HomeMy WebLinkAbout2554ORDINANCE NO. �5,54 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to zoning, land use and the preservation and protection of solar energy access; adding new sections 15.08.230, 15.08.232, and 15.08.234 to the Kent City Code; and amending Chapter 15.02 KCC. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A new section 15.08.230, Kent City Code, is added as follows: 15.08.230 SOLAR ACCESS SETBACK - PURPOSE The purpose of the Solar Access Setback provisions is to provide a reasonable amount of solar access, wherever feasible, to lots in the City so that the economic value of solar radiation falling on those properties will be preserved, investments in solar equipment will be secure, and the option to use solar energy will be preserved and encouraged, as provided for in RCW 64.04.140, Section 2. A new section 15.08.232, Kent City Code, is added as follows: 15.08.232 SOLAR ACCESS SETBACK - APPLICABILITY A. All structures over six feet in height proposed on properties in the Agricultural (A-1), Residential Agricultural (R -A), Single Family (R1-20, R1-12, R-1 9.6, R-1 7.2) zones shall comply with Section 15.08.234, except as provided in Section 15.08.232 B. The provisions of this section shall not exceed the yard and setback requirements of the underlying zone. B. A new or remodeled structure is exempt from Section 15.08.234 provided: 1. Property Within a Solar Envelope. The struc- ture is located on property that is subject to a Solar Envelope which complies with the Solar Access Performance Standard for New Development. [This exemption is reserved until such time as Solar Access Performance Standards are adopted.] 2. Existing Shade Conditions. The structure causes a shadow at noon on January 21 which is not higher or wider, at the northern lot line than the shadow caused at the northern lot line on noon on January 21 by an existing structure. 3. Actual Shadow Height. The structure causes a shadow at noon on January 21 that is not higher than that allowed for that lot by Section 15.08.234. C. Proof of existing shade conditions and/or shadows within the tolerance of Section 15.08.234 shall be provided by the applicant. The Planning Department shall assist the applicant in 'obtaining the necessary information. Section 3. A new section 15.08.234, Kent City Code, is added as follows: 15.08.234 SOLAR ACCESS SETBACK - CALCULATION A. Solar Factor. 1. The Planning Director, or his/her designee, shall determine the Solar Factor for a lot based on Table 1, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, or the formula set out in Section 15.08.234 A.2. This standard permits a lot to be developed with a structure with its highest shade producing point 24 feet high, provided that point is situated south of the northern lot line a minimum of one-half (1/2) of the north -south dimension of the lot. 2. N [ (1/.42 + P) / 2.38 ] B. Solar Setback. The highest shade -producing point of a structure shall be set back from the northern lot line not less than: - 2 - 1. (H - 6) / (.42 + P), for a lot with a Solar Factor equal to or greater than 85; or 2. (H - 14) / (.42 + P), for a lot with a Solar Factor equal to or greater than 47 and less than 85. 3. For any lot with a solar factor less than 47, the shadow of a structure shall not be greater than the shadow cast by an 18 foot pole located one half the distance through the north -south dimension of the lot. C. For purposes of this section, H is the height of the ;highest shade producing point of the structure above grade and P is the solar slope of the lot. N is the north -south lot dimension{ i Section 4. Chapter 15.02, Kent City Code, is amended to add the following: 15.02.187 HIGHEST SHADE PRODUCING POINT The point of a structure which casts the longest shadow at noon on January 21. 15.02.287 NORTHERN LOT LINE A lot line or lines less than 45 degrees southeast or ,southwest of a line drawn east -west and intersecting the northern- most point of the lot. If the northern lot line adjoins any unbuildable area (e.g. streets, alleys, public rights of way, parking lots, common areas) other than a required yard area, the northern lot line shall be that portion of the northerly edge of the unbuildable area which is due north from the actual northern lot line of the applicant's property. 15.02.288 NORTH -SOUTH LOT DIMENSION The average distance between lines from the corners of the northern lot line south to a line drawn east -west and inter- secting the southernmost point of the lot. - 3 - 15.02.496 SOLAR FACTOR A number assigned to every lot which is based on the lots north -south lot dimension and solar slope as determined by Table 1, Section 15.08.234. 