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HomeMy WebLinkAbout259486/01/03 *0414 RECD F 7.00 CASHSL ****7.00 m a S5 -K x rrn ORDINANCE N0. N AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, = a 4 Washington, relating to land use and zoning;.:. providing for the zoning of the annexation area c contiguous to the City of Kent in the area Reith Road and Military Road South, commonly known as the Moore Annexation. WHEREAS, the City of Kent pursuant to Ordinance 2564, adopted on June 3, 1985, annexed to the City of Kent, Washington the following described land situated in the County of King, State of Washington: The east 495.00 feet of that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W. M., lying north of the J. L. Reith Road. Except the west 180 feet lying south of the north 620 feet thereof, EXCEPT: the north five acres thereof and EXCEPT any portion thereof lying easterly of the center line of the new Military Road which said center line is more particularly described within City of Kent Ordinance 1002. and WHEREAS, upon annexation the property was zoned R1-20 (Single Family Residential, 20,000 square feet minimum lots) on an interim basis; and WHEREAS the Planning Department, pursuant to law, provided for a study of the zoning in the annexation area; and WHEREAS, the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing to consider the zoning for the annexation area on August 7, 1985; and WHEREAS, the Hearing Examiner has recommended to the Council that the property be zoned R-1, 7.2 Single Family Residential; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted public hearings as required by law on October 7, 1985 and November 18, 1985; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 1985, the City Council approved the zoning in the annexation and directed the preparation of the necessary ordinance. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That area annexed to the City of Kent, Washington, pursuant to Ordinance 2564, and described as follows: The east 495.00 feet of that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W. M., lying north of the J. L. Reith Road. Except the west 180 feet lying south of the north 620 feet thereof, EXCEPT: the north five acres thereof and EXCEPT any portion thereof lying easterly of the center line of the new Military Road which said center line is more particularly described within City of Kent Ordinance 1002 is zoned R-1, 7.2, Single Family Residential. is hereby zoned R-1, 7.2 Single Family Residential. Section 2. The Planning Director of the City of Kent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to indicate upon the Comprehensive zoning Map of the City of Kent or upon an addendum thereto, the zoning of said property as provided for is Section 1 herein. Section 3. That upon said amendment being shown upon the Comprehensive Zoning Map of the City of Kent, or upon an addendum thereto, the copy of said map or addendum shall be filed with the Director of Records and Elections of King County, Washington, and the City Clerk of the City of Kent is hereby authorized and directed to record this ordinance with the County Auditor of King County, and pay the filing fee therefore. - 2 - 'r O M 4 rq 0 cz GD Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. YZI ca�rr.T.Ti,. � • ATTEST: MARIE JEN Z, CITY1 CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: r P. ST PHEN DiJUL 0, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the _day ofc7— , 1985. APPROVED the day of %--- , 1985. PUBLISHED the �: day of i '� t 1985. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereo indicated. J y,_ (SEAL) MARIE J NSFd, CITY CLERK - 3 -