist No. #ENV -88-78 Project CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN Description Proposal to adopt the City of Kent Water System Plan. Location N/A Applicant City of Kent Dept. of Public Works, 220 4 AV S, Kent, WA 98032 Lead Agency CitV of Kent The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This Determination of Nonsignificance is specifically conditioned on compliance with the conditions and mitigating measures described below. This information is available to the public on request. There is no comment period for this DNS. X This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 15 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by October 7. 1988 Responsible Official James P. Harris Position/Title Plannin Director Address Dated September 22, 1988 Signature Questions regarding procedures for appea directed to the Responsible Official. CONDITIONS/MITIGATING MEASURES elepho�ne: 859-3390 s is agency decision may be "WITO.. ENVIRONMENTAL CIICCKLIST T CITY OF KENT, WR SII( NGTON TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF APPLICATION HWtOER ENtl- $q-7$ RECEIVED DY _✓i��h� DATE tic t�� PRJCE S51fi0 FEE 1\Jf/ •V� A. STAFF IRVIEN DETERMINED THAT PROJECT; _X Moots the categorically exempt criteria. Has no probable significant adverse ea,11orment.) lmpoct(sl end application should be proc.rsed Y—'without further .,,aid... Han of envir.rwoht.I allects. Ilae probable. slyniticert ndv. Tse or,lr.n..ntel lmpnctts) and ea Envlra.menlai Impact Statement will be prepared. __Has Pr.boblo, significant impact(s) tlml can be mitigated through conditions, Environmental Impact Statement not necessary, `_An Environmental Impact Statement for thls project has already been prepared. ///-�/J�; I - z z g8 —_ pne w� of Roe ponslbl le Ifl iol — Data _ 8. L HIS: C. TYPE OF PERMIT OR ACTION REQUESTED; B. ZONING DISTRICT: To HE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION; 1. Name ofProicu_LJ rTr f K ,nIL_WaGe>-5ysLein 2. Name of APpilcant-Depa c¢Lof_PUIJ1r Nnrrks _—Telephone ASg_j383 _ Flailing Add ress_22n_5_4tjl,_—A'LBt.IgD_Sjyn&tcf .981)32 - Contact Parson _pall -W ickstxom_— (Note that ail correspondence will be galled to the applicant listed above,) 7. Applicant le (owner, agent, other) d. Nam. of L ... I Mailing Address ._ 5. 1_9cath.e. Gl.o gon... I location of proposed p,.J.ct (street address or ...rest intersection st Tea ts; soctb.n, township ane rang.]. NA Environmental Checklist 6, Togo] description, (If Iong My, allech os separate sheet); NA Page 2 7, ExstI os Gond ft lcns. Give a general description of the property and eristing tmpwvements, size, topography, vegetation, sol 1, drainage, natural features, etc- (it necessary, attach a separate sheet]: NA B, Sit. Area: NA -,. Site Dimensions; g. Profit description. Give a brief, complete description of the intended use of the property or project, (Attach sit. plans a$ describ.d In the instructions): The Water Comprehensive Plan will be used as a planning tool for coordination and construction of projects to meet projected demands an the City's Water system. 10, schedule_ Describe the tlmIn, or sch.du 1. fin c l tide plums 1 and construction dates if possible). NA C/r� La /c (/Eli 2/n b; Oc7�g�2 /$SFl �Tenaiiv6 oarE) it. Future Plans. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion or further activl ty related to 0 connected with this proposal? If yos, explain. The Water Comprehensive Plan must be updated every five (5) years, 12. P. rm i ts_ List all permits for this projnct from local, state, federal, or ether agencies for which you have applied or will .,ply, NA DATE AGENCY PERMIT TYPE SOM IT TED +' NUMBER STATUS" •Laevo blank if not submitted •'Approved, denied or pending 13. Environmental informe IT., List any environ..OtTi informetlon you kuo. about that has been prepared, .r .111 be prepared, directly related to this proposal, NA / ( ENV-�7-a 3) e1PauNomrNT 14, De De you know -nether eppllcetlons e . pending for gave rn..ot.I approv.Is of other nropmnis directly nrfactia, the property covered by your proposal? 11 yes, explain. No 0 I d I I J 1 C' 0 I I E I U D H D 11 11 11 r, C C1 71 Eavironmental Checklist B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS I 1. Earth a. General descript Xh of the site (circle one); Flat, rol:ing• hi llri Steep slopes, mau nta incus, orner NA b. What 1s the steepest slope on the site lapproainate percent slope)? 