HomeMy WebLinkAbout2484L/- A— OFFICE OF THE MAYOR g G DATE: August 14, 1984 TO: Council Members FROM: Mayor Hoga ,a W ' SUBJECT: VETO OF ORDINANCE 2484 I have vetoed Ordinance 2484 for the following reasons: 1. The Council had only limited public input regarding the proposed change in the ordinance. 2. The Regulatory Review Process, requiring staff response, public input, Council Committee review and recommendation, was by-passed. tls - r I ORDINANCE NO. /J i AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to fire prevention; amend- ing Chapter 13.02.040 Kent City Code (Ordinance No. 2434, as last amended by Ordinance No. 2456) to increase from 6,000 sq. ft. to 12,000 sq. ft. the minimum floor area before automatic sprinkler systems are required. THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter 13.02.040 Kent City Code (Ordinance No. 2434, as last amended by Ordinance No. 2456) is amended as follows: 13.02..040 UNIFORM FIRE CODE--ADDITION--SECTION 10.309. Existing Sections 10.309-10.310-10.311 are hereby deleted and there is added to Article 10 a new section to be know as Section 10.309 "Automatic Sprinkler Systems" which shall read as follows: Section 10.309. (a) Where required. An Automatic Fire Extinguishing System shall be installed in the occupancies and loca- tions as set forth in this section. (b) General. 1. All occupancies oxcept Group R, Division 3 and Group M. 2. At the top of rubbish and linen chutes and in their terminal rooms. Chutes extending through three or more floors shall have additional sprinkler heads installed within such chutes at alternate floors. Sprinkler heads shall be accessible for servicing. 3. All rooms where nitrate film is stored or handled. 4. In protected combustible fiber storage vaults as defined in this code. (c) Group A Occupancies. 1. In basements larger than 1,500 sq. ft. in floor area. 2. When the occupancy has ((-6688)) 12,000 sq. ft. or more of floor area or is more than 40 feet in height. 3. In any enclosed usable space below or over a stairway in Group A, Divisions 2, 2.1. 3 and 4 Occupancies. 4. Under the roof and gridiron, in the tie and fly galleries and in all places behind the proscenium wall of stages; over enclosed plat- forms in excess of 500 sq. ft. in area, and in dressing rooms, workshops and storerooms acces- sory to such stages or enclosed platforms. EXCEPTIONS: Under stages or enclosed platform areas less than four feet in clear height used exclusively for chair or table storage and lined up on the inside with materials approved for one-hour fire -resistive construction. (d) Group B Occupancies 1. When the Occupancy has ((-6-,-$$6 12,000 sq. ft. 'I or more of floor area or more than 40 feet in height. 2. In buildings used for high -piled combustible storage, fire protection shall be in accordance) with Article 81. (e) Group E Occupancies 1. When the Occupancy has over ((Cr,9)) 12,000 sq. ft. of floor area or more than 40 feet in height. 2. In basements larger than 1,500 sq. ft. of floorl area. 3. In any enclosed usable space below or above any! stairway. (f) Group H Occupancies 1. In Group H, Division 1 and 2 Occupancies longer than 1,500 sq. ft. in floor area. 2. In Group H, Division 3 Occupancies longer than 3,000 sq. ft. in floor area. 3. In Group H, Division 4 Occupancies more than 40 feet in height or larger than ((6,888)) 12,000 sq. ft. in area. 4. In rooms where flammable or combustible liquids are stored or handled in excess of 30 gallons of Class 1-A, 60 gallons of Class 1-B, 90 gallons of Class 1-C, 120 gallons of Class II, 250 gallons of Class III -A, or any combination of flammable liquids totaling 240 gallons. 5. For paint spray booths or rooms and for special provisions on hazardous chemicals and magne- sium, and calcium carbide, see Section 45.208, Articles 48, 49 and 80. See also Section 10.301. (g) Group I Occupancies. EXCEPTIONS: (1) In hospitals of types I, II Fire -resistive and II one-hour construction, the automatic sprinkler system may be omitted from operating, delivery, cardiac, X-ray and intensive care rooms and patient sleeping rooms not exceeding 450 sq. ft. in area when each such room is provided with smoke detectors connected to a continuously attended station or location within the building. Increases for area height specified in Section 506(c) and 5071 shall not apply when this exception is used. (2) Injails, prisons, and reformatories, the piping system may be dry, provided a manually operated valve is installed at a continuously monitored location. Opening of the valve will cause the piping to be charged. Sprinkler heads in such a system shall be equipped with fusible elements or the system shall be - 2 - (h) (i) (j) designed as required for deluge systems in U.B.C. Standard #38-1. Group R-1 Occupancies. 