HomeMy WebLinkAbout2788ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCF of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Kent City Zoning Code Chapters 15.04.040, 15.04.050 and 15.04.060 reducing multifamily residential densities for lots of more than 15,000 square feet in size. y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HFREPY CRDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Kent City Zoning Code Section 15.04.040 is amended as follows: 15.04.040. GARDFN DENSITY MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL - IMP -G. Purpose: It is the purpose of this district to provide locations for garden apartment densities suitable for suburban livina. A. Principally Permitted Uses. 1. Single-family dwellipgs and two-family dwellings or duplexes. 2. Multiple family dwellings including apartments and townhouses. 3. Crop or tree farming. B. Special Permit Uses. The following uses are permitted provided that they conferm to the development standards listed in Section 15.08.020. 1. Churches. 2. Nursery school and day care centers. C. Accessory Uses. 1. Accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, such as garages, carports, minor structures for storage of personal property. 2. Rooming and boarding of not more than three (3) persons. 3. Customary incidental home occupations subject to the provisions of Section 15.08.040. 4. Offices incidental and necessary to the conduct of a principally permitted use. D. Conditional Uses. General Conditional Uses as listed in Section 15.08.030. 'i F. Development Standards. 1. Single-family dwelling and duplexes. The development standards of Section 15.04,020 and Section 15.04.030 shall apply. 2. Multifamily dwelling units: a. Minimum lot. 8,500 square feet for the ;first two -dwelling units i g �,�99 seaaee €ee€ €ee-eaei�-dee€€}era} ewe}}}n4�-ttn}€. i' b. Minimum let width. 80 feet. C. Dem. }6-ewe}}}ag-tie}€s-peg-aeee- i. For lots 15,000 square feet or y, smaller: 16 dwelling units per acre ii. For lots areater than 15,000 square feet: 14 dwelling units per acre. 'I C. Maximum site coverage. 45 percent. e. Minimum yard reauirements i. Front yard. 20 feet. ii. Side yard. Fach side yard shall be a min- imum of ten (10) percent of the lot width; however, regardless of ;lot width, the yard width need not be more than thirty (30) feet. iii. Rear yard. 20 feet. iv. Side yard cn flanking street of corner i lot. 15 feet. f. Distances between buildings i. An inner court providing access to Idouble-row building shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. ii. The distance between principle buildings ;shall be at least one-half (1/2) the sum of the height of both h'buildings; provided, however, that in no case shall the distance be less than twelve (12) feet. This requirement shall also apply to portions of the same buildinc separated from each other by a court or other open space. iI ; a. The landscapinc requirements of Chapter 15.07 shall apply. h. Height limitations. Three (3) stories, not exceeding 40 feet. i. Additional standards. See Chapter 15.08, General and Supplementary Provisions, for requirements concerning accessory buildings and additional standards. - 2 - j. Multifamily Transition Areas. The requirements; j of Section 15.08.215 shall apply in any Multifamily Transition Areas, which includes any portion of a multifamily district within 100 feet of a Single -Family District or within 100 feet of a. public street right-of-way. F. Signs. The sign regulations of Chapter 15.06 shall apply. G. off -Street Parking. 1. The off-street parking_ requirements of Chapter 15.05 shall apply. 2. off-street parking may be located in required yards'; except for the front ten (10) feet abutting any public right of ;way which must be landscaped. No off-street parking is permitted Iin the required open green area. H. Development Plan Review. Development plan review is ?required as provided in Section 15.09.010. Section 2. Kent City 7onino Code Section 15.04.050 is amended as follows: 15.04.050. MEDIUM DENSITY MULTIFAMILY RFSIDFNTIAL Purpose: It is the purpose of this district to provide for locations for medium density residential districts suitable for urban-surburban living. A. Principally Permitted Uses. 1. Single-family dwellings and two family dwellings or duplexes. 2. Multiple family dwellings. 3. Crop and tree farming. B. Special Permit Uses. The following uses are permitted provided that they conform to the development standards listed in Section 15.08.020. 1. Churches. 2. Nursery schools and day care centers. C. Accessory Uses. 1. Accessory uses and buildings customarily appurte- nant to a permitted use, such as garages, carports, or minor structures fcr storage of personal. property. 2. Rooming and boarding of not more than three (3) persons. 3. Customary incidental home occupations subject to the provisions of Section 15.08.040. 3 4. Cffi.ces incidental and necessary to the conduct of a permitted use. D. Corditional Uses. Ceneral Conditional Uses as listed in Section 15.08.030. E. Development Standards. 1. Single-family dwellings and duplexes. The develop ment standards of Section and 15.04.030 shall. apply. 2. Multifamily dwellira units a. Minimum lot. 8,500 square feet for the first two dwelling units; }7-699-eeruar-e-feet-fey-eaeh-ad�ft}e at-ewe}}}ee, anft- - b. Minimum lot width. 80 feet. C. Density. �3-atael�ee-��its-�e-aee- i s , For lot., 15 000 square feet � q or smaller 23 dwelling units per acre. ii. For lots greater than 15,000 square feet: 19 dwelling units per acre d. Maximum site coverage. 