HomeMy WebLinkAbout2921Ordinance No. 2921 ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) Repealed by Ord. 3415 M-413 14, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, a. Washington, relating to building codes; amending Chapter 14.04 of Kent City Code to adopt the Uniform Building Code 1988 Edition, together with certain additions thereto and �'C j adopting specific chapters of the appendix to �� said code; amending Chapter 14.10 of Kent City r° Code to adopt the Uniform Code for the i Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 1988 Edition; • amending Chapter 14.12 of Kent City Code to adopt the Uniform Housing Code 1988 Edition; amending Chapter 14.14 of Kent City Code to adopt the Uniform Mechanical Code 1988 Edition; amending Chapter 14.16 of Kent City Code to i. C? adopt the Uniform Plumbing Code 1988 Edition, r� together with certain additions thereto; and adopting the amendments to the Barrier Free 4 rU�`Y�., �" Facilities Regulations, adopted by the Washington State Building Code Council; amending Kent City Ordinances 2199, 2639 and 2517. ' �-4WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent has deter - 1J mined that the enactment of comprehensive, uniform building regulations will promote the health, safety and welfare of the 'citizens of Kent; and WHEREAS, such building regulations will define minimum t� performance standards and requirements for construction and ' o construction materials, consistent with accepted standards of j engineering, fire and life safety; and 3 WHEREAS, such building regulations will eliminate O restrictive, obsolete, conflicting and duplicative regulations and requirements which unnecessarily increase construction costs and/or retard the use of new materials, products, or methods of T 4, 04, Cd construction; and WHEREAS, the enactment of such comprehensive building C� regulations is consistent with the mandate of RCW 19.27.020; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Section 1. Section 14.04.010 Kent City Code (Ordinance 2199 as last amended by Ordinance 2639) is hereby amended to read!, as follows: 14.04.010. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ADOPTED - AMENDMENTS. There is adopted upon the filing of one copy thereof with the Kent City Clerk, that certain code known as Uniform Building Code ((}965)) 1988 Edition, with the following additions and amendments: A Seet}en }6i sl�a}} be-amended-te-add-tl�e-€e}}e�a�n sentenee� �1°ie pttr»ese a€-th}s-eerie-s-te-prude-€er-and-premete tl�e lea}tl� sa€ety-and-�►e}€are-e€-the-erenera}-pttb}}e--and-net-te- °, ereate er etl�er�aise estab}}sly-er-des#etnate-anr�-Barb}ett}ar--�sersen- je}ass er aret�t� e€ �ersens-�al�e-�a}}}-be-est�ee}a}}*�-�reteeted-er- bene€}ted-b�-tl�e-terms-a€-tl�}s-eede- A.((B-)) Section 301(a). shall be amended to add the following: Before any demolition permit is issued, the applicant or his agent shall post a cash bond with the City Treasurer in the amount of $300.00 which will be refundable upon inspection and final approval. If a permanent bond is on file with the City Treasurer, that amount may be $200.00. ((e:)) �l�ere-}s-added-te-2l�epter-}�-uRegti}temente-€er '; 6rettp-R-6eet�pane}es;u-a-neW-Seetien-to-be-des}gnated-as-Seet}en }�}3{b}-;-and-wl°i}elq-sha}}-read-as-€e}}eWs� �t-}s-Y�ereby-estab}isl�ed-that-tl�e-paged-�ael�}eta}ar aeeess-frit}�aewap--pr}�*ate-read}-te-any-R-}-er-R-3-9eet�paney-fas de€fined-}n-bl°ie-Hn}€erm-Bt�i}ding-Eerie}-sl�a}}-net-e�eeed-a-s}epe-e€ }6-pereent-€rem-tl�e-prepertp-}fine-te-the-regt�}red-e€€-sheet par3t}ng-eta}}fs}-er-tl°►e-pe}nt-regt�}red-€er-€}re-department-aeeess te-the-e€€-street-sta}}fs}- - 2 - E#@EP�f6N�--bhe-Bcti�ding-9ffieia�-map-a}}e�,r-the-dri�eWap ar-pri�ete-read-ta-e�eeed-�A-pereent;-bt�t-net-te-e�eeed-i5-pereent When-requested-in-Writing-bp-bath-the-eWner-and-eentraeter;-er-te exeeed-��-pereent-if-the-strt�et�re-is-mare-than-SSA-feet-from-the j nearest-fire-hpdrant;-pre�rided-that-in-the-opinion-ef-the-Bt�i�ding `I 6ffieia�-there-is-na-reasenab�e-a�ternati*�e- B.