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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2625Q O O 00 I .` i x._.1.1' 1 ....,. �-.-, ... lf,.. .........._... ,r #80535 B R .r IRE CD F 7.00 ii i R: CASHS.L 4.4:*4:7 . 00 ORDINANCE NO. � ur c AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to Evergreen Hills Plat; approving the Evergreen Hills Plat, and authorizing execution of the City of Kent approval on the face of the Plat. WHEREAS, the City of Kent, pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW{ approved the Evergreen Hills Preliminary Plat on April 2, 1979; and r WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing to discuss approval of the final plat for Evergreen Hills on April 7, 1986; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined, based upon the reports of the Kent Fire Department, that the Kent Fire Department's ability to deliver fire suppression and emergency medical services to the residents of Evergreen Hills due to road gradients may be affected during inclement weather; and WHEREAS, the City is constrained by RCW 58.17.170 to approve the final plat upon determination that the final plat conforms to all terms of the preliminary plat approval and regulations in affect at the time of the preliminary plat approval; and WHEREAS, limitations on plats based upon road gradients were not in affect at the time of Preliminary Plat approval; and WHEREAS, the plat owner and developer have represented that they will deliver to purchasers and prospective purchasers and real estate agents a letter concerning Fire Department access to lots within Evergreen Hills Plat, substantially in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein as Appendix A; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: L0 rn L0 O W) 00 Section 1. Evergreen Hills Plat (City of Kent No. SU -79-3) is hereby given final plat approval, subject to those conditions previously imposed as part of preliminary plat approval and further identified in Appendix B, attached hereto and incorporated herein. Section 2. The City Clerk shall provide for inscription of the City of Kent approval of said final plat by the suitable inscription and execution of written approval on the face of the plat. The original of said final plat shall be filed for record with King County. All other provisions of Chapter 58.17 RCW shall be satisfied following the approval herein. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by ...�........DAN K/KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEV-,-�CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: P. STEPH N DiJULIO, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the day of -�,L , 1986. f APPROVED the day of 1986. PUBLISHED the day of , 1986. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.c..'c cJ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington.�,and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereo 0` IAT rr,�.._e. (SEAL) 34g0�' 130n�_ MARIE JENS , CITY CLERK 'v.... 2 CITY OF��� r April 14, 1986 Dear Future Homeowner: There are a few times of the year due to ice and/or snow covered roads when the Kent Fire Department may experience some difficulty in timely accessing LO the development known as Evergreen Hills, due to the steep road grades. There c7 are a number of steps that the individual homeowner can do to help lessen this 0 impact. O1. Develop a pre -emergency plan that would delineate escape routes, 10 rendezvous location, and good fire safe housekeeping habits that will .D help reduce the incident of fire. 00 2. Contact the Kent Fire Department once a year and request a residential home inspection. This would address proper methods of storing flammable and/or combustible liquids, woodstove safety, and proper clearances to combustibles from heating appliances, etc. 3. Request neighborhood public education classes on a regular basis that are offered by the Kent Fire Department. This would heighten the awareness of everyone about the potential fire problem in Evergreen Hills. 4. Install a residential heat and smoke detector system that is constantly monitored by a central station. 5. Install a residential sprinkler system that complies with National Fire Protection Association Standard 13D, copies of which are available from the Kent Fire Department. This will not only detect the fire in its earliest stages, but will also extinguish the fire before the Fire Department arrives. The Kent Fire Department supports option No. 5 as being the optimum solution to eo nersbcan.reducemthemliklihood offatserious incident beforeeitnhappens. homeow Sinc ely, /, 7 J Je Aldridge i� Kent Fire Marshal 220 4th AVE. SO.,/ KENT, WASHINGTON 08032.5805/ TELEPHONE. (206) 872.3300 EVERGREEN HILLS FINAL PLAT #SU -79-3 APPENDIX B 1. Sanitary Sewers Construct gravity sanitary sewer service to all lots. Submit detailed sewer plans to the Engineering Department for review and approval. LO 2. Water Service: Provide water service to all lots from a public water purveyor. Provide necessary proof thereof to the Engineering Department for review and approval. 10 C3 CO3. Street System: ' All streets shall be asphalt paved with cement concrete curb and gutter. South 213th Street shall have a paving width of at least 32 feet. All cul-de-sacs shall have paving widths of at least 28 feet. Cul-de-sac turn arounds shall have a paving radius of at least 45 feet. All cul-de-sac turn arounds shall have a right-of-way radius of 55 feet. Street lighting is required on all streets. Street name signs shall be furnished and installed by the City, with reimbursement by the developer. Submit detailed plans denoting the above the the Engineering Department for review and approval. 4. Sidewalks: Cement concrete sidewalks shall be required on at least one side of all streets. 5. The City enter into an agreement with the Soil Conservation Service to aid in the mitigation of possible adverseenvironmental impacts,(this is the same arrangement that has been worked out between the City and. S.C.S, for other subdivisions). 6. That the site not be graded or recontoured on a massive scale; that vegetative cover be maintained on the site in the same manner as was done for the Ilighridge development.