45 percent. e. Minimum yard requirements i i. Front yard. 20 feet. ii. Side yard. Fach side yard shall be a min -I' irrurr of ten (10) percent of the lot width; however, regardless of lot width, the yard width need not he more than thirty (30) feet. iii. Rear yard. 2.0 feet. lot. 15 feet. iv. Side yard on flasking street of corner f. Distances between buildings i. An inner court providing access to ;double -row building shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. ii. The distance between principal buildings shall be at least one-half (1/2) the sum of the height of both buildings; provided, however, that it no case shall the distance be less than twelve (12) feet. This requirement shall also apply to portions of the same tuil.dir.a separated from each other by a ,court or other open space. Q. The landscapina requirements of Chapter 15.07 shall apply. h. Height limitation. Three (3) stories, rot 'exceeding forty (40) feet. - 4 - '. i. Additional standards. See Chapter 15.08, ' General and Supplementary Provisions, for requirements concerning accessory buildings and additional standards. j. Multifamily Transition Areas. The requirements; of Section 15.08.215 shall apply in any Multifamily Transition j Areas, which includes any portion of a multifamily district within; 100 feet of a Single -Family District or within 100 feet of a public street right-of-way. F. Signs. The sign regulations of Chapter 15.06 shall apply. G. Cff-Street Parking. 1. The off-street parking requirements of Chapter 15.05 shall apply. 2. off-street parking may be located in required yards', except for the front ten (10) feet abutting any public richt of way which must be landscaped. No off. -street parking is permitted in the required open green area. H. Development Plan Review. Development plan review is required as provided in Section 15.09.010. Section 3. Kent City Zoning Code Section 15.04.060 is j amended as follows: 15.04.060. HIGH DFNSITY MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - MR -H. !i Purpose: It is the purpose of this district to provide for loca- tions fcr high density residential districts suitable for urban living. A. Principally Permitted Uses. 1. Single-family dwellings and two-family dwellings or duplexes. 2. Multiple -family dwellings. 3. Crop and tree farming. B. Special Permit Uses. The following uses are permitted provided that they conform to the development standards listed in Section 15.08.020. C. Accessory Uses. 1. Accessory uses and buildings custorrarily appurte- inant to a permitted use, such as garages, carports, or minor structures for storage of personal property. 2. Rooming and boarding of not more than three (3) .persons. 3. Customary incidental home occupations subject to the provisions of Section 15.08.040. - 5 - 4. offices incidental and necessary to the conduct of a permitted use. D. Conditional Uses. Ceneral Conditional Uses as listed in Section 15.08.030. E. Development Standards. 1. Single-family dwellings and duplexes. The develop- ment standards of Section 15.04.020 and Section 15.04.030 shall apply. 2. Multifamily dwellina units a. Minimum lot. 8,500 square feet for the first two dwelling units; 988-seacre}}i-erg b. Minimum lot width. 80 feet. C. Density. 40-e��ae�li i. For lots 15,000 square feet or smaller: 40 dwelling units per acre. ii. For lets greater than 15,000 square feet: 28 dwelling units per acre._ d. Maximum site ccveraae. 50 percent. e. Minimum yard requirements i. Front yard. 20 feet. ii. Side yard. Each side yard shall be a min 'imam cf ter (10) percent of the lct width; however, regardless of lot width, the yard width need not be more than thirty (30) feet. iii. Rear yard. 20 feet. iv. Side yard on flanking street of corner lot. 15 feet. f.. Distances between buildings i. Ar inner court providing access to double -row building shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. ii. The distance between principal buildings shall be at least one-half (1/2) the sum of the height of both buildings; provided; however, that in no case shall the distance be less than twelve (12) feet. This requirement shall also apply to portions of the same building separated from each cther by a court or other open space. g. The landscaping requirements of Chapter 15.07 shall apply. edina 50 feet. h. Height limitaticr. Four (4) stories, not exce- - 6 - i. Additional standards. See Chapter 15.08, General and Supplementary Provisions, for requirements concerning I accessory buildina,s and additional standards. j. Multifamily Transition Areas. The requirements' of Section 15.08.215 shall apply in any Multifamily Transition Areas, which includes any portion of a multifamily district within; 100 feet of a Sirale-Family District or within 100 feet of a ;public street right-of-way. F. Signs. The sign regulations of Chapter 15.06 shall apply. G. Cff-Street Parkina. 1. The off-street parkira requirements of Chapter 15.05 shall apply. 2. Cff-street parking may be located in required yards: except for the front ten (10) feet abutting any public right of way which must be landscaped. No off-street parking is permitted I in the required open green area. H. Development Plan Review. Development plan review is required as provided in Section 15.09.010. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take ;!effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provides by law. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: P MARIE JENSEN, CITY CL.FRK APPRO41) AS TO FORM: NDRA D`PISCOLL, CITY ATTORNFY PASSED the day of;`��"` rr,. 1988. APPROVED the day of , 1988. PUBLISHED the day of , 1988. I. - 7 - I herety certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved ty the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. !05890-210 (SEAL) MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK - 8 -