HomeMy WebLinkAbout2651ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington relating to solid waste and landfills; ratifying and confirming the Settlement Agreement entered in King County Cause No. 84-2-04204-4. WHEREAS, litigation over Seattle's operation of the Midway and Kent -Highlands Landfills has created a substantial contingent liability for the City of Kent; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Kent to resolve outstanding issues with respect to responsibility for operation and maintenance of the Midway and Kent -Highlands Landfills; and WHEREAS, existing lawsuits in King County Cause No. 84-2-04204-4 and No. 844216 are pending, and further lawsuits involving the landfills have been filed or are pending; and WHEREAS, an out of court settlement has been reached between the City of Kent and the City of Seattle, consistent with the prior direction of this Council; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, entered in King County Cause No. 84-2-04204-4 on August 6, 1986 is hereby ratified and II confirmed. i Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the necessary deeds, and the City Attorney is authorized to execute the necessary pleadings to carry out the purposes of the above -referenced SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Iii` KELL H , MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN ITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: P. S N DiJULIO, 4KTY ATTORNEY PASSED the _�QS day of 1986. APPROVED the day of , 1986. PUBLISHED the cRQ, day of C , 1986. l I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance; passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereoh indicated. 03840-140 (SEAL) MARIE JEN�,CITY CLERK - 2 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4n MN,&W'r� l'i� AUG 6 1986 Superior Court Clerk IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY MIDWAY SAND AND GRAVEL, INC., ET AL. Plaintiffs, V. CITY OF SEATTLE, ET AL. Defendants. NO. 84-2-04204-4 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 THIS AGREEMENT is made this 6th day of August, 1986, between Defendant City of Kent, and Defendant City of Seattle, resolving all crossclaims made against Defendant City of Kent (Kent), by Defendant City of Seattle (Seattle), and all and any crossclaims by Kent alleged against Seattle arising out of a complaint for damages and declaratory relief filed by Plaintiff Midway Sand and Gravel, Inc., et al., in the above -entitled court resulting from the operation and closure of the Midway Landfill located in Kent, Washington. 2. RECITALS Midway Landfill 2.1 In March of 1984, Midway Sand & Gravel, Inc. filed P. STEPHEN 0IJULI0 KENT CITY ATTORNEY 220 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH KENT. WASHINGTON 96032 672.3340 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8' 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 suit against Seattle and others in King County Superior Court under Cause No. 84-2-04204-4. In the same lawsuit Seattle and Kent filed cross claims against each other. 2.2 On or about May 29, 1984, Defendant City of Seattle, filed an Answer on behalf of the City of Seattle, Charles Royer, as Mayor of the City of Seattle, Eugene P. Avery, as Director of Engineering for the City of Seattle, and Richard F. Owings, as Manager of the City of Seattle Solid Waste Utility, setting forth affirmative defenses and counterclaims, including a crossclaim against Defendant City of Kent. 2.3 On or about June 4, 1984, Defendant City of Kent, filed its Answer to Plaintiff's Complaint, including counterclaims against Plaintiffs and crossclaims against Defendant City of Seattle and Defendant King County. 2.4 On or about June 15, 1984, Defendant City of Seattle filed amended counterclaims against Plaintiffs and amended cross- claims against Defendant City of Kent. 2.5 On or about June 29, 1984, Plaintiff Midway Sand and Gravel, Inc., filed a reply to counterclaims asserted by Defendant City of Kent. On July 3, 1984, Plaintiff Midway Sand and Gravel, Inc., filed a reply to counterclaims asserted against them by Defendants Seattle, Royer, Avery, and Owings. 2.6 On August 20, 1984, Defendant City of Kent, filed a reply to crossclaims asserted against it by Defendant City of Seattle. 2.7 On August 27, 1985, the parties acting through respective counsel stipulated to entry of a trial date set for June 16, 1986 following the availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the closure of the Midway Landfill. 2.8 On or about February 26, 1986, Plaintiff Midway Sand and Gravel, Inc., filed a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Liability and Inverse Condemnation against Defendant City of Seattle, the matter being set for argument on March 26, 1986 along with supporting legal memorandum and affidavits of Robert P. P. STEPHEN DIJULIO KENT CITY ATTORNEY SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT -1 220 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH KENT. WASHINGTON 98032 672-3340 1 2 3 4 5. 6. 71 8 9i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Stearns, Jerry Fairbanks, and Louis Romano. 