4 Mat general types of soils at. e found on the sate (tor c ample, cloy, sand, gravel, peat. muck). If you knewthe classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland, I NA d. Are Mca ere surface Indications or history of an ptabie soils in the immediate vl<Lnit7 If so, describe. NA Describe the purpose. type. and apo roximzre gda,titloc of any lilting or grzding proposed. Indicate source of fill, NA f, Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, mnstructl.n, or u o? If so, gen- erally describe. NA g. About What percent of the site w it be covered w; to i.aperviois surtaces zfter project construction (tor example, asphalt or bull.;rgd)? NA h, Proposed measures to reduce or control erosicn, or of ne. impar [s t. the Waren, it any. NA z. Air a. What types of emissions to the air wor,ln r sr,lt from the proposal ft.e , dust. I automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during c .,ruction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give apa,oximate guantl Ties :f hewn, NA It. Are there any oft -site sources at amidst... or odor c'at cony affect your V.- P.S.I? II so, yene rally tlescrine. NA c, Proposed meesures to reduce or control en vsions or other imparts m air, if any: I NA I 3, water I e. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water b.dy nn or In the immediate vicinity Of the site (including year -r ... d and seasonal ... p. md, saltwater, lakes, ands, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide mares, If apprepriate, state what struan ornver it flow into. l NA I EYALUAYION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Page 3 Pag. a Environmental Checklist require any woes over, in, or adjacent (P::nzoo fee')I EVALUATION FOIE RI Will the project It plerse desc, the and attach availablbI e planss.. AGENCY USE ONLY the described waters? yes, I NA }I Estimate the amount of fill and d,edge material that would he placed in or removed Iron surface water o wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source Of fi_'. het,rial. NA <) Will the proposal require surface wa +^dra.a11 or diversions" Civ. lel, anal de,rripliun. Purpose, and anproxim=_lequa-Fitt., it known. NA 5) Uoes the PI.Posal lie within a 100 yea' floodplai0 if so, note "oration on the site plan. I NA to waters' 6) Ryes the proposal involve any discharyes at -wdste mater:alk surface It so, eescribe the type of waste and aaticl Pat.d volume of d,"I.,ge. I NA P. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will wzter be df1cha,ged aground water? Give ger oral description, pv epos., and aporc.;mete quantities It known, NA I 21 Describe well. materia! tnzt wal he discharged let, the ground from septic tanks Or other sources, if any (for example: G,... t,, sewage; industrial, contain- ing the following chemicals.... agricultural; etc.). Describe use general size of the system, the. number of such systems, the numb.' of hour. to be served (if .,pit- cadle). nr the number of znimals or Inman, the systll(s) are explored to serv,.. NA c. Water Popoff (including storm water): water) and meth.] of 1 -11.c - l) Describe the r ce Of runoff (inc Wdrng ,:P,, tion and disposal, if any (include quantities, it known). Where will this wn-er flow? Will this water flow into other waters'' It so. describe. NA 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface wztero? It so, generally describe. I NA a. Proposed measures to reduce or control surtac., ground. and runoff worm impacts. if any; NA I I I Environmental Checklist Page 5 EVALUATION FOR d Plan is NA AGENCY USE ONLY a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on toe If In: _ _deciduous tree: aider, maple, aspen. o;hm' - evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other _shrubs _grass _pasture _crop or gr sto soil plants: cattail, b;.ttercup, du l l rush. skum� cabbage. other _water plants: water lily, eelgrass, mz..oil. ornef _other types of vegetaticn b, What kind and amount of vegetation will be rema,od or altered° NA c. List threatened or endangered species kriurn to be on or near the site. I NA d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or othm measures to Preserve or I enhance vegetation on the site, if any: I NA 5. Animals a. Circle any birds are animals which have been observers on or near the site or are known m be on or near the site: NA birds: hawk, heron, eagle, sorgbiras, Other: ....... ...mal,: deer, bear, elk, beaver, othe,: ....................................... fish: bass, salmon, trout. herr)+g, shellfish, other:, .................. —_ - It. t',t any threatened or endangered species krown :o be on or near the site. NA c, Is the site part of a nigratino route? If on. exo!aim. Nn I I. Proposed measures to Preserve or enhance wiidlfe, if any: NA 6. Energy and Natural Haswrces a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil. woad ,love, sOl art will be used to meet the