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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2820ORDINANCE NO. � 9--� AN CRDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington relating to budgets and finance; adopting the 1989 Budget. WHEREAS, the tax estimates and budget for the City of Kent, Washington for the year 1989 have been prepared and filed a: provided by the laws of the State of Washington, the said budget having been printed for distribution and notice published in the official paper of the City of Kent setting the time and place for hearing on same and said notice stating that all taxpayers callinc at the Office of the City Clerk would be furnished a copy of said budget; NC6u THFREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section. 1. Budget. That the budget for the year 1989 aE it now stands is hereby adopted in the amounts and for the following purposes to wit: Revenues Expenditures GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND 23,184,279 24,719,293 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street 654,117 714,245 Capital Improvement 2,631,267 2,853,394 Environmental Mitigation 142,104 133,126 Housing & Community Dev. 227,948 227,948 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted 1,204,168 1,230,213 Councilmanic 2,433,322 2,433,322 Special Assessment Funds 2,544,326 2,474,326 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Street Capital 3,515,000 3,515,000 Parks Projects 136,417 136,417 Other Projects Funds 1,771,790 1,771,790 PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water 6,071,500 7,642,982 Sewwerage 11,685,560 11,409,327 Golf Course 1,236,760 1,211,628 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental Central Services Insurance FIDUCIARY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Firemen's Pension & Relief Total Gross Budget Less: Internal Service Funds Other Transfers TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,355,369 1,833,228 2,225,078 162,200 63,014,433 (4,482,782) (4,158,529) 54,373,122 1,131,273 1,820,212 2,266,908 31,237 65,722,641 (4,482,782) (4,158,529) 57,081,330 Section 2. The wages of nonrepresented employees, effective January 1, 1989, shall be those wages set forth in the salary schedule and job classification on pages VIII 13, 14, 15, and 16 of the 1988 Final Budget, as amended by the Council action, plus 3.5 percent. All other wages and benefits as previously authorized are continued in force and effect. It is understood by the City that said nonrepresented employees, and employees represented by collective bargaining units, continue to work on and after January 1, 1989 on the condition that all wages and benefits continue to be considered by the City, and that retroactive wages and benefits to January 1, 1989 may be paid. Section 3. The City Administrator shall administer the Annual Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments to the extent that they are consistent with the budget approved herein. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBE1 , PEPUTY CITY CLERK - 2 - APPROVED AS TO FORM: NDRA DRISCCLL, CITY ATTORNE PASSED the �c� day of APPROVED the 20 day of PUBLISHED the A day of 1988. 1988. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereo indicated. 204C-90 ZT2Y_-"2 1�z� I Lti f �� ( SEAL ) BRENDA JACOMR,jJ DEPUTY CITY CLE - 3 -