((B-)) All references in Chapter 17 or any other !+ Chapter of this code to handicap standards shall be superseded by the Washington State Rules and Regulations for Barrier Free Facilities, as now or hereinafter adopted. C.((E-)) Section 4506(b). "Awning -Exception" is amended to read as follows: Fixed awnings of any length may be erected on a one story building upon approval of the Building Official. �I f�H-}}-�---Seetien-iAS;-u�ie�atiens-and-i�ena�ties;u-shaft '� be-amended-te-read- '' uSeetien-iA5---ft-sha��-be-t�n�aWft�f-far-anp-person; firm--er-eerperatien-te-ereet--eenstrt�et;-enlarge; after; -repair;-me�ve;-impra�*e--rema�*e;-ean�aert-ar deme�isk;-equip,--t�se;-eeet�pp-er-maintain-anp bt�ifding-er-strt�etttre-in-the-eitp;-er-eat�se-er permit-the-same-to-be-done,--eentrarp-te-er-in- t�ie�atien-ef-anp-af-bhe-pre�isiens-ef-this-2ade- uAnp-person;-firm;-er-earparatien-ttiafating-anp-af the-pre�aisiens-of-tkis-Bede-sha��-be-deemed-gt�i�tp ef-a-m�sdemeaner--and-eaeh-st�eh-person-sha��-be- deemed-gtti�tp-ef-a-separate-offense-for-eaeh-and e�►erp-dap-er-portion-thereof-during-Whiek-anp �aie�atien-ef-anp-ef-the-pre�isiens-ef-this-Bede-is eemmitted--eentint�ed;-er-permitted,--and-t�pen een�rietien-ef-anp-st�eh-�ie�atian-st�eh-person-sha}} be-pt�nishab�e-bp-a-fine-of-not-mare-than-$5AA-ar-bp imprisonment-for-nob-mere-than-9A-daps,--er-bp-beth st�eh-fine-and-imprisonment.-u Section 2. Section 14.04.020 Kent City Code, (Ordinance 2517 and 2639) is amended to read as follows: 14.04.020. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE APPENDICES ADOPTED. Chapters 32 and 70 of the Appendix of the Uniform Building Code ( (1965)) 1988 Edition are adopted. - 3 - Section 3. Section 14.10.010 Kent City Code (Ordinance 2517 and 2639) is amended to read as follows: 14.10.010. UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS ADOPTED. There is adopted upon the filing of one copy thereof with the Kent City Clerk, that certain code known as Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings ( (1965)) 1988 Edition. Section 4. Section 14.12.010 Kent City Code (Ordinance 2517 and 2639) is amended to read as follows: 14.12.010. UNIFORM HOUSING CODE ADOPTED. There is adopted upon the filing of one copy thereof with the Kent City Clerk, that certain code known as Uniform Housing Code ( (1985)) 1988 Edition. f a-}--PE13PiB�P�ES---�4n�*-person;-€��-�x-er-ee�pe�et�en �ieiating-anp-a€-tl�e-pre�*isiens-e€-this-Bede-sl°ial�-be-deemed ,' � guilty-a€-a-misdemeanor-and-t�pen-een�ietien-tY�eree€-sl�a��-be pt�nisl�ab�e-by-a-€ine-a€-$SA6-68-er-b�*-imprisonment-€er-net-mere bl°ian-96-days;-er-bebl°i-€ine-and-imprisonment-€er-eaeh-day-the �ie�atien-is-alleWed-te-e�ist- Section 5. Section 14.14.010 Kent City Code (Ordinance 2517 and 2639) is amended to read as follows: 14.14.010. UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE ADOPTED. There is hereby adopted upon the filing of one copy thereof with the Kent City Clerk, that certain code known as Uniform Mechanical Code ( (1965)) 1988 Edition. fa-}--Add-Seetien-X65---PENAb�P�ES---Ani*-person,--€irn� , er-eerperatien-�ielating-anp-a€-tl�e-prer�isiens-a€-this-2ede-sYta��' be-deemed-gtti�tp-e€-a-misdemeanor-and-t�pen-een�aietien-tl°ieree€ sl�a�i-be-pttnisl�able-by-a-€ine-e€-$569.