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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2910ORDINANCE NO. fa AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring an emergency and prohibiting parking on Lakeside Boulevard East and West. WHEREAS, parking congestion exists on Lakeside Boulevard which interferes with emergency access and response services provided by the City; and WHEREAS, such congestion poses a real and immediate risk to the public's health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, such conditions warrant the declaration of an emergency and exercise of emergency authority prohibiting parking of vehicles on both sides of Lakeside Boulevard East and West; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. FINDINGS. The Council finds that emergency conditions exist on Lakeside Boulevard East and West caused by unpermitted parking of private vehicles on the public right-of-wa interfering with emergency access and response services. Such conditions can only be resolved through emergency and temporary restrictions prohibiting parking on Lakeside Boulevard East and West to permit access of emergency vehicles. Public Works and Planning Departments are directed to examine the need for long term parking restrictions and options allowing for additional are parking for residences within the Bridgewater development. Section 2. KCC Chapter 10.06 is amended as follows, creating a new no parking section for Lakeside Boulevard East and West: 10.06.86. Lakeside Boulevard East and West for both sides, including all lanes of travel and right-of-way areas. Section 3. All actions of the Public Works Director and designee implementing this ordinance, including actions prior to adoption of this ordinance, are hereby ratified as actions of the Kent City Council. Section 4 Declaration of Emergency and Effective Date. In accordance with RCW 35A.11.090, this Ordinance is necessary fo the immediate preservation of public peace, health, and safety an for the support of City government and its existing public institutions, and by reason of the facts above stated and the emergency which is hereby declared to exist, this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon the approval or signing of the same by the Mayor or passage over his veto, as provided by law. ATTEST: DAX KELLEHER, MAYOR Al<^"-� MARIE JEN N CIT CLERK APPROVED DRISCOLL, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the 2 day of 1990. APPROVED the �7 day of , 1990. PUBLISHED the day of , 1990. - 2 - I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinanc No.r�i , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as here indicated. 8330-290 \ (SEAL) MARIE ��T�EN,CIT CLERK - 3 -