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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2918SII ORDINANCE NO. "-29, / AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to traffic infraction, proof of liability insurance, adding new Sections 10.02.36, 10.02.37 and 10.02.38 to the Kent City Code. WHEREAS, cities have the right to enact laws for the rotection of the public health, safety and general welfare; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Legislature by RCW 6.30.020 has mandated as of April 1, 1990, that citizens only ate a motor vehicle when properly insured; and WHEREAS, the City has previously adopted RCW Chapter 6.90, the Model Traffic Ordinance (MTO) which provides a omprehensive compilation of state uniform traffic laws. TheK urpose of the MTO is to allow cities to include all future is or additions to state traffic laws without having to nact its own ordinances. The MTO is designed to enhance safe and fficient movement of traffic throughout the state by having rent, uniform traffic laws available. WHEREAS, the addition of any new section to the MTO may e adopted by cities by reference if the Legislature specifically rovides that the new section is included in the MTO. WHEREAS, the 1989 Legislature did not include RCW 6.30.020, the proof of insurance law in the MTO, creating the d for emergency adoption by the City Council. WHEREAS, the City Council taking note of the Legislative to must enforce such legislation and adopts emergency legislation; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES BY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: i Section 1. Kent City Code is amended by adding new ''Sections 10.02.36, 10.02.37, and 10.02.38 as follows: 10.02.36. PROOF OF INSURANCE OR FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY EOUIRED. No person may operate a motor vehicle subject to egistration under chapter 46.16 RCW in this state unless the erson is insured under a motor vehicle liability policy with iability limits of at least the amounts provided in RCW 6.29.090, is self-insured as provided in RCW 46.29.630, is overed by a certificate of deposit in conformance with RCW 6.29.550, or is covered by a liability bond of at least the mounts provided in RCW 46.29.090. 10.02.37. PENALTY. A. A violation of this section constitutes a traffic infraction punishable by a fine of $250 unless the court ietermines that in the interest of justice the fine should be :educed. In lieu of the fine, the court may permit the defendant :o perform community service designated by the court. B. If a person cited for a violation of this section ippears in person before the court and provides written evidence CHAT at the time the person was cited, he or she was in compliance with this section, the citation shall be dismissed. In lieu of Dersonal appearance, a person cited for a violation of this section may, before the date scheduled for the person's appearance before the court, submit by mail to the court written evidence that at the time the person was cited, he or she was in compliance with this section, in which case the citation shall be dismissed. 10.02.38. EXCEPTIONS. The provisions of this chapter shall not govern: A. The operation of a motor vehicle registered under ZCW 46.16.310 or RCW 46.16.315, governed by RCW 46.16.020, -egistered with the Washington Utilities and Transportation ;ommission as a common or contract carrier; or B. The operation of a motorcycle as defined in RCW 16.04.330, a motor driven cycle as defined in RCW 46.04.332, or a noned as defined in RCW 46.04.304. - 2 - RCW 46.29.490 SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO GOVERN ALL MOTOR ICLE LIABILITY POLICIES REQUIRED BY THIS CHAPTER BUT ONLY THOSE FIED FOR THE PURPOSES STATED IN CHAPTER 46.29 RCW. Section 2. Declaration of Emergency - Effective Date. En accordance with RCW 35A.11.090, this ordinance is necessary for :he immediate preservation of public peace, health and safety and for the support of city government and its existing public institutions, and by reason of the facts above stated and the emergency which is hereby declared to exist, this ordinance shall )ecome effective immediately upon the approval or signing of the aame by the Mayor or passage over his veto, as provided by law. ATTEST: E JENSElq-! CITY SCOLL, CITY ATTORNEY SED the day of the _day of SHED the AQ day of D KELLEHER, MAYOR 1990. 1990. 1990. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance o passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, ashington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereo ndicated. 410-300 (SEAL) MARIE JEN N CITY CLARK - 3 -