-66-er-by-imprisonment-€er neb-mere-tlgan-99-days;-er-beth-€ine-and-imprisonment-€er-eael�-day tl�e-�iela€ion-is-allowed-te-exist- - 4 - i Section 6. Section 14.16.010 Kent City Code (Ordinance 2517 and 2639) is amended to read as follows: 14.16.010. UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE ADOPTED - AMENDMENTS There is adopted by reference upon the filing of one copy with tho Kent City Clerk, that certain code known as Uniform Plumbing Code' ((198s)) 1988 Edition, with the following additions: A. Section 1008(e). shall be amended to read as follows: Testing - Before such approval, both hot and cold water piping shall be subjected to a full working water pressure test from the main or meter, or to an air pressure test of not less than one hundred(100) pounds per square inch for not less than fifteen (15) minutes. Piping must not leak when subjected to such test. Hot and cold approved plastic water piping is to be tested in accordance with manufacturers recommendation. B. Section 1007(g) shall be amended to read as follows: The American Gas Association, Underwriters Laboratory, the American National Standards Institute and the National Electrical Code all require that domestic water heaters have properly installed temperature and pressure relief valves even though the tank may be otherwise equipped with a high-energy cutout. The temperature sensing element must be immersed in the water in the top six inches of the tank, and the temperature and pressure relief valve must therefore be located so as to provide proper drainage to: (1) the exterior, (2) an approved slop sink,' (3) approved floor drain with trap primer, or (4) garage floor sloping to exterior grade. The discharge line shall not be designed to trap water. C. Section 1008(b). is amended to read as follows: Water service piping or underground water piping i11 outside the building shall have a ten (10) foot horizontal separa- tion from the building sewer or drain piping. Eliminate code Sections 1008(b). 1. and 2. - 5 - I I f {{d-}}8---BENAb��ES---Any-pe�sen;-f��n-e�-eerperat�en- 'va�ab#ng-any-ef-bhe-prevsans-e-this-lade-shall-be-deeY+ned ga�ty-e-a-msdeateane-and-txpen-eenveten-thereof-sha��-be {pt�n�shab�e-by-e-fine-af-$5AA-AA-er-by-�mpr�senment-for-net-mere- '' than-9A-days;-ar-beth-fine-end-�rnpr�senment-for-eaeh-day-the- vie}at�en-#s-a��aWed-ta-e�ist- Section 7. Section 14.16.060 Kent City Code (Ordinance 2517 and 2639) is amended to read as follows: i' 14.16.060. APPENDICES ADOPTED. Appendix "C" and Appendix "D" of the Uniform Plumbing Code ((3:905)) 1988 Edition are adopted. Section 8. Any Ordinance in conflict herewith is super- seded by the provisions of this Ordinance. ;i Section 9. Any act Consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 10. The provisions of this ordinance are declared. to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clauses, sentence, paragraph, subdivisions, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 11. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from the time of its finale passage as provided by law. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: ri i MARIE JENS CITY CLERK ji i APPROVED AS TO FORM: SANDRA DRISCOLL, CITY -A PASSED the day of ' 1990. APPROVED the day of 1990. i PUBLISHED the f-' day of 1990. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No., � passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JE , CITY ,LERK i i 7660-270 - 7 -