2.9 On or about March 17, 1986, Defendant City of Seattle, filed a Motion in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Liability and Plaintiff's Claim for Inverse Condemnation along with a legal memorandum and supporting affidavits of Richard D. Owings, J. Michael Strong, and Clyde N. Moore. 2.10 On or about March 25, 1986, Plaintiff Midway Sand and Gravel, Inc., filed a rebuttal memorandum in support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Liability against Defendant City of Seattle based upon inverse condemnation. 2.11 The parties to this agreement desire to settle and compromise their several cross claims and to terminate the litiga- tion between them. All other parties have previously settled in said cause of action, leaving only Seattle and Kent as real parties in interest. Kent -Highlands Landfill 2.12 On or about April 21, 1978, The City of Seattle together with Kent -Highlands, Inc., filed a complaint for injunc- tive and declaratory relief against the City of Kent in the Superior Court for King County in Cause No. 844 216 concerning Seattle's operation and management of another landfill located in the City of Kent, the Kent -Highlands Landfill. Plaintiffs con- tended that closure of the Kent -Highlands Landfill by the City of Kent would cause irreparable harm and sought a permanent injunc- tion restraining Defendant City of Kent from terminating or other- wise restricting Plaintiff Seattle's operation of the landfill. Following the granting of partial relief, remaining claims of the respective parties were continued and are pending final resolution, 2.13 WHEREBY both parties desire to resolve all litiga- tion and issues involving landfills in the City of Kent, and recognizing the need to work- together in devising comprehensive solutions to deal with the impacts of both landfills, counsel for Seattle and Kent believe that the settlement set forth below is SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 3 P. STEPHEN DUULIO KENT CITY ATTORNEY 220 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH KENT. WASHINGTON 98032 8723340 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 fair, reasonable and adequate as to the parties' respective claims against each other and as to Kent's claim against Midway Sand & Gravel, Inc., which has been indemnified by Seattle. The following Agreement sets forth the terms of such settlement and incorporates by reference herein all files and records in the above actions as if set forth verbatim. 3. AGREEMENT 3.1 The City of Seattle agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Kent from any and all claims, demands, actions (including Production Plastics, Inc. v. City of Seattle, King County Superior Court No. 85-2-04123-2), injuries, losses, damages, costs, or liabilities of any kind or amount whatsoever, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, fixed or contin- gent, liquidated or unliquidated, arising by reason of the City of Seattle's prior and continued use of the Midway Landfill and Kent - Highlands Landfill or any portion thereof, or by reason of any proven act or omission of the City of Seattle or its agents, permittees, or invitees. This indemnity shall cover, but shall be limited to, any claims that may have been made or that may be made in the future against the City of Kent, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents by persons or entities claiming injury to or on behalf of their persons, property, or business due to deposits of waste, refuse and other material. This indemnity shall also cover any liabilities that may be imposed by law on the City of Kent, for cleanup of the Midway Landfill property only under the so-called federal "Superfund Program" under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. S 9600, et seg., or other governmental agency programs; Provided, that this indemnification shall not apply to final judgments against the City of Kent arising out of either landfills based on an actual determination by a finder of fact that monetary damages suffered by a third party were actually and proximately caused by intentional tortious I SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 4 P. STEPHEN DUULIO KENT CITY ATTORNEY 220 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH KENT. WASHINGTON 98032 872-3340 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 acts of the City of Kent, its employers, officials or agents or by negligence solely on the part of the City of Kent, its employees, officials or agents; Provided, further, that this indemnification shall for both landfills not apply to any action undertaken by Kent, its agents or employees toward satisfaction of the condi- tions stated in Paragraph 3.2 herein; Provided, further, that this indemnification shall not cover any liabilities that may be imposed by law upon the City of Kent as a contributor of refuse to the Kent -Highlands Landfill for cleanup of the Kent -Highlands Landfill under the "Superfund Program" pursuant to the Comprehen- sive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. §9600, et se . 