15.02.497 SOLAR SETBACK A setback from the northern lot line equal to the distance between the northern lot line and that point on grade immediately beneath the highest shade producing point of a structure. 15.02.498 SOLAR SLOPE The average of slope lines from the corners of the northern lot line south to a property line. The slope of a single line is determined by dividing the vertical distance between the two end points by the horizontal distance between the same two points. North facing slopes will have a negative (-) value. South facing slopes will have a positive (+) value. Section 5. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivisions, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take leffect and be in force ninety (90) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR ATTEST: BETTY GRAY DEPUTY CI Y CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: P. STEP EN DiJULIO, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the /vim day of 1985. APPROVED the /Z day of C 't 1985. PUBLISHED the day of 1985. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. �_5passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereo indicated. 2120-90 - 5 - (SEAL) BETTY 9RAY, DEPUW CITY CLERK I TABLE 1 - SOLAR FACT 'S Slope Percent Nwrth Lot -30 - 25 ,-20 - 15 -10. -. 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- 50 1 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 62 68 74 80 861 55 1 16 22 21 35 42 48 55 62 68 75 B1 88 941 60 1 17 24 32 39 46 53 60 67 74 81 88 96 1031 65 1 19 26 34 42 50 57 65 73 80 88 96 104 1111 70 1 20 28 37 45 53 62 70 78 87 95 103 112 1201 75 1 22 31 39 48 57 66 75 84 93 102 111 119 1281 80 1 23 33 42 52 61 71 80 89 99 108 118 127 1371 85 1 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 123 135 1451 90 1. 26 37 47 58 69 79 90 101 111 122 133 143 1541 95 1 27 '39 50 61 72 84 95 106 118 129 140 151 1631 100 1 29 41 53 64 76 68 100 112 124 136 147 159 1711 105 1 30 43 55 68 80 93 105 117 130 142 155 167 1801 110 1 32 45 58 71 84 97 110 123 136 149 162 175 1881 115 1 33 47 60 74 88 101 115 129 142 156 170 183 197: 120 1 35 49 63 77 12 106 120 134 148 163 177 191 2051 125 1 36 51 66 81 95 110 125 140 155 169 184 199 2141 130 1 37 53 68 84 99 115 130 145 161 176 192 207 2231 135 1 39 55 71 87 103 119 133 151 167 183 199 215 2311 140 1 40 57 74 90 107 123 140 157 173 190 206 223 2401 145 1 42 59 76 93 111 128 145 162 179 197 214 231 2481 150 1 43 61 79 97 114 132 150 168 186 203 221 239 2571' 153 1 45 63 81 100 118 137 153 173 192 210 229 247 2651 16D 1 46 65 84 103 122 141 160 179 198 217 236 255 2741 165 1 48 67 87 106 126 145 165 185 204 224 243 263 2821 170 1 49 69 89 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 251 271 2911 173 1 50 71 92 113 133 154 175 196 217 237 258 279 3001 180 1 52 73 95 116 137 159 160 201 223 244 265 287 3081 185 1 53 75 97 119 141 163 165 207 229 251 273 295 3171 190 1 55 77 100 122 145 167 190 213 235 258 280 303 3251 195 1 56 79 102 126 149 172 195 218 241 264 288 311 3341 200 1 58 81 105 129 153 176 200 224 247 271 295 819 3421 205 1 59 83 108 132 156 181 205 229 254 278 302 327 3511 210 1 61_ 85 110 135 160 185 210 235 260 285 310 333 3591 215 1 62 88 113 139 164 190 215 240 266 291 317 342 3681 220 1 63 90 116 142 168 194 220 246 272 298 324 350 3771 225 1 65 92 118 145 172 198 225 252 278 305 332 358 3851 230 1 66 94 121 148 175 203 230 257 285 312 339 366 3941 235 1 68 96 124 151 179 2D7 235 263 291 319 346 374 4021 240 1 69 98 126 155 183 212 240 268 297 325 354 382 4.111 245 1 71 100 129 158 187 216 245 274 303 332 361 390 4191 250 1 72 102 131 161 191 220 250 280 309 339 369 398 4281 255 1 74 104 134 164 195 225 255 265 315 346 376 406 4361 260 1 75 106 137 167 198 229 260 291 322 353 383 414 4451 265 1 76 108 139 171 202 234 265 296 328 359 391 422 4541 270 1 78 110 142 174 206 238 270 302 334 366 398 430 4621 275 1 79 112 145 177 210 242 275 308 340 373 405 438 4711 280 1 jl1 114 147 180 214 247 280 313 346 380 413 446 4791 285 1 8`1 116 150 184 217 251 285 319 353 386 420 454 4881 210 1 84 111 152 187 221 256 290 324 359 393 428 462 4961 295 1 85 120 135 190 225 260 295 330 365 400 435 470 505. 300 1 87 122 158 193 229 264 300 336 371 407 442 478 5131 305 1 68 124 160 196 233 269 305 341 377 414 450 486 5221 310 1 89 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 126 163 200 236 273 310 347 384 420 457 494 5311 I