HomeMy WebLinkAbout2804­rtv ORDINANCE NC. � AN CRDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to land use and zoning, amending the zoning of a portion of the Riverbend Golf Course generally located on Russell Road approximately 350 feet north of Meeker Street from RA, Residential Agricultural, to GC, General Commercial. WHEREAS, an application for rezone of a portion of the Riverbend Golf Course was filed on June 23, 1988 for the property generally described above and particularly described in the attached Exhibit A, incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the applicant requested that the property be rezoned from RA, Residential Agricultural, to GC, General Commercial; and WHEREAS, the Hearina Examiner held a public hearing to consider the rezone of the property on August 17, 1988; and WHEREAS, following the public hearings and consideration of all reports and testimony submitted into the record on the proposed rezone and the staff recommendation, the Hearing Examiner for the City of Kent rendered her Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations for conditional approval on August 31, 1988, in City of Kent Parks Department Riverbend Golf Course: Findings and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner for the City of Kent; and WHEREAS, on September 20, 1988, a hearing was held before the City Council at 7 o'clock p.m. in the City Hall of the City of Kent, upon proper notice given; and WHEREAS, the condition of the recommendation that the City be deeded the necessary property to provide certain right-of-way has been met in that it is City -owned property; NOW, THEREFORE, 88/11 /134 RE=CD F CASHSL. 8.00 3: +: ►::+:r . 01j- 55 1355 H THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: u Section 1. The Findings, Conclusions, and Conditional Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner as set forth in City of Kent Parks Department Riverbend Golf Course: Findings and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner for the City of Kent, which) is on file with the Kent City Clerk, are hereby adopted and the Findings, Conclusions, and Conditional Recommendations are concurred with for this site. Section 2. zoning for this site, generally located on Russell Road approximately 350 feet north of Meeker Street, and legally described in attached Exhibit A, incorporated by this reference herein., is hereby changed from RA, Residential Agricultural, to GC, General Commercial. Section 3. The rezone is subject to the condition that the City be deeded the necessary property to provide a half -street right-of-way of 30 feet as measured from the existing right-of-way center line of Russell Road including a 35 feet right-of-way radius at the intersection of Meeker Street. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN,i CITY CLF K ;APPRIDVED AS TO FORM: DRA MTS"�' P'ATT'ORNEY \DAKELLEHER, MAYOR - 2 - PASSED the day of , 1988. APPROVED the day of , 1988. PUBLISHED the +qday of;, , 1988. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washingt n, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereof indicated. 6150-230 (SEAL) MARIE JE�ii ,N, CITY CLERK - 3 - Exhibit "A" Legal Description That portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the center line monument designated as P.C. Station 23+ 30.704 on Sheet 9 of 24, City of Kent Plans for West Meeker Street LID No. 297 (from West Valley Highway to Green River); thence N 24°14147.4" W at right angles to the center line tangent of said West Meeker Street; also designated as Kent -Des Moines Road, 30.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence S 65.45112.6" W along the northerly margin of said West Meeker Street 241.70 feet; thence N 18°33135" W 165.00 feet; thence N 19°14107" W LO 542.77 feet; thence N 70°16133" E 309.93 feet to a point on the westerly margin of the Russell Road as said road is shown on the aforementioned City of Kent plans for West � Meeker Street; thence S 19'43127" E along said margin 688.76 —" feet to a point on the northerly margin of said West Meeker �Street, said point being on the arc of a curve to the left CO having radius of 480.00 feet, the radial center of which LO bears S 15°02159" E 480.00 feet from the last mentioned point; thence southwesterly along said northerly margin and the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 9°1114811, an arc distance of 77.05 feet to the True Point of Beginning.