completed project's anergy hands? Dpe,rtbe whether it will be ared for heating, manulac[urtng, e¢. NA b. Wnvld your project affect the potential Use of ;alar energy by adjacent properties?I If so, generally describe, NA c, What kinds of energy on,e ut,.m femora; are i`duded to Mc plans of lois Probes a l? List .,her ; ro pose< ,, Irl to reduce a control energy impau-.. It any: NA ]. Environmental Health I Are there any environmental health hazards. including exposure In r xic cheml- cats, risk of fire and explosion, spa), Or hazardous ,to, that could occur a. a reshlu of this proposal? If on, to.,cr ibe. I NA I Page 5 Page 6 Environmental Checklist EVALUATION FOR ll Describe spacial emergency servtces that miga be requ ,d. AGENCY USE ONLY 2N proposed .measures to reduce or centre) env uo.memal health hazards, it any: NA b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist, in the area wh1ch may affect your ProJnct [for example: tra`tic, equvpmeot, operation, other)? NA 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with Me prc- jact on a short-term or a lonq-term basis (for example: traffic, eocstructior, .peahen, other), indicate wnac hours not;e mould come from the site. I NA 31 Proposed measures to retluce a- coetrul nei,e impacts, it any: I NA 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjare"P pronertles? NA b. Has the site been used for agriculture? if at. describe. NA c. Describe any structures on the situ. NA d. W111 any structures be damollshea? 1` so. ..a. I NA e. What is the current zoning cla s'sif icaf ion of "" site? I NA I f. What is the current "'ph,pensive plan de;igna•inn of the sole? NA e. It applicable, Nmt Is the current shoruline *a srer program designation of the site? NA ' h, has any part of the site been I a" It led as an envirmmmtaily sensitive" area? If so, specify, NA I. Approximately hov many people rcuid roside or ,.or4 fn the completed D,.,ect' ' NA ■ Approximately how many people eouldthe completed project displace? j, NA k. Proposed measures to avoid or rnduce displace*eht impacts, if a": NA 1. Pro(tosed meDsure; to ensure the profrosal t. compatible with eKaling antl pr D)9cL ' 1 ed land uses and plans, if any. have been projections Existing land use plans and population prof ' reviewed to ensure consistency with the projections in this Plan Environmental Checklist Pago ) I EVALUATE ON FOR 9. Housing AGENCY USE ONLY Approximately how many units wopin to provi Jed. it any? indicate whether hlgh, middle, or low income housing. NA b. Approximately haw many units, if any. would be eliminated? lndicote whether high, middle, or low income housing. NA c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing Impacts, if any: NA I 10. Aosthetics e, What is the tallest height of any proposed sVucmrelsi. not including antennas; I what is the principal ewtaricr building materia H,t) proposed? NA b. What views in the Immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed' NA I c. Proposedmeasures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, it any: NA I1. Light and Glare e, What typeof light or glare will the voposais produce? What time of day would it mainly orrur? NA ..pp h. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? I NA C. What existing otf-site sou rtes of sight or glare nay affect your Propose:? NA d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare Impacts, it any: NA 12, Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational oppertunitiee are in the immediate vicinity? - NAI b, Would the propesed project displace any existing reveatfonal uses? if so, describe. rs to reduce or ontrol impacts n ec cation, Including c. Proposod m c tion opportunitiesto be provided by the project nr applicant, if any: NA 13, Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Arc there any places or objects listetl o , m prnpwed tor, national, state or local preservation regisrers known to be on or next to the site? If se, generally describe. Nn I I Page g Envlronmental Checklist EVALUAYI Ce FOR b, Generally describe any landmarks o evidence df historic, arche. togi ca I, sc inn i tic, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. AGENCY USE ONLY NA c. Proposed measvrea to reduce or control Impact;, ,t any. NA 14. Transportation 1 A. Identity public streets andhighways ser,ng the site. and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans. It any. ' NA 1 A. Is site corrently served by public transit? If not. what is the approximate distance to the nee rest transit stop? Nn � How many Parking spaces would the completed Project have? How many would the project eliminate? NA 1 a, W111 the proposal require any now roads or streets, or Improvements to existing Dads orstreets, not lnc)uding driveways? It so. Generally describe tindicate whether Public or privatel. NA ' A. Will the project use for pec ur in the immediate vicinity of) water, ail, or all transportation? If so, generally describe. NA t. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed PrOJeec? ltd known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. NA g. Proposed measures in reduce or control tracs portation impacts, 11 Any: 15. Public Services ' 8. Would the project result in n Increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, ,hrpls, other)? If so, generally describe. NA b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impactson public services, if any. ' NA 16, Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse servica. telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. ' NA b. Describe tie utilities tnet are proposed for the project, the utilities providing the .service, and the general construction activities on the site Or In the immediate vicinity which might be needed. ' NA C. SIGNATURE The shove answer, are true and complete to the best of my knowledge, 1 untle rsinntl w that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision, Signature: - '- - Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Date Director of Public Works EO,1,.Ohental Checklist Pay, g n0 NOT USE THIS SHEET FOR PROJECT ACTIONS EVALUATION FOR D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS AGENCY USE ONLY Because these questions are very general, It may be helpful to read them in conjunc- list of the elements of the environment, tion with the When an....w ung these qurstlons. be a e of the extent the proposal, or the types of activitieslikely to r cult from theproposal, would affect the item at A greater in- tensity or at a festarate in-, if Cmc proposal were no' implemented. Respond briefi ly and in Echols] terms. I. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions Well; prodcctlon, storaye. or release of towc or he,Oldcus s.bllorcoc; or production of noise? NA Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: ' SIA i ' 2, How would the prof sal be likely to affect plants, animals, flsh, or manic life? NA Proposed meesures to protect or conserve plants. animals, fish, or marine lifenre: NA 3. Hon would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or to tarot resource'? ' The Plan projects an increase in the consumption of water due to projected population growth. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resod ,res are. -Continuation of the City's conservation policies during peak usage periods. n, How would the proposal be likely to use or a"act environmentally sensitive areas such ash or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection: parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, three tared or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sltes, wOtlards. floodplain,, or prime ]arm lands? NA Proposed measures to protect such ...,.ureas o, .o avold or reduce Impacts ala: NA 5, How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including ' whether it would allow or encourage land ur shorc)ine uses incsepatible with existing plans? The nvailability of water would encourage devClOpinOnt_ lis^ incompatible with existing plans would he subject to the Ci.ty'S plan review process. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce sroreline ane land use in,Pac;s are: 6. How would the proµ,sal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? Projected population increase would increase the need for public services. Proposed mPa,u res to rsduge ar rOc,u.d to such danand(,) a. e. 7, Identity, If possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the arotecticn of the environment. The Coinprehen1 be by varimcs regulatory agencies for sive Plan will reviewed approval. I I Appendix G ANNEXATION COVENANT - 249 - E 11 D 11 MAIL TO: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CITY OF KENT 220 S. 4th KENT, WA 98032 ATTN: PETITION FOR ATM -ATM AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT hereinafter called "Owners" of certain property hereinafter described, for and in consideration of the furnishing of utility service to said property by the City of Kent, do hereby petition for annexation of the below described property to the City of Kent and declare this covenant: - Whereas, the city of Kent has established a policy whereby utility service can be furnished to property outside the corporate limits of the city under certain conditions; and SEE PAGE TWO PETITION (INDIVIDUAL) P.1 Whereas, the Owners are owners of