1. When the occupancy has over ((6,000)) 12,000 sq. ft. of floor area or more than 40 feet in height. Alarms. When serving more than 100 sprinklers, automatic sprinkler systems shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or remote station service. Permissible Omission. Subject to the approval of the Chief with the concurrence of the Building Official, sprinklers may be omitted in rooms or areas as follows: 1. Where sprinklers are considered undesirable because of the nature of the contents or in rooms or areas which are of non-combustible construction which are wholly of non-combus- tible contents and which are not exposed by other areas. Sprinklers shall not be omitted for any room merely because it is damp or of fire -resistive construction. 2. Sprinklers shall not be installed where the application of water or flame and water to the contents constitute a serious fire or life hazard, as in the manufacture or storage of quantities of aluminum powder, calcium carbide, calcium phosphide, metallic sodium and potassium, quicklime, magnesium powder, and sodium peroxide. 3. Safe deposit or other vaults of fire -resistive construction, when used for the storage of records, files and other documents, when stored in metal cabinets. 4. Communication equipment areas under the exclu- sive control of a public communication utility agency, provided: A) The equipment areas are separated from the remainder of the building by one-hour fire -resistive occupancy separation. B) Such areas are used exclusively for such equipment. C) An approved automatic smoke detection system is installed in such areas and is supervised by an approved central, propri- etary or remote station service, or a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location. D) Other approved fire -protection equipment, such as portable fire extinguishers or Class II standpipes, are installed in such cases. 5. Other approved automatic fire -extinguishing systems may be installed to protect special hazards or Occupancies in lieu of automatic sprinklers. 6. When approved oy the Chief, automatic sprinkler systems may be omitted from buildings of Types I or II construction provided that the contents are wholly non-combustible. - 3 - 7. Area and Height Increases. Sprinkler systems installed to meet the requirements of this Section shall qualify the protected building for appropriate area increases, height increases and fire -resistive substitutions as set forth in Sections 506(c), 507 and 508 of the Uniform Building Code. Applications of this Section shall be as set forth in Section 104 of the Uniform Building Code. (k) For the purposes of calculating the square footage of a building or occupancy, the following definitior shall apply. Floor Area - is the area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion thereof. The floor area of a building or portion thereof, not provided with surrounding exterior walls shall be the usable area under the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above. (1) When additions, alterations or repairs cause a building to come within the requirements of any Section of this Article, the building shall comply with those Sections. (m) Prior to approval by the Fire Department, all auto- matic sprinkler systems designed with 50 or more heads, excluding those designed for multi -family dwellings, shall be submitted to and reviewed by an approved agency for compliance with the current adopted fire codes. Approved agencies include, but are not limited to, Washington Survey and Rating Bureau, Factory Mutual, Industrial Risk Insurers, or other such agencies as approved by the Fire Chief. Section 2. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ATTEST: 3ETTY GRAY, DEPUTY APPROVED AS TO FORM: P. STEP EN DiJULIO, nTY ATTORNEY ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR - 4 - PASSED the _ '�'+� day of % 1984. -APE'ReVtM the )c-/ day of, � � < <��� �-- , 1984. e r r"' A �s i PUBLISHED the day of , 1984. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. -;24v- , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, a-md approve -d -ley__-the t+ayor of the eit-p--e-f--Ke-nt as hereo indicated. 1360-60 . '7 4 (SEAL) BETTY GR , DEPUTY CITY C LERK - 5 -