3.2 The City of Kent agrees to take the following action to maintain the stability and integrity of affected neighborhoods in the City of Kent through the exercise of its municipal authority: 3.2.1 The City of Kent shall establish a new fire M station on the West Hill region of Kent, subject to passage of a bond issue which permits financing such facilities. 3.2.2 Upon completion of the fire station, identi- fied in Section 3.2.11 Kent shall dedicate its present fire sta- tion site at 3514 S. 252nd Street in Kent, as a public park which it shall maintain and operate for the benefit of children of the citizens of Kent, including the West Hill communities. 3.2.3 The City of -Kent shall undertake and complete installation of sanitary side sewers and related appurtenances on 38th Avenue S. from S. 253rd Street to S. 251st Street pursuant to City of Kent Ordinance No. 2540 (Local Improvement District No. 319). 3.2.4 The City of Kent shall not undertake any action to rezone or downzone any of the Midway Landfill or contiguous properties that a -re currently or may be owned by the City of Seattle, or which may later be acquired by Seattle pursuant to this Agreement, so that Seattle would be unable to SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 5 P. STEPHEN DIJULIO KENT CITY ATTORNEY 220 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH KENT. WASHINGTON 98032 872-3340 1 211 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10I 11i 12 13 14, 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 make commercial use of said properties, or convey to others who would be unable to make commercial use of the properties. 3.3 The City of Kent agrees to convey by quitclaim for consideration of the covenants herein, but no money consideration, all Midway Landfill property deeded to the City of Kent by Joseph Romano as described more fully in Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated by reference herein. 3.4 The City of Kent agrees to cooperate with the City of Seattle in the expeditious granting of any and all necessary easements, franchises, and permits for the use of City of Kent properties and rights-of-way without fees or charges in order for the City of Seattle to institute and complete landfill closure and postclosure cleanup activities for both landfills, including abatement of off-site contamination from the landfills in affected neighborhoods. Any such activities permitted or authorized by the City of Kent and conducted by the City of Seattle must be under- taken in an environmentally safe manner that minimizes or elimin- ates adverse health and environmental impacts to the public. Such activities do not include the City of Seattle's Good Neighbor Program initiated prior to the Agreement. The City of Kent reserves the right to continued comments on the City of Seattle's closure and postclosure actions of both landfills and solid waste planning. 3.5 The City of Kent agrees to withdraw its claim for damages filed against the City of Seattle on April 21, 1986. Kent further agrees not to reinstate such claims or to make any future claims against Seattle for claimed pollution or other damage to air, water, and land attributable to Seattle's operation of the Midway and Kent -Highlands Landfills, or for the employment of municipal services, labor, salary, goods or property, real and personal, in connection with the operation of the Midway and Kent -Highlands Landfills or their closure. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 6 P. STEPHEN DUUU0 KENT CITY ATTORNEY 220 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 872-3340 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3.6 Consistent with Seattle's established plan to close Kent -Highlands Landfill operations on December 31, 1986, the City of Seattle agrees to cease operations at the Kent -highlands Landfill as soon as possible, but no later than December 31, 1986, subject, however, to the deposit of clean fill only and closure/ postclosure cleanup and related activities conducted at the site. The City of Kent agrees that it will not dispose of its collected solid waste at any facility other than the Kent -Highlands Landtill until December 31, 1986, unless the City of Seattle agrees to an earlier date, or unless the City of Seattle commences utilization of an alternate landfill. 3.7 The City of Kent and City of Seattle further agree to dismiss with prejudice all pending claims in the above -entitled, cases upon pleadings or stipulated judgment prepared by the City of Seattle. Dated this 6th day of August, 1986. CITY OF SEATTLE CITY OF KENT BY: BY: .111 HONOR E DO S N. JE64ETT P.. S` EPHEN DiJ CITY 06NEYU CITY ATTORNEY 2327L -10L SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 7 BY BY: BILL H. WILLIAMSON ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY NTA -RT< R. BUCKLIN KEATING, BUCKLIN & MCCORMACK ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT CITY OF KENT P. STEPHEN DIJULIO KENT CITY ATTORNEY 220 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WASHINGTON 96032 872-3340