certain property hereinafter described, said property being located outside the corporate limits of the City of Kent; and Whereas, the Owners have requested the City of Kent to furnish services to the property hereinafter described; and Whereas, extension of utility services beyond City limits is subject to the authority of the King County Boundary Review Board, and said Board requires that such extensions be conditional on efforts toward annexation; and Whereas, owners' request was duly heard and considered by the Director of Public Works and/or his authorized representative, and that the furnishing of service to the Owners' property would be proper upon the fulfilling of all conditions precedent to furnishing said service; and Whereas, said property is hereby described as follows: SEE PAGE TWO PETITION (INDIVIDUAL) P.1 Now, THEREFORE, 1, The Owners 1n consideration of the City's agreement provide utility service to the above described property, do hereby petition for annexation to the City of Kent and agree, promise and covenant that if at any time the property herein described be included within any area which is being considered for annexation to the City of Kent, said Owners, their heirs, successors or assigns do join in said annexation and by this petition give Notice of Intent to Annex; and 2. Owners understand and agree that upon annexation, the area annexed shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as property within the City is assessed and taxed, to pay for any then outstanding indebtedness of the City contracted prior to, or existing at, the date of annexation. 3. This covenant shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the property described herein or any part thereof. STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF KING On this day of 19 , before me, the undersigns Notary To6Tic in an or tFe State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared _ to me nown to be the individual s described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that _ ree and signed and sealed the said instrument as voluntary act and deed for off the lsal se alnheretonaffixe dr the day and WITNESS my hand year in this certificate above written. ota ry u is in an or t e tate o Washington, residing at PETITION (INDIVIDUAL) P.2 0023E-OIE P J Appendix H BIBLIOGRAPHY - 251 - XIX. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1, AWWA Standards, American Water Works Association. 2. Accepted Procedure and Practice in Cross -Connection Control Manual. act tc ort west Section, American Water worKS Association. 1980. 3. Comprehensive Water Report. City of Kent, King County, Washington. repare y t ngman, Chase & Co., 1972. 4. Design Standards for Public and Water Supplies. State of Washington, epar men o octa an ea ervtces, 1977. S. Diatomaceous Earth Filtration of Municipal Water Supplies; a literature survey. Sharon L. Gelmural, 6. Financial Plan and Revenue Pro ram for Water Utility. Prepared by the ity o -Kent, of Pub tc Wor s,IJ06. 7, Flow Analysis Impoundment Reservoir, 124th Avenue S.E. and 304th. Prepared y the UJTY OT NeTIL, Department of Public Works, 1983. 8. Hydrogeologic Study Report Impoundment Reservoir Site, City of Kent. repare y eo ngtneers, ncorporate , 9. Kent Comprehensive Plan, 1979. 10. Kent-Hiahlands ProposeMulti-Family Development, Final Environmental mpact Statement' tty o ent, anm ng epartment. repared by aptro anssociates, Inc. [19821• 11. Plan Contents Guidelines. By A. Rowe and R. Siffert, Department of Socta and ea t Services, State of Washington, 1978. 12. Preliminary Geotechnical Studies, Impoundment Reservoir for the City of ent. By eo ngineers, ncorporated, 13. Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health Regarding Public Water Systems. State of Washington, Department of Social and Health ervtces, 1978. 14. Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction. as tngton tate apter, merican u is ors ssoctatton, 1981. 15. Uniform Plumbing Code. International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1979. 16. Water QualityStudy, Proposed Impoundment Reservoir, City of Kent. [� repared y RS Engineers, 17. WaterSupply and Pollution Control. J. W. Clark; W. Viessman, Jr.; and Hammer, 2nd ed. 7� 18. Water Supply Feasibility Study, Regional Water Association of South Kinq County. Prepared by URS Engineers, 1983. 19. Water system Plan, City of Kent. Prepared by URS Company, 1979. 20. Water System Plan Amendment, City of Kent. Prepared by the City of Kent, Department o Public Works, 1982. 21. Water Treatment Feasibility Study, City of Kent, Washington. Prepared by conomtc an ngtneering ervices, 1983.