HomeMy WebLinkAbout2552Ordinance No. 2552 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=815 - City Art Program CFN=104 - Finance Passed 4/15/1985 Establishing City Art Program, Guidelines & Procedures Amended by Ords. 3428;3872 (Sec. 4.02.030 {formerly 2.34.030}) Amended by Ord. 4028 (Sec. 4.02) 1 ORDINANCE NO. c�Sso� AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, JyY� Washington relating to public art; establishing ]� a City Art Program, directing establishment of guidelines and procedures for administration of the City Art Program; establishing a City Art Fund; adding a new Chapter 2.35 Kent City Code in conjunction therewith; amending Chapter 2.34 KCC concerning the City of Kent Arts Commission (Sections 1 - 6, Ordinance 1944); repealing KCC 3.14.365, the Arts Commission Fund (Section 7, Ordinance 1944). WHEREAS, the aesthetic nature and charm of the City of Kent shall be enhanced, and the citizens of the City of Kent shall hold and enjoy works of art for the public environment and welfare; and WHEREAS, the City intends to expand the opportunity for Kent residents to experience art in public places and to create a more visually pleasing and humane environment; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to establish a means whereby the City of Kent Arts Commission shall maintain an orderly acquisition of art by the City of Kent; and WHEREAS, there shall be a City Art Program which shall consist of Guidelines, Procedures and an Art Plan; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI`T'Y OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A new Chapter 2.35 is added to the Kent City Code, as follows: CITY ART PROGRAM 2.35.010. ART FUND CREATED. There is hereby established a City Art Fund. Monies for the Fund shall be received from: A. ANNUAL BUDGET. Two (2) dollars per budget year for each City resident, based upon population data certified by the State of Washington Office of Financial Management. Budgeted but unspent funds shall be maintained in the Art Fund, and carriedl, forward at the end of each budget year. B. GIFTS, DONATIONS AND GRANTS. Private or public gifts, endowments, donations, bequests or other grants. C. OTHER. Such other sources as may be available. D. INTEREST FROM THE CITY ART FUND. 2.35.020. FUND USE - ART PROGRAM - COLLECTION. A. Inclusions - The City Art Fund may be used for all costs for works of art, administrative costs of the City Art Program, and all costs of installation and maintenance. B. The City of Kent Arts Commission and Staff shall recommend the amount to be made available for the purchase of art, in consultation with City staff. The designation of projects and sites, selection, contracting, purchase, commissioning, review of design, execution and placement, acceptance, maintenance, sale, exchange, or disposition of work of art shall be recommended by the Kent Arts Commission and Staff, for approval by the City Council, in accordance with the City Art Program Guidelines. C. All works of art purchased and commissioned under the City Art Program shall become a part of a City Art Collection. The City Art Collection shall be developed, administered and operated by the Kent Arts Commission with cooperation and support of the Kent Parks Department Staff. D. The works of art may be placed on public lands, integrated with or attached to a public building or structure, detached within or outside a public building or structure, or part of a portable collection or exhibit. - 2 - E. Nothing in this Chapter shall limit the amount of money the City of Kent may expend for art. 2.35.030. GENERAL PROCEDURES. A. Upon consultation with the City of Kent Arts Commission, Guidelines and Procedures shall be prepared by Staff for the implementation of the Arts Program. Such Guidelines and Procedures shall be reviewed by the City of Kent Arts Commission and Staff annually, and recommendations shall be made to the City Council for approval. B. A City Art Plan including a schedule and budget for all City Art Program projects shall be prepared and updated annually by the City of Kent Arts Commission and Staff. The City Art Plan shall be reviewed and approved annually by the City Council. Section 2. Chapter 2.34 KCC (Ordinance 1944, Sections 1 - 7) is amended as follows: KENT ARTS COMMISSION 2.34.0(-(4+)10. ARTS COMMISSION CREATED. There is hereby created (( -t-e--be the Kent Arts Commission. 2.34.0((-8})20. PURPOSE. The City of Kent Arts Commission and Staff may, alone or in cooperation with any other private, civic or public body of any City, county or the State of Washington, initiate, sponsor or conduct programs calculated to further public awareness of and interest in the visual and performing arts. 2.34.((1 0030. MEMBERSHIP - TERM. The membership of the City of Kent Arts Commission shall be twelve members to be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. Of the first twelve members appointed, six shall be appointed for two years and six shall be appointed for four years, with the - 3 - respective terms of each initial appointee to be determined by lot. Subsequent appointments shall be for a period of four years or for the unexpired balance of the term for which appointed, whichever is the lesser period. In addition to the twelve appointed members, one member of the City Council shall be designated by the president of the Council to serve as an ex officio member of the City of Kent Arts Commission for a term of one year. 2.34.((-f-6-))040. OFFICERS - MONTHLY MEETINGS. The City of Kent Arts Commission shall elect its officers, including a chairman, vice chairman, and such officers as it may deem necessary. Such persons shall occupy their respective offices for a period of one year. The City of Kent Arts Commission shall holdi regular public meetings at least monthly. 2.34(f-2$-))050. RULES - PUBLIC RECORD. The City of Kent Arts Commission shall adopt rules for transaction of business and shall keep written minutes of its proceedings which minutes shall be a public record. 2.34.({ )060. BUDGET. The City of Kent Arts Commission and Staff shall each year submit to the City Administrator and City Council for approval a proposed budget for the following year in the manner provided by law for preparation and submission of budgets by appointive officials. Section 3. KCC 3.14.368 (Ordinance 1944, Section 7) is hereby repealed: - 4 - year shall at the –direetien--ef the City Geuneil-be-oQEEied eyeE tyre–sue ee ed i ng year.)) Section 4. 1986 Budget - Funding. The funding provided for in KCC 2.35.010. shall first take effect and be in force for the 1986 City of Kent Budget. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by 1Yhw. TSABEL HOGAN, MAYOV ATTEST: BETTY WAY, DEPU CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ��yf � P. STEPHEN DiJULIO, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the l(5 day of C va 1985. APPROVED the —!_7day of ti -'' -s, 1985. PUBLISHED the day of Cr t 1985. +y I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. A`y 5c>l, , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. 2540-110 2t (SEAL) BETTY AY, DEPUDY CITY CLERK - 5 -