HomeMy WebLinkAbout2737FIB r ,ecord t Roque of NAME ADDRES CIT , d.S DAY ORDINANCE NO. '-�2- -,2-'-77> ] AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, providing for replacement of water main distribution system through construction and improvements; providing for the condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of land and other property therefore, all located approximately at Scenic Way and Dean Street in Kent, Washington. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The public convenience, use and necessity demand that the following described real property in King County, Washington, be and the same is hereby condemned for the purposes of rebuilding a water main distribution system through construction and other improvements on real property generally located in the Scenic Way and Dean Street areas, and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. All lands, rights, privileges and other property lying within the limits of the lots, blocks and tracts of'' land described in Section 1 hereof are hereby condemned, appropriated, taken and damaged for the purposes set forth above; lands, rights, privileges and other properties necessary to be taken, used or damaged in the development and construction and improvements as set forth in Section 1 above, and Exhibit A thereto, are hereby condemned, appropriated, taken and damaged for' the public use of such purpose, and all lands, rights, privileges and other properties are to be taken, damaged and appropriated 1 only after just compensation has been made, or paid into the court for the owners thereof in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The entire cost of the acquisitions provided for by this ordinance shall be paid from the Water Utility Fund or, General Fund of the City of Kent or such other funds of the City of Kent as may be provided by law. Section 4. The City Attorney be, and she is hereby authorized and directed, to begin and prosecute the actions and proceedings in a manner provided by law to condemn, take, damage and appropriate land and other property necessary to carry out the provisions of this ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. N - KE-LLEHE-R, MAYOR f'S,'f, , ATTEST: MARIE JENSZN', iCITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: PASSED the 3� day of , 1987. APPROVED the c day of , 1987. PUBLISHED the c�',l day of , 1987. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinanc passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as here indicated. 5030-170 (SEAL) MARIE JE4EW, CITY CL RK - 2 - EXHIBIT "A" Lot 20 and the South half of lot 19, Mock 6, Washinoton Central Improvement Company's First Addition to Kent, according to the plat recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, Page 97, in Kine; Countyr. Washington; TOGETHER WITH portion of vacated Kemnrbeck Avenue adjacent, as vacated by Ordinance No. 822 of the City of Fent* which would attach by operation of law; EXCEPT the West 71 feet of Lot 20 and Or West 11 feet of the South half of Lot 19, Block 6, Washington Central Improvement Company's First Addition to Keat, according to the plat recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, Page 91, in King County, Washington, and that portion of vacated alley adjoining on the West which would attach thereto under operation of law. ALSO That portion of Guverrment lot 99 Section 219 Townshlp 22 North► Range 4 East, W.M., in Kind County, Washington; TUGETHER WITH portions of vacated tern Street and vacated Kennebeck Avenue, adjoining9 lots 1, 2 and 3, nlock R, Washietgton Central Improvement Comparyr's Knob H111 Addition to Kent,- according tc, the plat recorded in �! Volume S of Plats, Page 919 in King County* Washington► described as Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Government Lott , Nt hence West along the North line they eof 85 feet; , N thence South 62.10 feet, more or les%. to the Northeasterly line of 5cehlG WAY N thence Southeasterly alonq said hortheasteri,y line and the production M thereof to the West line of Block 69 Washington Central Improvement O Company's Knob Nil l Addition to Kents according to the plat recorded in r Volume 5 of Plats. Page 91, in King County. Washington; thence North along the West line of said Block 6 and along the northerly extension thereof to the centerline of said vacated Dean Street; thence West along said centerline to the point of beginning. AND ALSO Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, Washinaton Central lmproirc'cre'nt Co.'s Knob Nil Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded. in Volume 5 of Plats► Page 91, In King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH the South half of vacated Dean Street adjoining said Block 1 on the North as vacated under Ordin3Aco No. A22 of the City of Kenti ALSO TOGETHER WITH East 12.5 feet vacated Kennebeck Street lying Southerly of the Southeasterly production of the Northeasterly line of Scenic way and lying North of the nckr Ordinancerly Mo.p1011cofnn Of CliJr of Kent,South asline alloofsaid which Lot 3 as vacated u attached by operation of law. TOGETHER with an easement on the property situated in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: The North 10.00 feet of the South half of Lot 19, together with vacated Kennebeck Ave. adjoining, in Block 6, of Washington Central Improvement Co's First Addition to Kent, according to Plat recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, page 97, records of King County, Washington; EXCEPT the West 77.00 feet thereof AND TOGETHER with a Temporary Construction Easement through and across the following described property situated in King County, Washington: The South 5.00 feet of Lot 19, and the North 10.00 feet of Lot 20, together with vacated Kennebeck Ave. adjoining, in Block 6, of Washington Central Improvement Co's First Addition to Kent according to Plat recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, page 97 re- cords of King County, Washington; EXCEPT the West 77.00 feet of the South half of Lot 19 and EXCEPT the West 77.00 feet of Lot 20.